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Looking for Torpedo Build ideas (Economy, if possible)

sevmragesevmrage Member Posts: 0 Arc User
edited October 2013 in Federation Discussion
One of the ships in my group is lacking a theme that the others have, and I was thinking of making it a Torpedo boat.
Specifically, it's a Galaxy Class I got from levelling, but if that's a bad idea, I should shift some things around and use a different ship.

My biggest limits at the moment are EC and Rep, as I'm barely Tier 3 in Rep, and I'm only at a little over a million EC, and still have the ten Mil EC cap. I am working on building my EC up, though, my Galaxy-X project needs some TLC.

Aside from that, I was thinking maybe one beam array fore and aft, and Torps everywhere else.
Any suggestions for this sort of build? Would it be viable for the Crystalline Entity mission, or anywhere else for that matter?

Thank you for your time!
Weyland-Yutani Joint Space Venture - Always open to new members!
My name is Rage, and I too support a revised Galaxy family.
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    reginamala78reginamala78 Member Posts: 4,593 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Wait, so refitting the T4 Galaxy as a torp boat, or a Gal-X?
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    sevmragesevmrage Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    The T4 Galaxy.

    I could do the X too, but I'd have to find a place to put all the parts I have on it now for the build I'm working on for it.
    Weyland-Yutani Joint Space Venture - Always open to new members!
    My name is Rage, and I too support a revised Galaxy family.
    khayuung wrote: »
    Firstly, be proud! You're part of the few, the stubborn, the Federation Dreadnought Captains.
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    reginamala78reginamala78 Member Posts: 4,593 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    To be honest I wouldn't bother. You're never going to be using that ship again, and even if you did, the engineering stations and slow turn rate makes the Galaxy a questionable torpedo platform (usually its done with sci ships or BoPs).

    As far as working funds for whatever you're doing to your Gal-X, there's always the Foundry farming missions. They're garbage as 'missions' (though I like using Battleship Royal Rumble as a sort of benchmarking tool), but you take all the junk drops and sell them to a bartender, and its a couple hundred thousand ec for 15 minutes of spacebar mashing. Plenty for basic shipcrafting at least.
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    rodentmasterrodentmaster Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    I know some will nitpick but I'll say it anyway: the Galaxy should only everuse beam arrays. If you want to play around for almost free and you leveled up on a free cruiser, get a mirror escort off the exchange and enjoy.
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    sevmragesevmrage Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    I want to get a better Galaxy one day anyway, so there's that.

    So if I really wanted to make a torp boat, It's be better off with a Mirror Escort? I do have two, and the Tetryon build on it is nowhere near as strong as the Polaron build on the other...
    Weyland-Yutani Joint Space Venture - Always open to new members!
    My name is Rage, and I too support a revised Galaxy family.
    khayuung wrote: »
    Firstly, be proud! You're part of the few, the stubborn, the Federation Dreadnought Captains.
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    reginamala78reginamala78 Member Posts: 4,593 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Torp boat as an escort means you can load up on torpedo skills and attack patterns and bludgeon things despite their shielding. Torp boat as a sci ship means you can load up on shield and energy drains to make your target vulnerable, then pound them despite the lack of tac skills. It depends on how you want to approach it, by buffing yourself or debuffing your target.
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    unboundinfernounboundinferno Member Posts: 99 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Torp boat as an escort means you can load up on torpedo skills and attack patterns and bludgeon things despite their shielding. Torp boat as a sci ship means you can load up on shield and energy drains to make your target vulnerable, then pound them despite the lack of tac skills. It depends on how you want to approach it, by buffing yourself or debuffing your target.

    ^ Pretty much that.

    A Cruiser? That won't work too well. I run a single Wide-Angle Quant on my Oddy, but its damage is Phasers. You just can't line up the shots well in a Cruiser.

    I have run a Torpedo Boat of an Armitage Escort Carrier, abusing two Photon Torpedoes backed up by Quad Phaser Cannons and a Phaser Dual Beam Bank and Turrets. Abusing a few Projectile DOFFs and splitting Photon and Phaser Tac Consoles it manages well enough lobbing torpedoes once a second or a massive TS III or THY III behind moderate strikes with BO and CRF spiking shields. Fun little toy, but its certainly different.
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    insanerandomnesinsanerandomnes Member Posts: 228 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    ^ Pretty much that.

