And the Upgrinder is so expensive anyway that it could as well not even be there and most of DOFFJOBS would agree on that.
#Bring back HERETIC!
The "upgrinder" / or "devaluer" [as it will turn 5 useless blues to one more useless purple geologist or other sci in ~60% of all cases] is absolutely useless because of the insane cost, with the 100 item limit in the mail the situation is even worse, before that you could use the mail as a temporary storage for the COUNTLESS surplus greens and blues from such packs for future starbase projects.
Now you have no choice to delete them/execute them[kdf, 1-7 per day]/sell them[well, the unsold ones will get eaten by the mail system] or use the "exciting new upgrade project", you will find every 20 DOFF packs to upgrade three of the ~eighty white DOFFS you got with said 20 packs (to a green-purple one).
Beta, LTA, CE, Multiple preorder Versions, all Addon Packs except AoY, nearly all KDF/Rom and ~50% of all Fedships, over 25 LockboxShips, Endurer of Atari's "Year of Hell", but...
I didn't see this listed, but does this new ship have a trader on board? I didn't see any mentioning of one so I'm curious, also will it include the Tuffli's ability to change ships out on the fly? How about calling a security transport in sector space? If this is supposed to be the new and improved Tuffli it should have all of these things.
Maybe throw in a dabo wheel for the hell of it too.
It wasn't even on regular network TV where I live, just on one of those other channels on at midnight before it got canceled. The story was absolutely ridiculous, and contradicted so much stuff about canon seen in previous series it just made no sense. There wasn't even supposed to be a ship named Enterprise back then they just made it up before making that show, before it was supposed to be all the early warp exploration was Daedalus class ships. That's why the TOS Enterprise was Enterprise 1701, if that other "Enterprise" realy existed in Trek universe the TOS ENterprise would have been 1701-A but they got around that by calling it NX. Nobody was supposed to have seen what Romulans looked like before balance of terror, or discovered gorn or Tholians until TOS, but somehow stuff like that is all forgotten :rolleyes:. It just shows how badly you can mess things up by doing a series further back in the timeline.
Ok, another "canon" guy....well, alot of what your saying is just wrong.
First off, a "class" of ship can be called anything, in your example its Daedalus. Just because a ship is Daedalus "class" does not mean it can't be called "NX 1701 Enterprise", and NX stands for experimental, a first of it's kind etc. So this means the TOS Enterprise could be a different "class" but still carry the same name....check US Navy records if you don't understand ship naming.
As for discovering the Romulans? In TOS it is stated that there was an earlier Romulan/Fed war....i'm pretty sure some humans might have seen a Romulan, just did not survive the encounter, therefore Kirk's crew didn't know what they looked liked.
As for Gorn or Tholian races, as far as canon is concerned, we only have 1 episode each from TOS that shows either race....and we only know from those episodes what happened during those encounters....that doesnt mean the Feds never encountered either species before....some ships have gotten lost/blown up even in the TOS timelime....who knows what information those ships might have returned to the Federation if they had survived.
You sir are making alot of assumptions about what is canon and what isn't....but then so am i atm to make a point to you.
TOS, TNG, DS9 & Voyager were all TV shows, designed for weekly entertainment, good shows they were, but there is nothing "godly" about them....just good shows....
signing off....enjoy the game for what we have....peace
"If everyone used Macs, we'd be working on how to get to Alpha Centauri rather than how to get to Mars."
if i could choose what doff to make and there was a higher chance of getting a ultra rare.
You may be very, very interested in the Suliban Cell Ship. Very interested, indeed. "Choose" is too strong of a word, but "Guide" would be an appropriate substitute.
Jeff "Adjudicator Hawk" Hamilton
Systems Designer - Cryptic Studios
Twitter: @JeffAHamilton
Yes, all factions can use the Doffs. There are Romulans, Remans, Suliban, Acamarians, and very rare Liberated Borg Romulan doffs for all players of all factions in this pack.
Jeff "Adjudicator Hawk" Hamilton
Systems Designer - Cryptic Studios
Twitter: @JeffAHamilton
That's one very nice freighter, but before I try to get some...Do they have a Trader doff contact aboard like the Tuffli?
