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Star Trek: Praetorian // 26th Fleet [Mature Heavy RP]



  • llywarchllywarch Member Posts: 224 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Activity Bump
  • llywarchllywarch Member Posts: 224 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Oh No Tholians!



    TO: CAPT. S. Prinn, CAPT. C. Sprint, CAPT. S. Vempati, RADL G. Treysik, RADM J. Hunter
    CC: LCDR. F. MacKenzie, CMDR. K. Alenis, SCPO. Ill'issin
    SUBJECT: Hwael Ruin Reconnaissance
    ATTACHMENTS: MR97995HW4794

    Captain Prinn,

    I wanted to provide a brief update on our activity in the Hwael Ruins area of Mol'Rihan. Our teams have been working to study the area and are in the process of tagging and monitoring seismic activity and sulfur emissions in the area. It is our hope that we can utilize this data to further understand the reason behind the Tholian activity in the area.

    In the image file attached to this communication, red markers in the region highlight tagged geysers which are planned for monitoring, while white areas signify potential vantage points which can be utilized to our advantage but in turn, should also be monitored for enemy activity.

    Phase two of the plan will be to study the sulfur-emitting geysers in the area and install appropriate equipment to monitor the area.

    The team will provide another status update shortly.


    CMDR. Calvin J. Mercer
    Chief Science Officer, SB381
  • llywarchllywarch Member Posts: 224 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Activity Bump
    To:Captain Sprint, Commodore Bishop
    From: Commander Levesley
    Subject: USS Osage S&R
    Stardate: 90971.98


    At Stardate 90970.38 Strategic Operations received a general request from Deep Space K-7 for assistance in searching for a missing ship along the Klingon Front. Normally K-7's own forces would have undertake the task but the main bulk of the fleet is currently undertaking operations along the boarder so could not be spared.

    Sending out a general request I put together a small task force consisting of the USS's Wolverine, Caspian, Genesis, Alegar-A ((Sp?)) and the Imperator. Once all the captains had been gathered in the conference room I informed them of the situation and Captain Sprint ensured that Praetorian was ready in the event that the operation was a trap.

    Once all were briefed the task force proceeded to K-7 to receive more detailed information on the possible whereabouts of the USS Osage, once we had the information we proceeded to the area where the Osage had been last reported. Arriving at the area we detected no Klingon ships or any signs of the Osage however, a micro nebula occupied the area and was effecting our scans so I decided to have us investigate the area further for evidence.

    The task force proceeded with the Imperator and the Alegar-A holding the centre, with the Genesis holding the right and Caspian holding the left. The USS Wolverine was cloaked and positioned above the whole formation to allow for maximum effect should she have to engage anything in protection of the group.

    Proceeding to the micro nebula our sensors and communications were heavily affected however we managed to find the USS Osage. The ship had sustained heavy damage, with the hull maintaining roughly 5% integrity. It was feared that all was lost however we were able to confirm that the ship's escape pods had been launched and were scattered around the surrounding area, concealed and scattered by the nebula's interference.

    With the area continuing to be clear we engaged in rescuing the surviving crew from their escape pods. During the recovery several Klingon ships, using the nebula interference to sneak up on us, launched a sudden attack. Thankfully due to our deployment we were able to counteract the Klingon's sudden surprise, had we been spread out across the area I expect our damage would have been more significant than it was. We were able to eliminate the Klingon's with little loss or damage to our own ships.

    Though our own ships were unharmed several of the Imperator's fighters were lost in the opening moments of the Klingon attack as they screened the USS Osage's escape pods. Four attack fighters were lost with all aboard.

    With the Klingon's gone we proceeded to finish rescuing the crew of the Osage, at current count we recovered 343 of the ships 500 crew. Any that needed immediate medical attention were stabilized in the sickbays of the task force whilst we returned to Praetorian.

    This concludes my report, I am thankful to the Captains and crews of the ships that took part in the S&R.


    Commander William Levesley
  • llywarchllywarch Member Posts: 224 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Intrigue! Danger!
    TO: CAPT S. Prinn , RADL G. Treysik
    FROM: CMDR Levesley
    CC: CAPT S. Vemapti, LT K. Tahket

    I have finished a more detailed analysis of the USS IMPERATOR's logs and have discovered additional information.
    Commander Primus had regular contact with someone on Mol'Rihan the transmissions have been encrypted so heavily that any attempt to decode them without the correct protocols will result in the data being lost utterly. What I can tell you is that the transmissions have been going on for the last 6 months and the last was sent 12 hours before he was reported missing.

