Tour the Galaxy: Some mission timers were set to start on completion of a mission rather on start, they are all set to start on completion of the mission.
Can we get a bit more info on this please as its not really to clear what is going on with the timer/cool down.
P.s dose this mean we can now do a full hour tour?
Would love to see the Doff sell-ability removed , getting popcorn ready to see the *don't whine because the tour was nerfed, i like this fix*-people whine now their ec-farm has been disabled :P .
Well idk about selling DOFFs i find grinding for EC hard because i dont have 18-20 hours a day to sit on the game and grind i have responsivbilities to take care of.
so if they nerf the tour then some of us are going to find it even harder to make EC
Sorry, but what am I missing? If we can't claim the corvette after the 4th, then what's the use of keeping the pearls in the store until the 31st? They are bound on pickup when you buy them, so they expect me to buy them just to hold them until next summer? Unless I'm missing something, that makes no sense.
However, if we'll still be able to "buy" the corvette by purchasing pearls from the store (after Flying High ends), then it would make sense. But they're not saying that.
Technically, I believe if you slot the event project, you could wait for six months before you actually claim the ship. The winter event is still slottable, and if you had all the 8x10 glossies but had never completed the project, you could do so.
Aliella Hawklight, Divine Oracle Devoted Cleric "Whenever a time arises where clarity is desired, it is always wise to reflect on the sage within." ― Sereda Aleta Dailey
DaiMon Moogie, U.S.S. Acquisition
Rule of Acquisition #57: Good customers are as rare as latinum. Treasure them. STO LTS since launch; NW player since 2014; ARC user - only when I have to put in codes for free stuff
Tour the Galaxy: Some mission timers were set to start on completion of a mission rather on start, they are all set to start on completion of the mission.
Can we get a bit more info on this please as its not really to clear what is going on with the timer/cool down.
P.s dose this mean we can now do a full hour tour?
No, this means you can do one full round. The cooldown-timer will start at the end of this mission (either via drop or finishing via Yim) instead at the time you get the mission from Yim.
That's quite the paradox, how could you nerf nerf when the nerf is nerfed. But how would the nerf be nerfed when the nerf is nerfed? This allows the nerf not to be nerfed since the nerf is nerfed? But if the nerf isn't nerfed, it could still nerf nerfs. But as soon as the nerf is nerfed, the nerf power is lost. So paradoxally it the nerf nerf lost its nerf, while it's still nerfed, which cannot be because the nerf was unable to nerf.
Can we get some of the people with nothing but negative things to say about the game and Cryptic banned from the forums? It gets old seeing the same people constantly insulting the game and company. If they find it that bad they need to stop playing and go elsewhere rather then subject those of us who enjoy the game to their whining and complaining. They do not even offer any input on how to fix what they view as issues with the game of company. While I admit the game is not perfect, no game is. Sure there are bugs that pop up, but for the most part they do not break the game nor ruin the fun. Those problems that do occur that do this are quickly addressed (such as the fix for the random desktop crashing that happened a few weeks ago). Big whoop if clipping on clothing is not fixed, while annoying it does NOT break the game to make it unplayable. As for those claiming Cryptic never listens nor does it respond to valid complaints, I call BS. Not once have I had a ticket I submitted for a problem get ignored nor was I ever told "To bad, suck it up". Keep up the good work Cryptic, I for one enjoy STO, and I know you listen and fix things as you are able.
I agree that the Craptic (Sarcasm) bashing gets old. While this is to be expected from MMOs, the sycophantic glad handing and "attaboys" from the "Don't you dare say anything negative about the devs" people gets a bit hard to stomach as well. That's like rewarding subpar performance, or participation trophies. No one likes a perpetual sour puss, but, by the same token, no one likes a kiss TRIBBLE either. So, in short complaining about MMO complainers is like yelling at water because it's wet. It's just the way it is. Threats to bring down the ban hammer just make you look desperate. Just ignore them the way I do. We enjoy the freedom to applaud or complain. Maybe you shouldn't be such a whiner as well. End of Line.
