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Any pvp changes in near future ???

hurtm3plentyhurtm3plenty Member Posts: 38 Arc User
edited November 2013 in PvP Gameplay
i am thinking of making new char for pvp and need to spend plenty of time for it but not sure is it worth it :(

is anyone considering of making league in this game?
simple look on the scores can make anyone classified as bad medium or good player it is realy not that hard.
and who need kdf and fed in pvp?? i know u stick to it for so many years now but seriously! simple team deathmatch or capture and hold + league program that make balance between 2 >>MIXED<< teams and you have great pvp games ;)

and u will have for example: team1 (2 good players{1fed 1kdf} 2 medium{1fed 1kdf} 2 bad{1fed 1kdf}) -vs- team2 (3 good{1fed 2kdf} 1 medium{1fed} 2 bad{2fed})

it is not perfect but hey it is much beter than: team1 (all fed 2 good 4 bad) -vs- team2 (all kdf 5 good 1 medium) you do the math :confused:

pvp makes ppl leave this game !!!
Post edited by hurtm3plenty on


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    mustafatennickmustafatennick Member Posts: 868 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Never going to happen

    Devs don't like pvp

    Pvp in this game is dying if not already dead soon the only people pvping will be the premades

    It's sad really but it's the way it goes when makers of a game forget about balance completely and get greedy

    I qued yesterday in the afternoon I did 3 estfs the 2 mark missions did 5 Kerrat resets and the pvp que still hadn't popped depressing really

    So much potential gone to waste
    ----=====This is my opinion you don't have to listen and no one else has to read them these "OPINIONS" are based on my exploits and my learning other people will have their opinions and that's fine just don't knock my way of doing things thanks=====---- :cool:
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    playhard88playhard88 Member Posts: 733 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    yeah season 5 is going to be about pvp

    oh wait...
    John Sheridan@playhard88 - FED Tactical
    Vin Naftero@playhard88 - FED Sciencie
    K'tan@playhard88 - KDF Tactical
    Argento@playhard88 - RRF Tactical (FED)
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    havamhavam Member Posts: 1,735 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    playhard88 wrote: »
    yeah season 5 is going to be about pvp

    oh wait...

    i lol'ed /10charrrrrr
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    orondisorondis Member Posts: 1,447 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    I wouldn't say cryptic dislike PvP, rather that when they have to prioritize PvP ends up rather low on the list of things to do. Doesn't help that a small section of PvPers act like drunken angry lowbrow yobs.

    That said... cryptic needs to do something, ANYTHING. A leaderboard, a new map, deactivation of console powers, premade/pug queues, increased EC & XP rewards. A new open persistent PvP map perhaps, maybe in the Dyson sphere. I remember testing an attempt at a new open PvP map pre F2P involving guarding freighters.

    I remember back in the early days when I'd level my toons through PvP. Damn those were fun times, when the queues were full, there were no P2W consoles, battles were largely fun and the match rewards were worthwhile.

    PvPers are a small minority no question, but we're also quite the STO obsessives.
    Previously Alendiak
    Daizen - Lvl 60 Tactical - Eclipse
    Selia - Lvl 60 Tactical - Eclipse
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    mll623mll623 Member Posts: 135 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    What about taking missions from the storyline (such as the elachi attacks, Fed vs KDF fleet battles, RR vs Tal Shiar) and making PVP versions?

    Have one side playing as the RR, one side as the Elachi. Their ships would get temporary holoemitters to make them look like the appropriate species version, but they would keep all their original stats.

    Basically, there would be defined goals for each side with an actual storyline, where one side wins based on accomplishing objectives. The rewards should equal about an elite STF drop, with bonus expertise and ~480 dilithium for winning (Loser gets 960, Winner 1440).
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    virusdancervirusdancer Member Posts: 18,687 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    It's been said (don't have a pretty link for it, so it take it or leave it), that when they make changes to PvP - they want to do it right. They don't want to half TRIBBLE it.

    Some folks said throw the dog a bone in the interim. Then folks proceeded to argue about what that bone should be.

    Have to figure that any bones tossed, in the end, would just result in a delay to an overall attempt to do things right, eh?

    Cryptic only has so many resources. Those resources need to be allotted to items that can generate revenue, right? They need a return on the investment - they're a business, right? Doesn't that seem almost contraindicated to what a lot of folks in PvP want? Cause basically, you're looking at a P2W over the PvE side...buying all sorts of advantages so you can either complete the content faster or complete it at all. You head over to the PvP side, and there's a bunch of grumbling about OP this/OP that/OP etc.

