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Approaching Storm - servers fastest growing fleet!!

bridportbridport Member Posts: 0 Arc User
edited September 2013 in Earth Spacedock
We are Approaching Storm. We started life 7 years a go in a little game called World of ********! Since then we have been a successful Fleet/Guild across many games. Our goal has always been the same - be the best through outstanding teamwork.
We are the fastest growing Fleet in STO, we started 4 weeks ago and are well on our way to becoming T3 Starbase. We take progression seriously.
Are you in a fleet that's dead, a fleet that has no hope of reaching t5 or just stuck in a fleet that's already made it? You know what I mean a Fleet where you can never work your way up or earn any provisions. Is your Fleet leader "up himself and wallowing in self glory?!"
We want active players from all around the world. We have 3 major Task Forces within out Fleet, we have the American Task Force, European Task Force and the Asian/Pacific Task Force, so no matter where you are in the world, you will always have Fleet members to play with.
We would love to hear from you guys, to give you an idea of what we are about check out approachingstorm.guildportal.com or ask for Approaching Storm in zone chat. One of us will always reply and have a chat with you.
Remember you are always welcome here.
In Game Characters,
Dagoth Commanding Officer of the R.S.S Sabre, Scimitar Class Dreadnought.
Nelson, Commanding Officer of the Victory - E, Armitage Class Carrier.
Jones, Commanding Officer of the Sovereign, Sovereign Class Battleship.
Fleet Admiral of Approaching Storm, the Servers fastest growing Fleet.
Post edited by bridport on


  • bridportbridport Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    This post has been edited to remove content which violates the Perfect World Entertainment Community Rules and Policies . ~Bluegeek
    In Game Characters,
    Dagoth Commanding Officer of the R.S.S Sabre, Scimitar Class Dreadnought.
    Nelson, Commanding Officer of the Victory - E, Armitage Class Carrier.
    Jones, Commanding Officer of the Sovereign, Sovereign Class Battleship.
    Fleet Admiral of Approaching Storm, the Servers fastest growing Fleet.
  • shaitan100shaitan100 Member Posts: 131 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    welcome aboard.
  • bridportbridport Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Thanks Shaitan, its a cool game and we like it. Abotu 10 of us have come over from other games.
    One thing I have noticed is that there are a LOT of Fleets! I bet 90% of these never make it!
    Wow is simple, unless your a Lvl 25 no one wants to know, this seems different but you got to work to make it happen!
    We have been lucky in the fact that we can fill all projects every night, but for small fleets it must be a nightmare.
    What Fleet are you in?
    In Game Characters,
    Dagoth Commanding Officer of the R.S.S Sabre, Scimitar Class Dreadnought.
    Nelson, Commanding Officer of the Victory - E, Armitage Class Carrier.
    Jones, Commanding Officer of the Sovereign, Sovereign Class Battleship.
    Fleet Admiral of Approaching Storm, the Servers fastest growing Fleet.
  • havokreignhavokreign Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Woohoo!! These guys are alright. Got people online almost 24/7 and have a mumble server.

    Bask in the self gloss before this thread gets merged into fleet holdings :D
  • bridportbridport Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Lol glad you like the Fleet mate!
    We have a lot of happy people ;)
    In Game Characters,
    Dagoth Commanding Officer of the R.S.S Sabre, Scimitar Class Dreadnought.
    Nelson, Commanding Officer of the Victory - E, Armitage Class Carrier.
    Jones, Commanding Officer of the Sovereign, Sovereign Class Battleship.
    Fleet Admiral of Approaching Storm, the Servers fastest growing Fleet.
  • topsettopset Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    1) This isn't a MUST READ thread, it's shameless self advertising spam.

    2) This is the forum you're looking for, FLEET RECRUITMENT. Not general discussion.


