Congratulations to one of our members, Damir, for winning the 3 piece Aegis Set in our fleet lottery. Last week we had 3 other members win 6 Master Keys, 4 Master Keys, and 2,000,000 EC in our scavenger hunt. We will be having more great events, activities, and lotteries where members can win great in-game prizes.
Like I've said in previous posts, we are an active fleet and online community. We regard our members highly and thank them for all their help and contributions to the fleet. Come and check us out at and feel free to register and join, we'd love to have you all in our community. You won't be just a number, but a valued member with a voice. Thank you all for your time.
Best Regards,
Fleet Admiral Thomas Winston James a.k.a. The Grayfox Fleet Leader of:
Liberty Task Force/Liberty Honor Guard
Pride of the Federation/Pride of the Empire
Liberty Guardians U.S.S. Liberty, NX-42813-L, T-6 Legendary Odyssey Class
As Fleet Admiral Greyfox is always saying we are a fun fleet that rewards its members just for participating in fleet activities! :eek:
We are full of Captains of all skill levels, we don't care if you are brand new to STO and don't know anything about the game, because there are plenty of Veterans that are looking forward to teaching you. We are always running STF's, PVP, and Fleet Actions!
I am interested in joining. You guys seem an easy going friendly group and I would love to fly with buddies. I am a huge noob. (I am kinda bad at games in general to.) I really could use some help. Do you guys have a ventrilo or teamspeak?
Joining our fleet is rather easy, there is a quick recruitment application on our website you can fill in, we usually reply and send you an in-game fleet invite within 24 hours. Once you accept the invite your clearance level is updated on our site accordingly. Thank you all for your interest and questions. Also you can always contact me directly at and I usually reply right away on that e-mail account. Feel free to add me as a friend in-game, my name and handle are Grayfox@GrayfoxJames. If you have any more questions, feel free to ask. Hope to see you in the game!
Fleet Admiral Thomas Winston James a.k.a. The Grayfox Fleet Leader of:
Liberty Task Force/Liberty Honor Guard
Pride of the Federation/Pride of the Empire
Liberty Guardians U.S.S. Liberty, NX-42813-L, T-6 Legendary Odyssey Class
Liberty Task Force has grown so fast that we are in the process of restructuring our fleet for a better and more fun gaming experience. Now is a great time to join. Visit us at and feel free to look around and make yourself at home. As always, feel free to friendn me in game at Grayfox@GrayfoxJames or you contact me directly at if you have any questions.
We remain a casual and friendly fleet and more importantly a close knit community of gamers that share similar interests.
Best Regards,
Liberty Task Force Admiral
Fleet Admiral Thomas Winston James a.k.a. The Grayfox Fleet Leader of:
Liberty Task Force/Liberty Honor Guard
Pride of the Federation/Pride of the Empire
Liberty Guardians U.S.S. Liberty, NX-42813-L, T-6 Legendary Odyssey Class
Greetings from the TOS Veterans Fleet. It was nice to have you visit our Mariner 10 starbase and I look forward to the start of our treaty negotiations.
We have seen some of the things you have done with your fleet and the respect you have for your members and we look forward to any cros fleet activities in the future? or in our case the past...
I just joined LTF, and everyone has been great. Whether you are new to STO or a veteran since beta, there is a place for everyone in Liberty Task Force.
my name is Ivan and i joined Liberty Task Force couple of days ago and let me tell few things about this Fleet. For the frist thing i must compliment it's leader Grayfox. He was great help to me when i frist joined, e helped me a lot by his advices. Also there are other older members that are there to help if you need help, be it that you need advice or help while assembling you ship with right loadout.
Also i must note that i come from Croatia and i can say that this fleet realy have few members that are from my country witch is nice and i can play with them and ask tings on our native language. So without any delay come and join us and you will enjoy this game even further with this great Fleet.
I am a rather new member to this clan but I must say it has made my STO so much better. There are always people on to talk to, And they don't mind talking! They've worked with me and the many noobish things I've asked and I'm slowly transforming into a not so big noob.
Would Recommend this fleet to anyone, it's a group of chill players just wanting to have fun.
Greetings from the TOS Veterans Fleet. It was nice to have you visit our Mariner 10 starbase and I look forward to the start of our treaty negotiations.
