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oh man :(

sardaxxsardaxx Member Posts: 26 Arc User
I just went to gold for the extra space and such.. and its been nothing but misery.

I had to reload the game 2x already to be able to log on..

now its back to where its just loading on the task menu and I can't get the screen to come up :(

Also, is there any purpose to that ARC bullcrap if you are only playing STO? why would I want to go through that and still have to put in my username and pw for STO?
Post edited by sardaxx on


  • sardaxxsardaxx Member Posts: 26 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Prefentry SystemSpecs.Aticrossfiregpucount 0

    Prefentry SystemSpecs.Audiodrivername

    Prefentry SystemSpecs.Audiodriveroutput

    Prefentry SystemSpecs.Audiodriverversion

    Prefentry SystemSpecs.Audiox64checkskipped 0

    Prefentry SystemSpecs.Computername XXXXXXXX
    Prefentry SystemSpecs.Cpucachesize 0

    Prefentry SystemSpecs.Cpuidentifier "x86 Family 15 Model 67 Stepping 2, AuthenticAMD"

    Prefentry SystemSpecs.Cpuspeed 2.01e+009

    Prefentry SystemSpecs.Diskfree 257898377216

    Prefentry SystemSpecs.Disktotal 319965622272

    Prefentry SystemSpecs.Fmodversion 0

    Prefentry SystemSpecs.Hassse 1

    Prefentry SystemSpecs.Hassse2 1

    Prefentry SystemSpecs.Hassse3 1

    Prefentry SystemSpecs.Hassse4 0

    Prefentry SystemSpecs.Isdx11enabled 1

    Prefentry SystemSpecs.Isdx9exenabled 0

    Prefentry SystemSpecs.Isrunningnortonav 0

    Prefentry SystemSpecs.Isunsupportedspecs 0

    Prefentry SystemSpecs.Isusingd3ddebug 0

    Prefentry SystemSpecs.Isvista 1

    Prefentry SystemSpecs.Iswine 0

    Prefentry SystemSpecs.Isx64 0

    Prefentry SystemSpecs.Material_Hardware_Supported_Features

    Prefentry SystemSpecs.Material_Supported_Features "SM20| SM20_PLUS| SM30| SM30_PLUS| SM30_HYPER"

    Prefentry SystemSpecs.Nummonitors 1

    Prefentry SystemSpecs.Numrealcpus 2

    Prefentry SystemSpecs.Numvirtualcpus 2

    Prefentry SystemSpecs.Nvidiasligpucount 0

    Prefentry SystemSpecs.Osver0_Lowversion 1

    Prefentry SystemSpecs.Osver1_Highversion 6

    Prefentry SystemSpecs.Osver2_Build 7601

    Prefentry SystemSpecs.Osver3_Servicepackmajor 1

    Prefentry SystemSpecs.Osver4_Servicepackminor 0

    Prefentry SystemSpecs.Osver5_Hostversion 6.1.7601.18015

    Prefentry SystemSpecs.Physicalmemoryavailable 1896751104

    Prefentry SystemSpecs.Physicalmemorymax 2952323072

    Prefentry SystemSpecs.Ramspeedgbs 1.23064

    Prefentry SystemSpecs.RenderingHacks REHA_NONE

    Prefentry SystemSpecs.Supporteddxversion 0

    Prefentry SystemSpecs.Svnbuildnumber 153271

    Prefentry SystemSpecs.Trivia

    Prefentry SystemSpecs.Videocarddeviceid 915

    Prefentry SystemSpecs.Videocardname "NVIDIA GeForce 7300 GT"

    Prefentry SystemSpecs.Videocardvendorid 4318

    Prefentry SystemSpecs.Videodriverstate 0

    Prefentry SystemSpecs.Videodriverversion

    Prefentry SystemSpecs.Videomemory 256

    Prefentry SystemSpecs.Virtualaddressspace 2147418134

    Prefentry SystemSpecs.Wineversion


    A Dll and cryptic error were created too.. I tried using notepad to look at the DLL.. I get mostly garbage.
  • sardaxxsardaxx Member Posts: 26 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    This was a separate issue yesterday:

    130815 19:40:45 38 [1] ESC : The patchclientlib is internally recording error code : 36\nA file was locked that could not be open for writing - Could not rename file that could not be overwritten (C:/Program Files/Perfect World Entertainment/Star Trek Online_en/Star Trek Online/Live/crypticError.exe)
    130815 19:40:45 40 [1] ESC : The patchclientlib is returning error code : 36\nA file was locked that could not be open for writing
    130815 19:49:04 15 [1] ESC : The patchclientlib is internally recording error code : 36\nA file was locked that could not be open for writing - Could not rename file that could not be overwritten (C:/Program Files/Perfect World Entertainment/Star Trek Online_en/Star Trek Online/Live/crypticError.exe)
    130815 19:49:04 17 [1] ESC : The patchclientlib is returning error code : 36\nA file was locked that could not be open for writing

    The patch just continued to loop after loading the game. I was at work 12 hours, came home and it was still running.

