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Why do I / you play STO?!



  • anazondaanazonda Member Posts: 8,399 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    daan2006 wrote: »
    and that's your opinion

    Nobody is fooling you, I see...
    Don't look silly... Don't call it the "Z-Store/Zen Store"...
    Let me put the rumors to rest: it's definitely still the C-Store (Cryptic Store) It just takes ZEN.
    Like Duty Officers? Support effords to gather ideas
  • daan2006daan2006 Member Posts: 5,346 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    anazonda wrote: »
    Nobody is fooling you, I see...

    nope.... :cool:
    swimwear off risa not fixed
    system Lord Baal is dead
    macronius wrote: »
    This! Their ability to outdo their own failures is quite impressive. If only this power could be harnessed for good.
  • scruffyvulcanscruffyvulcan Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    I play because there are currently no better Star Trek games out there to help me get my Trek fix.
  • kyleurichkyleurich Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Why not...I personally always have more than one game I play depending on my mood. What I like about STO is the simple fact it offers a reasonable amount of diversity to entertain my short attention span. I enjoy the combination of space and ground combat. Its a shame bioware couldn't get the same emersion in SWTOR.
  • assimilatedktarassimilatedktar Member Posts: 1,708 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    vocmcp wrote: »
    Why do I / you play STO?!

    To crush the Iconians, see them driven before me and hear the lamentation of their Tal Shiar b******. (It's a real shame Hakeev dies before we can show him what a pathetic weakling he is for thinking that the survival of the Romulans depends on crawling into the Iconians aft plasma exhaust.:D)

    Nah, seriously, I'm playing it because it's Star Trek. I try to have one character of each faction who has all reputations maxed out and all the nice toys and I have plenty of others with interesting ships and builds. Sometimes I tire of STO, then I barely play until the next update but when I return there's fresh content and Zen.
    vocmcp wrote: »
    *As a matter of fact you could start programming some specific interior for the ships you actually bought and paid for! My defiant interior looks the same as a full blown cruiser and I was pretty disappointed by that! It just stands for how much emphasis is put on time rather than content.

    If you want a special interior Cryptic wants you to pay for it. There are special Defiant and Constitution interiors.:o
    FKA K-Tar, grumpy Klingon/El-Aurian hybrid. Now assimilated by PWE.
    Sometimes, if you want to bury the hatchet with a Klingon, it has to be in his skull. - Captain K'Tar of the USS Danu about J'mpok.
  • neoakiraiineoakiraii Member Posts: 7,468 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Because if I don't they will send...HIM!.... No he's here NOOO NO NO!!! AHHH!!!.................
  • bobbydazlersbobbydazlers Member Posts: 4,534 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    you guys must have had a very sheltered life with regards to computer games.
    take almost any of the classic computer games since computer gaming started, from arcade games like space invaders & packman right up to games like sonic the hedgehog.
    you have grind grind and more grind, every now and then you would pick up level bonuses that would help you complete the same grind easyer but at some point you would loose all and have to start the game over for more grind.
    then take any classic adventure games like monkey island & myst or zork, games that you would play through once and throw on the pile of other games of the same ilk that you would never play again.
    if you happened to find a bug in one of these games and belive me i found plenty who would you complain to they were boxed games anyway so not much chance of getting the bugs fixed you just had to shrug your sholders and play arround them.
    people spent a small fortune on the above types of games and are still doing it with games like tomb raider and battlefield and other such games.
    with stol you get all this and so much more with the added bonus the in game social element of the chat channels and the comradery gained from working with others to build up you fleet holdings and team play missions.
    and what grand sum are you asked to pay for all this game play, zero thats what.
    sure you can pay for extras if you want to but as most of the stuff can be picked up for no cost at all just earn some dilithium and exchange for zen and buy the stuff for free if you want.
    sure the game has a few bugs but theres nothing that we cant work arround and most bugs do get fixed at some point.
    then just to add a little more interest they add in the rep system to give us more to play for when we hit level 50 and have no where else to go, plus the occasional replay of story missions for more bonus rewards and the special events like Q's Winter Wonderland for even more rewards and fun and then to top it all they give us lor and the promise of another faction to be added at some future date.
    at the end of the day i think the dev team are doing a great job and we should be singing their praises and saying were not worthy but thank god you think we are.
    up until recently i have been playing for free and have played free for over a year, just recently upgraded to lifetime not because i had to but because i wanted to and thought the game was worth the cost for how much fun i have had from it so far and will get in the future and with all the exras they keep adding like the dilithium mine and such i can see i will be playing for a very long time to come, i say WELL DONE CRYPIC AND PERFECT WORLD.

