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Priority One Podcast - Interview w/ CaptainGeko - Submit your Questions!

elijahmreelijahmre Member Posts: 195 Arc User
Hello Captains,

On Sunday, October 20th, we will be interviewing Star Trek Online Lead Designer Al "CaptainGeko" Rivera for our next episode of Priority One Podcast! We would like to invite you to post questions you would like for us to try to have answered.

Did a recent Dev Blog get you thinking?... Got a question about upcoming ships?... What burning questions do you have about Season 8?

Post your questions here and we'll do our best to get them answered!

Don't forget, Captains --- You can subscribe to Priority One Podcast via iTunes or by using your favorite RSS catcher. Just visit:




Would you like to join the Priority One Team? If you're interested, send us an email to incoming@priorityonepodcast.com Get involved with the STO and greater Trek Community like never before!

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  • pwebranflakespwebranflakes Member Posts: 7,741
    edited October 2013
    How can I save 15% on car insurance?


    Brandon =/\=
  • tobar26thtobar26th Member Posts: 799 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Has there been any communication with the Star Trek Starships magazine about the possibility of the Odyssey class making it into their collection?
  • brickmasterjack8brickmasterjack8 Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Any details on the rewards and release date for the FE?
  • seannewboyseannewboy Member Posts: 667 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    How many licks does it take to get to the center of a tootsie pop?

    Do you have any updates on the crafting update?

    Will the many inconsitancies with the tailor system ever be worked out? Either a tutorial explaining how everything is supposed to work, or fixing things if they are bugs. For instance i opened the Fed temporal uniform and the shirt comes up on my captain but not the pants, which are available on my boffs. I have kdf captains who i gave winter coats to that were only showing up in the belt options, and only showed as a waist option. Why do some uniforms show up on the wheel of uniforms at the start of the tailor, but some later unlocks do not show up on that?

    Any new information on the upcoming FE, will it be coming shortly after the end of the CE event?

    Will you be adding in more low tier ship options for the Romulans?

    Will you be giving the Romulans Omega tailor options?

    Will you ever add a ground set to the Romulan reputation gear?
    New home of the Romulan Republic.
    I have an idea for what Season 11 should be; Season 11: The Big Bug Fix.
    I have not been able to read my bug tickets in over a year, not even the tickets about not being able to see my tickets.
    I find the drama of your signature proof of your immaturity, this means you, DR whiners.
  • newromulan1newromulan1 Member Posts: 2,229
    edited October 2013
    Ok this has been a sore spot:

    1 month ago you said that a new T5 KDF ship was completed and 50% of modelling was done, however, it had to be put back until next year(2014) due to ship artists and modellers working on the Voth ships. Ok fine.

    Then out of the Blue we get the Avenger?? Not that I am complaining about the Avenger as I bought it and had a popular "Avenger is pure awesomeness thread", but it again leaves the KDF players scratching their heads as to why.

    I like how you have been quite blunt when you talk about things so I am ok if you just come out and say the KDF ship was put off because we made a business decision to release the Avenger to make more money. But to leave it hanging that you were too busy to finish the First T5 KDF ship since Fed 2012 just seems like your previous statement was all fluff.

    Will you be willing to commit to a hard date/estimate on when this ship will be completed and if it will be the next C-store ship released?

  • arcademasterarcademaster Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Can you ask him to elaborate more on his recent ask-a-dev response that he honestly thinks Science skills/ships are fine in the game? Because that reply was mind blowing. (In a bad way).

    Also did the delay of the Feauted Episode, that was supposed to fill the gap until season 8, mean season 8 also has been delayed?

    Will we ever get to see custom encounters (skills, powers, equipment, skripts) in the foundry?
  • zanfrominuszanfrominus Member Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    are there any new playable races in the works, particularly for romulans or klingons? (I'm still wishing for TOS style klingons!!)
  • ceekayzeroceekayzero Member Posts: 411 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Is there any chance we could get a KDF equivalent to the Avenger, with five forward weapon hardpoints? It doesn't seem like the Empire would allow others to have more forward fire power than they would!
  • omegaphallicomegaphallic Member Posts: 101 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Aside for the coming Klingon ship, do you have ang Ferasan, Trill, or Leathan ships coming?

