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Bridge officers not appearing on ship bridge.

ashkrik23ashkrik23 Member Posts: 10,809 Arc User
edited February 2014 in PC Gameplay Bug Reports
I'm having the standard "Tactical officer or other profesison" sit in place of my character's boffs.

Only one is actually stationed on my bridge. The rest are occupied by generic npcs.

This was on the temporal bridge.
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  • clayfangclayfang Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I'm having the same problem. Seems to be just after the latest update. I have about 13 officers now and am using the triumph bridge, several of my BOFFS are present, although two are stuck halfway in the ground and there are like three generic default in place of where my BOFF's should be.
  • atomicshiftatomicshift Member Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I had this problem on day 1 of the patch. All I did to fix it was assign my bridge officers to their bridge stations(which they weren't assigned) while in space in the personal window on 'stations' tab. Went back to spacedock then beamed directly to my bridge and they were there.

    Hope this helps.
  • tempura17tempura17 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Same problem. Only Boffs that show up on my Odyssey bridge were the last people on my away team, the rest are generic officers.
  • gishka#4096 gishka Member Posts: 25 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Same issue: The only officers present on the bridge are those I last had accompany me on an away team.

    My department heads keep getting reset too.

    Also, I'm getting randoms appearing on communication dialogue windows during away missions instead of the bridge officers left behind on the ship, as it was before the LoR patch.
    Dahar Master Gishka - I.K.S. Storm of Quin'lat
    tlhIngan maH taHjaj!
  • thelunarboythelunarboy Member Posts: 412 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Yes I'm getting this and posted it on the Forums last night... no love for it though, thanks for reposting.

    To be absolutely crystal clear this is not the simple boff ability layout disappearing in space problem... this is characters on the bridge being disappeared.

    It reminds me and in fact it is kind of the polar opposite of the Broccoli problem when bridge officers were cloned and appeared multiple times on the bridge.

    I suspect this is related to the crews not appearing correctly on the loading screen (yes, I know in that case it is supposed to be cap and away team, but I'm finding my captain is wearing the wrong uniform on a couple of slots and in other alts, away team is missing a couple or all characters).
  • carrowcanarycarrowcanary Member Posts: 160 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Shift rotation. It's the only explanation :P
  • tempura17tempura17 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I'm getting that same issue as well where your Department Heads don't save. They seem to randomize every time you enter a new zone.
  • axellightningaxellightning Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    tempura17 wrote: »
    I'm getting that same issue as well where your Department Heads don't save. They seem to randomize every time you enter a new zone.

    Yes I believe most people are...
  • metaphorgrandemetaphorgrande Member Posts: 110 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Any news on this ? Only 2 of my BOs are showing up on the bridge.
  • maliceladymalicelady Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    tenzian wrote: »
    Same issue: The only officers present on the bridge are those I last had accompany me on an away team.

    My department heads keep getting reset too.

    Also, I'm getting randoms appearing on communication dialogue windows during away missions instead of the bridge officers left behind on the ship, as it was before the LoR patch.

    Yep, same problem here. Only my away team boffs show up on the bridge, and there's loads of generic 'security', 'science' or 'engineering' officers. Using the Oddy bridge (the original one, not the Aquarius one).
  • talon2000uktalon2000uk Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Ok I have a sort of fix for this.

    I was getting this issue on my Odessy Tac Cruiser. I tried everything to fix it.

    The bug seems to be related to the ship, my other ships are fine. So I took off all the kit, deleted the ship and claimed another one from the CStore.

    Put everything back as it was and now both my bridge officers show on the bridge and my heads of department save.

    Not a lot of help for people who haven't bought their ship from the store I know but I hope it helps someone.

    I still have the bug on the character screen where 3 of my away team show as the same officer but I live with that.
  • overlapooverlapo Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Go to the tailor and change the names of the costumes of your away team party members. Make sure each has a unique name. That fixed the character selection screen bug for me.
  • davidmcnavaradavidmcnavara Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    overlapo wrote: »
    Go to the tailor and change the names of the costumes of your away team party members. Make sure each has a unique name. That fixed the character selection screen bug for me.

    Works for me with exception for Breen officer. Maybe because his uniform can not be changed...
  • davidmcnavaradavidmcnavara Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Ok I have a sort of fix for this.

    I was getting this issue on my Odessy Tac Cruiser. I tried everything to fix it.

    The bug seems to be related to the ship, my other ships are fine. So I took off all the kit, deleted the ship and claimed another one from the CStore.