    NPCs don't complain. PvE generates revenue. PvP's a mixed bag, eh?

    Sure, we can't tell what's actually going on there with their books and all - we're on the outside, but it seems pretty logical that as a business they'd have to find some way to generate revenue from PvP or at least get PvP in such a state that folks find it acceptable so that revenue is generated elsewhere from those players. It's a F2P model - it's not a sub model where revenue is generated just from folks paying each month to play the game...have to figure it's a pretty complicated task for them to tackle.
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    aquitaine985aquitaine985 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    i am thinking of making new char for pvp and need to spend plenty of time for it but not sure is it worth it :(

    is anyone considering of making league in this game?
    simple look on the scores can make anyone classified as bad medium or good player it is realy not that hard.
    and who need kdf and fed in pvp?? i know u stick to it for so many years now but seriously! simple team deathmatch or capture and hold + league program that make balance between 2 >>MIXED<< teams and you have great pvp games ;)

    and u will have for example: team1 (2 good players{1fed 1kdf} 2 medium{1fed 1kdf} 2 bad{1fed 1kdf}) -vs- team2 (3 good{1fed 2kdf} 1 medium{1fed} 2 bad{2fed})

    it is not perfect but hey it is much beter than: team1 (all fed 2 good 4 bad) -vs- team2 (all kdf 5 good 1 medium) you do the math :confused:

    pvp makes ppl leave this game !!!

    Would you or your fleet be interested in running it?

    Or talk to Brandon, he's PWE's earthly messenger. A bit like a pope...
    Lag Industries STO PvP Fleet - Executive
    A Sad Panda of Industrial calibre.
    2010: This is Cryptic PvP. Please hold the line, your call is very important to us...
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    xalexkxxalexkx Member Posts: 193 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    more inbalance, op consoles and spam is coming soon, don't worry
    To boldly go where no FAWer has ever FAWed before.
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    seansamurai1seansamurai1 Member Posts: 634 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Roll on the release of star citizen.
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    seansamurai1seansamurai1 Member Posts: 634 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    It would appear you are failing to see what's happening.
    More OP skills, more OP cheese, more OP p2w.
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    inexplicabletiminexplicabletim Member Posts: 67 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    So can any dev respond if will see any changes to pvp in 2013?... 2014?...
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    kortaagkortaag Member Posts: 525
    edited October 2013
    So can any dev respond if will see any changes to pvp in 2013?... 2014?...

    TRIBBLE in one hand, wish in the other. One of your hands is going to fill up quicker than the other. We did have a dev visiting/testing/verifying results etc but that dev disappeared into thin air. I think somebody held a eulogy for him or something.

    Would PVP generate revenue? Of course it would. It would require though that devs like Geko stop injecting garbage like naked unrealistic dinos into ground assault and focus on pvp. They just don't have any imagination if bare-skinned dinos didn't tell you that, then imagine would could be:

    A PvP section devoted to matching likely players, ranked intrinsically. They could give winning teams a 1 hour discount of some kind to C-Store ships/lobi store discounts. They could begin linking in PvP related items on demand to generate revenue etc. There's so much they could do.

    But let's face it, there is a heap of laziness/broken promises/misguided programming going into this game. Even though Geko has had plenty of time to read why people are upset by his far-out "just having fun" naked dinos, he thinks people are upset by the voth.. They're not interested in feedback nor can they curtail the god ego of writing for Cryptic to be concerned on the details of said feedback. They can't even correspond with us correctly.
    May good management be with you.
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    maicake716maicake716 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2013


    ah the young and fresh faces in pvp wondering when pvp will get more...

    i remember a time we all used to be like that....

    good times...
    mancom wrote: »
    Frankly, I think the only sound advice that one can give new players at this time is to stay away from PVP in STO.
    Science pvp at its best-http://www.youtube.com/user/matteo716
    Do you even Science Bro?
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    mozohamozoha Member Posts: 82 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Cryptic already makes plenty of $ off of the p p community to warrant development of pvp improvements.
    I agree with the idea that the new consoles and gear make for more variety, which is good. I give Cryptic credit for editing the game when exploits/super duper attack move death hacks are exposed.
    None the less, Cryptic has totally pulled the most, super, doff buffed, self destruct, moves ever. I say this not to be critical. Check my account, I am a fan. I just wanted to suggest that some attention to pvp would be good for your game. You know you can put a rep grind with gear and make dilithium?
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    sgtstarfallsgtstarfall Member Posts: 205 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    orondis wrote: »
    I remember back in the early days when I'd level my toons through PvP. Damn those were fun times, when the queues were full, there were no P2W consoles, battles were largely fun and the match rewards were worthwhile.