    Are the any plans to made Renagade Boffs customizable for the KD/?

    Will you do a Ter'jas Mor and Gornar?
  • dramallama2010dramallama2010 Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    How can I save 15% on car insurance?


    Brandon =/\=

    Answer: Gieco

    Now onto my question, can we expect any ride-able mounts (Riding Dinosaurs, shout out to Rikterscale) or small craft ground vehicles with season 8?
  • kjwashingtonkjwashington Member Posts: 2,529 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Will the KDF ship that got pushed back to next year have similar stats to the Avenger? (4 tac consoles, 5 fore weapons, LtCom BOff slot)

    Also on a less serious note: K'vort Please? :D
    Support 90 degree arc limitation on BFaW! Save our ships from looking like flying disco balls of dumb!
  • gemetzelgemetzel Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Hi Al, what do you think of streamlining the option of converting your unused Reputation Marks to Dilithium? I have over 7000 Omega Marks but it's a huge annoyance to convert them. As a now casual player I don't have the time to trade them in as I'd rather spend my valuable time playing the game. Is there any way to review the Reputation Mark trade-in process so we could convert them all at once?
  • rinksterrinkster Member Posts: 3,549 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Can you ask him to elaborate more on his recent ask-a-dev response that he honestly thinks Science skills/ships are fine in the game? Because that reply was mind blowing. (In a bad way).

    Yes, this question.

    It seemed he was basing his decision to..er...do nothing on the fact that you can see science ships flying around social hubs.

    While it's lovely to know that devs are, at least occasionally, flying past social hubs perhaps a more detailed and supportable reason for his inactivity in this regard would be better.
  • psycoticvulcanpsycoticvulcan Member Posts: 4,160 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Any chance of a Reputation project that lets you convert one kind of Reputation Mark into another? Even if the ratio isn't 1:1, that would be a huge asset.

    Is there any possibility of an exploration revamp? I know STO is primarily based around space combat (and I love space combat, don't get me wrong) but in my mind any game called "Star Trek Online" should have a good exploration mechanic.

    Not sure if Geko does this, but what new updates can we expect for the Foundry in the near future?

    More to come, I'm sure.
    "Critics who say that the optimistic utopia Star Trek depicted is now outmoded forget the cultural context that gave birth to it: Star Trek was not a manifestation of optimism when optimism was easy. Star Trek declared a hope for a future that nobody stuck in the present could believe in. For all our struggles today, we haven’t outgrown the need for stories like Star Trek. We need tales of optimism, of heroes, of courage and goodness now as much as we’ve ever needed them."
    -Thomas Marrone
  • virusdancervirusdancer Member Posts: 18,687 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    First an apology for this not being the most well laid out question...but...

    We all know where the Feds and the Roms fit in regard to the scheme of things compared to the KDF. Folks may not like it, but hey - it's understandable from a business perspective if folks were to step back and look at it (take a break from throwing flaming Tribbles and Epohhs at you guys).

    So yeah, one can see where there are going to be both new Rom and new Fed ships before we see new KDF ships. One also has to acknowledge the non-faction ships that fit in there which all can fly sort of thing.

    So yeah, that's understandable - going to cause grumbling - but it's understandable.

    But what about doing a balance pass of the KDF ships? No need for new models - no need for new consoles - no need for starting from scratch with stats...etc, etc, etc.

    You may have seen (or heard about) countless threads where folks questioned the stats of the Romulan ships vs. the KDF ships. A good example might be something like the Fleet T'varo vs. the Fleet B'rel, eh?