    When I think about everything we've been through together,

    maybe it's not the destination that matters, maybe it's the journey,

     and if that journey takes a little longer,

    so we can do something we all believe in,

     I can't think of any place I'd rather be or any people I'd rather be with.

  • newromulan1newromulan1 Member Posts: 2,229
    edited June 2013
    The only semi-sane - dependent on your definition of sanity - for doing the grind is to waste time.

    Grinding to get better gear so that you can play/grind the same content that you did to get that gear is a just a time waster - that's it.

    What did the wise man say: the "Definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again - expecting a different result" - Albert Einstein

    So as long as you grind knowing that everything will remain the same no matter how much you grind - you are sane - congrats!
  • purplegamerpurplegamer Member Posts: 1,015 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    you guys must have had a very sheltered life with regards to computer games.
    take almost any of the classic computer games since computer gaming started, from arcade games like space invaders & packman right up to games like sonic the hedgehog.
    you have grind grind and more grind, every now and then you would pick up level bonuses that would help you complete the same grind easyer but at some point you would loose all and have to start the game over for more grind.
    then take any classic adventure games like monkey island & myst or zork, games that you would play through once and throw on the pile of other games of the same ilk that you would never play again.
    if you happened to find a bug in one of these games and belive me i found plenty who would you complain to they were boxed games anyway so not much chance of getting the bugs fixed you just had to shrug your sholders and play arround them.
    people spent a small fortune on the above types of games and are still doing it with games like tomb raider and battlefield and other such games.
    with stol you get all this and so much more with the added bonus the in game social element of the chat channels and the comradery gained from working with others to build up you fleet holdings and team play missions.
    and what grand sum are you asked to pay for all this game play, zero thats what.
    sure you can pay for extras if you want to but as most of the stuff can be picked up for no cost at all just earn some dilithium and exchange for zen and buy the stuff for free if you want.
    sure the game has a few bugs but theres nothing that we cant work arround and most bugs do get fixed at some point.
    then just to add a little more interest they add in the rep system to give us more to play for when we hit level 50 and have no where else to go, plus the occasional replay of story missions for more bonus rewards and the special events like Q's Winter Wonderland for even more rewards and fun and then to top it all they give us lor and the promise of another faction to be added at some future date.
    at the end of the day i think the dev team are doing a great job and we should be singing their praises and saying were not worthy but thank god you think we are.
    up until recently i have been playing for free and have played free for over a year, just recently upgraded to lifetime not because i had to but because i wanted to and thought the game was worth the cost for how much fun i have had from it so far and will get in the future and with all the exras they keep adding like the dilithium mine and such i can see i will be playing for a very long time to come, i say WELL DONE CRYPIC AND PERFECT WORLD.

    None of your points make any logical sense...

    You start out with the tired old, "When I was a kid, we had to walk 15 miles to school, uphill, in the snow, both ways!" The logic behind that argument being that because it was difficult for you in the past, it has to be difficult for us in the present. I'm not trying to equate what you said, but this is the mentality behind hazing.

    As for bugs in boxed games, you're correct: they had them. But in those days (here we go again), developers took more care in delivering as polished a game as possible because there wasn't going to be an opportunity to patch out bugs later--the internet wasn't in wide usage so ongoing development in a live environment wasn't something you could rely on. Bugs could sink a game "in the day."

    STO is not the only game to feature social settings or to encourage interaction. There are games that do it much better, too.

