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3rd No BS Tournament (Classic Edition) - >>> Rules and Teams <<<



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    havamhavam Member Posts: 1,735 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    wow this deteriorated quickly. Now if only i could figure out why pvp'ers in STO have such a bad rep....

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    masterkeychnk5masterkeychnk5 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Well well,

    i had a great time personally until it lasted anyway,
    We had little chance of winning either yesterday, but all in good fun.
    Too bad it ended early.

    I must say tho the spirit wasnt the same as ealier tournaments, its almost as if alot of players and teams were led by fear etc. Oh well until the next tourney!

    Oh and especially CSI did an awesome job you guys roflstomped us haha.
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] I am not Snakie, MT is!
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    ivantomdisplayivantomdisplay Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    So, who won? ^^
    [10:49] [Combat (Self)] Your Proton Barrage deals 96581 (43411) Proton(Critical) to Seto.
    Poor soul didnt have time to log out.
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    talzerotwotalzerotwo Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    i believe it's still going. Here's the current scores
    Chillax. No Ego. No Drama.

    Like my alien? Watch THE VIDEO
    Need custom graphics for you or your fleet? Click HERE
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    drunkadmiraldrunkadmiral Member Posts: 197 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    I played only 1 match but had great time, thanks Inner Circle for organizing the tournament.
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    maicake716maicake716 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    well any/all that got banned/couldnt take part in this... thing...

    are more then welcome to take part in mine!

    allthe rules are laid out so no one can have an advantage!


    and like all my previous events, rules will not be added mid-way.


    let the movie wars begin in 2 hours!
    mancom wrote: »
    Frankly, I think the only sound advice that one can give new players at this time is to stay away from PVP in STO.
    Science pvp at its best-http://www.youtube.com/user/matteo716
    Do you even Science Bro?
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    antoniosalieriantoniosalieri Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    playhard88 wrote: »
    nobody will join to your channel ok? keep pugging, left the real pvp to us

    Don't think you get it the more this type of stuff happens the more they do.

    Already getting close to 10% of the size of Opvp... come and join us playhard and run some TD fight club matches and remember WHY you fight to begin with. Don't worry you can keep your cute little fleet stuff when you go off and do other things... just don't bring it to fight club. I don't care what you can do with your friends... come and fight and enjoy the game again. lol
    Dignity and an empty sack is worth the sack.
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    naz4naz4 Member Posts: 1,373 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Don't think you get it the more this type of stuff happens the more they do.

    Already getting close to 10% of the size of Opvp... come and join us playhard and run some TD fight club matches and remember WHY you fight to begin with. Don't worry you can keep your cute little fleet stuff when you go off and do other things... just don't bring it to fight club. I don't care what you can do with your friends... come and fight and enjoy the game again. lol

    Today is the sort of day where the sun only comes up to humiliate you.

    On a long enough time line, the survival rate for everyone drops to zero.

    Which is worse: Hell or nothing?
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    kolln95kolln95 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    tmghost999 wrote: »
    We were told to leave the Bootcamp TS server asap, during the tournament (after we were told were kicked)
    In reply that we were on the Bootcamp TS server, and it was neutral ground, we were also told that the owner of the bootcamp server did not want us to be on it any longer.

    So after reading your reply, it seems that some persons also think they can speak for someone else...

    Who was who told you this and who kicked you out? TS must have written out.

    Anyway, my apologies Mr. X and other Lag Industries members. This will be investigated as soon as possible. And the permission system will be rebuilt to avoid any further misunderstanding or inconvenience.

    Naturally you and your fleetmates are always welcomed on the BC TS as well as other PvP'ers.

    And after this case I encourage everyone to report me any of happenings like this through e-mail kolln@hgforces.hu or in-game private message or mail.