We have seen some of the things you have done with your fleet and the respect you have for your members and we look forward to any cros fleet activities in the future? or in our case the past...
Live long and prosper.
Fleet Chief Ambassador
James Bailey
Thank you very much Ambassador Bailey, I will be contacting you guys again and visiting your forums. Right now, we are in the middle of restructering our fleet, adding an alliance section and also PvP Match Section under our Events tab. Working hard to get everything up and running so we can be prepared for a fun and active alliance between our fleets.
Best Regards,
Liberty Task Force Admiral
Fleet Admiral Thomas Winston James a.k.a. The Grayfox Fleet Leader of:
Liberty Task Force/Liberty Honor Guard
Pride of the Federation/Pride of the Empire
Liberty Guardians U.S.S. Liberty, NX-42813-L, T-6 Legendary Odyssey Class
As a new fleet the positive responses we've received from the STO community has been overwhelming. Thank you so much for receiving a relatively new fleet with such a warm welcome.
Liberty Task Force has some big plans for the future and we hope that players without a fleet will consider us and join. We look forward to forming good alliances and seeing everyone in the game.
Fleet Admiral Thomas Winston James a.k.a. The Grayfox Fleet Leader of:
Liberty Task Force/Liberty Honor Guard
Pride of the Federation/Pride of the Empire
Liberty Guardians U.S.S. Liberty, NX-42813-L, T-6 Legendary Odyssey Class
Joining Liberty Task Force was the smartest decision I have made in STO in a long time! We have everything a person could want in a fleet. Everything from Elite STF runs to leveling with the noobs, LTF has something for every play style. We are a new fleet that has exploded right out of the gate to make a name for ourselves!
If you are interested in joining LTF or looking for an Alliance, go ahead and visit our website!!!
Thanks Champion, I believe we have a very well rounded and healthy fleet. We're always looking for new members whether you are a new player or a veteran one. Just visit our website at or you can e-mail directly at as well. We have some big plans for the future in expanding our fleet to an even greater level. Don't hesitate to ask any questions we're really here to help because we actually enjoy helping. Take care and hope you join us! See you in space!
Liberty Task Force Admiral
Fleet Admiral Thomas Winston James a.k.a. The Grayfox Fleet Leader of:
Liberty Task Force/Liberty Honor Guard
Pride of the Federation/Pride of the Empire
Liberty Guardians U.S.S. Liberty, NX-42813-L, T-6 Legendary Odyssey Class
Liberty Task Force is currently in the process of creating PvP teams and is also looking to create a PvP team to go against other fleets. If you're interested stop on by and join us We are also in the midst of forming an alliance group with smaller but stable fleets. We love for you to join our alliance, for more info e-mail me at or friend me in game at Grayfox@GrayfoxJames.
Fleet Admiral Thomas Winston James a.k.a. The Grayfox Fleet Leader of:
Liberty Task Force/Liberty Honor Guard
Pride of the Federation/Pride of the Empire
Liberty Guardians U.S.S. Liberty, NX-42813-L, T-6 Legendary Odyssey Class
After the better art of 2 weeks as a part of the Liberty Task Force I could only recommend the fleet to people who are looking for a helpful, nice and active community.
Even if you're a person who likes to play most of the times alone and just have a chat with people every now and then (like me) you will find a place in this community.
And the best thing IMHO is: your voice counts and the fleet is actually getting along without behaving like a kindergarden group.
To summarize: contact us if you want to be a part of great (in many ways) and mature community.
Thanks everyone visit us at and also add STOFA (Star Trek Online Fleet Alliance) to your in-game chat channel list. Other fleets have begun to use it, check out our site for a little more info on it. It's still a work in progress but going well. If you have any questions contact me directly at or friend me in-game at Grayfox@GrayfoxJames. Thanks take care everyone.
Best Regards,
Fleet Admiral Thomas Winston James a.k.a. The Grayfox Fleet Leader of:
Liberty Task Force/Liberty Honor Guard
Pride of the Federation/Pride of the Empire
Liberty Guardians U.S.S. Liberty, NX-42813-L, T-6 Legendary Odyssey Class
UPDATE ON OUR FLEET: Our 7 day countdown to our Shipyard Tier III has begun. We filled the entire project in one day. Why is this so significant? Because the fleet was established on April 28th, 2013 with no members to the roster and at Tier 0. Two months and two days later we will have our Tier III Shipyard. After that we will be working on our Communcations Array III, Industrial Fabricator III, and Transwarp III and of course afterwards Starbase Tier III. We have also begun our Embassy Tier II projects as well.
