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Help required, shields and hull gone in couple seconds.

radagast75radagast75 Member Posts: 333 Arc User
I almost allways play with full defenses with full defense skills of level and so on, concentrating to shields and abilities that heal and give res to hull and shields.

I play on elite level.

This works just fine almost every fight, battles are long and that is just one part of fun for me but occasionally it seems that some ships seem to insta kill me with few salvos of torps and stuff, mostly Mogul heavy warbirds but others as well. These nasty balls of plasma and plasma beams and all plasma just eat hull away, i know but is there something other than shooting heavy plasma torpedoes before they hit and use defense abilities just before they hit and so on.

Is this normal or is it that some battles are just unbalanced somehow or is it the most llogical reason, i lack skills?

I just wish to have few tips and pointers hpow to make defenses the nbest they can be in PVE play.

Captain Hunt, at your service!
Post edited by radagast75 on


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    woodwhitywoodwhity Member Posts: 2,636 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Shooting the HY Torps, Brace for Impact, Hazard Emitters (clears you of Plasma fire), Polarize Hull, or just destroying them before they even get dangerous. Last works best, but a Hazard is not a bad idea ;)
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    radagast75radagast75 Member Posts: 333 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    woodwhity wrote: »
    Shooting the HY Torps, Brace for Impact, Hazard Emitters (clears you of Plasma fire), Polarize Hull, or just destroying them before they even get dangerous. Last works best, but a Hazard is not a bad idea ;)

    All which i allready am using but it just seems that in occasion they dont do anything :D

    I dont mind bad damage, it is these long hard fights with great defenses i love ^^
    Captain Hunt, at your service!
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    bpharmabpharma Member Posts: 2,022
    edited October 2013
    Go here and make you build and show your skill points: http://www.stoacademy.com/tools/skillplanner/

    Save it as a link and post it, advise is easier to give if we know what you're using.

    It is through repetition that we learn our weakness.
    A master with a stone is better than a novice with a sword.

    Has damage got out of control?
    This is the last thing I will post.
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    kokobellokokobello Member Posts: 37 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    I would like to add here that i am also puzzled!
    I get hit with one or two salvos of elachi cannons or disruptor cannons
    and then im dead. And it doesnt seems to matter if you are in an escort
    or in a cruiser i can tell you. I have elite fleet shields an good shiled skills
    and all and i?ve been playing since open beta..i have never seen this before!
    I am tier 5 in reputation, got the best stuff all around...but it?s useless.


    (and please keep the trolling "L2 play comments" to your selves.
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    reginamala78reginamala78 Member Posts: 4,593 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    kokobello wrote: »
    I would like to add here that i am also puzzled!
    I get hit with one or two salvos of elachi cannons or disruptor cannons
    and then im dead. And it doesnt seems to matter if you are in an escort
    or in a cruiser i can tell you. I have elite fleet shields an good shiled skills
    and all and i?ve been playing since open beta..i have never seen this before!
    I am tier 5 in reputation, got the best stuff all around...but it?s useless.


    Like bpharma said, hit up stoacademy.com and show us your build (plus list your doffs and energy settings, since those don't get listed in the skill planner). The Elachi and Romulans both play a little nastier than the simple KDF or Fed mobs, but nothing in single-player mode should be throwing oneshots. Honestly its probably something you're just overlooking, then someone else will point it out and you'll facepalm over the obviousness of it all. :D
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    borthaniusborthanius Member Posts: 97 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    I too am puzzled... been playing since the game launch, have fleet weapons, elite shields, well skilled up, know how to fly my ship & get one shotted in pvp or kerrat & struggle to blow these one shot guys up. Something smells fishy & I am loosing interest fast. I also feel that nerfing has got to go & it's time for a general anti-nerf all around in this game.
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    kokobellokokobello Member Posts: 37 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Like bpharma said, hit up stoacademy.com and show us your build (plus list your doffs and energy settings, since those don't get listed in the skill planner). The Elachi and Romulans both play a little nastier than the simple KDF or Fed mobs, but nothing in single-player mode should be throwing oneshots. Honestly its probably something you're just overlooking, then someone else will point it out and you'll facepalm over the obviousness of it all. :D

