Edit: I built that Kumari bridge. And I did a lot of work, and some fighting, to keep it as close to screen accurate as I could. That includes the "direct TV dishes." Again, if you think it's shoddy, I think that's more of a reflection on the original design than on our work. The Andorian bridge was a throw away. It was built for a few scenes in maybe 2 episodes. They did not devote the time and effort to it that they did for the Enterprise bridge, for what I hope are obvious reasons. There are those that argue that what we built should have been fancier, and look more like 2409. I argue that we're damned if we do and we're damned if we don't. As it is, I choose to lean towards screen accuracy over timeline accuracy.
Don't get me wrong in regards to the Kumari interior, I was poking fun at the original design of it, not your work Taco. Yes the environment was bland looking, but that is because as you stated, it was an original design flaw. I never commented on it until now, because I was merely making a comparison between the two bridges.
One I can understand, the other I cannot.
In the movie the Scimitar bridge interior had a bit more design to it with glowing consoles etc... including lighting. In STO the rear chamber was design very well, with the dome that opened and closed to hide the Thalaron generator. I do not remember how close it was to the bridge in the movie, I always thought it was located at a different area of the ship.
You would think they keep the thing near the engine room or some tactical compartment that houses all the ships arsenal, but that's my opinion.
For the record, here are some of my Favorite Bridges from STO:
#1. Bortas Bridge - kickass
#2. Oddy Bridge - Very epic
#3. New LoR Bridge - Nicely done
#4. Belfast Bridge - Really good work
#5. TOS Bridge and Interior - Epic Nostalgia
#6. Jem'Hadar Attack Fighter Bridge - Very Very well done
#7. Tholian Battle Bridge - Love it (Though needed a bit more) Yet epic
I am thankful for this thread as I nearly dropped money on this.
I love the game, lifetime subbed to it and have spent $100s on it because I believe in it. That said, I think the team cuts corners on things...a LOT. I am talking about wandering a bridge and finding that cells do not link up properly (found in particular near doors) and you can see straight out into space through a huge gap. ot though and back on topic...
For $25 or $50 I expect at the very least a Captain's Ready Room and would it hurt to seriously have a turbolift to go to a stock Romulan Engineering deck? Personnel deck? The Romulan ships decks are amazing and finding out that a(the) Romulan flagship C-Store bundle pack had this cut out is all sorts of lame and weak.
These ships are expensive and although I can respect the bridge looking sub par due to the original canon design...I am sure Shinzon had a ready room (Captain's room), and I am sure the bridge had a turbolift that worked. Not incorporating them is straight lazy and a quick rush it out move to the C-Store to rake in money from everyone craving this ship.
What a let down.
Do you really buy a ship for its bridge ? Considering you can't do a lot on them, except for limited doffing and limited RP...
Anyway, I found the bridge nicely done, and I loved the thalaron thing you can activate. I didn't felt it was rushed, on the contrary.
And contrary to others unique bridge, you can choose to have the default Romulan bridge instead, if you you really want to. And it's an awesome bridge.
On the other hand, on my Kumari, I find the bridge small (understandable) and bland, and I can't change it.
My dear sandwich headed friend... I love your work so far on your assets and trying to salvage the old stuff... Keep it up please and I hope they let you touch/retouch more of the old stuff. One example is DS9, that station is starting to show its (computer graphic) age. I also hope to see rework in terms of look and scale on older bridges...
One of the best old example in the game is the conny bridge/interior set...
Personally I would like to upgrade my bridge/interior on my Defiant to include mail/bank/exchange terminals, commodity broker, trader, device merchant, security officer, ability to hail lt ferra, personnel officer, lore mission contact, fleet doff vendor, ability to access fleet stores, can transwarp to anywhere, and that's just some of the utility upgrades.
There are tons of things that I would like to see vanity wise for the interior. So many things could be done.
Do you really buy a ship for its bridge ? Considering you can't do a lot on them, except for limited doffing and limited RP...