This is not a post to brag but rather a testament to the dedication and activity levels of our so called "new" fleet. We are currently still strongly recruiting new members both veteran and new. We are still looking to fill some of our admin/officer positions with knowledgable and active players that want the role.
As always, if you are interested visit our very active website at or you can e-mail me directly at any time. Also, feel free to friend me in-game at Grayfox@GrayfoxJames. We really hope you'll join us on our journey to STO greatness as we have some great future plans for this fleet.
Thank you all so much for your time and especially to the old veteran fleets that supported our new fleet with kind posts and words.
Best Regards,
-Jose a.k.a. Grayfox
Liberty Task Force Admiral
Fleet Admiral Thomas Winston James a.k.a. The Grayfox Fleet Leader of:
Liberty Task Force/Liberty Honor Guard
Pride of the Federation/Pride of the Empire
Liberty Guardians U.S.S. Liberty, NX-42813-L, T-6 Legendary Odyssey Class
Thank you for those kind words you are a very valuable member of our fleet. Every member that joins is a very valuable fleet member.
Join us we are still recruiting at or simply e-mail me at for more information. Feel free to chat with us on our Alliance in-game chat channel STOFA which stands for Star Trek Online Fleet Alliance. Friend me in game anytime Grayfox@GrayfoxJames we are all very friendly.
Stop by say hello...hope to see you in game and more than that see you in our fleet!
Best Regards,
Fleet Admiral Thomas Winston James a.k.a. The Grayfox Fleet Leader of:
Liberty Task Force/Liberty Honor Guard
Pride of the Federation/Pride of the Empire
Liberty Guardians U.S.S. Liberty, NX-42813-L, T-6 Legendary Odyssey Class
Yesterday Liberty Task Force at celebrated its 2 month anniversary. We have grown by leaps and bounds during that time. We now have Tier III Shipyard and we have already begun our Tier I Dilithium Mine upgrades.
We boast an active community of both veteran and new players. We all help each other out and do events together. The other day at the Risa event we had 11 members in one instance and 4 in another all working together and chatting on our TeamSpeak 3 voice server. A fun time was bad by all.
We do PvE and PvP together and we're trying to start up some light RP with some of the group. We'd love to find someone to lead us in the RP department. We have an alliance channel called STOFA which stands for Star Trek Online Fleet Alliance that we use to communicate with other fleets.
We welcome you to stop by our site and look around. If you have any further questions that the site hasn't answered or can't find e-mail me directly at or friend me in-game at Grayfox@GrayfoxJames and say hello. Hope to hear from you and hope you join us!
Liberty Task Force Admiral
Fleet Admiral Thomas Winston James a.k.a. The Grayfox Fleet Leader of:
Liberty Task Force/Liberty Honor Guard
Pride of the Federation/Pride of the Empire
Liberty Guardians U.S.S. Liberty, NX-42813-L, T-6 Legendary Odyssey Class
Our Dilithiun Mine should be Tier I in about 8 days or so. We've been filling in all the projects the same day they become available. We're also very close now to Tier II Embassy and Tier III Starbase.
Our fleet is very active and helpful. We have veteran members help out new players with Episode Missions and ship builds. Our schedule for PvE and PvP has been posted. Now is a great time to join us. Visit our webpage at and take a look around. If you like what you see, join us. We also have TeamSpeak 3 voice server and slowly building our alliances with other great fleets.
If you have any further questions feel free to e-mail me directly at or friend me in-game at Grayfox@GrayfoxJames as well.
Our fleet is a little over 2 months old now and we have members from all over the world. Chances are you won't be playing alone no matter where you're from. At our peak hours we can actually have anywhere between 20-27 people online and several of them on TeamSpeak 3. Join us, help us to build a great fleet and gaming community.