    I did not have any problems until just recently.
  • sardaxxsardaxx Member Posts: 26 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    MZ? ?? ? @ ? ? ?!?L?!This program cannot be run in DOS mode.

    $ %<J?a]$?a]$?a]$?m?J?Y]$?m?I?c]$?F?Y?l]$?a]%??]$?F?_?h]$?F?I?]$?F?^?`]$?F?J?Z]$?F?Z?O]$?F?X?`]$?F?\?`]$?Richa]$? PE L ?xF ? ! ? ? | ? ` gg @ ? c ?? d ? ? ? ?% ? T? ?y @ ? .text 3* ? `.data ?? ? H ? @ ?.rsrc ? ? ? @ @.reloc ?? ? ? ? @ B ?? ?? |? ? 2? ? "? ?? ? ? ?? ?? ?? ?? j? ^? >? P? ?? ?? ? ?? ?? ?? ~? `? J? 0? ? ? ?? ?? ? ? ?? ?? ?? x? ^? N? F? 8? (? ? ? ?? ? ? ?? ?? ?? ?? ^? N? V? b? p? ?? ?? ?? ?? ? ? ?? ?? ? ? ? (? @? N? \? j? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ? ?? ?? ? ? ,? <? t? b? B? 6? ,? $? ?
    ? ? ?? ?? ? ? ? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? v? j? \? R? J? :? 0? "? P? \? ?? n? z? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ? ? ?? ?? ? ? ? (? 0? <? F? ? ? ?? ?? ?? ? ? ? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? x? n? d? L? d? X? N? F? <? 2? (? ? ?
    ? ? ?? ?? ?? ? ?? ? ?A?A?AnG?I-K`O?R?SXWn?st:tKt\t ?w ?xF $ @z @n \ d i a e r r o r 0 x % x m? m? m?@ m?\ m?| m?? m?? m?? m??
    m? m?8 m?X
    m?? m?? m?? m?? m? m?P m?? m?? m?? m? m?< m?d O K i n v a l i d p a r a m e t e r s o u t o f m e m o r y d r i v e n o t r e a d y f i l e n o t f o u n d m i s m a t c h e d p d b E _ P D B _ P R E C O M P _ R E Q U I R E D E _ P D B _ O U T _ O F _ T I E _ P D B _ N O T _ I M P L E M E N T E D E _ P D B _ V 1 _ P D B f i l e s y s t e m o r n e t w o r k e r r o r r e a d i n g p d b E _ P D B _ L I M I T E _ P D B _ C O R R U P T E _ P D B _ T I 1 6 E _ P D B _ A C C E S S _ D E N I E D E _ P D B _ I L L E G A L _ T Y P E _ E D I T i n v a l i d e x e c u t a b l e i m a g e d b g f i l e n o t f o u n d p d b i s s t r i p p e d o f c v i n f o i m a g e h a s i n v a l i d t i m e s t a m p E _ P D B _ R E S E R V E D p d b h a s n o s y m b o l s p d b e r r o r 0 x % x srcsrv % s - % s
    % s % s % s % s \ % s % s % s % s % s % s \ % s . . . % s % s % s % s \ * % s m i s m a t c h e d p d b f o r % s
    C o u l d n ' t l o a d L o a d e d % s % s % s % s % s . p d b O M A P F R O M O M A P T O F P O P D A T A X D A T A % s % s
    . e x e r e d u n d a n t p d b c a l l !
    $ $ $ : : _ _ v f p t r t h u n k @ % I 6 4 x I P n o t s e t !
    ` s t r i n g ' B L O C K * F r a m e D a t a Reserved COR20 Header Delay Import Import Address Table Bound Import Load Configuration Thread Storage Special Description Debug Base Relocation Security Exception Import Export Posix CUI Windows CUI Windows GUI Native PowerPC Big-Endian 32-bit ARM 32-bit Intel IA64 Alpha AXP64 Alpha AXP i386 Unknown POGO Resource Linker Cobol Basic Pascal MASM Fortran C++ C DBG FILE MEMORY loaded memory debugger image header symbol server dbg file path image path symbol search path VIRTUAL DIA PDB SYM16 DEFERRED EXPORT PDB CV NONE CLSID RESERVED10 OMAP FROM SRCBORLAND OMAP TO SRC FIXUP EXCEPTION MISC FPO CODEVIEW COFF POWERPCBE X64 CEE TRICORE ALPHA64 MIPSFPU16 MIPSFPU MIPS16 IA64 THUMB AM33 ARM SH5 SH4 SH3E SH3DSP SH3 POWERPCFP POWERPC ALPHA WCEMIPSV2 R10000 R4000 R3000 I386 UNKNOWN No error - symbol load deferred Pdb read access denied Cvinfo is corrupt Unrecognized pdb format Image header paged out DBGHELP Out of memory Error in load symbols DBG not found PDB not found Unmatched PDB Symbols loaded successfully ? ? ? ? ? ? x
    d L ?, ? ? ? ? ? p ? ? ? ? ? t h ` X ? L @ 0 ( ? ? ? ? ? ? %s
    VC7 FPO - Disabled
    VC7 FPO - Enabled
    Force LOP frame unwind - %sabled
    LOP frame unwind - %sabled, symbol info %sabled, return search %sabled
    VC7 FPO - %sabled
    dis en Stack debugging mask is 0x%08x, output via %s
    callback debug output Stack debugging is off
    Unable to add force-ebp region %I64x:%x
    Added force-ebp region %I64x:%x
    No force-ebp region contains %I64x
    Removed force-ebp region containing %I64x
    Removed all force-ebp regions
    - symbol prompts on
    - symbol prompts off
    quiet mode noisy mode !sym <noisy/quiet - prompts/prompts off> - prompts prompts off quiet noisy !symsrv close - closes the symbol server client so it can be updated
    symbol server client has been closed
    close %08x %08x`%08x 0x%s 0x%s - base - end name
    base - end name
    %d loaded modules...
    Couldn't find process 0x%x
    Couldn't get process handle
    Load Report: %s
    %I64lx is not a valid address
    %s not found

