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Tactical Failbird...

vegie0vegie0 Member Posts: 480 Arc User
edited September 2013 in PvP Gameplay
Hi, wanted to make this thread to open discussion on the new Tactical Warbird.

Let me begin by sharing that I tested the ship on Tribble, and had a very bad experience with it. It lacks Heals, or Resists, or any of the things it is supposed to have. Let me demonstrate by first sharing my Review, I posted this in the Feedback area, but was clearly ignored. :(

Alright, as opposed to calling the ship Garbage, or insulting it let me show you what my evaluation of the ship has shown me.

Currently I own every Romulan Ship. This has afforded me to chance to compair ships against every other ship in the sister fleet. As such I began testing this ship with the strict intent of Aux2Batting it. Since it was what appeared to be most effective on my Mogai (since it shares a similar boff loadout). I did however consider using a Science Ltcmdr but the lac of available Engineering heals detered that choice. It is also what discouraged me from considering a Ltcmdr Tactical officer seating.

Once my Choice was made, I began to evaluate Firepower. She can do just as much DPS as the T5 non-fleet Defiant. This is not bad, it means she can do the same DPS as the Mogai, even Fleet Mogai. This vodes well. I then began to test her manuverability, against other ships such as my Scimitar, Dhelan, Mogai, and my Fed Defiant. Which the ship performed on the same scale as the Dhelan, lacking somewhat the area on its consoles to buff its turn rate up. Hence it does have a disadvantage in this area. I then began to test the durability, which matches that of a mogai, except the low amount of heals available. It can accomidate, but must be forced onto a player. Which makes the Ltcmdr Universal not and advantage in versatility. Her Pivot point seemed OK, infact she pivoted very well to keep her guns pointed. Unfortunately, she only matches already existing ships. Not exceeding the expectations of other ships with comperable firepower is a black mark in my book.

I then began to see how her combat capabilites hold up, this included using the Consoles she could provide. For this test I did not use the quad Plasma Cannons, seeing as I was using Disruptor base weaponry. The DPS did indeed match the Defiant (Non-Fleet), and her turnrate felt OK when cloaked. I then began to experiment in using the Plasma Stream from her annihilation mode in combination with mid range alphas to determine its true usefulness in combat. (since in most PvP combat, the initial alpha strike runs a very high risk of loosing your target since the opponent most likely has all of his bridge officer abilites to call upon to evade.) I noticed it did to considerable damage, and even helped to melt hull once the shield had failed. The downside is it does about 45k Damage to a non resisting target over the course of 20 seconds. A rather lengthy time, in fact worse then the Scimitar's 12 second wait. The good news is you can move and use boffs while firing. So it is better in that respect. Downside is, it lacks the rapid DPS emission of consoles that the Mogai or Dhelan possess. Which both deal thier damage rapidly or do not require a consistent lock on the target.

I then began testing her tanking ability, which left me a bit surprised. Even with RSP instead of Aux2Batt, she will like to drop shields. Most escorts have this issue, but it feels more apparent on this one, due to the forced focus on Engineering. Which was not taken into account when they developed the numbers for her Shield Modifier. She is there for in my opinion vulnerable to Alpha Strikes. This is typical, but more extreme on this ship. The other thing that cropped up in her testing, was the speed of the ship seems to help her defence, but her speed is going to be limited during combat, strongly due to the lack of Tactical Bridge Officer Seating. Which at this point was becoming a real issue.

My final findings were, to recomend against buying the ship as is. It lacks the ability to fly as the ship it was intended to be. Which I thought was to be an escort. Her Tactical Focusing is comparable to, if not a clone of, the Mogai. Which leaves me with no real need for the ship. Can the ship compete with non-fleet ships? Yes, but recent non-fleet ships such as the Vesta, Scimitar, Lock Box ships, ect. all have a slight edge on it. Thus I would rule it to loose value in competing there. Its ability to compete against other escorts is also something to be drawn into question, as it is a ship that knowledge is required before you purchase. Since the first build that one thinks of, is very weak due to lacking survivability (Tactical focusing with Ltcmdr Tactical). In Conclusion (Yes I am aware of the terrible nature of using "In Conclusion" to end any arguement), the ship is less in capability when compaired to currently available ships. Thus the ship is Sub Par, and not a ship that one would expect to be available for Purchase. Since the ship would essentailly be Paying to Loose.