    Yet, it kind of goes beyond that, no? Compare the Fleet Varanus to the Fleet Deep Space, eh? Why does the Varanus have a 1.32 shield mod and the Deep Space a 1.43 shield mod? Some crew, switching a Sci console for a Tac...and they're the same ship. Well, there is the issue of the Fleet Deep being a Fleet Tier 1 ship and the Fleet Varanus being a Fleet Tier 3 ship...so why the difference in shield mod?

    You guys put a lot of work into getting players started with KDF, doing the new tutorial, new start, being able to play from level 1, etc, etc, etc. Good stuff. But you leave any of those new players that took that leap to make a KDF toon hanging when they get to the endgame. For those that look at those things before starting, they wouldn't have started.

    So are there any thoughts on doing some kind of balance pass on the KDF ships in that sense - to bring them in line?

  • mattmiraclemattmiracle Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    I provided feedback for this on twitter to @trekonlinegame but I would like your opinion.

    1) With my Fleet's Starbase and Embassy at (or near) T3, I have been consuming LARGE numbers of common DOFFs to add to projects. I have a feeling the check boxes were put in place to prevent (or try to prevent) the user from sending DOFFS to projects that they may want to keep.

    In my case, I have no white DOFFs at all unless I am buying/recruiting for Fleet Projects missions. Can I have a "hidden" way to select all of the white DOFFS available for a project? The recent Embassy Recruitment T3 upgrade had me clicking over 900 times. Maybe something even as a keyboard Crtl+A or something to that effect.

    2) When can we see more ground missions for Fleet Marks or Choice of Marks?

    3) Now that the Voth are coming, are we going to get a Dyson or Delta Tribble for Season 8 testing on the Tribble server?

    4) I was kind of disappointed that the Shuttle to the Embassy was a "beam out". Is there any chance that we can actually go to the shuttle bay in our Base and then choose to take a shuttle to Embassy or Fleet Mine?

    5) and final question (thankfully not a serious one). Are you still geeked out from meeting all the Star Trek Celebs at the convention?

    Thank you for your time.
    Matt Miracle

    Fleet Commander in Chief [Rank 7] for Covenant of Honor; a FED T5 Starbase
    House Leader [Rank 7] for Honorable House of Mor'gue; a KDF T3 Starbase
    Find us at CovenantofHonor.com.  My Twitter handle; @jmattmiracle
  • tonyalmeida2tonyalmeida2 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    It was said in previous interviews that season 8 would contain the biggest update/upgrade for the doffing system since it's release. Is this still on track? What spoilers can be given with regards to it's content?

    There have been numerous requests/threads about the doff grinder and how people would like more flexibility with it (meaning grinding large amounts of doffs all at once instead of 1 by 1), is there anything in the works to make this happen?

    There has also been interest expressed with regards to the grinder being unfriendly to Romulans. As a Romulan you can use faction doffs, as a Romulan to break down doffs you literally have to run from one corner of the map to the other.

    Why does it seem that the only category that's really worth anything in this system is Diplomacy?

    FDC voting rights ever going to have something done with it? If not why not just remove the npc and the text regarding it from the game?

    Tholian boffs? Voth boffs? Undine boffs?

    Will there be a way to get qol upgrades (exchange, bank, mail, etc) done to our ship interiors? I'd pay a lot for them.
    pvp = small package
  • nikolunusnikolunus Member Posts: 162 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Okay only questions.

    1) Will it ever be possible (like with a partnership with the new starships of star trek) to get Models of the ships we fly in game, or at least a 3d printing file? Would Love to have my Custom Carrier Escort sitting on my desk.

    2) Will the feds and kdf get any two piece set bonuses like the roms do, example the point thunderchilds point defense and the counter part to it.

    3) Any new custom alien pieces for creation? Wouldn't mind them being a c-store or game unlock to get. But like new skins for aliens, scales, fur, etc. Tails or different head types. Been wanting to make a full lizard man for one of my ships based on the doctor from the Titan novels.

    4) Caitian carrier update? She really feels under powered and gunned by her carrier counterparts.

