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Did the Borg assimilate V'ger?



  • bluegrassgeekbluegrassgeek Member Posts: 360 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Why do people use the term; B'ger? It just seems like a whole new level of stupid to me!
    Did we launch a probe called Boyager that I didnt hear about? lol :rolleyes:

    It's the Borg V'ger.
    Keep calm, and continue firing photon torpedoes.
  • shadowwraith77shadowwraith77 Member Posts: 6,395 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    IMO the similarity between the ships is just a coincidence, I mean look at the planet killer!!! It looked like a giant space going TRIBBLE.

    Praetor of the -RTS- Romulan Tal Shiar fleet!

  • timezargtimezarg Member Posts: 1,268
    edited June 2013
    The problem with this kind of discussion is that it can't really be settled. That's because pretty much everything we have about the origin of the Borg is non-canon. We've got video games, novels, and other non-canon resources providing different 'explanations', and none of them are official.
    tIqIpqu' 'ej nom tIqIp
  • bluegrassgeekbluegrassgeek Member Posts: 360 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    timezarg wrote: »
    The problem with this kind of discussion is that it can't really be settled. That's because pretty much everything we have about the origin of the Borg is non-canon. We've got video games, novels, and other non-canon resources providing different 'explanations', and none of them are official.
    Yep. Until we get a new series set in the original timeline, we won't get a canon answer. And given the popularity of JJ Abrams' Trek, we're more likely to see a spinoff of that timeline on TV, rather than a revival of the classic one. :/
    Keep calm, and continue firing photon torpedoes.
  • edtheheroedthehero Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    I honestly don't think that V'Ger and the Borg have anything to do with each other. It just doesn't make sense.

    1. The "machine planet" was just a plot device developed for TMP, way before the Borg idea came to be. In fact, the Borg just came to be because a new powerful enemy was needed after the failed attempt of making the Ferengi the new main antagonists of the Federation during TNG.
    2. V'Ger's "torpedo" did not technically destroy the target, in the same sense as a weapon does. It absorbed and transformed targets into data for storage inside the V'Ger vessel. This looks similar to assimilation, but the Borg assimilate in an entirely different manner, using nano-tech. Borg targets are not changed into data or energy, they remain physically, but altered to perform as part of the collective. The way in which Decker joined V'Ger (and the way it looked) is very different from the Borg's assimilation process.
    3. V'Ger was a single, independent entity. The way it's described in TMP, the machines basically fixed and changed it, then sent it on its way. V'Ger did not appear to be a part of, or linked to those machines. On the other hand, the Borg is a hive entity with multiple members working collectively.
    4. Why is it being said that V'Ger and the Unimatrix ships look the same? I must have seen a different movie because in TMP you never get to see V'Ger's clear appearance. It was hidden inside the energy cloud, which BTW, measured over 12 billion km in diameter. Nothing even close to that has been seen with the Borg.

    Anyway, these are only a few things that come to mind at the moment. The theories about a link between the Borg and the machine planet have been going around for years, but IMHO such theories are somewhat grasping at straws, without any canonical basis.

    Just my two cents. :)
    Captain Selek - Vulcan (TAC Lvl 50) - U.S.S. Chimera (Fleet Heavy Escort Carrier NCC-92810) / Captain Krell - Liberated Borg Klingon (TAC Lvl 50) - I.K.S. Nogh'Sar (Fleet Qin Heavy Raptor) / Commander Kel'ara Teerel - Romulan (ENG Lvl 50) - R.R.W. Silverhawk (Fleet T'Varo Light Warbird Retrofit) / Fed Fleet: Section 31 / KDF Fleet: Klingon Intelligence / Romulan Fleet (Fed): Romulan Intelligence / STO Handle: @ed583
  • azniadeetazniadeet Member Posts: 1,871 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    V'ger: http://www.startrek.com/legacy_media/images/200511/mov-001-vger-ship/320x240.jpg
    Borg Unimatrix Ship: http://www.stowiki.org/images/e/e9/Borg_Command_Ship.png

    One of these things is just like the other. If it isn't hard canon fact that V'ger and the Borg have a link, it's (at a miniumum) at least strongly implied.
  • scrimpinionscrimpinion Member Posts: 76 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    I don't have a strong opinion one way or the other.

    I will say, however, that considering the events of The Motion Picture, it would seem to me that Starfleet would never, EVER name anything meant to travel in space "Voyager" ever again.