    A Cruiser? That won't work too well. I run a single Wide-Angle Quant on my Oddy, but its damage is Phasers. You just can't line up the shots well in a Cruiser.

    I have run a Torpedo Boat of an Armitage Escort Carrier, abusing two Photon Torpedoes backed up by Quad Phaser Cannons and a Phaser Dual Beam Bank and Turrets. Abusing a few Projectile DOFFs and splitting Photon and Phaser Tac Consoles it manages well enough lobbing torpedoes once a second or a massive TS III or THY III behind moderate strikes with BO and CRF spiking shields. Fun little toy, but its certainly different.

    I've done this before as well. You can get some nasty multi-target firepower going with the trop point defense system. Theoretically, you only need three blue trop reduction doffs on two photons for a constant one second fire rate, or only two purples. Thats a feasible somewhere around 6k in damage from a torp-scort right there, not including cannons and turrets, or ANY buffs. Switch to quantums and three rares, and your looking at maybe 8k per missile, before buffs, just from torps. 10k all of a sudden seems easy. Just keep in mind, torps aren't good at all against shields, they are seriously reduced, but even then, if the torps are hurling enough damage, that won't make a difference, they can still blast straight through.

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    sevmragesevmrage Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2013

    So, I set up my Mirror Advanced and leave my Boffs as they are, load it up with Quantums, perhaps,

    What powers should I be looking for in Doffs?

    Also, What about my Nebula Retrofit I got a while back during that freebie week? A friend in my fleet is a Sci captain, what would I need for a good Boff setup for that?
    Weyland-Yutani Joint Space Venture - Always open to new members!
    My name is Rage, and I too support a revised Galaxy family.
    khayuung wrote: »
    Firstly, be proud! You're part of the few, the stubborn, the Federation Dreadnought Captains.
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    unboundinfernounboundinferno Member Posts: 99 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    The only issue with Quants, its once per 2 seconds, not 1. The Photons have the higher direct DPS despite being less brunt damage on the skills, where the Quants can make a nice mess with judicious use of the skills.

    Assuming a Dual Beam Bank, a DHC (or Quad for looks), Two Torpedoes (your choice) fore and 3 Turrets rear.

    DOFFs: Two Con Officers, Two Projectile and one whatever - Three of one if you can only get Blue quality, not Purple. This gains TT at global, and Torpedoes reliably at rapid-rate.

    BO I, CSV, TS III (or THY III)

    - If possible, four Tac officers to swap between combat for the purpose you need. THY is less apparent damage, but its the best for direct damage through a downed shield facing. TS Is great on mobs, but suffers from the spread damage on the target - you really need the shields down for good damage. May also find that you don't need CSV all the time? You could mix in APB for additional debuff, or have APB III instead.

    Or, have a couple Engineers and Science, you can set up for a swap there;

    EPS I, Aux2Sif

    Science *Offensively
    HE I
    HE I, TBR I
    TSS I

    The idea is Offensively you rely on TSS for shield healing and HE to keep alive, where defensively its EPS to keep you alive and Aux2Sif for healing with HE and using TBR to keep opponents at bay.

    Alot of the support is up to you, and how your ship flies. I'd urge EPW as best I can cause the Tac consoles will be split between your energy and torpedoes, and every ounce helps.

    Alternatively, if you have Flow Capacitor skills set up Tachyon Beam I and II, to rotate to strip shields of your main target faster. Just keep a HE I in the Ensign, as its the best way to heal Plasma burns or clear hazard debuffs. Alternatively might also be just a single TB II instead of TBR I.

    (Minor edits for loose ideas and corrections)
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    sevmragesevmrage Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Ah, thank you! That sounds pretty good! Got a lot of EC earning to do...
    Weyland-Yutani Joint Space Venture - Always open to new members!
    My name is Rage, and I too support a revised Galaxy family.
    khayuung wrote: »
    Firstly, be proud! You're part of the few, the stubborn, the Federation Dreadnought Captains.
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    jns70982jns70982 Member Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Always remember, that with torpedoes, they share the same cooldown if they are all the same.

    For my Galaxy-X, I have one transphasic launcher out front, than in the back, a tricobolt and an plasma launchers.
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    dknight0001dknight0001 Member Posts: 1,542
    edited September 2013
    jns70982 wrote: »
    Always remember, that with torpedoes, they share the same cooldown if they are all the same.

    I may be mistaken by what you mean here but that is flatout wrong.

