Is there a good guide to Dilithium farming somewhere? I've searched but I can only find outdated ones that don't work anymore because lot's of things have changed.
I'd like to know how to get all the Dilithium I can every day.
Is there a good guide to Dilithium farming somewhere? I've searched but I can only find outdated ones that don't work anymore because lot's of things have changed.
I'd like to know how to get all the Dilithium I can every day.
ontop of above list, Do 1 spotlight foundry mission, gives a bonus dilithium reward. and the strange new worlds mission where you complete one explore tour.
Also dont forget DOFF assignments, go to sector space and go through each department and do the ones that give 50 or more dilithium and contraband assignments. once you get those started then do whatever for the rep or anything else.
Join Date: Nobody cares.
"I'm drunk, whats your excuse for being an idiot?" - Unknown drunk man. :eek:
The most time efficient way to earn dilithium requires a max level Klink with a maneuverable high damage ship. You can earn more then 4000 dilithium in roughly 15 minutes if you know what your doing. Just take the three pi cannis raiding missions once a day
If you have a good fleet who knows what they are doing, so you are no longer dependant of PUG's, you can do Infected and Khitomer together in 30 minutes.
Assuming you convert every reward to dilithium, the minimum you get with the optional done per STF:
- 960 dil for completing
- 65 omega marks (worth 650 dil, project for 50 marks = 500 dil)
- 1 Neural processor (worth 200 dil, project for 5 processors = 1000 dil)
So the minimum is worth 1810 dilithium. And you are often above the minimum, for example,
- you can gain up to around 120 omega marks = 1200 dilithium
- you can earn up to 14 processors = 2800 dilithium
So the max is: 4960 dil per run. This means you have to have a good team, a good build and a little luck.
And if you do, say Khitomer and Infected (the easiest 2), you are done in 30 minutes and will have earned at least 3620 dil and at most 9920 dil.
DOff, DOff, DOff throughout your game shift - some give rewards in Dilithium and depending on the success quality more than the posted amount for the mission.
Then Open a Mining Claim and go to the mines. After you complete the claim, open another one and mine it. You will then be gated out for 20 hours. (This may be an exploit) Total time here is about 10 minutes.
By the end of your gaming shift you will (should) have more than the 8K refined Dilithium. Do this daily and you will (should) actually have a surplus of Dilithium ore.
So, for me, no STFs, no patrol missions - but I am constantly Doffing in sector space everywhere I go and that is more of a "job" than mining.
I highly recommend the Midterm Quiz at Starfleet (there is a similar one for klingons). It takes literally less than 1 minute to get the quest, take the quiz, and turn it back in for 480 dil. See here.
Also, as blurgrassgeek mentioned, the Traelus Satellite Repair mission is very good. It takes less than 10 minutes, 5 once you get the hang of it, and also yields 480 dil.
Of course the daily asteroid mining takes around 5-10 minutes and reliably yields between 800-1000 dil.
In 30 minutes you have around 2k. Toss a spotlight foundry mission on top of that and you'll get another 2k. The foundry missions take around 30 min -1hr.
For the rest, the turn over contraband and explore strange new worlds are also high dil yield quests/missions, but I find strange new worlds take me longer than I would like sometimes, and turn over contraband requires 5 contraband only obtainable through inconsistent doff missions or purchasing off the exchange for 50k per.
STFs/Starbase 24 is also good if you like fighting, but can also take a little long for a 480 dil reward. (960 dil for Elite STFs)
Regular doff assignments are good for a consistent trickle of small amounts of dil, you usually get 5 per success, 125 on a crit (I think) and more from the specialized missions.
Finally there's rep grinding. Doing each of the factions 2 rep quests each day (6 rep quests total) will yield 1440 dil for almost no time investment at all on your part, plus you get reputation (I will say that this can get expensive if you really don't care about rep. At T3-T4, for example, if you dont go hunt down all the commodity brokers on the various stations to get what you need, and replicate the required commodities instead, it will cost you around 200k/day)
::WARNING:: This game is not intended for use as a source of self-esteem.