    Oh! Are you telling me that you can one shot almost anybody in pvp? Cool!
    Can you tell me what powers your weapons then please? :)

    Believe me im am almost 100% certain that i am not overlooking anything in my defenses.
    If there isnt something that has gotten UBER-anit nerfed such as emergency power to structual. But that doesnt still explain how i and all the players that i know can get one shotted!
    How do i get my weapons to be that powerfull that i can kill any cruiser with one or two salvos?
    And how can i get my hull and shields to withstand almost anything?

    On a, important, sidnote: I think that this i killing pvp eventually. Because im starting to see the same
    players that has theese uber powers, again and again and to me i doesnt seem that they are that many
    that can do this.
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    reginamala78reginamala78 Member Posts: 4,593 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    kokobello wrote: »
    Oh! Are you telling me that you can one shot almost anybody in pvp? Cool!
    Can you tell me what powers your weapons then please? :)

    Um what? I wasn't aware I was being insulting? Just that given the original post and the subforum, I thought you were talking about Elachi mobs. PVP, there's a different forum for that, and its probably just people using Elachi-based Overloads and/or DEM. (Sheesh ya try and help some people....)
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    kokobellokokobello Member Posts: 37 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Um what? I wasn't aware I was being insulting? Just that given the original post and the subforum, I thought you were talking about Elachi mobs. PVP, there's a different forum for that, and its probably just people using Elachi-based Overloads and/or DEM. (Sheesh ya try and help some people....)

    Did you notice the smiley at the end of my sentence there? :):):)
    I just gave you a straight question.
    Im am sorry but i never meant that you where insulting.
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    gameversemangameverseman Member Posts: 1,110 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    It seems apparent to me that those who have the answer find fun in TRIBBLE with those who don't. So I hope, in the future, we won't being seeing their complaints about ,whatever this is, getting nerfed... Knowing Cryptic, this WILL get nerfed. So we can either share and keep this so everybody has equal chance OR we can keep to ourselves and run the risk of losing this advantage/cheat in its entirety. I DON'T have the answer, but I have a feeling some of you out there do..... so please share. Thanks :D
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    l30p4rdl30p4rd Member Posts: 334 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Try keybinding your defences to your fire key usually space bar so they are constantly cycling. put a EpS on and a TT and a hull heal (I use engineering team). keep a spare hull heal off space bar to use manually when situations get close I use hazard emitters for that !

    That combo keeps me alive in all but the hardest (The Hive) PvE and works exceptionally well in PvP.
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    kokobellokokobello Member Posts: 37 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    l30p4rd wrote: »
    Try keybinding your defences to your fire key usually space bar so they are constantly cycling. put a EpS on and a TT and a hull heal (I use engineering team). keep a spare hull heal off space bar to use manually when situations get close I use hazard emitters for that !

    That combo keeps me alive in all but the hardest (The Hive) PvE and works exceptionally well in PvP.

    Thank you for suggesting these things!
    But suggested actions does not help when you get hit in pvp with a salvo that in an
    instant takes you down to 30% no matter what. I guess you have to meet these players to know what i am refering to.
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    shadowwraith77shadowwraith77 Member Posts: 6,395 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    kokobello wrote: »
    Thank you for suggesting these things!
    But suggested actions does not help when you get hit in pvp with a salvo that in an
    instant takes you down to 30% no matter what. I guess you have to meet these players to know what i am refering to.

    Well with so much power creep designed into this game to kill off npc ships that clearly have higher hull and sometimes shield strength, it's a no brainer why pvp is so screwed up. :rolleyes:

    Praetor of the -RTS- Romulan Tal Shiar fleet!

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    l30p4rdl30p4rd Member Posts: 334 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    kokobello wrote: »
    Thank you for suggesting these things!
    But suggested actions does not help when you get hit in pvp with a salvo that in an
    instant takes you down to 30% no matter what. I guess you have to meet these players to know what i am refering to.