Well, I'd still be happier if the isian corvette was a 'civilian' ship rather than this, but fine, at least there is a new 'civilian' ship (though a Tuffli reissue'd be great as well).
Nice to see the Monetization of the DOff System moving forward on schedule.
That makes now what?
- 96 handcrafted Tal'Shiar LockBox DOffs with a bunch of new Active Roster powers.
- 17 new Roster Powers in this DOff Pack
- 0 new Handcrafted reward DOffs for Romulans from the existing in-game Chains
- 0 new Handracfted reward DOffs for playing through the CXP ranks...
- NO Romulan / Reman Asylums
- NO new Chains whatsoever since... when was the Caitian/Ferasan chain released? ...well since that.
or wait there was a Chain, inside the LockBox!
(good to see you at least did not forget how to make them)
just as there are now Assignments now in this Pack.
From the pure DOffing perspective that looks to me almost like you are putting Featured Episodes inside a LockBox. Assignments are the CONTENT of the DOff System, those should be FREE. ALWAYS. PERIOD.
So when will we get some of the most basic DOff Assignments to get anywhere without spending $/Zen with our ROMULAN DOff Rosters?
My Romulan Refugees are slowly piling up without a Romulan Asylum to send them to.
No Officer Exchanges either.
And the Upgrinder is so expensive anyway that it could as well not even be there and most of DOFFJOBS would agree on that.
Also i'd like to point out that dStahl said on multiple occasions that random Romulans would be added to ALL existing DOff Packs,
well i've opened >40 DOff Packs, KDF-Rom side, that were inside the Tal'Shiar LockBox and guess what?
100% KDF DOffs inside, not a single green blood!
(and on top of that not a single purple in 40 of those "mini" packs... Starbase food... complete waste of effort).
PS: neat Ship, hope the collision detection isn't so off the mark again.
Sadly, I am in agreement here. There should have been new 'Romulan' assignements (incl. a chain or two) added with LoR. It was a great opportunity. Asylums, exchanges and similar missions are missing there.
And the new changes to mail weren't helpful to doffers either...
Last thing: Good point with the collision box, Warbirds have them painfully huge...
TOIVA, Toi Vaxx, Toia Vix, Toveg, T'vritha, To Vrax: Bring in the Allegiance class. Toi'Va, Ti'vath, Toivia, Ty'Vris, Tia Vex, Toi'Virth: Add Tier 6 KDF Carrier and Raider. Tae'Va, T'Vaya, To'Var, Tevra, T'Vira, To'Vrak: Give us Asylums for Romulans.
Would still rather get a Tuffli, but I appreciate the functionality of the Cell Ship and despite the fact that the odds suck I will probably try opening at least a couple of packs... My Rom captain needs DOFFs anyhow.
However, I am going to say that it is time and past time that we had C-Store and/or Fleet options for "commerce" ships. They wouldn't necessarily need all of the bells and whistles of the Tuffli and Suliban Cell ships, but something.
Here are a few ideas for the Devs:
Courier Ship: A courier ship would be a small, fast vessel meant for diplomatic missions. It would have a sector speed boost and/or Transwarp destinations to at least one major system in each sector block. If the captain has sufficient ranks in Diplomacy/Marauding, it could include Transwarp to the Omega Leonis/Sirius block. In addition, the ship interior could have a Mail terminal, and a contact for Trade DOFF assignments. Like the Tuffli, it would have light armament. It could get a boost to Engine power.
Trader Ship: A trader ship would be a large cruiser-size freighter. As a non-combat vessel, the trader ship would only be lightly armed and not very manuverable. It would come with two Transwarp destinations: DS9 and Drozana. It would have Mail, Bank, and Exchange terminals. It would have a contact for Trade DOFF assignments and a discount commodities vendor. As a somewhat larger ship, it should come with more device slots and hull strength than the Tuffli and generally be very cruiser-like.
Scout Ship: A scout ship would be a small, fast vessel meant for exploration and reconnaisance missions. It could have Transwarp destinations to all of the exploration clusters and a boost to sector speed (as well as a boost to Engine power). Plus, this ship could have a cloaking device or a boost to MES. In all other respects, the scout ship should gain all of the characteristics and benefits of a science vessel including Target Subsystem and Sensor Analysis. Unlike the previous ships I proposed, this one could be used in a combat role.
