Frankly this game still sucks, for the last month its been login and do the same old grind TRIBBLE. Even with the new targeting system, ground combat is like playing a cardboard cut out. So I burned off the 9500 zen that has accumulated since the last time i played, guess the next time I log in there will be another 9500 zen to waste on stupid stuff.
Good luck with whatever game you find better fits your needs!
STO is about my Liberated Borg Federation Captain with his Breen 1st Officer, Jem'Hadar Tactical Officer, Liberated Borg Engineering Officer, Android Ops Officer, Photonic Science Officer, Gorn Science Officer, and Reman Medical Officer jumping into their Jem'Hadar Carrier and flying off to do missions for the new Romulan Empire. But for some players allowing a T5 Connie to be used breaks the canon in the game.
Frankly this game still sucks, for the last month its been login and do the same old grind TRIBBLE. Even with the new targeting system, ground combat is like playing a cardboard cut out. So I burned off the 9500 zen that has accumulated since the last time i played, guess the next time I log in there will be another 9500 zen to waste on stupid stuff.
STO in a nutshell........ BORING
It definitely gets tedious, I'm with you on that, can't see myself playing this for much longer after I finish the missions out.
I still enjoy the game enough to keep logging in and while it's not technically an 'I quit' thread, it's not really the best use of one's resources to curse the darkness instead of giving constructive ideas on how to make light.
Lots of much needed new stuff with LoR. Great work by the team and I have thoroughly enjoyed all of it. Level 1 KDF was a much needed addition. Build it and they will come, or not, but if you don't, they won't.
OP does have a point though. For those who weren't intersted in making a new toon, end-game additions were very thin on the ground. We do the grind, which requires us to do the end-game content, in order to get the gear. Once you get the gear, there's nothing left. End game in STO is: Collect Gear, Do PvP and/or Roll another Toon. Yea... I know... it's a mmo... but seriously... For someone who isn't really a fan of PvP (in its current form) has a Tholian/Omega/Rom Rep Tier 5 toon (or 2 or 3) with T5 fleet/rep gear all acquired and the ship they're happy with - what is there to do?
Grinding for gear should be so that we can do end-game content, end-game shouldn't be how we get the gear, especially if the longevity/replayability of the content simply does not stretch to the length of the grind.
I guess for some people, logging in and doing ISE in 6 minutes, KASE in 7 and CSE in 8 for the 1000th time is fun. And that's fine, I have no beef with that. I still enjoy them from time to time and the ground ones at least still feel somewhat like a raid, but it's simply time for a meeting at cryptic to decide how they're going to inject some life/interest/fun into STO's end-game. It badly needs it and 20k range 100k Crit uberbeams are not the way to go.
"So my fun is wrong?"
No. Your fun makes everyone else's fun wrong by default.
You know its funny I have played a lot of MMO games and everyone gets boring once you reach end game. You do BG or dungeons to get better gear all day everyday until the next expansion. So your claim here is valid but go take a break that's what I do but I see no need to complain about it like it's a problem only STO has.
I find them a little pointless really, since you get them for inane nonsense like watching fireworks on Risa now.
It's up to the players. For example, I never leave the Fed tutorial without at least getting the Borg ground combat accolade - plus it gives me extra ground damage against the Borg when I'm at higher levels.
STO is about my Liberated Borg Federation Captain with his Breen 1st Officer, Jem'Hadar Tactical Officer, Liberated Borg Engineering Officer, Android Ops Officer, Photonic Science Officer, Gorn Science Officer, and Reman Medical Officer jumping into their Jem'Hadar Carrier and flying off to do missions for the new Romulan Empire. But for some players allowing a T5 Connie to be used breaks the canon in the game.
Poor people getting bored and fed up with grindy whimey stuffs... awwwww
Get yourself some good friends that are entertaining and you'll be surprised just how much fun even the grinds can be in STO if you choose to do them, or do one of the gabillion foundary missions.. there is just so much to see and do, its amazing OR just leave in silence.
