Hi Captains,
We will be bringing down Star Trek Online tomorrow, Thursday, September 19th, at 7AM PDT (click
here to view in your timezone) for maintenance and to apply a new patch.
Patch notes can be found here, and we expect this maintenance to last for 2.5 hours. The test server, launcher and access to manage your account may also be unavailable during some portions of the maintenance.
Thanks for your patience and understanding,
- The Star Trek Online Team
Plus you will get the what about this, what about that, when will this be fixed, why hasn't that been fixed, we're still waiting for this posts aswell
EDIT: Will it be able to equip a Drone pet?
LTS, here since...when did this game launch again?
No; those are exclusive to the Scimitar.
Brandon =/\=
Eh, mostly I'm expecting the Klingon and PVP forums to simply light up with self-important RRRRRRAGE!!!!! Should be entertaining.
Still I can totally understand the business reason to do this. Before there was no good reason to buy this ship if one was already driving a T'varo/Dhelen/Mogai. Now there is if you really like pets. Tac warbird with Yellowstone pets, anyone?
Hang on...if its got a carrier hangar, has its stats been altered to accomodate the fact its now got a new avenue of dps to exploit? I know if my dssv got a hangar, I'd expect it to pay for the new addition in hull, shield and turn
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The Evil Queen - Tac - Hobo
John May Lives - Sci - Hobo
EDIT: Its stats already are on par with the HECs and it gets a shield penalty when going offensive.
LTS, here since...when did this game launch again?
LLAP, everyone.
see above.
LLAP, everyone.
In that case then, if the ship was balanced to give results equal to the HEC (if not more) without a hangar, it should pay a penalty for getting a hangar - surely thats balance - giving something and taking away something in return instead of 'let them have their cake and eat it too'
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runs and waits for the flames
That's odd.. Are you automatically barred from buying Zen as an F2P player? Or are you complaining that you can't get for free what everyone else has to pay for?
The benefit to F2P is you're not paying a subscription. Even those who are still have to pony up real cash to buy things on the C-Store, beyond the minimal stipend that LTS and Gold players get each month, which doesn't get you much.
edit: "beyond the minimal stipend that LTS and Gold players get each month, which doesn't get you much."
We get a stipend? I don't remember when I actually saw mine last lol
Why the **** is this an escort carrier now?
Think it's about time for a serious bug bashing session as was suggested the other week by someone else Bran. Maybe you should pass that suggestion along to the team...
Real Join Date: Monday, 17 May 2010
Simple. They weren't selling enough
So they are supposed to cater to freeloaders who no only don't subscribe but also don't ever buy zen either rather then people who do pay?:rolleyes:
This game doesn't fund itself.
F2p just means no subscription, that means they have to fund the game with purchases like this ship. You can still either buy zen with cash or dilithium if you want.
Ain't that the sad truth of the matter.
So now if they do add a Fleet version...meh.
Like that one that was almos and sovereign, but a torpedo launcher like the akira, and some designs near the Galaxy, like the one in this picture: http://imageshack.us/a/img8/6088/excaliburexplorations.jpg
I don't know way those vessels was toked out of service... ( You see a damaged one in the space combat zones sometimes... ) Is there a possibility of vessels like those been seen flying in the hands of the players?
Ps.: Thanks for the amazing job that u're doing in Star Trek universe, things to be done, things to be inproved, but a great and awesome job has been done until now!
Those are from another company. STO changed the dev team.
I guess that should have a way to use those designs, well, is tha same Star Trek that CBS aprove the design, don't have to be tha same thing, it's just and idea for it... lol
I guess that would be good more "original" vessels for federation, well, it have more vessels than the klingons and romulans, but almost all of them are normal vessels with some shape changes and a white hull... lol Well, quite more beauty and etc, but not that much originals...
Like the Chimera ( I'm not gold, I don't have it... ) That one is a really new design, fan made, verry well executed by the dev team, and awesome, I, particuliary, would like to have it, from something like 2500 Zen, or some vessel with a unique design like her for this price...
Yeah they kind of had to add the hangar on to make it more attractive. Nearly every post or comment I've seen in game about the new warbird were basically "Meh. It's not bad but it's not great either. I already have better." I know I haven't seen too many of them around. I'm still just fine with my Fleet Dhelan, so even with a hangar tacked on I think I'm still going to pass on it.
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Will the ship be able to slot the Drone pet?
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