    Put everything back as it was and now both my bridge officers show on the bridge and my heads of department save.

    Not a lot of help for people who haven't bought their ship from the store I know but I hope it helps someone.

    I still have the bug on the character screen where 3 of my away team show as the same officer but I live with that.

    I tried that. It helped little but I have now (after delete and reclaim the Odyssey cruser) on the bridge only the officers I have assigned for tactical stations (5 for Odyssey). The rest are random NPCs. I used to have the bridge full of Boffs from my list even if they "do nothing"...
  • aleaicaleaic Member Posts: 352 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    There shouldn't be gimmicks to 'fix' this, given all was fine prior to the expac. I mean this feels as bad as the old 'clones' problem, that was on bridges, for a hefty amount of time. Between this, and the Doff department head problem, it's like boffs are an after thought anymore. If not for Nimbus III, I'd fall headlong into this paranoia.

    Anywho, I'd like to see some serious stability, upon the Boff lines, once again please. Kinda dumb to see a Sovereign bridge, filled with male Bolians. Yeah, don't wana go there and all.
  • pureleadheadpureleadhead Member Posts: 45 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    I was thinking the same thing about the insane amount of time it took for them to fix the clones problem. That was just embarrassing. Really hope they get this on the next update.
    [Insert Clever Signature Here]
  • markjames1markjames1 Member Posts: 55 Arc User
    edited February 2014

    It's been awhile since anyone posted on this... but I still have this problem.

    Going to Earth Space Dock (or other major hub), clearing and resetting all stations tabs used to work.

    Now, after doing this procedure when I beam to my bridge... there's always at least one generic NPC at a station and all my Away Team slots say 'Security'.

    Can someone shed some light on this?

    Thanks so much!

    These Are The Voyages...
  • edgecrysgeredgecrysger Member Posts: 2,740 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    I think people just dont care anymore about some bugs, like this one, because its useless.. im afraid, some bugs are doomed to last til the end of the days.. :(
  • mightionnymightionny Member Posts: 128 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    Yes, I've noticed this too.

    Ship interiors seem to suffer the most "feature decay" in STO.... "features" that were working, stop, and are rarely addressed quickly, if at all.

    More examples:

    1. Someone already mentioned how ungodly long it took them the fix the clones on the bridge - when they DID fix it, it initially broke the fish tank in the ready room; where the cone of water was found floating on the bridge. And the fish swam in mid-air.

    2. The "black texture"/DX 11 geometry bug... Engineering in Fed interiors had a huge unsightly black triangle on the wall that was only recently addressed.

    3. Speaking of Engineering on Fed ships.... the engine noise from the warp core in gone. Walk into Main Engineering and you'd think you'd walked into a church, it's so quiet.
  • gurluasgurluas Member Posts: 464 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    Been having this problem all the time. Going on an away mission with all boffs temporarily fixes it, but the game soon forgets it and you're back with 1-2 boffs and the rest generics.
  • umaekoumaeko Member Posts: 748 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    I get much the same on the Origin bridge. There's two spots where there are generic science and engineering officers there... but my Boff roster clearly has candidates that could fill in those niches.
  • gurluasgurluas Member Posts: 464 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    Yup, and worst of all...ALL the generic officers are Bolians and Generic Aliens.
    WHY?! ...If they at least were Vulcan to fit my Vulcan/Romulan crew.

    My other character has generic Vulcans, but I get Bolians and Aliens.
    And Tovan Khev, who has no position on my ship, neither as a bridge officer, the away team, or as doff supervisor, yet he is ALWAYS there. Even when my first officer/tac officer is gone, he is still standing there, being smug.
  • markjames1markjames1 Member Posts: 55 Arc User
    edited February 2014

    Last night I was actually able to get my entire bridge filled perfectly with all my BOFF's.

    (Not a generic NPC Bridge Officer to be seen!)

    I went to Earth Space Dock... emptied my Bridge Stations and then refilled them... I left the Away Team slots alone.

    Anyway, it seemed to work.

    Possibly this will be a bug of the past when Load outs and Bridge Officer 'quick equip' are working without any trouble.

    These Are The Voyages...
  • revandarklighterrevandarklighter Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    I had the same problem after picking up Eliza Flores. Since she was there she was the only one appearing on the bridge.

    I THINK what fixed is was assigned every Bo to a station once. No need to use em or anything, just slotting them was enough, since then they are back.
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