That's quite the paradox, how could you nerf nerf when the nerf is nerfed. But how would the nerf be nerfed when the nerf is nerfed? This allows the nerf not to be nerfed since the nerf is nerfed? But if the nerf isn't nerfed, it could still nerf nerfs. But as soon as the nerf is nerfed, the nerf power is lost. So paradoxally it the nerf nerf lost its nerf, while it's still nerfed, which cannot be because the nerf was unable to nerf.
You know its funny I have played a lot of MMO games and everyone gets boring once you reach end game. You do BG or dungeons to get better gear all day everyday until the next expansion. So your claim here is valid but go take a break that's what I do but I see no need to complain about it like it's a problem only STO has.
One of the reasons I decided to try STO was the idea of 'episodes', the notion I had was to see new mission with the new seasons. It's never happened as I imagined it. Every new season brings new bling, new grinds, new lockboxes, and no new missions for established characters unless you buy into one of the grind systems or roll a new toon.
Had I known this was a dead-end game I would've continued playing something else. Now, not only have I lost 18 months worth of progress in the games I used to play, but have realized STO has gone nowhere in the 18 months I've been playing it. I've wasted all that time.
Grinding is only half the game.... this is an RPG... if you're not doing RPG stuff and just grinding to accumulate TRIBBLE, you're guaranteed to get bored at some point.
Frankly, whilst I don't think the game sucks, I do easily tire of the grind. Luckily (in a way) I'm not there yet; back in June I started up another four characters, and I'm slowly progressing them through the Duty Officer System. I've done the actual leveling system too many times now to repeat it again.
Come level #50 though, I honestly don't think I'm going to grind through three/four reputation systems. It just isn't worth it and it's as boring as watching paint dry.
Grinding is only half the game.... this is an RPG... if you're not doing RPG stuff and just grinding to accumulate TRIBBLE, you're guaranteed to get bored at some point.
^ This.
Any game will get tedious if all you do is grind. My main is all but topped off. The only gear I need I have to grind thru the fleet holdings system to get. Reps done. I have some other ships I could flesh out, but that will come with time.
What do I do now? Any thing I want!
Other then trying to go for my 8k every day, I can play whatever content suits me at that moment. Want to doff? Great. Want to storm about on the ground somewhere? Fine. Run foundry missions for story? Yay! Point is, once the grind is done you can actually play the game the way it was meant to be enjoyed.
This *IS* supposed to be a virtual world... If you treat it solely as an action game you will eventually hit the end, like any other action game on the planet.
I once again match my character. Behold the power of PINK!
Fleet Admiral Space Orphidian Possiblities Wizard
never grind...never will tbh. and I have purple XI items pretty much all around, gained relatively eaisily and nearly most solo'ed (minus the borg sets, which are easy to get via casual play too)
I just log onto the character I feel like playing, do some episodes or foundrys or wahtever.... and I get my fun quota for the day.
you make it sound like you are being forced to grind in this game..... it's jsut not true.
you are jsut punishing yourself.... if you feel like you are something else that is more satisfying, there are a lot of options.
If you get bored endgame, hop on the Foundry. Play missions there, maybe even create a few of your own. Here is why:
1) (most) Foundry missions aren't about grinding, nor do they require you to do so.
2) There are great stories out there to explore, some better than the official missions.
3) Creating Foundry missions is fun. Yes, you will need to go dilithium mining 10 times for 4 slots, but if that is everything......
If you still are bored, maybe you should not be playing MMO's. Try shooters or strategy for a while: completely different and sometimes a welcome change.
For me: sometimes I play another game for a day. Then I return to STO and I'll love it.
Is funny how evryone bring the foundry and PVP as the salvation tool.
I am a Foundry author and a PVP player (even PVP boot camp coach).
Foundry is in worst state that it was when it was launched in season 4 (or 3, dont remember). Is bugged, you get crash every 10 seconds, is slower and is forgotten by the devs. Each season brakes most of the missions and there is fewer good authors each day.