    Couldn't find process 0x%x while looking for %s
    couldn't get process handle
    Loaded Module Info: [%s] You must specify a module
    Unknown image
    Cannot read Image Debug header @ %p
    Unknown NT Image signature
    Cannot read Image NT header @ %p
    Cannot read Image header @ %p
    Module does not have base address
    .pdb .dbg %8X-%4X-%4X-%2X%2X-%2X%2X%2X%2X%2X%2X age: %X
    pdb sig: %s
    pdb sig: %X
    pdb: %s
    dbg: %s
    SizeOfImage: %X
    Timestamp: %X
    - stripped

    MISMATCH: %s and %s

    MATCH: %s and %s

    MISMATCH: %s and %s
    MATCH: %s and %s

    Loaded pdb is %s
    against the loaded module.
    Otherwise, if a pdb or dbg symbol file path is specified, it is tested
    If a symbol file is not specified, then the loaded symbol is tested.
    The module can be specified by either its name or base address.
    %s tests the validity of a module against a symbol file.
    %s <module> [symbol]
    !IToldYouSo /? -? !chksym %I64x - %I64x
    error 0x%x looking for block
    Omap Block: [%s] 0x%I64x: %8x ->%8x

    OMAP TO:
    %8x <-%8x

    Dump OMAP: [%s] error 0x%x setting home directory to %s
    Home directory is %s
    Source Files: [%s]

    *** Some section headers may be missing ***

    Can't read section headers
    Cannot allocate memory for reading sections
    BBT Optimized NumSyms %#lx, Numlines %#lx [Data paged out] - unable to load COFF info. unrecognized symbol format ID Age: %lx, Pdb: %s GUID: {%8X-%4X-%4X-%2X%2X-%2X%2X%2X%2X%2X%2X}
    Sig: %lx, Age: %lx,%sPdb: %s [Debug data not mapped] - can't validate symbols, if present. %c%c%c%c - %s [Data not mapped] - Can't validate symbols, if present. [Debug data not mapped] %5lx, %5lx, %7lx %21s ?? Debug Data Dirs: Type Size VA Pointer
    Compiler: %s - front end [%d.%d bld %d] - back end [%d.%d bld %d]
    from %s. - %s Symbol Type: %-9s
    %s - Image read successfully from %s. Image Type: %-9s Debug Directories not present
    Characteristics: %lx %s %s
    stripped perf CheckSum: %lx
    Size: %x

    Time Stamp: %lx (%s) Machine Type: %d Image Name: %s
    Base Address: %p%s is INVALID
    Module: %s
    Invalid extra argument
    -s Dump section headers
    -f Dump file headers
    -a Dump everything
    Dumps headers from an image based at address
    Usage: dh [options] address
    Cannot allocate memory for dumping sections
    Bad file header
    No file header
    Can't read file header: error == %d
    %8lX [%8lX] address [size] of %s Directory
    %p size of stack reserve
    %p size of stack commit
    %p size of heap reserve
    %p size of heap commit
    %p image base
    %8lX section alignment
    %8lX file alignment
    %8hX subsystem (%s)
    %8s operating system version
    %8s image version
    %8s subsystem version
    %8lX size of image
    %8lX size of headers
    %8lX checksum
    %8lX base of bss
    %8lX gpr mask
    cpr mask
    %08lX %08lX %08lX %08lX
    %8hX gp value

