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When is the EST of the CAP level increase?



  • daan2006daan2006 Member Posts: 5,346 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Do you always troll like this? I don't care about you opinion. I stated mine for the Devs (not you) to hear. I don't care what you think or how you feel. I stated my opinion for the Devs and people who make decisions on the game (again NOT YOU).

    If they introduce T6 ships or MkXIII+ gear, then look me up, cuz you can have my stuff, as I will be leaving the game.

    I won't be responding to any more of your trolls.

    where dose it say if the up the level cap their has to be T6 ships again jumping the gun when it was RA its was T5 ships then after they up it to VA its was still T5 ships so again where dose it say if they up the level cap their has to be T6 ships????????

    and yet you keep replying ;)
    swimwear off risa not fixed
    system Lord Baal is dead
    macronius wrote: »
    This! Their ability to outdo their own failures is quite impressive. If only this power could be harnessed for good.
  • captiandata1captiandata1 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    the ranks between rear admiral lower lever to vice do feel like not very much of a grind in fact they feel like too much of a breeze to get through. do we need more usable skills to accept skill point? yes. do we need actual rank increase any time soon? no. should the rear admiral lower half rear admiral upper half adn vice admiral have a few like about 5 or 10 levels added to increase levels without actually raising rank names?? yes by adding an 15 to 30 extra levels levels between ra lh to va would be raising level rank names but would feel like the player officer actually earned rank while not raising too fast and to raise the next rank name or increasing the equipment to mark 13/14 tech.

    should the va rank be equaled to fleet admiral lower half be able to command a fleet of lower tier 1 through 4 ships and broken up with mulitible fleet vice admirals. totally yes with 10 level between.
    fva 1 would be player ship plus one ship ship tier 1 to 4 ships.
    fva 2 would be player ship plus to two ships tier 1 to 4 ships.
    fva 3 would be player ship plus three tier 1-4 ships.
    fva 4 would be player ship plus four tier 1-4 ships

    that leaves fleet admiral would be player plus four tier 1-5 ships but it would be better to use player tier 5 or 6 ship plus four tier 5 ships.
    fa player tier 5 would have limited to either four tier 1-5 ships no saucer or no carrier ships. or 2 carrier or to saucer splitting ships and 3 ship non saucer splitting and carrier.

    tier 6 player admiral ships would be command and control ships equaled to tech and slots number as regular tier 5 ships with the capability to have a full player.
    plus 5 saucer splitting ships or 5 carries.
    also have player plus 1 to 4 ships as saucer splitting ship or carrier.
    plus the balance 1-3 ships to be either regular tier 5 non splitting and non carrier or the other splitting ship class or carrier.

    also just because the play have the ranks from rear admiral lower half to vice admiral currently does not mean that when the play is command their own ship that crew call the admiral because while in command of the player ship the admiral is called my the rank of captain. one the player is commanding more then one ship at a time then the admiral will be called admiral by the other ships then ships in the fleet and there should be an option of the player crew calling the task force admiral either captain or admiral.

    second also each ship would be change tech slots for different tech.
  • misslithanymisslithany Member Posts: 24 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Lets say they increase the level cap to 60 using one of the two general options brought up in this thread so far:

    A: Only increase skills points and give an extra trait;
    Without a redesign to the skill system or the addition of a new tier of skills to spend the extra points on whats the point except to father destroy whats left of game balance. As it is now most escort builds allow for maxing out all the damage boosting skills there are well still being able to put a bit into defensive skills. What are those builds going to do with more skill points, since the damage skills are maxed they will boost the defensive skills. Thus turning the game from Escorts Online to Invincible Solo Escorts Online as they become even harder to disable or kill.
    Also with more points to spend on the same limited number of skills player builds would become similiar, creating a cookie cutter feel as my build is basically the same as your build which is basically the same as their build and so on.