PVP, well.. looks like that even if Crypting want it to destroy PVP, they couldnt do it any better that now. New OP stuff each day, new broken mechanics and off course, not a single new stuff for PVP since Season 2.
Most of you are new for what I can see, in 1 month, most of you are going to be like the OP. Believe me.
Is funny how evryone bring the foundry and PVP as the salvation tool.
I am a Foundry author and a PVP player (even PVP boot camp coach).
Foundry is in worst state that it was when it was launched in season 4 (or 3, dont remember). Is bugged, you get crash every 10 seconds, is slower and is forgotten by the devs. Each season brakes most of the missions and there is fewer good authors each day.
PVP, well.. looks like that even if Crypting want it to destroy PVP, they couldnt do it any better that now. New OP stuff each day, new broken mechanics and off course, not a single new stuff for PVP since Season 2.
Most of you are new for what I can see, in 1 month, most of you are going to be like the OP. Believe me.
I think no-one is debating that (a working) foundry and (balanced) PvP are viable options.
But unless Foundry and PvP are somehow more incorporated into the 'mainstream' of the game, many players will be turned off by it. It's a sad fact, but a fact none-the-less, that most of the questions people ask about both of them is 'is it worth doing?' I always answer 'yes, absolutely'. Foundry because there are some real gems and PvP because when you have a good, even, balanced, sportsmanlike fight, it's really really good fun.
The other issue with foundry stuff is part of the reason things like drops and completion rewards were introduced to it in the first place. I have been playing foundry missions since it was first introduced, and while the stories were good, in some cases exceptional, they still very often felt like something 'outside' of the game as a whole - 'missing something' if you will - without elements you find in the regular official story content. No matter how well written, you were constantly reminded that they were player created. Obviously this is not a bad thing in itself, of course not, but I do think many players need the thing they're doing to feel 'official' as part of their enjoyment.
But it seems that on the whole, if 'fun' is the only reward, or a similar or better 'worth the trouble' (sic) reward can be got somewhere else, then the vast majority of players don't do them and end up making threads like this. When was the last time any of you did Breaking the Planet?
It's very sad, and while I am 100% in favour of there being more 'official' content, and moreover, that such content has less of a grind feeling attached to it (whether it is for rep/fleet grind or not), I cannot help but agree with a lot of the posts I see in this thread which suggest taking the grind less seriously and exploring the other options available for having fun.
Long live PvP, Long live the Foundry and give us some difficult, long TRIBBLE$ PvE stuff that's not all about Marks and Dilithium. Grind for the grind, other stuff for the fun. If the two can be merged, everybody wins - most of all PWE.....
"So my fun is wrong?"
No. Your fun makes everyone else's fun wrong by default.
Long live PvP, Long live the Foundry and give us some difficult, long TRIBBLE$ PvE stuff that's not all about Marks and Dilithium. Grind for the grind, other stuff for the fun. If the two can be merged, everybody wins - most of all PWE.....
Amen to that.. too bad Cryptic does not see it that way. This Summer event is the best example, yes, is fun to fly with the jetpack and hunt the accolades. Is fun to dance a bit.. but after a week there is nothing more than Grind, and the worst type of grind, the repetitive one.
Games can not live with out grind, but there are types of grind. One thing is to grind PVP where each game is different, or a really challenge raid with your fleet mates, and another thing is to repeat the same, easy and short mission again and again and again and again.
One thing is to play a hard mission with a good reward, and another is a mission that said kill/collect/rescue 20/20. Too bad, STO has the worst type of grind, the Asian MMO type of grind. But it works for their wallets, so who I am to said what is best for the game?
I don't usually "LOL", but... LOL and ROFL too! ...mmmmm... cake....
Star Trek Battles Channel - Play Star Trek like they did in the series!Avatar: pinterest-com/pin/14003448816884219Are you sure it isn't time for a "colorful metaphor"? --Spock in 'The Voyage Home' SCE ADVISORY NOTICE: Improper Impulse Engine maintenance can result in REAR THRUSTER LEAKAGE. ALWAYS have your work inspected by another qualified officer.