This was my full evaluation, every step I used to Evaluate her is in here. Please Read carefully as I tried to be very detailed. As for the ship being "Garbage"... 2 Years ago, it would have been effective, very effective. But today... It is Garbage.

Let me further break down what it is supposed to do. On the Second Post...
Post edited by vegie0 on


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    vegie0vegie0 Member Posts: 480 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    "The Tactical Warbird class of vessels takes many of their design cues from the existing Escorts, Raptors and Destroyers of their allies. These ships focus on maneuverability and overwhelming firepower, and they are a great deal smaller than other Republic ships of their tier. And, true to Romulan fashion, these ships offer a good level of versatility and come equipped with Romulan Battle Cloak and Singularity Abilities."

    What possible ship uses a boff loadout like this ship?

    •Bridge Officer Stations: 1 Lieutenant Tactical, 1 Commander Tactical, 1 Ensign Engineering, 1 Lieutenant Science, 1 Lieutenant Commander Universal
    •Console Modifications: 2 Engineering, 4 Tactical, 3 Science

    It practically forces you to pick the Engineering as your Ltcmdr or you die instantly... Glass Cannon does not even define this. So much for the Versatility she was supposed to have.

    Once picking Engineering as your second specialty, you loose some of what she was supposed to do... be Tactical... So much for Overwhelming Firepower...

    •Weapons: 4 Fore, 3 Aft

    Maybe she Turns well?

    •Base Turn Rate: 16 degrees per second
    •Impulse Modifier: 0.2

    OMG they are selling me a Mogai again... It is really no faster then any ship the Romulans currently have... so Romulan Focus on Manuverability is kinda.... not so focused...

    Can she Tank?

    •Hull Strength: 31,500
    •Shield Modifier: .9

    Just No.

    Well it was only ment to be a second option to choosing the D'deridex at Commander anyway. So no foul...

    •Availability: C-Store

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    vegie0vegie0 Member Posts: 480 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    This seems like a great buy.... /sarcasm

    Well atleast it is new.

    Dhelan Warbird Retrofit

    Tier: 5

    Type: Warbird

    Hull: 31,500

    Standard Shields: 4,964 (Mk X))

    Shield Modifier: 0.95

    Weapons: 4 3
    Can equip dual cannons.

    Crew: 450

    Bridge Officers: Commander Tactical, Ltcmdr Science, Lt Engineering, Lt Universal, Ens Tactical

    Device Slots: 2

    Consoles: 4 Tactical, 2 Engineering, 3 Science (This seems Familiar >.>)

    Turn Rate: 16

    Impulse Modifier: 0.20

    Inertia rating: 70

    Ruh Roh Scooby... We got some real issues here.

    It has a Console thou, that does unreal damage? :)?

    It takes 20 seconds to deliver it's full payload, and has to stay on target the whole time... Thats not bad, Mogai, or Dhelan don't do that do they...

    Sabatoge Porbe, Similar Damage and does not ever require lock. (Dhelan)

    Ionized Particle Beam, Similar Damage, is done firing in about 2 seconds. (Mogia)

    Well.... That's That I guess...

    Wait!!!!! It comez withz the L337 Quad Plazmaz thats are Connanz?!?

    Yeah... they are the same as the Phaser, and Disruptor Quad Cannons.

    My Final Evaluation of the ship. :(
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    ussultimatumussultimatum Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Here's my feedback from the tribble thread;

    My Overall Feedback

    Appearance/Model: I like the looks of this ship, nice design, the model's pivot point is too far to the rear. A problem we see repeated that affects performance, and has been an issue since the design of the original KDF Raptors.

    The Axis/Pivot point issue with this ship isn't as severe as it is for the Mogai, but that's more due to the overall width of the Mogai which hinders that ships ability to keep narrow arc weapons on target in fast paced combat (PvP).

    I really wish the Art team & Systems team could collaborate on this angle, because "base Turn Rate" is more than just a single stat like "16". It is very heavily influenced by the design of the model, the length/width and the location of the pivot point.

    Stats/Performance: This ship is squarely middle of the road, it might be popular in PvE primarily due to the Plasma focus.


    BOFF layout: It doesn't give us anything particularly different or novel compared to other warbirds.

    Being locked into Ensign Eng means you have almost no choice but to slot Ltc Eng if you are a performance focused player. There are other warbirds that already do this, and do it better.