    I understand your frustration and yes I have met these players I too am not really happy unless my target is dead or almost dead on my initial attack or hurting bad under sustained fire. There is very little you can do against it I am afraid. With all the new weapons and skills rep/BOFF and combine that with ROM Critters (I am one :D ) and your survivability is very low.

    We can only make suggestions as there is no one clear solution, if you really want to get your survivability up so you can at least stay alive to practice, I also suggest throwing attack pattern Delta in the mix.
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    scurry5scurry5 Member Posts: 1,554 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    l30p4rd wrote: »
    We can only make suggestions as there is no one clear solution, if you really want to get your survivability up so you can at least stay alive to practice, I also suggest throwing attack pattern Delta in the mix.

    Exactly. The game is so complex that there is no one strategy others may be using, and each of their builds has so many components (BoFF abilities, equipment, doffs, timing strategy) that it would take ages to list. This is why we're asking you to post your build - it's easier for us to offer advice that way. That said, there are some basic pointers/strategies we can give, but no guarantees. We also don't know how much you already know about the game.

    Essential BoFF abilities are Tactical Team(2 copies on escort, 1 copy otherwise), Emergency Power to Shields (2 copies needed, or reduce cooldown with Damage Control Engineers/Aux to Bat Technicians), Hazard Emitters (to clear debuffs), and either Aux to Structural or Reverse Shield Polarity, depending on whether hull bleed is a problem or not. Emergency Power to Engines is also a decent choice.

    Escort - most prevalent builds involve using mostly dual heavy cannons and turrets, maybe with one dual beam bank. Maximum weapon power, Cannon Rapid Fire, Attack Pattern Omega/Beta/Delta, and Beam Overload (in the dual beam bank case) are usually used, with stacking +energy weapons consoles.

    Cruiser - the current damage leaders revolve around the AtB build. This involves using two copies of Auxiliary to Battery combined with 3 Technician duty officers to reduce all cooldowns to global. Best results currently appear to involve Emergency Power to Weapons, Directed Energy Modulation (with the Marion Systems Engineer doff if possible) Fire at Will, full beams, and the Borg Kinetic Cutting Beam plus the console.
    kokobello wrote: »
    Thank you for suggesting these things!
    But suggested actions does not help when you get hit in pvp with a salvo that in an
    instant takes you down to 30% no matter what. I guess you have to meet these players to know what i am refering to.

    We do meet such players, and it's because we meet them that we figure out how to counter them.
    It seems apparent to me that those who have the answer find fun in TRIBBLE with those who don't. So I hope, in the future, we won't being seeing their complaints about ,whatever this is, getting nerfed... Knowing Cryptic, this WILL get nerfed. So we can either share and keep this so everybody has equal chance OR we can keep to ourselves and run the risk of losing this advantage/cheat in its entirety. I DON'T have the answer, but I have a feeling some of you out there do..... so please share. Thanks :D
    Like I said, it's not that people are TRIBBLE with you. It's just that there is so much involved, that we have little idea about how to tell you. Someone at the level of a beginner could take the advice I outlined above and still completely botch it up. There is no cheat, contrary to what most people think - just plenty of experience.

    To illustrate what goes on, here's a typical scenario:

    Standard Romulan DHC/dual beam bank decloak alpha strike involves:
    Attack Pattern Alpha + Directed Energy Modulation + Cannon Rapid Fire + Attack Pattern Omega + Beam Overload (with Energy Weapons doffs providing additional bleed) + possibly Emergency Power to Weapons + possibly Weapons Battery (with quartermaster doffs boosting damage) + Tractor Beam (reduce mobility, raise crit)

    To counter, what you need is
    Tactical Team + Emergency Power to Shields + Aux to Structural + Evasive Maneuvers (get out of arc, boost defense) + Attack Pattern Delta/Omega + Polarize Hull (tractor counter) followed by Transfer Shield Strength plus Hazards to heal whatever he took out of you (high Aux power preferred)

    Reverse Shield Polarity can also substitute most of what I outlined.

