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Skirts and the lack off



  • shantavishantavi Member Posts: 129 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    bunansa wrote: »
    I might be asking for too much here...but could the designer of the wonderful romulan fed allied skirt that is missing please poke in here and state at least why its missing???

    Honestly...all these art threads and i think i see a dev pop in once a month as like a check the box thing.....

    It'd be nice to have a dev or member of the art team pop in acknowledging the 'Chicken Leg Syndrome' most skirts have too. Because what's the point of adding more skirts if the characters wearing them look horrible?

    "Back on topic. Destinii is correct."

    (Formerly Destinii until the 'Great PWE Forum Shakeup of 2012')
  • shantavishantavi Member Posts: 129 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    So, no word yet as to whether the missing skirt will be added and when the chicken leg issue on the skirts will be fixed?

    "Back on topic. Destinii is correct."

    (Formerly Destinii until the 'Great PWE Forum Shakeup of 2012')
  • marc8219marc8219 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    bunansa wrote: »
    But to point out...the formal and off duty options TRIBBLE up your character and stuff, its a pain its like no thats not what you looked like you looked like this issue....sometimes i can get it to load my old look back and than work from that point other times not...its like trying to do any pve queue...cross fingers hope for best

    I found a workaround for this issue. First select formal or offduty, then your characters face will change, then cancel out back to the outfit selection menu, do not completley exit the tailor. Then select that outfit again and switch it to formal or off duty and your characters face will stay the same this time.

    I hope that helps and these skirts get added soon also.
    Tala -KDF Tac- House of Beautiful Orions
  • bunansabunansa Member Posts: 928 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    shantavi wrote: »
    So, no word yet as to whether the missing skirt will be added and when the chicken leg issue on the skirts will be fixed?

    At this point its like asking for any REAL fixes since LoR released

    Im starting to think whichever dev is in charge of this artwork thread doesnt exist, and if he/she does I dont mean to offed but I think its safe to say were all offended for putting stuff in this forum area and never get so much as a hi from the devs.

  • bunansabunansa Member Posts: 928 Arc User
    edited June 2013

    Cmon devs...one of you chime in here please!

    bright side of things....august 27th and if my skirts arent fixed/added

    ill be sending my resignation in to cryptic and enjoying my miqo'te monk/chef

  • milandaremilandare Member Posts: 194 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    But I thought those things were skirts? They're not?

    Oh dear...
  • bunansabunansa Member Posts: 928 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    milandare wrote: »
    But I thought those things were skirts? They're not?

    Oh dear...

    um no..not even close

    the main problem ive been trying to state is that there is clearly a skirt designed for fed ally to match the fed allied uniform yet it does not exist

    plus the fact that skirts have odd changes in the characters legs

    ie all regular skirts make you have chicken leg look
    while the ToS styles give your character a thicker more natural (healthier) look
    it doesnt add up any of it at all, plus the fact that I know no DEV will ever bother to even look at this so im just wasting time i suppose hoping to get things fixed/answered that we know they just dont plain care about at this point.

  • silverdovesilverdove Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    I kind of miss the whole offduty uniform. I would like to see a lot more in the way of offduty clothes and such. I was told that new characters are glitched that they cannot get offduty outfits. Hoping that this gets fixed soon.
  • robertdantesrobertdantes Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Seriously, is it that important? 25th century women commanding starships and fighting Gorn and what-not, why on earth would they be wearing skirts? Never made much sense to me. Off duty, if you must, but as a uniform? Can you just imagine someone running across a battlefield in Afghanistan in a miniskirt? Because that's how silly it can look in PvE battles sometime.

    And please do tell us all what were Alexander the Great's troops wearing when they invaded Afghanistan?
  • bunansabunansa Member Posts: 928 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    silverdove wrote: »
    I kind of miss the whole offduty uniform. I would like to see a lot more in the way of offduty clothes and such. I was told that new characters are glitched that they cannot get offduty outfits. Hoping that this gets fixed soon.

    You can but its somewhat bugged, it messes you up lookwise the first time at least for me, what i did was just do it once, but than cancel and than redo it and it works fine

    my character currently has the fed dress and the mercenary outfit done up

    oh btw wheres my damn skirts?

