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Help with Voice Chat

SystemSystem Member, NoReporting Posts: 178,019 Arc User
Ok so I went out and bought USB headsets today for myself and one other player and I cannot figure out how to talk to her.

I made sure the input/output were set to my USB device, Windows can hear the sound from my mic, and I can hear windows sounds through the headphone.

When I go in game, the mic test doesnt pick up anything, and my team member cannot hear me. I tried pressing N to talk, and I also tried open Mic, nothing helped. She is on my team and I cannot hear her either.

Am I missing something?
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  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Ok so no one knows anything about this?

    I keep seeing references to channels and such in other posts, but I have not been able to find these.

    I am using a USB headset, but the Mic and Output are selectable in the voice chat options. I am able to pull up the Mic test box, but nothing happens when I hold down the button to test.
  • zereedarkstarzereedarkstar Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    as far as I know the game searches for the mic via the sound card Im having the same problem does anyone know of a way to work round this issue
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