Well idk about selling DOFFs i find grinding for EC hard because i dont have 18-20 hours a day to sit on the game and grind i have responsivbilities to take care of.
so if they nerf the tour then some of us are going to find it even harder to make EC
The tour has already been nerfed (on my birthday haha, how funny is that).
Yup, only got about 2 to 4 hrs a day to play (with lot's of brb's or afk's), so i know what you mean. There are possibilities though how you can make a bit more EC. This has been talked about in different topics.
That's quite the paradox, how could you nerf nerf when the nerf is nerfed. But how would the nerf be nerfed when the nerf is nerfed? This allows the nerf not to be nerfed since the nerf is nerfed? But if the nerf isn't nerfed, it could still nerf nerfs. But as soon as the nerf is nerfed, the nerf power is lost. So paradoxally it the nerf nerf lost its nerf, while it's still nerfed, which cannot be because the nerf was unable to nerf.
The tour has already been nerfed (on my birthday haha, how funny is that).
Yup, only got about 2 to 4 hrs a day to play (with lot's of brb's or afk's), so i know what you mean. There are possibilities though how you can make a bit more EC. This has been talked about in different topics.
Ouch a nerf on your B-day a harsh present for sure
Yeah i can play on and off maybe 8 hours if im lucky per day sometime more if things go well so i cant really grind as hard as others, was worried that i was going to get less time to do the tour.
With making EC i rely alot on selling contraband but sometimes those DOFF assingments go slack so i wind up with days not making anything.
So the tour is important to my coffers not being so...empty
I agree that the Craptic (Sarcasm) bashing gets old. While this is to be expected from MMOs, the sycophantic glad handing and "attaboys" from the "Don't you dare say anything negative about the devs" people gets a bit hard to stomach as well. That's like rewarding subpar performance, or participation trophies. No one likes a perpetual sour puss, but, by the same token, no one likes a kiss TRIBBLE either. So, in short complaining about MMO complainers is like yelling at water because it's wet. It's just the way it is. Threats to bring down the ban hammer just make you look desperate. Just ignore them the way I do. We enjoy the freedom to applaud or complain. Maybe you shouldn't be such a whiner as well. End of Line.
I have my share of complaints about the game and how it is handled, however I try to present them in a constructive manner and not in the "Oh my god, Cryptic sucks, they will always suck" manner. Sure, things could be better, bugs could be fixed, but coming onto the forums in EVERY update post to espouse how crappy the company or game is simply is not needed, nor should it be tolerated. Coming on and saying "I am upset because such and such has not been fixed" is perfectly acceptable. Coming on to denounce Cryptic and STO as the biggest piles of TRIBBLE ever is not. Were I one of the mods, the first time someone did such they would get a email warning. The second time a temp ban from the the forums (and if possible the game as well), third time would be permanent ban. Putting up with these trolls just makes the game less enjoyable, and I am sure it adds stress to the Cryptic people as well, and stress leads to mistakes, etc. I highly doubt you would like someone coming into your place of work to tell you how badly your company and you suck and doing it every single day.
Ouch a nerf on your B-day a harsh present for sure
Yeah i can play on and off maybe 8 hours if im lucky per day sometime more if things go well so i cant really grind as hard as others, was worried that i was going to get less time to do the tour.
With making EC i rely alot on selling contraband but sometimes those DOFF assingments go slack so i wind up with days not making anything.
So the tour is important to my coffers not being so...empty
I do not grind at all for stuff. I sell on the exchange. With what little I sell I have gotten one of my characters up to 8.5 million EC, so I am sure with a bit more effort you can make plenty of EC by selling unwanted gear on the exchange. Just do not go hog wild with your prices and then be surprised no one bought the item.
The wording of the patch notes does say "upon completion", which is misleading, because if you drop the mission, you have not completed it.
But unless they're going to make the event a daily or some other non-calendar event, it's a moot point about the timer. The tour event doesn't ever repeat within 4 hours of the last one. So it's irrelevant whether the timer starts at taking the mission (like the Lore event) or at completion (like - I don't know; what other timer starts at completion of the mission?).