    All Torpedoes share a global cooldown of 1.5s. With no Bonuses or enhanced reloads due to DOFFs this means 4 Photon Torpedoes (6s) would fire in sequence at maximum rate.

    4 Quantums (8s) would fire with a small delay between first and last.

    Special Torpedoes like Tricobalts, and Hargh'Pengs have Global Timers for their type. I can't recall what a Tricobalt is but a Hargh'Peng is 10s. So if you have 2 you will only get a 33% increase in fire rate over 1.

    I don't know if the Transphasic Cluster Torpedo has it's own global.
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    sirokksirokk Member Posts: 990 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    I know some will nitpick but I'll say it anyway: the Galaxy should only everuse beam arrays. If you want to play around for almost free and you leveled up on a free cruiser, get a mirror escort off the exchange and enjoy.


    Cruisers are slower, so beams (having a wide firing arc) are best.

    For a torpedo boat (smaller firing arc), you want a tough but relatively fast turning ship. I usually use my free Winter reward ship (the Chel Gret) for that because it's tough like a cruiser but turns fast enough.

    Otherwise, escorts like the Advanced Escort, have 4 Tactical console slots to boost the torpedos (ideally of the same type) and are fast. Fast enough to not need to be too tough.

    When you start talking about escorts though, the cannons are better at knocking down shields, then use torps to put burst damage on the hulls. But this is usually about as fast as just letting the cannons chew away at the hull.

    My main interest in a Torp boat was for the Crystalline events - to avoid giving the thing energy by just throwing torps at it... I've been in 2nd or 3rd place many times. Just setup with Rapid Transphasic torps with the tactical consoles for transphasics and fire away with Torpedo spread or Torpedo High Yield.

    Hope this helps.
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    asmodeus451asmodeus451 Member Posts: 257 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    one piece of advice if ur going for a torp boat:

    Tetryon is your friend.

    the whole idea is to take ur opponent's shields down fast so you can hammer their hull with the torps. tets are gonna do that faster than anything else
    Tenebris lux mea est
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    sevmragesevmrage Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Given that the Tetryon's anti shield thing works, which, as far as I've seen, is unilaterally seen as not really working to any useful effect.

    I do have a Tetryon boat I was going to convert to this, but I was thinking about swapping it's DHCs for DCs, or maybe even single cannons, to increase the fire rate a bit.
    Weyland-Yutani Joint Space Venture - Always open to new members!
    My name is Rage, and I too support a revised Galaxy family.
    khayuung wrote: »
    Firstly, be proud! You're part of the few, the stubborn, the Federation Dreadnought Captains.
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    unboundinfernounboundinferno Member Posts: 99 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    sevmrage wrote: »
    Given that the Tetryon's anti shield thing works, which, as far as I've seen, is unilaterally seen as not really working to any useful effect.

    I do have a Tetryon boat I was going to convert to this, but I was thinking about swapping it's DHCs for DCs, or maybe even single cannons, to increase the fire rate a bit.

    Eh, its a point of perspective.

    Tetryon+Torpedoes are great, nothing against it.

    its just pure Tetryon build falls short once the shields are down. Its lost damage to gain the shield-sapping, spec'd well its scary - however once the shields are gone, the tetryon is weak compared to any other damage type.

    Mixing tetryon with torpedoes - specially a rapid-refiring torpedo design it becomes a scary sight seeing a few thousand hull off every hit other hit like that, or more.
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    asmodeus451asmodeus451 Member Posts: 257 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Eh, its a point of perspective.

    Tetryon+Torpedoes are great, nothing against it.

    its just pure Tetryon build falls short once the shields are down. Its lost damage to gain the shield-sapping, spec'd well its scary - however once the shields are gone, the tetryon is weak compared to any other damage type.

    Mixing tetryon with torpedoes - specially a rapid-refiring torpedo design it becomes a scary sight seeing a few thousand hull off every hit other hit like that, or more.

    for my Sci cpt in a Sci ship i'm planning on a Tet/Qtorp build with 2 Qs and a DBB up front and Turrets/KCB in back with 2 purple torp Doffs
    Tenebris lux mea est
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    capnshadow27capnshadow27 Member Posts: 1,731 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    I'm actually looking into a Torp boat myself, or at least different than the transphasic one i have.

    Does the Wide angle a single pop weapon or can you have 2 on one ship?
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    sevmragesevmrage Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Do Rapid-Reload Transphasics actually have a faster rate of fire?

