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3rd No BS Tournament (Classic Edition) - >>> Rules and Teams <<<



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    pulserazorpulserazor Member Posts: 590 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    yes, a very nice video, though I cant help point out that you have promoted the 'no bs tournament' (sic) by displaying several ship perspectives showcasing skilltrays filled with many of the 'BS' (sic) skills aformentioned in the 'No BS Tournament' (sic) rules.


    During a recent match against an Inner Circle premade featuring a 5 person squad of Warp Plasma users one of my fleet mates asked casually if they had considered adding Eject Warp Plasma and its variant specular cloud sources from the 'No BS Tournament' (sic) rules. The idea was emphatically shot down in zone chat, and it was submitted that it was 'our own fault' that the warp plasma was invisible because either: 'our computers were not good enough' - or 'we werent smart enough to change our settings appropriately'.

    Setting aside for a moment the characteristically unsportsmanlike comment from our antisocial oponent, I should point out that no mention of the 'invisibility' of said Warp Plasma was submitted from our camp. - Our quarry knew full well that Warp Plasma Clouds did not render well on many machines. In my opinion, thats cashing in on some BS right there. Sad Pandas pulled that same BS in the first 'NO BS' (sic) tournament.

    Myself, I run a computer capable of running multiple copies of STO, and GW, and any other applications, until I am bottlenecked by my ISP. - I can play these sandboxed titles at the same time on ultra with no system lag, a fleetmate has a computer that puts mine to shame, and could quite likely launch a rocket into space with it. - We have both tried every setting imaginable to try to make clouds render, from minimal settings and on.

    PRAY TELL - What exactly will I have to do to make the inevitable Innner Circle Warp TRIBBLE Cloud Spam visible on my machine, since it is 'my own fault' because I am 'too stupid' to have the right settings.

    And - To those lamenting the 1 shot Cloak killers - Just try and pull that trick on me, or any other seasoned bop pilot who read the whole book on the technique and ear marked every page - At best you will get a kill. But I promise it will be a 1:1. (/bind x target Cloaknoob$$Tractor Beam etc etc) - Ask around. I dont fall for that trick. Adapt to LOR already.
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    timejumperstimejumpers Member Posts: 120 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Please change the name of this tournament it makes me want to throw up every tome I see it. The sooner this community realizes that no one console on one ship is op .The sooner we can focus on yhe real problem wich is multiple ships spamming the same console or boff ability.So if younban 10 things then the team will pick the 11th op ability or console and spam that wich lately has been ewp watch the no bs videos you will see. So now you ban that. Then they pick the 12th see where this is going.banning consoles doesnt stop the team with 3 sci from subnuking you 3 times in s row witch is what really killed you.But all you see is some console or ability graphic on your screen and you say oh grav pulse again dam ams inversion sucks. Wich is bs it was the double bo or the double snb with 3 sensor scans that killed you.so keep banning things like useless consoles that the self proclaimed best pvpers don't use and look at what they do use and still beat you with all your cheese consoles and you will see what is really op the stacking of multiple abilities like snb bo3 sensor scan etc. And lets not forget the true cheese pixel recognition. So good luck with the tourney but don't false advertise.
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    shearstressshearstress Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Thanks everyone for the support and hopefully everyone competing will have a fun time!
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    shearstressshearstress Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    pulserazor wrote: »
    yes, a very nice video, though I cant help point out that you have promoted the 'no bs tournament' (sic) by displaying several ship perspectives showcasing skilltrays filled with many of the 'BS' (sic) skills aformentioned in the 'No BS Tournament' (sic) rules.


    During a recent match against an Inner Circle premade featuring a 5 person squad of Warp Plasma users one of my fleet mates asked casually if they had considered adding Eject Warp Plasma and its variant specular cloud sources from the 'No BS Tournament' (sic) rules. The idea was emphatically shot down in zone chat, and it was submitted that it was 'our own fault' that the warp plasma was invisible because either: 'our computers were not good enough' - or 'we werent smart enough to change our settings appropriately'.

    Setting aside for a moment the characteristically unsportsmanlike comment from our antisocial oponent, I should point out that no mention of the 'invisibility' of said Warp Plasma was submitted from our camp. - Our quarry knew full well that Warp Plasma Clouds did not render well on many machines. In my opinion, thats cashing in on some BS right there. Sad Pandas pulled that same BS in the first 'NO BS' (sic) tournament.