    %8hX magic #
    %8s linker version
    %8lX size of code
    %8lX size of initialized data
    %8lX size of uninitialized data
    %8lX address of entry point
    %8lX base of code
    %u.%02u %s
    RESERVED - UNKNOWN DLL System Debug information stripped 32 bit word machine Bytes reversed App can handle >2gb addresses Symbols stripped Line numbers stripped Executable Relocations stripped %8lX file pointer to symbol table
    %8lX number of symbols
    %8hX size of optional header
    %8hX characteristics
    %8hX machine (%s)
    %8hX number of sections
    %8lX time date stamp
    File Type: UNKNOWN

    File Type: ROM IMAGE


    File Type: DLL

    File Type: COFF OBJECT
    Unknown Memory Flags Execute Read Write Read Write Execute Write Write Only Execute Read Read Only Execute Only 64 byte align 32 byte align 16 byte align 8 byte align 4 byte align 2 byte align 1 byte align (no align specified) Protected Preload Locked Purgeable or 16-Bit Sys Heap Far Data Shared Not Paged Not Cached Discardable Communal Remove Info Other Uninitialized Data Initialized Data Code No Pad %s
    Non-Relocatable overlay UCode Library Uninit Data GP Uninit Data GP Init Data Literal 4 Literal 8 Data Init Code Text Regular %8lX file pointer to line numbers
    %8hX number of relocations
    %8hX number of line numbers
    %8lX flags
    %8lX %s
    %8lX virtual address
    %8lX size of raw data
    %8lX file pointer to raw data
    %8lX file pointer to relocation table
    virtual size physical address
    %8.8s name Format: UNKNOWN - sig = 0x%x Format: RSDS, guid, %x, %s Format: NB10, %x, %x, %s Format: NB11 Format: NB09 Can't read debug data cb=%lx
    Image Name: %s Can't read debug data
    [Debug data not mapped]
    %8x %8x %8x (%6lu) pdata -> src fixup misc fpo cv coff Type Size Address Pointer