    I may not have to pay for this game today, but I purchased STO in a box, from a store, and spent money on consecutive months of play. Then, of course, there's the handful of various in-game store items I've spent real cash on. I've paid my share for a game that is now F2P--and so have many others.

    Where you find value in "gameplay" like the reputation system, others find them contrived and thinly-veiled attempts to needle you until you give up and throw money at the game to make the needling hurt less. Zynga used this tactic brilliantly with the first iteration of its "ville" games, but it's since bit the dust and is now dragging its bloated corpse off to real money gambling titles. If Cryptic--or PWE--continue to employ these ridiculous menu-driven clicky grindfests, they'll be joining Zynga before long.
  • duaths1duaths1 Member Posts: 1,232 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Trek, now Romulans, Foundry, new friends and the most important - space PVP.
  • milandaremilandare Member Posts: 194 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    I play because City of Heroes is gone.

    Mine Trap is awesome. So many different ways it can go wrong, all related to teamwork.

    Nice people in my fleet. I don't mind a little grinding to help it along. Mostly in space. Space is pretty.
  • daveynydaveyny Member Posts: 8,227 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Two Words... ........................................STAR TREK

    Three More Words... ............................. I Like It.

    STO Member since February 2009.
    I Was A Trekkie Before It Was Cool ... Sept. 8th, 1966 ... Not To Mention Before Most Folks Around Here Were Born!
    Forever a STO Veteran-Minion
  • thunderfoot#5163 thunderfoot Member Posts: 4,545 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    A few more reasons why I play STO.

    - Because in 1967, a six year old boy sat totally spellbound in front of a black and white TV and hoped a day such as this would come. That six year old cannot stop smiling every time I log in. He also cannot wait for next time when I log out.

    - Because some day, some how, I want to prove the Miranda class can be more than just a paper tiger.

    - Because I felt compelled to show the world I am a far better driver than Deanna Troi will ever be.

    - Gorn jokes in the Chat channel on ESD. Just when I think I've seen them all, someone types in a new one.

    - I am Chancellor J'mpok's illegitimate son.

    - Because STO allows me to successfully channel my inner Rihannsu.

    - Because D'Tan would look very silly pointing at the sky while talking to nobody.

    While these make it appear I am not taking the OP seriously, I am indeed doing so. Especially with the first one.
    A six year old boy and his starship. Living the dream.
  • pugdaddypugdaddy Member Posts: 249 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    I've been playing STO on/off for about a year. I deleted my lvl 50 Klingon and restarted from level 1 with the changes since the Romulan expansion. It took me less than 2 weeks to max my level. I'm glad there is still much to explore and learn. In MMO jargon, this is called "End game".
    Now, I have been an alt-aholic in the past. I usually kept making new characters in the MMOs that I play. However, I actually really like my new KDF officer and look forward to continuing to play her even though she has reached level cap. I can't enter the Sirius sector until I reach Rank 4 in Marauding Duty Officer missions. What will that unlock for me? It will be fun to find out. What's with those weird sectors on the far left of the Galactic Map? My Klingon Council member just sent me to Deepspace 9, so I will be finding out soon. I probably capped before I finished the plot strings. I'm learning how to use Duty Officers better and have been taking Defend the Empire combat missions for the decent drops I have been getting there.

    I like the new Romulan Republic content, but that character is stalled at level 25 until I get bored with my KDF Orion Pirate. That is quality content. Some other MMOs I have played add a few minor expansions but no real new content. I appreciate the work they put into the Romulan expansion. You can play as a Romulan attach? to the Federation or the KDF, which adds good variety. To really experience it, someone must play one of each.

    MMOs are created differently than other PC games. PC games are like Manga comics. They begin, tell a story, and then end. MMOs are like American serial comics. They just keep going on forever and ever. An MMO must be re-playable. The complexities of matching X skill with Y ships, making enough credits to have the best gear, and having a character concept that you enjoy can take time. sometimes this involves playing some missions more than once. I used to play Armored Core, Brigadine, and Civilization over and over in order to get them "perfect". IDK, maybe I just have OCD.