    Myself, I run a computer capable of running multiple copies of STO, and GW, and any other applications, until I am bottlenecked by my ISP. - I can play these sandboxed titles at the same time on ultra with no system lag, a fleetmate has a computer that puts mine to shame, and could quite likely launch a rocket into space with it. - We have both tried every setting imaginable to try to make clouds render, from minimal settings and on.

    PRAY TELL - What exactly will I have to do to make the inevitable Innner Circle Warp TRIBBLE Cloud Spam visible on my machine, since it is 'my own fault' because I am 'too stupid' to have the right settings.

    And - To those lamenting the 1 shot Cloak killers - Just try and pull that trick on me, or any other seasoned bop pilot who read the whole book on the technique and ear marked every page - At best you will get a kill. But I promise it will be a 1:1. (/bind x target Cloaknoob$$Tractor Beam etc etc) - Ask around. I dont fall for that trick. Adapt to LOR already.

    You are correct in your critique on the footage selection, I will try to be more careful next time to selecting footage that adheres to the rules of the tournament. The criteria used in selecting footage for this tournament was clarity and quality of the recording I will include your suggestion to select video that is strict to the rules for future promos!
    As for political or pre-made set up suggestions, I have no say on that, I try to stay out of politics and just enjoy the game as long as it lasts ^^. Thanks for the suggestion and please keep them coming, I enjoy critiques of my videos (as long as they are constructive) so that I can make them better on the next one!
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    masterkeychnk5masterkeychnk5 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    pulserazor wrote: »
    yes, a very nice video, though I cant help point out that you have promoted the 'no bs tournament' (sic) by displaying several ship perspectives showcasing skilltrays filled with many of the 'BS' (sic) skills aformentioned in the 'No BS Tournament' (sic) rules.


    During a recent match against an Inner Circle premade featuring a 5 person squad of Warp Plasma users one of my fleet mates asked casually if they had considered adding Eject Warp Plasma and its variant specular cloud sources from the 'No BS Tournament' (sic) rules. The idea was emphatically shot down in zone chat, and it was submitted that it was 'our own fault' that the warp plasma was invisible because either: 'our computers were not good enough' - or 'we werent smart enough to change our settings appropriately'.

    Setting aside for a moment the characteristically unsportsmanlike comment from our antisocial oponent, I should point out that no mention of the 'invisibility' of said Warp Plasma was submitted from our camp. - Our quarry knew full well that Warp Plasma Clouds did not render well on many machines. In my opinion, thats cashing in on some BS right there. Sad Pandas pulled that same BS in the first 'NO BS' (sic) tournament.

    Myself, I run a computer capable of running multiple copies of STO, and GW, and any other applications, until I am bottlenecked by my ISP. - I can play these sandboxed titles at the same time on ultra with no system lag, a fleetmate has a computer that puts mine to shame, and could quite likely launch a rocket into space with it. - We have both tried every setting imaginable to try to make clouds render, from minimal settings and on.

    PRAY TELL - What exactly will I have to do to make the inevitable Innner Circle Warp TRIBBLE Cloud Spam visible on my machine, since it is 'my own fault' because I am 'too stupid' to have the right settings.

    And - To those lamenting the 1 shot Cloak killers - Just try and pull that trick on me, or any other seasoned bop pilot who read the whole book on the technique and ear marked every page - At best you will get a kill. But I promise it will be a 1:1. (/bind x target Cloaknoob$$Tractor Beam etc etc) - Ask around. I dont fall for that trick. Adapt to LOR already.

    You did? haha.
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] I am not Snakie, MT is!
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    ussultimatumussultimatum Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    pulserazor wrote: »
    In my opinion, thats cashing in on some BS right there. Sad Pandas pulled that same BS in the first 'NO BS' (sic) tournament.

    Hey Pulse,

    Just to clear something up...

    1) The first no BS tournament "Panda" team was a team of mostly newer pandas - including me (and a couple of old school guys who were kind enough to take some lumps while the newer guys participated in their first tourney). ;)

    2) We didn't spam EWP, I swapped to it when we faced pet heavy teams. EWP actually interfered with that particular build's optimal layout.

    3) The panda team in the second tourney might have used it.

    I understand where your coming from, but EWP/Theta are problematic in two ways.

    1) The aforementioned graphics issue.

    2) If the other team brings tons of EWP. The only way to deal with it is to out EWP them. My team got thoroughly drowned in Theta by the IC team we lost to in the first no BS tournament, so my recommendation to the guys going into the second tourney was to be prepared to deal with that.

    I'm on the fence with EWP, on the one hand it does have a serious issue with not displaying properly.