You can also earn 1.3-1.5k dil for about 10 minutes work on Nimbus III adventure zone and that is open from lvl 21 onwards - very easy to do and good fun.
Not entirely sure but you might have to run the full Nimbus questline once, before the guy at the bar will open up to you and offer the missions. 20h cooldown. Good job cryptic adding those in for lower level players who may not like some of the other methods above.
What I'm currently doing is run a few elite STFs, cashing in marks and neural parts for 500 and 1,000 dilithium, respectively. Do this a bunch of time, plus starbase 24 and the daily fleet action and I have about 20K dilithium stored up. Play whatever I want the next 2-3 days, or at least logging in to refine and move on.
Also, it's usually a good idea to take the 'resettle colonists' missions whenever you can, as having colonists opens up the missions to settle them which net you 500 dil for a few provisions and a medical commodity.
And having even a low level KDF character who pumps out marauder missions will usually net you a substantial amount of contraband (as well as a load of other commodities).
If you have a good fleet who knows what they are doing, so you are no longer dependant of PUG's, you can do Infected and Khitomer together in 30 minutes.
Assuming you convert every reward to dilithium, the minimum you get with the optional done per STF:
- 960 dil for completing
- 65 omega marks (worth 650 dil, project for 50 marks = 500 dil)
- 1 Neural processor (worth 200 dil, project for 5 processors = 1000 dil)
So the minimum is worth 1810 dilithium. And you are often above the minimum, for example,
- you can gain up to around 120 omega marks = 1200 dilithium
- you can earn up to 14 processors = 2800 dilithium
So the max is: 4960 dil per run. This means you have to have a good team, a good build and a little luck.
And if you do, say Khitomer and Infected (the easiest 2), you are done in 30 minutes and will have earned at least 3620 dil and at most 9920 dil.
That is how I grinded a few ZEN ships anyway.
The other method that can get you this amount of dil with a similar time spent is the academy event. Yuou should be ablt to net 120 particle fragments in 1h avg. This translates to 4608 dil.
If you're lucky, you get 135 particle fragments for one hour ( managed to get this ), but if you're not, you should get at least 2304 dill for 60 fragments. #$%#$%^ holograms / collapsed fragments.....
Hi, I'm very new to the game but I'm catching on fast. I'm having a serious problem obtaining any Dilithium ore, refined or not. I have done some missions (such as Starbase 24) where it clearly states that the reward is a decent amount of dil. I complete the mission and see that I've obtained some skill points. Then I click on the dil store icon and find my count still at zero. It's my understanding that I need to refine ore to make it spendable. I beam down to the NPC at the academy (Veteran Dilithium Refiner) and he has the audacity and gall to tell me that (while laughing at me under his breath because I reek of noobness) because I am not an 800 day super duper gold star veteran, that I have NO business even standing within bad breath range of him. Then he calls me the son of a motherless ogre and ends dialogue. So to sum it up: missions are NOT rewarding me dil, and if I had it, I CAN'T refine it. I started the game less than a week ago (if it matters) and am currently lv11. What am I doing wrong and/or how do I get dil? Felt this post was relevant to the topic "Dilithium Farming" as that is exactly what I am trying to do, yet I cannot even get started
Hi, I'm very new to the game but I'm catching on fast. I'm having a serious problem obtaining any Dilithium ore, refined or not. I have done some missions (such as Starbase 24) where it clearly states that the reward is a decent amount of dil. I complete the mission and see that I've obtained some skill points. Then I click on the dil store icon and find my count still at zero. It's my understanding that I need to refine ore to make it spendable. I beam down to the NPC at the academy (Veteran Dilithium Refiner) and he has the audacity and gall to tell me that (while laughing at me under his breath because I reek of noobness) because I am not an 800 day super duper gold star veteran, that I have NO business even standing within bad breath range of him. Then he calls me the son of a motherless ogre and ends dialogue. So to sum it up: missions are NOT rewarding me dil, and if I had it, I CAN'T refine it. I started the game less than a week ago (if it matters) and am currently lv11. What am I doing wrong and/or how do I get dil? Felt this post was relevant to the topic "Dilithium Farming" as that is exactly what I am trying to do, yet I cannot even get started
You don't need to go to him to refine your Dilithium, Open up your Inventory, and click "Assets" i think it is, and underneath your energy credits should listed two numbers, your refined and unrefined dilithium.