    As to the Wide-Angle...

    Hmm. It doesn't say it's limited, but I thought it was. Get it, Dismiss the ship, and get it again, see if you can load both. Good 'ole fashioned Experiment.

    It would say on the info box if it was limited to one per ship.
    Weyland-Yutani Joint Space Venture - Always open to new members!
    My name is Rage, and I too support a revised Galaxy family.
    khayuung wrote: »
    Firstly, be proud! You're part of the few, the stubborn, the Federation Dreadnought Captains.
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    capnshadow27capnshadow27 Member Posts: 1,731 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    sevmrage wrote: »
    Do Rapid-Reload Transphasics actually have a faster rate of fire?

    As to the Wide-Angle...

    Hmm. It doesn't say it's limited, but I thought it was. Get it, Dismiss the ship, and get it again, see if you can load both. Good 'ole fashioned Experiment.

    It would say on the info box if it was limited to one per ship.

    Expensive Experiment.... I think ill wait to see if anyone that has it chimes in.

    But as to the Rapid Reloads, they do fire pretty quickly. Toss in 2 purple Torp doffs and you ahev yourself a good old time, with an occasional pop off of the breen cluster.
    Inertia just means you can do Powerslides in you carrier!
    I am Il Shadow and i approve these Shennanigans!
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    twoblindmonkstwoblindmonks Member Posts: 255
    edited October 2013
    skollulfr wrote: »
    no point.

    torp boats suffer heavily in PvE due to the npcs being mighty mooks frequently with 200k hp as well as massizve shield caps that cause your dps to be cut be 80%. no top of that the galaxy in game is a lame duck anyway since it has so few tac boosting abilities.

    and in pvp, you wont be able to complete your orbits fast enough to keep people in the torp firing arcs.

    Completely wrong. First of all, a lot of the big targets are completely unshielded. Guess what does more damage? A quantum every second.

    Also, with a Kumari at least, 3 energy dmg console and 3 DHCs is enough shield stripping to be able to get torpedoes buffed by 2 dmg consoles and adapted MACO. Hello 50k crits.
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    malaksilvermalaksilver Member Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    heres a question what better puple Photon Torpedoes or plasma ?
    http://www.thefortunebooks.com/ -check it out its awesome
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    sevmragesevmrage Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Okay, taking what I learned from this thread in mind, here's my Torp boat build.

    U.S.S. Dirge of Winter
    Yeah, the name sucks. Any ideas?

    Okay, the Mk XI Purple I'll probably replace with a Mk XII Purple before too long, but as it sits, this is what I could afford. I don't have two Science Boffs, so the ensign station is empty.
    Yes, there are beam skills there, but my two Tactical Boffs pull double duty on my Galaxy Dreadnought, and I use those abilities. Although Beam Overload can be replaced, it doesn't work on the phaser lance. Dissappointing.

    Doff suggestions? I can afford Green doffs at the moment easily enough. Would they be able to pull double duty with my Dreadnought Beam Boat, or will these guys be more in line with my torp boat?
    Weyland-Yutani Joint Space Venture - Always open to new members!
    My name is Rage, and I too support a revised Galaxy family.
    khayuung wrote: »
    Firstly, be proud! You're part of the few, the stubborn, the Federation Dreadnought Captains.
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    marshalericdavidmarshalericdavid Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    skollulfr wrote: »
    no point.

    torp boats suffer heavily in PvE due to the npcs being mighty mooks frequently with 200k hp as well as massizve shield caps that cause your dps to be cut be 80%. no top of that the galaxy in game is a lame duck anyway since it has so few tac boosting abilities.

    and in pvp, you wont be able to complete your orbits fast enough to keep people in the torp firing arcs.

    Plasma Torpedoes are a option for Torpedo Boat in PvE because the plasma fire eats at the hull of targets regardless of shields.
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    tancrediivtancrediiv Member Posts: 728 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    The problem I see is unless you are a Tac with APA, FoTM and at least TS2and HYT 2 there is no real way to do high enough damage through shields. Transphasics are the only way to go in this scenario but that may not be enough. I have 2 tacs using a Fleet Brel and a Fleet Norgh respectively. The Brel is full trans torps and the Norgh is a cloak DBB alpha striker. They have every torp buff possible. Trying to use a Galaxy cruiser as a torp boat. IMO, will be very sub optimal unless you constantly run teamed with gun boats.