    On the other it's one of the few ways to battle the other teams EWP, to set up zone control, and to deal with swarms of pets - it eats up at least 1Ltc Eng slot.

    Theta on the other hand, I'm happy to see banned.

    Just my two cents. ;)
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    aquitaine985aquitaine985 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    1) The first no BS tournament "Panda" team was a team of mostly newer pandas - including me (and a couple of old school guys who were kind enough to take some lumps while the newer guys participated in their first tourney). ;)

    Hah! We had Fader on our team. He needed a long lie down in a dark room by the end of the day.
    Lag Industries STO PvP Fleet - Executive
    A Sad Panda of Industrial calibre.
    2010: This is Cryptic PvP. Please hold the line, your call is very important to us...
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    naz4naz4 Member Posts: 1,373 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Actually, for the first No BS, the "recognised" Pandas were thrown in to help other teams to demonstrate that the rules weren't rigged to favour one play style over the other.

    I personally took a lot of stick for taking that decision in my fleet, but it was for the best.
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    antoniosalieriantoniosalieri Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    I have to ask the obvious question though... who cares if EWP is visable or not. Stop being so darn serious guys. lol

    Honestly its time for us to say in these tournys TRIBBLE it just go for it ... no rules go to town. If you want to be the team known for running 5 Grave pulses ... or 5 EWP ships go for it.

    As far as EWP goes.... I am going to post a fix for it in a new thread. :) lol
    Dignity and an empty sack is worth the sack.
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    skurfskurf Member Posts: 1,071 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Is there going to be a channel set up for everyone to meet up in? Also, who do we report our results to?
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    skurfskurf Member Posts: 1,071 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    skurf wrote: »
    Is there going to be a channel set up for everyone to meet up in? Also, who do we report our results to?

    Hello? Also, when are groups going to be posted?
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    antoniosalieriantoniosalieri Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    A channel ? For what you guys can do it in OrganizedPvP can't you ? ;)

    Couldn't help it... have fun guys I don't like the rules you set but I hope it all goes well anyway have a good time.
    Dignity and an empty sack is worth the sack.
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    s7ikes7ike Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    I would imagine the main reason behind no cloaking ships is to prevent a 5man Romulan/Klingon/Defiant team to kill one enemy run off and cloak* for the rest of the match.
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    naz4naz4 Member Posts: 1,373 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Bit sad when host changes rules mid way through the tournament and bans a fleet because someone spits his dummy out...
    None of your rules were broken at any point in the tournament by the said fleet so please do explain the logic.

    Please don't use the term i coined up next time. It didn't somehow "fit" in with this tournament.

    Also using the justification of "because your normal fleet mates weren't playing, so you are banned" is just plain and simple BS.
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    aquitaine985aquitaine985 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Yes, sadly our fleet was banned from the 3th BS Tournament despite not breaking ANY rules!

    That's quite impressive in itself.

    TRH, were too scared to fight a team of Lag Ind players who'd lost both it's previous matches and thus had us ejected from the whole affair instead of fighting us.

    But worry not, PVP Community, the next tourney will not alienate fleets by their ability.
    Lag Industries STO PvP Fleet - Executive
    A Sad Panda of Industrial calibre.
    2010: This is Cryptic PvP. Please hold the line, your call is very important to us...
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    antoniosalieriantoniosalieri Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    I want to post something witty and funny... but the humor escapes me.

    You folks all need to dump your ideas of fleets... perhaps its time we all say TRIBBLE this self serving fleet made junk. 90% of you suck anyway. ;) lol

    Its time to admit to yourselves that you are not your fleet.... nor your khakis.

    Join us In the Tyler Durden channel... pvp cause you want to and enjoy the darn game again.

    I'll be most likely putting a lethal lotto together next weekend.... its time we just stop with these fail tourny ideas... and just punch each other as often as we can and have a good time.
    Dignity and an empty sack is worth the sack.
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    hurleybirdhurleybird Member Posts: 909
    edited August 2013
    Wait, what exactly just happened? If it's what it sounds like, some of you guys should be really ****ing ashamed of yourselves.
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    playhard88playhard88 Member Posts: 733 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Sad that Lag Inds got kicked, nevertheless i'm having a blast with the tournament, all the matches where really good. Looking foward to tomorrow
    I want to post something witty and funny... but the humor escapes me.