    Debug Directories(%d)
    Can't read debug dir
    .rdata $}$}??*?*????*P*?*@??? ?P???.pdata %s - %S
    not srcsrv s r v * S Y M S R V : P o i n t e r f i l e i s i n v a l i d
    S Y M S R V : C o m p r e s s e d f i l e n e e d s a d o w n s t r e a m s t o r e
    S Y M S R V : % s n e e d s a d o w n s t r e a m s t o r e
    S R V * S Y M S R V * D B G H E L P _ W I N H T T P D B G H E L P _ W I N I N E T D B G H E L P _ S E R V I C E _ N T _ S Y M B O L _ P R O X Y SymbolServerGetOptions SymbolServerIsStoreW SymbolServerStoreFileW SymbolServerGetIndexStringW SymbolServerStoreSupplementW SymbolServerGetSupplementW SymbolServerDeltaNameW SymbolServerPingW SymbolServerSetOptionsW SymbolServerClose SymbolServerW s y m s r v . d l l * \ \ s y m b o l s \ s y m b o l s \ \ s y m b o l s \ s y m b o l s s y m s r v * S y m S r v l o a d f a i l u r e : % s
    C a n ' t u s e s y m b o l s e r v e r f o r % s - n o h e a d e r i n f o r m a t i o n a v a i l a b l e
    SrcSrvEnumTokens SrcSrvSetParentWindow SrcSrvResolveTokenVarW SrcSrvExecTokenW SrcSrvGetTokenW SrcSrvGetFileW SrcSrvRegisterCallback SrcSrvUnloadModule SrcSrvLoadModuleW SrcSrvGetOptions SrcSrvSetOptions SrcSrvSetTargetPathW SrcSrvCleanup SrcSrvInitW s r c s r v . d l l E r r o r 0 x % x g r a b b i n g s o u r c e i n % s
    % s i s n o t s o u r c e i n d e x e d
    S o u r c e s e r v e r e r r o r - % s
    N e e d a n e w e r v e r s i o n o f s r c s r v . d l l
    E r r o r 0 x % x e n u m e r a t i n g s o u r c e t o k e n s i n % s
    NtfsFastIo % s a l r e a d y c a c h e d
    % s c a c h e d t o % s
    0 0 0 a d m i n c a c h e * s y m b o l s n e w s e s s i o n :
    n e w s e s s i o n : % s
    e r r o r 0 x % x o p e n i n g % s
    closing session:
    closing session: %s D B G H E L P _ D B G O U T D B G H E L P _ L O G D B G H E L P _ T O K E N % s D B G % d . t m p d b g SHGetSpecialFolderPathW s h e l l 3 2 . d l l s r c s y m D B G H E L P _ H O M E D I R n t d l l ?u?v?v?w0x`x?x?z$}$}$}?z?z{{0{S y m b o l S e a r c h P a t h : % s
    _ N T _ A L T _ S Y M B O L _ P A T H : % s
    ; _ N T _ S Y M B O L _ P A T H : % s
    _ N T _ A L T _ S Y M B O L _ P A T H _ N T _ S Y M B O L _ P A T H % s - O K
    % s - m i s m a t c h e d
    % s - m i s m a t c h e d t i m e s t a m p O K
    % s - m i s m a t c h e d t i m e s t a m p
    % s n o t f o u n d i n % s
    % s f o u n d
    % _ N T _ S Y M B O L _ P A T H % ; % _ N T _ A L T E R N A T E _ S Y M B O L _ P A T H % % s - O K % s % s % s . d b g . d b g * . * % s - d r i v e n o t r e a d y
    S y m b o l l o a d i n g c a n c e l l e d
    N o b a s e a d d r e s s f o r % s : P l e a s e s p e c i f y
    % s i s a l r e a d y l o a d e d a t % I 6 4 x
    GetModuleInformation GetModuleFileNameExW EnumProcessModules p s a p i . d l l N o h e a d e r f o r % s . S e a r c h i n g f o r i m a g e o n d i s k
    % s m i s s i n g d e b u g i n f o . S e a r c h i n g f o r p d b a n y w a y
    N o d e b u g i n f o f o r % s . S e a r c h i n g f o r d b g f i l e
    N o h e a d e r f o r % s . S e a r c h i n g f o r d b g f i l e
    % s i s s t r i p p e d . S e a r c h i n g f o r d b g f i l e
    Searching for symbols using debugger-provided data.
    Module is not fully loaded into memory.
    NtfsFastIoCheckIfPossibl ?F P r o c e s s RtlEqualUnicodeString NtQueryObject NtQueryInformationProcess ntdll.dll CreateToolhelp32Snapshot Module32First Module32Next kernel32.dll RtlDestroyQueryDebugBuffer RtlCreateQueryDebugBuffer RtlQueryProcessDebugInformation Creating FPO for %08x from DIA
    DBGHELP: D B G H E L P : - u n m a t c h e d s y m b o l e r r o r v i r t u a l s y m b o l m o d u l e s y m b o l l o a d e d f r o m s y m f i l e s y m b o l l o a d d e f e r r e d n o t l o a d e d e x p o r t s y m b o l s , n o t s o u r c e i n d e x e d , s o u r c e i n d e x e d p u b l i c s y m b o l s % s p r i v a t e s y m b o l s % s & l i n e s - % s c v s y m b o l s n o t l o a d e d c v s y m b o l s % s c o f f s y m b o l s n o t l o a d e d c o f f s y m b o l s % s & l i n e s n o s y m b o l s l o a d e d i m a g e \\ [_:][_:] [ _ : ] [ _ : ] M O D : % s
    Ordinal c v C r e a t e S y m b o l T a b l e f a i l e d
    u n r e c o g n i z e d O M F s i g : % x % c % c % c % c
    :: . m p d , S O F T W A R E \ M i c r o s o f t \ W i n d o w s N T \ C u r r e n t V e r s i o n \ H o t f i x C R A S H : H o t f i x e s n o n e C R A S H : O S S P % u D R W : b u i l d % l s 7 . 0 D R W : O S v e r s i o n % s % s % s % s a c c e s s i s d e n i e d p a t h n o t f o u n d XY Z[ \ ] ^ _ `abc

    defg hi j

    lm nopq
    r stuvwx yz{|}~?

