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Klingons ruin their own PvP

rmy1081rmy1081 Member Posts: 2,840 Arc User
edited September 2013 in PvP Gameplay
Today I was pugging on some of my Klingons. I queued for CnH and Arena for both FvK and KvK. I think the highest the KvK queue got up to was 2, and I was on of them, so naturally, when the queue popped it was FvK. When the match starts I go right to the astroids (seriously, why does everyone go to the nebula?). I capture the point and move on to the next. I saw a battle at the nebula so I assumed all the feds where there. After capturing all the points I notice a battle at the fed spawn point so I cloak and watch. Most (not all) of the Klingons are spawn camping by dropping AAs, warp plasma, theta, etc. on the fed spawn point. There was so much spam that I was even lagging watching it. After the match ended I queued again, and again the same things happened. It was soooo freaking boring. I know that fed puggs tend to not be as good as Klingon pugs, but seriously?

I know it's not all Klingons, and feds aren't much better, but I know why the KvK queues are so quiet. There's plenty of Klingon pvpers queuing but they don't want to queue into their own TRIBBLE either.

I think I'm going to try the Tyler Durden channel. They at least seem to be having fun.
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  • virusdancervirusdancer Member Posts: 18,687 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Make the spawn a capturable node.
  • antoniosalieriantoniosalieri Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Indeed hit the Tyler Channel... Feds Klink Or Rom everyone is welcome... matches will be close... and if you get into a TD game that for some reason isn't close... stick around for the rematch and the teams will get spun and it will be Epic.

    As far as Que matches go KvK matches are some of the best I have played in... its a damn shame that most people that play Klinks in the ques are not true PvPers.

    Leave the Ques to the farmers... those feds that are sitting at the base... AND those kilnks over there camping them are all farming... let them do there thing... one side sits one sides shoots the AFKs to earn there D.
    Dignity and an empty sack is worth the sack.
  • tron4eternitytron4eternity Member Posts: 118 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    I feel it is my duty to chime in on these threads laced with ignorance. First off there is no such thing as "spawn camping" Second if the enemy failed to avoid deployment suppression then it's their fault for not having the knowledge, skill, or build to escape such a valuable tactic. The enemy can't cap if they are dead all the time after all! Such a team would have had the same issue on an arena map as well!

    As far the the title to this thread goes nothing is being ruined. When the fvk q's dry up due to the age old fantasy the klingons are op we tend to get our fix in kerrat and even nvak is accessible through the diplomatic granting that allows a fed to enter our space. It sounds to me like the op might have been having a flashback to being on the fed end of that more times than he can count. :P My advice learn how we on the kdf side do cnh's or go back to play a fed. This all boils down to the simplest concept: If you don't like the way the public q's are the setup private matches as Antonio here says!

    The lack of interest in kvk stems back from a time before lockbox ships in which kvk would have just been a cloak on cloak fest. Yes kvk should have grown interest and I would expect more pops from it as well. I don't think the argument of kdf wanting to avoid their "own bs" is a valid one anymore since the majority of what we have is now cross faction. Short of the acetone assimilator we have very little unique to our faction except a borderline useless all universal boff power bop.
  • tron4eternitytron4eternity Member Posts: 118 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    As far as Que matches go KvK matches are some of the best I have played in... its a damn shame that most people that play Klinks in the ques are not true PvPers.


    That's a big lol statement right there. That made my week and apparently just made you a huge target for lots of us "not true pvpers"
  • dontdrunkimshootdontdrunkimshoot Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    'spawn camping' can only happen when there is such a large skill gap between teams, that the match isn't worth taking seriously, and should be ended as soon as possible.
  • bobtheyakbobtheyak Member Posts: 374 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Sounds a lot like a certain 'transient' fleet I know...
  • rmy1081rmy1081 Member Posts: 2,840 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    'spawn camping' can only happen when there is such a large skill gap between teams, that the match isn't worth taking seriously, and should be ended as soon as possible.

