918MB seems a bit much for what is being reported in the notes. It was pretty bad last week too but typically the patches haven't been this crazy. What's going on?
Foundry: Yet Another Borg Mission
It's terrible but easy, and these Borg are way cooler than the mess STO and Voyager left us.
May not actually be "way" cooler or even "slightly" cooler.
As someone who's programmed some really annoying stuff in the past, I'll tell you that explaining WHAT is fixed can be a one-liner. The amount of stuff that needs to be done to achieve it....yeah that's a nightmare. So please don't think that the length of the notes can really express how complicated some of this stuff actually is from a coder's perspective.:)
Might be Season 8 pre-patches. Or maybe some of the stuff mentioned requires implementation in more than 1 system... what do we know. According to Red-Shirt notes they might also fix the sounds that have been playing on various maps over the last days. Just download it
Remember the distinction between "patched" and "downloaded." For example, here's a copy/paste of my progress text right now:
Patched 28.8 MB/510 MB
Received: 3718KB - 1%
Later version:
Patched 128MB/510MB
Received: 32.1MB
I've seen patches say they're thousands of megabytes but only download 5 or 6. The patched line is the cumulative size of the files being altered, actual changes to the files can range from trivial or total and there is no progress counter for the downloaded line.
Last thing I managed to read before it completed the patch was just over 50 MB
The new Federation Battle Cruiser: Avenger Class is now on display in the ESD shipyard.
I guess it has a lot of pixels. Probably the whole ship, though (flying into our clients cloaked, avenging your ISP) and it will only be tweaked/enabled in Z-store later.
I've been farting around with the launcher (on demand patching has been disabled too) and when I click on Live (Holodeck) nothing downloads but when I click on Public Test (Tribble) it went from 918MB to 757MB.
At present: Patched: 13.2MB / 757MB
Received 12.5MB - 1%
My connection is pretty terrible (I know that's not a Cryptic problem) so large updates drive me crazy, lol.
Foundry: Yet Another Borg Mission
It's terrible but easy, and these Borg are way cooler than the mess STO and Voyager left us.
May not actually be "way" cooler or even "slightly" cooler.
500mb may be "typical" in your world, but keep in mind that equals over 10 filing cabinets with 2 foot deep drawers in paper. Sorry that's unacceptable for what's been changed from week to week.
I would be fine with that but last week I missed a fleet meeting that I was hosting because that amount of data took well over 4 hours to download, when it should have taken less than 10 minutes. That's probably 60x slower than usual, and no it's not on my end.
Hey, I'm a trusting dude. I take reported information as is. If stuff is so simple, you'd think someone could figure out how to say what it actually is.
At any rate, I'm just asking because I've seen much more impressive patch notes with much smaller file sizes. I was curious to know if I was missing something.
Foundry: Yet Another Borg Mission
It's terrible but easy, and these Borg are way cooler than the mess STO and Voyager left us.
May not actually be "way" cooler or even "slightly" cooler.
I would assume that most of the time there is more in the patch than just what is being currently activated for live play. Pre-patching for things soon to go live etcetra, to keep the patch download consistently smaller, rather than 50MB here, 75MB there, 1.4GB bomb out of nowhere.
Odd. Tribble did finish downloading faster than expected. And now that tribble is up to date, it has actually let me start downloading the update for Live (which is 510MB).
So now I'm wondering why I had to update tribble before Live would even start?
Foundry: Yet Another Borg Mission
It's terrible but easy, and these Borg are way cooler than the mess STO and Voyager left us.
May not actually be "way" cooler or even "slightly" cooler.
My PvE/PvP hybrid skill tree
Patched 28.8 MB/510 MB
Received: 3718KB - 1%
Later version:
Patched 128MB/510MB
Received: 32.1MB
I've seen patches say they're thousands of megabytes but only download 5 or 6. The patched line is the cumulative size of the files being altered, actual changes to the files can range from trivial or total and there is no progress counter for the downloaded line.
Last thing I managed to read before it completed the patch was just over 50 MB
I guess it has a lot of pixels. Probably the whole ship, though (flying into our clients cloaked, avenging your ISP) and it will only be tweaked/enabled in Z-store later.
At present: Patched: 13.2MB / 757MB
Received 12.5MB - 1%
My connection is pretty terrible (I know that's not a Cryptic problem) so large updates drive me crazy, lol.
It's terrible but easy, and these Borg are way cooler than the mess STO and Voyager left us.
I would be fine with that but last week I missed a fleet meeting that I was hosting because that amount of data took well over 4 hours to download, when it should have taken less than 10 minutes. That's probably 60x slower than usual, and no it's not on my end.
That's 511 MB of data patched.
The download was actually only about 200MB.
Data file compression whoohoo!
I'm grumpy... need my coffee...
At any rate, I'm just asking because I've seen much more impressive patch notes with much smaller file sizes. I was curious to know if I was missing something.
It's terrible but easy, and these Borg are way cooler than the mess STO and Voyager left us.
So now I'm wondering why I had to update tribble before Live would even start?
It's terrible but easy, and these Borg are way cooler than the mess STO and Voyager left us.