    Having now interrogated several crew members the following information has come to light and been confirmed by log data.
    More troubling is the fact that the IMPERATOR has rendezvoused with various ships during the past 6 months and that the transporter logs show activity to and from the ships meeting the IMPERATOR. Unfortunately Commander Primus and his co-conspirators covered their tracks well and the identity of the person or persons being transported are unknown.

    The rendezvous locations varied constantly however one location has been identified as a possible lead. The ship docked at Drozana station 3 time in the last 6 months. The first 6 months ago, coinciding with the start of Commander Primus' communications with the unknown person or persons. The second was approximately 3 months ago and the final time 1 week before abandoning his post, this final visit coincides with several of Commander Primus' logs and his engine trouble that conveniently followed the visit once he had returned to the Tau Dewa sector and prior to the USS Centurion incident.

    With this lead available to me I will plan a visit to Drozana Station with an away team to investigate further and find out what other leads I can find.

    I must also regrettably order the USS IMPERATOR be confined to the shipyards and under no circumstances should the ship be allowed to leave the Starbase system. The entire crew has also been confined to quarters on-board the ship and I have stationed a team of MACO troops and several security details from the station on-board to maintain security at this moment in time. All of the crew must be now under suspicion along with the crew that have already been found out and now reside in the stations brig.

    My own senior staff that had accompanied me from a previous command to the USS IMPERATOR will continue to go over data onboard the ship and interviewing the crew, however it may take some time for such a task to be complete.


    Commander Levesley
  • llywarchllywarch Member Posts: 224 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Blasted Hirogen /shakefist
    TO: MAJ M. Svenson, CMDR C. Mercer.
    FROM: CAPT S. Prinn
    CC: CMDR K. Alenis, CPO Ill?issin, RADL G. Treysik, CAPT S. Vemapti
    SUBJECT: Hirogen actvity on Mol'Rihan - Request for MACO deployment.


    Commander Mercer?s reconnaissance and investigation team upon New Romulus have until now been concerning themselves with the Tholian presence, located primarily in the Hwael region of the planet. After briefing me with an update upon the situation upon the planet?s surface, they can now confirm that Hirogen elements are also presently operating on New Romulus from within the Paehhos crater. As Embassy and deployed fleet security details are already stretched trying to secure their own facilities and supporting the containment of Tholian forces within Hwael, and with the Hirogen known to be a dangerous and aggressive species, Mercer?s investigation team will require a specialised Mil/Sec deployment to assist with their efforts at Paehhos and to ensure the saftey and operational security of their investigation team in the face of hostile forces.

    If this is an operation that you can countenance, Major; I would appreciate if you can report in to Commander Mercer for further details.


    CAPT Siana Prinn
    USS Minerva, [NCC-131885]
    CO, Battle Group Echo
  • llywarchllywarch Member Posts: 224 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    One of our Captain's logs
    Acting Captain's Log - Stardate 90980.55

    Commander S'uvok
    Commanding Officer U.S.S. Sisko NCC-95505 Reporting -

    Following our regularly scheduled patrols of the Hromi Sector, we made way to New Romulus for resupply. As we neared the Archer System, long-range sensors detected signs of a space-time distortion near Archer IV, as well as the inbound warp signatures of several vessels. Scanning communications signals within the region confirmed that the inbound ships were Tholian in origin, although their purpose in the Archer System was unknown. Under my order, the Sisko engaged - [REDACTED] - , and laid in course for Archer IV, warp factor 8.5.

    During our transit, Chief Engineer Ill'issin advised me of an anomalous power spike centered around the dilithium chamber of the warp core. There was a gravitational phenomenon occurring that caused the Sisko's dilithium crystal fuel to increase in density and thereby increase in power output during warp core fusion. The cause for this anomaly remains currently unknown - however the increased power being generated required a great deal of rerouting through various systems to ensure our EPS conduit matrix did not burn itself out. We reduced speed in order to ensure that our approach was not detected by the Tholian presence too early, due to the Sisko's increased power output.

