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No science vessels, Fed Aligned.. No Vesta's = Fail PWI



  • praelitepraelite Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    alaerick wrote: »
    My romulan has allied itself with the federatiion & joined my empire (fleet). A supreme empress of my empire I say it can use what ever I want from an RP reason. My 50$ says all federation characters can use it.. Idiotic fanbois complaining during beta apparently ruined the game.. typical.

    Except, as you stated, your Romulan Character is not a Federation Character. They are simply allied with them.

    Since you brought up RP, look at it this way: Does the United States openly give away (or have they ever sold) Nimitz-class Carriers? No, not even to their most trusted allies.

    Certain tech is not going to be available to the Romulans because we are dealing with the sovereignty of two independent powers. For this reason, I'm fairly certain we won't see Romulan Battle Cloaks on Fed or KDF ships in the near future. If a new tier of ships are unlocked then maybe the T5s will be available to the Romulans. But since T5s are supposed to be the pinnacle of that factions current technology, I don't expect them to be available to their allies.

    As an aside, I wasn't in the beta and am not a "fanboi". I'm simply looking at it from a logical, in-universe angle.
  • blassreiterusblassreiterus Member Posts: 1,294 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    alaerick wrote: »
    My romulan has allied itself with the federatiion & joined my empire (fleet). A supreme empress of my empire I say it can use what ever I want from an RP reason. My 50$ says all federation characters can use it.. Idiotic fanbois complaining during beta apparently ruined the game.. typical.
    The decision wasn't made in the beta, it was made by the developers before beta even began. Sorry, but your argument is moot. You're whining like a little baby and you can't even learn to understand that simple fact? I'm not trying to be rude, but you're insulting other people because they don't agree with your stance or they show you stuff that doesn't make your point valid. Unfortunately for you, your point was never valid from the start.
    Star Trek Online LTS player.
  • lianthelialianthelia Member Posts: 7,863 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    alaerick wrote: »
    My romulan has allied itself with the federatiion & joined my empire (fleet). A supreme empress of my empire I say it can use what ever I want from an RP reason. My 50$ says all federation characters can use it.. Idiotic fanbois complaining during beta apparently ruined the game.. typical.

    Klingons were allied with the Federation for many years, how many Excelsiors have you seen Klingons in command of?

    The only alliance that ever really involved one ally giving another ally use of their ships was the Romulan/Klingon alliance where Romulans exchanged cloaking devices for D7's.
  • gpgtxgpgtx Member Posts: 1,579 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    yup the decision was made by the devs during the first week of closed beta before we could even get to level 50 and there was no threads at all about it in the tribble section of the forums

    if any thing the "fanbois" where the ones that got the ha'nom and the ha'feh before then the only way to get any thing but the ha'apex was to spend zen and then you still did not have a science ship to use.
  • bitemepwebitemepwe Member Posts: 6,760 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    alaerick wrote: »
    My romulan has allied itself with the federatiion & joined my empire (fleet). A supreme empress of my empire I say it can use what ever I want from an RP reason. My 50$ says all federation characters can use it.. Idiotic fanbois complaining during beta apparently ruined the game.. typical.

    As supreme empress of your empire you say you can fly what ever you want? Are we still talking about STO or some other game?
    Leonard Nimoy, Spock.....:(

  • arvistaljikarvistaljik Member Posts: 126 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I'm rather curious why the Vulcan D'kyr Science Vessel isn't available to Federation aligned Romulans?

    Are they not moving forward on the whole Romulan/Vulcan Reunification thing as planned? :P
  • bitemepwebitemepwe Member Posts: 6,760 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I'm rather curious why the Vulcan D'kyr Science Vessel isn't available to Federation aligned Romulans?

    Are they not moving forward on the whole Romulan/Vulcan Reunification thing as planned? :P

    Possibly the Romulans blowing thier own world up hascaused a certain level of hesitation?
    Leonard Nimoy, Spock.....:(

  • tyrlanityrlani Member Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    alaerick wrote: »
    My romulan has allied itself with the federatiion & joined my empire (fleet). A supreme empress of my empire I say it can use what ever I want from an RP reason. My 50$ says all federation characters can use it.. Idiotic fanbois complaining during beta apparently ruined the game.. typical.

    When I first read that Romulans were not going to have access to T5 allied ships my initial reaction was "WTH?". But then after I thought about for a bit it actually made sense.

    If as a Romulan you had access to all Romulan ships plus all allied ships, from a gamers perspective there would never be a reason to roll anything but a Romulan. Sure there would be people that would roll Fed or KDF for RP reasons but I think it's safe to say that they would be in the minority. The game would have become "Romulans Online" (even moreso than it already is but I imagine things will balance out again in a few weeks as people drift back to their original characters once the shiny has worn off).