    As you can see, even a single quick skirmish needs a lot of info to relate. This is why people find it much easier for people to just post their builds, and then we can gather what the person wants as a role, and what they can do to be better. It's not just the build, it's how you fly.

    Finally, if you're talking PvP, the PvP subsection of the forums will probably give you more advice.
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    redsnake721redsnake721 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    borthanius wrote: »
    I too am puzzled... been playing since the game launch, have fleet weapons, elite shields, well skilled up, know how to fly my ship & get one shotted in pvp or kerrat & struggle to blow these one shot guys up. Something smells fishy & I am loosing interest fast. I also feel that nerfing has got to go & it's time for a general anti-nerf all around in this game.

    In Kerrat these guys pride themselves on the Alpha shot. See they get a massive boost to damage when de-cloaking. They hit you with a Tractor beam to reduce your defence value to zero then the use the Crit and damage boost they get from chaining attack pattern alpha and beta and Tac team and a Beam overload and Cannon rapid fire to kill you in one volley. SOme also use the B'rel Sci build to hit you with a Shockwave to knock out your Boff stations and leave you dead in the water. The only abilities you can use are your Team skills. The best defence I have found vs these guys and be sure they hate it. Is not to be there. Get the Subspace jumper. You can hear them power up their abilities when they are about to decloak and as soon as you hear them appear and they reach out with the TB, hit the jumper and presto you are behind them and you can smoke that little bugger with your own TB and BO or CRF combo. If you can't snag them with a TB or other abilities that can keep them from cloaking they will almost always run and hide. Once they see that they cannot insta-kill you they will move off to find easier targets. But they key is you have to be quick. Hit the jumper and TT and TSS and EPTS and you can usualy weather the strike. Once they miss their de-cloak buff you can with-stand their attack and get a kill on them. Nothing is better than blasting a arrogant BOP pilot that thinks he can kill with impunity. Just when he thinks he has an easy kill you appear behind him and poof no more BOP.
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    bpharmabpharma Member Posts: 2,022
    edited October 2013
    A novice with a sword can be beaten by a master with a stick.

    A lot of people here tried to help the OP and all we got were semi aggressive comments back. We asked, let's see your build and make sure you do actually have what would be needed to counter such attacks and again, no build posted.

    The actual question wasn't even posted in the right sub forum!

    It is through repetition that we learn our weakness.
    A master with a stone is better than a novice with a sword.

    Has damage got out of control?
    This is the last thing I will post.
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    gameversemangameverseman Member Posts: 1,110 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    The issue is no longer, and never has been, one of defense and survivability. Its a matter of HOW people can kill somebody in one salvo. Its obvious that people do not want to share and think its fun to belittle players who have, probably, more experience with the game than most others. If you have killed somebody in one salvo, please share. Otherwise, with all due respect, keep your suggestions to yourself.
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    mekhtahmekhtah Member Posts: 24 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    bpharma wrote: »
    A novice with a sword can be beaten by a master with a stick.

    A lot of people here tried to help the OP and all we got were semi aggressive comments back. We asked, let's see your build and make sure you do actually have what would be needed to counter such attacks and again, no build posted.

    The actual question wasn't even posted in the right sub forum!
    Forum warrior crying about a post in the wrong sub forum? Stuff happens, get used to it.

    Asking him to post a build? He already said he was using full Fleet weaponry and gear, what more do you want? Nobody on these forums gives builds. Ever.

    The whole idea behind those posts were that there is no counter to those attacks. Don't talk down to us, we're not idiots. Odds are we've been playing this game longer than you. Don't get this "Holier than thou" attitude .

