Ya the pet consoles are poor imitations of hangar pets. We all bought ships with pets and some of us want a real and useful version. It's very much the same just that the console is a worse version of a hanger.
Aquarius console is useless now. I enjoyed the Aquarius while I grinded reputation marks and while I had weak equipments. However since I'm doing elite STFs I'm not using this console.
First reason: I can't control the Aquarius. Half of the time it attacked useless targets (for example borg transmitters while the nanite probes were active -> useless DPS). Half of the time it simply destroyed when the team killed a borg cube - the crew of the Aquarius is stupid enough to stay in the explosion radius instead of running.
A hangar pet style controll system could make it better - it could be used for any other ships which has pets, like Galaxy's saucer.
Second reason: Aquarius is made of paper. Any enemy will kill it within a few seconds. Yes, you could heal the pet with hull / shield repair skills... but I'm not sure if it is worth it. An Engineering Team cooldown is much more useful if I'm healing my ship or a teammate, or the IKS Kang in the Cure mission. Heal a pet is a waste of skills.
Third reason: Aquarius DPS is not worth it on higher level. Definitely not worth for a console slot. When you have access to reputation items like romulan or borg consoles or you have access to threat scaling science consoles or you have just enough EC to buy something nice on exchange... then you realize every option is better than the Aquarius. An MKXII purple tactical console will give you +30% damage. An embassy console will give you a variety of nice bonuses: + shield regen, +hull regen, +plasma damage - you can choose. Every other console will give something nice, something steady and stable - for the entire match. If an enemy shoots Aquarius - which will happen - you will lose the DPS bonus for 3 minutes.
I have just the Aquarius I don't have the 3-pack but I suspect these points are also valid for chevron separation (tell me if I'm wrong). Working bees maybe more viable option. However - as I stated earlier in this topic - I'm not convinced about the 3-pack bonus, because it requires 3 console slots for mediocre bonus.
But I also stay with my previous statement: Odyssey is an awesome ship. With proper build it is the most serious cruiser on FED side. It can achieve a very decent DPS and it can survive lots of pressure. I really like it.
Personally I quite enjoy the Bortas and Odyssey in their current forms. The updates to the Hogh'sus and the Chevron make both units extremely mean - especially now that they won't stay in a warp core breach. The Chevron in particular is a very powerful unit - and it's quite entertaining watching the tactics it uses. It's current trump card is dropping grav well 3 and then holding it's target in the gravity well with the tractor beam. The Chevron itself - with all three consoles equipped on the Odyssey - has it's own work bees and heals itself quite well. Very rarely do I lose the Chevron in an encounter since the update - and then it's only in Infected Conduit Elite when it decides to hang back and fight the gateway while the group moves from left to right.
The Hogh'Sus subspace jumping and opening up with the Autocannon is pretty satisfying as well. I wouldn't mind a little more control over the craft, but I personally don't want either ship to have a hanger bay. It isn't what they were meant to be, and the ships are very effective if you use them right.
Personally I quite enjoy the Bortas and Odyssey in their current forms. The updates to the Hogh'sus and the Chevron make both units extremely mean - especially now that they won't stay in a warp core breach. The Chevron in particular is a very powerful unit - and it's quite entertaining watching the tactics it uses. It's current trump card is dropping grav well 3 and then holding it's target in the gravity well with the tractor beam. The Chevron itself - with all three consoles equipped on the Odyssey - has it's own work bees and heals itself quite well. Very rarely do I lose the Chevron in an encounter since the update - and then it's only in Infected Conduit Elite when it decides to hang back and fight the gateway while the group moves from left to right.
The Hogh'Sus subspace jumping and opening up with the Autocannon is pretty satisfying as well. I wouldn't mind a little more control over the craft, but I personally don't want either ship to have a hanger bay. It isn't what they were meant to be, and the ships are very effective if you use them right.
This is all good news. Must have missed it; but since I have the 3-pack C-store Odesseys, I guess I need to go fly it again.
Well if they're not going to make a Lleiset then I agree that the other flagships should get a little love then...throw a hanger on the Bort and I think I would actually shell out for the pack!
Can't have a honest conversation because of a white knight with power
It's kinda funny, you got one thread complaining about Timeships being the same, and another thread wanting the Flagships to all be the same... facepalm
It's kinda funny, you got one thread complaining about Timeships being the same, and another thread wanting the Flagships to all be the same... facepalm
I don't want them the same I just want the Bort with a hanger, I just think it would be kinda bad TRIBBLE to have the Hoh'sus and a couple fighters!