    It makes about as much sense as tiny mustaches becoming popular again.
  • keiichi2032keiichi2032 Member Posts: 129 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    robeasom wrote: »
    For all we know V'ger was just repaired by a machine race and when Decker joined with V'ger he started the borg
    misterde3 wrote: »
    Probably not given the Borg already existed in the 15th century (Voy:"Dragon's Teeth") so there must be more to it that just that...

    The origin of the Borg can be traced to V'ger, but it does not involve Ilia and Decker. The most plausable theory thus far is, when Voyager 6 fell into the black hole (as far as the phenomena were understood in 1979), it not only emerged on the far side of the galaxy, but several centuries in the past, where it landed/crashed on the machine planet. The machines analyzed the Voyager probe, and its simple mission, they helped their kindred spirit to accomplish its mission.

    On the long journey back to Earth, V'ger (now named because of its burnt nameplate) had continued its primary mission to collect all data possible, and as Kirk described, it amassed so much knowledge, it achieved a level of consciousness. During this point, it began to question its existence, asking if there was more to life than its basic intended purpose. In this, it began a kind of search for its answer, the ultimate perfection, as it were.

    During its journey across the galaxy, it would encounter living beings that it considered to be "not true life forms" In many cases, it would "perfect" them into what it considered a proper living organism. Probe-Ilia mentions this somewhat "more data concerning this functioning is necessary before carbon units can be patterned for data storage" So, theoretically, V'ger would encounter living worlds, and leave behind an "assimilated" planet. Though not Borg as we understand it, definitely an earlier version that would one day grow into the dreaded Borg Collective.

    Another aspect that raises eyebrows. When V'ger "destroys" a ship or object with its plasma energy weapon, the object is not actually destroyed, rather converted into pure data and assimilated by V'ger. You will notice, as Spock basically flew into the mind of V'ger, he saw things it had assimilated in such a manner, including the Epsilon-IX relay station. An earlier storyboarded draft had also shown the three Klingon Battlecruisers in this sequence as well, which did not make the final cut.

    So, we can deduce that a possible origin of the Borg was V'ger itself, during its journey from the machine planet, to Earth.
    Paid STO subscriber since December 2010, and DJ for mmo-radio
  • trhrangerxmltrhrangerxml Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Need to point out how much conflicting "canon" there is regarding the Borg from its earliest appearance when Gene Roddenberry was still alive to when Rick Berman took over to Voyager laying waste to most known Star Trek canon even in the Next Gen timeline. I find it funny for people attacking J.J. Abrams for killing canon, when even Gene had a habit of backtracking and rewriting history (point out how a lot of the TOS episodes have to be taken that they take place in various time lines, "Where No Man Has Gone Before") and then everything changing again when he died.
    Hi, my name is: Elim Garak, Former Cardassian Oppressor

    LTS, here since...when did this game launch again? :D
  • keiichi2032keiichi2032 Member Posts: 129 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Need to point out how much conflicting "canon" there is regarding the Borg from its earliest appearance when Gene Roddenberry was still alive to when Rick Berman took over to Voyager laying waste to most known Star Trek canon even in the Next Gen timeline. I find it funny for people attacking J.J. Abrams for killing canon, when even Gene had a habit of backtracking and rewriting history (point out how a lot of the TOS episodes have to be taken that they take place in various time lines, "Where No Man Has Gone Before") and then everything changing again when he died.

    Oh I know, right? And then you get people who call themselves TOS Purists, calling everything from TMP-on as non-canon... but how many times did TOS contradict itself? Even those who complain about all the action in the JJ-Trek movies... yet look at Wrath of Khan. The entire movie was basically a battle. *sigh* I think people just love to complain, wherever possible.

    And btw, my two cents about the JJ Abrams Star Trek reboot franchise... 1. its a reboot, get over it. 2. its established as alternate reality, so "canon" no longer exists. Again, get over it. Just sit back and enjoy, as Star Trek starts to become popular again.
    Paid STO subscriber since December 2010, and DJ for mmo-radio
  • edtheheroedthehero Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    azniadeet wrote: »
    V'ger: http://www.startrek.com/legacy_media/images/200511/mov-001-vger-ship/320x240.jpg
    Borg Unimatrix Ship: http://www.stowiki.org/images/e/e9/Borg_Command_Ship.png

    One of these things is just like the other. If it isn't hard canon fact that V'ger and the Borg have a link, it's (at a miniumum) at least strongly implied.