    Mod: Requesting a move please. Even though they didn't mention if they were Fed/KDF please assume they are fed.
    Kirk's Protege.
  • xtern1tyxtern1ty Member Posts: 796 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    You've been spamming your recruitment message all over the threads here, even in Non recruitment threads. There are many other fleets around; to an observer as myself, nothing you have makes you any more special than any one of them. Please maintain self-restraint.
  • bridportbridport Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    This post has been edited to remove content which violates the Perfect World Entertainment Community Rules and Policies . ~Bluegeek
    In Game Characters,
    Dagoth Commanding Officer of the R.S.S Sabre, Scimitar Class Dreadnought.
    Nelson, Commanding Officer of the Victory - E, Armitage Class Carrier.
    Jones, Commanding Officer of the Sovereign, Sovereign Class Battleship.
    Fleet Admiral of Approaching Storm, the Servers fastest growing Fleet.
  • topsettopset Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    bridport wrote: »
    Topset, thanks for hi-jacking this one.
    Please remove the stick from your TRIBBLE ;)

    No, I love it up there, it's stimulating.
    Kirk's Protege.
  • bridportbridport Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    You have never been in our fleet so you dont know.
    plus you can call it spamming, I call it getting a name out there.
    In Game Characters,
    Dagoth Commanding Officer of the R.S.S Sabre, Scimitar Class Dreadnought.
    Nelson, Commanding Officer of the Victory - E, Armitage Class Carrier.
    Jones, Commanding Officer of the Sovereign, Sovereign Class Battleship.
    Fleet Admiral of Approaching Storm, the Servers fastest growing Fleet.
  • topsettopset Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Just to clarify - I have every right to be annoyed by threads like this. It's people like you that clog up zone chat too, but this is even worse because there's a dedicated place for it but you choose to ignore it and go to the high population area so more people will see it.

    More people that don't want to see it.
    Kirk's Protege.
  • bridportbridport Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Thought you would!
    In Game Characters,
    Dagoth Commanding Officer of the R.S.S Sabre, Scimitar Class Dreadnought.
    Nelson, Commanding Officer of the Victory - E, Armitage Class Carrier.
    Jones, Commanding Officer of the Sovereign, Sovereign Class Battleship.
    Fleet Admiral of Approaching Storm, the Servers fastest growing Fleet.
  • rinksterrinkster Member Posts: 3,549 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    bridport wrote: »
    Topset, thanks for hi-jacking this one.
    Please remove the stick from your TRIBBLE ;)

    So, you stick your recruiting thhread in the wrong forum. Label it as if it's something of actual importance to the community instead of just another recruiting thread. And somehow its other people with something stuck in the fundament?

    So far, I'm actually not impressed with the quality, communication skills and ethics of your fleet leadership

    (edited for, laughably, mis-spelling communication)
  • jdskjflkjdfklsjfjdskjflkjdfklsjf Member Posts: 63 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    bridport wrote: »
    , I call it getting a name out there.

    Your giving yourself a BAD name
  • xtern1tyxtern1ty Member Posts: 796 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Topset is correct and as stated in another of your spam threads, you've been spamming your recruitment message in various threads here, even in Non recruitment threads and forum topics. You are abusing the forum and a Moderator is needed here as you refuse to maintain self-restraint.
  • bridportbridport Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Well yes, I have put the message into a Forum. In fact I have put it into lots of Forums, plus it gets our name out there so all good.
    We have always done things differently, maybe even a bit controversially. Thats what makes us stand out and thats what makes us never boring.
    Simple fact is, just because you dont think this post was worth its title headline is fine, thats your opinion, I would never try and force my opinion into yours.
    As the post also suggests there are a lot of truths in the post, like it or not.
    Granted my forum etiquette could be better, but then so could a lot of peoples attitudes.
    In Game Characters,
    Dagoth Commanding Officer of the R.S.S Sabre, Scimitar Class Dreadnought.
    Nelson, Commanding Officer of the Victory - E, Armitage Class Carrier.
    Jones, Commanding Officer of the Sovereign, Sovereign Class Battleship.
    Fleet Admiral of Approaching Storm, the Servers fastest growing Fleet.
  • topsettopset Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    bridport wrote: »
    Well yes, I have put the message into a Forum. In fact I have put it into lots of Forums, plus it gets our name out there so all good.
    We have always done things differently, maybe even a bit controversially. Thats what makes us stand out and thats what makes us never boring.

    LOL. So what you're saying is, you blatantly disregard the forum rules for your own selfish self-advancement, because you're greedy and think it'll "put your name out there" and you're trying to use that as a selling point to recruit new members?

    Do you honestly think that stands any chance of working? Right now, I couldn't be any more turned off to you as a fleet - behaviour like that is childish and rude.

