Not taking a 50 mil EC offer yesterday for the Jem Escort Carrier and instead unpacking it on my Tactical Captain. This was the second time the ship dropped for me and I had used the first one(mistakenly so) with my science captain to try something different. The ship looks cool and has the fighters but still feels underwhelming somehow so I assumed it would be more awesome and amazing with a Tactical captain to take advantage of all those fun dual heavy cannons.
Nope...ship still underwhelms, at least for me, and I was back in my Defiant Retro-Fit after a couple of Fleet Alerts. Those 50 million ECs would have been nice to buy more keys with with all the damn lock boxes I have in the bank from drops, lol.
Also had a friend join the game finally and mailed them a ton of gear to use at end game, including a bunch of Mk XII (purple) weapons and two lockbox ships(no big deal, they were just mirrors), then he texts me that he gave me the wrong global name and his was off by a couple numbers at the end of what he had given me. Some random person got some really nice stuff, and never even bothered to thank me or my friend for our combined stupidity, lol.
i can show you how to make that JH HEC a bad TRIBBLE ship
[12:35] Vessel Two of Two Unimatrix 01 deals 225232 (271723) Plasma Damage to you with Plasma Lance.
[12:44] Vessel One of Two Unimatrix 01 deals 1019527 (1157678) Kinetic Damage to you with Plasma Energy Bolt Explosion.
I didn't realize there was a "reverse button", and on my first STF I ran headlong into a borg cube, got stuck and humped it until it exploded, killing me.:eek:
Used an irreplacable Jem'Hadar security officer for a Cultural Exchange duty officer assignment. I hate that Duty Officer now. I would give him latrine duty if it existed in-game.
I didn't realize there was a "reverse button", and on my first STF I ran headlong into a borg cube, got stuck and humped it until it exploded, killing me.:eek:
you can reverse - use the "Q" button to reduce power to your engines to 0, then hit it one more time - you get a slow, but effective reverse.
my stupidest thing happened right at launch... I bought a preorder lifetime sub knowing that I wanted to be able to pop in and play this game whenever I wanted for years to come... A week or so after launch Atari gave us a few thousand Cryptic points (zen) for the flubbed launch - I spent some of it on the swinging power for my champs character - then decided to spend the rest on the ships that were in the store - blew the whole wad, then when I went to claim ships I realized I spent all those points on C-store skins, not ships.,
Dumbest thing I ever did. That would probably be outfit my ship (don't remember which one it was anymore) with all turrents, I figured the 360 targeting arc would make up for their lesser damage than beam banks.
And pretty much any time I join an instance of HOSE - always wind up with a fail team with zero staying power. Yet I still seem to be drawn to, occasionally, queue for it.
Ditto here. :rolleyes:
And buying a whole bunch of Embassy Provisions from the Recycler to feed the Starbase, not realizing that it was FleetMarks rather than EC that I was spending for them.
And selling an item for 10Mil EC on the Exchange. Except, I'm on a Silver account, so 10Mil EC balance limit on my account. And about 9Mil filled, so apparently I paid a 9Mil luxury tax to Cryptic. :eek:
When I first started STO, I think it was at least a couple of months before I realized that the scanner actually pointed to the anomalies. I spent hours flying a light cruiser and running around on the ground trying to find all the anomalies on a map. It wasn't until I read a forum post or wiki blurb about some dev who "was the one who had the idea to point the scanner to the anomalies" that I realized this fact.
Most expensive dumb move - I did the DOff mission "Fabricate Console" when it first came out and made a Very Rare MK XII AntiProton Mag Regulator on the second try. Posted it on the exchange and missed a couple of zeros. I can't remember exact numbers, but instead of posting for say, 12 mil it went for 12k. I literally clicked "post", saw the number, went to click the 'remove sale' button, and it was gone.
Never made anything better than a green console since then. That'll teach me - I don't even try anymore. lol
Aliella Hawklight, Divine Oracle Devoted Cleric "Whenever a time arises where clarity is desired, it is always wise to reflect on the sage within." ― Sereda Aleta Dailey
DaiMon Moogie, U.S.S. Acquisition
Rule of Acquisition #57: Good customers are as rare as latinum. Treasure them. STO LTS since launch; NW player since 2014; ARC user - only when I have to put in codes for free stuff
Stupidest thing I've ever done was what I just did, although I didn't think it was stupid until I was banned for it.
A friend was wondering why his account was banned, I replied that it's probably because he used a certain 'site known by many (due to the mail spamming) to buy EC, mentioning this website is apparently a bannable offense now... Annoying when you're trying to tell someone and get banned in the process!
"If you wish to make an apple pie from scratch, you must first invent the universe." - Carl Sagan
Back when New Romulus first came out, a bunch of fleeties and I decided to do the Romulan Patrols. Turns out, they were not balanced for teamplay. Some 20-30 warbirds warp in and start attacking us. My Gallaxy-X held up well, but with five D'deridexes baring down on me, it was only a matter of time before I crumpled.
