.Thier allies in the Klingon Empire and Federation are underfire from all directions including each other and protecting thier territory and Cardassia's own vast territory is growing more difficult and costly.
As such both side have agreed to give Cardassia much more latitude in building up there own military and defences.
In addition elements of the civilian government have reinstated and recreated the Obisian Order, unofficially, answerable to the Civilian goverment and headed by Elim Garak to find both True Way and Undine infliatrators.
Also they could capture True Way Cloning Stations for Alpha Jem'hadar and Alapha Vorta for themselves to help rebuild thier army. Or they may want to keep the the Dominion Races for the Dominion faction in the future, in which case they could add other races or create a new race to be the Cardassians verison of the remans.
Also it'd be cool to have Fleet Space Station that looks like DS9.
Still the Ferengi as the next faction makes more sense, they already sell weapons, star ships, shuttles, holographic bo, and so on to both side to making a deal to rent the service of captains to both sides.
In all that is Holy NOOO
Why would you want to play as the Borg.
Even a hugh type Borg is a silly idea and I hope Cryptic do not decide to do this lets keep Borg just as NPC's I would rather not see a borg Sphere, Probe or Cube outside ESD or Quonos.
Actually IMO putting another faction in the game while it many be sound like a good idea I would not vote for it anymore for a few reasons.
1.Feds have the biggest fanbase so they will get all the toys after the inital hype has worn off.
2. KDF is still not a full finished faction it's getting there but needs a little more before we can say it's a full faction.
3. Romulan faction is half baked at least and would rather see them as a stand alone faction rather than allied with Fed or KDF and be more like the RSE we love rather than these romulan boy scouts.
4. The Reputation system is slowly draining all life out of the game so a lot of people would not bother creating a toon or if they do will just play the story missions.
5. Most species have been given lockbox ships Galor for Cardies Dominion ships ferengi marauder. So no point in releasing those as a faction as those ships would then become obsolete
6. To many bugs appeared with LOR they need to fix these before they even think of expanding further.
My Vote is against another faction for the time being.
Vice Admiral Volmack ISS Thundermole
Brigadier General Jokag IKS Gorkan
Centurion Kares RRW Tomalak
Another angle that no one's brought up yet: Cardassian space also happens to be the primary playground of the Mirror Universe factions - and in the Mirror Universe, the Cardassians are allied with the Klingons in their war against the Terrans.
So, instead of Cardassian gov't vs. True Way, the player's choice could be the Prime Universe Cardassians vs. the Mirror Universe Cardassians, and the storyline could be set up to revolve around the war in the Mirror Universe spilling over into the Prime one, with the Mirror Cardies aligning with the Prime KDF as they have the Mirror Klingons (taking care, of course, to keep both sets of Klingons at arm's length from each other). The Terrans, meanwhile, form an alliance with the True Way and basically become the equivalent of the Elachi in LoR. In other words, the allegiances would shake out as follows:
C'mon, guys. It'd be too predictable to go with a Cardassian faction next. And a Borg/Undine/Mirror Universe faction? Sorry, but they should probably stay off limits.
I can't believe no one is going with the OBVIOUS and superior choice of calling for a playable Ferengi faction.
You know you want it.
So let's pitch a sale here.
Got almost 4 fully developed toons, and probably room for a 5th. Though lacking somewhat in quality, STO has a vast amount of content, and games that pack in the junk like that to a point where no-one could ever possibly have/need everything isn't a terrible start.
Lyndon Brewer: 20% chance to capture enemy ship for 60 seconds on successful use of boarding party.
C'mon, guys. It'd be too predictable to go with a Cardassian faction next. And a Borg/Undine/Mirror Universe faction? Sorry, but they should probably stay off limits.
Rather see the entire Mirror Universe as playable factions.
I instantly imagine some greedy exec rubbing his hands salivating at the thought of taking this threads idea and using it to side line improving the game as it stands and forcing new and costly additions to the game that only line the execs pockets even more.
ZERO interest in Cardassians. Playing Star Trek Armada made me enjoy playing Romulan. Even these watered down Republic Romulans appeal to me. I rolled one Romulan toon and wont roll any more. I paid for a D'Deredex Retrofit and a Fleet module for the Fleet retrofit. But you wont see ME playing a Card or dropping 1 cent on them. After what the Cardassians did to Picard, I'll NEVER NEVER NEVER enjoy playing those [insert Yosemite Sam cursing] scum of the universe.