I personally would buy any of those three, if they were an option.
My views may not represent those of Cryptic Studios or Perfect World Entertainment. You can file a "forums and website" support ticket here Link: How to PM - Twitter @STOMod_Bluegeek
Yes, all factions can use the Doffs. There are Romulans, Remans, Suliban, Acamarians, and very rare Liberated Borg Romulan doffs for all players of all factions in this pack.
My crew zoo thanks you for its new Suliban and Acamarian exhibits (not to mention the Yridian exhibit I'll be opening when my fleet's mine hits tier 2). Looks like I'll be hitting 45 species by the end of summer.
My crew zoo thanks you for its new Suliban and Acamarian exhibits (not to mention the Yridian exhibit I'll be opening when my fleet's mine hits tier 2). Looks like I'll be hitting 45 species by the end of summer.
I didn't see this listed, but does this new ship have a trader on board? I didn't see any mentioning of one so I'm curious, also will it include the Tuffli's ability to change ships out on the fly? How about calling a security transport in sector space? If this is supposed to be the new and improved Tuffli it should have all of these things.
Maybe throw in a dabo wheel for the hell of it too.
The Cell Ship has all but two features of the Tuffli. The two missing features are Call Security Transport and the Trader contact for trade assignments. These are replaced by onboard access to the Duty Officer Reassignment missions, and by a new Suliban Survivor contact who provides unique Duty Officer assignments which let you rescue new Duty Officers from specific Departments.
We wanted this ship to be on par with the Tuffli, not universally better. I'm really happy with the new features on the Cell Ship, but I'm a bit biased. :P
Jeff "Adjudicator Hawk" Hamilton
Systems Designer - Cryptic Studios
Twitter: @JeffAHamilton
Running out of time to "announce" the Scimitar by the "end of June," guys. Last thing you need right now is your playerbase catching you in another lie...
Running out of time to "announce" the Scimitar by the "end of June," guys. Last thing you need right now is your playerbase catching you in another lie...
You realize posts to the front page are probably planned a week or more in advance?
Running out of time to "announce" the Scimitar by the "end of June," guys. Last thing you need right now is your playerbase catching you in another lie...
They have - just not officially yet - see my thread of leaks and player captured video of the Scimitar:
I believe dan stahl also said something non-speciafic like : probably/hopefully/most likely by the end of June - or even "should"
I don't think he ever said we definitely "will" no doubt about it - have an official release by the end of June - calling someone a liar is a slippery slope.
So when is the commendation level up going to give me actual Romulans? Because that would be, you know, something LoR never should have launched without.
The packs look cool though. I may have to drop some Zen on a few.
"We are smart." - Grebnedlog
Member of Alliance Central Command/boq botlhra'ghom
Speaking of duty officers, one thing I noticed when reassigning under preforming duty officers, is that I can only use Romulan duty officers, however, the new duty officer I receive may be of any of the alined fleet's races. Thus, I trade in Romulan officers, to get an officer, I cannot trade. Hummm... Anyways, I'll post more about this in the duty officer forum thread, ...but all to say, really stoked about this new Romulan Duty pack!
Thanks and kudos to the STO team for all the enhancements coming out tomorrow! Also, thanks for answering so many forum questions and doing so many interviews lately! All the information and attention is greatly appreciated! Keep up the great work!
I am curious about the commodity discount. The Tuffli freighter is also supposed to have a discount yet the Terraforming Systems and Seismic Stabilizers I just purchased are the same price at DS9s commodity broker. So either Cryptic broke the Tuffli freighter to make room for the Suliban ship (which is evil) or the discount isn't a permanent feature.
This is especially frustrating because I just spent close to 10mil EC for an Embassy project and could have used the discount I was promised with the Tuffli.
I am curious about the commodity discount. The Tuffli freighter is also supposed to have a discount yet the Terraforming Systems and Seismic Stabilizers I just purchased are the same price at DS9s commodity broker. So either Cryptic broke the Tuffli freighter to make room for the Suliban ship (which is evil) or the discount isn't a permanent feature.
This is especially frustrating because I just spent close to 10mil EC for an Embassy project and could have used the discount I was promised with the Tuffli.
DS9 offers a Discount on the higher priced commodities.