Can't have a honest conversation because of a white knight with power
Would like to see these two dreadnought/flagships get an update to be on par with the scimitar. Would like to see both pet consoles removed and replaced by a new one, possibly a copy of the shield absorption frequency generator so both fed and kdf can use it. The bortas would have to'duj fighters and the BoP pets and the ody would get the fed equivalents. I think these changes and the addition of that console would reignite some of the interest in the ships resulting in more sales.
Interesting ideas. An update for all ships of the zen store, may be in order actually.
That is, as long as they lose none of their current features, and just have more strength of some kind added to them.
Quite frankly...if there is one change I would like to see to the Odyssey and the Brotasqu it is this:
Add a hanger bay, and dump the console that allows for the deployment of a smaller ship.
If the Brotasqu and Odyssey had a hanger pet, then we could have either the Aquarius pet or the Bird of Prey pet on the respective hanger slots or we can choose to have smaller attack fighters. These ships are massive...and yet they don't have at least one hanger bay? The Vesta and Akira have hangers...why doesn't the Odyssey and Brotasqu?
With that said...replace the consoles that launch the BOP and Aquarius, and give them something new.
If you oppose the Reputation nerf, feel free to use my signature
It's kinda funny, you got one thread complaining about Timeships being the same, and another thread wanting the Flagships to all be the same... facepalm
I couldn't agree more. Probably that's why Cryptic rarely listens to proposals on the forum, and rigtfully so. It seems that whatever they decide to do it will always be wrong, so what's the point. :rolleyes:
They should not be the same. Let the Romulans have something unique and give players a reason to make a romulan.
The fed/kdf have enough cool ships as it is.
I'm not asking for them to be the same...how hard is it to understand...I said I just would like a hanger to make them on more ground.
The Scimitar would still have battle cloak, the tac commander, the 5/3 weapon slotting, better turn rate, and its own frigate, which happens to be probably the best frigate hanger option in the game...which I don't think the Bort or Oddy should have since they already have their own frigate console.
The Scimitar would still be superior to the Bort and Oddy...
If the people need a completely OP'ed superior flagship for a reason to make a Romulan then when the next ship that makes the Scimitar look inferior they will just jump ship to that if its Fed or KDF.
Can't have a honest conversation because of a white knight with power
I love my bortas even if it never gets a touch up. Not to say I would mind.
Even if the change was small, like a bit more turn or moving a weapon point foward (5/3). Maybe a cosmetic change would be interesting, I do somewhat dislike the BoP on my back when I don't even have the dumb console.
A hangar while interesting, is not too appealing at the moment. Perhaps a brand new ship with a hangar is more in order. Either a brand new ship, or additional variations. A carrier type, a battlecloak type, maybe a sciency one?
KDF could still use more some ship selection.
While I do not have a fed character, I am all for Ody love, but I'm not sure I know in what sense it was falling behind. It seems a solid cruiser for the most part. But hey if it makes people happy...
At being a large cruiser/battleship. Frankly, if you want a Rom ship to tank in use the Haakona. If you want a dps ship use the Mogai or Ha'feh.
Its not even the best ship in the Romulan Flotilla.
Compared to the Ody, its squishy, its power levels are low, its not good at pressure. If you couldn't stealth away with shields up the thing would be almost useless.
I have both the Ody 3-piece and the Scimi 3-piece on equally geared toons and I don't think the Scimi comes close to the Ody. I've already parked the Scimi in favour of the other ships I listed above.
Its a cool ship and its a fun ship but its not better than the Ody imho.
That being said, its not even a direct comparable to the Ody so I'm not sure if this is even relevant.
Scimitar is the best ship in the game. Deal with it.
Of course it is....how else will PWE get money out of total idiots unless they make the Rommies OP.
I don't know... I watch Scimitar owners trying to use the thalaron superweapon - which is weak imho. While charging the weapon I can kill large packs of enemies with Fire at Will. At the same timeframe I do much better DPS than the thalaron weapon. The so called superweapon's damage on larger targets - like borg tac cubes - seems negligible also.
I don't think Scimitar is OP - it has some interesting gameplay, interesting abilities, adds an extra flavour to the game. But nothing convinces me to give up my good old Oddy which is an excellent cruiser. Yes, I could live with some changes on the specific consoles - but hey, I'm not using these consoles anyway.