NO desire to be Borg either. But the pirate in me would spend money for a Mirror Fed faction. Even though the mirror stuff already in STO confuses me as to why they are here and what their agenda is. Whether you all like it or not, the Mirror Fed Universe Expansion has the best money making expansion left. All other factions wont pull in the money the Mirror would. And being a Mirror Fed would justify STO gameplay where our Feds are already shoot first, diplomacy later.
Deal with it :cool:
STO: @AGNT009 Since Dec 2010
Capt. Will Conquest of the U.S.S. Crusader
NO desire to be Borg either. But the pirate in me would spend money for a Mirror Fed faction. Even though the mirror stuff already in STO confuses me as to why they are here and what their agenda is. Whether you all like it or not, the Mirror Fed Universe Expansion has the best money making expansion left. All other factions wont pull in the money the Mirror would. And being a Mirror Fed would justify STO gameplay where our Feds are already shoot first, diplomacy later.
Yeah, since clearly the universe is not enough. :rolleyes:
In that case, I call your Terran Empire and raise you a Harry Potter! Yeah, Dumbledore decided to open a portal to our universe and Hogwarts transfers here. So we get to ride dragons and owls in space! Not very plausible, but hey, imagine the $$ from all the Harry Potter fans this could make. :P That faction is a pure gold mine, gold I tell ya'!
And then the following season we can have the Andromeda expansion. Basicaly, because Starships>>>Dragons, Hogwarts is losing the war and Dumbledore decides to open a portal into the Andromeda universe to seek help from Captain Dylan Hunt and the Commonwealth! We could even get VOs from Kevin Sorbo, how cool would that be? :cool:
In all that is Holy NOOO
Why would you want to play as the Borg.
Even a hugh type Borg is a silly idea and I hope Cryptic do not decide to do this lets keep Borg just as NPC's I would rather not see a borg Sphere, Probe or Cube outside ESD or Quonos.
I agree 100%. For the love of god if borg in any way shape or form get there own faction I will either quit sto or stop giving them money.
Another angle that no one's brought up yet: Cardassian space also happens to be the primary playground of the Mirror Universe factions - and in the Mirror Universe, the Cardassians are allied with the Klingons in their war against the Terrans.
So, instead of Cardassian gov't vs. True Way, the player's choice could be the Prime Universe Cardassians vs. the Mirror Universe Cardassians, and the storyline could be set up to revolve around the war in the Mirror Universe spilling over into the Prime one, with the Mirror Cardies aligning with the Prime KDF as they have the Mirror Klingons (taking care, of course, to keep both sets of Klingons at arm's length from each other). The Terrans, meanwhile, form an alliance with the True Way and basically become the equivalent of the Elachi in LoR. In other words, the allegiances would shake out as follows:
C'mon, guys. It'd be too predictable to go with a Cardassian faction next. And a Borg/Undine/Mirror Universe faction? Sorry, but they should probably stay off limits.
I can't believe no one is going with the OBVIOUS and superior choice of calling for a playable Ferengi faction.
You know you want it.
So let's pitch a sale here.
I can't see this happening. Heres why. All the missions would be about short changing people. that's not fun imo. Youre welcome to yours of course.
Yeah, since clearly the universe is not enough. :rolleyes:
In that case, I call your Terran Empire and raise you a Harry Potter! Yeah, Dumbledore decided to open a portal to our universe and Hogwarts transfers here. So we get to ride dragons and owls in space! Not very plausible, but hey, imagine the $$ from all the Harry Potter fans this could make. :P That faction is a pure gold mine, gold I tell ya'!
And then the following season we can have the Andromeda expansion. Basicaly, because Starships>>>Dragons, Hogwarts is losing the war and Dumbledore decides to open a portal into the Andromeda universe to seek help from Captain Dylan Hunt and the Commonwealth! We could even get VOs from Kevin Sorbo, how cool would that be? :cool:
Oh, look: a Straw Man.
See, in spite of your attempt to turn this into something ridiculous, the Mirror Universe is canon. It's part of Star Trek already, and indeed, even part of Star Trek Online already. Harry Potter and Andromeda? Not so much.
ZERO interest in Cardassians. Playing Star Trek Armada made me enjoy playing Romulan. Even these watered down Republic Romulans appeal to me. I rolled one Romulan toon and wont roll any more. I paid for a D'Deredex Retrofit and a Fleet module for the Fleet retrofit. But you wont see ME playing a Card or dropping 1 cent on them. After what the Cardassians did to Picard, I'll NEVER NEVER NEVER enjoy playing those [insert Yosemite Sam cursing] scum of the universe.