    Does anyone even know which dev looks at this area? I just want an answer of sorts.

  • lostusthornlostusthorn Member Posts: 844
    edited June 2013
    I would love to have a matching skirt to the Tal Shiar top, the tos miniskirt clips horrible with it.
    And i want to be able to wear a good looking belt with that skirt, like the tal shiar belt or the republic belts, not those scarfs knotted around the hips.

    We also need good looking high heels to go with those skirts, 7of9 tall style please for all.
  • malkarrismalkarris Member Posts: 797 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    I'll add my voice tot he cry for skirts.

    And kilts. Give me kilts and I will buy a character slot for a scottish captain.

    And you know what would really impress me. Something I have rarely seen in ANY MMO? A dress, a long to the floor proper dress.
    Joined September 2011
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  • shantavishantavi Member Posts: 129 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Still no word on this. Nor am I noticing any upcoming patches on Tribble.

    It's.. kind of discouraging.

    "Back on topic. Destinii is correct."

    (Formerly Destinii until the 'Great PWE Forum Shakeup of 2012')
  • ceewkayceewkay Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    I gotta agree with the whole skinny legs in skirt thing. I tried my character in a skirt and the results were, uh, strange when setting her to run. I'm pretty sure her knees crossed over one another which has got to make for the most awkward running stride ever.
  • shantavishantavi Member Posts: 129 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Since there are two skirts with 'normal' legs (TOS Split and TOS Nurse), the fix should be easy to implement.

    Why isn't anyone from the art/costume team working on it? Or even acknowledging it?

    "Back on topic. Destinii is correct."

    (Formerly Destinii until the 'Great PWE Forum Shakeup of 2012')
  • earlnyghthawkearlnyghthawk Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    To the ones asking about no formal or off-duty options available to Rihan characters, they have them. I have my Rihan sci character set up with the normal Fed formal dress attire. Now, for the KDF side, I don't think they have it at all however.

    But more skirts, or just plain out way more clothing options for ALL characters. Fed, Rihan, and Klin, and male and female please!!!
    butcher suspect, "What'd you hit me with?"
    Temperance Brennan, "A building"
  • bunansabunansa Member Posts: 928 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    To the ones asking about no formal or off-duty options available to Rihan characters, they have them. I have my Rihan sci character set up with the normal Fed formal dress attire. Now, for the KDF side, I don't think they have it at all however.

    But more skirts, or just plain out way more clothing options for ALL characters. Fed, Rihan, and Klin, and male and female please!!!

    Nope most of us are asking for the skirts that were shown and not actually around...

    fed ally picture clearly shows a skirt designed for the uniform and its not ingame altho i recall seeing it on test long ago on a manequin, shoulda screen shot it but didnt think to do so cause i figured itd be ingame...

    plus the other main argument is that there is a graphics issue with certain skirts, ie tos skirts give the females a normal healthy leg look while all other skirts make our legs look like a toothpick, and that just seems odd...

    and yet there is still no comment from any dev from any department to even signify that they give a rats you know what about this entire thread area...

    august cant come soon enough...off to my miqo'te i go

  • jetwtfjetwtf Member Posts: 1,207
    edited June 2013
    The single loose skirt that you get at the start has horrible clipping issues when you run and theres only the miniskirt for 550 zen as an alternative and that has clipping issues with shirts. It would be nice to have a KDF or Fed style skirt as an alternative to Clippy McSkirt.

    How did the legs clipping through the back of the skirt when running make it past alpha stage much less beta? Someone couldnt be bothered to adjust some vertice weights to fix it and managment doesnt care that they didnt do the job they were hired to do? TRIBBLE send me the 3d model (body with skirt and skeleton) for Max 2013 and ill adjust the vertice weights for you for free!
    Join Date: Nobody cares.
    "I'm drunk, whats your excuse for being an idiot?" - Unknown drunk man. :eek:
  • captaind3captaind3 Member Posts: 2,449 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    bunansa wrote: »
    Where are they for the Romulans? You guys designed them, the darn mannequin on the flottila sported one, where are they?

