first I know this has been talked about and I know some people will just say no it's stupid but please read the whole post not just reply with no idea what I'm saying.
Okay now I had an idea that would really help out in game for fleets on the small and large scale.
Cryptic you should make a fleet tax option (option) "option" OPTION! Now before we all go crazy let be start by saying that I have played many games that have this option EVE being the most recognized of them and it works. It really does. Because not all fleets have to do it.
Okay now the way it (could, can, and I would like to see it work is like this)
Fleet leaders get to pick a % rate of EC, DIL, GPL(if it ever becomes useful), and any other none mark currency that comes out. The % runs from 0-100% (some fleets are greedy and some are nice)
Now the currency's do not go to any place that can be withdrawn by other players except ec that will of corse go to the fleet bank. EC will give fleet credits on a 1c to 100ec ratio.
Now for dil. Dil will go into a lot much like a fleet bank but you cannot take it out what happens is that the player the gets the tax receives the credits when it happens and then the dil that is in the holding goes to the project the fleet leaders want for it to go to. (THE LEADER DOSEN'T GET ANY CREDITS. The way this would work is with a second bar under the player bar for donating dil. You could even make this a fleet permission so it could be delegated.
Now on to the issue of ranks. The tax should be changeable for each rank in the fleet. As in the real world the higher on the food chain you are the higher the tax. It's not the way just a way to do it (idea for players/leaders)
Now as for abuse of the program. As always something can be misused and I'm sure some fleet leaders will misuse it and exploit their lower minions but guess what. If they do you can leave that fleet, go find another, and join a new family. It's the way of the world in STO if you really like the fleet your In then it shouldn't matter what the tax is ( unless som a-hole put it above 90%) you will stay because its helping your friends.
This will also help with fleet freeloaders And let you have more of a feel as to how your joes should be treated and make the leaders role seem more of a leaders role.
Please let me know what you think don't flame or call this stupid or TRIBBLE just add something to it or take something away. It's just an idea not a final draft. I hope a DEV will read this and let me know what he/she thinks
-"There is no such thing as an I win button!""Um, Sir. Whats this button that says (I win) for then?"
I understand where you are coming from and it would be interesting but in reality, we're talking about STO. They would never get it right. People would rage quit because the fleet tax was 1%.
There are already fleets that charge their own members for access. You can do this right now if you hate other players that much. Personally I don't understand why anyone would join, let alone stay in, such a fleet, but there are morons all over.
first I know this has been talked about and I know some people will just say no it's stupid but please read the whole post not just reply with no idea what I'm saying.
Ok, I'll be the first- that's a STUPID idea.
The last thing this game needs is another way to grab at a players assets and if fleet leaders were paying attention they can boot the freeloaders on their own. Friends don't pick their friends pockets and to suggest that fleets should (or need) to tax their members will cripple if not destroy the entire idea of fleets in this game.
Friends don't pick their friends pockets and to suggest that fleets should (or need) to tax their members will cripple if not destroy the entire idea of fleets in this game.
How dose it destroy the idea of a fleet in game. It increases productivity by making the people who have and get the most help the most.
-"There is no such thing as an I win button!""Um, Sir. Whats this button that says (I win) for then?"
How dose it destroy the idea of a fleet in game. It increases productivity by making the people who have and get the most help the most.
Joining a fleet is not mandatory, nor is it (in principal) mandatory to contribute to the fleetholdings, unless ofcourse the fleet leadership states otherwise. People who don't contribute however will not be able to access the sweet stuff at the base. If you're going to force these people to pay for something they obviously have no interest in they'll quit the fleet or worse the game. It will also put quite a strain on fleet provisioning since when people HAVE to pay taxes the HAVE THE RIGHT to get their goodies. The situation now is much more at ease where people only take what they really need.
(thinking of it, dilithium is a real money equivalent so not even sure it's legaly possible to force people out of their hard earned or payed for (who knows...) goods this way. :eek:)
So no, no mandatory taxes.
Not trying to flame btw, but it sounds like you're in a fleet either not going to well or are a fleetleader which has a hard time getting his members to contribute. Eitherway there's better options to get out of that situation then this little scheme here.
How dose it destroy the idea of a fleet in game. It increases productivity by making the people who have and get the most help the most.
What ?
Is that like saying tax the rich more because they can afford it ?
I was under the impression that the fleet concept was of a social group of friends working toward a common goal of comradery with the added bonus of some shineys when we pool our resources. It's all voluntary but if some fleetleaders are so impatient for progress and willing to tax their members without their will then members WILL leave, and the fleet will be worse off.