    Upon arrival to Archer IV, the Sisko detected a battle group of seven Tholian vessels: three Mesh Weaver Class Escorts, three Orb Weaver Class Cruisers, and a Recluse Class Carrier serving as the flag. We likewise received an incoming distress call from the planet's surface from the local Magistrate, indicating that Tholian scouts had seized an archaeological dig site, and were killing civilians [SEE ATTACHED: Distress Signal from Knowles, Lisa - Magistrate of Archer IV Stardate 90980.44]. Undetected by the Tholian battle group, the Sisko took tactically superior position, while transmitting an encoded pulse transmission to Starfleet and beaming down a security team led by Lt. Commander Koh to the surface, before deactivating - [REDACTED] - and opened fire on the Mesh Weaver Escorts, destroying two of them in the initial strafing run's opening volleys. As the Sisko began to come about for her next run, the Tholian ships took up formation to counter attack. Utilizing their remaining Mesh Weaver, they were able to engage a tetryon field barrier ahead of us, forcing the Sisko to maneuver back towards the bulk of the Tholian battle group as the cruisers and carrier trained their main weapons upon us. Although the Sisko's superior maneuverability helped us to avoid a bulk of the barrage, we were struck by a high-yield thermionic torpedo, causing disruption to several of the ship's systems, including weapons, auxiliary power, and sciences.

    Without power to weapons, the Tholian Orb Weaver class ships were able to take up flanking positions around the Sisko and engage their forward tetryon emitters, trapping us inside of a Tholian Web. Without weapons, we were forced to try and evade within the tight confines of the tetryon grid construct, taking several hits, which drained our shields. Using the excess energy generated by the denser dilithium crystals, we utilized the primary deflector dish to focus a pulse burst ? shorting out many of the Tholian Web Nodes, allowing the Sisko to escape back out into open space.

    Chief Ill'issin and the staff of Main Engineering managed to bring weapons systems back online, allowing us to reengage the remainder of the Tholian attack group. We began re-targeting the escort ships, while the Recluse repositioned closer to the planet. Security Chief Koh opened a communication from Archer IV's surface that her security teams were checking the Tholian scouts, but they had managed to beam away a significant portion of the artifacts discovered at the dig site, and were falling back to retreat. Ordering Lt. Commander Koh to keep the Tholians contained on the ground, the Sisko focused fire on the Recluse's engines, disabling them on Chief Ill'issin's recommendation, after having destroyed an Orb Weaver cruiser and the one remaining Mesh Weaver. She hypothesized that any items beamed from the surface were likely aboard the carrier, the ship with the largest capacity to haul large cargo.

    The Recluse turned her attention on the Sisko, along with her support craft. The Sisko's superior speed and agility allowed for a much lower hit ratio than the Tholians had enjoyed up until that point, and with the increased power output of the warp core, weapons maintained full caliber, destroying a second Orb Weaver. This allowed the Recluse to take position adjacent to the Sisko, and deploy her tractor beam holding us in place. At point blank range, the Recluse fired her entire forward array, while the one remaining Orb Weaver support craft also unleashed a broadside. The Sisko's shields were nearly at the point of failure, and we'd suffered a hull-breach on Deck three. Chief Ill'issin managed to polarize the Sisko's armored plating however, allowing us to slip free from the Recluse's grasp. We began to employ damage control protocols, however, the Sisko did not seem to have the capability to conclude the remainder of the engagement.

    At that moment, Subcommander V'dek reported that his sensors detected the inbound warp signature of a large inbound vessel. The sensors confirmed the arrival of a Federation Odyssey Class Dreadnought ? the flagship, Enterprise. Responding to the signal requesting support, the Enterprise immediately engaged the Recluse carrier, allowing the Sisko to take the Orb Weaver as priority. Allowed to focus fire on one opponent the Orb Weaver proved no match for our weapons, while the battle weary Recluse found itself dominated by the Enterprise. Without any remaining support craft, the Sisko withdrew from combat, as Engineering reported that the expanded power output from the warp core were nearing oversaturation levels, putting the ship in danger. After beaming our away team back aboard, the Sisko engaged her ? [REDACTED] -. Although the Enterprise was successful in disabling the flag of the Tholian battle group, the Recluse carrier chose to self-destruct than face capture at the hands of Starfleet. The Sisko at this point was forced to disengage and return to Embassy NR 3 8 1 for systems analysis of the warp core assembly.

    Follow-up analysis provided by Captain Shon of the Enterprise indicates that whatever artifacts were beamed up by the Tholians from the planet's surface were destroyed when the Recluse self-destructed. However, records from the archaeological team left behind on the surface, indicates that the dig was that of an outpost, Tkon in origin.