    You folks all need to dump your ideas of fleets... perhaps its time we all say TRIBBLE this self serving fleet made junk. 90% of you suck anyway. ;) lol

    Its time to admit to yourselves that you are not your fleet.... nor your khakis.

    nobody will join to your channel ok? keep pugging, left the real pvp to us
    John Sheridan@playhard88 - FED Tactical
    Vin Naftero@playhard88 - FED Sciencie
    K'tan@playhard88 - KDF Tactical
    Argento@playhard88 - RRF Tactical (FED)
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    spherbspherb Member Posts: 53 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    The Panda's may be Sad, but TRH/Inner Circle is Pathetic, proved by the mockery they made of PVP by throwing a NO BS tournament filled with BS.....a Fleet not allowed to participate but they wont come out and say it, pathetic rules, and then to top it off to kick a fleet out for breaking no stated rules......Pathetic indeed.
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    s7ikes7ike Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    spherb wrote: »
    The Panda's may be Sad, but TRH/Inner Circle is Pathetic, proved by the mockery they made of PVP by throwing a NO BS tournament filled with BS.....a Fleet not allowed to participate but they wont come out and say it, pathetic rules, and then to top it off to kick a fleet out for breaking no stated rules......Pathetic indeed.

    Hmm...don't recall this being a TRH tourney. Hell we weren't even notified of this tourney till almost a week or two ago lol. But a grown man/woman whining in a public forum shows the true face of an individual. Please keep your thoughts to yourself or in private messages.
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    s7ikes7ike Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Yes, sadly our fleet was banned from the 3th BS Tournament despite not breaking ANY rules!

    That's quite impressive in itself.

    TRH, were too scared to fight a team of Lag Ind players who'd lost both it's previous matches and thus had us ejected from the whole affair instead of fighting us.

    But worry not, PVP Community, the next tourney will not alienate fleets by their ability.

    And again...stop whining on the forums. You and the parties involved knew they were circumventing the rules. I think people were more pissed becuase of the audacity to try to get around the rules more than anything. This is typical of the above the law mentality these individuals have.
    That is all i have to say.
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    ussultimatumussultimatum Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    s7ike wrote: »
    And again...stop whining on the forums. You and the parties involved knew they were circumventing the rules. I think people were more pissed becuase of the audacity to try to get around the rules more than anything.
    That is all i have to say.

    Really, which rule would that be?

    I mean I know it's hard to read the entire thing seeing all the extra rules and what not - but which rule here says that players can't be in multiple fleets?

    Here, I've copied it for you for your convenience.

    Dear PvP commununity,

    For the first time after the LoR update and due to the success of the 2 previous tournaments Inner Circle has decided to organize another tournament!

    Special Thanks goes to to the teams who participated in the last No BS tournament and especially to @ilhansk who took it upon himself to organize it. Nice job !!

    Due to many changes, new equipment and the new romulan race as a playable faction we had the idea to bring up a new set of rules that might be interesting and perhaps remind of the old times of PvP before
    Season 7.
    All playable factions (Klingons, FEDs and Romulans) can take part on it.

    The following rules with additional explanation are listed below:

    1. No clickable universal consoles:
    No clickable abilities granted by universal consoles are allowed to be used. This includes consoles from the exchange, lobi store, C-Store and from lockbox ships. You may equip the consoles (for possible passive boosts), but executing a clickable ability granted by a universal console is prohibited. Clickable set bonus abilities are not permitted. Universal consoles that grant passive abilities (for example the Assimilated module, or Plasmonic Leech) may be used.

    2. No use of integrated ship cloaks (battle cloak and advanced battle cloak):
    You may use ships that have innate cloaking, but you may not use the build-in cloaking abilities. So called secondary cloaking abilities that are not ship-specific, like the romulan T5 Reputation ability or "Mask Energy Signature", are allowed.

    3. Temporal Inversion Field is not allowed

    4. No Scramble Sensors with doffs (The ability itself is no issue)

    5. No Advanced or Yellowstone Runabouts/Interceptors/Romulan Drone ships of the new Scimitar carrier (Scramble Spam)

    6. No Nukara Mines

    7. No Boarding parties:
    In addition the actual Boarding Party Bridge Officer ability, pets that are using Boarding party are also prohibited.

    Each team should consist of no more than 3 of the same type of captains and/or ships.
    Once u are in a team and have played, you cannot move to another one.

    Run of the tournament:
    The competition will be divided into 2 phases: The group stage and the knockout-round.
    In the group phase each team has to play his opponents twice (first leg, second leg), hence each team is going to play at least 6 matches. Match duration will be 15 minutes during the group phase. Once the group phase is finished the first 2 teams of each group is going to qualify for the ko-round to give more fleets the chance to reach the next round.
    The match duration of the quarter - and semi-finals will be 30 minutes, only the finale match and the match for the third place will last 45 min. During the knockout-phase, In case of a draw during the predefined regular time, "Golden Goal" rule applies: next kill determines the winner.