Joining a fleet is not mandatory, nor is it (in principal) mandatory to contribute to the fleetholdings, unless ofcourse the fleet leadership states otherwise. People who don't contribute however will not be able to access the sweet stuff at the base. If you're going to force these people to pay for something they obviously have no interest in they'll quit the fleet or worse the game. It will also put quite a strain on fleet provisioning since when people HAVE to pay taxes the HAVE THE RIGHT to get their goodies. The situation now is much more at ease where people only take what they really need.
(thinking of it, dilithium is a real money equivalent so not even sure it's legaly possible to force people out of their hard earned or payed for (who knows...) goods this way. :eek:)
So no, no mandatory taxes.
Not trying to flame btw, but it sounds like you're in a fleet either not going to well or are a fleetleader which has a hard time getting his members to contribute. Eitherway there's better options to get out of that situation then this little scheme here.
See now that's the answer type I was looking for. And yes I am one of 5 leaders in my fleet and we are doing fine we have maxed our embassy's s have all of our starbase at T4 almost T5 hovering almost 400 members 120 of those are active players. We can make our donations. I just think that with a optional tax system it would make some things go smoother and no I don't think you are flaming.
-"There is no such thing as an I win button!""Um, Sir. Whats this button that says (I win) for then?"
I can understand where you are coming from, some fleets are resource poor, and a tax would help them gain the ability to expand, pay for other items, (raffles, provisions, etc). Being the fleet is more of a social dynamic, the closer and friendly the fleet members are the more willing they are to give stuff to the fleet for free.
I personally, work on the relationship and comrade part of the fleet experience, the rest will come with time.
I can see this being a logistical nightmare to try to program.
If you have to pay a tax is it automatic? If it is automatic what happens if the fleet leader suddenly Jacks the tax way up to loot its members. Is there a way to implement a 3 way handshake to agree on the tax rate? What happens on NSF transactions?
If the tax is paid manually:
Is there a way to monitor who has paid? How to you ensure your members pay in a timely manor? Are there late fees? Will the fleet system have the ability to kick those who do not pay the tax and can you override the payment if needed?
If there is a tax how do you compete now with fleet conglomerate who have a central fleet at t5 and are less worried about fleet progression on alternate fleets as the provisioning is cheaper at lower tiers and can still have access to t5 goodies?
Some fleets have been successful without a fleet tax. If you are in a fleet where progress is stagnate then there are a few alternative methods. If you are a junior member then maybe you need to look to a more active fleet. If you are a fleet leader complaining then maybe you need to look at recruiting or if your fleet is at max then cut some of the dead weight and then do recruiting. If you are a senior member then maybe you might want to talk to the people over you to get permissions to help manage the fleet or wait the 30 days if they are absent to get the fleet moving again.
Yep, try it in your own fleet. Be the grand experiment. It's doable, just not automatable, within the permissions structure currently in place.
The very large, very active fleets I am in will continue to not do anything remotely resembling this, regardless. You see, we wish to remain large and active.
Basically I`m agree with a small fleet tax, but as like the countries/states are instatly got many problems. Now we have STF/PVP wing of the fleet, then we will have Tax office/Incasso wing? But as an option, why not? Social test.....
Other idea can be a special fleet bank to deposit items/dil/ec/whatever need for the base or embassy holdings. And when a new holding or project starts the server automatically donate from your special fleet bank. Now usually the easy items like minerals are already filled up, when i check the holdings.
I actually like the Idea of a fleet tax of some sort (affecting EC, and Certain Marks) Freeloaders don't do anything for a fleet at all and where I agree with booting the freeloaders is a good idea doing so is very time consuming when you have to look at logs in a fleet. (Can you see if someone in a fleet has even logged in within x number of days?) but I run ESTFS with friends all the time when im in STO and I like contributing but it would be nice to get rewarded for that like if you get X amount of fleet marks that 1/10/20% was put into a fleet share jar where you could then assign it to the most important project that is currently active.
I know its a hard idea to code in but how has EVE Online did it? or even other games who have a working taxing systems that is proven to work.
Also surely who cares if the freeloaders quit or go mad they don't contribute anything to the fleet so why should their opinions matter. I am fairly sure there are plenty of other fleets that don't mind them...
No Drama, No Fuss, Just good old fashioned pew pew!
If you contribute to your fleet, you have access to the fleet stores and all the goodies.
Everyone wants the goodies, so everyone contributes.
What's the problem?
So long as they keep adding things to the fleet stores like they have, I don't see one.