    So for a ship that is supposed to be "All Escort" it will, in reality, be another hybrid that is Eng focused.

    The T5-R version (non-fleet) has
    4 Tac
    3 Sci
    2 Eng

    So we have a ship that is "pure escort", but it will have LTC Eng BOFF, Ens Eng BOFF except low on Eng Consoles.

    Final thoughts: Unfortunately, due to the amount hybrids that Romulans already get, this ship comes across as a slice of a tiny niche that is already occupied by ships that generally do the same or better due to more streamlined design.

    The Dhelan will be better at the Sci/Scort focus while having greater versatility.

    The Mogai will be much better at the heavy destroyer role, being both versatile and durable.

    The T'Varo will be better at the full offense role, with more versatility, enhanced battle cloak.

    The Ha'feh is already enough "pure escort" with a better BOFF & Console layout for it.

    Then, going beyond the standard.

    The Temporal Destroyer has more versatility, better options, with a similar design but a much more durable frame (sans-battlecloak, it's biggest flaw).

    The Vet ship is more versatile, with a good console load, and it's only flaw being that it doesn't have a fleet version.

    I haven't fully tested this, so I will refrain from comment.

    Although the Quad Cannon issue I mention, directly impacts any motivation to actually use/not use the 2 piece set.

    The Quad Cannons are, sadly, saddled with DMGx4. Making it all but pointless in PvP, especially as these oddly still drain -weapons and -engines, which is really unnecessary.

    Quad cannons for Roms, KDF, Feds should be added to the Fleet store.

    1 per ship, and mutually exclusive with the versions that come on ships.

    ACCx2 DMGx2 modifiers, useful, but balanced.
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    vegie0vegie0 Member Posts: 480 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Thanks for sharing your Review :)
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    virusdancervirusdancer Member Posts: 18,687 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    If you want to compare it, compare it to the Talvath.

    Take a Talvath...Lockbox quality...and it's obviously going to be better without a Fleet version of the Ar'kif available.

    But...Ar'kif vs. Talvath:

    -1500 Hull
    -0.15 Shield Mod
    +50 Crew
    -1 Sci Console
    +5 Weapon Power
    -5 Auxiliary Power
    +Battle Cloak
    -Manheim (Temporal goodies)
    +Focused Singularity Modulator (2pc Ar'kif set)
    -Warp Core
    +Singularity Core (Singularity Abilities, 40base Subsystems)

    Fleet it up, eh? (C'mon, Cryptic!)

    +1650 Hull
    -0.06 Shield Mod
    -1 Sci Console or not? Fleet adds +1 Console

    So sure, it doesn't have a Fleet version (Why, Cryptic? Why?)...

    ...but I don't get the complaints nor the comparisons to ships that are different.

    Compare it to the Talvath (Mobius and Krenn)...

    ...as an aside, yes - beg Cryptic to do something with Quads. ;)

    edit: Wait, they went with Energy Weapons Specialization? That's even worse than the earlier thing...meh...why?

    edit2: Still, it's made me want to roll a Rom Tac more than any other Rom bird out there. I just hate that they hate Torps. It was nifty to fly in PvE, but they should have just given it a flat +CrtH/CrtD bonus rather than making it Energy Weapons only...meh. The torp hate thing would make it the non-sale for me.
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    praxi5praxi5 Member Posts: 1,562 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    I think it's worth nothing that the 2pc set bonus not only adds +Plasma damage, but it also adds +CrtH.

    So one of these full of Embassy +Pla consoles and loadout of RomBoffs could be pretty dang nasty.
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    bluegeekbluegeek Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    praxi5 wrote: »
    I think it's worth nothing that the 2pc set bonus not only adds +Plasma damage, but it also adds +CrtH.

    So one of these full of Embassy +Pla consoles and loadout of RomBoffs could be pretty dang nasty.

    Yes, it kind of struck me as odd that the op decided to test with disruptors when Romulans are so heavily optimized toward Plasma. I get that Plasma resists are fairly common, but does a fully-optimized Romulan overcome that disadvantage?

    I look forward to someone posting the result of that experiment.
    My views may not represent those of Cryptic Studios or Perfect World Entertainment. You can file a "forums and website" support ticket here
    Link: How to PM - Twitter @STOMod_Bluegeek
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    virusdancervirusdancer Member Posts: 18,687 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    It's just the Plasma Quads will be next to useless in PvP...no Acc...you'd need a Sci or two to park the target enough to hit with them at any acceptable rate.