    Im forced to wear half skirt that doesnt match any of the uniform jackets???

    Id even break down and at least use the ferengi skirt...oh wait its fed only...or kdf only not ally friendly...grr

    What is up with the lack of skirts in this game for non fed?

    Also what is up with the diferent leg models used with diferent skirts?? Antares and Sierra my legs look thin, but the tos skirts my legs have some shape...and before people go well thats cause they are higher...look closer, its not just the thigh area..its the full leg that has a diferent shape to it

    I asked for this back on test, the concept art was there, the stuff is shown ingame for npcs but its like we arent as special as npcs are or something...

    I just want to see the skirts available to all if we ally fed we should get all the fed skirts available, the lobi skirts should go with whatever ally we sided with as well, kdf could use a couple more...not asking for the world, just something for us Romulans besides handme down pants and bulky boots...

    I'll state for the record, that I purchased the TOS uniform and Nurse uniform SOLELY so I could get access to the legs. The skirt was an added bonus.

    The Sierra skirt is an excellent piece of wardrobe, but those skinny legs are unacceptable except on my Rigelian and she's supposed to be skinny.

    I would like them to allow us to select which legs to use before they even let use adjust cheekbones.

    The weird thing is that the Fed TOS skirt uses the exact same leg model as all of the tight pants from the reinforced to the Seven of Nine. The skinny bony thighs version used on the Sierra and Antares are an unnecessary abnormality. They look especially weird with the feminine stance as there's a gap between the legs that doesn't exist in nature, especially on Starfleet officers who are supposed to be in shape for strenuous physical activity.

    I mean I know why the TOS uniform has the nice legs, the ladies in TOS from Nichelle Nichols to Grace Whitney had thighs like that.

    And lastly. The Klingon Battledresses like Lursa and B'Etor wore. That's right with the epic kleavage window. Do Want.
    bunansa wrote: »
    Ya i mentioned that in the top post as well...

    also...apparently my F key stuck on the title thread lol

    anyway...after finaly getting a romulan made on actual holodeck last night, made it to 16, and once again sat there going...wtf is my skirts

    WHY AM I FORCED TO LOOK LIKE A BUM CRYPTIC???? gosh...romulan females arent allowed to look good?

    (side note, hair styles still look fake, the new ones i mean, plus we didnt get any of the ones in the sketches /disapointed )

    Back on course...Simple fix is to allow characters allied to have access to the allied stuff, but than we know where this leads...the oh boo hoo romulans now have more clothing than fed or kdf thread...so...the true simple fix is...give us our damn skirts and own unique dresses...also

    wheres my off duty look? I had it on test, but now it wont let me choose that anymore for my Romulan...stuck looking like a guerilla fighter since MAY 21 2013 (lets see how bad that seems in a years time)

    I'm fine with he hair, though I'm disappointed that they're faction and species restricted (I want some of the new hair for my female Vulcan XO), but I agree the concept art hair was some of what I really wanted. I'm still hoping for it. In general more long hairstyles that let Vulcanoid ladies show off their ears would be appreciated. And thank you for allowing the Romulans access to the elegant hairstyle. :)
    "Rise like Lions after slumber, In unvanquishable number, Shake your chains to earth like dew, Which in sleep had fallen on you-Ye are many — they are few"
  • bunansabunansa Member Posts: 928 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Still no dev to pipe in and say why it was or was not put into game...or why female legs don't match per skirt style?

    Im not shocked at all....really im not.

  • tekehdtekehd Member Posts: 2,032 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    buddha1369 wrote: »
    How about they fix skirts first? I would really love to beam up without flashing all of ESD my knickers.

    Tell me about it, Movar and Genestra are flashing their nickers all over the place.... Navar flashes hers just walking around some time, but then... she's Orion and it's to be expected.
  • angarus1angarus1 Member Posts: 684 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Little note: The 'chicken leg' syndrome also exists with all tight pants options. :/

    In the meantime, I'd like to think that I made the skirt work on Siyal Kaleh. :)
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