    Noted. But this only shows that STO devs chose to use V'Ger's likeness in designing the Unimatrix ship in order to imply a link. Specifically, Dan Stahl who is a fan of V'Ger. This seems forced in the same way that writers of non-canonical novels and comic books put their own ideas and theories into their works. That's like creating your own facts to fit your theories, or simply to make true what you would like to be true. I'm reminded of those novels Shatner wrote years ago in which he "surprisingly" resurrected Kirk and almost made him look like a superhero.
    Captain Selek - Vulcan (TAC Lvl 50) - U.S.S. Chimera (Fleet Heavy Escort Carrier NCC-92810) / Captain Krell - Liberated Borg Klingon (TAC Lvl 50) - I.K.S. Nogh'Sar (Fleet Qin Heavy Raptor) / Commander Kel'ara Teerel - Romulan (ENG Lvl 50) - R.R.W. Silverhawk (Fleet T'Varo Light Warbird Retrofit) / Fed Fleet: Section 31 / KDF Fleet: Klingon Intelligence / Romulan Fleet (Fed): Romulan Intelligence / STO Handle: @ed583
  • xdotsxxdotsx Member Posts: 60 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    In canon, there is no connection between V'ger and the Borg. Not even implied in any way, a race of machines could be a lot. Could be Datas. Could be Exobots. Could be the robots which fought each other even after their creators extinction in Voyager. Or the things from the Matrix, it's a large galaxy.......
    Q was actually concerned that their playtime with borg would have a severe impact on mortals.

    This. Has nothing to do with the Borgs military power against the Q.

    In theory, if I'm not wrong (I might very well be), the Borg should have the largest space, most ships and most "people" of all known races. Influencing them too much would mean to influence the entire galaxy massively.
  • gornman47gornman47 Member Posts: 146 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Star Trek: The Return by William Shatner. Read it and all will be revealed...
    Q: [quoting Hartley] "Nothing reveals Humanity so well as the games it plays..."
  • azniadeetazniadeet Member Posts: 1,871 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    If STO isn't at least conceptually canon, then why does CBS care so deeply about the T5 Connie?
  • keiichi2032keiichi2032 Member Posts: 129 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    azniadeet wrote: »
    If STO isn't at least conceptually canon, then why does CBS care so deeply about the T5 Connie?

    As far as I am concerned, the events of STO are considered at least soft-canon. Also consider it is the only current continuation of the Prime Star Trek timeline, with full cooperation of CBS, and ... well... partial cooperation from Paramount... but I will not get into that here. Suffice to say, the events depicted all fit within established storyline, and I feel faithfully continue what one would consider "canon storyline"

    For those who missed it, refer back to my previous post, about five posts ago, and I have outlined a fairly canon-accurate and plausable explanation for how the Borg came into being, also mixing accounts from other sources, including Star Trek Legacy, I believe.
    Paid STO subscriber since December 2010, and DJ for mmo-radio
  • edtheheroedthehero Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Same thing was said about certain Star Wars novels and comic book limited series that dealt with the pre-New Hope era. They were "approved" by Lucasfilms, but were later essentially trashed when Episodes I-III were produced. There's no such thing as soft canon. It's canon or it isn't.
    Captain Selek - Vulcan (TAC Lvl 50) - U.S.S. Chimera (Fleet Heavy Escort Carrier NCC-92810) / Captain Krell - Liberated Borg Klingon (TAC Lvl 50) - I.K.S. Nogh'Sar (Fleet Qin Heavy Raptor) / Commander Kel'ara Teerel - Romulan (ENG Lvl 50) - R.R.W. Silverhawk (Fleet T'Varo Light Warbird Retrofit) / Fed Fleet: Section 31 / KDF Fleet: Klingon Intelligence / Romulan Fleet (Fed): Romulan Intelligence / STO Handle: @ed583
  • millimidgetmillimidget Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    azniadeet wrote: »
    If STO isn't at least conceptually canon, then why does CBS care so deeply about the T5 Connie?
    STO isn't canon, and I worry for any work that tries to use it as canon. CBS is just too spiteful to allow T5 connie.
    "Tolerance and apathy are the last virtues of a dying society." - Aristotle
  • mirrorchaosmirrorchaos Member Posts: 9,844 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    xdotsx wrote: »
    This. Has nothing to do with the Borgs military power against the Q.