Deciding to cut my losses, I activate ramming speed, tell my crew to abandon ship, and enter the biggest, densest cloud of the green-blooded buggers.....
.....and promptly come shooting out the other side, exploding a harmless distance away.
Waaaaay back in the day, when I was a commander I confused a normal Romulan story mission with the beam in point for the Romulan Temple ground fleet action.
Yeah, I was confused why my Bridge Officers didn't beam down with me, but that didn't stop me from trying to play through the fleet action on my own. FOR FIVE HOURS. And this was under the old revision, with the MASSIVE ever respawning mobs.
Eventually, by chance other people beamed down to play and it was beat. But when I realized it was a 20 man event, I felt pretty dumb.
-I bought a mirror ship for my KDF some months ago, wanted to have a change from the Vo'quv, so I bought an escort like ship. Went to an elite space STF, and started pew pewing. I thought "that's weird, I do sh** damage, less than my vo'quv !".
I forget to change my power level from balanced, and was still with 50 weapons power level.
-When I started my sci character, I wanted to do a lot of sci damage, using sci power like tyken rift and GW. So I dropped weapons power level to 80-50 and pushed aux to 100.
It took me some time to realise tyken rift and such barely do any damage, and GW is not worth a maxed weapon level.
-As a lot of people, warping out an STF without taking the reward.
-Opening gamblebox instead of selling the keys and buying the ship. Now, I feel forced to continue, as I have 300lobi, and I feel it would be half done if I stopped now.
BTW, on an average 75box, no ships, nothing really worthwhile.
I opened the Jem'hadar Attack ship box. It is a great ship but it isnt for me. I wish I had saved it and later sold it for hundreds of millions of energy credits.
Same here, but I spent those same millions getting it.
1) Spending over 100K of dilithium to outfit my sovereign as a beam boat. Excruciatingly slow turn rate and lack of damage forced me to give up and unpack the Andorian Kumari.
2) Making 3rd character as Science.
3) For the longest time I thought the only way to teach a BOFF a new skill was to find a BOFF on the exchange with that skill, buy it, and have it teach them. Wasted a hell of a lot of money before I found the NPC
4) Switched to a new ship, entered an STF, BOFFs would not load in stations.
5) Using a science ship and constantly dying
6) Not caring about item quality when selling on exchange. Sold a ton of purple quality items at white quality price
7) Rebinding my `fire weapons` key to `+` and forgetting. Kept on pressing spacebar during an STF and wondering why I couldn't fire anything.
8) Discarded all equipment on a ship, forgot to switch to a new ship, and entering an STF
I consider myself a fairly decent player; been here for over a year, so I figured I knew all the tricks. Follow the map, read the instructions, complete objective: simple, huh?
I nearly tore my hair out less than an hour ago trying to find the four prisoners on Nimbus III; I got to the very end of the level - where you eventually corner Hassan - figuring you had to loop 'round, somehow, to get to them. I never noticed the BLEEDINGLY OBVIOUS! tunnel that takes you to the holding pen ...
When I first started playing this game, I was heavily medicated because of an accident. I had no idea on a lot of things that an imbecile would obviously know. I didn't know about bridge officer stations and abilities, I didn't know that certain items were bounded to you and you could not trade them. I didn't know that depending on what captain you are (tactical, engineering, and science) would definitely factor what ship is best for you to fly. my first character was a tactical officer, but I only flew cruisers. There were a lot of other stupid things I did, but once I recovered from my injuries and stopped taking my medications, I was able to figure out a lot of stuff. Let's just say that after I figured out this game better, I felt like a really big idiot.
My Old Blog about things that could and should have been added when I wrote it. Not sure what I want to do with it now. I'll just keep it available now that most of it is outdated.
Probably spending money on those stupid lock box keys and never getting anything good out of boxed ( 20 keys) and zilch...... not good.
Like to know how almost every person in game is getting all these cool ships???
I honestly have no idea. I've opened over 60 of the Tal Shiar boxes and gotten 2 mirror ships out of that but that's it other than Duty officer packs galore and some nanite weapons. Only ship I've ever had drop for me was the Jem Escort Carrier and then I got the bug ship when they did the special in the fleet duty officer packs. Thankfully I've had the ECs to burn for keys, as I've read some horror stories about how much cash people have actually spent in game just to get one ship they wanted.
Created a female Fed toon. Based her appearance and personality on an old flame from very long ago. Then, tried to introduce the wife to playing STO. Everything was great until she insisted on looking at all of my toons. Her cruelly harsh, mocking laughter will haunt me to my grave.
A six year old boy and his starship. Living the dream.
i can show you how to make that JH HEC a bad TRIBBLE ship
[12:44] Vessel One of Two Unimatrix 01 deals 1019527 (1157678) Kinetic Damage to you with Plasma Energy Bolt Explosion.