Aliella Hawklight, Divine Oracle Devoted Cleric "Whenever a time arises where clarity is desired, it is always wise to reflect on the sage within." ― Sereda Aleta Dailey
DaiMon Moogie, U.S.S. Acquisition
Rule of Acquisition #57: Good customers are as rare as latinum. Treasure them. STO LTS since launch; NW player since 2014; ARC user - only when I have to put in codes for free stuff
Ouch a nerf on your B-day a harsh present for sure
Yeah i can play on and off maybe 8 hours if im lucky per day sometime more if things go well so i cant really grind as hard as others, was worried that i was going to get less time to do the tour.
With making EC i rely alot on selling contraband but sometimes those DOFF assingments go slack so i wind up with days not making anything.
So the tour is important to my coffers not being so...empty
Yeah well, it was a bummer but i don't really mind anymore though. Like 95% the time i was unavailable to do it anyways, it was always nice to get couple of mil's to last it out for couple of weeks. Now i don't do it at all anymore and *shrug* whenever i see it available (which suddenly looks like way more often then before).
Lately been doing ker'rat to try get some decent drops, it's more or less *destroy all=>discard loot=>profit*, unless you got some XII blue or purple .
Yes about that slacking up lately... They should start a "inspect leaky airlock duty" (like the kdf executy after incompetence) doff mission. You lose your doff after a critical succes .
That's quite the paradox, how could you nerf nerf when the nerf is nerfed. But how would the nerf be nerfed when the nerf is nerfed? This allows the nerf not to be nerfed since the nerf is nerfed? But if the nerf isn't nerfed, it could still nerf nerfs. But as soon as the nerf is nerfed, the nerf power is lost. So paradoxally it the nerf nerf lost its nerf, while it's still nerfed, which cannot be because the nerf was unable to nerf.
Yeah well, it was a bummer but i don't really mind anymore though. Like 95% the time i was unavailable to do it anyways, it was always nice to get couple of mil's to last it out for couple of weeks.
Lately been doing ker'rat to try get some decent drops, it's more or less *destroy all=>discard loot=>profit*, unless you got some XII blue or purple .
Yes about that slacking up lately... They should start a "inspect leaky airlock duty" (like the kdf executy after incompetence) doff mission. You lose your doff after a critical succes .
Would like to see a "Redshirt " assingment along the same lines lol
That's quite the paradox, how could you nerf nerf when the nerf is nerfed. But how would the nerf be nerfed when the nerf is nerfed? This allows the nerf not to be nerfed since the nerf is nerfed? But if the nerf isn't nerfed, it could still nerf nerfs. But as soon as the nerf is nerfed, the nerf power is lost. So paradoxally it the nerf nerf lost its nerf, while it's still nerfed, which cannot be because the nerf was unable to nerf.
In other media, the term "redshirt" and images of characters wearing red shirts represent characters destined for suffering or death.
This warrants a better explanation then that really.
In The Original Series Star Trek (henceforth TOS for short) security and various other "extras" were usually in a Red Uniform Shirt. These nameless extras would often meet an untimely death in the course of the episode they appeared in, most prominently when accompany the main cast on an away team. Due to this high mortality rate, the Term "Red Shirt" came to mean anyone destined to die. For those of you who are TNG fan and never watched TOS, it is equivalent to "Gold Shirts", since security in TNG wore Gold rather then Red.
That's quite the paradox, how could you nerf nerf when the nerf is nerfed. But how would the nerf be nerfed when the nerf is nerfed? This allows the nerf not to be nerfed since the nerf is nerfed? But if the nerf isn't nerfed, it could still nerf nerfs. But as soon as the nerf is nerfed, the nerf power is lost. So paradoxally it the nerf nerf lost its nerf, while it's still nerfed, which cannot be because the nerf was unable to nerf.