    Hussar Guardian Forces
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    ivantomdisplayivantomdisplay Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    talzerotwo wrote: »
    i believe it's still going. Here's the current scores
    Go go Nova Core! ^^
    [10:49] [Combat (Self)] Your Proton Barrage deals 96581 (43411) Proton(Critical) to Seto.
    Poor soul didnt have time to log out.
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    daviddxxdaviddxx Member Posts: 200 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    I want to post something witty and funny... but the humor escapes me.

    You folks all need to dump your ideas of fleets... perhaps its time we all say TRIBBLE this self serving fleet made junk. 90% of you suck anyway. ;) lol

    Its time to admit to yourselves that you are not your fleet.... nor your khakis.

    Join us In the Tyler Durden channel... pvp cause you want to and enjoy the darn game again.

    I'll be most likely putting a lethal lotto together next weekend.... its time we just stop with these fail tourny ideas... and just punch each other as often as we can and have a good time.

    Just out of curiosity... what part of "please don't derail this thread" was unclear?

    If someone wants to be involved, great. If someone doesn't like the event, they can steer clear of both the event and this thread.

    @ Pands

    If 99% of Teams say " We don't wanna play with this Hex-Tool-Users " than our simply out. Who is to blame for it? Right,.. yourself. Dont use this **** and you are Welcome.
    So please stop Cry,.. take a cake and some glasses of milk. ;)

    Greetings from Germany

    T'lilu aka Dxxdavid
    Star Trek Online
    *** Aktiv since 03.06.10 ***
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    ussultimatumussultimatum Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    daviddxx wrote: »
    Dont use this **** and you are Welcome.

    And can it be proven to you that nothing is being used?

    You're mind is already made up and you, and everyone like you, refuse to listen to anything that does not come from one toxic source - because it's a convenient excuse for some players to act like children and actually warp out in Arenas.

    So if no one yesterday was using anything but basic keybinds or whatever comes with their mouse or keyboard, what does that say about you, the fleet that has a video they made themselves anonymously linked to their own fleet website and the tournament organizers who conspired to change the rules of the tournament mid-way?

    There is one particular person, and every time he is involved with a tournament either openly or behind the scenes there is drama & toxic, petty ego-trip games.

    I've watched it happen from before I was even involved with PvP - seeing him for what he has repeatedly proven himself to be requires you to think for yourself, something in extremely short supply in this day and age.

    This is what happens when you are emotionally stunted and require a video game to give you the illusion that you are important.
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    antoniosalieriantoniosalieri Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    daviddxx wrote: »
    Just out of curiosity... what part of "please don't derail this thread" was unclear?

    If someone wants to be involved, great. If someone doesn't like the event, they can steer clear of both the event and this thread.

    Don't blame me for pointing out what a joke your little community and this little tourny have become. :)

    The PvPers however are still here... none of you have went anywhere.... so have all simply forgotten why you PvP it would seem.

    I say lets stop being our fleets, lets stop trying to be perfect... evolve man and let the chips fall where they may.

    Sticking a fleet name on your ship doesn't make you a pvper. :)

    Point is people that don't wan there threads to go off on tangents need to not do insanely stupid things, and wonder why it starts raining.

    I do hope everyone still playing in this thing are having a good time... but frankly I think most of you are fooling yourselves I doubt many of them really are having a good time.... TD is an alternative, come and have you know a GOOD time. Find out what its all about and hey I hope most of you show up for my upcoming lethal lotto... something tells me EVERYONE that shows up for that will have a good time.

    Peace.... and remember, sticking feathers up you *** doesn't make you a chicken. I think this thread shows what it really takes.
    Dignity and an empty sack is worth the sack.
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    aquitaine985aquitaine985 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    daviddxx wrote: »
    Just out of curiosity... what part of "please don't derail this thread" was unclear?

    If someone wants to be involved, great. If someone doesn't like the event, they can steer clear of both the event and this thread.