You are limited to refining 8000 per day, but that 8000 day refine cap can be extended to 9000 if you are an 800 day veteran.
Your main source of dilithium will be towards the end of the game, personally i'd recommend saving it, as endgame reputation and fleet gear costs a fair bit!
On your Inventory screen, there should be a tab at the top that says "assets" or something along those lines. If you click on that, you should see your list of currencies, which include your unrefined dilithium-and a button to refine it. That might be your issue.
You guys are lifesavers. I'm happy to see this forum is actually kind and helpful! now 45 mins to go til I can see if this resolves the problems, which I'm sure it will. Thanks again guys!
One last thing: I can exchange dil for zen correct? I kinda wanna start expanding parts of the game, as well as opening these new lock boxes asap, providing something more valuable doesnt come along beforehand that I should save for. I don't mind blowing off some extra currency, I'm in no hurry to speed-farm and stockpile for endgame content RIGHT NOW! I wanna enjoy the game as I'm new
Jellico....Engineer ground.....Da'val Romulan space Sci
Saphire.. Science ground......Ko'el Romulan space Tac
Leva........Tactical ground.....Koj Romulan space Eng
JJ-Verse will never be Canon or considered Lore...It will always be JJ-Verse
One last thing: I can exchange dil for zen correct? I kinda wanna start expanding parts of the game, as well as opening these new lock boxes asap, providing something more valuable doesnt come along beforehand that I should save for. I don't mind blowing off some extra currency, I'm in no hurry to speed-farm and stockpile for endgame content RIGHT NOW! I wanna enjoy the game as I'm new
That's right. On your minimap, on the lower right corner you will see a down arrow. Clicking on it brings up a drop down menu of options, including one that says "Dilithium Exchange". That'll bring up the interface for the purchase and selling of Dilithium. Exchange rate tends to fluctuate, but I think it's around the 115 dilithium for 1 Zen right now (I'm sure someone who's more current will correct that at some point).
I have a question about the tal shier lock boxes, can I get a end game ship from opening the boxes when I'm low leveled?
IIRC all of the lockbox ships are Lvl 50. You won't be able to "unpack" them until that point. But it doesn't matter what level you are when you get them.
On a related note, the Nanite Disruptor weapons DO scale to your level when you open them, but at 50, it seems there is a chance for it to be either XI or XII
- turn in contraband, 4 hr and success garanted (5 contraband = 2,000 dil)
- mining (event +50%)
- Red Alert if i stumble across one (480 dil per)
- raise epohh (400 marks = 4,000 dil)
- daily Nimbus run (quick 1,600ish dil)
- foundry event (1,000+ dil)
I quit academy scanning, too crowded and inconsistent for the payout/time spent. In general, with all or any of the above, I reach or exceed the 8k cap. Contraband is not so bad to get even for a fed player, there's enough short cd DOFF missions that yield them, look up contraband on the wiki for a list.
Contraband and multiple characters is really the dirty secret of getting a lot of easy dil, and a KDF captain is the dirty secret to getting a lot of free Contraband. KDF have access to Marauding Doff assignments, MANY of which reward contraband (look for ones that show a stack of items as the reward). I load as many of those up as I can find every day. It's not unusual to walk away with 15, 20, or even more Contraband. Stick your Contraband stack in your account bank and have each of your characters turn in a stack of 5. At 2000 dilithium for each stack of 5 Contraband, across my Fed, KDF and Rom, that's an easy 6k pretty much every single day.
Marauding will also give you prisoners. Look for missions in sector space that say "Forced Labor Requisition for...". Those give 500 dil for 4 prisoners and have a high success rate. This is much better than turning them in to the KDF Security Officers where it's 1000 dil for 10 prisoners, and about a 25% chance to fail and lose your prisoners.