NO desire to be Borg either. But the pirate in me would spend money for a Mirror Fed faction. Even though the mirror stuff already in STO confuses me as to why they are here and what their agenda is. Whether you all like it or not, the Mirror Fed Universe Expansion has the best money making expansion left. All other factions wont pull in the money the Mirror would. And being a Mirror Fed would justify STO gameplay where our Feds are already shoot first, diplomacy later.
Deal with it :cool:
While I loved the mirror universe episodes in the tv shows, I simply cannot believe they could pull in the same revenue as other existing races could.
Mirror Universe episodes number less than 20 overall across all of the series.
Dominion Episodes and Cardassian Episodes out number them just from DS9.
Hell the Ferengi had more episodes than the Mirror Universe. Why not make them a playable faction?
To me playing a Cardassian as existing in the game right now would not be enjoyable and would likely become yet another doffing character. However, if they restored them to even a mere shadow of how they were in the tv series, I might be interested.
I can't see this happening. Heres why. All the missions would be about short changing people. that's not fun imo. Youre welcome to yours of course.
You're not using your imagination.
Just look at all the shenanigans we've seen the Ferengi get into because they were simply trying to enact some business deals. Getting caught in intergalactic politics, overhearing information they shouldn't have, even time travel and similar accidents. Pretty standard adventure materials right there.
Sure, a lot of their missions would start off somewhere along the lines of, "So I hear there's a good deal to be had here...", but how is that any different from FED or KDF command's opener's of, "Okay, go here and investigate this, because Of Reasons".
The arrogance is astonishing. What's wrong with the view point that wishes for the game to be more like the tv shows and movies that it is based off of? Why do you think that it is your way or the high way? Not to mention the fact that he never mentioned a thing about quitting, from what I gathered he implied that he believes the game would be more fun if it were closer to it's roots.
See, in spite of your attempt to turn this into something ridiculous, the Mirror Universe is canon. It's part of Star Trek already, and indeed, even part of Star Trek Online already. Harry Potter and Andromeda? Not so much.
I wasn't making a strawman, I was trying to comically paraphrase how stupid the idea is.
You see, the "Mirror" has "Universe" next to it, because it's a different universe than the one we're playing in. Therefore, it can't be part of the game we're playing unless we're making STO a complete joke, in which case not only Harry Poter and Andromeda are plausible, but even Hobbits would be wellcomed.
There is the prime universe we're playing in and there's the MU which I consider to be the embodiment of writers block and lousy writing in general. Whenever the writers of Trek had no idea how to fill in a few episodes to round up a season, they'd throw up a couple of MU episodes which made no sense and had no continuity with the story in the show. If you like this, you might want to wait for Star Trek: Mirror Universe game, because STO aint the one.
Oh, and regardless from how many cannons you're going to fire the word canon, this still doesn't make any sense.
The arrogance is astonishing. What's wrong with the view point that wishes for the game to be more like the tv shows and movies that it is based off of? Why do you think that it is your way or the high way? Not to mention the fact that he never mentioned a thing about quitting, from what I gathered he implied that he believes the game would be more fun if it were closer to it's roots.
My point is, if he dislikes it so much, he can leave at any time.
Things will never be as they were in the shows.
An MMO like this has it's limits, Cryptic can try their best to make it close, which they are getting to with ironically the Romulans, but there is a limit to how far they can go.
Partially because of the game engine but also because if they take it too far, it'll get frustrating especially if you have to go through the content multiple times which is typical in MMO's.
I do agree that things seem especially odd for Feds, I've even stated on the forum before that they may as well be renamed Terrans, but the fact remains that this is an MMO first, that means accepting that things will never be to every single person's wishes, that there will be updates that make for example RSE purists rage.
in regards to the galor from the lock box, heres something to consider. most likely the version that actual cardassians will get will be superior without a doubt. the lock box version will be the only cardie ship that anyone else can use. think about it. do you really think the cardies will give the feds and kdf a superior ship design then there own?
in regards to the galor from the lock box, heres something to consider. most likely the version that actual cardassians will get will be superior without a doubt. the lock box version will be the only cardie ship that anyone else can use. think about it. do you really think the cardies will give the feds and kdf a superior ship design then there own?