    You're also facing the issue that Plasma is all but neutered in PvP because of the growing popularity of Disruptors because of the Elachi, ability to stack Disruptor procs, etc, etc, etc...so more folks are sporting ResB shields. PDoTs are slaughtered by AtB builds maintaining an average of 150% uptime on HE as well as the addition of the WCE(Cleanse) DOFF.

    For PvE, it's another story...

    Even so, one could forgo the Plasma on this boat for what it's BOFF layout offers.

    X, X, X, X
    X, X

    X, X, X

    X, X

    With the changes to the BO/HY/TS that are on the way, the more traditional BO/CRF or even BO/CRF/TSorHY build comes into play.

    Something you can do on the Talvath...but...the Talvat lacks the Battle Cloak.

    APA3, APO3, Romulan Ambush, BO2, CRF2, TS2/HY2...as a decloak attack...

    With the LCdr Eng you can run RSP/AtS and DEM or RSP/DEM and AtS...something you can't get from the Mogai. Regardless of the weapons you go for...

    When I saw it (before I started grumbling about the Torp hate) - I pictured the possibility for the ship in both PvP and PvE...

    ...the Energy Weapons Specialization thing just rubs me the wrong way.

    Set Bonus: 2pc Harness...no PDoT love (when a Torp is one of the three pieces, really?)
    Singularity Ability: Energy Weapons - Singularity Overcharge
    Nukara Reputation: Enhanced Shield Penetration

    This? The Energy Weapons Specialization?

    The 5s gap being added to between uses of HY/TS?

    Heck, how about the 75% kinetic resistance?

    Need for PWO DOFFs for a decent fire rate?

    I mean...c'mon...meh.
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    ussultimatumussultimatum Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    bluegeek wrote: »
    Yes, it kind of struck me as odd that the op decided to test with disruptors when Romulans are so heavily optimized toward Plasma. I get that Plasma resists are fairly common, but does a fully-optimized Romulan overcome that disadvantage?

    I look forward to someone posting the result of that experiment.

    Unfortunately as Virus noted, its incredibly difficult to optimize using a poorly designed weapon like the Quad Cannons.

    The other potential +plasma damage buff comes from the Rom Experimental set.

    Console is good.

    Beam Array & Torpedo, once again, have 0 ACC.
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    virusdancervirusdancer Member Posts: 18,687 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    So I had to go look on Tribble at what the boost to Energy Weapon Specialization is (after I saw the comment about Energy Weapons in the feedback thread, I lost interest).

    Though, since it was mentioned in the blog post without the amount...but there's no amount listed on the 2pc and there's no bonus showing for skills. Hrmmm...

    So no idea how much they're going to give with that.

    The constant for each point is around 0.02020 for CrtH and 0.2525 for CrtD...vonamicus could provide the actual numbers that he found, but those come close to providing the amounts on his chart.

    8 would be: +0.16% CrtH & +2.02% CrtD
    16 would be: +0.32% CrtH & +4.04% CrtD
    24 would be: +0.48% CrtH & +6.06% CrtD
    32 would be: +0.64% CrtH & +8.08% CrtD

    I mean...what kind of bonus are they going to offer with it, eh? Meh...will have to see from folks that post about it tomorrow.
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    vegie0vegie0 Member Posts: 480 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    bluegeek wrote: »
    Yes, it kind of struck me as odd that the op decided to test with disruptors when Romulans are so heavily optimized toward Plasma. I get that Plasma resists are fairly common, but does a fully-optimized Romulan overcome that disadvantage?

    I look forward to someone posting the result of that experiment.

    Somebody had already tested this. The Plasma weapons lack the desired proc to truly be effective in PvP. As most players Cycle Hazard Emitters, which negates the Proc that these weapons bring. That means that even with a fully stacked Plasma Ready ship, you will still only be on Par with the current systems. Now as for the matter of the Quad Cannons. They do not have the appropriate modifiers to be effective in that situation either. Which means that you are loosing 10% of your DPS to gain back 10% DPS increase. These does not seem worth while. Much less investing the 50 Million Energy Credits just to test the ship that has already cropped up design flaws.