    -End Transmission-
  • mcnastyfacemcnastyface Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Im a New player in my 30's with a kid. My play time id from 8-12pm Easter.I've never been in a RPing anything in any game but i watched the TRIBBLE outts some Star Trek and was in military (navy) so i can talk natical and Trekkie. You still looking to pick up members im intrested. What do i need to do?
  • llywarchllywarch Member Posts: 224 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Feel free to grab me mate @Juroden. Myself and several other in the fleet are prior or current military so you won't be alone.

    Other then that hop over to our Enjin site


    and fill out an application.

    Hope to hear from you soon mate.
  • jackokasonjackokason Member Posts: 86 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Stopping by to say you were added to the recruiting fleet list on the front page. Sometimes that post will be buried on page 2 or whatnot. Hope it helps.
    Michel "Mic" Nardy
    Fleet Admiral
    Task Force Omega
    United Federation of Planets
  • llywarchllywarch Member Posts: 224 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Thanks mate. Ill help bump that post from time to time too.

    As for today though! Happy LoR day! Jolan Tru!
    Captain's Personal Log, Stardate 90990.47

    After nearly a year, the Romulans have finally gathered their forces in an attempt to police their own space. The cost that Starfleet has payed in securing New Romulus.... have been substantial. Khaiell and I have finally hammered out the details of the Joint Task Force. I'm going to be expecting Warbirds over the next two days or so, as their mobile units get up to speed.

    Most of their ships are old, antiquated designs from eras past; but the Romulans are a resourceful and tenacious people. They'll adapt. What worries me is, what they'll adapt into. What will this Republic become in the next century?

    Now that I have access to Commander Khaiell, I fully intend to discuss that clandestine conference with him. Perhaps he can shed some light where Admiral Hunter hasn't been able to.
  • llywarchllywarch Member Posts: 224 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Daisemi'in rhhaensuriuu meillunsiateve rh'e Mnhei'sahe yie ahr'en: Mnahe afw'ein qiuu; rh'e hweithnaef mrht Heis'he ehl'ein qiuu.
    (Of the chief Parts of the Ruling Passion, only this can be truly said: Hate has a reason for everything. But love is unreasonable.)

    - V. Raiuhes Ahaefvthe (of Romulus II)

    Jolan'tru and greetings, 26th Fleet!

    As you all know by now, Star Trek Online is about receive its first ever expansion: Legacy of Romulus. For those who haven't been able to check it out on Tribble just yet, be assured that the quality and scope of the expansion is beyond anything we've seen in STO to date--this is Cryptic's best work by far. May 21st can't come soon enough!

    After some internal discussion, we've managed to put together what we think will be a great new addition to the fleet: Joint Task Force Theirr (Guardian).

    The basic premise is that after formally declaring the alliance, the Federation and Romulan Republic agreed to establish a special task force of Republic vessels attached to the 26th Fleet as part of their operations in Tau Dewa. Headquartered at the Federation embassy on New Romulus, the joint task force's mission is to alleviate Starfleet's strained presence in the region, establish a cooperative venture between allies, and continue the Federation's peace-keeping mission and the Republic's security mission in Tau Dewa.

    Interestingly, however, the joint task force is commanded by a pair of rotating officers from Starfleet and the Republic Navy; each month, the two commanders take turns leading the task force. This unique arrangement is meant to foster cooperation and understanding between the Starfleet and Republic elements. Of course there is also likely to be some tension...

    Our goal for JTF Theirr is to create an opportunity for Romulan fans to roleplay without sacrificing their membership in the 26th. By organizing things in this way, we don't lose any communication between members, don't require any undue grinding burden by starting new fleet holdings, and give members a distinct and independent environment to roleplay their Romulan characters.

    To that end, here are some of the specifics:



    The Romulans have two unique organizational structures that operate alongside each other, but independently report back to D'Tan's republic. However, the diplomatic arm is intended to have final authority regarding Romulan operations--an interesting new development given the Romulans' historical prevalence for military authority. The philosophy here is to ensure that Theirr's operations are carried out with respect to the diplomatic agreements between the Federation and Republic. It also ensure that even when a Starfleet officer has command of the JTF, they're still adhering to the Romulan Ambassador's wishes.

    In the end, it's less a chain of command and more of a list of positions available to be filled by Romulan characters.