    The rep system is suppose to be end game content, "Hey congrats on making it to the highest level, heres a new system you can start work on leveling up from 0 again." So it would have to be changed so access starts at level 60. But what happens when the level increase goes live, does everyone lose access to the rep system, the tier bonuses they got from all that grinding, the ability to earn rep marks until they grind all their characters up to 60? I'm sure most of the playerbase would not take to kindly to that. And what if they didn't change the level access, then whats the point of increasing the level cap?

    One thing not brought up is that the enemies levels scales to ours, so if we increase the level cap to 60 the enemies would increase in toughness to match. But since our gear would still be the same(except for those few special items that also scale in effectiveness with our level) the enemies would become tougher. Well that may sound great given how easy the content is, all it really means is they are going to have more shields and hull/health so it takes longer to kill them, and their base damage will be increased, resulting in more of those stupid instant kill one shots, expecially against new players who haven't grinded the end gear yet.

    B: Add new levels of ships/gear to go with the increased level cap.
    The problem with this option is that they have so entrenched themselves with the level 50 cap, that moving forward is going to encounter major road blocks.

    First, Skill points, same problems as with option A.

    Second would be all the backlash from players, expecially the pvper's about how all those very rare mk xii gear they grinded for are now as effective as easy to get uncommon mk xiv gear. Not a major problem, since this is part of the price that has to be paid for getting new high level gear added.

    Third, rep systems, with the addition of higher mk gear all the rep systems, both personal and fleet would have to be modified, and in the case of personal rep systems basically completely redesigned. In addition there would be more backlash from the playerbase about all the now wasted effort grinding the resources to purchase the items from said systems. Similiar to the second issue not a major problem except for the issue of the dilithium required, since this might of been gained by paying really money for it.

    Fourth, ships. This is the biggest problem with a level increase. First off is the issue of them needing to create a whole new tiers worth of ships. How are these new ships better then the last tier? More weapons, more/better boff slots, more consoles, what? Also they will want these new ships to follow the cost progression and thus be more expensive.

    What about the break between f2p and paid content. As it is now the free level 40 ships are fine for end game use, with the store bought ships not having a huge advantage over them, yet still offering enough bonuses to entice players to purchase them. Even now I still see the rare player when they find out that they don't get a free ship at level 50, being angry/dejected and stating they aren't going to play the game any more. And for ever one palyer that says something you know there are several who didn't. With a new more powerful tier of ships the old f2p ones will fall behind the store bought ones, giving the game a more p2p feel which will drive more new players away.

    Current store bought end game ships. For lower level store bought ships they offered two advantages. 1: better/more bonuses vs. the free to play ships of the same level, making leveling easier. 2: a special universal console that well you could only get if you purchased that ship but it could be used with any other ship from that faction. But with the current end game store ships they don't follow that pattern. Well the boff layouts might vary, the number of slots is the same, and except for the 3-pack ships they have the same number of console slots. Also if they do have a special console its limited to that specific ship(and it fleet versions). So these would all have to be redesigned to follow the pattern of lower ships to make it that they are still viable for purchase.

    Lockbox ships. Huge issue with these since alot of these will have been acquired using real money. For lockbox ships they would need to be redesigned to match the new higher tier ships, but this would make it so you would have to wait till level 60 to be able to use them. Again alot of backlash from the players about losing the ability to use these special ships they spend alot on until they grinded up to level 60. This could be avoided by keeping the basic lockbox ships as is, and giving the player the option of trading them in for the upgrade version at level 60. Only problem with this is that odds are they would make it require spending lobi.

    Fleet ships. Smiliar to the lockbox ships though I'm not sure if the upgrade solution would work with this, at least not without them require more fleet modules for it to work.
  • daan2006daan2006 Member Posts: 5,346 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    gear ships are not going to stay the same new stuff come out stuff gets outdated how a mmos works........

    and to add really how it works in a pay to win game their will always be a new something better then the old something
    swimwear off risa not fixed
    system Lord Baal is dead
    macronius wrote: »
    This! Their ability to outdo their own failures is quite impressive. If only this power could be harnessed for good.
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