    In short, the lack of accuracy for the Quad cannons means 30% more likely to miss. Which means you really break even for picking to use the set bonus.

    So Disruptors still show an accurate representation of the ship at optimal performance. Negating the Damage Increase, be it only slight, that could be obtained from the Singularity Beam Console. Sorry the ship is bad. No change in weaponry will change that.
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    baudlbaudl Member Posts: 4,060 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    ship should have had either 5 tac console slots, or 5 forward weapons...
    Go pro or go home
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    twamtwam Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    To be honest, the stats look pretty balanced, to me, compared to it's KDF and Fed counterparts. I guess that's where a big part of the disappointment comes from, though :P
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    aquitaine985aquitaine985 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    twam wrote: »
    To be honest, the stats look pretty balanced, to me, compared to it's KDF and Fed counterparts. I guess that's where a big part of the disappointment comes from, though :P

    Yes and no, really. I think. The defiant setup has earned it's place in the feddy line up for offering something unique. The Romulan opposite number looks cool, but it's layout isn't exactly game-changing or unique.

    I'm rather glad the reviews i've read and the people i've talked too about it arn't massively impressed, maybe we'll have a month off of power creep, hmm?
    Lag Industries STO PvP Fleet - Executive
    A Sad Panda of Industrial calibre.
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    maicake716maicake716 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    sounds like a good pve boat to me.
    mancom wrote: »
    Frankly, I think the only sound advice that one can give new players at this time is to stay away from PVP in STO.
    Science pvp at its best-http://www.youtube.com/user/matteo716
    Do you even Science Bro?
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    khayuungkhayuung Member Posts: 1,876 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    You only need 1 Comm Tac and 1 LtComm Tac to produce overwhelming firepower.

    Anything more creates diminishing returns (Defiant + Tac Andorian the biggest culprits); you're better off slotting speed, turn and survivability stuff, which the Ar'kala has tons of, almost lobi ship levels of.

    IN THE C-STORE. And we can agree its not OP!!

    Genius-level development right there. :D

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    Thanks for Harajuku. Now let's get a real "Magical Girl" costume!
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    bluegeekbluegeek Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Got it. Quad Cannons = Bling.
    My views may not represent those of Cryptic Studios or Perfect World Entertainment. You can file a "forums and website" support ticket here
    Link: How to PM - Twitter @STOMod_Bluegeek
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    ussultimatumussultimatum Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    I think people are missing the point.

    Time & Manhours were spent developing this, and the result is a ship that does not give us anything particularly different, novel or useful.

    They could have taken this same frame, and given us a proper or even hybrid CMD Sci focused ship - something the Romulan lineup desperately needs.

    We have design mistakes simply being repeated, because they feel it's "fair" (DMGx4 weapons).

    We have a ship that was supposed to be "all escort" that is really just another hybird - with a LTC Uni station that is really a LTC ENG station in disguise.

    Is the ship terrible?

    No, no one has said that.

    It's just mediocre, and more importantly it lacks a strong enough point of difference (outside of appearance).

    At least it looks nice.
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    virusdancervirusdancer Member Posts: 18,687 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    bluegeek wrote: »
    Got it. Quad Cannons = Bling.

    My guy Willard, if I ever finish upgrading his BOFFs - would sport 90% Bonus Defense unbuffed. If I dropped him in a Boxscort (outside of the JHEC, for some reason the JHEC doesn't get the +10% like the HEC does), he'd be at 100% unbuffed.

    Take a person with the standard 25% Bonus Accuracy vs. that 100% Bonus Defense and...

    ...they've got a 57.1% chance to hit.

    They're DHC [Acc]x3's on the other hand have got a 69% chance to hit.

    How about just a Cruiser sporting 70%? 69% vs. 87% chance to hit.

    So without somebody parking that target, you're looking at a to-hit between somewhere in the 40% range (cause their Def will likely be buffed) to below 70%.

    Nifty "flash" for PvE...but Quads for PvP?

    We get no bling! :mad:
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    virusdancervirusdancer Member Posts: 18,687 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    I think people are missing the point.

    Time & Manhours were spent developing this, and the result is a ship that does not give us anything particularly different, novel or useful.