I am curious about the commodity discount. The Tuffli freighter is also supposed to have a discount yet the Terraforming Systems and Seismic Stabilizers I just purchased are the same price at DS9s commodity broker. So either Cryptic broke the Tuffli freighter to make room for the Suliban ship (which is evil) or the discount isn't a permanent feature.
This is especially frustrating because I just spent close to 10mil EC for an Embassy project and could have used the discount I was promised with the Tuffli.
Green, the Tuffli has never in my experience given a discount on the advanced commodities. You can get them 'at cost' (i.e., no markup) from certain vendors, including the Tuffli, but the only place to get them at 75% price is through the Fleet Embassy.
Can all factions use the Doffs?
The "upgrinder" / or "devaluer" [as it will turn 5 useless blues to one more useless purple geologist or other sci in ~60% of all cases] is absolutely useless because of the insane cost, with the 100 item limit in the mail the situation is even worse, before that you could use the mail as a temporary storage for the COUNTLESS surplus greens and blues from such packs for future starbase projects.
Now you have no choice to delete them/execute them[kdf, 1-7 per day]/sell them[well, the unsold ones will get eaten by the mail system] or use the "exciting new upgrade project", you will find every 20 DOFF packs to upgrade three of the ~eighty white DOFFS you got with said 20 packs (to a green-purple one).
Maybe throw in a dabo wheel for the hell of it too.
as others have said its way too pricy specialy since 99% of the time u get a rubbish doff with rubbish traits.
Ok, another "canon" guy....well, alot of what your saying is just wrong.
First off, a "class" of ship can be called anything, in your example its Daedalus. Just because a ship is Daedalus "class" does not mean it can't be called "NX 1701 Enterprise", and NX stands for experimental, a first of it's kind etc. So this means the TOS Enterprise could be a different "class" but still carry the same name....check US Navy records if you don't understand ship naming.
As for discovering the Romulans? In TOS it is stated that there was an earlier Romulan/Fed war....i'm pretty sure some humans might have seen a Romulan, just did not survive the encounter, therefore Kirk's crew didn't know what they looked liked.
As for Gorn or Tholian races, as far as canon is concerned, we only have 1 episode each from TOS that shows either race....and we only know from those episodes what happened during those encounters....that doesnt mean the Feds never encountered either species before....some ships have gotten lost/blown up even in the TOS timelime....who knows what information those ships might have returned to the Federation if they had survived.
You sir are making alot of assumptions about what is canon and what isn't....but then so am i atm to make a point to you.
TOS, TNG, DS9 & Voyager were all TV shows, designed for weekly entertainment, good shows they were, but there is nothing "godly" about them....just good shows....
signing off....enjoy the game for what we have....peace
You may be very, very interested in the Suliban Cell Ship. Very interested, indeed. "Choose" is too strong of a word, but "Guide" would be an appropriate substitute.
Systems Designer - Cryptic Studios
Twitter: @JeffAHamilton
Yes, all factions can use the Doffs. There are Romulans, Remans, Suliban, Acamarians, and very rare Liberated Borg Romulan doffs for all players of all factions in this pack.
Systems Designer - Cryptic Studios
Twitter: @JeffAHamilton
Well, I'd still be happier if the isian corvette was a 'civilian' ship rather than this, but fine, at least there is a new 'civilian' ship (though a Tuffli reissue'd be great as well).
Sadly, I am in agreement here. There should have been new 'Romulan' assignements (incl. a chain or two) added with LoR. It was a great opportunity. Asylums, exchanges and similar missions are missing there.
And the new changes to mail weren't helpful to doffers either...
Last thing: Good point with the collision box, Warbirds have them painfully huge...
Toi'Va, Ti'vath, Toivia, Ty'Vris, Tia Vex, Toi'Virth: Add Tier 6 KDF Carrier and Raider.
Tae'Va, T'Vaya, To'Var, Tevra, T'Vira, To'Vrak: Give us Asylums for Romulans.
Don't make ARC mandatory! Keep it optional only!
However, I am going to say that it is time and past time that we had C-Store and/or Fleet options for "commerce" ships. They wouldn't necessarily need all of the bells and whistles of the Tuffli and Suliban Cell ships, but something.