Frankly this game still sucks, for the last month its been login and do the same old grind TRIBBLE. Even with the new targeting system, ground combat is like playing a cardboard cut out. So I burned off the 9500 zen that has accumulated since the last time i played, guess the next time I log in there will be another 9500 zen to waste on stupid stuff.
You are looking for attention, aren't you? Get a cat instead.
It definitely gets tedious, I'm with you on that, can't see myself playing this for much longer after I finish the missions out.
Online Gaming Clan: Clan mXm
Lots of much needed new stuff with LoR. Great work by the team and I have thoroughly enjoyed all of it. Level 1 KDF was a much needed addition. Build it and they will come, or not, but if you don't, they won't.
OP does have a point though. For those who weren't intersted in making a new toon, end-game additions were very thin on the ground. We do the grind, which requires us to do the end-game content, in order to get the gear. Once you get the gear, there's nothing left. End game in STO is: Collect Gear, Do PvP and/or Roll another Toon. Yea... I know... it's a mmo... but seriously... For someone who isn't really a fan of PvP (in its current form) has a Tholian/Omega/Rom Rep Tier 5 toon (or 2 or 3) with T5 fleet/rep gear all acquired and the ship they're happy with - what is there to do?
Grinding for gear should be so that we can do end-game content, end-game shouldn't be how we get the gear, especially if the longevity/replayability of the content simply does not stretch to the length of the grind.
I guess for some people, logging in and doing ISE in 6 minutes, KASE in 7 and CSE in 8 for the 1000th time is fun. And that's fine, I have no beef with that. I still enjoy them from time to time and the ground ones at least still feel somewhat like a raid, but it's simply time for a meeting at cryptic to decide how they're going to inject some life/interest/fun into STO's end-game. It badly needs it and 20k range 100k Crit uberbeams are not the way to go.
No. Your fun makes everyone else's fun wrong by default.
once in a blue moon. PVE gets boring fast.
but pvp never gets boring and always a constant
All that needed to be said.
Goodbye, so long, you can **** off now.
(That word was obviously cake. cake off.)
Kirk's Protege.
free jkname
Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!
Get yourself some good friends that are entertaining and you'll be surprised just how much fun even the grinds can be in STO if you choose to do them, or do one of the gabillion foundary missions.. there is just so much to see and do, its amazing OR just leave in silence.
I call it, the Stoutes paradox.
One of the reasons I decided to try STO was the idea of 'episodes', the notion I had was to see new mission with the new seasons. It's never happened as I imagined it. Every new season brings new bling, new grinds, new lockboxes, and no new missions for established characters unless you buy into one of the grind systems or roll a new toon.
Had I known this was a dead-end game I would've continued playing something else. Now, not only have I lost 18 months worth of progress in the games I used to play, but have realized STO has gone nowhere in the 18 months I've been playing it. I've wasted all that time.
Awoken Dead
Now shaddup about the queues, it's a BUG
"Use Temporal Skills to NERF EVERYTHING before it happened!" -Unknown source.
Come level #50 though, I honestly don't think I'm going to grind through three/four reputation systems. It just isn't worth it and it's as boring as watching paint dry.
^ This.
Any game will get tedious if all you do is grind. My main is all but topped off. The only gear I need I have to grind thru the fleet holdings system to get. Reps done. I have some other ships I could flesh out, but that will come with time.
What do I do now? Any thing I want!
Other then trying to go for my 8k every day, I can play whatever content suits me at that moment. Want to doff? Great. Want to storm about on the ground somewhere? Fine. Run foundry missions for story? Yay! Point is, once the grind is done you can actually play the game the way it was meant to be enjoyed.
This *IS* supposed to be a virtual world... If you treat it solely as an action game you will eventually hit the end, like any other action game on the planet.
Fleet Admiral Space Orphidian Possiblities Wizard
never grind...never will tbh. and I have purple XI items pretty much all around, gained relatively eaisily and nearly most solo'ed (minus the borg sets, which are easy to get via casual play too)
I just log onto the character I feel like playing, do some episodes or foundrys or wahtever.... and I get my fun quota for the day.
you make it sound like you are being forced to grind in this game..... it's jsut not true.
you are jsut punishing yourself.... if you feel like you are something else that is more satisfying, there are a lot of options.