Best Regards,
Fleet Admiral Thomas Winston James a.k.a. The Grayfox Fleet Leader of:
Liberty Task Force/Liberty Honor Guard
Pride of the Federation/Pride of the Empire
Liberty Guardians U.S.S. Liberty, NX-42813-L, T-6 Legendary Odyssey Class
We are still recruiting. Now is a great time to join our fleet. We are more than just a fleet, we are a community of friends. Visit us at and make yourself at home and see what we're about. Help us build a great fleet and Starbase. We welcome veterans and new players. We have veterans that run episode missions with new players showing then the ropes of the game everyday. If you have anymore question you can e-mail me directly at or friend me in-game at Grayfox@GrayfoxJames take care and hope you consider us as your fleet.
Best Regards,
Fleet Admiral Thomas Winston James a.k.a. The Grayfox Fleet Leader of:
Liberty Task Force/Liberty Honor Guard
Pride of the Federation/Pride of the Empire
Liberty Guardians U.S.S. Liberty, NX-42813-L, T-6 Legendary Odyssey Class
Just a few updates on our fleet. Today was a great day. We had over 25 people online at once, 11 on our TeamSpeak 3 server. We did Fleet Actions and our Dilithium Mine will be 100% Tier 1 in a few days just waiting for the cool down to go through.
If you like the sound of a fleet that does thing together than this is the place for you. Visit our website at and learn more on what we're about.
Also, our Starbase will be Tier III in a few days again just waiting on cool downs. Our Embassy Tier II upgrade is 1/3 of the way filled in a single night...all this in 2 months and 13 days. Not bad, like I said very active and friendly fleet. Join us now, it's the perfect time!
Best Regards,
Fleet Admiral Thomas Winston James a.k.a. The Grayfox Fleet Leader of:
Liberty Task Force/Liberty Honor Guard
Pride of the Federation/Pride of the Empire
Liberty Guardians U.S.S. Liberty, NX-42813-L, T-6 Legendary Odyssey Class
Your fleet seems to be exactly the kind ive been looking for, plus the catering to different playstyles really is a boon to those of us who may be able to rp, conduct fleet actions or just grind depending on the available time we have. Just recently jumped back into STO, didnt play for a bit, but got a sweet gaming laptop now, and am ready to jump back in full steam
Thanks Christoher for those kind words. We'd be happy to have you join us and yes we try to cater to as many play styles as possible.
Fleet Admiral Thomas Winston James a.k.a. The Grayfox Fleet Leader of:
Liberty Task Force/Liberty Honor Guard
Pride of the Federation/Pride of the Empire
Liberty Guardians U.S.S. Liberty, NX-42813-L, T-6 Legendary Odyssey Class
Another fun evening yesterday. We had a big photo session for our webpage at the starbase and we also ran elite STF's all day. Today we're having an inter-fleet PvP Sunday, hopefully the first one in a long run
To all of you out there who are looking for a fleet that is fun, helpful and cares about its members, check out our webpage, send us an application there and join us, we would be glad to have you
We've reached Tier I on he Dilithium Mines and Tier II Embassy is already 4 days on cool down. We've also already completed the Dilithium Mine special project Welcoming Entry and have filled our Transwarp Conduit III in ten minutes :-D.
Fleet Admiral Thomas Winston James a.k.a. The Grayfox Fleet Leader of:
Liberty Task Force/Liberty Honor Guard
Pride of the Federation/Pride of the Empire
Liberty Guardians U.S.S. Liberty, NX-42813-L, T-6 Legendary Odyssey Class
While the servers are down might as well take advantage and check out our active site at and join us. Hope to hear from you all soon. Take care.
Fleet Admiral Thomas Winston James a.k.a. The Grayfox Fleet Leader of:
Liberty Task Force/Liberty Honor Guard
Pride of the Federation/Pride of the Empire
Liberty Guardians U.S.S. Liberty, NX-42813-L, T-6 Legendary Odyssey Class
Just want to say something about my fleet. I'm a new STO player, but a long time Star Trek fan. I feel incedibly lucky to have had LTF be the first fleet to recruit me. Since becoming a member my interest in STO has intensified, and I know I have fellow members who will readily answer all my noobish questions. We're not elitists or demanding, but friendly and respectful. It's so much more enjoyable to do the STF's with people you know, and are actually talking to at the same time. I've yet to encounter a single whiney person who thinks their every failure is not their fault. Really, I'm serious about doing my best, but enjoying the experience and good camaraderie comes first everytime, and my fleet thinks the same way. We''ve got young players, retired players, and everything in between. There is no vulgarity, sexism, bigotry, or racism; it's not tolerated, nor are any of our members like that, anyway.