    ? ?? ?? 0 0 0 0

    00000 0 !"#$%&'()*+,-./0 12 34567

    :;<= > B L MN R S TU V W 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 2 2 2 2 28 29 2 2 ?@A 0 0 0 K CDEFGHIJ O PQ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 d ?N ?N O O Q (Q O 8Q LQ `Q tQ ?Q S S (S ?Q 0S 8S @S HS PS dS lS |S ?S ?S ?S ?S ?S ?S ?S ?S ?S ?S ?S ?S ?S ?S ?S ?S ?S T T T T $T ,T 4T <T DT LT TT \T dT tT ?T ?T ?T ?T ?T ?T ?T ?T ?T ?T ?T U <U DU LU TU \U dU lU tU 4U $U |U ?U ?U ?U ?U ?U ?U ?U ?U V V V V V V V $V (V ,V 0V 4V 8V <V @V PV `V dV tV ?V ?V ?V ?V ?V ?V ?V ?V ?V ?V ?V ?V W W $W (W ,W <W LW \W lW |W ?W ?W ?W ?W @X PX `X pX ?X ?X ?X ?X ?X ?X ?X ?X ?X Invalid SWD_DECODE.SegSize %d
    partial copy analysis failed invalid unwind context overcomplex analysis unanalyzeable instruction invalid instruction alt success unknown alt success known success ! Unknown call analysis
    ! Stack unknown ind target
    ! Unknown add al, 0
    ! Unknown leave plus ebp update
    ! Unknown mov ebp
    ! Unknown mov esp
    ! Unknown double ebp update
    ! Stack unknown lea esp
    ! Unknown lea ebp
    ! Unknown size override
    processed a user callback, args %u
    processed an exception dispatch, ret %x
    stack %x, guessing unk indirect call
    stack %x, guessing indirect call
    stack %x, guessing direct call
    stack %x, guessing likely unk indirect call
    stack %x, guessing likely indirect call
    stack %x, guessing likely direct call
    unk indirect call %x
    stack %x, found indirect call %x to %x
    indirect call %x: %s
    stack %x, found direct call %x to %x
    direct call %x: %s
    %x: potential call ret-addr %x, scan %x:%x
    call search %x to %x for call to %x
    accum frame: ebp %d, eip %d, esp %d, frame %d, unk %d, fp %d, uebp %d
    accum failed, %s
    %s SDB: WriteAtOffset.Write(0x%x) failed, 0x%08x WriteAtOffset.Seek(0x%x) failed, 0x%08x WriteMemoryFromProcess.Read(0x%I64x, 0x%x) failed, 0x%08x WriteStringToPool.Write(0x%x) failed, 0x%08x WriteFunctionTable.RawEntries.Write(0x%x) failed, 0x%08x WriteFunctionTable.RawTable.Write(0x%x) failed, 0x%08x WriteFunctionTableList.DumpTable.Write(0x%x) failed, 0x%08x WriteFunctionTableList.Seek(0x%x) failed, 0x%08x WriteDirectoryEntry.Write(0x%x) failed, 0x%08x Thread(0x%x) callback returned FALSE Module(0x%I64x, %ws) callback returned FALSE WriteSystemInfo.GetOsCsdString failed, 0x%08x WriteSystemInfo.GetCpuInfo failed, 0x%08x CalculateSizeForSystemInfo.GetOsCsdString failed, 0x%08x Full memory minidump produced memory blocks WriteHeader.GetCurrentTimeDate failed, 0x%08x WriteDirectoryTable.Seek(0x%x) failed, 0x%08x WriteMemoryInfo.Write(0x%x) failed, 0x%08x Memory info stream overflowed WriteMemoryInfo.QueryVirtual(0x%I64x) failed, 0x%08x Memory info stream RVA overflowed WriteFullMemory virtual memory layout changed, retries %d, 0x%I64x (0x%I64x:0x%I64x) vs. 0x%I64x (0x%I64x:0x%I64x) WriteFullMemory.Memory.Write(0x%x) failed, 0x%08x WriteFullMemory.Memory.Read(0x%I64x, 0x%x) failed, retries %d, 0x%08x WriteFullMemory.QueryVirtual(0x%I64x) for data failed, 0x%08x WriteFullMemory.Desc.Write(0x%x) failed, 0x%08x Full memory stream overflowed WriteFullMemory.QueryVirtual(0x%I64x) for info failed, 0x%08x Full memory stream RVA overflowed Kernel minidump write failed, 0x%08x MarshalExceptionPointers.CxRecord.Read(0x%I64x, 0x%x) failed, 0x%08x MarshalExceptionPointers.ExRecord.Read(0x%I64x, 0x%x) failed, 0x%08x Invalid exception record parameter count (0x%x) Invalid context size (0x%x) Invalid exception record size (0x%x) Invalid CPU type (0x%x) Invalid instruction window size (0x%x) Invalid function table entry size (0x%x) Invalid function table size (0x%x) Invalid page size (0x%x) Invalid pointer size (0x%x) GetSystemType.GetOsInfo failed, 0x%08x A R M A M D 6 4 I A 6 4 x 8 6 GetSystemType.GetCpuType failed, 0x%08x Write.Start failed, 0x%08x Dump type requires streaming but output provider does not support streaming Invalid dump type 0x%x MiniDumpWriteDump MiniDumpReadDumpStream Alloc(0x%x) failed Thread(0x%x) will not be included Module(0x%I64x) will not be included Dump generation cancelled by CancelCallback dbghelp!CancelCallbackRoutine(%c,%c,%c) dbghelp!GenCheckCancel(0x%p,0x%08X,0x%08X,%c,0x%p) Memory read failure at %I64x:%x ignored by callback
    GenGetImageSections.Section.Read(0x%I64x, 0x%x) failed, 0x%08x GenGetImageSections.GenImageNtHeader(0x%I64x) failed GenGetImageSections.Read(0x%I64x, 0x%x) failed, 0x%08x ??$}GenAllocateThreadObject.GetTebInfo(0x%x) failed, 0x%08x GenAllocateThreadObject.GetContext(0x%x) failed, 0x%08x GenAllocateThreadObject.Open(0x%x) failed, 0x%08x GenReadTlsDirectory(0x%I64x, %ws) size overflow GenReadTlsDirectory.Index(0x%I64x, %ws) failed, 0x%08x GenReadTlsDirectory(0x%I64x, %ws) unknown machine 0x%x GenReadTlsDirectory.Read(0x%I64x, %ws) failed, 0x%08x GenAllocateModuleObject.GenDebugRecord(0x%I64x, %ws) failed, 0x%08x GenAllocateModuleObject.GenImageNtHeader(0x%I64x, %ws) failed, 0x%08x GenAllocateModuleObject.GetImageHeaderInfo(0x%I64x, %ws) failed, 0x%08x GenAllocateModuleObject.GetVersion(0x%I64x, %ws) failed, 0x%08x GenAllocateProcessObject.GetPeb(0x%x) failed, 0x%08x GenIncludeUnwindInfoMemory.Enum(0x%I64x, 0x%x) failed, 0x%08x GenAddMemoryBlock total size overflow GenGenTebMemory.TLS(0x%I64x) failed, 0x%08x GenScanAddressSpace.QueryVirtual(0x%I64x) failed, 0x%08x dbghelp!GenInvokeAuxEnumMemory(0x%p) being cancelled. *? ???*?????`? ?@?`???*?0?P?*? ???0?dbghelp!EnumMemoryRegionCallback(0x%p,0x%08X). GenGetAuxMemory(%ws) failed, 0x%08x GenGetProcessInfo.EnumUnloadedModules(0x%x) failed, 0x%08x GenGetProcessInfo.EnumUnloadedModules(0x%x) looped GenGetProcessInfo.EnumFunctionTableEntries(0x%I64x, 0x%x) failed, 0x%08x GenGetProcessInfo.EnumFunctionTables(0x%x) failed, 0x%08x GenGetProcessInfo.EnumFunctionTables(0x%x) looped GenGetProcessInfo.EnumModules(0x%x) failed, 0x%08x GenGetProcessInfo.EnumModules(0x%x) looped GenGetProcessInfo.EnumThreads(0x%x) failed, 0x%08x GenGetProcessInfo.EnumThreads(0x%x) looped GenGetProcessInfo.Start(0x%x) failed, 0x%08x GenWriteHandleData.Desc.Write(0x%x) failed, 0x%08x GenWriteHandleData.Header.Write(0x%x) failed, 0x%08x GenWriteHandleData.Info.Write(0x%I64x) failed, 0x%08x