    Yeah I totally understand with lopsided games, but this one wasn't so lopsided. Also when respawning, you start at 0 power and no defense (and I believe there's a bug with DR too), and it's cap n splode..almost everyone dies so when the spawn point is spammed with warp poo, theta, mines, pets..etc before anyone actually dies just to catch them in the lag spam, I call crappy play style, but, that's all not the point of this thread.

    You hear in OPvP all the time about no pvp going on. Why don't KDF players queue for KvK? I do, and I haven't gotten a game in several months. Also, its not a cloak fest as some say. I've done KvK and it can be fun. Most kdf pvpers don't even actually have battle cloak on their ship.
    Make the spawn a capturable node.

    Yeah that would be cool. That would be just like most Cap-n-hold games, and then you wouldn't have to wait forever on lopsided games.

    Anyways.... I've /join_channel Tyler Durden

    Hope to have some fun pvp with my KDF toons in the near future :)
  • antoniosalieriantoniosalieri Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    That's a big lol statement right there. That made my week and apparently just made you a huge target for lots of us "not true pvpers"


    Target away. lmao

    You also missed my larger point.... Real PvP players DO NOT que up for Cap and holds and sit at the base and die... IF 3-4 feds that know what they are doing que up ifor a Cap and Hold the klinks loose almost every time frankly.

    The Feds the OP where describing are Dilithium Farmers... and the klinks quing up over and over to farm them are not any different there farmers as well.
    Dignity and an empty sack is worth the sack.
  • xtremenoob1xtremenoob1 Member Posts: 489 Arc User
    edited September 2013

    Target away. lmao

    You also missed my larger point.... Real PvP players DO NOT que up for Cap and holds and sit at the base and die... IF 3-4 feds that know what they are doing que up ifor a Cap and Hold the klinks loose almost every time frankly.

    The Feds the OP where describing are Dilithium Farmers... and the klinks quing up over and over to farm them are not any different there farmers as well.

    Just give ta'logout'jones a little more time and he'll get banned again.
    -X-/Pandas - Pheo
  • bitemepwebitemepwe Member Posts: 6,760 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Lol. Right because the feds never spawn camp in a CnH or spam pets or generally do the same if they think its prudent.
    Fact is the KDF just doesnt like fighting each other because its a moot point. Take a KDF toon into Nvok and see how often we fight each other.
    Hardly at all and those rare moments tend to be accidental targeting while clearing the zone for reset.
    The KvK ques are the same. Short and sweet to end the match, if they even pop at all because the FvK always pops first thanks to the huge amount of feds whom play STO.
    So think what conspiracies you wish about the KDF ruining pvp. Its an old untruth that has never held water but has been a convienent excuse for some since the KDF was first introduced to STO.
    Leonard Nimoy, Spock.....:(

  • warmaker001bwarmaker001b Member Posts: 9,205 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    I wasn't aware people were using the KvK queues :P It was almost always at "0" to me.

    That never really was a thing for the KDF, even going back to STO's release days. We don't fondle each other like the Feds do in FvF :D
  • jjgrands420jjgrands420 Member Posts: 135 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    no. feds ruin the game period. cry about acetons, then pump out grav/ shield team fortress. the two faced jokes status of most fed fleets, and their preference for fvf speak volumes.

    There are SO VERY FEW true klingons left.

    and this one right here be warping max speed right to your gate blowin all ur fail rigs up in one volley. psw, trico, double tap.. (future pwn) : whatever it takes

    the true kdf ships so outclassed, the kdf players so gauged by unfair market prices (manipulated by feds..), the federation would fall within moments if there was ever truly a WAR.

    we all know there are but a handful of fvk pops (arena) at all anymore. some wanna combine the queues. some want to get rid of klingons altogether.

    dirteh cockroach hard to squish. q fvk at ur peril, NO MERCY
  • iskandusiskandus Member Posts: 1,062 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    FvK queue is actually more preferable than FvF queue. It's been discussed quite a bit in OPvP channel. The reason being lots of Fed Premades are too chicken to play any other queues other than FvF, so they rather stomp newbies in FvF queues. If you Pug like I do, I prefer FvK queues because the F who will queue there tend to be quite good and frankly, the Klingons have gone significantly downhill ever since they no longer monopolize every single OP toys like before.
  • iskandusiskandus Member Posts: 1,062 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    I wasn't aware people were using the KvK queues :P It was almost always at "0" to me.