    And as someone else already pointed out, even from an RP perspective it wouldn't make sense for the Federation or KDF to give allies unlimited access to their latest military technology.

    So yeah, it might suck that you can't use your Vesta on your Romulan character but it's probably better for the game overall. And this is from someone who has the Vesta pack, the MVAE and the Atrox, none of which I can use on my new character.

    And finally, if the Vesta was the least of your issues then a different thread title and opening post would probably have been a good idea ;)
  • distantworldsdistantworlds Member Posts: 114 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    For you sci captains: Consider the Dhaelen Retro/Fleet. I'm flying it as a Tac/Sci Hybrid and it's quite strong. Yes, it isn't a pure sci ship. It's better than a pure sci ship since it can, you know, do damage as well as have some fun sci toys.

    EDIT: The light warbird retro could be even better as a sci captain. Same boff loadout as the dhaelen, but have the enhanced cloak, letting you quickly throw out sci powers, then vanish again.
  • ruminate00ruminate00 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    The next romulan zen ship needs to be a science vessel that comes with aux plasma DHCs and a hangar bay, similar to the Vesta. RP-wise it can be the first of an entirely brand new line of ships created by the Romulan Republic. (unlike Warbirds, holdovers from the Romulan Star Empire)
  • lianthelialianthelia Member Posts: 7,863 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    ruminate00 wrote: »
    The next romulan zen ship needs to be a science vessel that comes with aux plasma DHCs and a hangar bay, similar to the Vesta. RP-wise it can be the first of an entirely brand new line of ships created by the Romulan Republic. (unlike Warbirds, holdovers from the Romulan Star Empire)

    First off the KDF should get a Vesta like ship before the ROmulans, second there are other ships that should come before that. Like the Scimitar or a real Romulan carrier.
  • distantworldsdistantworlds Member Posts: 114 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    lianthelia wrote: »
    First off the KDF should get a Vesta like ship before the ROmulans, second there are other ships that should come before that. Like the Scimitar or a real Romulan carrier.

    As part of their alliance, Orion and Gorn engineers combine their technologies to build a flight-deck fleet support vessel.
  • abaddon653abaddon653 Member Posts: 1,144 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    alaerick wrote: »
    My romulan has allied itself with the federatiion & joined my empire (fleet). A supreme empress of my empire I say it can use what ever I want from an RP reason. My 50$ says all federation characters can use it.. Idiotic fanbois complaining during beta apparently ruined the game.. typical.

    Ahh, but right there is your problem. Your Romulan is NOT a federation character, it's a Romulan. You are only allied with the federation you are not actually a member.
  • virusdancervirusdancer Member Posts: 18,687 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    There's two distinct issues here, and unfortunately they're kind of being muddled:

    1) No VA Romulan Sci Vessel.
    2) No T5 Ally Access.

    Then again, there's no VA KDF Sci Vessel. So both the KDF and Romulans could do with a VA Science Vessel.

    As for the Ally Access, it's been pointed out numerous times - so there's no real need to discuss that further...

    ...but yeah, both the Romulans and KDF could do with a VA Sci Vessel.
  • fewzzfewzz Member Posts: 242 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I am fine with no T5 Allied ships.
    But after paying for the Legacy pack you would expect a Sci ship there for end game, now were going to have to pay for another ship if a sci one comes out.
  • badvaiobadvaio Member Posts: 159 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    lianthelia wrote: »
    First off the KDF should get a Vesta like ship before the ROmulans, second there are other ships that should come before that. Like the Scimitar or a real Romulan carrier.

    I agree. Something like a Vorcha multirole cruiser. I would pay money for that.
  • kregorkregor Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    ruminate00 wrote: »
    The next romulan zen ship needs to be a science vessel that comes with aux plasma DHCs and a hangar bay, similar to the Vesta. RP-wise it can be the first of an entirely brand new line of ships created by the Romulan Republic. (unlike Warbirds, holdovers from the Romulan Star Empire)

    No, it doesn't "need" to, you just "want" it too.

    See how that works?

    Well, okay, yeah, a new Romulus Science vessel does need to made, but it doesn't have to be like the Vesta. It'll still be a Warbird though. At least, in the sense that it'll have a battle cloak, singularity core/powers, and the ability to mount dual cannons/DHCs. As that's kinda the entire theme for the Romulan ships.