Load your other characters up with assignments that grant at least 50 dilithium (they will be among the assignments that have a green background to them, regardless of their rarity level). Also, if you don't need colonists for the star cluster Doff chains, run the assignment where you pick up 5 of them, then run the one where you send them to a colony for 500 dil.
With Doffing granting you at least 8k dilithium per day across all your characters, you don't have to worry so much about playing just to get dil. You just play whatever you need to or want to, and any extra dil you get is gravy.
Contraband and multiple characters is really the dirty secret of getting a lot of easy dil, and a KDF captain is the dirty secret to getting a lot of free Contraband. KDF have access to Marauding Doff assignments, MANY of which reward contraband (look for ones that show a stack of items as the reward). I load as many of those up as I can find every day. It's not unusual to walk away with 15, 20, or even more Contraband. Stick your Contraband stack in your account bank and have each of your characters turn in a stack of 5. At 2000 dilithium for each stack of 5 Contraband, across my Fed, KDF and Rom, that's an easy 6k pretty much every single day.
Marauding will also give you prisoners. Look for missions in sector space that say "Forced Labor Requisition for...". Those give 500 dil for 4 prisoners and have a high success rate. This is much better than turning them in to the KDF Security Officers where it's 1000 dil for 10 prisoners, and about a 25% chance to fail and lose your prisoners.
Load your other characters up with assignments that grant at least 50 dilithium (they will be among the assignments that have a green background to them, regardless of their rarity level). Also, if you don't need colonists for the star cluster Doff chains, run the assignment where you pick up 5 of them, then run the one where you send them to a colony for 500 dil.
With Doffing granting you at least 8k dilithium per day across all your characters, you don't have to worry so much about playing just to get dil. You just play whatever you need to or want to, and any extra dil you get is gravy.
Add the dilithium mining... and some rich mining claims if you were lucky enough to get some... to this and you'll be up to your nose in it.
Running elite Borg fleet actions seems to be the best way to progress over all, especially elite conduit and khitimar. You get 1k dilith just for completing them, but that's just for starters. You get neurals and marks that can be traded in for even more dil if you need it, or can be put towards your reputation which you should probably be grinding anyway. In addition to getting you dil and giving you progress on your reputations, you also often get gear at the end of them as well. I got an epic MK12 plasma turret on my last conduit run which was a nice improvement over the mk10 I was using. But even if you don't need the gear you get, you can sell them on the e xchange for a profit, sometimes for millions of energy credits.
Borg fleets are an efficient way to make the most progress on multiple fronts of progression. Just run elite conduit, khitimar and cure, run a spotlight foundry mission then run those 3 borg fleets again and you're done for the day.
STO is about my Liberated Borg Federation Captain with his Breen 1st Officer, Jem'Hadar Tactical Officer, Liberated Borg Engineering Officer, Android Ops Officer, Photonic Science Officer, Gorn Science Officer, and Reman Medical Officer jumping into their Jem'Hadar Carrier and flying off to do missions for the new Romulan Empire. But for some players allowing a T5 Connie to be used breaks the canon in the game.
Start with Eta Eridani. Traellus system - Alhena Station - Sha'mar - Drozana, foundry mission "unholly alliances". That gives you about 3000+ dilithium. Total time, about 25 minutes.
After that, go to Tau Dewa. Nimbus III. Try to do the three dilitium missions there, if you are lucky and the orion contraband missions is not broken, and the creatures of the desert isnt as well, you can gather about 1600+ dilithium. Total time, about 10-15 minutes.
After that, go to Defera. And make a run Aiding the Deferi + Deferi patrols + Emancipation. 2400 Dilithium. Total time, about 15 minutes.
That, plus any red alerts you find, doff rewards or the 2000 from the contraband mission, grants you more than 8000 dilithium.
Total time, about 1 hour, maybe just a little more, maybe less depends on your ship and some other factors. And this is the basic run, i mean, you can do a lot of more things, that will grant you even more, but sometimes its just not necessary.
The list here should still be accurate.
The most efficient ones are:
Keep calm, and continue firing photon torpedoes.