    You also don't appear to be a member of the forum community, you don't spend any time on here - if you did you're realise that idiots like you come and go, day in, day out. We're sick of you. 90%+ of forum users are established players who are already in fleets (maybe several) and the last 10% are new players. If you're going to target them at least spam in the right place to find them.

    Go answer their questions in the academy, be helpful to them, guide them through they're problem, then hit them with the recruitment speel. C'mon guys, this is route 1 and what you're doing is pure laziness.
    Kirk's Protege.
  • rinksterrinkster Member Posts: 3,549 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    bridport wrote: »
    Well yes, I have put the message into a Forum. In fact I have put it into lots of Forums, plus it gets our name out there so all good.

    Well, that's the thing.

    It's not all good.

    Let me honest with you, if i were looking for a fleet, the way you are acting on these fora would make me put you on the list marked 'do not touch with barge pole'.


    Because, if you can't follow the etiquette, the really simple etiquette, of these fora what else can't you wrap your head around?

    You're not being controversial or daring or anything of the sort.

    You're just being ignorant.
  • bridportbridport Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    How so, because I put something in a wrong thread? I dont use forums very often so I am probably not as good as some of you on here.
    In terms of giving my Fleet a bad name, how? By incorrect Forum use? that would be quite amusing, if that offends you then your probably not right for us anyway. We talk about things that can sometimes can me misconstrued as un-PC.
    Also whats wrong with what I have done? I have tried to do something different then the 15,000 other fleets in this server.
    In Game Characters,
    Dagoth Commanding Officer of the R.S.S Sabre, Scimitar Class Dreadnought.
    Nelson, Commanding Officer of the Victory - E, Armitage Class Carrier.
    Jones, Commanding Officer of the Sovereign, Sovereign Class Battleship.
    Fleet Admiral of Approaching Storm, the Servers fastest growing Fleet.
  • bridportbridport Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Didnt Jim Kirk bend the rules?
    In Game Characters,
    Dagoth Commanding Officer of the R.S.S Sabre, Scimitar Class Dreadnought.
    Nelson, Commanding Officer of the Victory - E, Armitage Class Carrier.
    Jones, Commanding Officer of the Sovereign, Sovereign Class Battleship.
    Fleet Admiral of Approaching Storm, the Servers fastest growing Fleet.
  • bluegeekbluegeek Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013

    The thread in question has been moved and merged. Please observe the forum rules while responding to this thread.


    My views may not represent those of Cryptic Studios or Perfect World Entertainment. You can file a "forums and website" support ticket here
    Link: How to PM - Twitter @STOMod_Bluegeek
  • daan2006daan2006 Member Posts: 5,346 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    topset wrote: »
    1) This isn't a MUST READ thread, it's shameless self advertising spam.

    2) This is the forum you're looking for, FLEET RECRUITMENT. Not general discussion.


    Mod: Requesting a move please. Even though they didn't mention if they were Fed/KDF please assume they are fed.

    this ^^^^ and its ok they all have now been moved to the dead zone :D
    swimwear off risa not fixed
    system Lord Baal is dead
    macronius wrote: »
    This! Their ability to outdo their own failures is quite impressive. If only this power could be harnessed for good.
  • bridportbridport Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Guys, let me know your ingame names, I would love to chat more about the right and wrongs of etiquette. Equally if I have given you a bad impression then I apologise.
    Is it really the end of the world though if I pushed my Fleet? Or are we all a little bit twitchy that we cant get into the game?
    In Game Characters,
    Dagoth Commanding Officer of the R.S.S Sabre, Scimitar Class Dreadnought.
    Nelson, Commanding Officer of the Victory - E, Armitage Class Carrier.
    Jones, Commanding Officer of the Sovereign, Sovereign Class Battleship.
    Fleet Admiral of Approaching Storm, the Servers fastest growing Fleet.
  • topsettopset Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    bridport wrote: »
    How so, because I put something in a wrong thread? I dont use forums very often so I am probably not as good as some of you on here.
    In terms of giving my Fleet a bad name, how? By incorrect Forum use? that would be quite amusing, if that offends you then your probably not right for us anyway. We talk about things that can sometimes can me misconstrued as un-PC.
    Also whats wrong with what I have done? I have tried to do something different then the 15,000 other fleets in this server.