    Still, my money is still on the next Romulan ship being a Scimitar (maybe in a 3-pack). Probably with some carrier flavorings (making it similar to the Jem'Hadar Dreadnought in purpose, function, and playstyle).
  • itsrobitsrob Member Posts: 39 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Originally Posted by f2pdrakron:

    Now before you say something as "its not a VA ships" I am going to remind you there is no such thing as a VA ship, we have T5 ships, there is a difference of access with some ships at lv 45 and others at lv 50.

    Hey, Captain Symantics, there's the ships you get at level 40, we'll call those Tier 5, and then there's the ships that you get at level 50, you know, the level that would be VA, we'll call those VA ships because you can only get them at, well, the level that would be VA. They normally have a neato console, different BOFF layouts, different specs, and a different look than the T5 ships. Advance Escort = T5 MVAE = VA.

    It's how we all refer to them, it's how we have all referred to them for years, well except you of course. If you would like to enlighten us on how you would differentiate between the two very different type of ships in conversation please let us know so we can make you feel more at ease.
    You can almost hear the very nasally voice as he pushes his glasses up on his nose, "Well technically, you see, they are all T5 ships, duh! <Snort>"
  • dareaudareau Member Posts: 2,390 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    itsrob wrote: »
    Originally Posted by f2pdrakron:
    Hey, Captain Symantics, there's the ships you get at level 40, we'll call those Tier 5, and then there's the ships that you get at level 50, you know, the level that would be VA, we'll call those VA ships because you can only get them at, well, the level that would be VA. They normally have a neato console, different BOFF layouts, different specs, and a different look than the T5 ships. Advance Escort = T5 MVAE = VA.

    It's how we all refer to them, it's how we have all referred to them for years, well except you of course. If you would like to enlighten us on how you would differentiate between the two very different type of ships in conversation please let us know so we can make you feel more at ease.
    You can almost hear the very nasally voice as he pushes his glasses up on his nose, "Well technically, you see, they are all T5 ships, duh! <Snort>"

    And here I thought it was T5 for the "level 40 Freebies", T 5+1 for the C-store ships, and Fleet/lockbox/T 5+5(?) for the hyper fancy ones...

    What complicates the matter is that most lockboxers and maybe even fleet ships (basically T 5+5) are available at L40 (start of tier 5) while most (all?) C-store 5+1s are L 50 only...
    Detecting big-time "anti-old-school" bias here. NX? Lobi. TOS/TMP Connie? Super-promotion-box. (aka the two hardest ways to get ships) Excelsior & all 3 TNG "big hero" ships? C-Store. Please Equalize...

    To rob a line: [quote: Mariemaia Kushrenada] Forum Posting is much like an endless waltz. The three beats of war, peace and revolution continue on forever. However, opinions will change upon the reading of my post.[/quote]
  • savnokasavnoka Member Posts: 176 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    alaerick wrote: »
    Yeah that's right the list of things pissing me off about this expansion pack just keeps on growing and growing. I bought the Vesta Pack, with full intent to use it on my fed aligned Rommy.. But wait! No you can't do that! Not only can you not get a science vessel as a Rommy but even if you shelled out 50$ on an account wide unlocked.. You Still can't! Rock on PWI, the fail is strong in this one.

    No new pvp venues, ugly new UI, no more first person camera mode, can't delete mail messages, glitchy outfits, can't use fed aligned outfits on Fed-Romulans, for the love of god this was supposed to be an improvement to the game not a laundry list of reasons to stop playing!

    Everything you listed is opinion and personal taste.

    I don't PVP , like the UI, never used first person, hardly ever use mail, the outfits rock, I hated the stupid fed outfits and if I wanted to wear them would just make a Vulcan and call him a Romulan, and who cares about the Vesta when the Rom version rocks?

    It's too bad you don't like it, as I'm sure there are tons of other games out there like this one that you can easily switch to instead, right?
  • oracion666oracion666 Member Posts: 338 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    This whole thread has made my day. Very amusing read. Made me giggle. Thank you.

    To the OP. You are very insulting, not just to Cryptic but to the community. You state your own opinion as if it is fact, and anybody that does not follow your mindset is in the wrong. This is a very closed minded way of thinking. I hope, for your sake, you change that. Instead of taking criticism for the fault you made in not following the documentation on the what's, buts, and ifs on Lor, you lash out. Again, a terrible way to take a situation.

    As was stated by a few other people, if T5 Fed ships were available to Romulans, what's the point of Feds in the first place? You pointed out the story. And? The story only goes so far. If you are just looking at it from that aspect, you only get a few hours, and nothing beyond that. And speaking of the story, unless you waited till lvl cap to start out, you would not be able to play it in the Vesta to begin with. I was lvl 36 when I completed the Romulan story arc, and i'm sure you'll find many people with similar stories. Not exactly Vesta lvl, no?