    Reward for the winner: Becoming famous!! :D

    The most important thing is not to win but to take part and to have fun. Show that u are part of the PvP-Community and participate!

    If u want to join simply contact me in-game (@usshannibal) or comment this thread.

    Please put down the name of your team/fleet nothing else.

    If u dont like the rules, please dont derail the thread !!

    The tournament will presumably begin on Saturday, 10th August - Time 19.00 UTC
    and it will be continued on Sunday, 11th August 2013 at the same time.

    - German Time: 21.00 Uhr
    - British Time: 20 o`clock
    - East Cost time: 3.00 p.m.
    - West Coast time: 12.00 a.m.

    Special Thanks to @Syncotron who contributed a lot to the creation of the match schedule!
    The Match schedule can be seen
    >> here <<.
    Also special thanks to @Kolln! He is willing to provide the new PVP Boot Camp TeamSpeak-Server.

    Adress: bootcamp.hgforces.hu:9988
    No Password

    Check this link to calculate your local time.

    If you have any question, feel free to ask me via pm or in-game-mail. My handle is @usshannibal. :)

    There are one or two participating teams who would welcome "reinforcements" for the tournament. If there are (single) players who would like to play in the tournament but don't have a team yet, write down your @handles (profession, ships) in this thread; Inner Circle is willing - if desired - to help in the mediation.

    Team registration will close if the limit of 16 fleet is reached.

    Actual Teams:

    1. Omega Circle Ponys of Death (Omega-Flotte) (@thebigfuzzy)
    2. 11th Fleet (@lake1771)
    3. Turkish Rp Heroes (@Rand Al Thor)
    4. Inner Circle (@zimbilimbim)
    5. Galactic Privateer Syndicate (@kbls)
    6. Lafamilia (@gregkane)
    7. Confederazione Stellare Italiana (@joker1374)
    8. Division Hispana (@mrkollins)
    9. Rag-tag Fugitive Fleet (@Warbird1988)
    10. Lafamilia 2
    11. -nova Core- (@SnogE00F)
    12. Will Pvp For Food (@jacknm1)
    13. The Eleventh Order (@LIVIN)
    14. Lag Industries (@tmghost999)
    15. Alpha-Zero (@bombardemone21)
    16. Umbra Venator (@keyboalpha2)

    Good luck to all of you !! :)

    s7ike wrote:
    This is typical of the above the law mentality these individuals have.

    Let me get this straight.

    Multiple fleets had their names put on the list, to fill the list up, before it was even put on the forums and without some of them actually being asked if they would participate.

    Then, repeated requests for an explanation why one fleet's early request to join the next "No BS" tournament - a series that they created - went continually unanswered. Even though it was asked by several players, from several different fleets.

    After that, someone from your fleet basically demands that Lag is banned from the tournament for a rule that does not exist anywhere in this thread - i.e. creating a rule on the spot during the middle of the tournament - and even though there is specifically a provision in the rule about "reinforcements".

    And Lag/Pandas are the ones who are acting "above the law"?

    Aside from the absolutely ridiculous level of hypocrisy of such a statement, who appointed anyone "the law" for all of the PvP community?

    Oh right, maybe it's hannibal who threatened to use "his connections" with Kolln to get Lag/Pandas kicked off of Bootcamp.

    Off of the bootcamp server, which is supposed to be neutral ground for all?

    I guess bootcamp is now a weapon to use against specific fleets?

    That any of the fleets, especially yours, involved in this debacle would try and claim anything that could be considered a moral high ground is easily one of the most laughably silly ideas I've come across in OPvP in the last 6 months.
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    talzerotwotalzerotwo Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Yes, sadly our fleet was banned from the 3th BS Tournament despite not breaking ANY rules!

    That's quite impressive in itself.

    TRH, were too scared to fight a team of Lag Ind players who'd lost both it's previous matches and thus had us ejected from the whole affair instead of fighting us.

    But worry not, PVP Community, the next tourney will not alienate fleets by their ability.

    Don't know much of what's going on, but this sounds pretty lame :/
    Chillax. No Ego. No Drama.