    I like it. I like that BOFF layout...and with the coming changes to stacking, I like it that much more. But there's no Fleet version...and...that makes no sense. :(
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    ussultimatumussultimatum Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    I like it. I like that BOFF layout...and with the coming changes to stacking, I like it that much more. But there's no Fleet version...and...that makes no sense. :(

    That BOFF layout is not actually bad, it's less than optimal - and I'm more upset about a choice that is a non-choice (LTC Uni).

    There is always a deeper level.

    Which ship has better turn?

    The one with base 14, the ability to slot 2x AID or run A2B for EPTS + EPTE as well as 4x ENG consoles?

    Or the one that has base 16, can't realistically run the above powers and has only 2 Eng console slots. ;)

    One has better base turn, the other has better potential.

    Also, yes, I agree I'm completely baffled why they wouldn't want to add an upcharge of 500zen to this ship through selling us a fleet version.
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    truthseeker10368truthseeker10368 Member Posts: 26 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Both the Ar'kala and Ar'Kif tactical warbirds are probably the most beautiful Cryptic designed warbirds to date. I love the looks of both these ships.:-D

    A few things :

    1.Move the pivot point a little forward so it is exacly midships.
    2.Console layout on Ar'Kif tactical warbird retrofit: As this ship is more engineer heavy than science heavy in terms of boff stations it makes no sense to have 3 science consoles instead of 3 engineering consoles on this ship. It should have 3 engineering consoles and 2 science consoles, or 4 engineering consoles and 1 science console. Alternative for the commander version : 3 engineering consoles and 1 science console.

    For the Fleet Ar'Kif tactical warbird whenever that comes out should have : 3 or 4 engineering consoles, 1 or 2 Science consoles and 5 tactical consoles. So you end up with the following console setup :




    And with a Shield modifier of 0.99 - 1.0

    I like the bridge officer layout of both these ships. In my opinion the fleet variant should get the following boff setup :


    This would make for a flexible boffsetup that would give some good possibilities..:-)

    I hate to see the stats and especialy the console layout of these ships being handled wrong so they end up being the beautiful but TRIBBLE stepchilds that no one uses or buys..


    Show Me Your Critz
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    ussultimatumussultimatum Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    As this ship is more engineer heavy than science heavy in terms of boff stations it makes no sense to have 3 science consoles instead of 3 engineering consoles on this ship.

    Unfortunately their perspective is probably that it's "LTC Universal" - with only 1 Ens Eng. So it's not actually "ENG heavy" by design.

    You and I obviously don't beleive that though, because there really isn't an option with the LTC Uni in the first place.
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    usshannibalusshannibal Member Posts: 379 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    when i see the stats of this new warbird it is basically a general tanky escort with decent dps.

    postitve aspect on this ship is thet it?s capable of fulfilling multiple purposes as a pvp ship such as aux2batt-, aux2 damp-build, or a tanky escort with epte 1 and epts 3 if u use ltcmd boff as an engineer for instance, and so on....

    but if u compare it with other rommy warbirds like the fleet dhelan or the fleet hafeh it is CLEARLY inferior to them, how comes that?

    I dont know if there will be a fleet version of this ship but in case there will be one for the tac warbird it will have the same basic turn and same hull power like the dhelan:

    16 base turn rate

    if the fleet version has a 5th tac console it would be composed of 5 tac 3 sci and 2 eng console slots just like the dhelan if not it might become an escort with more tanking abilities like the fed steamrunner or fleet armitage.

    The biggest negative aspect on this vessel is his enormous size from what i have seen in screenshots which is going to make it a very easy target for alpha strikers or smaller and more maneuverable escorts (bug-ships, t'varo, dhelan, defiant...) regardless its turn rate the size makes this ship turning like a brick (probably the magnitude influences the inertis fo an escort). best example for that is the fleet hafeh having great stats, a great boff and console layoutlike a fleet patrol with more offensive power + battle cloak and + singularity abilities not to forget. it fulfills all requirements to become a great escort normally but its size breaks its neck which is very disappointing. i tested and i have used both escorts and the dhelan is way more effective, more versatile ( a lot smaller), more tanky ( 2 lt eng 1 ltcmd sci) and at least has an equal firepower to the hafeh.
    I am convinced that the same thing will happen to this ship.

    Moreover the dhelan has a better shield modifier (1.04) ;)

    PS: if therew wont be a fleet version of it then the ship is TRIBBLE ofc^^

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    phaserfredphaserfred Member Posts: 54 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Unfortunately as Virus noted, its incredibly difficult to optimize using a poorly designed weapon like the Quad Cannons.