Good point but my point still stands, why not have those? The cost of these ships is high and I see no reason to simply not flesh basics out for the simple fact that the ships are very expensive. Honestly, how hard is it to accede that point and instead contend it?
And contrary to others unique bridge, you can choose to have the default Romulan bridge instead...
This I did not know and at least there is that. Thank you for sharing that as I may consider picking it up now. The bridge is not a huge factor but chaffed a bit plus it is better to hold a dev to a high standard for this price than to simply accept it and make excuses right?
I must have missed where the lock box ships got all that, or the Andorian ship.
The andorians were then first with a one room bridge, and the lockbox ships are neither cash shop nor in game ships. although i agree that all ships should have an interior beyond a bridge with a couple consoles, i am focusing only on what i know and have seen with my own eyes..
I'm sorry tacofangs but yeahh, the scimitar is a letdown on the interior.. the entire romulan offering without trophy walls engineering officers or science is a bit of a let down..
It's funny. People get a canon accurate bridge and complain about it. The Vesta gets no special bridge at all. By the way, does the Scimitar too suffer from the bug that your BOs don't all turn up in the interior?
FKA K-Tar, grumpy Klingon/El-Aurian hybrid. Now assimilated by PWE.
Sometimes, if you want to bury the hatchet with a Klingon, it has to be in his skull. - Captain K'Tar of the USS Danu about J'mpok.
Every time they release a new ship that has a unique bridge someone asks for an interior as well and then gets disappointed or even angry when it does not happen.
when is it going to sink in that we dont get an interior for every new ship. we get interiors with a faction. new ships that have a unique bridge do not get an interior. if they did the environment artists would never be making anything but ship interiors all day long, every day.
The game has been around for a few years. I think we can all agree that there are things that were made in the past that don't measure up. When I say things like I said above, I mean them for the team as it stands today. There is nothing I can do to make teams in the past do better work, but I can guarantee that the env team does a ton of research on every environment they make. Canon or not.
P.S. not offended, just clarifying. I had nothing to do with the Scimitar.
Edit: I built that Kumari bridge. And I did a lot of work, and some fighting, to keep it as close to screen accurate as I could. That includes the "direct TV dishes." Again, if you think it's shoddy, I think that's more of a reflection on the original design than on our work. The Andorian bridge was a throw away. It was built for a few scenes in maybe 2 episodes. They did not devote the time and effort to it that they did for the Enterprise bridge, for what I hope are obvious reasons. There are those that argue that what we built should have been fancier, and look more like 2409. I argue that we're damned if we do and we're damned if we don't. As it is, I choose to lean towards screen accuracy over timeline accuracy.
IMO its not a question of the work but the design or purpose of the bridges. If there was some form of game play with actually interacting with the bridges people would have a different view point on them but most of it is just doing certain doff missions or trading stuff into the account bank without moving your character away from the security officer LOL.
Just something that could be done without needing much tech (don't kill me for saying this) but you can use First Contact is a reference point where it can be unique the player and the mission if you could have missions where the borg take over your ship (your bridge etc) even with the option of using EV suits to get onto the hull to get some more use out of bridges and EV suit sets or even removing mines attached to the hull ie that enterprise episode LOL. In all from the view point of Cryptic or PWE they could be made to be profitable from the point of looking at it as art and specific powers a ship could have from the inside so to speak. Anyways that's just my idea on how to make it more viable and get a better result or view point on how they look if they did a bit more for the player.
Edit: I built that Kumari bridge. And I did a lot of work, and some fighting, to keep it as close to screen accurate as I could. That includes the "direct TV dishes." Again, if you think it's shoddy, I think that's more of a reflection on the original design than on our work. The Andorian bridge was a throw away. It was built for a few scenes in maybe 2 episodes. They did not devote the time and effort to it that they did for the Enterprise bridge, for what I hope are obvious reasons. There are those that argue that what we built should have been fancier, and look more like 2409. I argue that we're damned if we do and we're damned if we don't. As it is, I choose to lean towards screen accuracy over timeline accuracy.