I'm not asking for them to be the same...how hard is it to understand...I said I just would like a hanger to make them on more ground.
Please note that I'm not trying to be an TRIBBLE or obnoxious here, but if you wanted a ship with a hangar, maybe you should have bought a ship that supports hangar/hangars.
And why must hangars be the only way to make ships on more ground lately? Why does every ship need to have a hangar in order to be competitive? Is there no other way to bring older ships up to date that just slap a hangar onto everything?
Please note that I'm not trying to be an TRIBBLE or obnoxious here, but if you wanted a ship with a hangar, maybe you should have bought a ship that supports hangar/hangars.
And why must hangars be the only way to make ships on more ground lately? Why does every ship need to have a hangar in order to be competitive? Is there no other way to bring older ships up to date that just slap a hangar onto everything?
I think it would be cool for the Bort, I don't own the Bort but I said I would really probably get the 3 pack if it had a hanger.
I don't think every older ship needs a hanger to be better...I just think it would be really cool to have a hanger and the Hoh'sus! I'm not gonna rage if it never happens...I just think it would be cool and I would buy one if it did.
Can't have a honest conversation because of a white knight with power
I got into this subject with a fleetmate who insists the Scimitar is not the Romulan "flagship." I LOL'ed so hard...
It was DStahl who said it wasn't and that another flagship was going to be designed during the Legacy of Romulus beta. So your fleetmate was just going by information they were provided by Cryptic before Cryptic flip flopped.
they need to get better shield multiplier like 1.3 and 1 hangar as Romulans have and KDF flagship need better turn rate atm Romulan flagship is way op battle clock +good turn +can load canons+have 42k hp+ 1.15 shield multiplier
Personally I am mostly happy with the Odyssey, the one thing I do not like is that Aquarius and Chevron Separation cancel each other out which does make much sense to me.
Perhaps the Aquarius could be changed into Hangar Pet, but with a long cooldown for launch and armed with energy weapons that match the ones the Odyssey is equipped with.
Aquarius console is useless now. I enjoyed the Aquarius while I grinded reputation marks and while I had weak equipments. However since I'm doing elite STFs I'm not using this console.
First reason: I can't control the Aquarius. Half of the time it attacked useless targets (for example borg transmitters while the nanite probes were active -> useless DPS). Half of the time it simply destroyed when the team killed a borg cube - the crew of the Aquarius is stupid enough to stay in the explosion radius instead of running.
A hangar pet style controll system could make it better - it could be used for any other ships which has pets, like Galaxy's saucer.
Second reason: Aquarius is made of paper. Any enemy will kill it within a few seconds. Yes, you could heal the pet with hull / shield repair skills... but I'm not sure if it is worth it. An Engineering Team cooldown is much more useful if I'm healing my ship or a teammate, or the IKS Kang in the Cure mission. Heal a pet is a waste of skills.
Third reason: Aquarius DPS is not worth it on higher level. Definitely not worth for a console slot. When you have access to reputation items like romulan or borg consoles or you have access to threat scaling science consoles or you have just enough EC to buy something nice on exchange... then you realize every option is better than the Aquarius. An MKXII purple tactical console will give you +30% damage. An embassy console will give you a variety of nice bonuses: + shield regen, +hull regen, +plasma damage - you can choose. Every other console will give something nice, something steady and stable - for the entire match. If an enemy shoots Aquarius - which will happen - you will lose the DPS bonus for 3 minutes.
I have just the Aquarius I don't have the 3-pack but I suspect these points are also valid for chevron separation (tell me if I'm wrong). Working bees maybe more viable option. However - as I stated earlier in this topic - I'm not convinced about the 3-pack bonus, because it requires 3 console slots for mediocre bonus.
But I also stay with my previous statement: Odyssey is an awesome ship. With proper build it is the most serious cruiser on FED side. It can achieve a very decent DPS and it can survive lots of pressure. I really like it.
The Hogh'Sus subspace jumping and opening up with the Autocannon is pretty satisfying as well. I wouldn't mind a little more control over the craft, but I personally don't want either ship to have a hanger bay. It isn't what they were meant to be, and the ships are very effective if you use them right.
This is all good news.
I don't want them the same I just want the Bort with a hanger, I just think it would be kinda bad TRIBBLE to have the Hoh'sus and a couple fighters!
Soooo you want it the same???
Not really...the Bort would still have a Eng Cmdr, 4/4 weapon slotting, and a slower turn rate.