    The Romulan Ambassador is the civilian chief administrative official of the mission, whose sole responsibility is to maintain the diplomatic relationship between the Romulan Republic and United Federation of Planets. They are hand-picked to be a representative of the Republic and speak on behalf of D'Tan's government. To that end, they report directly to the Republic, but are subject to the agreements framed by the alliance. This means they work in tandem with the Federation Ambassador stationed at the mission on mol'Rihan.

    [Position by appointment...]

    Military Attache
    A commissioned officer in the Republic military, the military attache is responsible for acting as an liaison between the military arm and diplomatic arm of the Romulan Join Task Force. Though they ultimately report to the Romulan Ambassador, they are also expected to function as an advisor to the Joint Task Force Commander--be they Starfleet or Republic.

    [Position available...]

    Embassy Staff
    The staff at the Romulan embassy is likely to be made up of any number of government officials, scientists, architects and builders, security details, aides and attendants, and their families. While they do not report to anyone in particular, they are subject to the laws of the Romulan Republic and the diplomatic agreement with the Federation.

    [Various positions available...]


    This is an interesting position filled by a rotating pair of commanders from both the Federation Starfleet and Romulan Republic Star Navy as per the arrangement agreed to by both parties. They are chiefly responsible for carrying out the orders of the diplomatic mission as commanded by the Republic or Federation (filtered by the ambassadors). This unique command structure ensure cooperation between the two factions, but can sometimes lead to animosity and mistrust depending on who, exactly, fills the position at any given time. Regardless, ships and their crews assigned to the JTF report to the Commander no matter who is in charge.

    Romulan Commander: Commander Khaiell i-Mhiessan tr'Lhaihtrha (@playfuldreamer)
    Starfleet Commander: [Position by appointment...]

    Assigned Ships

    [Various positions available...]




    Note that this chain of command is different from the one found in-game (lack of flag rank). Civilian is the assumed rank of diplomatic officials and members of the mission staff (excluding the attache), but exists outside the chain of command since we don't imagine the ambassador or other political officials would be considered subservient to the military structure in D'Tan's new republic. Also, removing flag rank from the equation will ensure we have plenty of rank-and-file officers with field duty assignments.


    Uniforms for commission officers in the Republic Navy will be chosen before launch, but have not yet been decided on.


    All Romulan characters part of JTF Theirr will be required to command Romulan vessels. There will be no exceptions made to this decision as we are adamant about creating a unique Romulan feel for the JTF.


    Current Members
    Since the goal of JTF Theirr is to give members an opportunity to roleplay as Romulans within the 26th Fleet, joining Theirr is handled the same way we take care of alts. That is to say, members of the 26th Fleet can join JTF Theirr by creating a biography for their Romulan as they would any other alt character. This is true even if your main character will become your Romulan. Just indicate as such somewhere in your biography. However, Romulan players will be required to maintain at least one Starfleet character in addition to any Romulan alts or mains.

    New Members
    New applications to the 26th Fleet will first be required to establish a Starfleet character before they will be permitted to add a Romulan character. Tthe 26th is primarily a Starfleet guild and will continue to be so.
    We are very excited about Legacy of Romulus and what it means for the 26th Fleet. If you have any questions, comments, or would like to express interest in a Romulan character, please message PD either on the forum (Cabis Caz) or in-game (@playfuldreamer).


    Just a reminder we love Romulans.
  • jloganjlogan Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Hi 26th! I'm brand new to this game but not entirely new to the Star Trek universe or RPing. I've looked at your website and everything and I'm very interested in joining up if you have spots open for new players. I'm 24 and located in the CDT zone of the U.S. I'm not sure what your process is for joining up but I wanted to check in here before I do anything else as I'm still doing the tutorial in-game.

    As of the time of this writing, the servers are down for maintenance so I'll have to finish the tutorial tomorrow. I am a human engineering officer ensign at the moment. I'm working on biography and other things for my character as well. If you could give me some instruction on what I need to do first in and out of game to possibly join up and get started learning how to play that would be appreciated.

    Thanks, I look forward to playing with the 26th!