    Using the excuse (not targeting you in this case bpharma) 'There's all this new stuff that makes my stuff better' isn't viable. It's not an excuse for unbalanced gameplay. If we wanted help, we'd ask for help. We're asking for answers, and have received nothing but people skirting the question and giving a load of bull for a response. Unless you have something constructive in order to answer all questions, don't try answering them.
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    borthaniusborthanius Member Posts: 97 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    In Kerrat these guys pride themselves on the Alpha shot. See they get a massive boost to damage when de-cloaking. They hit you with a Tractor beam to reduce your defence value to zero then the use the Crit and damage boost they get from chaining attack pattern alpha and beta and Tac team and a Beam overload and Cannon rapid fire to kill you in one volley. SOme also use the B'rel Sci build to hit you with a Shockwave to knock out your Boff stations and leave you dead in the water. The only abilities you can use are your Team skills. The best defence I have found vs these guys and be sure they hate it. Is not to be there. Get the Subspace jumper. You can hear them power up their abilities when they are about to decloak and as soon as you hear them appear and they reach out with the TB, hit the jumper and presto you are behind them and you can smoke that little bugger with your own TB and BO or CRF combo. If you can't snag them with a TB or other abilities that can keep them from cloaking they will almost always run and hide. Once they see that they cannot insta-kill you they will move off to find easier targets. But they key is you have to be quick. Hit the jumper and TT and TSS and EPTS and you can usualy weather the strike. Once they miss their de-cloak buff you can with-stand their attack and get a kill on them. Nothing is better than blasting a arrogant BOP pilot that thinks he can kill with impunity. Just when he thinks he has an easy kill you appear behind him and poof no more BOP.

    Forgive me but perhaps I should have stated that I am one of those "little buggers"... KDF Sci flying a fleet B'rel. Again, I've been here since 02-02-10 (game launch day) & know how to fly & equip my ship. I have fleet weapons, warp cores, nukara sets & fleet shields, jump consoles, anti matter spreads, point defense, 4 hrs fleet bonuses, purple doffs & efficient boffs, etc... This was probably the wrong thread to post in but the issue remains; how are these guys (fed or kling) one or two shotting people yet I can't do it to them? Kerrat or pvp, these guys seem to be running around w/ all their sub system powers pegged @ 130 which is theoreticaly not possible, yet they perform like it is. You should also realize that the BOP is in no way a tank & is meant to be used in hit & run attacks- it's not cowardly, it's designed for that. I have toons on all three sides flying cruisers, escorts & sci ships & cannot for the life of me one or two shot someone, yet it happens to me quite often, because the guys we're talking about do it on a REGULAR basis. Do I stink in combat? Maybe so, but I'm telling you something smells fishy here & I don't need any speculation, I need an answer.
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    kokobellokokobello Member Posts: 37 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Its cool that people try to help by giving advice about, for example "use attack pattern Alpha in counjunction with attack pattern omega and directed energy modulation" is....so 2010-game start(not trying to be funny). And yes i have the DOFF that has the penetrate shields chance.

    If you manage to kill players almost always with one or two salvos then show us YOUR build!
    Thats is far more constructive than having us showing our builds!
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    scurry5scurry5 Member Posts: 1,554 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    The issue is no longer, and never has been, one of defense and survivability. Its a matter of HOW people can kill somebody in one salvo. Its obvious that people do not want to share and think its fun to belittle players who have, probably, more experience with the game than most others. If you have killed somebody in one salvo, please share. Otherwise, with all due respect, keep your suggestions to yourself.

    *Stumped* I gave you everything and you still say we don't want to share?
    mekhtah wrote: »
    Forum warrior crying about a post in the wrong sub forum? Stuff happens, get used to it.

    Asking him to post a build? He already said he was using full Fleet weaponry and gear, what more do you want? Nobody on these forums gives builds. Ever.

    The whole idea behind those posts were that there is no counter to those attacks. Don't talk down to us, we're not idiots. Odds are we've been playing this game longer than you. Don't get this "Holier than thou" attitude .

    Using the excuse (not targeting you in this case bpharma) 'There's all this new stuff that makes my stuff better' isn't viable. It's not an excuse for unbalanced gameplay. If we wanted help, we'd ask for help. We're asking for answers, and have received nothing but people skirting the question and giving a load of bull for a response. Unless you have something constructive in order to answer all questions, don't try answering them.