    That never really was a thing for the KDF, even going back to STO's release days. We don't fondle each other like the Feds do in FvF :D

    More likely because Klingons used to have all kind of nasty OP toys that were seriously broken, and none of them have the courage to taste their own medicines.

    The standard of F who PvP have risen quite a bit such that I can't recall the last time the K side actually won an Arena in a K vs F arena that I have been to. In part, F vs F queues are getting incredibly nasty due to rampant premades who claim :

    1) Want fair play
    2) Can't find any other preamdes to play against :rolleyes:
    3) Want some "practice"

    In reality, most of these F preamdes don't want to play against Klignons who tend to be more veteran players and who have access to OP toys & cloak that can make the life of preamdes quite difficult so they troll the F v F queues picking on newbies. As a result, many of the good - elite F PvPers who pug move towards F v K queues, and beat the hell out of the Klingons.
  • jjgrands420jjgrands420 Member Posts: 135 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    iskandus wrote: »
    More likely because Klingons used to have all kind of nasty OP toys that were seriously broken, and none of them have the courage to taste their own medicines.

    The standard of F who PvP have risen quite a bit such that I can't recall the last time the K side actually won an Arena in a K vs F arena that I have been to. In part, F vs F queues are getting incredibly nasty due to rampant premades who claim :

    1) Want fair play
    2) Can't find any other preamdes to play against :rolleyes:
    3) Want some "practice"

    In reality, most of these F preamdes don't want to play against Klignons who tend to be more veteran players and who have access to OP toys & cloak that can make the life of preamdes quite difficult so they troll the F v F queues picking on newbies. As a result, many of the good - elite F PvPers who pug move towards F v K queues, and beat the hell out of the Klingons.


    feds have the best toys by far. and if u dotn realze that, u display yoru ignorance further. there is no debate among the truly informed. u, and many liek u before, have and continue to ruin the game. you troll people and break forum rules by naming characters and accotns yet aren ot banned. becus the devs/ forum mods are also biased towards feds. welp one day it might just go to court, this blatant disrespect for an ample portion of the customer base. sounds to me alot like "your water fountain is over there". false advertising, and gauging. a pathetic shame and the guys holdign the bag at craptic i hope get karmic payback for what they have done and continue to do. fail.
  • antoniosalieriantoniosalieri Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Ok I have to ask then...

    What OP toys do the feds have specifically ?

    Not that I am claiming the klinks have the op toys... Klink faction is broken by neglect... just curious which fed toys you consider op.
    Dignity and an empty sack is worth the sack.
  • jjgrands420jjgrands420 Member Posts: 135 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Ok I have to ask then...

    What OP toys do the feds have specifically ?

    Not that I am claiming the klinks have the op toys... Klink faction is broken by neglect... just curious which fed toys you consider op.

    havin trouble clickign the link?

    team fortress and grav shield are obvious. follow the rabit hole u may find an answer
  • skyranger1414skyranger1414 Member Posts: 1,785 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    iskandus wrote: »
    FvK queue is actually more preferable than FvF queue. It's been discussed quite a bit in OPvP channel. The reason being lots of Fed Premades are too chicken to play any other queues other than FvF, so they rather stomp newbies in FvF queues. If you Pug like I do, I prefer FvK queues because the F who will queue there tend to be quite good and frankly, the Klingons have gone significantly downhill ever since they no longer monopolize every single OP toys like before.

    Hmm, I hadn't quite made the connection, but now that you mention it...

    As a feddie, I can only think of ONE KDF fleet that takes premades into the queues, while I can name several Fed ones.
  • iskandusiskandus Member Posts: 1,062 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Hmm, I hadn't quite made the connection, but now that you mention it...