    - ESN J.Daniels

    EDIT: My character name is Daniels
    -- Ensign James L. Daniels --
    -- Earth Federation Starfleet Engineer Corps --
    -- U.S.S. Sleipnir --
  • llywarchllywarch Member Posts: 224 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Feel free to grab me @Juroden anytime you see me on mate. Just add me as a friend. I can help you with the game, getting into the fleet and ironing out your character. I hope your enjoying LoR as much as I am.
  • jloganjlogan Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    llywarch wrote: »
    Feel free to grab me @Juroden anytime you see me on mate. Just add me as a friend. I can help you with the game, getting into the fleet and ironing out your character. I hope your enjoying LoR as much as I am.

    Sounds good man! I'm not sure how to find you but I'll figure it out. Why do you add the "@" symbol before your name is that how I have to type it in or something?
    -- Ensign James L. Daniels --
    -- Earth Federation Starfleet Engineer Corps --
    -- U.S.S. Sleipnir --
  • llywarchllywarch Member Posts: 224 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Its my account name. Just put @juroden into the friend list and you can find me no matter what character I'm on
  • jloganjlogan Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Oh ok cool, I will contact you as soon as possible. Thanks for the help man.
    -- Ensign James L. Daniels --
    -- Earth Federation Starfleet Engineer Corps --
    -- U.S.S. Sleipnir --
  • llywarchllywarch Member Posts: 224 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Just a reminder to any potential applicants, We require you to place a Federation officer in the fleet Icly before we will accept your Romulan alt Icly. This is only a measure to keep the 26th from becoming a Starfleet division with a Romulan Attache to a Romulan fleet with a few token Fed officers wandering around.
  • llywarchllywarch Member Posts: 224 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Oh something happens to me the Recruiter officer for once!
    [/QUOTE// begin encryption - level raenasa ...
    // encryption complete

    TO: All Commands
    FM: Commander tr'Lhaihtrha
    RE: Joint Task Force Theirr


    I have had the privilege of meeting several of you in the few days, but for those who I have not had the opportunity to meet, I am Riov (Commander) Khaiell i-Mhiessan tr'Lhaihtrha and I command this new venture alongside my Starfleet counterpart, Captain Rhys Llywarch.

    I want you to know that our mission is vital to the security of the Republic and the future of our people, and that the decision to cooperate with the Federation in this way was not made lightly or without great reluctance. Many in the Republic see the Federation as our only hope for stability and the rebirth of our society. Others disagree. But what is important is that we have trust in our leadership that the orders we receive further the causes of our people.

    The transition process has begun now that command has authorized operations. Our headquarters are at the Federation embassy in the capital--a decision intended to force cooperation between our unit and Starfleet. While I find the situation troublesome, it is not altogether disagreeable. Several of us have had an opportunity to visit the facilities and engage with Starfleet personnel. To that effect, I caution you to avoid situations that might compromise your mnhei'sahe and to avoid engaging in any unnecessary fraternization. Beyond that, I encourage you all to meet with our Starfleet counterparts.

    Mission specifics will be coming down the line soon, but in the meantime, all commands are ordered to report to mol'Rihan Command for warbird inspection and outfitting. Meanwhile, the tailor has patterns for your replicators for uniforms so that you may prepare your crew.

    We will be in contact soon.

    Dignair daendle'le.

    CMDR Khaiell tr'Lhaihtrha
    transmitted onboard RRW lleifven

    // close encryption ...
    // complete
  • llywarchllywarch Member Posts: 224 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Tangled web of Tholians!
    To: CMDR CAPT S. Prinn, SCPO Ill'issin, LT K. Tahket
    Cc: CAPT S. Vempati, CMDR S'uvok, K. Alenis
    From: CMDR C. Mercer
    Subject: Re: *URGENT* Tholian Activity Patterns


    We have returned from our investigation into the intel acquired regarding the Tholian incursion points across the sector. I regret to inform you that we have navigated to multiple coordinates where the supposed locations are and they are indeed valid. The locations are essentially spatial rifts which are believed to allow passage to and from the Tholian system. It is currently unknown if the configuration of these rifts is significant but it is clear that they are arranged in a way which completely surrounds the Dewa system. Given Tholian activity across the sector and most recently on Mol'Rihan, I believe the sector may be at risk for another large scale assault, with particular focus on the Dewa system.

    In order to confirm this data, the USS Bacchus maintained cloaked status for the duration of the mission. Of note, it had come to our attention that the data received had been acquired through an extraction of Tal'Shiar probes in the area and provided to us via our Romulan contacts on Mol'Rihan. It is not known how this data was extracted without detection or why Lieutenant Tahket was provided the information directly, but needless to say, it's acquisition is still under scrutiny at this time.