    Bottom line is: when you really enjoy a game, you can be disappointed when it ends. A re-playable MMO never has to end. There is usually another facet that you can explore. Try joining a Fleet and building it into a power to be reconned with. Start role-playing your character with cosplayers. Become a megalomaniac and make the most powerful vessel you can. Become a merchant and spend all day buying/selling to become "rich". Become a vet in your Fleet and advise new players. There are lots of possibilities. If it's just not "your thing", then level a character from each faction to 50 and walk away.
  • borisvodikaborisvodika Member Posts: 143 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    I love Star Trek and I love flying internet starships.
  • khan5000khan5000 Member Posts: 3,008 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    I wasnt having fun with this game. I had several lvl 50 toons and it was a chore to gain rep. I decided that I wasnt going to play the game everyone else was but the way I want to...

    so I rolled a new toon and put him in the TOS costume, and bought the TOS bundle and bought the TOS enterprise...I played to lvl 10 and pretended that it was my 5 year mission. At lvl 10 I took the refit and changed my costume and Boff costumes into The Motion Picture costumes. I hit lvl 15 and switched all my toons to the WOK costumes. My goal is to go to level 50 with the refit constitution though I may buy the Exeter because it looks like it may be more survivable. In playing the game I am having loads of fun.
    Your pain runs deep.
    Let us explore it... together. Each man hides a secret pain. It must be exposed and reckoned with. It must be dragged from the darkness and forced into the light. Share your pain. Share your pain with me... and gain strength from the sharing.
  • vocmcpvocmcp Member Posts: 1,134 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Thanks a lot for all the insightful replies! Was quite interesting to read it!

    Right now it's Risa for me. Great change from the usual. Though it's kinda sad to see that Risa is in its own way very much on the grind and not so much on the content side. In a way it seems as the devs do not have that much time themselves as some few minor additions (e.g. pvp floater race) would have made this little gem even greater.

    Other than that I think I'm not just very much the person for "end-game" MMO's then. Too bad all the item grind kills off PvP too since I just won't be competitive without the best of the best stuff. Maybe the foundry and the fleet events can save it for me :)
  • captainpugwash1captainpugwash1 Member Posts: 908 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    I play cause it means i dont have to go shopping or talk to the wife,,,,,,,,,,,,,lol

    na its good i just play for fun and enjoy doing so,,,,,,,just wish they would sort the Bugs out,,,,
  • brendan03usbrendan03us Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    I would echo what some of the other posters have said in that an MMO is going to play differently than a single player game like Deus Ex or Mass Effect. In a single player game, especially one of the better story-driven ones, you are immersed in a very specific storyline, and you play it through to the end -- in a good version of that kind of game, like the ME series was (despite the ending brouhaha), your choices influence outcomes and it feels very satisfying from the narrative point of view. But you're still playing as Commander Shepard -- it may be your take on Commander Shepard, but the story is really Commander Shepard's story. And that's cool -- it's what those games are about. An MMO, however, is much more about creating your own story with your own characters. Even though the game provides missions and quests and so on, the character is yours to develop as you wish, to approach things as you wish in a wide-open manner. You're more like a sculptor than you are in most SP games.

    I played STO when it was released a few years ago for several months and then quit. I just recently returned because my son had decided to pick it up and play it, so I figured I would give it another look (and play together with him a bit). I can say that it is MUCH better than it was when it was released, and in so many ways that it hard to list them all. I am very much enjoying playing through the storyline of the Romulans (always been a Romulan fan), and I can't say if/how the Fed side has been improved, but overall the game is quite satisfying to play now and in a memorable way. I have played alot of MMOs in the past, and I'm quite pleasantly surprised to say that STO, in its current iteration, compares favorably with other MMOs, and quite so.
  • thlaylierahthlaylierah Member Posts: 2,985 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Actually I believe that some day one of these game companies are going to spark a brain cell and realize that they could make a single person game using the MMO type cloud of resources that is open ended and continuously supportable and upgradable through that cloud.

    Until then: MMO Plays You Comrade.
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