If you just want to have fun and explore the galaxy with friends, then don't hesitate to join our ranks. We''re just good people, with awe inspiring starships and good looking toons, of course.
Like I've said in previous posts, we are an active fleet and online community. We regard our members highly and thank them for all their help and contributions to the fleet. Come and check us out at and feel free to register and join, we'd love to have you all in our community. You won't be just a number, but a valued member with a voice. Thank you all for your time.
Best Regards,
Fleet Leader of:
Liberty Task Force/Liberty Honor Guard
Pride of the Federation/Pride of the Empire
Liberty Guardians
U.S.S. Liberty, NX-42813-L, T-6 Legendary Odyssey Class
Game Handle: Grayfox@GrayfoxJames
Armada (STOFA Member Fleet):
Twitter: STOFA@LTFGrayfox
We are full of Captains of all skill levels, we don't care if you are brand new to STO and don't know anything about the game, because there are plenty of Veterans that are looking forward to teaching you. We are always running STF's, PVP, and Fleet Actions!
Come join Liberty Task Force! You won't regret it!*
Jolan Tru,
Vice Admiral Champion1701
Recruitment Overlord
*Unless you are a boring peta'Q that doesn't like having fun or good friends.
=/\=USS Lindsey Stirling =/\= NCC-116747 =/\=
=/\= Liberty Task Force =/\= Diplomatic Advisor =/\=
Fleet Leader of:
Liberty Task Force/Liberty Honor Guard
Pride of the Federation/Pride of the Empire
Liberty Guardians
U.S.S. Liberty, NX-42813-L, T-6 Legendary Odyssey Class
Game Handle: Grayfox@GrayfoxJames
Armada (STOFA Member Fleet):
Twitter: STOFA@LTFGrayfox
We remain a casual and friendly fleet and more importantly a close knit community of gamers that share similar interests.
Best Regards,
Liberty Task Force Admiral
Fleet Leader of:
Liberty Task Force/Liberty Honor Guard
Pride of the Federation/Pride of the Empire
Liberty Guardians
U.S.S. Liberty, NX-42813-L, T-6 Legendary Odyssey Class
Game Handle: Grayfox@GrayfoxJames
Armada (STOFA Member Fleet):
Twitter: STOFA@LTFGrayfox
We have seen some of the things you have done with your fleet and the respect you have for your members and we look forward to any cros fleet activities in the future? or in our case the past...
Live long and prosper.
Fleet Chief Ambassador
James Bailey
my name is Ivan and i joined Liberty Task Force couple of days ago and let me tell few things about this Fleet. For the frist thing i must compliment it's leader Grayfox. He was great help to me when i frist joined, e helped me a lot by his advices. Also there are other older members that are there to help if you need help, be it that you need advice or help while assembling you ship with right loadout.
Also i must note that i come from Croatia and i can say that this fleet realy have few members that are from my country witch is nice and i can play with them and ask tings on our native language. So without any delay come and join us and you will enjoy this game even further with this great Fleet.
With best regards,
Would Recommend this fleet to anyone, it's a group of chill players just wanting to have fun.
Thank you very much Ambassador Bailey, I will be contacting you guys again and visiting your forums. Right now, we are in the middle of restructering our fleet, adding an alliance section and also PvP Match Section under our Events tab. Working hard to get everything up and running so we can be prepared for a fun and active alliance between our fleets.
Best Regards,
Liberty Task Force Admiral
Fleet Leader of:
Liberty Task Force/Liberty Honor Guard
Pride of the Federation/Pride of the Empire
Liberty Guardians
U.S.S. Liberty, NX-42813-L, T-6 Legendary Odyssey Class
Game Handle: Grayfox@GrayfoxJames
Armada (STOFA Member Fleet):
Twitter: STOFA@LTFGrayfox
Liberty Task Force has some big plans for the future and we hope that players without a fleet will consider us and join. We look forward to forming good alliances and seeing everyone in the game.
Feel free to visit our website at and make yourself at home.