    The other potential +plasma damage buff comes from the Rom Experimental set.

    Console is good.

    Beam Array & Torpedo, once again, have 0 ACC.

    Ive noticed a trend lately, people talking about something they know nothing about. ^ Good example above me here.

    The quad cannons are the highest DPS cannons in the game for PVE. NO one really cares about PVP, so stop combining quad cannons and PVP. What? 2% of the games population actually participates in it? lol

    The quad cannons have topped every parser ive ever ran in pve. 4 bolts per shot, and with a high crit chance/crit severity like my rommie has and them things crit hard and often. Each one of them bolts has the chance to crit. My rom sits at 21.5% crit chance and 101.2% crit severity...those plasma quads hit harder than any other fleet or exchange DHC i have in my inventory.

    It might be wise to remove points from starship batteries talent and max out your targeting systems skill if your worried about the lolACCmodifier
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    virusdancervirusdancer Member Posts: 18,687 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    That BOFF layout is not actually bad, it's less than optimal - and I'm more upset about a choice that is a non-choice (LTC Uni).

    There is always a deeper level.

    Which ship has better turn?

    The one with base 14, the ability to slot 2x AID or run A2B for EPTS + EPTE as well as 4x ENG consoles?

    Or the one that has base 16, can't realistically run the above powers and has only 2 Eng console slots. ;)

    One has better base turn, the other has better potential.

    Also, yes, I agree I'm completely baffled why they wouldn't want to add an upcharge of 500zen to this ship through selling us a fleet version.

    This is a build I keep picturing...

    Ar'kif w/ Reman Tac (KDF-aligned)

    Traits - Reman, Singularity Specialist, Infiltrator, Accurate, Astrophysicist, Elusive, Techie, Crippling Fire, Inspirational Leader/Helmsman

    New Rom - Precision, Emergency Secondary Shielding, Quantum Singularity Manipulation
    Omega - Omega Weapon Training, Superior Shield Repair
    Nukara - Enhanced Shield Penetration, Auxiliary Power Config - Offense, Refracting Tetryon Cascade

    TT1, BO2, CRF2, APO3
    TT1, TS2

    EPtW1, DEM1, AtS2

    PH1, HE2

    (5x Rom Sub/Sup Op)

    DOFFs - 2x DCE(EPtX), EWO(BO), SE(DEM), WCE(Cleanse)

    Deflector - Omega Mk XII
    Engine - Omega Mk XII
    Shields - KHG Mk XII
    Core - Elite Fleet Reinforced Mk XII [SingA][OLoad][WCap][AMP][SSS]

    Fore - Subpsace Torp, Polarized Disruptor DBB Mk XII [Acc]x2, Elachi Disruptor DHC Mk XII [Acc]x3, Elite Fleet Disruptor DHC Mk XII [Dmg]x2[Acc]
    Aft - Kinetic Cutting Beam, Nanite Disruptor Turrets Mk XII [Acc]x3, Elite Fleet Disruptor Turret Mk XII [Dmg]x2[Acc]

    Tac - 4x Disruptor Mk XII
    Eng - Leech, E-Neut Mk XII [+Turn]
    Sci - Borg, 0Point, Tachyo

    Devices - SFM, Eng Batt

    Other - Nimbus Pirate Distress Call

    *And I need that 10th console for the Bioneural Infusion...

    I can't do that build with a Mogai for one reason...the Ensign Sci instead of the Ensign Eng. Can't do it with a Dhelan because of the Ens Tac instead of Lt Tac and the LCdr Sci instead of the possible LCdr Eng. Can't do it with the Ha'feh because of the LCdr Tac instead of the possible LCdr Eng. Could do it on the Scim (not Falchion nor Tulwar), but then I'd be looking at the Scim turn rate. Could do it on the Talvath to an extent...without the Battle Cloak.

    So there's two boats that I could do that build:

    One with a BTR of 7.
    One without a Battle Cloak.
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    virusdancervirusdancer Member Posts: 18,687 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    phaserfred wrote: »
    Ive noticed a trend lately, people talking about something they know nothing about. ^ Good example above me here.