    5) Any chance for a new stf like the Kobiyashi Maru but on the ground? I like the idea of seeing how many waves of ground forces you could live through.
    Space is vast, it's wonderful and maddening. Yet in that madness is some of the greatest beauty I have ever seen.
  • trhrangerxmltrhrangerxml Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    What kind of a balancing pass are we going to see in terms of BOFF space traits? Romulans for all their draw backs (-10 base power, which really hurts) have some of the highest DPS potential because of its BOFF traits and inherent Cpt. traits, which a creative player can take full advantage and negate any disadvantage by using a combination of leech, superior infiltrator and the battle cloak (properly spec'd of course). Mean while the KDF have inferior Raiders, the Pirate trait which amounts to a [dmg] mod on a weapon and the Fed have Leadership which doesn't stack anymore (only with Cpt. trait) and arguably the worse carrier in the game. Both factions have Efficient which really doesn't benefit all that much anymore, stacking it gives you maybe 1 more power point of power for a power system at 15 while Superior Operatives can stack to over 10% crit chance and +100% crit dmg (I one-shot the Stadi with a fully buffed Elachi DBB BO Alpha strike proc/crit in a Mirror). While I do not want a nerf on the Romulan side, I would love to see a revamp of BOFF space traits to actually effect gameplay like the Romulan traits. Yes we can purchase Rom BOFFs from the Embassy, but these are not the full BOFFs that the Romulans have access to. Also, Fed and KDF have their own strengths in ships, but if Romulans always had this kind of power why didn't they take over the galaxy years ago?

    Also, the KDF BoPs have lost a serious edge to the Rom ships, best example of this would be the B'rel vs the T'Varo (which technically speak was the original BoP, T'liss). What can we expect to bring these ships up to par? I mirrored my T'Varo build on my B'Rel and I can honestly say that BoP are anywhere near competitive, nor the same devastation potential the Rom's have. Not to mention how much more survivable even the weakest of the Rom Warbirds are compared to the BoP which admittedly does have a high base defense, but the Dhelan with its 2 piece and escort hull throws completely out of the window. Mogai reduced weapons cost means higher DPS, even after a BO Alpha and the universal Lt.Cmdr. makes the T'varo incredibly flexible and it has 4 tac consoles and torp buffs build in.
    Hi, my name is: Elim Garak, Former Cardassian Oppressor

    LTS, here since...when did this game launch again? :D
  • suavekssuaveks Member Posts: 1,736 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    #1 - We know that Fleet Atrox, Fleet Kar'Fi and Fleet Ar'Kif are coming to the game with the Spire Fleet Holding, but what about Fleet D'Kyr, Fleet Guramba, Fleet Marauder or Fleet Dreadnought? I'd like to know when or if we can expect those added to the game.

    #2 - Any plans to make older C-Store and Fleet ships' stats more in line with all the newest additions, to make them more desirable performance-wise? It seems that each and every new ship added to the game is more and more "versatile" (not to say powerful), which kind of defeats the purpose of having so many ships to begin with, as many of them are clearly obsolete by now.

    #3 (Related to #2) - Give me one solid reason to fly a Galaxy that does not revolve around the ship looks. In other words, what's the status of Galaxy and Galaxy-X revamp?

    #4 - What happened with ground Kit revamp? Also, any plans of expanding the ground portion of the game in any way? Possibly by a new item type, similar to the way you've added Warp Cores to ships?

    #5 - Exploration revamp and reputation? Foundry reputation? Any way to mix the two, for example by allowing players to create their own patrol missions or exploration cluster missions in the Foundry? I honestly feel the game needs more random element to it, instead of repeating the same old STFs and Fleet Actions over and over. I'd like to just fly around a star cluster and play a different mission each and every time I find a new system, even if its just a different take at "scan 5 objects".

    #6 - Comm Array Abilities are coming to the game soon, but not for Romulan Battle Cruisers. Why? The only ships that qualify - D'deridex and Ha'apax - could really use such bonuses, especially after the release of the Scimitar, which made them obsolete in many ways.