They should not be the same. Let the Romulans have something unique and give players a reason to make a romulan.
The fed/kdf have enough cool ships as it is.
Interesting ideas. An update for all ships of the zen store, may be in order actually.
That is, as long as they lose none of their current features, and just have more strength of some kind added to them.
Add a hanger bay, and dump the console that allows for the deployment of a smaller ship.
If the Brotasqu and Odyssey had a hanger pet, then we could have either the Aquarius pet or the Bird of Prey pet on the respective hanger slots or we can choose to have smaller attack fighters. These ships are massive...and yet they don't have at least one hanger bay? The Vesta and Akira have hangers...why doesn't the Odyssey and Brotasqu?
With that said...replace the consoles that launch the BOP and Aquarius, and give them something new.
Zen store. Done.
I couldn't agree more. Probably that's why Cryptic rarely listens to proposals on the forum, and rigtfully so. It seems that whatever they decide to do it will always be wrong, so what's the point. :rolleyes:
I'm not asking for them to be the same...how hard is it to understand...I said I just would like a hanger to make them on more ground.
The Scimitar would still have battle cloak, the tac commander, the 5/3 weapon slotting, better turn rate, and its own frigate, which happens to be probably the best frigate hanger option in the game...which I don't think the Bort or Oddy should have since they already have their own frigate console.
The Scimitar would still be superior to the Bort and Oddy...
If the people need a completely OP'ed superior flagship for a reason to make a Romulan then when the next ship that makes the Scimitar look inferior they will just jump ship to that if its Fed or KDF.
Even if the change was small, like a bit more turn or moving a weapon point foward (5/3). Maybe a cosmetic change would be interesting, I do somewhat dislike the BoP on my back when I don't even have the dumb console.
A hangar while interesting, is not too appealing at the moment. Perhaps a brand new ship with a hangar is more in order. Either a brand new ship, or additional variations. A carrier type, a battlecloak type, maybe a sciency one?
KDF could still use more some ship selection.
While I do not have a fed character, I am all for Ody love, but I'm not sure I know in what sense it was falling behind. It seems a solid cruiser for the most part. But hey if it makes people happy...
Scimitar is the best ship in the game. Deal with it.
This post has been edited to remove content which violates the Perfect World Entertainment Community Rules and Policies . ~BranFlakes
Of course it is....how else will PWE get money out of total idiots unless they make the Rommies OP.
I don't know... I watch Scimitar owners trying to use the thalaron superweapon - which is weak imho. While charging the weapon I can kill large packs of enemies with Fire at Will. At the same timeframe I do much better DPS than the thalaron weapon. The so called superweapon's damage on larger targets - like borg tac cubes - seems negligible also.
I don't think Scimitar is OP - it has some interesting gameplay, interesting abilities, adds an extra flavour to the game. But nothing convinces me to give up my good old Oddy which is an excellent cruiser. Yes, I could live with some changes on the specific consoles - but hey, I'm not using these consoles anyway.
Please note that I'm not trying to be an TRIBBLE or obnoxious here, but if you wanted a ship with a hangar, maybe you should have bought a ship that supports hangar/hangars.
And why must hangars be the only way to make ships on more ground lately? Why does every ship need to have a hangar in order to be competitive? Is there no other way to bring older ships up to date that just slap a hangar onto everything?
I think it would be cool for the Bort, I don't own the Bort but I said I would really probably get the 3 pack if it had a hanger.
I don't think every older ship needs a hanger to be better...I just think it would be really cool to have a hanger and the Hoh'sus! I'm not gonna rage if it never happens...I just think it would be cool and I would buy one if it did.
I have to agree. they do need to become like a carrier or something.
but, so does the galaxy-x.
pleses be kind...
It was DStahl who said it wasn't and that another flagship was going to be designed during the Legacy of Romulus beta. So your fleetmate was just going by information they were provided by Cryptic before Cryptic flip flopped.
Nah. The Galaxy X has a phaser lance and can cloak. The last thing it needs is hangar bays.
I wouldn't know, I bought it with dil. Just like everything else in this game.
Perhaps the Aquarius could be changed into Hangar Pet, but with a long cooldown for launch and armed with energy weapons that match the ones the Odyssey is equipped with.
It should have though, for a purchasing price, a new costume and skin with a shiny new console!
I hope STO get's better ...
Don't need a carrier...a flight deck cruiser would be nice though!