That's quite the paradox, how could you nerf nerf when the nerf is nerfed. But how would the nerf be nerfed when the nerf is nerfed? This allows the nerf not to be nerfed since the nerf is nerfed? But if the nerf isn't nerfed, it could still nerf nerfs. But as soon as the nerf is nerfed, the nerf power is lost. So paradoxally it the nerf nerf lost its nerf, while it's still nerfed, which cannot be because the nerf was unable to nerf.
That's quite the paradox, how could you nerf nerf when the nerf is nerfed. But how would the nerf be nerfed when the nerf is nerfed? This allows the nerf not to be nerfed since the nerf is nerfed? But if the nerf isn't nerfed, it could still nerf nerfs. But as soon as the nerf is nerfed, the nerf power is lost. So paradoxally it the nerf nerf lost its nerf, while it's still nerfed, which cannot be because the nerf was unable to nerf.
This is ridiculous beyond comprehension. :rolleyes: 45K dilithium = less than 6 days of refining, 4 days on two toons and 2 days on three toons. 100K Fleet marks can be earned simply by donating skill points, data samples. Meanwhile, the said pets were stealing upward of 200 contrabands / day. Even at a modest price of 40K ec per contraband, that means they were bringing about 8 million ec / day. Even if you have just for a month and assume you don't farm everyday, but 20 days out of month, you will bring in easily 160 million ec. :eek:
LOL. Oh dear.
Let me speak slowly and clearly.
1) Do you actually thinkg 45k dil and 100k fleet credit is cheap? Given that most people run two of these things, that's 90k dil and 200k fleet credit. It's the fleet credit that's the killer - skill points, data samples, commodities - they net you next to nothing in terms of fleet credits. If you have any hope of getting 200k fleet credit you have to donate either a boat load of marks, or a crapload of dil.
2) They weren't stealing anywhere NEAR 200 contraband per day. Unless maybe you had them in combat 24/7 using some kind of script to keep yourself active and from timing out. Nowhere near. The most I ever got in a day was about 15, and I get more than that from doffing the marauding system.
Tour the Galaxy: Some mission timers were set to start on completion of a mission rather on start, they are all set to start on completion of the mission.
Can we get a bit more info on this please as its not really to clear what is going on with the timer/cool down.
P.s dose this mean we can now do a full hour tour?
I asked the same question on the first page, since the sentence doesn't make any grammatical sense. Though I don't think we're going to get a Dev response. A player did reply to say that he couldn't see any difference in behaviour with the Tour after this 'fix' went live on the Tribble server.
Join date is wrong, I've actually been around since STO Beta.
True alters don't have a "main". Account wide unlocks for all unique event rewards!!
Alot of people dont get it. thou some of us TNG generation actualy watched Tos before TNG
I remember my very first episod of Tos that got me hooked It was Miri season 1 episode 9. I am 24 btw
1) Do you actually thinkg 45k dil and 100k fleet credit is cheap? Given that most people run two of these things, that's 90k dil and 200k fleet credit. It's the fleet credit that's the killer - skill points, data samples, commodities - they net you next to nothing in terms of fleet credits. If you have any hope of getting 200k fleet credit you have to donate either a boat load of marks, or a crapload of dil.
2) They weren't stealing anywhere NEAR 200 contraband per day. Unless maybe you had them in combat 24/7 using some kind of script to keep yourself active and from timing out. Nowhere near. The most I ever got in a day was about 15, and I get more than that from doffing the marauding system.
3) You've never played a KDF character.
200k fleet credits is super super easy to get... That's 4,000 fleet marks. If you are in a fleet and actually donating to things, and spending any time whatsoever farming marks or even just properly using the doff system, that shouldn't be more than a month if you only donate marks.
Also people were using Foundry missions for contraband farming with them. That's a main way they got so many.
200k fleet credits is super super easy to get... That's 4,000 fleet marks. If you are in a fleet and actually donating to things, and spending any time whatsoever farming marks or even just properly using the doff system, that shouldn't be more than a month if you only donate marks.