    The quad cannons are the highest DPS cannons in the game for PVE. NO one really cares about PVP, so stop combining quad cannons and PVP. What? 2% of the games population actually participates in it? lol

    The quad cannons have topped every parser ive ever ran in pve. 4 bolts per shot, and with a high crit chance/crit severity like my rommie has and them things crit hard and often. Each one of them bolts has the chance to crit. My rom sits at 21.5% crit chance and 101.2% crit severity...those plasma quads hit harder than any other fleet or exchange DHC i have in my inventory.

    It might be wise to remove points from starship batteries talent and max out your targeting systems skill if your worried about the lolACCmodifier
    phaserfred wrote: »
    Ive noticed a trend lately, people talking about something they know nothing about. ^ Good example above me here.

    You realize you're in the PvP forums, right?
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    usshannibalusshannibal Member Posts: 379 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    phaserfred wrote: »
    Ive noticed a trend lately, people talking about something they know nothing about. ^ Good example above me here.

    The quad cannons are the highest DPS cannons in the game for PVE. NO one really cares about PVP, so stop combining quad cannons and PVP. What? 2% of the games population actually participates in it? lol

    The quad cannons have topped every parser ive ever ran in pve. 4 bolts per shot, and with a high crit chance/crit severity like my rommie has and them things crit hard and often. Each one of them bolts has the chance to crit. My rom sits at 21.5% crit chance and 101.2% crit severity...those plasma quads hit harder than any other fleet or exchange DHC i have in my inventory.

    It might be wise to remove points from starship batteries talent and max out your targeting systems skill if your worried about the lolACCmodifier

    you are probably right if u regard using the new ship and equipment in PvE.
    yer dude we all know that the pve community makes the majority of the game. but u have written in a PVP thread and WE take care more of pvp than pve, so your reply is irrelevant unfortunately^^

    -=Hannibal - Inner Circle PvP-Department=-
    Hannibal's YouTube PvP-channel (under construction)
    More Inner Circle PvP-Action worth watching from: Hank, Mira Theng and Zimbilimbim
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    scurry5scurry5 Member Posts: 1,554 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    phaserfred wrote: »
    Ive noticed a trend lately, people talking about something they know nothing about. ^ Good example above me here.

    The quad cannons are the highest DPS cannons in the game for PVE. NO one really cares about PVP, so stop combining quad cannons and PVP. What? 2% of the games population actually participates in it? lol

    The quad cannons have topped every parser ive ever ran in pve. 4 bolts per shot, and with a high crit chance/crit severity like my rommie has and them things crit hard and often. Each one of them bolts has the chance to crit. My rom sits at 21.5% crit chance and 101.2% crit severity...those plasma quads hit harder than any other fleet or exchange DHC i have in my inventory.

    It might be wise to remove points from starship batteries talent and max out your targeting systems skill if your worried about the lolACCmodifier

    Erm. This thread is in the PvP section - hence the PvP viability discussion. You're alienating yourself here.....Not to mention every PvPer already maxes out Targeting Systems skill.

    PvE discussion's over here: http://sto-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?t=849791&page=4

    Not to mention those EPtE spheres have quite a bit of defense.......so you may see Acc becoming pretty important eventually.

    Edit: Heh, ninja'ed.
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    mustafatennickmustafatennick Member Posts: 868 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    phaserfred wrote: »
    Ive noticed a trend lately, people talking about something they know nothing about. ^ Good example above me here.

    The quad cannons are the highest DPS cannons in the game for PVE. NO one really cares about PVP, so stop combining quad cannons and PVP. What? 2% of the games population actually participates in it? lol

    The quad cannons have topped every parser ive ever ran in pve. 4 bolts per shot, and with a high crit chance/crit severity like my rommie has and them things crit hard and often. Each one of them bolts has the chance to crit. My rom sits at 21.5% crit chance and 101.2% crit severity...those plasma quads hit harder than any other fleet or exchange DHC i have in my inventory.

    It might be wise to remove points from starship batteries talent and max out your targeting systems skill if your worried about the lolACCmodifier

    Only a pve player could see a weapons than drains not only your weapon power but your ability to move at the same time

    Aaaaaand yes we know what your rommie sits at that sort of critical level everyone's does you noob

    Now stop giving pve a bad name and get off the forums nobody wants your opinions
    ----=====This is my opinion you don't have to listen and no one else has to read them these "OPINIONS" are based on my exploits and my learning other people will have their opinions and that's fine just don't knock my way of doing things thanks=====---- :cool:
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