    .......no counter? What do you call everything I listed, then? Surely you know that in PvP, gear is only about a third of the build - the bridge officer skills are the rest. He was missing half his build! What about power settings? Consoles? There's so little detail! Defense and offense in PvP relies heavily on what abilities you are using at the time.

    What in the world are you talking about when you say no one ever gives builds? Check the PvP subsection - there are huge amounts of builds there, if you only search! Are we living in two different worlds here? :confused:

    And there are counters - I just gave them to you! The key is using them just before the weapons fire actually hits you - and stacking them, and recovering later!

    *Sighs* but if you insist that there is no counter, nothing would convince you otherwise, and you will forever refuse to learn.
    kokobello wrote: »
    Its cool that people try to help by giving advice about, for example "use attack pattern Alpha in counjunction with attack pattern omega and directed energy modulation" is....so 2010-game start(not trying to be funny). And yes i have the DOFF that has the penetrate shields chance.

    If you manage to kill players almost always with one or two salvos then show us YOUR build!
    Thats is far more constructive than having us showing our builds!

    Like I said,

    On decloak,
    Attack Pattern Alpha + Directed Energy Modulation (with Marion) + Cannon Rapid Fire + Attack Pattern Omega 1 + Beam Overload 3 (with Energy Weapons doffs providing additional bleed) + possibly Emergency Power to Weapons + possibly Weapons Battery (with quartermaster doffs boosting damage) + Tractor Beam (reduce mobility, raise crit)

    3 Disruptor DHC, [Acc]x2, [CritH]
    1 Elachi Disruptor DBB, [Acc]x2, [CritH]
    2 Disruptor Turret, [Acc]x3
    1 Kinetic Cutting Beam

    4x Disruptor Induction Coil (the best quality you can afford)
    Borg Console
    Plasmonic Leech
    Others are as you see fit

    Fleet Warp Core with [AMP] mod

    All bridge officers Romulan with Superior Operative

    Set maximum power to weapons, others as you see fit. Ensure that weapons power is at 125.

    3x Energy Weapons Officer (shield penetration), 1xSystems Engineer (Marion), 1x Quartermaster (additional effects on use of batteries)

    There, you have a build. I use it on a Fleet Mogai and I've killed people in 1-2 salvos before.

    The problem here is that we do not know if the defense you are mounting is typical or not. If we don't know your defense, how can we know what blew you up? We don't even know what ship you're using!
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    gameversemangameverseman Member Posts: 1,110 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    The ships we are using are irrelevant since we ALL die just as fast. If you bothered to READ you would know that we have the best stuff and then some. So your build is useless to the problem at hand. You also failed to mention WHO you killed with 1-2 salvos. which, for all we know, could be a lvl 6. Which could be "Alpha Shotted" by anyone above lvl 40. Not to mention the fact that the people who "Alpha Shot" do it continuously. NOT just once, but ALL THE TIME! So you tell me HOW you can "Alpha Shot" all the time. I've yet to hear a plausible response from ANYONE.
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    bpharmabpharma Member Posts: 2,022
    edited October 2013
    Um, what?

    As I say, we could do with knowing what the guy was using. Sure you may have been here since beta but the game has changed a lot and half the people I come across screaming that like its a knighthood still can't finish elite content let alone do it in 2 minutes.

    I appreciate not all are like that, some have kept up with the game and know a lot but there's just no need to start rounding on someone who is trying to get to the bottom of how and why this happened and give the right advise. You cannot give the right advice without first knowing about the situation.

    To the OP, best way to prevent yourself dying in PvE is to kill it before it kills you. Try using the Borg deflector and engines and even if plasma does burn your hull the 2 piece proc will heal you up just fine so long as your shields stay up.

    As for taking excessive damage, s**t happens. It's not easy tanking in PvE as the larger enemies don't get more pressure damage they just get burst. Look up the "invisitorp" and you'll find hundreds of threads QQing about it, especially when things get chain crits.

    It is through repetition that we learn our weakness.
    A master with a stone is better than a novice with a sword.