Taco, I've said this back when the Kumaris were fisrt introduced in STO and I'm going to say it again - the Kumari bridge is the spitten image of what we've been able to see on the show, as is Shran's ready room.
I love all Star Trek series and movies and it's hard to pick a favourite, but if I had to - I'd say that for me they are TNG & ENT back to back. As a fan of ENT I can't express enough how much I apreciate your work on that particular bridge.
Now for example I really love the Brotasqu' bridge, looks epic and probably the best bridge in STO. On the other hand, I hate the Aquarius bridge that the Oddy has to be honest. While I have no doubts that you and your team would have done an amazing job creating a new more modern Kumari bridge - personal preferences are personal preferences and I might end up loving it or hating it. But, with the original bridge replica you made I knew what I was getting - an original bridge from a show I like. As a fan of ENT I really apreciate the path you took designing the bridge. Not only that it looks like the original, but you've made it awesome and I actually have spent more time on that particular bridge than on any of the other Starfleet bridges.
While it is unrealistic to expect an entirely new interior, would it honestly take that much effort for a ship people pay 50 bucks for, as much as an entire game, to take the standard Warbird interior and simply give it a colour overlay so it matches the Scimitar bridge somewhat?
Actually it doesn't, not by a long shot, and yes I've seen that terrible movie called Star Trek Nemesis. ---> See link to pictorial review ---> Star Trek Nemesis Review
I may have been mistaken about the engine room part, but it's stupid placing a huge Tholaron Chamber right behind the bridge compartment. The whole design is utter tripe.
I rather have them build a new bridge from the ground up, ala Bortas bridge or Oddy Bridge.
Case in point, its TRIBBLE poor work, that has a last minute feel to it. It almost seems like the quality art work for ship bridges since the TOS Bridge, Defiant Bridge, Bortas and Oddy has taken a deep nose dive.
Ha ha I laughed so hard at that link
Vice Admiral Volmack ISS Thundermole
Brigadier General Jokag IKS Gorkan
Centurion Kares RRW Tomalak
I'm sry but my bud purchased the thing today and showed me the bridge, not only was it a huge let down, it looks nothing the the movie version, on top of that the thing has an engine room built inside the bridge.
Seriously it looks like TRIBBLE.
Romulan bridges up to this point looked, outstanding, but the Scim Bridge just spells RUSH all over it.
They should have made an entire interior for it in my opinion, what a disappointment.
Actually it doesn't, not by a long shot, and yes I've seen that terrible movie called Star Trek Nemesis. ---> See link to pictorial review ---> Star Trek Nemesis Review
I may have been mistaken about the engine room part, but it's stupid placing a huge Tholaron Chamber right behind the bridge compartment. The whole design is utter tripe.
I rather have them build a new bridge from the ground up, ala Bortas bridge or Oddy Bridge.
Case in point, its TRIBBLE poor work, that has a last minute feel to it. It almost seems like the quality art work for ship bridges since the TOS Bridge, Defiant Bridge, Bortas and Oddy has taken a deep nose dive.
Just quoting for effect.:eek:
There are only two completely new interiors, and they are sold separately to their ships, the TOS interior and the Defiant (Belfast) interior (still waiting that they release that one without the other TRIBBLE in the bundle. The question is how many people would be willing to pay extra for more than the bridge and the Thalaron generator and not start a flamefest on the forums about the missing enormous hangar bay.
FKA K-Tar, grumpy Klingon/El-Aurian hybrid. Now assimilated by PWE.
Sometimes, if you want to bury the hatchet with a Klingon, it has to be in his skull. - Captain K'Tar of the USS Danu about J'mpok.
Why would they build a brand new bridge for a ship that already had a bridge, so people can b**** that the bridge from the movie is not there.
You're attempting to argue with someone who is simultaneously arguing that the bridge is not from the movie and that the bridge stupidly uses things from the movie.... That is like the definition of futility.
Weird thing is, I'm really never that critical about bridges, this is the first time I posted something like this, least that I can remember.