    @ Pands

    If 99% of Teams say " We don't wanna play with this Hex-Tool-Users " than our simply out. Who is to blame for it? Right,.. yourself. Dont use this **** and you are Welcome.
    So please stop Cry,.. take a cake and some glasses of milk. ;)

    Greetings from Germany

    T'lilu aka Dxxdavid

    Actually Lag Industries were thrown out of the tourney, are you calling US hackers? Can I see some proof that that bull**** allegation?
    Lag Industries STO PvP Fleet - Executive
    A Sad Panda of Industrial calibre.
    2010: This is Cryptic PvP. Please hold the line, your call is very important to us...
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    frostyslyfrostysly Member Posts: 42 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Oh right, maybe it's hannibal who threatened to use "his connections" with Kolln to get Lag/Pandas kicked off of Bootcamp.

    This is simply not true. I was Hannibals co-host and it was never the issue to kick anyone from BC TS...

    regarding the tournament - it was pretty bold from SP to fly beneath the wings of LI. This is a fact. It is also a fact that even after knowing about it we were as diplomatic to talk to the other participating teams to find out what they think. Only one team said it was ok. the others denied to attend the competition if LI with SP stayd in the tournament.

    So its simple math: we cant trade one fleet for several others besides the impudence
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    inexplicabletiminexplicabletim Member Posts: 67 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    congrats :)
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    ussultimatumussultimatum Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    frostysly wrote: »
    This is simply not true. I was Hannibals co-host and it was never the issue to kick anyone from BC TS...

    Good luck with that line.

    There are about a dozen witnesses from Lag & Pandas who were in the channel when Hannibal threatened to "use his connections" to have them kicked from TS.

    And to make up new rules on the spot, right in the middle of a tournament.

    It didn't happen, since he actually has no power to do such a thing.

    I think it's pretty clear the prevailing mentality that he has, with the audacity to use the "No BS" banner for his tournament, and then actually threaten to have people kicked from BC TS.

    I'm really glad I didn't take part in this tournament, so I can keep my distance from the small handful of over-grown infants who think they are suddenly in charge of everything that is PvP.

    BC TS is not his, or anyone's, little controlled playground. BC was created for everyone to take part in.

    Go ahead and dig a bit deeper, and see who the small handful of guys were that started bootcamp, and other people who put a ton of time in at the start to help get it off the ground.

    At the least we all owe a big thanks to Kolln for clearing that up, and for his ability to remain neutral.
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    mimey2mimey2 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    At the least we all owe a big thanks to Kolln for clearing that up, and for his ability to remain neutral.

    Amen there. I admit, when I saw your post a couple pages back last night, it took all of my control to not say anything.

    I'm glad that I held off and let Kolln take care of it.

    But just to re-state it: Boot Camp, and it's Teamspeak is all neutral territory. It's basically the Switzerland of PvP.
    I remain empathetic to the concerns of my community, but do me a favor and lay off the god damn name calling and petty remarks. It will get you nowhere.
    I must admit, respect points to Trendy for laying down the law like that.
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    masterkeychnk5masterkeychnk5 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    mimey2 wrote: »
    Amen there. I admit, when I saw your post a couple pages back last night, it took all of my control to not say anything.

    I'm glad that I held off and let Kolln take care of it.

    But just to re-state it: Boot Camp, and it's Teamspeak is all neutral territory. It's basically the Switzerland of PvP.

    Switzerland rules!! Except for Oprah Winfrey! rofl.
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] I am not Snakie, MT is!
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    daviddxxdaviddxx Member Posts: 200 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Actually Lag Industries were thrown out of the tourney, are you calling US hackers? Can I see some proof that that bull**** allegation?

    I dont say that.. but your Guests yesterday use it maybe. :rolleyes

    Ask the 15 other Fleets.. they dont want play with your Fleet .

    Star Trek Online
    *** Aktiv since 03.06.10 ***
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    s7ikes7ike Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Really, which rule would that be?

    I mean I know it's hard to read the entire thing seeing all the extra rules and what not - but which rule here says that players can't be in multiple fleets?