    #7 - Any progress with contacting Trek actors for voiceover work?
  • whamhammer1whamhammer1 Member Posts: 2,290 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Cpt. Gecko,

    Can we get a member of the Cryptic staff to go into the "What is your beef with the Galaxy Cryptic?" to settle the crowd down some? Its at 400 pages of no input from dev's on the thread and the natives are still restless.
  • bareelbareel Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    With the addition of alternate options for tactical consoles with season 8 will their be a balance pass to deal with the, underperforming +Dmg when compared to other things like Crit and Accuracy on weapon mods.

    Will the Deflector Doff bug ever be fixed? It does not apply reduction to energy siphon or tachyon beam.

    Will I ever be able to loot a Computer Core Fragment again? They have not dropped since S7 release and I miss the Salvage Dispute mission. http://sto.gamepedia.com/Mission:_Salvage_Dispute_%28Repeatable%29 for details.

    And for that matter will there ever be any changes made to how the team deals with bug reports? Many bugs such as the two I listed are extremely easy to reproduce with very little time investment and unless a random dev happens to read a forum post about them they never get addressed. Their really needs to be a better method of getting the information about these things infront of the correct developers so they can be dealt with.

    The Gravity Well/Tyken's Rift is a perfect example as their were several threads about it being bugged over a month before the thread in the PvP forum was luckily noticed by a dev.
  • whamhammer1whamhammer1 Member Posts: 2,290 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Cpt. Gecko,

    I am hearing a lot about dinosaurs with lasers on their foreheads coming to STO. Do you expect to run into similar problems making this happen that Dr. Evil experienced with the "frickin' sharks with laser beams on their heads"? Or is the true intent to give us just angry sea-bass that haven't been fed in a long time?
  • sean2448sean2448 Member Posts: 815 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    will we see a fleet versin of Galaxy x
    will the avenger skin be added for other fleet ships
  • whamhammer1whamhammer1 Member Posts: 2,290 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Cpt. Gecko,

    Has Cryptic considered instituting a y=mx=b approach to Fleet missions (Starbase, Embassy, dilithium mines). The little fleets are pretty much feeling the pain from down here. Can we get any relief?
  • baudlbaudl Member Posts: 4,060 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    my question would be, if there are any plans on giving tac consoles some kind of diminishing return, so that stacking one type wouldn't be so important.
    i see several improvements that would bring such a change with it: a)integration of torpedos would be more rewarding b)ships with less than 3 or 4 tac console slots would be considered competitive again. c)more option to put universal consoles onto your ship without dropping your maximum dps potential.
    Go pro or go home
  • whamhammer1whamhammer1 Member Posts: 2,290 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Cpt. Gecko,

    Is there a possibility in the near future that Cryptic would switch generic weapons consoles (+x to beam/cannon/torps) from tactical to engineering? These consoles are pretty much useless since the switch from specific energy type specialization to energy/torpedo specialization. Adding them to engineering slots would give cruisers an option to up their dps a little and give people a reason to actually use these consoles.
  • gerwalk0769gerwalk0769 Member Posts: 1,095 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Hi Al,

    I am at Tier 5 for all the reputation systems and enjoy both the Adapted and MACO weapons. However, they both take up my ground weapon slots and there are MK12 and Fleet weapons I'd like to use to add flavor, personality, and playstyle to ESTF's that I play nearly exclusively. Are there any plans to introduce a third weapons slot?

    Perhaps a third slot could be included in a reputation system.

    As a Sci, I am experimenting with running ships on full Aux to fully utilize my Sci skills and Boff abilities. This leaves very few weapon power options (use one fore or aft energy weapon and/or use the zero power Romulan Experimental array with weapons at the lowest settings). As a result, I am now looking at and playing with various torpedo boat builds on Sci ships. Given the current game design, are there any plans to diversify and deepen non-Lobi/Zen projectile (torpedo/missile) options, and create more synergy, for Sci's/players who are using torpedo boats?