    In theory, if I'm not wrong (I might very well be), the Borg should have the largest space, most ships and most "people" of all known races. Influencing them too much would mean to influence the entire galaxy massively.

    actually Q was more concerned with the borg's ability to learn and adapt more then anything else and influence aside which is not possible as the borg has never assimilated a Q before, he himself knows how dangerous that is having the borg running free, which implies that the borg history is a lot more violent and destructive then what was seen since Q must know a lot about it.

    the other side of the coin is that Q had to set an example for his disobedient son in the process and save janeway from an unjust fate. even for Q despite his joker like behavior, he is always serious about doing the right thing even if the way he goes about it is wrong.
    T6 Miranda Hero Ship FTW.
    Been around since Dec 2010 on STO and bought LTS in Apr 2013 for STO.
  • daan2006daan2006 Member Posts: 5,346 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Q knows how dangerous the borg are he showed picard that humans where not ready for what waited for them out their in the unknown

    Q expresses his desire to join the Enterprise crew, after being cast out from the Q Continuum. Skeptical, Picard refuses his request, especially after he put the crew on trial for the crimes of humanity and asked Riker to join the Continuum. Q argues that they need him since they are not prepared for what awaits them. Picard claims that they are ready to confront the unknown, and Guinan adds that humans' ability to adapt is their great advantage.

    Q, in turn, seeks to demonstrate how prepared they are and throws the Enterprise 7,000 light years into uncharted space, to give them "a preview of things to come" upon which he disappears. Guinan advises Picard to return to Federation space as quickly as possible, but he decides to explore the nearby System J-25 first.

    "Captain's Log, Stardate 42761.9. Despite Guinan's warning, I feel compelled to investigate this unexplored sector of the galaxy before heading back."
    First view of Borg cube"Protect yourself, Captain, or they'll destroy you."
    A survey of the only Class M planet in the system reveals that while there was once a civilization there, it has been ripped away from the planet, "identical to what happened to the outposts along the Neutral Zone." A cube-shaped ship then approaches the Enterprise, and scans of the ship show nothing. Picard asks Guinan for her advice, and she reveals that the ship belongs to the Borg ? a cybernetic race who were responsible for the near-extinction of her people. "Protect yourself, captain," she advises, "or they'll destroy you."

    swimwear off risa not fixed
    system Lord Baal is dead
    macronius wrote: »
    This! Their ability to outdo their own failures is quite impressive. If only this power could be harnessed for good.
  • darakossdarakoss Member Posts: 850 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Gene Roddenberry in an interview shortly after "Q Who" said that the machine planet seen by Spock might have been the Borg homeworld. (Star Trek Encyclopedia)
    original join date 2010

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  • bitemepwebitemepwe Member Posts: 6,760 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Possibly the Borg are the culmination of centuries of lost Radio Shack inventory slowly gaining life? Something has got happen to all those warehouses full of electronics just sitting silently or the years.
    Leonard Nimoy, Spock.....:(

  • keiichi2032keiichi2032 Member Posts: 129 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    STO isn't canon, and I worry for any work that tries to use it as canon. CBS is just too spiteful to allow T5 connie.

    It is not up to you to decided what is canon and what is not. It is the decision of the owners of the franchise. And for the record, CBS does not have the rights to the Constitution-class, at least not in the way it would be used for Tier-V, being the refit design. That ship is under sole ownership of Paramount, as the producers of the feature films. And the very poor Cryptic has over the licensing means they have to pay through the nose for every piece of the franchise they try and acquire from Paramount.

    CBS hasn't presented any difficulties as of yet... but Paramount seems to have been bitter at Star Trek ever since The Motion Picture didn't deliver on being an epic counter for Star Wars. I guess since STO didn't crush WoW (which is impossible at this point), Paramount's bitter nature continues to surface, and they continue to nickel and dime Cryptic for everything they can.
    Paid STO subscriber since December 2010, and DJ for mmo-radio
  • rattler2rattler2 Member, Star Trek Online Moderator Posts: 58,932 Community Moderator
    edited June 2013
    bitemepwe wrote: »
    Possibly the Borg are the culmination of centuries of lost Radio Shack inventory slowly gaining life? Something has got happen to all those warehouses full of electronics just sitting silently or the years.