I will tell you this, ever since the reputation system came out, there has been a conflict for player resources and time, so some starbase progression might have slowed down, but if you ask me, that was intentional.
Otherwise more fleets than there already are, would be at tier five already.
I don't either. The fleet I'm in already has a set contribution you have to hit before you get promoted to a rank that can access the fleet stores.
OP, this has to be one of the most useless suggestions I've read here. I just don't understand why you would suggest it, as any fleet worth their salt already has measures in place to prevent freeloaders.
Freeloaders also don't benefit from the fleet base either (to a large degree) since you need fleet credits to get the fleet equipment. So i don't think Freeloader is an accurate term, the contribute, and take nothing. Personally, if they donate enough to afford the items they want to buy... they are not a freeloader... even if it is just enough to buy what they want.
Now.. as a fleet leader, I do ASK people to contribute... but I would never consider implementing a tax.. at roughly 120 characters (including alts) we've managed quite well to T4 across the board (and T3 on embassy (after upgrades complete)...
If anything, it has the potential of driving players away from your fleet... let me tell you...I do a lot of console making, warp core making, etc to build a tidy some of EC, as do several members of my fleet... I CHOOSE to donate 10% of EC earned to the fleet (I'm a catholic boy, 10% Tithe is in my nature). Key word is CHOOSE.
Wait... on second thought... no go ahead and implement it... When the player base rage quits your fleet, I'll be happy to tell them I have no taxes, and are welcome to join... I could use more members on the push to T5.
That is precisely why I stay with a fleet of friends and people recruited for their personality and how well they play not technically but socially.
Unless you have a large very active fleet already. Spam inviting with no accountability or leadership within the fleet leads to situations where the leadership feels a sense of desperation. If there was not any front side commitment for the potential fleet member there is a problem. Without that there was no understanding what your fleet was about. Inviting members without clear expectations beforehand is like buying canned goods at the grocery store with all the labels torn off. Sometimes you get good yummy stuff. Sometimes you get gross stuff that makes you sick.
A fleet of friends and people who you want to be in your fleet not just that you want people in your fleet. Members who want to be in YOUR fleet not just A fleet. And a leadership who are passionate about the job and not the title. Those fleets will never have any need for this. Since all members have an interest in advancing the goals of the others.
As opposed to a mandatory "tax" perhaps better recruitment practices would be a tool leaders could use. Before you invite someone talk to them about what your fleet is like and explain expectations beforehand. Let the recruit make an informed decision about weather or not they wish to join your fleet. If you have requirements or expectations for donations to fleet holdings make that clear at that point. I guarantee you will know then if they plan on donating or not. You can even try setting a lower fleet rank for people who do not contribute over a certain amount on the leaderboard. Give the lower level contributing members something to strive for. Be a leader and not just be called one.
If I were in a fleet that imposed a "tax" I would be clicking on that leave button. I am sure there are several fleets out there who would love to come across an active contributing player who do not "tax" their members. If you ever feel the need to penalize somebody for belonging to your fleet maybe they are not the best match for your fleet.
This idea to me seems a lazy way to run a fleet. It is just asking to write code to do what you want to see happen in your fleet. To run your fleet without having to communicate with your members and officers. If communicating goals and helping your members achieve them is something you do not enjoy perhaps you should be joining a fleet not leading one.
The "you" statements made are general and not targeted at any one person so don't get all butthurt.
when heaven forbid you end up in hospital and can't pay the bill (*cough* Boston victims and huge medical bills *cough* ) then you are going to love public health care, or socialism as it is called in wrong side of the Atlantic
Grinding for MkIV epic gear?
Ain't Nobody Got Time for That
An actual tax (even if optional) is highly unlikely to ever be implemented as it would be hugely unpopular and subject to abuse. You might convince Cryptic to give a bonus percentage of player EC, dilithium, etc. income to the fleet coffers (based on fleet or tier levels) though.
This request doesn't "fix" anything, its a non-problem... Cryptic has been very clear that fleet politics, are the fleet's business.
If you're having problems getting your fleet to participate in building you base... you have to drum up momentum, excitement, etc... imposing an arbitrary tax on them is not the way to go. I will almost guarantee you.. the day you implement in your fleet, your membership will shrink significantly, because there are many fleets (mine included) that would set the rate to 0, and publically advertise it.
Members should not be charged extra, and asked to donate, and so on and so on... Fleet Leaders are not kings, nor governments... seriously, we get a bad rep already, and you want to give them the option to forcibly take from their members?
when heaven forbid you end up in hospital and can't pay the bill (*cough* Boston victims and huge medical bills *cough* ) then you are going to love public health care, or socialism as it is called in wrong side of the Atlantic
Didn't you hear ? The CIC will make you pay his bill.