I guess in part because these ships and their bundles are so costly. Now I must admit, this is a bundle I have yet to buy, but recently there have been an outcry about its stats, mainly shield modifier and Hull ratio.
Would I like to see more of the ship interior? Of course, they can even rehash the LoR ship interior and add the bridge with more detail, thalaron chamber place somewhere else, and add a huge scorpion fighter hanger, and any applicable corridor.
Don't get me wrong, I am still going to buy the Bundle Pack, more ships is a good thing, depsite my feelings for the actual bridge, bridge.
Personally, I think the inverse of this is the more appropriate question. When is it going to sink in with Cryptic that paying customers want a new interior for ships they are spending real money on?
the 'paying customers' are buying them anyway regardless. you cant move for scimitars in game right now. i doubt people spend much time in their interiors other than an occasional visit and i highly doubt full interiors would add much to the sales %. They are nice but not needed and if paying customers really want the number of pointless interiors to increase while mission content to decreases to make it then there is something wrong here.
sure we would all love extra stuff. who does not like extra stuff but its still comes down to what is and is not practical. if it cuts into other content and people are buying them anyway, then they are voting with their wallets and the devs time can be spent on actual mission content.
These custom bridges take a couple of weeks to build by themselves. The lack of a ready room, or full interior for that matter, is due to schedule.
On the Kumari, I used my time to focus on what was shown on screen. I built a ready room because it was shown. And that took me down to the wire. I didn't even get to build a goes no where turbolift for it like I had originally planned.
The Scimitar never showed a ready room, and the time that would have gone to that, went to the Thalaron room instead, as it was felt that it was more important.
Full interiors, like the Romulan Interior that came out with LoR, take a couple of months, with a couple of artists working on it. As much as I would love to have full interiors for every ship, it is not feasible to do so.
LtCdr Miller, who built the Scimitar bridge, also worked a bunch on Risa. If he had been given more time for the bridge, then Risa would have lacked. Everything we do is a trade off. It's all about trying to find the right balance. Perhaps we missed our mark on the Scimitar, we'll try to do better in the future.
Seriously dude, go watch the tail end of Nemesis. The Thalaron device is at the top of the stairs, RIGHT behind the bridge. It's on Netflix Streaming. Start from about 1:38. Watch Picard smash his phaser rifle over a Reman's head, glance to Shinzon, they both look up the stairs, and you can SEE the Thalaron device spinning up through the open doorway at the top of the stairs.
Now apart from some very minor discrepancies, and the fact one is real life, one is a drawing and the other is a game, what part does not look like the bridge from the film?
Full interiors, like the Romulan Interior that came out with LoR, take a couple of months, with a couple of artists working on it. As much as I would love to have full interiors for every ship, it is not feasible to do so.
I agree, but like you mentioned the romulan interior, which is amazing, would work just fine on the scimitar. Simple add an option to move to romulan interior at one of the doors in the bridge or the thaloron room. same as on new romulus next to the embassy entrance gives roms an option to go to command center.
I think what really hurts it and this goes for 90% of all the bridges in sto is it's waaaay to far spaced out. It's like having a gymnasium sized bridge with a single table in the center which looks ridiculous. Also a change in the ambience couldn't hurt it's far to bright and could use green or purplish lighting to make it feel more ship like and less like a storage closet.
Don't get me wrong in regards to the Kumari interior, I was poking fun at the original design of it, not your work Taco. Yes the environment was bland looking, but that is because as you stated, it was an original design flaw. I never commented on it until now, because I was merely making a comparison between the two bridges.
One I can understand, the other I cannot.
In the movie the Scimitar bridge interior had a bit more design to it with glowing consoles etc... including lighting. In STO the rear chamber was design very well, with the dome that opened and closed to hide the Thalaron generator. I do not remember how close it was to the bridge in the movie, I always thought it was located at a different area of the ship.
You would think they keep the thing near the engine room or some tactical compartment that houses all the ships arsenal, but that's my opinion.