1) (most) Foundry missions aren't about grinding, nor do they require you to do so.
2) There are great stories out there to explore, some better than the official missions.
3) Creating Foundry missions is fun. Yes, you will need to go dilithium mining 10 times for 4 slots, but if that is everything......
If you still are bored, maybe you should not be playing MMO's. Try shooters or strategy for a while: completely different and sometimes a welcome change.
For me: sometimes I play another game for a day. Then I return to STO and I'll love it.
Join the Deltas today!
I am a Foundry author and a PVP player (even PVP boot camp coach).
- Foundry is in worst state that it was when it was launched in season 4 (or 3, dont remember). Is bugged, you get crash every 10 seconds, is slower and is forgotten by the devs. Each season brakes most of the missions and there is fewer good authors each day.
- PVP, well.. looks like that even if Crypting want it to destroy PVP, they couldnt do it any better that now. New OP stuff each day, new broken mechanics and off course, not a single new stuff for PVP since Season 2.
Most of you are new for what I can see, in 1 month, most of you are going to be like the OP. Believe me.Division Hispana
I think no-one is debating that (a working) foundry and (balanced) PvP are viable options.
But unless Foundry and PvP are somehow more incorporated into the 'mainstream' of the game, many players will be turned off by it. It's a sad fact, but a fact none-the-less, that most of the questions people ask about both of them is 'is it worth doing?' I always answer 'yes, absolutely'. Foundry because there are some real gems and PvP because when you have a good, even, balanced, sportsmanlike fight, it's really really good fun.
The other issue with foundry stuff is part of the reason things like drops and completion rewards were introduced to it in the first place. I have been playing foundry missions since it was first introduced, and while the stories were good, in some cases exceptional, they still very often felt like something 'outside' of the game as a whole - 'missing something' if you will - without elements you find in the regular official story content. No matter how well written, you were constantly reminded that they were player created. Obviously this is not a bad thing in itself, of course not, but I do think many players need the thing they're doing to feel 'official' as part of their enjoyment.
But it seems that on the whole, if 'fun' is the only reward, or a similar or better 'worth the trouble' (sic) reward can be got somewhere else, then the vast majority of players don't do them and end up making threads like this. When was the last time any of you did Breaking the Planet?
It's very sad, and while I am 100% in favour of there being more 'official' content, and moreover, that such content has less of a grind feeling attached to it (whether it is for rep/fleet grind or not), I cannot help but agree with a lot of the posts I see in this thread which suggest taking the grind less seriously and exploring the other options available for having fun.
Long live PvP, Long live the Foundry and give us some difficult, long TRIBBLE$ PvE stuff that's not all about Marks and Dilithium. Grind for the grind, other stuff for the fun. If the two can be merged, everybody wins - most of all PWE.....
No. Your fun makes everyone else's fun wrong by default.
Amen to that.. too bad Cryptic does not see it that way. This Summer event is the best example, yes, is fun to fly with the jetpack and hunt the accolades. Is fun to dance a bit.. but after a week there is nothing more than Grind, and the worst type of grind, the repetitive one.
Games can not live with out grind, but there are types of grind. One thing is to grind PVP where each game is different, or a really challenge raid with your fleet mates, and another thing is to repeat the same, easy and short mission again and again and again and again.
One thing is to play a hard mission with a good reward, and another is a mission that said kill/collect/rescue 20/20. Too bad, STO has the worst type of grind, the Asian MMO type of grind. But it works for their wallets, so who I am to said what is best for the game?
Division Hispana
I don't usually "LOL", but... LOL and ROFL too! ...mmmmm... cake....
SCE ADVISORY NOTICE: Improper Impulse Engine maintenance can result in REAR THRUSTER LEAKAGE. ALWAYS have your work inspected by another qualified officer.
Can I have your stuff?