Speaking for myself, i'm the leader of a very small fleet, I just made it for myself to solo but I have had people ask if they could join it so I do have a few members, as far as contributing to fleet projects, I wouldn't force the issue but instead I just tell anyone who wants to join that while contributions to fleet projects are optional, if they choose not to, they lose the right to cry about the fleet holdings not leveling fast enough for them.
Ok, I'll be the first- that's a STUPID idea.
The last thing this game needs is another way to grab at a players assets and if fleet leaders were paying attention they can boot the freeloaders on their own. Friends don't pick their friends pockets and to suggest that fleets should (or need) to tax their members will cripple if not destroy the entire idea of fleets in this game.
Awoken Dead
Now shaddup about the queues, it's a BUG
How dose it destroy the idea of a fleet in game. It increases productivity by making the people who have and get the most help the most.
Joining a fleet is not mandatory, nor is it (in principal) mandatory to contribute to the fleetholdings, unless ofcourse the fleet leadership states otherwise. People who don't contribute however will not be able to access the sweet stuff at the base. If you're going to force these people to pay for something they obviously have no interest in they'll quit the fleet or worse the game. It will also put quite a strain on fleet provisioning since when people HAVE to pay taxes the HAVE THE RIGHT to get their goodies. The situation now is much more at ease where people only take what they really need.
(thinking of it, dilithium is a real money equivalent so not even sure it's legaly possible to force people out of their hard earned or payed for (who knows...) goods this way. :eek:)
So no, no mandatory taxes.
Not trying to flame btw, but it sounds like you're in a fleet either not going to well or are a fleetleader which has a hard time getting his members to contribute. Eitherway there's better options to get out of that situation then this little scheme here.
moradum: I got banned for saying "I started my day with cutting off 3 MM off of the bottom of my cabinet"
What ?
Is that like saying tax the rich more because they can afford it ?
I was under the impression that the fleet concept was of a social group of friends working toward a common goal of comradery with the added bonus of some shineys when we pool our resources. It's all voluntary but if some fleetleaders are so impatient for progress and willing to tax their members without their will then members WILL leave, and the fleet will be worse off.
I contribute because I want to
Awoken Dead
Now shaddup about the queues, it's a BUG
See now that's the answer type I was looking for. And yes I am one of 5 leaders in my fleet and we are doing fine we have maxed our embassy's s have all of our starbase at T4 almost T5 hovering almost 400 members 120 of those are active players. We can make our donations. I just think that with a optional tax system it would make some things go smoother and no I don't think you are flaming.
I personally, work on the relationship and comrade part of the fleet experience, the rest will come with time.
If you have to pay a tax is it automatic? If it is automatic what happens if the fleet leader suddenly Jacks the tax way up to loot its members. Is there a way to implement a 3 way handshake to agree on the tax rate? What happens on NSF transactions?
If the tax is paid manually:
Is there a way to monitor who has paid? How to you ensure your members pay in a timely manor? Are there late fees? Will the fleet system have the ability to kick those who do not pay the tax and can you override the payment if needed?
If there is a tax how do you compete now with fleet conglomerate who have a central fleet at t5 and are less worried about fleet progression on alternate fleets as the provisioning is cheaper at lower tiers and can still have access to t5 goodies?
Some fleets have been successful without a fleet tax. If you are in a fleet where progress is stagnate then there are a few alternative methods. If you are a junior member then maybe you need to look to a more active fleet. If you are a fleet leader complaining then maybe you need to look at recruiting or if your fleet is at max then cut some of the dead weight and then do recruiting. If you are a senior member then maybe you might want to talk to the people over you to get permissions to help manage the fleet or wait the 30 days if they are absent to get the fleet moving again.
Ain't Nobody Got Time for That
the answer is no
Fleet Admiral Rylana - Fed Tac - U.S.S Wild Card - Tactical Miracle Worker Cruiser
Lifetime Subscriber since 2012 == 17,200 Accolades = RIP PvP and Vice Squad
Chief of Starfleet Intelligence Service == Praise Cheesus
That should create a accurate figure, for your own fleet at least, on how good and idea this is.
The very large, very active fleets I am in will continue to not do anything remotely resembling this, regardless. You see, we wish to remain large and active.
Other idea can be a special fleet bank to deposit items/dil/ec/whatever need for the base or embassy holdings. And when a new holding or project starts the server automatically donate from your special fleet bank. Now usually the easy items like minerals are already filled up, when i check the holdings.