    Here, I've copied it for you for your convenience.

    Let me get this straight.

    Multiple fleets had their names put on the list, to fill the list up, before it was even put on the forums and without some of them actually being asked if they would participate.

    Then, repeated requests for an explanation why one fleet's early request to join the next "No BS" tournament - a series that they created - went continually unanswered. Even though it was asked by several players, from several different fleets.

    After that, someone from your fleet basically demands that Lag is banned from the tournament for a rule that does not exist anywhere in this thread - i.e. creating a rule on the spot during the middle of the tournament - and even though there is specifically a provision in the rule about "reinforcements".

    And Lag/Pandas are the ones who are acting "above the law"?

    Aside from the absolutely ridiculous level of hypocrisy of such a statement, who appointed anyone "the law" for all of the PvP community?

    Oh right, maybe it's hannibal who threatened to use "his connections" with Kolln to get Lag/Pandas kicked off of Bootcamp.

    Off of the bootcamp server, which is supposed to be neutral ground for all?

    I guess bootcamp is now a weapon to use against specific fleets?

    That any of the fleets, especially yours, involved in this debacle would try and claim anything that could be considered a moral high ground is easily one of the most laughably silly ideas I've come across in OPvP in the last 6 months.
    Typical above the law mentality right here. DO NOT pretend as if you weren't trying to circumvent the rules. The discussion is over.
    Panda Forum Premade here to whine again!
    P.S-Y'all didnt help your case by coming in under different aliases.
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    naz4naz4 Member Posts: 1,373 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    s7ike wrote: »
    Typical above the law mentality right here. DO NOT pretend as if you weren't trying to circumvent the rules. The discussion is over.
    Panda Forum Premade here to whine again!

    2 word question for you? What rule?
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    s7ikes7ike Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    naz4 wrote: »
    2 word question for you? What rule?

    The rule made by Hannibal of no more than one panda in a team. Changing your fleet right before the tournament doesn't help matters. And then changing names on teamspeak so no one would suspect the parties involved. I personally don't care if y'all were to join however taking everyone for idiots wasn't the best course of action.
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    naz4naz4 Member Posts: 1,373 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    s7ike wrote: »
    The rule made by Hannibal of no more than one panda in a team. Changing your fleet right before the tournament doesn't help matters. And then changing names on teamspeak so no one would suspect the parties involved. I personally don't care if y'all were to join however taking everyone for idiots wasn't the best course of action.

    Really? Where?

    Was it edited in during "Last edited by usshannibal; Yesterday at 07:39 AM"?
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    s7ikes7ike Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    naz4 wrote: »
    Really? Where?

    Was it edited in during "Last edited by usshannibal; Yesterday at 07:39 AM"?

    I believe it was either verbal 2 weeks or so ago or in the comments of the last thread.
    However ask yourself this, if there was no rule then why did the party involved believe they had to change names and fleets?
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    naz4naz4 Member Posts: 1,373 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    s7ike wrote: »
    I believe it was either verbal 2 weeks or so ago or in the comments of the last thread.
    However ask yourself this, if there was no rule then why did the party involved believe they had to change names and fleets?

    So we broke a rule that was not written anywhere whatsoever?

    Again, i will ask that The term i coined as "No BS Tournament" be removed from this tournament as it totally goes against the spirit of what it was created for.

    A rule / law not written anywhere cannot be broken - Ask your paralegal master about it.

    Against the rule to be in multiple fleets?
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    ussultimatumussultimatum Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    s7ike wrote: »
    ...if there was no rule then why did the party involved believe they had to change names and fleets?

    Maybe because if it wasn't clear it was a rule, that it just looked like two particular fleets unwilling to fight a specific other fleet.

    That's how it looks to me, outright cowardice.

    Cowardice to not be able to put it on a post, cowardice to not be able to decide things in the open.