Nice try, but a lockbox ship will always trump a free ship in status.
.Thier allies in the Klingon Empire and Federation are underfire from all directions including each other and protecting thier territory and Cardassia's own vast territory is growing more difficult and costly.
As such both side have agreed to give Cardassia much more latitude in building up there own military and defences.
In addition elements of the civilian government have reinstated and recreated the Obisian Order, unofficially, answerable to the Civilian goverment and headed by Elim Garak to find both True Way and Undine infliatrators.
Also they could capture True Way Cloning Stations for Alpha Jem'hadar and Alapha Vorta for themselves to help rebuild thier army. Or they may want to keep the the Dominion Races for the Dominion faction in the future, in which case they could add other races or create a new race to be the Cardassians verison of the remans.
Also it'd be cool to have Fleet Space Station that looks like DS9.
Still the Ferengi as the next faction makes more sense, they already sell weapons, star ships, shuttles, holographic bo, and so on to both side to making a deal to rent the service of captains to both sides.
I'd add other greedy species to the Ferengi.
Cardassian faction to replay all those missions again and not moving the story forward. Only filling up the back story. No.
In all that is Holy NOOO
Why would you want to play as the Borg.
Even a hugh type Borg is a silly idea and I hope Cryptic do not decide to do this lets keep Borg just as NPC's I would rather not see a borg Sphere, Probe or Cube outside ESD or Quonos.
Actually IMO putting another faction in the game while it many be sound like a good idea I would not vote for it anymore for a few reasons.
1.Feds have the biggest fanbase so they will get all the toys after the inital hype has worn off.
2. KDF is still not a full finished faction it's getting there but needs a little more before we can say it's a full faction.
3. Romulan faction is half baked at least and would rather see them as a stand alone faction rather than allied with Fed or KDF and be more like the RSE we love rather than these romulan boy scouts.
4. The Reputation system is slowly draining all life out of the game so a lot of people would not bother creating a toon or if they do will just play the story missions.
5. Most species have been given lockbox ships Galor for Cardies Dominion ships ferengi marauder. So no point in releasing those as a faction as those ships would then become obsolete
6. To many bugs appeared with LOR they need to fix these before they even think of expanding further.
My Vote is against another faction for the time being.
Vice Admiral Volmack ISS Thundermole
Brigadier General Jokag IKS Gorkan
Centurion Kares RRW Tomalak
So, instead of Cardassian gov't vs. True Way, the player's choice could be the Prime Universe Cardassians vs. the Mirror Universe Cardassians, and the storyline could be set up to revolve around the war in the Mirror Universe spilling over into the Prime one, with the Mirror Cardies aligning with the Prime KDF as they have the Mirror Klingons (taking care, of course, to keep both sets of Klingons at arm's length from each other). The Terrans, meanwhile, form an alliance with the True Way and basically become the equivalent of the Elachi in LoR. In other words, the allegiances would shake out as follows:
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I can't believe no one is going with the OBVIOUS and superior choice of calling for a playable Ferengi faction.
You know you want it.
So let's pitch a sale here.
cause sometimes its party time!
Rather see the entire Mirror Universe as playable factions.
I instantly imagine some greedy exec rubbing his hands salivating at the thought of taking this threads idea and using it to side line improving the game as it stands and forcing new and costly additions to the game that only line the execs pockets even more.
NO desire to be Borg either. But the pirate in me would spend money for a Mirror Fed faction. Even though the mirror stuff already in STO confuses me as to why they are here and what their agenda is. Whether you all like it or not, the Mirror Fed Universe Expansion has the best money making expansion left. All other factions wont pull in the money the Mirror would. And being a Mirror Fed would justify STO gameplay where our Feds are already shoot first, diplomacy later.
Deal with it :cool:
Capt. Will Conquest of the U.S.S. Crusader
Yeah, since clearly the universe is not enough. :rolleyes:
In that case, I call your Terran Empire and raise you a Harry Potter! Yeah, Dumbledore decided to open a portal to our universe and Hogwarts transfers here. So we get to ride dragons and owls in space! Not very plausible, but hey, imagine the $$ from all the Harry Potter fans this could make. :P That faction is a pure gold mine, gold I tell ya'!
And then the following season we can have the Andromeda expansion. Basicaly, because Starships>>>Dragons, Hogwarts is losing the war and Dumbledore decides to open a portal into the Andromeda universe to seek help from Captain Dylan Hunt and the Commonwealth! We could even get VOs from Kevin Sorbo, how cool would that be? :cool:
I agree 100%. For the love of god if borg in any way shape or form get there own faction I will either quit sto or stop giving them money.