Heres a list of dailies
Also dont forget DOFF assignments, go to sector space and go through each department and do the ones that give 50 or more dilithium and contraband assignments. once you get those started then do whatever for the rep or anything else.
"I'm drunk, whats your excuse for being an idiot?" - Unknown drunk man. :eek:
If you have a good fleet who knows what they are doing, so you are no longer dependant of PUG's, you can do Infected and Khitomer together in 30 minutes.
Assuming you convert every reward to dilithium, the minimum you get with the optional done per STF:
- 960 dil for completing
- 65 omega marks (worth 650 dil, project for 50 marks = 500 dil)
- 1 Neural processor (worth 200 dil, project for 5 processors = 1000 dil)
So the minimum is worth 1810 dilithium. And you are often above the minimum, for example,
- you can gain up to around 120 omega marks = 1200 dilithium
- you can earn up to 14 processors = 2800 dilithium
So the max is: 4960 dil per run. This means you have to have a good team, a good build and a little luck.
And if you do, say Khitomer and Infected (the easiest 2), you are done in 30 minutes and will have earned at least 3620 dil and at most 9920 dil.
That is how I grinded a few ZEN ships anyway.
Join the Deltas today!
DOff, DOff, DOff throughout your game shift - some give rewards in Dilithium and depending on the success quality more than the posted amount for the mission.
Then Open a Mining Claim and go to the mines. After you complete the claim, open another one and mine it. You will then be gated out for 20 hours. (This may be an exploit) Total time here is about 10 minutes.
By the end of your gaming shift you will (should) have more than the 8K refined Dilithium. Do this daily and you will (should) actually have a surplus of Dilithium ore.
So, for me, no STFs, no patrol missions - but I am constantly Doffing in sector space everywhere I go and that is more of a "job" than mining.
moradum: I got banned for saying "I started my day with cutting off 3 MM off of the bottom of my cabinet"
Also, as blurgrassgeek mentioned, the Traelus Satellite Repair mission is very good. It takes less than 10 minutes, 5 once you get the hang of it, and also yields 480 dil.
Of course the daily asteroid mining takes around 5-10 minutes and reliably yields between 800-1000 dil.
In 30 minutes you have around 2k. Toss a spotlight foundry mission on top of that and you'll get another 2k. The foundry missions take around 30 min -1hr.
For the rest, the turn over contraband and explore strange new worlds are also high dil yield quests/missions, but I find strange new worlds take me longer than I would like sometimes, and turn over contraband requires 5 contraband only obtainable through inconsistent doff missions or purchasing off the exchange for 50k per.
STFs/Starbase 24 is also good if you like fighting, but can also take a little long for a 480 dil reward. (960 dil for Elite STFs)
Regular doff assignments are good for a consistent trickle of small amounts of dil, you usually get 5 per success, 125 on a crit (I think) and more from the specialized missions.
Finally there's rep grinding. Doing each of the factions 2 rep quests each day (6 rep quests total) will yield 1440 dil for almost no time investment at all on your part, plus you get reputation
::WARNING:: This game is not intended for use as a source of self-esteem.
Not entirely sure but you might have to run the full Nimbus questline once, before the guy at the bar will open up to you and offer the missions. 20h cooldown. Good job cryptic adding those in for lower level players who may not like some of the other methods above.
And having even a low level KDF character who pumps out marauder missions will usually net you a substantial amount of contraband (as well as a load of other commodities).
The other method that can get you this amount of dil with a similar time spent is the academy event. Yuou should be ablt to net 120 particle fragments in 1h avg. This translates to 4608 dil.
If you're lucky, you get 135 particle fragments for one hour ( managed to get this ), but if you're not, you should get at least 2304 dill for 60 fragments. #$%#$%^ holograms / collapsed fragments.....
No team needed....
You don't need to go to him to refine your Dilithium, Open up your Inventory, and click "Assets" i think it is, and underneath your energy credits should listed two numbers, your refined and unrefined dilithium.
You are limited to refining 8000 per day, but that 8000 day refine cap can be extended to 9000 if you are an 800 day veteran.