    As a feddie, I can only think of ONE KDF fleet that takes premades into the queues, while I can name several Fed ones.

    You misunderstood my post. Read it again, the premades I refer to all are all Fed ones. I made no mention of any KDF premades.
  • iskandusiskandus Member Posts: 1,062 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Ok I have to ask then...

    What OP toys do the feds have specifically ?

    Not that I am claiming the klinks have the op toys... Klink faction is broken by neglect... just curious which fed toys you consider op.

    These are the ones he identified :

    1: Team fortress: Total bleedthrough prevention for your entire team and flat (overcap)reduction to TOTAL teams shield dmg taken.

    2. Nebula t3 console grants stealth detection up to 20km (with no visual >> this is how it happened to you....)

    3. Vesta Bubble 100% kin dmg immunity(with blowback). klink ships have no nearly equivalent special

    Let's see :

    1) Normal damage will not bleedthrough your shields for 12 seconds. Team Fortress protects your hull from taking any damage as long as your shields are up. Special attacks that have increased shield penetration will still penetrate shields.

    CD = 3 minutes

    Given it only applies to normal bleedthrough = 10% for all shield types except Resilient shields, it does nothing to protect against Transphasic, DOT damages, BO doff proc, Shield disable and etc. For a 12 seconds of immunity, Scattering Field is likely more useful than this. Can't even recall seeing any Feds using this at all in PvP, which likely means people don't think this is a valuable console to have.

    2) Tachyon Detection Field,

    See the test results here : http://sto-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?t=843041&highlight=Romulan+Battlecloaks

    Claims that it can see stealth ships 20KM away on its own is just bogus. In fact, stealth detection build has been determined to be too costly and unreliable

    3) Vesta 3 pieces set bonus - Bubble

    No one uses the Vesta 3 pieces bubble in any serious PvP that I can see with good reason. The bubble requires the installation of 3 consoles on the Vesta and only on Vesta - a very hefty investment of precious console space. Each of the console has an ability that last no more than 10-15 seconds but each having a CD of 3 minutes. Some of the abilities are not very useful in PvP, e.g. Quantum Focus Phaser. The Quantum bubble is really not that much better than the Romulan Molecular Phase Inverter, which Klingons have access to via Romulan Warbirds - and much less cumbersome to carry than having to adopt 3 consoles.

    In all 3 cases, very few if any Feds actually use them at all in PvP. That alone should speak volume about the utility of these tools. In fact, I will go on the record to say if the Klingons want it, they can have it, I have no objection. However, if the Fed were to ask even just one item, say Aceton Assimilator, the crying could be heard all the way from Earth to Mars.
  • antoniosalieriantoniosalieri Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    havin trouble clickign the link?

    team fortress and grav shield are obvious. follow the rabit hole u may find an answer

    Nope just having trouble figuring out if you where serious... I was hoping to see something that was fed only. :)

    1) The team fortress thing ? I think you talking about shield resists... last I checked Fed and Klink have the same shield toys... am I missing something that is fed only ?

    2) The nebula anti cloak ? seriously ... have you ever flown a nebula lol... the fact that it might perhaps if the space wind blows right revel someone isn't worth trying to run one of those things. ;) Seriously klinks cloak feds find them where is the issue ? Don't wait for 2min at at time before you attack. ;)

    3) Yes your right Vesta is fantastic and all... Klink ships are out classed in general when it comes to sci ships. Seriously though still stuff like the Barrior console that are only klink. :)

    I'm not defending or attacking anyone here... True Fed Ships and True klink ships are mostly outclassed these days by both Rom and Lockbox ships... the vesta is perhaps the only half decent Pure Faction ship left. Even the vesta lets be honest most players are still in the wells instead.

    Neither side has a ton that is really any better then the other... Most fed teams you fight will be 95% Lockbox and Rom... and these days most klink teams are about 80% the same way.