That's assuming you can ever actually donate marks. I have ~6k marks on my main toon, haven't been able to donate any in well over a month. Lots of people and the projects fill instantly, and bottleneck on dilithium. Same as a lot of people. If you're in a small, empty fleet then yeah it's no problem at all. If you're in a fleet with 300+ people, then not so much. You're pretty much down to donating 200k dil.
Can we get some of the people with nothing but negative things to say about the game and Cryptic banned from the forums? It gets old seeing the same people constantly insulting the game and company. If they find it that bad they need to stop playing and go elsewhere rather then subject those of us who enjoy the game to their whining and complaining. They do not even offer any input on how to fix what they view as issues with the game of company. While I admit the game is not perfect, no game is. Sure there are bugs that pop up, but for the most part they do not break the game nor ruin the fun. Those problems that do occur that do this are quickly addressed (such as the fix for the random desktop crashing that happened a few weeks ago). Big whoop if clipping on clothing is not fixed, while annoying it does NOT break the game to make it unplayable. As for those claiming Cryptic never listens nor does it respond to valid complaints, I call BS. Not once have I had a ticket I submitted for a problem get ignored nor was I ever told "To bad, suck it up". Keep up the good work Cryptic, I for one enjoy STO, and I know you listen and fix things as you are able.
We could complain about boot-licking in the same manner. I'm a paying customer and I'm entitled to complain if I want too. It's a free country.
The fact that there are more complaints than praise in these forums should be a hint of this being no mere "whining and complaining", but I guess that the majority is wrong then.
That a bug is game-breaking or not, or that it ruins the fun or not, is entirely relative. My definition might be very different from the next guy's. So if a large enough group is complaining about something, then it becomes important; even if it's, for example, a simple costume clipping issue.
As to offering input on how to fix problems? I'm not a FREAKING game developer. I'm not the one to tell how to fix them; they should know. What I CAN do is what most people in these forums do: notify the problems and/or provide suggestions as to the end results we would like to see. If the requests and suggestions are not reasonable or practical, then they should just say it and why. That type of communication would go a long way. But the same bugs and problems get mentioned over and over, and they're not acknowledged. Then we get these surprise new features like costume presets that, I would venture to say, almost nobody asked for. I just don't get it.
Oh, and before anyone says, "if you don't like it, go play another game", I'm here because I love Star Trek. So instead of having no Star Trek, I would prefer a better Star Trek. Last I looked, this is the only Star Trek MMO around.
That's quite the paradox, how could you nerf nerf when the nerf is nerfed. But how would the nerf be nerfed when the nerf is nerfed? This allows the nerf not to be nerfed since the nerf is nerfed? But if the nerf isn't nerfed, it could still nerf nerfs. But as soon as the nerf is nerfed, the nerf power is lost. So paradoxally it the nerf nerf lost its nerf, while it's still nerfed, which cannot be because the nerf was unable to nerf.
Can we get a bit more info on this please as its not really to clear what is going on with the timer/cool down.
P.s dose this mean we can now do a full hour tour?
Well idk about selling DOFFs i find grinding for EC hard because i dont have 18-20 hours a day to sit on the game and grind i have responsivbilities to take care of.
so if they nerf the tour then some of us are going to find it even harder to make EC
You can't earn pearls after the 4th; they've never said you can't claim the corvette after the 4th.
Technically, I believe if you slot the event project, you could wait for six months before you actually claim the ship. The winter event is still slottable, and if you had all the 8x10 glossies but had never completed the project, you could do so.
Aliella Hawklight, Divine Oracle Devoted Cleric
"Whenever a time arises where clarity is desired, it is always wise to reflect on the sage within."
― Sereda Aleta Dailey
DaiMon Moogie, U.S.S. Acquisition
Rule of Acquisition #57: Good customers are as rare as latinum. Treasure them.
STO LTS since launch; NW player since 2014; ARC user - only when I have to put in codes for free stuff
No, this means you can do one full round. The cooldown-timer will start at the end of this mission (either via drop or finishing via Yim) instead at the time you get the mission from Yim.
I call it, the Stoutes paradox.