That's a possibility. You never know.
I can't see this happening. Heres why. All the missions would be about short changing people. that's not fun imo. Youre welcome to yours of course.
Oh, look: a Straw Man.
See, in spite of your attempt to turn this into something ridiculous, the Mirror Universe is canon. It's part of Star Trek already, and indeed, even part of Star Trek Online already. Harry Potter and Andromeda? Not so much.
While I loved the mirror universe episodes in the tv shows, I simply cannot believe they could pull in the same revenue as other existing races could.
Mirror Universe episodes number less than 20 overall across all of the series.
Dominion Episodes and Cardassian Episodes out number them just from DS9.
Hell the Ferengi had more episodes than the Mirror Universe. Why not make them a playable faction?
To me playing a Cardassian as existing in the game right now would not be enjoyable and would likely become yet another doffing character. However, if they restored them to even a mere shadow of how they were in the tv series, I might be interested.
USS WARRIOR NCC 1720 Commanding Officer
Star Trek Gamers
StarFleet: TV/Movies-Peaceful, Defenders of Freedom Game-Violent, Genocidal
Klingons: TV/Movies-Conquerers, Quick to Anger Game-Aiding lesser Species,Righteous
Romulans: TV/Movies-Distrustful, Backstabbers Game-Subserviant, Respectful
Cardassians: TV/Movies-Controlling, Big Brother Game- Reserved, Weak
If they were anything like the way they were in the TV Shows and Movies theyd actually be interesting to play.
Don't let the door hit you on the way out.
You're not using your imagination.
Just look at all the shenanigans we've seen the Ferengi get into because they were simply trying to enact some business deals. Getting caught in intergalactic politics, overhearing information they shouldn't have, even time travel and similar accidents. Pretty standard adventure materials right there.
Sure, a lot of their missions would start off somewhere along the lines of, "So I hear there's a good deal to be had here...", but how is that any different from FED or KDF command's opener's of, "Okay, go here and investigate this, because Of Reasons".
Did I say anything about leaving? Nope. Shove that in your corncob pipe and smoke itl
Amen. /10 char
The arrogance is astonishing. What's wrong with the view point that wishes for the game to be more like the tv shows and movies that it is based off of? Why do you think that it is your way or the high way? Not to mention the fact that he never mentioned a thing about quitting, from what I gathered he implied that he believes the game would be more fun if it were closer to it's roots.
If Cardassians were to become a faction, just make their Galor-class a Tier 4 with lower stats. Problem solved.
What would a c-store or even a fleet Galor look like then?
I don't know, I'm not a Cryptic employee designing ships. Maybe a different assortment of bridge officers and one less aft weapon or whatever.
There's no reason for it to be exactly like the lockbox version is what I'm saying.
I wasn't making a strawman, I was trying to comically paraphrase how stupid the idea is.
You see, the "Mirror" has "Universe" next to it, because it's a different universe than the one we're playing in. Therefore, it can't be part of the game we're playing unless we're making STO a complete joke, in which case not only Harry Poter and Andromeda are plausible, but even Hobbits would be wellcomed.
There is the prime universe we're playing in and there's the MU which I consider to be the embodiment of writers block and lousy writing in general. Whenever the writers of Trek had no idea how to fill in a few episodes to round up a season, they'd throw up a couple of MU episodes which made no sense and had no continuity with the story in the show. If you like this, you might want to wait for Star Trek: Mirror Universe game, because STO aint the one.
Oh, and regardless from how many cannons you're going to fire the word canon, this still doesn't make any sense.
My point is, if he dislikes it so much, he can leave at any time.
Things will never be as they were in the shows.
An MMO like this has it's limits, Cryptic can try their best to make it close, which they are getting to with ironically the Romulans, but there is a limit to how far they can go.
Partially because of the game engine but also because if they take it too far, it'll get frustrating especially if you have to go through the content multiple times which is typical in MMO's.
I do agree that things seem especially odd for Feds, I've even stated on the forum before that they may as well be renamed Terrans, but the fact remains that this is an MMO first, that means accepting that things will never be to every single person's wishes, that there will be updates that make for example RSE purists rage.
You can accept it, or you can leave.
Nice try, but a lockbox ship will always trump a free ship in status.