For the record, here are some of my Favorite Bridges from STO:
#1. Bortas Bridge - kickass
#2. Oddy Bridge - Very epic
#3. New LoR Bridge - Nicely done
#4. Belfast Bridge - Really good work
#5. TOS Bridge and Interior - Epic Nostalgia
#6. Jem'Hadar Attack Fighter Bridge - Very Very well done
#7. Tholian Battle Bridge - Love it (Though needed a bit more) Yet epic
#8. Prometheus Bridge - Blaze is my favorite
#9. Tuffli Bridge - I like it
Anyway, I found the bridge nicely done, and I loved the thalaron thing you can activate. I didn't felt it was rushed, on the contrary.
And contrary to others unique bridge, you can choose to have the default Romulan bridge instead, if you you really want to. And it's an awesome bridge.
On the other hand, on my Kumari, I find the bridge small (understandable) and bland, and I can't change it.
One of the best old example in the game is the conny bridge/interior set...
There are tons of things that I would like to see vanity wise for the interior. So many things could be done.
Good point but my point still stands, why not have those? The cost of these ships is high and I see no reason to simply not flesh basics out for the simple fact that the ships are very expensive. Honestly, how hard is it to accede that point and instead contend it?
This I did not know and at least there is that. Thank you for sharing that as I may consider picking it up now. The bridge is not a huge factor but chaffed a bit plus it is better to hold a dev to a high standard for this price than to simply accept it and make excuses right?
I'm sorry tacofangs but yeahh, the scimitar is a letdown on the interior.. the entire romulan offering without trophy walls engineering officers or science is a bit of a let down..
I would say this is the best way to go. Players who don't like those bridges are welcome to hook up one of the other interiors.
Sometimes, if you want to bury the hatchet with a Klingon, it has to be in his skull. - Captain K'Tar of the USS Danu about J'mpok.
Oh... wait..
So before people start complaining about the Scimitar interior, just be grateful you actually have one!
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If we had anything different they would be complaining about how it is not the canon bridge. Some people are just never satisfied.
when is it going to sink in that we dont get an interior for every new ship. we get interiors with a faction. new ships that have a unique bridge do not get an interior. if they did the environment artists would never be making anything but ship interiors all day long, every day.
IMO its not a question of the work but the design or purpose of the bridges. If there was some form of game play with actually interacting with the bridges people would have a different view point on them but most of it is just doing certain doff missions or trading stuff into the account bank without moving your character away from the security officer LOL.
Just something that could be done without needing much tech (don't kill me for saying this) but you can use First Contact is a reference point where it can be unique the player and the mission if you could have missions where the borg take over your ship (your bridge etc) even with the option of using EV suits to get onto the hull to get some more use out of bridges and EV suit sets or even removing mines attached to the hull ie that enterprise episode LOL. In all from the view point of Cryptic or PWE they could be made to be profitable from the point of looking at it as art and specific powers a ship could have from the inside so to speak. Anyways that's just my idea on how to make it more viable and get a better result or view point on how they look if they did a bit more for the player.
Taco, I've said this back when the Kumaris were fisrt introduced in STO and I'm going to say it again - the Kumari bridge is the spitten image of what we've been able to see on the show, as is Shran's ready room.
I love all Star Trek series and movies and it's hard to pick a favourite, but if I had to - I'd say that for me they are TNG & ENT back to back. As a fan of ENT I can't express enough how much I apreciate your work on that particular bridge.
Now for example I really love the Brotasqu' bridge, looks epic and probably the best bridge in STO. On the other hand, I hate the Aquarius bridge that the Oddy has to be honest. While I have no doubts that you and your team would have done an amazing job creating a new more modern Kumari bridge - personal preferences are personal preferences and I might end up loving it or hating it. But, with the original bridge replica you made I knew what I was getting - an original bridge from a show I like.
While it is unrealistic to expect an entirely new interior, would it honestly take that much effort for a ship people pay 50 bucks for, as much as an entire game, to take the standard Warbird interior and simply give it a colour overlay so it matches the Scimitar bridge somewhat?
Aid in leading the Romulan Star Empire back to its former greatness.