    I will agree with you in that PvP needs a bigger endgame impact. It's skin and bones right now. Still holding out for shuttle pvp :D

    The camera aspects. . . meh. To each their own. Devs might throw it in in a later patch, they might now. It's not game breaking to go without it.

    The UI. I personally like it. Matter of taste. You are given the option to change the colors, if that makes things easier for you.

    As for the uniforms, yeah. We need more. A lot more. I'm still waiting for my hood. And nobody can say their isn't one, I see romulan miners walking around with one. I want it. If the devs don't put it in, I just might have to go mug a miner for his hood. Don't make me do that Cryptic. Think of the miner.

    With all that being said and done, LoR is a little over a week old. It took them three years to finish fleshing out the KDF, and even then, they could use some more fat. You can't expect it all to be peachy perfect in the first week, can you? They will be adding things over time, just like they always have.

    All in all, if you don't read what is posted by the devs and the direction they are taking the game, don't expect much sympathy from the community, 'specially when you insult them time and time again.
    Formerly known as Echo@Rivyn13
    Member since early 2011

  • originpioriginpi Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    itsrob wrote: »
    As for ship choice. I sort of agree with OP. Can't use Vesta, fine, I get it. But as for Vice Admiral ships (the ones with the nifty consoles Gold players get 1 for free, tier 5.x I guess) there are 2 Tac ships, 2 Eng ships and 0 sci ships.

    People know that lvl 50 ships and lvl 40 ships are both T5 ships, right? Using a Lvl 40 ship is not a downside compared to a level 50 ship.

    The exception to this is the T6 (or some people call T5.5) ships that are available in lockboxes (though many of these are actually lvl 40) and 3-packs in the c-store. These are on par with the fleet ships available at fleet shipyards.

    So yeah, there is a lvl 40 T5 Guardian Warbird for science ships, there is also a lvl 50 hybrid cruiser-TRIBBLE in the Haakona (which you can fly the science part of to get extra aux power if you love sci powers). There is also a Mirror Guardian Warbird and a Fleet (T6) guardian warbird.
  • razorx1971razorx1971 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    alaerick wrote: »
    Removing the option was stupid, That vessel sucks I want my vesta. I'll not hold my breath for the pvp updates. The UI Is horrible and ugly a major step down from where it was. Shooter mode is not first person mode I fly my ship from first person mode and move around in first person mode. I do not like following my character or ship with a chase cam so you are wrong it is broken. Romulan costumes are buggy at best and that has nothing to do with what I said. Federation outfits such as mirror universe, formal, seven of nine do not work on romulan characters. And yes the mail system is fubar. So you got one thing right in all that nonsense.

    I don't spend a ton of time reading garbage all over the web. I wait till something comes out then I play it. I'm a gamer not a fanboi. The lack of T5 ships is simply put greedy. The availability of T3-4 ships is lazy if no T5 ships because they didn't just make a few variants for each level range. This whole expansion is a failure on their part. And your fanboism doesn't help things. Don't make excuses for bad game design.

    You mad bro?
  • horridpersonhorridperson Member Posts: 665 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Dear empress alaerick,

    Before you revealed your noble lineage I think most of the peasants who read these forums (myself included) took this post to be nothing more than pitiful whining that should be ignored.

    I suggest you take your grievances directly to the folks at Cryptic and PWE and tell them what's what. If they try to dismiss any of your informed opinions as asshattery by all means remind them you are an empress.

    Remember to speak in the royal "we" and don't let life make your makeup run.

  • symetreus69symetreus69 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    fewzz wrote: »
    I am fine with no T5 Allied ships.
    But after paying for the Legacy pack you would expect a Sci ship there for end game, now were going to have to pay for another ship if a sci one comes out.
    f2pdrakron wrote: »
    Now before you say something as "its not a VA ships" I am going to remind you there is no such thing as a VA ship, we have T5 ships, there is a difference of access with some ships at lv 45 and others at lv 50.

    The problem is the Ha'Nom has no special console (no always a bad thing) also Legacy Pack owners do not get a Zen Store science ship which means to get a Fleet Ha'Nom we need to buy 4 fleet modules rather than 1 that we pay for the Fleet T'Varo, Dhelan, Mogai, D'Deridex and Ha'Feh. In additon 600-day vet token holders don't get a SCI sip at 50 which has left some of my fleeties annoyed (at least klinks get the Kar'Fi which is a semi sci ship).