Your main source of dilithium will be towards the end of the game, personally i'd recommend saving it, as endgame reputation and fleet gear costs a fair bit!
Hope this helps.
Edit: Scoooped.
One last thing: I can exchange dil for zen correct? I kinda wanna start expanding parts of the game, as well as opening these new lock boxes asap, providing something more valuable doesnt come along beforehand that I should save for. I don't mind blowing off some extra currency, I'm in no hurry to speed-farm and stockpile for endgame content RIGHT NOW! I wanna enjoy the game as I'm new
Saphire.. Science ground......Ko'el Romulan space Tac
Leva........Tactical ground.....Koj Romulan space Eng
JJ-Verse will never be Canon or considered Lore...It will always be JJ-Verse
I get 500....
That's right. On your minimap, on the lower right corner you will see a down arrow. Clicking on it brings up a drop down menu of options, including one that says "Dilithium Exchange". That'll bring up the interface for the purchase and selling of Dilithium. Exchange rate tends to fluctuate, but I think it's around the 115 dilithium for 1 Zen right now (I'm sure someone who's more current will correct that at some point).
Prisoners and Contraband.
An average day will net you at a least dozen prisoners and twenty contraband.
4 Common prisoners = 500 x 3 = 1500 minimum (can crit or get more prisoners)
5 Contraband = 2000 x 3 = 6000
Total = 7500
add in the normal dilthium you get from doing DOff missions (look for the 50d ones)
Boom over - 8000, often more.
Also good to hand over a set to any federation characters so they can turn some in as well.
IIRC all of the lockbox ships are Lvl 50. You won't be able to "unpack" them until that point. But it doesn't matter what level you are when you get them.
- turn in contraband, 4 hr and success garanted (5 contraband = 2,000 dil)
- mining (event +50%)
- Red Alert if i stumble across one (480 dil per)
- raise epohh (400 marks = 4,000 dil)
- daily Nimbus run (quick 1,600ish dil)
- foundry event (1,000+ dil)
I quit academy scanning, too crowded and inconsistent for the payout/time spent. In general, with all or any of the above, I reach or exceed the 8k cap. Contraband is not so bad to get even for a fed player, there's enough short cd DOFF missions that yield them, look up contraband on the wiki for a list.
Marauding will also give you prisoners. Look for missions in sector space that say "Forced Labor Requisition for...". Those give 500 dil for 4 prisoners and have a high success rate. This is much better than turning them in to the KDF Security Officers where it's 1000 dil for 10 prisoners, and about a 25% chance to fail and lose your prisoners.
Load your other characters up with assignments that grant at least 50 dilithium (they will be among the assignments that have a green background to them, regardless of their rarity level). Also, if you don't need colonists for the star cluster Doff chains, run the assignment where you pick up 5 of them, then run the one where you send them to a colony for 500 dil.
With Doffing granting you at least 8k dilithium per day across all your characters, you don't have to worry so much about playing just to get dil. You just play whatever you need to or want to, and any extra dil you get is gravy.
Add the dilithium mining... and some rich mining claims if you were lucky enough to get some... to this and you'll be up to your nose in it.
Borg fleets are an efficient way to make the most progress on multiple fronts of progression.
Start with Eta Eridani. Traellus system - Alhena Station - Sha'mar - Drozana, foundry mission "unholly alliances". That gives you about 3000+ dilithium. Total time, about 25 minutes.
After that, go to Tau Dewa. Nimbus III. Try to do the three dilitium missions there, if you are lucky and the orion contraband missions is not broken, and the creatures of the desert isnt as well, you can gather about 1600+ dilithium. Total time, about 10-15 minutes.
After that, go to Defera. And make a run Aiding the Deferi + Deferi patrols + Emancipation. 2400 Dilithium. Total time, about 15 minutes.
That, plus any red alerts you find, doff rewards or the 2000 from the contraband mission, grants you more than 8000 dilithium.
Total time, about 1 hour, maybe just a little more, maybe less depends on your ship and some other factors. And this is the basic run, i mean, you can do a lot of more things, that will grant you even more, but sometimes its just not necessary.