    Keep droning on about "above the law", when tournament rules are posted those are the rules - and I think any outsider looking in on this would agree that changing rules mid-tournament is the definition of "above the law".

    Which is pretty bad form for a team hosting a tournament.
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    s7ikes7ike Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Maybe because if it wasn't clear it was a rule, that it just looked like two particular coward fleets unwilling to fight a specific other fleet.

    That's how it looks to me, outright cowardice.

    Cowardice to put it on a post, cowardice to decide things in the open.

    Keep droning on about "above the law" nonsense, when tournament rules are posted those are the rules.

    Changing rules midway through the tournament is acting "above the law".

    Which is pretty bad form for a team hosting a tournament.

    And I choose not to respond to naz as I find the individual not very productive. However, like I've said the main issue with the majority is how the people involved took them for idiots. Lastly this argument is not suited for a public forum nor a public channel. If you have anything further to say please ingame mail or tell me. Thank you for your time:
    Edit: And yes I agree it looks bad for the tournament organizer to a degree, however it looks bad for your fleet to make this much of an argument over something that* won't be changed.
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    xtremenoob1xtremenoob1 Member Posts: 489 Arc User
    edited August 2013

    Peace.... and remember, sticking feathers up you *** doesn't make you a chicken. I think this thread shows what it really takes.

    Possibly the best quote on the forum this year.

    -X-/Pandas - Pheo
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    aquitaine985aquitaine985 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    s7ike wrote: »
    Typical above the law mentality right here. DO NOT pretend as if you weren't trying to circumvent the rules. The discussion is over.
    Panda Forum Premade here to whine again!
    P.S-Y'all didnt help your case by coming in under different aliases.

    Bollocks. First Inner Circle try to exclude players based on their ability. But don't have the stones to even be honest about it.

    Then they obviously ignore all requests for a fleet to put in a team and pick ones that applied days later. This was done both by pre-signing a bunch of fleets who had given no indication they were interested and putting in TWO teams to their own tournament.

    On the day of the tourney my fleet was disqualified from taking further part simply because out team had some former/current Pandas in the team that had characters in our fleet. We've had panda characters in our fleet for years in several cases. But despite the team not breaking any rules, and even losing both the matches - the organiser buckled under pressure from a single person who time and time again has disrupted PVP activities simply because he wasn't happy. Instead of being able to continue out team was thrown out when the organiser lost his bottle and decided the best way to get out of it and not make Pax cry anymore was to ask other fleets (many of which were already out of contention to face our team anyway) and twisted their arms in order to pull favor. We know this because we had another Lag member assisting another fleet who were short of a player and has said the way Hannibal described the situation was blatantly one sided.

    Once again this cheating aspect as reared it's head again. Despite there being no proof, despite the Leadership of Boot Camp decreeing that players were innocent until proven guilty, accusations are still flying with no facts.

    When this joke of a tourney decided to exclude our team, we were then ordered to leave the TS by the tourney organiser and was told if we didn't he'd "Use his connections with the TS owner" to have us removed.

    So lets recap the facts, the facts displayed by two whole threads worth of tourney talk and a TS full of people who heard every word.

    - Pandas were banned from the tourney, despite there being no rule to say so, apparently it was a rule yet not a rule.

    - Our team was kicked out of the tourney, despite all of our members being in Lag Industries but still magically connected to the above fact.

    - We were frog-marched out of the TS and threatened despite the TS's owner replying today that it was certainly NOT the Boot Camp policy and he would be investigating.

    - Words from another IC member here calling out out not only one fleet cheaters but two fleets, and as the leader of one i'd like either some proof or an apology ASAP.

    And despite all that, WE'RE the ones being put up for circumventing rules and lying.

    LMFAO, get a mirror.
    Lag Industries STO PvP Fleet - Executive
    A Sad Panda of Industrial calibre.
    2010: This is Cryptic PvP. Please hold the line, your call is very important to us...
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