I know its a hard idea to code in but how has EVE Online did it? or even other games who have a working taxing systems that is proven to work.
Also surely who cares if the freeloaders quit or go mad they don't contribute anything to the fleet so why should their opinions matter. I am fairly sure there are plenty of other fleets that don't mind them...
If you contribute to your fleet, you have access to the fleet stores and all the goodies.
Everyone wants the goodies, so everyone contributes.
What's the problem?
So long as they keep adding things to the fleet stores like they have, I don't see one.
I will tell you this, ever since the reputation system came out, there has been a conflict for player resources and time, so some starbase progression might have slowed down, but if you ask me, that was intentional.
Otherwise more fleets than there already are, would be at tier five already.
I don't either. The fleet I'm in already has a set contribution you have to hit before you get promoted to a rank that can access the fleet stores.
OP, this has to be one of the most useless suggestions I've read here. I just don't understand why you would suggest it, as any fleet worth their salt already has measures in place to prevent freeloaders.
Now.. as a fleet leader, I do ASK people to contribute... but I would never consider implementing a tax.. at roughly 120 characters (including alts) we've managed quite well to T4 across the board (and T3 on embassy (after upgrades complete)...
If anything, it has the potential of driving players away from your fleet... let me tell you...I do a lot of console making, warp core making, etc to build a tidy some of EC, as do several members of my fleet... I CHOOSE to donate 10% of EC earned to the fleet (I'm a catholic boy, 10% Tithe is in my nature). Key word is CHOOSE.
Wait... on second thought... no go ahead and implement it... When the player base rage quits your fleet, I'll be happy to tell them I have no taxes, and are welcome to join... I could use more members on the push to T5.
Star Trek Online, Now with out the Trek....
Unless you have a large very active fleet already. Spam inviting with no accountability or leadership within the fleet leads to situations where the leadership feels a sense of desperation. If there was not any front side commitment for the potential fleet member there is a problem. Without that there was no understanding what your fleet was about. Inviting members without clear expectations beforehand is like buying canned goods at the grocery store with all the labels torn off. Sometimes you get good yummy stuff. Sometimes you get gross stuff that makes you sick.
A fleet of friends and people who you want to be in your fleet not just that you want people in your fleet. Members who want to be in YOUR fleet not just A fleet. And a leadership who are passionate about the job and not the title. Those fleets will never have any need for this. Since all members have an interest in advancing the goals of the others.
As opposed to a mandatory "tax" perhaps better recruitment practices would be a tool leaders could use. Before you invite someone talk to them about what your fleet is like and explain expectations beforehand. Let the recruit make an informed decision about weather or not they wish to join your fleet. If you have requirements or expectations for donations to fleet holdings make that clear at that point. I guarantee you will know then if they plan on donating or not. You can even try setting a lower fleet rank for people who do not contribute over a certain amount on the leaderboard. Give the lower level contributing members something to strive for. Be a leader and not just be called one.
If I were in a fleet that imposed a "tax" I would be clicking on that leave button. I am sure there are several fleets out there who would love to come across an active contributing player who do not "tax" their members. If you ever feel the need to penalize somebody for belonging to your fleet maybe they are not the best match for your fleet.
This idea to me seems a lazy way to run a fleet. It is just asking to write code to do what you want to see happen in your fleet. To run your fleet without having to communicate with your members and officers. If communicating goals and helping your members achieve them is something you do not enjoy perhaps you should be joining a fleet not leading one.
The "you" statements made are general and not targeted at any one person so don't get all butthurt.
when heaven forbid you end up in hospital and can't pay the bill (*cough* Boston victims and huge medical bills *cough* ) then you are going to love public health care, or socialism as it is called in wrong side of the Atlantic
Ain't Nobody Got Time for That
This request doesn't "fix" anything, its a non-problem... Cryptic has been very clear that fleet politics, are the fleet's business.
If you're having problems getting your fleet to participate in building you base... you have to drum up momentum, excitement, etc... imposing an arbitrary tax on them is not the way to go. I will almost guarantee you.. the day you implement in your fleet, your membership will shrink significantly, because there are many fleets (mine included) that would set the rate to 0, and publically advertise it.
Members should not be charged extra, and asked to donate, and so on and so on... Fleet Leaders are not kings, nor governments... seriously, we get a bad rep already, and you want to give them the option to forcibly take from their members?
Star Trek Online, Now with out the Trek....
Didn't you hear ? The CIC will make you pay his bill.
Awoken Dead
Now shaddup about the queues, it's a BUG