Fleet Leader of:
Liberty Task Force/Liberty Honor Guard
Pride of the Federation/Pride of the Empire
Liberty Guardians
U.S.S. Liberty, NX-42813-L, T-6 Legendary Odyssey Class
Game Handle: Grayfox@GrayfoxJames
Armada (STOFA Member Fleet):
Twitter: STOFA@LTFGrayfox
If you are interested in joining LTF or looking for an Alliance, go ahead and visit our website!!!
Keelah Se'lai,
Vice Admiral Champion1701
Recruitment Overlord
=/\=USS Lindsey Stirling =/\= NCC-116747 =/\=
=/\= Liberty Task Force =/\= Diplomatic Advisor =/\=
Liberty Task Force Admiral
Fleet Leader of:
Liberty Task Force/Liberty Honor Guard
Pride of the Federation/Pride of the Empire
Liberty Guardians
U.S.S. Liberty, NX-42813-L, T-6 Legendary Odyssey Class
Game Handle: Grayfox@GrayfoxJames
Armada (STOFA Member Fleet):
Twitter: STOFA@LTFGrayfox
Fleet Leader of:
Liberty Task Force/Liberty Honor Guard
Pride of the Federation/Pride of the Empire
Liberty Guardians
U.S.S. Liberty, NX-42813-L, T-6 Legendary Odyssey Class
Game Handle: Grayfox@GrayfoxJames
Armada (STOFA Member Fleet):
Twitter: STOFA@LTFGrayfox
Even if you're a person who likes to play most of the times alone and just have a chat with people every now and then (like me) you will find a place in this community.
And the best thing IMHO is: your voice counts and the fleet is actually getting along without behaving like a kindergarden group.
To summarize: contact us if you want to be a part of great (in many ways) and mature community.
Best Regards,
Fleet Leader of:
Liberty Task Force/Liberty Honor Guard
Pride of the Federation/Pride of the Empire
Liberty Guardians
U.S.S. Liberty, NX-42813-L, T-6 Legendary Odyssey Class
Game Handle: Grayfox@GrayfoxJames
Armada (STOFA Member Fleet):
Twitter: STOFA@LTFGrayfox
This is not a post to brag but rather a testament to the dedication and activity levels of our so called "new" fleet. We are currently still strongly recruiting new members both veteran and new. We are still looking to fill some of our admin/officer positions with knowledgable and active players that want the role.
As always, if you are interested visit our very active website at or you can e-mail me directly at any time. Also, feel free to friend me in-game at Grayfox@GrayfoxJames. We really hope you'll join us on our journey to STO greatness as we have some great future plans for this fleet.
Thank you all so much for your time and especially to the old veteran fleets that supported our new fleet with kind posts and words.
Best Regards,
-Jose a.k.a. Grayfox
Liberty Task Force Admiral
Fleet Leader of:
Liberty Task Force/Liberty Honor Guard
Pride of the Federation/Pride of the Empire
Liberty Guardians
U.S.S. Liberty, NX-42813-L, T-6 Legendary Odyssey Class
Game Handle: Grayfox@GrayfoxJames
Armada (STOFA Member Fleet):
Twitter: STOFA@LTFGrayfox
Join us we are still recruiting at or simply e-mail me at for more information. Feel free to chat with us on our Alliance in-game chat channel STOFA which stands for Star Trek Online Fleet Alliance. Friend me in game anytime Grayfox@GrayfoxJames we are all very friendly.
Stop by say hello...hope to see you in game and more than that see you in our fleet!
Best Regards,
Fleet Leader of:
Liberty Task Force/Liberty Honor Guard
Pride of the Federation/Pride of the Empire
Liberty Guardians
U.S.S. Liberty, NX-42813-L, T-6 Legendary Odyssey Class
Game Handle: Grayfox@GrayfoxJames
Armada (STOFA Member Fleet):
Twitter: STOFA@LTFGrayfox
We boast an active community of both veteran and new players. We all help each other out and do events together. The other day at the Risa event we had 11 members in one instance and 4 in another all working together and chatting on our TeamSpeak 3 voice server. A fun time was bad by all.
We do PvE and PvP together and we're trying to start up some light RP with some of the group. We'd love to find someone to lead us in the RP department. We have an alliance channel called STOFA which stands for Star Trek Online Fleet Alliance that we use to communicate with other fleets.