    This is the upset with the lack of a Sci ship at 50 f2pdrakron, the fact that legacy pack holders get 3 tac-heavy ships (Tvaro, Dhelan & Mogai refits) and 2 eng-heavy ships (D'Deriex Refit & Haakona) has annoyed legacy pack holders who like to sci an fly sci ships. Also vet-token holders (who didnt buy the legacy pack) feel cheated as the only sci ship they get is free to everyone else.

    Presumably a Romulan sci ship will come out and it will be Z-Store which means forking out money for a proper 50 sci ship for legacy pack holders and seeing as it won't be a retrofit it won't b gold-token claimable (Haakona isn't available with gold token) both groups will have to pay and be a little annoyed.
    Lifer since headstart!
  • supremeheretic36supremeheretic36 Member Posts: 54 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Romulans currently may be light in the science department, but just because I'm a Vesta owner (which I proudly am) I wouldn't even want to use it on my Romulan. We're Romulan for goodness sake, I want to use a Romulan ship, not be Federation coddled!
    Lifetime subber and former STO player from when it didn't suck.

    Fed: Astarsha, level 60 tactical officer

    KDF: K'tana level 54 tactical officer
  • twoblindmonkstwoblindmonks Member Posts: 255
    edited May 2013
    Cryptic removed the option for Tier V allied ships during closed beta after player feedback. That was long before launch. Also, the romulans do have a science vessel, it's called the Ha'nom Guardian Warbird.

    What player feedback possibly resulted in that?

    Was it "we really like that we can use fed ships, it gives us a lot of already built in options once we hit level cap!"

    And so Cryptic said "Can't have this, remove and add back in later for money."

    Still so much fail.
    Pay no attention to the dates and titles under my name at the left! I am a Career Officer, Lifetime Sub since launch, was in the Beta. Having problems with my forum account.
  • ursusmorologusursusmorologus Member Posts: 5,328 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    What player feedback possibly resulted in that?

    Was it "we really like that we can use fed ships, it gives us a lot of already built in options once we hit level cap!"

    And so Cryptic said "Can't have this, remove and add back in later for money."

    Still so much fail.
    Players were concerned that nobody would roll Fed/KDF if you get all the same gear and Rommie gear too.

    The mistake here was letting them use any ships. They should have been kept separate. No walking around in ESD/Qo'Nos social zones either.

    They treat it like a faction sometimes and then treat it like a playable race when they need to fill the holes. It confuses and angers the players and makes Cryptic look ineffectual
  • twoblindmonkstwoblindmonks Member Posts: 255
    edited May 2013
    razorx1971 wrote: »
    You mad bro?

    Um, no, he's right. For all intents and purposes when you get a romulan to level 10, you choose to be fed or klingon with a few special boffs, all your boffs can have romulan operative, and with special shiny new ships that aren't that special or even that shiny, and no access to 75% of fed or klingon 'content.' i.e. uniforms, ships, etc.

    Make no mistake, Cryptic really pulled a fast one on this one: "Oh, a new Romulan faction is what we've been working on! Epic! It's its own faction! But it isn't really because you don't get your own starbase or fleets, or end game sets from reps, and you don't really have a 'faction' per se, you just choose the federation or klingons at level 10 and you have a bit more complicated back-story. Oh, but you ARE your own faction because while you don't get your own fleets or starbases or end game content and FE mission acknowledgement of third faction, you ALSO won't get access to fed or klingon T5 ships or any uniforms! Isn't that great!

    So. Fail.
    Pay no attention to the dates and titles under my name at the left! I am a Career Officer, Lifetime Sub since launch, was in the Beta. Having problems with my forum account.
  • twoblindmonkstwoblindmonks Member Posts: 255
    edited May 2013
    Players were concerned that nobody would roll Fed/KDF if you get all the same gear and Rommie gear too.

    The mistake here was letting them use any ships. They should have been kept separate. No walking around in ESD/Qo'Nos social zones either.

    They treat it like a faction sometimes and then treat it like a playable race when they need to fill the holes. It confuses and angers the players and makes Cryptic look ineffectual

    I agree with this assessment. See above post! Either make them fully fed with an interesting back story, or make them their own fully fledged faction.

    Also, FYI, I don't know if it is a bug, but I can currently fly the T5, 10 console, Steamrunner Retro that you get from steam pack on my Romulan.
    Pay no attention to the dates and titles under my name at the left! I am a Career Officer, Lifetime Sub since launch, was in the Beta. Having problems with my forum account.
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