    You haven't done anything different, we get spam threads like this on a daily basis. All you're proving is that you're too lazy to read the rules, too ignorant to realise that spamming your recruitment thread in multiple forums is a bad idea - and making yourself look like a giant TRIBBLE. Not to mention a child, I'd be willing to lay money you're under 18 years of age.

    It's just pretty pathetic that you think you're being "daring" and "out of the box". You're not.
    Kirk's Protege.
  • topsettopset Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    bluegeek wrote: »

    The thread in question has been moved and merged. Please observe the forum rules while responding to this thread.



    Bluegeek :o:o <3


    Kirk's Protege.
  • bridportbridport Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Top set, your the one being rude.
    Calling people rude, ignorant, childish, all the things you have displayed so well!
    I would take a shot at saying your either a complete nerd in real life thats a hard man behind a PC screen or your just one of lifes moaners.
    In Game Characters,
    Dagoth Commanding Officer of the R.S.S Sabre, Scimitar Class Dreadnought.
    Nelson, Commanding Officer of the Victory - E, Armitage Class Carrier.
    Jones, Commanding Officer of the Sovereign, Sovereign Class Battleship.
    Fleet Admiral of Approaching Storm, the Servers fastest growing Fleet.
  • rinksterrinkster Member Posts: 3,549 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    bridport wrote: »
    How so, because I put something in a wrong thread? I dont use forums very often so I am probably not as good as some of you on here.
    In terms of giving my Fleet a bad name, how? By incorrect Forum use? that would be quite amusing, if that offends you then your probably not right for us anyway. We talk about things that can sometimes can me misconstrued as un-PC.
    Also whats wrong with what I have done? I have tried to do something different then the 15,000 other fleets in this server.

    It's not the putting the post in the wrong thread per se.

    Anyone can make a mistake once or twice, that's just human.

    But Fleets, indeed any such gaming organisation, require a couple of things to make them viable in the long term.

    Intelligence (although cunning will do)
    Ethics (although keeping promises can, sometimes do)

    The way you've approached this thread you've shown a lack of both.

    and I'd urge you to consider the wisdom of building a fleet full of people who are impressed by your actions on these fora.

    Are the people who think it funny to break the rules going to follow your rules?

    Oh, but kudos for changing the name of the thread. While it may or may not be true your fleet is the fastest growing, it is at least arguable.
  • topsettopset Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    bridport wrote: »
    Top set, your the one being rude.
    Calling people rude, ignorant, childish, all the things you have displayed so well!
    I would take a shot at saying your either a complete nerd in real life thats a hard man behind a PC screen or your just one of lifes moaners.

    Wah wah wah wah

    *sticks his tongue out and skips off into the sunset*

    (Neither a nerd, nor a hard man, nor a moaner. Just a bored forum user sick of you and people like you)
    rinkster wrote: »
    Oh, but kudos for changing the name of the thread. While it may or may not be true your fleet is the fastest growing, it is at least arguable.

    Pretty sure he didn't do that. This was the title of his original thread, the one in general discussion about "must read" was merged into this one, and this, the title was obliterated into nothingness.
    Kirk's Protege.
  • bridportbridport Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Cheers Rinkster thanks for that man. A sensible post in this discussion.
    At the moment I am making a big splash in a little pond. In a month or two people will have heard of us but wont remember why!
    Granted yes I should have read the rules. But to be fair I am hardly ever on this forum its only while the game is down. In game we are very serious. Here its a bit of fun.
    I love the how upset people get, I get the fact that people get fed up of constant recruting messages, but topset for instance just went straight rude with name calling etc, unfortunately I have bigger teeth!
    In Game Characters,
    Dagoth Commanding Officer of the R.S.S Sabre, Scimitar Class Dreadnought.
    Nelson, Commanding Officer of the Victory - E, Armitage Class Carrier.
    Jones, Commanding Officer of the Sovereign, Sovereign Class Battleship.
    Fleet Admiral of Approaching Storm, the Servers fastest growing Fleet.
  • xtern1tyxtern1ty Member Posts: 796 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    bluegeek wrote: »

    The thread in question has been moved and merged. Please observe the forum rules while responding to this thread.



    Thank you BlueGeek. Please note the same spam message has also been posted by the OP in many other non-recruitment threads not of the OP's creation, such as Brandon's latest system maintenance thread. Good luck. :)
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