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Department heads... AWOL, confused. (Bug reports)

haarvaldhaarvald Member Posts: 0 Arc User
edited October 2013 in PC Gameplay Bug Reports
At first my department heads couldn't make up their minds on who was which... now, they just are absent.. Why is that? I hear folks say this game is now 3-4 years old... WHY is something this bloody simple left uncorrected?

While I'm at it..

Mission to assist Sh'mar, only available to Feds? but not Rom-Fed? not to mention, the giant typo on the button that says 'Contiune' on the dialog before you speak to him at the end...

Oh wait... there's more.


Easy: Automated Aggression: says update defense turrets (0/15) but the green text right below it says update 6?

Do these things not get proofread before shoving them onto a live server?

Oh, there's even more.


Medium: City: Peer Pressure says prevent Deferi civilians from being assimilated (0/15) but the green text says rescue 5?

again, same question, who proofread this before pushing it live?

But I'm not done yet...

Again on Defera.
Again a Medium:

Power Plant: Power Play says 'shut down 10 Borg regeneration hubs, but your green text says disable four...

and while I"m at it?... Where is the command to toggle Mute sound (maybe you have one, maybe I've missed it)

Also, Really? ARC is now going to be mandatory? Are you kidding me?
Post edited by haarvald on


  • anazondaanazonda Member Posts: 8,399 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Rule of thumb with F2P games:

    Q: Does it make money?

    A1: No? - It can wait


    If they could make a dialouge where you could roll for withdraws on your CC without doing anything else, they would do it...

    (PS: now that someone has written it, you should expect to see the above idea within a month or two).
    Don't look silly... Don't call it the "Z-Store/Zen Store"...
    Let me put the rumors to rest: it's definitely still the C-Store (Cryptic Store) It just takes ZEN.
    Like Duty Officers? Support effords to gather ideas
  • haarvaldhaarvald Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    anazonda wrote: »
    Rule of thumb with F2P games:

    Q: Does it make money?

    A1: No? - It can wait


    If they could make a dialouge where you could roll for withdraws on your CC without doing anything else, they would do it...

    (PS: now that someone has written it, you should expect to see the above idea within a month or two).

    yea... I came here from SWTOR... I HAD been considering LTS... with the ARC news and some of the other things I've run into... that will NOT be happening... nor will I be continuing to purchase Zen as I had been doing since my arrival.
  • shevetshevet Member Posts: 1,667 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    The department heads thing (and this bug annoys me, and has done for a long, long while) may be because you've recently been in a ground map - like New Romulus, for instance - where you're only allowed one boff.

    The way the bug seems to work, for me, is that it bases your department heads by querying your most recently used away team - not the guys listed in your "stations" tab as your standard away team, but the actual guys who beamed down with you on your last mission. Obviously, if you only had one boff with you, they won't be available for selection for two out of the three profession areas... so, you get those department head slots left empty, and no choices available.

    If you have a department or two which does have a department head (and I normally have three, in these cases - the first officer slot, and the two departments my single boff is qualified to run), then you might be able to click the drop-down on those, the system groans and heaves into life and rebuilds the correct lists, and you'll be able to pick one for the empty departments again.

    Really, this thing needs to be sorted out, because I have a horrible feeling it's just one symptom of an underlying problem - we all know that boffs can get arbitrarily dropped from their duty stations sometimes, and I've also seen a bug on New Rom where, when you're going into a ground instance, you get - not your standard away team - but your single boff that you had with you, plus three security guards. (And, once, the single boff, who was also on the away team, went missing once I was in the instance. I just had three boffs, and it didn't even seem to register that the team was under strength. Exiting and re-entering the instance fixed that, fortunately.)
  • haarvaldhaarvald Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    I can see that they moved it from where it was posted... but clearly whoever moved it didn't have the honesty or decency to speak to the problem(s) listed...
  • haarvaldhaarvald Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    shevet wrote: »
    The department heads thing (and this bug annoys me, and has done for a long, long while) may be because you've recently been in a ground map - like New Romulus, for instance - where you're only allowed one boff.

    The way the bug seems to work, for me, is that it bases your department heads by querying your most recently used away team - not the guys listed in your "stations" tab as your standard away team, but the actual guys who beamed down with you on your last mission. Obviously, if you only had one boff with you, they won't be available for selection for two out of the three profession areas... so, you get those department head slots left empty, and no choices available.

    If you have a department or two which does have a department head (and I normally have three, in these cases - the first officer slot, and the two departments my single boff is qualified to run), then you might be able to click the drop-down on those, the system groans and heaves into life and rebuilds the correct lists, and you'll be able to pick one for the empty departments again.

    Really, this thing needs to be sorted out, because I have a horrible feeling it's just one symptom of an underlying problem - we all know that boffs can get arbitrarily dropped from their duty stations sometimes, and I've also seen a bug on New Rom where, when you're going into a ground instance, you get - not your standard away team - but your single boff that you had with you, plus three security guards. (And, once, the single boff, who was also on the away team, went missing once I was in the instance. I just had three boffs, and it didn't even seem to register that the team was under strength. Exiting and re-entering the instance fixed that, fortunately.)

    No, I dont think you understand...

    GREYED out... unable to chose one to slot in the slot... not just where they take over despite your choices...

  • shevetshevet Member Posts: 1,667 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    haarvald wrote: »
    No, I dont think you understand...

    GREYED out... unable to chose one to slot in the slot... not just where they take over despite your choices...


    Yes, I understand. If they're all greyed out, that's not something I've come across before, and I can't suggest a workaround. If only some of them are greyed out, then clicking on one that isn't will un-grey the rest. At least, it has for me.
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