    Has damage got out of control?
    This is the last thing I will post.
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    scurry5scurry5 Member Posts: 1,554 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    The ships we are using are irrelevant since we ALL die just as fast. If you bothered to READ you would know that we have the best stuff and then some. So your build is useless to the problem at hand. You also failed to mention WHO you killed with 1-2 salvos. which, for all we know, could be a lvl 6. Which could be "Alpha Shotted" by anyone above lvl 40. Not to mention the fact that the people who "Alpha Shot" do it continuously. NOT just once, but ALL THE TIME! So you tell me HOW you can "Alpha Shot" all the time. I've yet to hear a plausible response from ANYONE.

    Like I said, 'the best stuff' does not matter if your bridge office abilities are not up to snuff. Did you not read what I said? Also, different ships have different methods of defense. There is no single method.

    I play Arena PvP on a regular basis - and this build does the trick 70% of the time. Doesn't work on carriers, though - assuming they are competent. If you refuse to believe that what I stated can Alpha Strike down to 30% at the very least, nothing I say can convince you. It's all implausible to you - in fact, tell me - what would convince you?
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    gameversemangameverseman Member Posts: 1,110 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    scurry5 wrote: »
    Like I said, 'the best stuff' does not matter if your bridge office abilities are not up to snuff. Did you not read what I said? Also, different ships have different methods of defense. There is no single method.

    I play Arena PvP on a regular basis - and this build does the trick 70% of the time. Doesn't work on carriers, though - assuming they are competent. If you refuse to believe that what I stated can Alpha Strike down to 30% at the very least, nothing I say can convince you. It's all implausible to you - in fact, tell me - what would convince you?

    When I said best stuff, I meant bridge officers too. Nothing you can do can convince me since it was never a matter of convincing anybody of anything. You're just persistent in assuming we don't know what we are talking about. That RIGHT THERE is enough for me NOT to be "convinced".
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    scurry5scurry5 Member Posts: 1,554 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    When I said best stuff, I meant bridge officers too. Nothing you can do can convince me since it was never a matter of convincing anybody of anything. You're just persistent in assuming we don't know what we are talking about. That RIGHT THERE is enough for me NOT to be "convinced".

    You yourself asked for a build that can take someone out in a few volleys. Hence I gave you one, but you don't believe it. Instead, you seem to be assuming the existence of some magical bullet that works every time. Honestly, such a thing doesn't exist. Sure, you might know what you're talking about. I'm just wondering if you overlooked something.

    Maybe we should start over. Okay, you're a good player - tell me, what exactly do you want? I thought it was a build that was capable of oneshotting fairly reliably. I may be wrong.
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    gameversemangameverseman Member Posts: 1,110 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    scurry5 wrote: »
    You yourself asked for a build that can take someone out in a few volleys. Hence I gave you one, but you don't believe it. Instead, you seem to be assuming the existence of some magical bullet that works every time. Honestly, such a thing doesn't exist. Sure, you might know what you're talking about. I'm just wondering if you overlooked something.

    Maybe we should start over. Okay, you're a good player - tell me, what exactly do you want? I thought it was a build that was capable of oneshotting fairly reliably. I may be wrong.

    Why is it people with multiple different ships, weapons, and abilities can one shot-two shot us CONTINUOUSLY? One build wont fix it. It isn't a build because i can guarantee that not all of those players have the same build. Its gotta be something they have in common that WE don't have.
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    scurry5scurry5 Member Posts: 1,554 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Why is it people with multiple different ships, weapons, and abilities can one shot-two shot us CONTINUOUSLY? One build wont fix it. It isn't a build because i can guarantee that not all of those players have the same build. Its gotta be something they have in common that WE don't have.

    Alright, thanks for clearing it up. The thing is that while they are different builds, they have common elements. They include stacking tac buffs, making crit as high as possible, and minimizing weapons drain. The something that they have in common is stacking, the best gear (usually accx3) and a good spec. Alpha builds also usually have something to reduce defense (often a tractor beam). Oh, and reputation passives can add a lot of damage, too. (Nukara t4, Rom t2 and Omega t4)

    You can also try asking the person what he used. Many will answer, in my experience.
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