So.. it's just me? I tried to download the game yesterday but after wait 1 hour the patch only completed 1% so i closed it. Now I try again and the speed is horrible, this will take 24 hours at least (my network is fine). Is there a link to dowload the game from torrent or some other external server?
So.. it's just me? I tried to download the game yesterday but after wait 1 hour the patch only completed 1% so i closed it. Now I try again and the speed is horrible, this will take 24 hours at least (my network is fine). Is there a link to dowload the game from torrent or some other external server?
There is a torrent, but its not up to date with the current files, which are updated on a weekly basis, if not sooner.
Regardless how you install the game, you still need to go through the patch process to get the current files...
Regardless how you install the game, you still need to go through the patch process to get the current files...
Attaching to crashed process...
Harvesting data from crashed process...
Mode: Customer
Communicating with Cryptic Error Tracker...
Terminating crashed process...
Sending Diagnostic Information...
Cleaning up...
Cleanup Complete!
Waiting for description...
Heh, and back to 1%. Nice.