V V V V V V Go ahead, click the link below for a laugh... V V V V V
you can reverse - use the "Q" button to reduce power to your engines to 0, then hit it one more time - you get a slow, but effective reverse.
my stupidest thing happened right at launch... I bought a preorder lifetime sub knowing that I wanted to be able to pop in and play this game whenever I wanted for years to come... A week or so after launch Atari gave us a few thousand Cryptic points (zen) for the flubbed launch - I spent some of it on the swinging power for my champs character - then decided to spend the rest on the ships that were in the store - blew the whole wad, then when I went to claim ships I realized I spent all those points on C-store skins, not ships.,
Me playing UT2k4 (red guy) -
Ditto here. :rolleyes:
And buying a whole bunch of Embassy Provisions from the Recycler to feed the Starbase, not realizing that it was FleetMarks rather than EC that I was spending for them.
And selling an item for 10Mil EC on the Exchange. Except, I'm on a Silver account, so 10Mil EC balance limit on my account. And about 9Mil filled, so apparently I paid a 9Mil luxury tax to Cryptic. :eek:
Most expensive dumb move - I did the DOff mission "Fabricate Console" when it first came out and made a Very Rare MK XII AntiProton Mag Regulator on the second try. Posted it on the exchange and missed a couple of zeros. I can't remember exact numbers, but instead of posting for say, 12 mil it went for 12k. I literally clicked "post", saw the number, went to click the 'remove sale' button, and it was gone.
Never made anything better than a green console since then. That'll teach me - I don't even try anymore. lol
Aliella Hawklight, Divine Oracle Devoted Cleric
"Whenever a time arises where clarity is desired, it is always wise to reflect on the sage within."
― Sereda Aleta Dailey
DaiMon Moogie, U.S.S. Acquisition
Rule of Acquisition #57: Good customers are as rare as latinum. Treasure them.
STO LTS since launch; NW player since 2014; ARC user - only when I have to put in codes for free stuff
A friend was wondering why his account was banned, I replied that it's probably because he used a certain 'site known by many (due to the mail spamming) to buy EC, mentioning this website is apparently a bannable offense now... Annoying when you're trying to tell someone and get banned in the process!
"If you wish to make an apple pie from scratch, you must first invent the universe." - Carl Sagan
Deciding to cut my losses, I activate ramming speed, tell my crew to abandon ship, and enter the biggest, densest cloud of the green-blooded buggers.....
.....and promptly come shooting out the other side, exploding a harmless distance away.
Yeah, I was confused why my Bridge Officers didn't beam down with me, but that didn't stop me from trying to play through the fleet action on my own. FOR FIVE HOURS. And this was under the old revision, with the MASSIVE ever respawning mobs.
Eventually, by chance other people beamed down to play and it was beat. But when I realized it was a 20 man event, I felt pretty dumb.
I forget to change my power level from balanced, and was still with 50 weapons power level.
-When I started my sci character, I wanted to do a lot of sci damage, using sci power like tyken rift and GW. So I dropped weapons power level to 80-50 and pushed aux to 100.
It took me some time to realise tyken rift and such barely do any damage, and GW is not worth a maxed weapon level.
-As a lot of people, warping out an STF without taking the reward.
-Opening gamblebox instead of selling the keys and buying the ship. Now, I feel forced to continue, as I have 300lobi, and I feel it would be half done if I stopped now.
BTW, on an average 75box, no ships, nothing really worthwhile.
Same here, but I spent those same millions getting it.
2) Making 3rd character as Science.
3) For the longest time I thought the only way to teach a BOFF a new skill was to find a BOFF on the exchange with that skill, buy it, and have it teach them. Wasted a hell of a lot of money before I found the NPC
4) Switched to a new ship, entered an STF, BOFFs would not load in stations.
5) Using a science ship and constantly dying
6) Not caring about item quality when selling on exchange. Sold a ton of purple quality items at white quality price
7) Rebinding my `fire weapons` key to `+` and forgetting. Kept on pressing spacebar during an STF and wondering why I couldn't fire anything.
8) Discarded all equipment on a ship, forgot to switch to a new ship, and entering an STF
Changing my answer to "clicking on any of those moronic JJ ABRAMS IS DA DEVIL" threads.
"We are smart." - Grebnedlog
Member of Alliance Central Command/boq botlhra'ghom
I nearly tore my hair out less than an hour ago trying to find the four prisoners on Nimbus III; I got to the very end of the level - where you eventually corner Hassan - figuring you had to loop 'round, somehow, to get to them. I never noticed the BLEEDINGLY OBVIOUS! tunnel that takes you to the holding pen ...
I make my own Aliens for all 3 Factions.
-using tachyon beam and think it was good for nuking shield. Later, I discovered a single cannon salvo pretty much do the same.
Like to know how almost every person in game is getting all these cool ships???
I honestly have no idea. I've opened over 60 of the Tal Shiar boxes and gotten 2 mirror ships out of that but that's it other than Duty officer packs galore and some nanite weapons. Only ship I've ever had drop for me was the Jem Escort Carrier and then I got the bug ship when they did the special in the fleet duty officer packs. Thankfully I've had the ECs to burn for keys, as I've read some horror stories about how much cash people have actually spent in game just to get one ship they wanted.