    For the OP seeing klnks spawn camp... ya its true 95% of the FvKs are lost for the feds before they start... for 1) simple reason.... the majority of Feds that Que up for FvK are there to farm Dilithium... the FvK matches have a rep for ending faster so they que for them.

    When I said most klinks these days that que aren't true pvpers I stand by it... I mean lets face it... 95% of the time there fighting kids that are AFK or Semi AFK just finishing there daily. I mean hell do klinks not wonder why when one pop 2 more pop pretty quickly then its dead again ? I did long ago and its the main reason I don't bother playing my klinks much unless I'm doing some TD... whats the point... I can't remember the last time I had a good match as a Klink in the ques... sure lots of 15 0 wins... but not good matches.
    Dignity and an empty sack is worth the sack.
  • jjgrands420jjgrands420 Member Posts: 135 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Nope just having trouble figuring out if you where serious... I was hoping to see something that was fed only. :)

    1) The team fortress thing ? I think you talking about shield resists... last I checked Fed and Klink have the same shield toys... am I missing something that is fed only ?

    2) The nebula anti cloak ? seriously ... have you ever flown a nebula lol... the fact that it might perhaps if the space wind blows right revel someone isn't worth trying to run one of those things. ;) Seriously klinks cloak feds find them where is the issue ? Don't wait for 2min at at time before you attack. ;)

    3) Yes your right Vesta is fantastic and all... Klink ships are out classed in general when it comes to sci ships. Seriously though still stuff like the Barrior console that are only klink. :)

    I'm not defending or attacking anyone here... True Fed Ships and True klink ships are mostly outclassed these days by both Rom and Lockbox ships... the vesta is perhaps the only half decent Pure Faction ship left. Even the vesta lets be honest most players are still in the wells instead.

    Neither side has a ton that is really any better then the other... Most fed teams you fight will be 95% Lockbox and Rom... and these days most klink teams are about 80% the same way.

    For the OP seeing klnks spawn camp... ya its true 95% of the FvKs are lost for the feds before they start... for 1) simple reason.... the majority of Feds that Que up for FvK are there to farm Dilithium... the FvK matches have a rep for ending faster so they que for them.

    When I said most klinks these days that que aren't true pvpers I stand by it... I mean lets face it... 95% of the time there fighting kids that are AFK or Semi AFK just finishing there daily. I mean hell do klinks not wonder why when one pop 2 more pop pretty quickly then its dead again ? I did long ago and its the main reason I don't bother playing my klinks much unless I'm doing some TD... whats the point... I can't remember the last time I had a good match as a Klink in the ques... sure lots of 15 0 wins... but not good matches.

    and with that i really am going to just ditch my account. i pray they ip ban me so i can be free of coming here ever again
  • antoniosalieriantoniosalieri Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    OK I did miss something... or forget about it is more like.

    The Steam runner console ?

    Come on how many people really have that... and all it does is counter bs things like sheild pen proc doffs. I don't see an issue.
    Dignity and an empty sack is worth the sack.
  • antoniosalieriantoniosalieri Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    and with that i really am going to just ditch my account. i pray they ip ban me so i can be free of coming here ever again

    Why you just listed a couple fed things that almost no one uses... because they are honestly fairly weak. Or are only there for people that bought the game on steam. The vesta 3 pack ya its strong... Sort of really though its a 3 peice console thing... its no worse then the junk people get with 2 piece rom gears.

    The only thing I am seeing is the 3 things you listed counter your only play style.

    I have nothing against your play style... its just easy to counter if you prepare for it. No point in being upset about the stuff in game that allows people to prepare and defend against your one uber attack.

    I am not defending any feds that wine about getting popped by your uber attack either... its a legit playstyle and has a place in the game... the counters you mention however are rare and honestly pretty easy to ignore... the nebula thing really does blow trust me I have one... you don't see anyone that is any further out then 5k... and or has 70+ power in aux.
    Dignity and an empty sack is worth the sack.
  • antoniosalieriantoniosalieri Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    iskandus wrote: »
    In all 3 cases, very few if any Feds actually use them at all in PvP. That alone should speak volume about the utility of these tools. In fact, I will go on the record to say if the Klingons want it, they can have it, I have no objection. However, if the Fed were to ask even just one item, say Aceton Assimilator, the crying could be heard all the way from Earth to Mars.