Join the Romulan Praetorian Guard and teach those epohh loving hippies what it means to be a true Romulan!
Ha ha I laughed so hard at that link
Vice Admiral Volmack ISS Thundermole
Brigadier General Jokag IKS Gorkan
Centurion Kares RRW Tomalak
Just quoting for effect.:eek:
There are only two completely new interiors, and they are sold separately to their ships, the TOS interior and the Defiant (Belfast) interior (still waiting that they release that one without the other TRIBBLE in the bundle. The question is how many people would be willing to pay extra for more than the bridge and the Thalaron generator and not start a flamefest on the forums about the missing enormous hangar bay.
Sometimes, if you want to bury the hatchet with a Klingon, it has to be in his skull. - Captain K'Tar of the USS Danu about J'mpok.
yep. I am still waiting to get my Vesta bridge, or a free bridge pack from Cryptic so I can use something but the default
10k DPS Vesta threads: 1; 2
You're attempting to argue with someone who is simultaneously arguing that the bridge is not from the movie and that the bridge stupidly uses things from the movie.... That is like the definition of futility.
I guess in part because these ships and their bundles are so costly. Now I must admit, this is a bundle I have yet to buy, but recently there have been an outcry about its stats, mainly shield modifier and Hull ratio.
Would I like to see more of the ship interior? Of course, they can even rehash the LoR ship interior and add the bridge with more detail, thalaron chamber place somewhere else, and add a huge scorpion fighter hanger, and any applicable corridor.
Don't get me wrong, I am still going to buy the Bundle Pack, more ships is a good thing, depsite my feelings for the actual bridge, bridge.
hey! I thought that was my regulation cup holder and ashtray! :P
the 'paying customers' are buying them anyway regardless. you cant move for scimitars in game right now. i doubt people spend much time in their interiors other than an occasional visit and i highly doubt full interiors would add much to the sales %. They are nice but not needed and if paying customers really want the number of pointless interiors to increase while mission content to decreases to make it then there is something wrong here.
sure we would all love extra stuff. who does not like extra stuff but its still comes down to what is and is not practical. if it cuts into other content and people are buying them anyway, then they are voting with their wallets and the devs time can be spent on actual mission content.
There, fixed that for you. See how that can work both ways? :rolleyes:
On the Kumari, I used my time to focus on what was shown on screen. I built a ready room because it was shown. And that took me down to the wire. I didn't even get to build a goes no where turbolift for it like I had originally planned.
The Scimitar never showed a ready room, and the time that would have gone to that, went to the Thalaron room instead, as it was felt that it was more important.
Full interiors, like the Romulan Interior that came out with LoR, take a couple of months, with a couple of artists working on it. As much as I would love to have full interiors for every ship, it is not feasible to do so.
LtCdr Miller, who built the Scimitar bridge, also worked a bunch on Risa. If he had been given more time for the bridge, then Risa would have lacked. Everything we do is a trade off. It's all about trying to find the right balance. Perhaps we missed our mark on the Scimitar, we'll try to do better in the future.
^ This ^
Seriously dude, go watch the tail end of Nemesis. The Thalaron device is at the top of the stairs, RIGHT behind the bridge. It's on Netflix Streaming. Start from about 1:38. Watch Picard smash his phaser rifle over a Reman's head, glance to Shinzon, they both look up the stairs, and you can SEE the Thalaron device spinning up through the open doorway at the top of the stairs.
Just out of interest what do you think is different?
this is a cut away for the bridge I found
and this is in game
and this from the film.
Now apart from some very minor discrepancies, and the fact one is real life, one is a drawing and the other is a game, what part does not look like the bridge from the film?
I agree, but like you mentioned the romulan interior, which is amazing, would work just fine on the scimitar. Simple add an option to move to romulan interior at one of the doors in the bridge or the thaloron room. same as on new romulus next to the embassy entrance gives roms an option to go to command center.
butcher suspect, "What'd you hit me with?"
Temperance Brennan, "A building"
I did not miss the point. I know what you are asking and I am disagreeing with you.
you missed mine.