  • xsharpexxsharpex Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    try running the installation/update/launcher as an administrator. the file lockouts are probably due to window's inherent UAC. if that's not the case, then go into the installation folder and make sure that the files are not checked read only (right click, properties) -- for the most part, arc is not needed at all. I actually prefer a clean installation.

    p.s. edit your computer name. at least omit that part. it's definitely not needed.
  • xsharpexxsharpex Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    and upon further review, clean installations are no longer available. sorry, but you're stuck with arc. if you use steam for any other games, you can use that to download and install a copy of STO.
  • sardaxxsardaxx Member Posts: 26 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    xsharpex wrote: »
    and upon further review, clean installations are no longer available. sorry, but you're stuck with arc. if you use steam for any other games, you can use that to download and install a copy of STO.

    Thanks for the replies. Arc does not do anything for me, it says much about cryptic to have it forced down our throat. So does the lack of a telephone support number. I am having second thoughts about my recent investment :(
  • sardaxxsardaxx Member Posts: 26 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    I went into the game folder star trek online > live > and clicked on the game client file.. it went full screen and asked me for my password but times out trying to connect to the network. My internet is connected.

    Lag in some places, particularly Romulus and the Academy, seems to be worse lately too :(
  • sardaxxsardaxx Member Posts: 26 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    sardaxx wrote: »
    Thanks for the replies. Arc does not do anything for me, it says much about cryptic to have it forced down our throat. So does the lack of a telephone support number. I am having second thoughts about my recent investment :(

    I saw where you could uninstall ARC. I did that but it did not help with this issue.

    The machine has been asking if its ok to have cryptic making changes to my hard drive over the last couple days... I have admin rights on the account I use.

    I would re-load the game, but if this is only going to happen again I don't see the point.
  • grouchyotakugrouchyotaku Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    sardaxx wrote: »
    I went into the game folder star trek online > live > and clicked on the game client file.. it went full screen and asked me for my password but times out trying to connect to the network. My internet is connected.

    Lag in some places, particularly Romulus and the Academy, seems to be worse lately too :(

    Your ISP may be having issues maintaining a quality connection to the STO servers. (And this is a known and ongoing issue with Verizon networks...)

    Use the 'Trace Route' and 'Net Test' diagnostics described in this thread... http://sto-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?t=225155

    ... and post the results here, as that could tell is if your issues are actually being caused by your ISP (or not...)
  • sardaxxsardaxx Member Posts: 26 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Your ISP may be having issues maintaining a quality connection to the STO servers. (And this is a known and ongoing issue with Verizon networks...)