We welcome you to stop by our site and look around. If you have any further questions that the site hasn't answered or can't find e-mail me directly at or friend me in-game at Grayfox@GrayfoxJames and say hello. Hope to hear from you and hope you join us!
Liberty Task Force Admiral
Fleet Leader of:
Liberty Task Force/Liberty Honor Guard
Pride of the Federation/Pride of the Empire
Liberty Guardians
U.S.S. Liberty, NX-42813-L, T-6 Legendary Odyssey Class
Game Handle: Grayfox@GrayfoxJames
Armada (STOFA Member Fleet):
Twitter: STOFA@LTFGrayfox
Our fleet is very active and helpful. We have veteran members help out new players with Episode Missions and ship builds. Our schedule for PvE and PvP has been posted. Now is a great time to join us. Visit our webpage at and take a look around. If you like what you see, join us. We also have TeamSpeak 3 voice server and slowly building our alliances with other great fleets.
If you have any further questions feel free to e-mail me directly at or friend me in-game at Grayfox@GrayfoxJames as well.
Our fleet is a little over 2 months old now and we have members from all over the world. Chances are you won't be playing alone no matter where you're from. At our peak hours we can actually have anywhere between 20-27 people online and several of them on TeamSpeak 3. Join us, help us to build a great fleet and gaming community.
Best Regards,
Fleet Leader of:
Liberty Task Force/Liberty Honor Guard
Pride of the Federation/Pride of the Empire
Liberty Guardians
U.S.S. Liberty, NX-42813-L, T-6 Legendary Odyssey Class
Game Handle: Grayfox@GrayfoxJames
Armada (STOFA Member Fleet):
Twitter: STOFA@LTFGrayfox
Best Regards,
Fleet Leader of:
Liberty Task Force/Liberty Honor Guard
Pride of the Federation/Pride of the Empire
Liberty Guardians
U.S.S. Liberty, NX-42813-L, T-6 Legendary Odyssey Class
Game Handle: Grayfox@GrayfoxJames
Armada (STOFA Member Fleet):
Twitter: STOFA@LTFGrayfox
If you like the sound of a fleet that does thing together than this is the place for you. Visit our website at and learn more on what we're about.
Also, our Starbase will be Tier III in a few days again just waiting on cool downs. Our Embassy Tier II upgrade is 1/3 of the way filled in a single night...all this in 2 months and 13 days. Not bad, like I said very active and friendly fleet. Join us now, it's the perfect time!
Best Regards,
Fleet Leader of:
Liberty Task Force/Liberty Honor Guard
Pride of the Federation/Pride of the Empire
Liberty Guardians
U.S.S. Liberty, NX-42813-L, T-6 Legendary Odyssey Class
Game Handle: Grayfox@GrayfoxJames
Armada (STOFA Member Fleet):
Twitter: STOFA@LTFGrayfox
Fleet Leader of:
Liberty Task Force/Liberty Honor Guard
Pride of the Federation/Pride of the Empire
Liberty Guardians
U.S.S. Liberty, NX-42813-L, T-6 Legendary Odyssey Class
Game Handle: Grayfox@GrayfoxJames
Armada (STOFA Member Fleet):
Twitter: STOFA@LTFGrayfox
To all of you out there who are looking for a fleet that is fun, helpful and cares about its members, check out our webpage, send us an application there and join us, we would be glad to have you
Join us at
Fleet Leader of:
Liberty Task Force/Liberty Honor Guard
Pride of the Federation/Pride of the Empire
Liberty Guardians
U.S.S. Liberty, NX-42813-L, T-6 Legendary Odyssey Class
Game Handle: Grayfox@GrayfoxJames
Armada (STOFA Member Fleet):
Twitter: STOFA@LTFGrayfox
Fleet Leader of:
Liberty Task Force/Liberty Honor Guard
Pride of the Federation/Pride of the Empire
Liberty Guardians
U.S.S. Liberty, NX-42813-L, T-6 Legendary Odyssey Class
Game Handle: Grayfox@GrayfoxJames
Armada (STOFA Member Fleet):
Twitter: STOFA@LTFGrayfox
If you just want to have fun and explore the galaxy with friends, then don't hesitate to join our ranks. We''re just good people, with awe inspiring starships and good looking toons, of course.