    PvPers are a small minority no question, but we're also quite the STO obsessives.

    People like me! :D

    No but seriously, all my characters after the first two experimental ones were all PvP battle hardened from levels 10-50. When they hit level 50, they had no problem keeping up with the rest of the team in ESTFs with "noob gear".
    All hands! Prepare the popcorn and tinfoil hats! :D
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    roxbadroxbad Member Posts: 695
    edited October 2013
    PvP changes are always "in the near future".
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    seansamurai1seansamurai1 Member Posts: 634 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Not averse to change but when that change is added to make PvE players feel boss yet totally unbalances everything else.
    Ridiculous shield pass throughs which pretty much defuncts the whole reason for shields in the first place.
    Doffs and Boffs that completely remove player needed skill.
    P2w consoles that remove much of the challenge.
    The list would go on.

    I loved the removal of double and triple taps.
    Shame so many players were so reliant on it that they decided to find another (possibly) broken thing to use, which frankly makes PvP even more lame and miserable to play.
    That's what the next season will bring, more OP, more completely skill less 'tactics'.
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    seansamurai1seansamurai1 Member Posts: 634 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    So you are obviously one of the new breed of P2W using, FAW spamming 'I win' players.
    Its obvious.
    Because you completely failed to read any of my post.
    You also think its totally acceptable to play a match that requires zero skill to win all because of OP doffs, boffs and lockbox cr4p to give lazy players a crutch.
    What's recently been added has made PvP boring and stale with no diversity at all, all that the next season will bring is yet more stupid stuff that will basically negate everyone's hard work, time spent on setup.
    Basically instead of balancing, they just throw more stuff in that negates any skill.
    ie 5 cruisers all using DEM FAW on A2B and continuely spamming it.
    Same story just about every match.

    Where does that leave people who aren't fans of cruisers?
    I like a good battle, just some just like the easy mode key.

    You say engineer is still useless?
    That explains why many of these FAW boats are engineers on A2B.
    Less energy drain and can loltank through pretty much anything, whilst pretty much negating sci stuff because of the quick cooldowns anyway and most certainly making a tac alpha utter useless.
    In return, the engineer that's so useless (also happens with all the other FAWspamboats) can completely ignore shields and pretty much any other resistance.
    It's too easy.

    So yeah, if you want your big fat I win key, then crack on and support the OP stuff.
    PvP has progressively got worse with the introduction of each season (certainly since season 3-4).
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    kortaagkortaag Member Posts: 525
    edited October 2013
    So you are obviously one of the new breed of P2W using, FAW spamming 'I win' players.
    Its obvious.
    Because you completely failed to read any of my post.
    You also think its totally acceptable to play a match that requires zero skill to win all because of OP doffs, boffs and lockbox cr4p to give lazy players a crutch.
    What's recently been added has made PvP boring and stale with no diversity at all, all that the next season will bring is yet more stupid stuff that will basically negate everyone's hard work, time spent on setup.
    Basically instead of balancing, they just throw more stuff in that negates any skill.
    ie 5 cruisers all using DEM FAW on A2B and continuely spamming it.
    Same story just about every match.

    Where does that leave people who aren't fans of cruisers?
    I like a good battle, just some just like the easy mode key.

    You say engineer is still useless?
    That explains why many of these FAW boats are engineers on A2B.
    Less energy drain and can loltank through pretty much anything, whilst pretty much negating sci stuff because of the quick cooldowns anyway and most certainly making a tac alpha utter useless.
    In return, the engineer that's so useless (also happens with all the other FAWspamboats) can completely ignore shields and pretty much any other resistance.
    It's too easy.

    So yeah, if you want your big fat I win key, then crack on and support the OP stuff.
    PvP has progressively got worse with the introduction of each season (certainly since season 3-4).

    Agreed. It's pretty simple. Devs keep adding stuff like tetris, leaving holes in their wake. One of the biggest fails has been failing to account for dynamics. Somehow our devs are being lead by a mentality of "let's just do this and have fun." instead of "Let's do this and let's do it in a way that's riveting."

    Like in the dev blog where Geko introduces his naked dinos with laser faces. It's obvious that the entirety of the idea came from a hapless whim without any planning or consideration for thematics. He just wanted to.