    I really hope the AceAss doesn't make its way to the fed side for some time... I have no doubt it will happen.

    I mean none of us wanted the stupid leech to make it over but it did... now we all have to run a leech to offset all the darn leech. Where all down one console slot yay... The PvE kids are eating it up though the borg aren't happy.

    There is so much other stuff now to throw in boxes... I sort of hope the next box doesn't have any cross faction at all. :)
    Dignity and an empty sack is worth the sack.
  • talzerotwotalzerotwo Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    I fly the ambassador class.

    nomnomnom nipples
    Chillax. No Ego. No Drama.

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  • omegashinzonomegashinzon Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Indeed hit the Tyler Channel... Feds Klink Or Rom everyone is welcome... matches will be close... and if you get into a TD game that for some reason isn't close... stick around for the rematch and the teams will get spun and it will be Epic.

    As far as Que matches go KvK matches are some of the best I have played in... its a damn shame that most people that play Klinks in the ques are not true PvPers.

    Leave the Ques to the farmers... those feds that are sitting at the base... AND those kilnks over there camping them are all farming... let them do there thing... one side sits one sides shoots the AFKs to earn there D.

    TD CnH. I've yet to see that. :-(
    If your post is anything like, "I have a sandwich so you can't be starving" it's time to rethink posting. ~thlaylierah
    So realistically, you only need to have the exact number of doffs that you need. ~leadme2kirk
  • antoniosalieriantoniosalieri Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    TD CnH. I've yet to see that. :-(

    Hmmm that could be an interesting experiment though.
    Dignity and an empty sack is worth the sack.
  • stevehalestevehale Member Posts: 437
    edited September 2013
    Given how long queue times can take to pop it's no wonder that a roleplaying race of blood thirsty warriors charge in mercilessly. But the queue didn't populate the teams evenly. Players on the other side didn't accept the pop, are only there for the free rewards, or quit when things don't go their way. It is a small group and you do tend to see the same fleet tags together more often than not against the most random bunch of pugs Starfleet can provide. Any combination of these issues make the match one sided and boring.

    I don't fly KDF much anymore because I don't enjoy waiting 20-30 minutes just to face a team that is short a player from the start and that steadily loses players. When I fly Fed I can usually expect an FvK pop within a few minutes. The downside here is, I get to face all that pent up rp aggression at a pretty severe disadvantage.

    If peopled rolled as a Fed-Rom (a new race with infinitely more going for it than the others) they'd have all the PvP they could hope for with the added bonus of hunting down all the chicken **** FvF premades that you never, ever see in an FvK match. It's such an obvious solution with so much resistance from "true" KDmFers that it seems some actually like the one sided pug stomps and long wait times.

    But none of that is actually the KDF's fault. If I didn't know better, I'd have thought the KDF was over powered too.
    Foundry: Yet Another Borg Mission
    It's terrible but easy, and these Borg are way cooler than the mess STO and Voyager left us.
    May not actually be "way" cooler or even "slightly" cooler.
  • omegashinzonomegashinzon Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Hmmm that could be an interesting experiment though.

    I personally love CnH. The only reason I don't play it more is you normally can only get a KvF one and KDF tends to treat it like an Arena with glowing faction icons floating about, and just as many FEDs are just getting dailys in. (winning? what's that?) Rarely do I see both sides actually trying to take points, just get lots of kills. I'm the dummy that actually caps and ignores battles that don't need take place. (Hunting Transphasic Battlecloak Bombers aside) A TD instance might be refreshing and interesting.
    If your post is anything like, "I have a sandwich so you can't be starving" it's time to rethink posting. ~thlaylierah
    So realistically, you only need to have the exact number of doffs that you need. ~leadme2kirk
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