I agree that the Craptic (Sarcasm) bashing gets old. While this is to be expected from MMOs, the sycophantic glad handing and "attaboys" from the "Don't you dare say anything negative about the devs" people gets a bit hard to stomach as well. That's like rewarding subpar performance, or participation trophies. No one likes a perpetual sour puss, but, by the same token, no one likes a kiss TRIBBLE either. So, in short complaining about MMO complainers is like yelling at water because it's wet. It's just the way it is. Threats to bring down the ban hammer just make you look desperate. Just ignore them the way I do. We enjoy the freedom to applaud or complain. Maybe you shouldn't be such a whiner as well. End of Line.
Yup, only got about 2 to 4 hrs a day to play (with lot's of brb's or afk's), so i know what you mean. There are possibilities though how you can make a bit more EC. This has been talked about in different topics.
I call it, the Stoutes paradox.
Ouch a nerf on your B-day a harsh present for sure
Yeah i can play on and off maybe 8 hours if im lucky per day sometime more if things go well so i cant really grind as hard as others, was worried that i was going to get less time to do the tour.
With making EC i rely alot on selling contraband but sometimes those DOFF assingments go slack so i wind up with days not making anything.
So the tour is important to my coffers not being so...empty
I have my share of complaints about the game and how it is handled, however I try to present them in a constructive manner and not in the "Oh my god, Cryptic sucks, they will always suck" manner. Sure, things could be better, bugs could be fixed, but coming onto the forums in EVERY update post to espouse how crappy the company or game is simply is not needed, nor should it be tolerated. Coming on and saying "I am upset because such and such has not been fixed" is perfectly acceptable. Coming on to denounce Cryptic and STO as the biggest piles of TRIBBLE ever is not. Were I one of the mods, the first time someone did such they would get a email warning. The second time a temp ban from the the forums (and if possible the game as well), third time would be permanent ban. Putting up with these trolls just makes the game less enjoyable, and I am sure it adds stress to the Cryptic people as well, and stress leads to mistakes, etc. I highly doubt you would like someone coming into your place of work to tell you how badly your company and you suck and doing it every single day.
I do not grind at all for stuff. I sell on the exchange. With what little I sell I have gotten one of my characters up to 8.5 million EC, so I am sure with a bit more effort you can make plenty of EC by selling unwanted gear on the exchange. Just do not go hog wild with your prices and then be surprised no one bought the item.
Unfortunately, I'm sure you're correct.
The wording of the patch notes does say "upon completion", which is misleading, because if you drop the mission, you have not completed it.
But unless they're going to make the event a daily or some other non-calendar event, it's a moot point about the timer. The tour event doesn't ever repeat within 4 hours of the last one. So it's irrelevant whether the timer starts at taking the mission (like the Lore event) or at completion (like - I don't know; what other timer starts at completion of the mission?).
Aliella Hawklight, Divine Oracle Devoted Cleric
"Whenever a time arises where clarity is desired, it is always wise to reflect on the sage within."
― Sereda Aleta Dailey
DaiMon Moogie, U.S.S. Acquisition
Rule of Acquisition #57: Good customers are as rare as latinum. Treasure them.
STO LTS since launch; NW player since 2014; ARC user - only when I have to put in codes for free stuff
Yeah well, it was a bummer but i don't really mind anymore though. Like 95% the time i was unavailable to do it anyways, it was always nice to get couple of mil's to last it out for couple of weeks. Now i don't do it at all anymore and *shrug* whenever i see it available (which suddenly looks like way more often then before).
Lately been doing ker'rat to try get some decent drops, it's more or less *destroy all=>discard loot=>profit*, unless you got some XII blue or purple
Yes about that slacking up lately... They should start a "inspect leaky airlock duty" (like the kdf executy after incompetence) doff mission. You lose your doff after a critical succes
I call it, the Stoutes paradox.
Would like to see a "Redshirt " assingment along the same lines lol
LOL Shame of it is, all the TNG people to young to remember TOS are probably scratching their head at the Red Shirt reference.
lol yeah thats true
In other media, the term "redshirt" and images of characters wearing red shirts represent characters destined for suffering or death.