    Like my alien? Watch THE VIDEO
    Need custom graphics for you or your fleet? Click HERE
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    wast33wast33 Member Posts: 1,855 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    ...afaik this turned in some kind of a witch hunt... could have understand if they obviously were haxing. but my fleets team lost their 2 matches before get kicked from the tourney. i don't think that screams haxing ^^...
    from my experience with pandas i can say i had some blast matches against and with them. i never got the impression of haxing, only of skill (just as with ic f.e.).
    also, if i'm not wrong, that tool does nothing what a good gamer-keyboard couldn't do (won't buy one though and not using the tool :D).
    ...i'm glad i participated on the tourney as pugger on another team (had fun times. we lost all matches, but fun :)) and i have no issue with any member of ic or any other fleet bout this.
    i just would please u all to calm a bit and think about that image of a witch hunt...

    cya out there, be nice kids ;)...
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    kolln95kolln95 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Oh right, maybe it's hannibal who threatened to use "his connections" with Kolln to get Lag/Pandas kicked off of Bootcamp.

    Off of the bootcamp server, which is supposed to be neutral ground for all?

    I guess bootcamp is now a weapon to use against specific fleets?

    Hannibal did not contact me since I was not online only half an hour on the BC TS and in that duration I was muted and was not poked or told to kick anyone out of the TS. Even if something had happened I would have investigated the situation before kicking anyone out.

    So nothing kicking off from TS have happened during the tournament. However I do not know anything about the results so I do not know what happened or why a fleet was banned from the tourney.

    Furthermore, BC TS is not just supposed to be a neutral ground, it is a neutral ground, opened for any PvP'ers who want to come up, alone or with mates.

    And BC TS will never be a weapon against anyone. Every PvP player is welcomed on our TS. If necessary we can provide more client slots to increase the capacity of the TS.

    Hussar Guardian Forces
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    tmghost999tmghost999 Member Posts: 75 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    kolln95 wrote: »
    Hannibal did not contact me since I was not online only half an hour on the BC TS and in that duration I was muted and was not poked or told to kick anyone out of the TS. Even if something had happened I would have investigated the situation before kicking anyone out.

    So nothing kicking off from TS have happened during the tournament. However I do not know anything about the results so I do not know what happened or why a fleet was banned from the tourney.

    Furthermore, BC TS is not just supposed to be a neutral ground, it is a neutral ground, opened for any PvP'ers who want to come up, alone or with mates.

    And BC TS will never be a weapon against anyone. Every PvP player is welcomed on our TS. If necessary we can provide more client slots to increase the capacity of the TS.

    We were told to leave the Bootcamp TS server asap, during the tournament (after we were told were kicked)
    In reply that we were on the Bootcamp TS server, and it was neutral ground, we were also told that the owner of the bootcamp server did not want us to be on it any longer.

    So after reading your reply, it seems that some persons also think they can speak for someone else...
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    pulserazorpulserazor Member Posts: 590 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    pulserazor wrote: »
    You just dont see it do you? Restrictions this broad in scope can only mean one thing...

    Just wait and see how it will turn out.

    /quote char10
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    naz4naz4 Member Posts: 1,373 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    s7ike wrote: »
    And again...stop whining on the forums. You and the parties involved knew they were circumventing the rules. I think people were more pissed becuase of the audacity to try to get around the rules more than anything. This is typical of the above the law mentality these individuals have.
    That is all i have to say.

    Which rule was circumvented? Go and ask your master which one it was just in case you can't read a sentence greater than 2 words.
    talzerotwo wrote: »
    Don't know much of what's going on, but this sounds pretty lame :/

    Definitely happened. Rule created midway through a tournament I kick started in the first place specifically to cut this type of bs out turning into let's be blunt, the "Total BS Tournament" where if the organisers don't like something, they'll make a rule up on the spot and kick because someone spat the dummy out.

    Reg, hope you saw what No BS Tournament is not meant to be and make sure the next one doesn't fall into the same pitfalls.

    Again I'll request the organiser to rename this tournament into something else as this clearly isn't what it was meant to be as the name suggests.
    tmghost999 wrote: »
    We were told to leave the Bootcamp TS server asap, during the tournament (after we were told were kicked)
    In reply that we were on the Bootcamp TS server, and it was neutral ground, we were also told that the owner of the bootcamp server did not want us to be on it any longer.

    So after reading your reply, it seems that some persons also think they can speak for someone else...

    It was as tmghost stated.

    Amazing how what's being created in good spirit by some for the rest is being destroyed by others because he/she can't control it.

    Simple questions for you guys, who initiated the bootcamp denial in the first place and who spat the dummy out?
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