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    deadspacex64deadspacex64 Member Posts: 565 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    sevmrage wrote: »
    Okay, taking what I learned from this thread in mind, here's my Torp boat build.

    U.S.S. Dirge of Winter
    Yeah, the name sucks. Any ideas?

    Okay, the Mk XI Purple I'll probably replace with a Mk XII Purple before too long, but as it sits, this is what I could afford. I don't have two Science Boffs, so the ensign station is empty.
    Yes, there are beam skills there, but my two Tactical Boffs pull double duty on my Galaxy Dreadnought, and I use those abilities. Although Beam Overload can be replaced, it doesn't work on the phaser lance. Dissappointing.

    Doff suggestions? I can afford Green doffs at the moment easily enough. Would they be able to pull double duty with my Dreadnought Beam Boat, or will these guys be more in line with my torp boat?

    good enough i'd say, though not really what i pictured as a 'torp' boat. i have a similar, though cannon only set up on a bort with my sci, tetryons to tear up shields and a pair quants to eat hull. 3 purple torp doffs so there's a steady stream of quantum goodness flying towards the target. 2pc khg for the 25% damage bonus on projectiles and it does well. fore=dc and dhc +2x quantums, aft 4 tetryon turrets. if it was a 4/3 setup i'd have gone with 2 dc's for and 3 turrets aft.

    why? you want the proc, your torps, if it is indeed a torp boat are your primary damage, the tets are just to strip shields. dhc's fire slower per cycle than dc's, with 4 aft weapon slots that matters less as the turrets can cover for the single dhc.

    i'd lose the beam, add a turret, dump faw, and add csv instead. run csv and ts so multiple targets get some shields stripped or removed entirely before the spread hits. 10% proc chance polarized tetryons might be another option as well, at least for the aft turrets.

    replace BO with TT instead, don't get why people try and run a boat without TT, your slots aren't that tight in an escort that you need to leave it off. besides the auto shield reinforcement, it gives a buff to both energy and projectile weapons.

    i have another that's pure torpedo excluding the cutting beam. a kar'fi with a tac capt. i am rather fond of torp builds, the kar'fi is a beast. but they do seem to work better on the kdf side of things, the bonus from khg is very good.
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    sevmragesevmrage Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    TT1 is already there. Or are you suggesting I double up on TT?

    I know FAW has little use here, but I use it for a different ship. My two Tac Boffs pull double duty here, since I can't have 15 Boffs. I'll remember to replace that beam with a turret eventually...
    Weyland-Yutani Joint Space Venture - Always open to new members!
    My name is Rage, and I too support a revised Galaxy family.
    khayuung wrote: »
    Firstly, be proud! You're part of the few, the stubborn, the Federation Dreadnought Captains.
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    deadspacex64deadspacex64 Member Posts: 565 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    sevmrage wrote: »
    TT1 is already there. Or are you suggesting I double up on TT?

    I know FAW has little use here, but I use it for a different ship. My two Tac Boffs pull double duty here, since I can't have 15 Boffs. I'll remember to replace that beam with a turret eventually...

    retrain them, and ya TT is there, has a weird icon, sorry didn't mouseover it before. 2xTT is good though. that escort has more than enough slots for weapon skills, and running full cannons/torps no need for anything ensign besides tac team.

    retrain is cheap, a few ec at the boff trainer, both BO and FAW are there if you want to switch them back later. could even throw in an attack pattern beta for FAW, further boost damage output. if you are planning on stripping with tets, points in flow caps is a must, and/or flow cap consoles all adds to how much is removed when the tets proc.

    some points in projectile weapon specialization wouldn't hurt either, boost the crit % with torps.

    if you're f2p and this is your main...swapping skills might not be that easy, or cheap to switch back to your old setup. 6 to 9k in flow caps gets wasted if not draining with tets or polarons. while not required it does add quite a bit to the proc. my sci strippers are around 540 on average with no consoles, a decent increase from the base proc. and since it's all shields not just the facing you're hitting, x4.

    you might be able to get the proc high with consoles, or at least higher, i've never tried just running pure consoles with no points in flow caps so don't know what the final result might be. would allow more flexibility with skills, and less with science consoles, cheaper though>tradeoffs ^_^
    Dr. Patricia Tanis ~ "Bacon is for sycophants and products of incest."
    Donate Brains, zombies in Washington DC are starving.
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