    Regardless of the product, that very mindset is dangerous for game balance and it's no wonder we've got a game with as little dynamic as its ever had before with this kind of thinking employed. It's terrible.
    May good management be with you.
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    milanvoriusmilanvorius Member Posts: 641 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    So you are obviously one of the new breed of P2W using, FAW spamming 'I win' players.
    Its obvious.
    Because you completely failed to read any of my post.
    You also think its totally acceptable to play a match that requires zero skill to win all because of OP doffs, boffs and lockbox cr4p to give lazy players a crutch.
    What's recently been added has made PvP boring and stale with no diversity at all, all that the next season will bring is yet more stupid stuff that will basically negate everyone's hard work, time spent on setup.
    Basically instead of balancing, they just throw more stuff in that negates any skill.
    ie 5 cruisers all using DEM FAW on A2B and continuely spamming it.
    Same story just about every match.

    Where does that leave people who aren't fans of cruisers?
    I like a good battle, just some just like the easy mode key.

    You say engineer is still useless?
    That explains why many of these FAW boats are engineers on A2B.
    Less energy drain and can loltank through pretty much anything, whilst pretty much negating sci stuff because of the quick cooldowns anyway and most certainly making a tac alpha utter useless.
    In return, the engineer that's so useless (also happens with all the other FAWspamboats) can completely ignore shields and pretty much any other resistance.
    It's too easy.

    So yeah, if you want your big fat I win key, then crack on and support the OP stuff.
    PvP has progressively got worse with the introduction of each season (certainly since season 3-4).

    I am not a FAWA2B DEM (i call FAD) but what else makes a cruiser meaningful? I can't run it because I need aux power for heals. Also engineers are not useless, but they are significantly behind the power curve from Tac in a FAD build. Go down fighting is a better trait than MW because the resistance and significant hull points below 50% help extend life while batteries and all the power level buffs available keep power up. The damage buff and apa pluss a full alpha makes a tac cruiser the real threat in spike dps of the FAD builds.

    I hear that you do not like the FAD cruiser, but what can be done to make a cruiser equally valuable in pvp, I would prefer a greater heal significant, but that is going to make you work harder on the escort side? Really if the heal potential were brough on par, then I think people would complain about having to work harder to heal, even though the advantage is on the attacker because the healer has to identify when a teammate is in trouble, select the appropriate heal for the situation, and apply it in a matter of seconds, while constantly maintaining appropriate range for all allies.

    I personally want shield rebalance taken off TT. Its bad enough that TT removes boarding party, but ET does nothing to cleanse tac based.
    PvE Jem'Hadar motto: Participation Ribbons are life.
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    scurry5scurry5 Member Posts: 1,554 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    beameddown wrote: »
    more peeps in this game (BY A MASSIVE ALOT) look forward to new content, ships, consoles, doffs, reps, etc because they DO change the game dynamic in pvp and add more options

    I kinda disagree about more stuff adding more options necessarily being good. True, there are more options, but at the same time, the added stuff obsoletes a lot of previous options. It just depends on whether the number of new options opened up exceeds the number of old options made less viable.

    Like now, for instance - what has the bleedthrough era done to science ships? Especially since trading weak hull for strong shields is their shtick. I still pilot mine, but keeping hull up is a lot tougher now, even with Fleet Neuts and AtS running.
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    seansamurai1seansamurai1 Member Posts: 634 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    1) I don't use keybinds.
    2) I die more because lolskilless builds that have more stupid grind bought passives and zen bought weapons.
    3) I don't mind dying as long as the other person is ACTUALLY better than me and isn't relying on p2w and OP passives made for PvE.
    4) some of us spent months trying to refine a build for maximum effect.
    5) so buff timing and ship positioning etc plays(played) no part but requires no skill? Whatever dude, may not need it in PvE but PvP its very much crucial.
    6) if teamwork doesn't require any skill, why would premades need to practice? Otherwise everyone would be at the same level.
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    illcadiaillcadia Member Posts: 1,412 Bug Hunter
    edited October 2013
    The least they could do is release some new maps. That doesn't require any coding at all, and there's lots of existing maps they could adapt.

    A new open PVP zone, in the vein of a non-resetting Kerrat with a daily mission would be *amazing*. Make it like, Regula Station or something. It'd be super easy to hook up.

    Alternatively, a three team arena mode. New map, three spawns, three teams. The only hard part is to shuffle up the factions, or otherwise split it into fed/rom/klink.
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