EDIT: Much like the tour, haha :P
I call it, the Stoutes paradox.
This warrants a better explanation then that really.
In The Original Series Star Trek (henceforth TOS for short) security and various other "extras" were usually in a Red Uniform Shirt. These nameless extras would often meet an untimely death in the course of the episode they appeared in, most prominently when accompany the main cast on an away team. Due to this high mortality rate, the Term "Red Shirt" came to mean anyone destined to die. For those of you who are TNG fan and never watched TOS, it is equivalent to "Gold Shirts", since security in TNG wore Gold rather then Red.
I call it, the Stoutes paradox.
Borg were not in Generation. They were in First Contact. And I am not sure to be honest.
its got another hour and half.
Bummer, couldn't find it on YT. Oh and updated it, you were right.
I call it, the Stoutes paradox.
I call it, the Stoutes paradox.
LOL. Oh dear.
Let me speak slowly and clearly.
1) Do you actually thinkg 45k dil and 100k fleet credit is cheap? Given that most people run two of these things, that's 90k dil and 200k fleet credit. It's the fleet credit that's the killer - skill points, data samples, commodities - they net you next to nothing in terms of fleet credits. If you have any hope of getting 200k fleet credit you have to donate either a boat load of marks, or a crapload of dil.
2) They weren't stealing anywhere NEAR 200 contraband per day. Unless maybe you had them in combat 24/7 using some kind of script to keep yourself active and from timing out. Nowhere near. The most I ever got in a day was about 15, and I get more than that from doffing the marauding system.
3) You've never played a KDF character.
Kirk's Protege.
I asked the same question on the first page, since the sentence doesn't make any grammatical sense. Though I don't think we're going to get a Dev response. A player did reply to say that he couldn't see any difference in behaviour with the Tour after this 'fix' went live on the Tribble server.
I remember my very first episod of Tos that got me hooked It was Miri season 1 episode 9. I am 24 btw
200k fleet credits is super super easy to get... That's 4,000 fleet marks. If you are in a fleet and actually donating to things, and spending any time whatsoever farming marks or even just properly using the doff system, that shouldn't be more than a month if you only donate marks.
Also people were using Foundry missions for contraband farming with them. That's a main way they got so many.
That's assuming you can ever actually donate marks. I have ~6k marks on my main toon, haven't been able to donate any in well over a month. Lots of people and the projects fill instantly, and bottleneck on dilithium. Same as a lot of people. If you're in a small, empty fleet then yeah it's no problem at all. If you're in a fleet with 300+ people, then not so much. You're pretty much down to donating 200k dil.
Kirk's Protege.
We could complain about boot-licking in the same manner. I'm a paying customer and I'm entitled to complain if I want too. It's a free country.
The fact that there are more complaints than praise in these forums should be a hint of this being no mere "whining and complaining", but I guess that the majority is wrong then.
That a bug is game-breaking or not, or that it ruins the fun or not, is entirely relative. My definition might be very different from the next guy's. So if a large enough group is complaining about something, then it becomes important; even if it's, for example, a simple costume clipping issue.
As to offering input on how to fix problems? I'm not a FREAKING game developer. I'm not the one to tell how to fix them; they should know. What I CAN do is what most people in these forums do: notify the problems and/or provide suggestions as to the end results we would like to see. If the requests and suggestions are not reasonable or practical, then they should just say it and why. That type of communication would go a long way. But the same bugs and problems get mentioned over and over, and they're not acknowledged. Then we get these surprise new features like costume presets that, I would venture to say, almost nobody asked for. I just don't get it.
Oh, and before anyone says, "if you don't like it, go play another game", I'm here because I love Star Trek. So instead of having no Star Trek, I would prefer a better Star Trek. Last I looked, this is the only Star Trek MMO around.
Yeah, I believe that's the reason, but why can't they say it in plain English?
Because they are Americans?
I call it, the Stoutes paradox.