    Use the 'Trace Route' and 'Net Test' diagnostics described in this thread... http://sto-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?t=225155

    ... and post the results here, as that could tell is if your issues are actually being caused by your ISP (or not...)

    I do have Verizon DSL. But I've been using it and have not experienced these problems until recently?

    Microsoft Windows [Version 6.1.7601]
    Copyright (c) 2009 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

    C:\Users\William Coyne>tracert patchserver.crypticstudios.com

    Tracing route to patchserver.crypticstudios.com []
    over a maximum of 30 hops:

    1 <1 ms <1 ms <1 ms
    2 1 ms 1 ms 1 ms dslrouter []
    3 32 ms 33 ms 32 ms
    4 36 ms 36 ms 35 ms G0-6-0-3.WASHDC-LCR-21.verizon-gni.net [130.81.1
    5 34 ms 33 ms 34 ms ae4-0.RES-BB-RTR1.verizon-gni.net [
    6 45 ms 45 ms 46 ms 0.ge-4-0-0.XL3.BOS4.ALTER.NET []
    7 52 ms 46 ms 46 ms 0.xe-8-3-0.GW15.BOS4.ALTER.NET []
    8 48 ms 47 ms 48 ms internap-gw.customer.alter.net []

    9 49 ms 60 ms 49 ms border11.te8-1-bbnet2.bsn.pnap.net [
    10 50 ms 53 ms 54 ms perfectworldent-4.border11.bsn.pnap.net [216.52.
    11 119 ms 116 ms 117 ms

    Trace complete.
  • sardaxxsardaxx Member Posts: 26 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Your ISP may be having issues maintaining a quality connection to the STO servers. (And this is a known and ongoing issue with Verizon networks...)

    Use the 'Trace Route' and 'Net Test' diagnostics described in this thread... http://sto-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?t=225155

    ... and post the results here, as that could tell is if your issues are actually being caused by your ISP (or not...)

    also, if its my internet connection why is it reinstalling the game appears to provide an immediate temporary fix?
  • sardaxxsardaxx Member Posts: 26 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    This makes no sense to me at all, but I am back online (no thanks to cryptic or arc).

    Many thanks to those that tried to help me and lharrs. This solved the window not opening AND allowed me to log on as well. (Arc has been removed from my machine).

    It did not work exactly as he said. Instead of using the arrow keys to move the window.. the window was stuck to my mouse cursor after holding down shift and hitting move.

    I moved it, expanded it, and logged on.

    Originally Posted by lharrs View Post
    Hello all,

    This is my first post in the forum (that I can remember) so I hope it is helpful.

    Before I go further, thanks to rossgr for giving me a jumping off point to search for the solution.

    I believe this problem is similar to many on this thread, using steam or the regular game shortcut to open the launcher results in having the taskbar icon for STO displaying an open login screen for the launcher. The problem is the launcher isn't being displayed on the desktop so we can all login.

    In my case it is a migrated window. The launcher window was offscreen in the upper left corner.

    STEPS TO FIX (migrated window for windows 7)
    1. With the STO running and displaying the icon in the taskbar tray.

    2. While holding down shift, right click the icon ( I used the left shift button for SHIFT+RightClick).

    3. Select Move from the listed options.

    4. Use keyboard arrow keys to move the window back on screen (In my case, pressed DownArrow key about 5-10 times then pressed RightArrow Key about 30 times to get the window back on screen).

    The launcher window will now be on the desktop ready for interaction.

    - I have closed and reloaded the launcher from steam and it now loads to the main screen on desktop.

    - the link where I got my instructions:

    I hope this is of help to those still in a bind.
  • grouchyotakugrouchyotaku Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    sardaxx wrote: »
    I do have Verizon DSL. But I've been using it and have not experienced these problems until recently?

    This Blog written by another STO user does a good job explaining the issue with Verizon...

  • sardaxxsardaxx Member Posts: 26 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    This Blog written by another STO user does a good job explaining the issue with Verizon...


    imho they are not only greedy, but use illegal tactics to make money.

    I had wrongful charges on my account. When I confronted them about it they claimed they could only go back so far to credit me and the companies that were charging were all reliable yada yada. I could take it up w/ them yada yada. As I called around these companies I discovered they were simply 3rd party billing which was all apart of the same mother company and had no proof, or idea, why I'd been charged. Even after I went online and discovered the mother company had been sued several times successfully Verizon representatives insisted they were legit and a good customer. Forget the name of the company unfortunately, but approx. a year to two later there was a class action lawsuit I was able to collect payment from them due to their relations with this legit company. Too bad class actions don't allow for damages. They knew they were robbing us.

    I need some service work done in my house (that will be under their contract) as soon as I get around to doing that I'm ditching them. I am a terrible procrastinator.
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