    This concludes our review of the data. Please let me know if you have any question and advise when you wish to follow up. My team will be available should you require any assistance in dealing with the spatial rifts.


    CMDR. Calvin J. Mercer
    Chief Science Officer, SB381
  • llywarchllywarch Member Posts: 224 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    26th Fleet Ship of the Line

    U.S.S. Tribune, NCC ? 97261 - F
    Horizon Class Research Science Vessel (Refit Hospital Ship )

    Owner: United Federation of Planets
    Operator: Starfleet
    Commanding Officer: Commander Danonea ( Trill Female Science Officer )
    Bridge Officers:
    Lieutenant Commander Len Charlie Gosson ( First Officer ) ( Human Male Science Officer )
    Lieutenant Dijeele Reeso ( Bajoran Female Tactical Officer )
    Lieutenant Vurut ( Vulcan Male Engineering Officer )
    Ensign Mindi Lee Klarson ( Human Female Science Officer )
    Crew Compliment: 400 Crew
    Year Commissioned: 2413
    Ship Details:
    Height: 124 Meters
    Width: 155 Meters
    Length: 340 Meters
    Hull Strength: 21,500
    Shield Strength: 6,000
    Maximum Warp: 13

    The newly redesigned U.S.S. Tribune ( NCC ? 97261 ? F ), is a Horizon Class Research Science Vessel and was upgraded with better arms to defend herself in the war-torn 25th century. The U.S.S. Tribune is now equipped with a single phaser beam array in both the fore and aft weapons slots, two torpedo tubes in the fore weapons slots, and a phaser turret to better defend itself, and the federation in these troubled days.

    Not only equipped with the best defensive weaponry the Federation has to offer, the U.S.S. Tribune has Polymporphically Polarized Shields to protect it's hull and precious cargo. The latest Thermal Analytic Sensors on board the U.S.S. Tribune will better allow the vessel to detect those anomalies that put off heat signatures. The refit of a hospital ship, the compliments of the U.S.S. Tribune gave away medical capability for Astrophysics Labs, and expanded General Science Labs.

  • felinafullstopfelinafullstop Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I am very interested

  • llywarchllywarch Member Posts: 224 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Ill grab you soon. Hit me up @juroden
  • llywarchllywarch Member Posts: 224 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Top brass drama!
    (Associated Federation Press - AFP) Stardate 91021 - Starbase 381

    Vice Admiral Jennifer Hunter stunned 26th Fleet officers during an awards ceremony by announcing her resignation and subsequent surrender to Starfleet Security, after quoting unspecified but illegal operations she was a party to. Details were not immediately forthcoming from Starfleet as to the events that lead to this surprising decision, and Hunter herself is sequestered away pending transport to Starfleet Headquarters.

    What is known is that before relenquishing her position, she conferred a field promotion to Captain Corris Sprint, the commander of Praetorian station, placing him in command in her stead. The decision is sure to attract the notice of the Federation's friends and foes alike. Starbase 381 holds the front lines against Klingon agression along the Neutral Zone and the contested Sea of Sorrows region. It is known that the Klingon High Council has followed the command of Jennifer Hunter and some of her more battle hardened officers for some time. Representatives from the Romulan Republic, including the leader of a Federation/Republic Joint Task Force were also on hand, and by all accounts were just as shocked at the sudden announcement.

    More news as it happens on this breaking story.
  • llywarchllywarch Member Posts: 224 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    The daily warp speed bump!
  • jadedelphijadedelphi Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    I am -very- interested, and would very much like the opportunity to chit-chat with one or some of you to clear up lingering questions/concerns.

  • llywarchllywarch Member Posts: 224 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    I tried to add you ingame but it doesn't seem to remember your @name. Hit me up @Juroden and you can talk to me! Hope to hear from you soon
  • jadedelphijadedelphi Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    There was a pesky space in there...

    @Jade Delphi

    I'll try to get in contact with you, if not, that should be correct!
  • stargazer918stargazer918 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    *open comm link, "Hello all, this is Capt. James, I have transferred to the 26th and am awaiting my application to be approved, by senior command. I have several ships: Intrepid class, Prometheus class, and an (escort refit)"

    Capt. James out.

    OCC: Looking forward to some casual, cool RP as a potential Ops member.
    Commander James
    26th Fleet
    Task Force Avalon - CO USS Intrepid

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