Here are a few ideas for the Devs:
Courier Ship: A courier ship would be a small, fast vessel meant for diplomatic missions. It would have a sector speed boost and/or Transwarp destinations to at least one major system in each sector block. If the captain has sufficient ranks in Diplomacy/Marauding, it could include Transwarp to the Omega Leonis/Sirius block. In addition, the ship interior could have a Mail terminal, and a contact for Trade DOFF assignments. Like the Tuffli, it would have light armament. It could get a boost to Engine power.
Trader Ship: A trader ship would be a large cruiser-size freighter. As a non-combat vessel, the trader ship would only be lightly armed and not very manuverable. It would come with two Transwarp destinations: DS9 and Drozana. It would have Mail, Bank, and Exchange terminals. It would have a contact for Trade DOFF assignments and a discount commodities vendor. As a somewhat larger ship, it should come with more device slots and hull strength than the Tuffli and generally be very cruiser-like.
Scout Ship: A scout ship would be a small, fast vessel meant for exploration and reconnaisance missions. It could have Transwarp destinations to all of the exploration clusters and a boost to sector speed (as well as a boost to Engine power). Plus, this ship could have a cloaking device or a boost to MES. In all other respects, the scout ship should gain all of the characteristics and benefits of a science vessel including Target Subsystem and Sensor Analysis. Unlike the previous ships I proposed, this one could be used in a combat role.
I personally would buy any of those three, if they were an option.
Link: How to PM - Twitter @STOMod_Bluegeek
My crew zoo thanks you for its new Suliban and Acamarian exhibits (not to mention the Yridian exhibit I'll be opening when my fleet's mine hits tier 2). Looks like I'll be hitting 45 species by the end of summer.
The Cell Ship has all but two features of the Tuffli. The two missing features are Call Security Transport and the Trader contact for trade assignments. These are replaced by onboard access to the Duty Officer Reassignment missions, and by a new Suliban Survivor contact who provides unique Duty Officer assignments which let you rescue new Duty Officers from specific Departments.
We wanted this ship to be on par with the Tuffli, not universally better. I'm really happy with the new features on the Cell Ship, but I'm a bit biased. :P
Systems Designer - Cryptic Studios
Twitter: @JeffAHamilton
No, Yes, No. It does have replacement features for both of those things it does not have, however.
Systems Designer - Cryptic Studios
Twitter: @JeffAHamilton
The cell ship is looking better and better.
They need to stop making non reclaimable ships however.
Oh! One more feature question: crafting.
Is crafting available on-ship?
They have - just not officially yet - see my thread of leaks and player captured video of the Scimitar:
I believe dan stahl also said something non-speciafic like : probably/hopefully/most likely by the end of June - or even "should"
I don't think he ever said we definitely "will" no doubt about it - have an official release by the end of June - calling someone a liar is a slippery slope.
The packs look cool though. I may have to drop some Zen on a few.
"We are smart." - Grebnedlog
Member of Alliance Central Command/boq botlhra'ghom
Yes, it will be.
Systems Designer - Cryptic Studios
Twitter: @JeffAHamilton
Not to be a troll but doesn't STO need crafting before this ship can have it?
Looking forward to purchasing this tomorrow!
Speaking of duty officers, one thing I noticed when reassigning under preforming duty officers, is that I can only use Romulan duty officers, however, the new duty officer I receive may be of any of the alined fleet's races. Thus, I trade in Romulan officers, to get an officer, I cannot trade. Hummm... Anyways, I'll post more about this in the duty officer forum thread, ...but all to say, really stoked about this new Romulan Duty pack!
Thanks and kudos to the STO team for all the enhancements coming out tomorrow! Also, thanks for answering so many forum questions and doing so many interviews lately! All the information and attention is greatly appreciated! Keep up the great work!
Adm. G!, 1st Armada
Suliban Freighter/Salvage Ship
At least this thing ^ looks better than the Matrix-knockoff Crypic seems to have come up with.
This is especially frustrating because I just spent close to 10mil EC for an Embassy project and could have used the discount I was promised with the Tuffli.
Green, the Tuffli has never in my experience given a discount on the advanced commodities. You can get them 'at cost' (i.e., no markup) from certain vendors, including the Tuffli, but the only place to get them at 75% price is through the Fleet Embassy.