    That's just Skynet stockpiling materials to build its Robot army. Now we just need either a dimensional rift that brings anthropromorphic animals to Earth, one of which being a blue hedgehog capable of running at the speed of sound, or John Conner to counter it. :D

    Wait... I just thought of something... what if the machine planet... was Cybertron! :eek:
    I can't take it anymore! Could everyone just chill out for two seconds before something CRAZY happens again?!
    The nut who actually ground out many packs. The resident forum voice of reason (I HAZ FORUM REP! YAY!)
    normal text = me speaking as fellow formite
    colored text = mod mode
  • bluegrassgeekbluegrassgeek Member Posts: 360 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    edthehero wrote: »
    Same thing was said about certain Star Wars novels and comic book limited series that dealt with the pre-New Hope era. They were "approved" by Lucasfilms, but were later essentially trashed when Episodes I-III were produced. There's no such thing as soft canon. It's canon or it isn't.
    Even canon isn't canon. Future releases can completely contradict & overturn earlier ones. There really isn't such a thing as "hard canon."

    The entire argument is kinda silly, anyway. If you ever read "behind the scenes" or "making of" commentary, stuff happens in "canon" just because they thought it was cool, or they couldn't afford the original idea and made up something else. There's a loose guideline shows like Star Trek follow, to keep some consistency, but it's all just storytelling.
    Keep calm, and continue firing photon torpedoes.
  • darakossdarakoss Member Posts: 850 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    It is not up to you to decided what is canon and what is not. It is the decision of the owners of the franchise. And for the record, CBS does not have the rights to the Constitution-class, at least not in the way it would be used for Tier-V, being the refit design. That ship is under sole ownership of Paramount, as the producers of the feature films. And the very poor Cryptic has over the licensing means they have to pay through the nose for every piece of the franchise they try and acquire from Paramount.

    CBS hasn't presented any difficulties as of yet... but Paramount seems to have been bitter at Star Trek ever since The Motion Picture didn't deliver on being an epic counter for Star Wars. I guess since STO didn't crush WoW (which is impossible at this point), Paramount's bitter nature continues to surface, and they continue to nickel and dime Cryptic for everything they can.[/QUOTE

    After the Viacom split CBS owned everything Trek up to Nemesis. Paramount has full rights to JJTrek hence the alternate universe. And since CBS owns TOS they own the Constitution class AND the refit jointly with Paramount.
    original join date 2010

    Member: Team Trekyards. Visit Trekyards today!
  • captyoung01captyoung01 Member Posts: 311 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    robeasom wrote: »
    For all we know V'ger was just repaired by a machine race and when Decker joined with V'ger he started the borg

    This is what I would tend to agree with myself. The only problem that I see here is that Decker (joined with V'ger), has yet to appear. If this is to be that the merging of Decker and V'ger are the very start of the creation of the borg. Then why haven't we seen V'ger in it's Carbon unit/Machine form?

    Though Star Trek legacy covers somewhat how the borg began, It's never said what happened to V'ger. In allot of ways I am hoping that the Father/Mother V'ger would come out and spank some Borg A$$ for becoming what they have separated from V'ger. (Again if you follow the ST;Legacy version of the females in a specific alien race IE; Queens, working separately apart from V'ger's intended design or plan's)
  • vhiranikosvhiranikos Member Posts: 208 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Need to point out how much conflicting "canon" there is regarding the Borg from its earliest appearance when Gene Roddenberry was still alive to when Rick Berman took over to Voyager laying waste to most known Star Trek canon even in the Next Gen timeline. I find it funny for people attacking J.J. Abrams for killing canon, when even Gene had a habit of backtracking and rewriting history

    That's because there really is *NO* canon. If there was, the shows wouldn't have been chock full of inconsistencies or bogged down with technobabble.

    Writing for TV shows has come a long way, pretty much every fantasy show now has an established canon that they try not to deviate too far from. Back in TOS/TNG, this (canon) wasn't a big deal, it was mostly open to the whims of the writers or Roddenberry. TNG went off the air nearly 20 years ago.

    You can see why Voyager (or for that matter, the new movies) didn't really lay waste to established canon... nothing was ever established by a higher body. It was all whimsical, and Voyager simply followed suit.

    I find it amusing when people try to justify or explain the loads of inconsistencies, TOS klingons vs TNG klingons, etc... it's a pointless venture, Star Trek(s) was a TV show that was often quite poorly written, though it had enough standout moments and storylines that helped push it past the poorly written stuff or filler episodes.

    Anyway back on topic... it's up to you. There's no one canon. Certainly for this game you could say V'ger was connected to the borg, as this game has established it's own canon and there's nothing to contradict that in-game.
  • capm7capm7 Member Posts: 30 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    I agree with rattler, I think the machine planet was Cybertron. ;)

    Then vger merged with decker, traveled back in time and became the borg. Problem solved.
    Founder, Midnight Squadron
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