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Rom boff stuck in overflow bag

beefsupreme79beefsupreme79 Member Posts: 234 Arc User
edited August 2013 in PC Gameplay Bug Reports
So my klingon has plenty of ec. i decided to buy a rom operative boff for my romulan charachter. i pay the 750k... great deal im thinking. i click on dont join now etc and he is sitting in my boff candidate screen. i accept a bridge invite from a fleetie to trade to him so he can than trade to my rom.

boof gone....disappears. so i finally find him in my overflow bag. hmmm strange. my inventory is far from full. anyway cant trade him out of my OF bag and i CANNOT drag him to my inventory. it says "inventory full" so basicly i have an expensive boff sitting in limbo.

need help here
Post edited by beefsupreme79 on


  • beefsupreme79beefsupreme79 Member Posts: 234 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    bump, need help here
  • beefsupreme79beefsupreme79 Member Posts: 234 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    bump bbbbbump
  • scyver38scyver38 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I'll give another bump since I have the same problem.
  • beefsupreme79beefsupreme79 Member Posts: 234 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    glad to know its not just me
  • crypticarmsmancrypticarmsman Member Posts: 4,115 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Remember the following: Normally Boffs can't be placed in a player's actual inventory (The one exception is if you had one on the Exchange, the sale expired, and the system e-mailed that Boff back to you - if you take the Boff attachment, it will appear in your player inventory.)

    My question to you guys is: Is your Boff candidate roster full? If so, try removing a Boff from the candidate roster (put one on the Exchange, delete one you really don't need, etc.); then try moving that Boff in the overflow bag onto your Boff candidate roster.

    If that doesn't work, then yep, you have a nasty bug, and a GM, or other person from Cryptic support needs to help correct the problem. :(
    Formerly known as Armsman from June 2008 to June 20, 2012
    PWE ARC Drone says: "Your STO forum community as you have known it is ended...Display names are irrelevant...Any further sense of community is irrelevant...Resistance is futile...You will be assimilated..."
  • johngazmanjohngazman Member Posts: 2,826 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    So my klingon has plenty of ec. i decided to buy a rom operative boff for my romulan charachter. i pay the 750k... great deal im thinking. i click on dont join now etc and he is sitting in my boff candidate screen. i accept a bridge invite from a fleetie to trade to him so he can than trade to my rom.

    boof gone....disappears. so i finally find him in my overflow bag. hmmm strange. my inventory is far from full. anyway cant trade him out of my OF bag and i CANNOT drag him to my inventory. it says "inventory full" so basicly i have an expensive boff sitting in limbo.

    need help here

    So if he was still a candidate, you could have just mailed him to your Rom.
    You're just a machine. And machines can be broken.
  • balian1234balian1234 Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Same as OP. Bought with FED toon and now have 3 Romulan Boff's sitting in my overflow bag (the ones with Superior Romulan Operative, so really TRIBBLE off).

    Inventory has free space, as does station, can't e-mail, can't trade with another Romulan toon on another account.

    Have bought many Lethean Boff's etc. this way and no such problems.......so shouldn't matter that they can't join your crew.
  • genrldestructiongenrldestruction Member Posts: 195 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Whenever I have problems with the Overflow bag, I end up having to log out and back in in order to get anything out of it. Haven't seen that problem in a while, but perhaps that will work for you.
  • tharrisxtharrisx Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    I had full inventory when I completed a mission on my kdf reman named "Ghanima", so some stuff was placed into the overflow bag. However, now, I have cleared 21 inventory slots, and still nothing will come out of the overflow bag... I can't even see what's in the there; the button does nothing at all.


  • masterkeychnk5masterkeychnk5 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    So my klingon has plenty of ec. i decided to buy a rom operative boff for my romulan charachter. i pay the 750k... great deal im thinking. i click on dont join now etc and he is sitting in my boff candidate screen. i accept a bridge invite from a fleetie to trade to him so he can than trade to my rom.

    boof gone....disappears. so i finally find him in my overflow bag. hmmm strange. my inventory is far from full. anyway cant trade him out of my OF bag and i CANNOT drag him to my inventory. it says "inventory full" so basicly i have an expensive boff sitting in limbo.

    need help here

    Yup i reported it as well 3 weeks back, still no solution. I got like 10 romulan boffs sitting in my overflow bag and there is no way to get them out.
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] I am not Snakie, MT is!
  • masterkeychnk5masterkeychnk5 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Yup i reported it as well 3 weeks back, still no solution. I got like 10 romulan boffs sitting in my overflow bag and there is no way to get them out.

    Error: "Inventory Full"

    Well, ofcourse you dont have to ask, I made space in both my inventory and bridge officer commission list.
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] I am not Snakie, MT is!
  • masterkeychnk5masterkeychnk5 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Well, ofcourse you dont have to ask, I made space in both my inventory and bridge officer commission list.[/QUOTE]

    im totlally TRIBBLE up lol
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] I am not Snakie, MT is!
  • excalibersechoexcalibersecho Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Got some fleet credits stuck in the overflow bag also, any one found a way of getting them out...
  • chookinchookin Member Posts: 67 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    I read someone in general chat asking about this and an answer someone gave was to remove items from your device tab or console slots, log in and out and it may allow you to now move things out of your overflow.

    Not sure if that is true, but thought I'd say just in case it does help.
  • shuraivanovnashuraivanovna Member Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    For me it's a marks package and no, the suggestion of relogging does not help, nor does the suggestion of removing devices. More suggestions are still appreciated, however. I think the problem I had was when I first tried to take the item, my inventory was full, thus sticking it in a state of thinking my inventory was full even when it no longer is. Anyone know if recreating the problem (ie deliberately getting something else into your overflow) and then creating enough space, will fix it? I'm afraid to try... I don't want to lose anything ELSE important.

    It would be really nice to have a gm or dev or anyone important show some interest and reply here, even if it's just to say they don't know whats wrong and are working on it, or whatever. As it is there is no indication they even NOTICE.

    I've had this problem less than a week but it is not at all encouraging to see this thread going back months and nobody knows anything or has said they received any response to the (by now must be dozens, judging from this) bug reports filed.

    I even clicked the "contact gm" button. We'll see...
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