    Solutions could include a console that increase torpedo damage/speed, a new DoT type, new missions that require specific damage types or increased susceptibility, a console/weapon/deflector/mechanic that increases the 135 degree of use of Sci powers, a weapons power to shields ability would also be helpful, or an ability that weakens/lowers shield resistances to torpedoes.

    I absolutely love Captain Gecko interviews. he really gets into the weeds about STO developments-thank you for doing this. Will Cryptic provide transcripts of dev. interviews for hard of hearing or deaf players who cannot listen to them?

    Will we see a Constellation-class ship in game? In particular the ship with nacelles above and below the saucer from Birth of the Federation was cool.

    Thank for you time and effort Priority One and Cryptic.

    P.S. Thank you for trying to make Tetryon weapons more viable. Penetrating Tetyons are an interesting concept and a good attempt at a work around. However, I will not use them without modifiers Acc/CtH/Dmg/CtD, also a visual queue like "Penetrated" to coincide with a proc is needed.

    P.S.S. Refractive Tetryon weapons have proven to be mostly not useful. However, seeing them proc (more importantly seeing a working proc) is great and more visuals indicating procs is needed, and once, just recently, the reflected attack from the Hyper DBB destroyed a Borg Cube plasma torpedo heading towards me in CSE.
    Joined STO in September 2010.
  • robray71robray71 Member Posts: 52 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    while the following question may seem relatively irrelevant....I've been hanging out in this area a bit recently to check it out and it seems like an incredible waste of in-game space....

    Are there any plans to add any kind of goodies/functionality/usefulness to the Lifetime/400-day veterans special area
    (The Captain's Table)???????
  • icegavelicegavel Member Posts: 991 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Some of my questions are about Season 8 features I've seen thusfar on Tribble. Some others are about mechanics, and future plans.

    1: The Voth on TRIBBLE have a lot of unique abilities, I've noticed. In particular, I'm curious about the Voth Pallisade Frigate's "Photonic Compensation" ability. Could we get an explanation about some of the Voth's special abilities (i.e., the ability above, or the Ward Repair Ship's seeming ability to resurrect dead enemies)?

    2: I've noticed the Voth use Transphasic Chroniton torpedoes. More a suggestion than a question, perhaps these could become Transphasic Quantum? The Chroniton Torpedo doesn't seem to fit in the rest of the Voth's ability sets, and Transphasic Chronitons would be more suited to the Krenim Imperium, if/when we encounter them (also, it'd make Voth torpedoes much more of a threat).

    3: What exactly does the Phase Cloak DO on the Voth Pallisade frigates? I have no trouble seeing through it, even with little aux power and no skills buffing Perception.

    4: Have you considered a space version of Shooter Mode ("Manual Targeting," I've taken to calling it) for those who enjoy the Ground version?

    5: For a very long time, the notion of a Level Cap increase has been on the back burner. If we ever get to that point, how would you go about the business of Level 60 ships? A lot of people have paid a lot of money into the Tier 5 ships. Is it possible in the engine to make a sort of "personal upgrade" system when we get there, to let Admirals choose how they'd like their ships upgraded?

    6: One word: Crafting. I'd love to see a Crafting revamp eventually. Where might it be on your timetables?

    7: In the current state of the game, Single Cannons and Dual Cannons are basically useless, with those ships that can use Dual Cannons opting for Dual Heavy cannons (since they lack a significant drawback). Are there plans to make these weapons relevant again?

    8: I know that at one time you were working out the kinks in the Galaxy-X Saucer Separation in anticipation of a Fleet Gal-X. As the Galaxy Dreadnought is very near and dear to my heart, I'd like to ask what the status is of this project.

    Finally, I'd like to compliment you on the current status of Season 8. It's turning out beautifully. I'm enjoying the Voth rep, and LOVE that we're getting Fleet 1,000-Day Veteran ships (the 1,000-Day Vet ships were starting to seem sort of weak for a $200+ ship when compared to other, cheaper ones, especially the Scimitar). Keep up the good work, sir. :)
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