I must admit, respect points to Trendy for laying down the law like that.pwlaughingtrendy wrote:I remain empathetic to the concerns of my community, but do me a favor and lay off the god damn name calling and petty remarks. It will get you nowhere.
That's the most hilariously succinct, yet accurate, description I've heard for what the Scimitar is shaping up to be yet.
Considering the difference in size that could be a rather bloody mating. Ok depends who the female is I guess.
My stomach is clear and my mind is full of bacon!
True love knows no bounds.
I was hoping that the Scimitar would actually give us more Sci/Eng options for Rommies, but it sounds like it's just another gigantor tac ship.
CommanderDonatra@Capt.Sisko: ahhh is it supposed to do that?
Norvo Tigan@dontdrunkimshoot: hell ya, maybe
So soon we'll hear the pitter-patter of little Thalaron feet?
Can I talk to someone on New Romulus and send two Sci DOFFs off for a day to raise it?
If I crit the mission, will I get a fancier/different colored Scimitar?
Per Bran's twitter it's going to take a few more hours.
Because they can't stop laughing?
[Kluless][Kold][Steel Heels][Snagtooth]
[Louis Cipher][Outta Gum][Thysa Kymbo][Spanner][Frakk]
Joined October 2009. READ BEFORE POSTING
One of the devs is having fun with him and keeps cloaking the ship as he tries to take the screenshots is what I heard... /cough
Nah, they know that I made this post, so clearly they are gonna wait, because they know I am waiting.
Lag Industries STO/TOR Guild
Thalaron Suicide Ram!
I was hoping for a decent option for my FedRom Sci to fly, instead of a ghetto RSV clone. Instead, it looks like Tacs rule the day. Again.
Choices, choices. Gotta find the money to buy it, but that just gives me time to think.
12 Tac Cmdr ships (counting MU & Fleet)
6 Eng Cmdr ships (counting MU & Fleet)
3 Sci Cmdr ships (counting MU & Fleet)
No VA Sci Cmdr ship...hrmmm.
Still, I have hope that they drop out the Romulan Science Vessel from TNG that was mentioned in one of the podcasts somewhere down the road as a VA ship (as well as having a Fleet version)...
Well, you've got...
X, X, X, X
X, X, X
X, X
X, X
X, X, X, X
X, X, X
X, X
X, X
X, X, X, X
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X, X
X, X, X, X
X, X
X, X, X
X, X
X, X, X, X
X, X, X
X, X
X, X
X, X, X, X
X, X, X
X, X
X, X
X, X, X, X
X, X
X, X, X
X, X
X, X, X, X
X, X
X, X, X
X, X
is that -50 wile firing wile cloaked gone? didn't see that downside listed. just that afterward your power would be drained. but that wouldn't mater much, your still cloaked.
maybe the sci version should have had 4/3 weapons, and a second hanger. im not one of them, but i think a lot of people want a 2 hanger romulan ship, and the other 2 versions give a good selection of consoles and have 5 weapons as it is. a bit more diversity there would not be a bad thing.
yep. vet ship layout is the best layout
congrats bug ship still rules.
DDS - can you give me a good boff layout(for my sci toon) for this lame - no Cmdr Sci ship - in 3 ships?? WTF is that??
I was actually expecting something more along the lines of:
X, X, X
X, X
X, X
X, X, X, X
So there could have been the Tac Cmdr, Eng Cmdr, Sci Cmdr to match the 5 relative consoles...with the En Uni used for Tac/Eng/Sci as one saw fit.
12 of the 21 Rom boats are now Tac Cmdr (6 Eng and 3 Sci)...~57%.
Feds are what? 21 Tac, 20 Eng, 20 Sci...~34%.
And KDF are...? 10 Tac, 6 Uni, 16 Eng, 7 Sci...~26 to 41% depending on how the Uni Cmdr are used.
Heck, lockboxesque ships...? 6 Tac, 2 Uni, 2 Eng, 1 Sci...~55 to 73%, again depending on how the Uni Cmdr are used.
It's just funny, when folks were expecting them to be the Sci guys to the balanced Feds and Tac KDF...who'd have thought they'd be more Tac than the KDF, eh?
As for the Sci Cmdr?
Rom - 14%
Fed - 33%
KDF - 18 to 33%
Box - 9 to 27%
The Rom Vet ship is still to come, so that will be another Tac.
Taculans...that's what they are...
That said, I think the boff seating of this ship is satisfactory for Rom Sci. One can have up to 6 Sci boff slots, more than either Tact or Eng slots. Plus, Rom ships are the masters of alpha strikes, one way or the other. If you fly a Rom ship but don't alpha strike, it doesn't matter whether you are tact, sci or eng, you are doing it wrong. The lack of Commander Sci slot really is not problematic in this case due to the inherent alpha attack nature of all Romulan ships. Note: Roms do not have real carriers and all end game Rom ship have battlecloaks.
Some of the more interesting Sci builds that work with Federation vessels like the Wells simply cannot be transplanted or copied to a Rom vessel due to the vast difference in their ship design such as warp core type, shield strength and etc. The few vessels that Romulans have that can be classified as Sci are really Sci at demi by Starfleet standards, which is why I don't bother.
Most people so far are sharply focused on the 5 tact console Scimitar. I am not sure that's the best overall design for this class of ship. On a fast moving Escort, the 5 tact console makes a lot of sense. This ship will need help with its maneuverability and shield/damage resistance because it's a slow moving whale-like target. The 3 unique consoles will further exasperate the available console space if 5 tact consoles are used. This is as much as I will say, food for thoughts for anyone reading this thread.
And there you have the cruiser equivalent of the HEC. Slap two of the consoles on for a nice boost and it won't be terrible, but I don't think this will be a good PVP ship for anything other than full scimitar groups. It just doesn't have a great tanking or healing set up.
In addition, all the powers you listed above are very vulnerable or close to useless against Torpedo boats, especially if they have shield-bypass abilities, DOT proc and have access to subnuke. Plus, duplicate powers tend to have very long CD. Unless absolutely necessary, it's generally a bad idea to do so.
Think about this:
American Football has been in open beta for 144 years. ~Kotaku
Is Alpha strike availible to Sci captains? I was not aware of that.
the tac scemitar is tacty heavey
the science is science storng
the engineering engineering strong.
the lt and ens universal doff are cool and can be set up to be useful for more then one role.
A number of us just use the term Alpha to mean stacking all your damage-dealing abilities and coming out of cloak guns blazing. It doesn't necessarily mean using APA.
In fact, an Alpha using Tac boff abilities with a Subnuke+Sensor Scan can be pretty effective.
And that is why I LOVE playing my Orion sci in her BoP WAY more than my Klingon tac.