If you mean the patch, then yes. What will happen on launch day is that the Holodeck patch will check your pre-patch and the TRIBBLE patch and copy the required files from those folders, then add any remaining data through patch download.
Thank the Great Bird of the Galaxy, yes the patch and I was concerned. Hard drive space can be a premium on my computer, I didn't know how much clearing I was gonna have to do.
"Rise like Lions after slumber, In unvanquishable number, Shake your chains to earth like dew, Which in sleep had fallen on you-Ye are many they are few"
I'm patching the new Tribble patch this morning and I've restarted my desktop 3 times and my network once. Im am stuck at 80-91% since 9am-12pm... is anyone else having issues or should I have patched last night?
To the right, To the left, We will fight to the death! To the edge of the earth It's a brave new world... 30 STM Even at our most weakest, or how little we've lived or done. When we die our life is never without meaning. Scott Tetrius of the USS Cloudnyne, and Fleet Captain of Stonewall Fleet
I'm patching the new Tribble patch this morning and I've restarted my desktop 3 times and my network once. Im am stuck at 80-91% since 9am-12pm... is anyone else having issues or should I have patched last night?
I think the patch server is overloaded, I'm currently stuck at 58.9%. fmv/intro_rom.bik 22%
(Groan) Oh God this is slow, harkens me back to the days of Dialup. (Shudder)
I don't know if I should even bother or just wait until Tuesday or Wednesday to log into Holodeck, but something tells me that next week is just going to be a laggarific nightmare that Cryptic was completely unprepared for.
If something is not broken, don't fix it, if it is broken, don't leave it broken.
I think the patch server is overloaded, I'm currently stuck at 58.9%. fmv/intro_rom.bik 22%
(Groan) Oh God this is slow, harkens me back to the days of Dialup. (Shudder)
I don't know if I should even bother or just wait until Tuesday or Wednesday to log into Holodeck, but something tells me that next week is just going to be a laggarific nightmare that Cryptic was completely unprepared for.
you would think they would have learnt by now but nope still the same old slow servers when busy , expect it to crash on Tuesday myself tbh bringing down all servers across the board . the pre-patching has not helped tbh and I have had more issues in the last 4 days than in the last 12 months
TRIBBLE this. Let us know when you get your ****ing **** together Cryptic.:
Good gracious there are a lot of self entitled people in these threads... Thanks Cryptic for doing your Job and dealing with setbacks as they come because they are of course a fact of life. I enjoy this game and the new changes. Technology is technology and if it takes a little longer than normal that's gravey.;)
I must say, I'm wondering how the server is structured. I know a LOT of people are trying to patch, but at the moment it seems that the different areas and stages in the game are also loading incredibly slowly. I mean I'm used to massive slow down and lag beaming on to Earth Spacedock or DS9, that's unfortunately normal for me, but long periods loading between different stages of the Kassae system or changing between sector blocks? That's new. And it wasn't happening the week before last. Very strange.
"Rise like Lions after slumber, In unvanquishable number, Shake your chains to earth like dew, Which in sleep had fallen on you-Ye are many they are few"
but long periods loading between different stages of the Kassae system or changing between sector blocks? That's new. And it wasn't happening the week before last.
I'm having the same problem. Almost every time I change maps, I end up closing out of sto via "end task" option on task manager because it seems almost stuck at same percentage loaded. Very irritating, especially with an i7 3rd generation core processor on a new windows 8 laptop. Please fix this problem soon, Perfect world!
So where's the fix to Devil's Choice? This had better not go live as it is now, or there's gonna be a lot more really ticked-off people than there are now.
Lane Bjorn Jorgensson, Captain, ISS Voltaire
Here's a map to show how much they've screwed up the game map.
So where's the fix to Devil's Choice? This had better not go live as it is now, or there's gonna be a lot more really ticked-off people than there are now.
they will release no matter what , then patch later knowing cryptic
they will release no matter what , then patch later knowing cryptic
Or not patch knowing cryptic as well...things go broken for far longer than expected but other things that barely get noticed get top priority...and it could be a simple fact of how the code is laid out...
I for one am disapointed tho with the amount of stuff that still needs to be worked with a launch in 2 days, I would honestly not mind them pushing launch back a week or 2 if it gives them time to fix some of the issues that truly do make the player come to an abrubt halt on a few things...
hair, clothing, that can come later ill concede to that, but some missions need some serious retooling
So where's the fix to Devil's Choice? This had better not go live as it is now, or there's gonna be a lot more really ticked-off people than there are now.
well we all know by now with launch date tomorrow that what we got on tribble is what we will get on the holodeck.
I had to skip over then go back on devils choice so i expect alot of players skipping this mission because of the bugs and difficulty when you defend new romulus space battle.
anyways im gonna patch up tomorrow but will not loggin for a few days since theres gonna be queues and server outtages and the server hamster will die again the launcher wont want to launch and lag fever will rule the day.
is it just me or are the intro's low res and blocky ? , why are they so large it takes ages to download the rom intro when it seems it is low res when playing the game @ 1080P ?
Are we to assume what we'll see now is what's gonna end up live on tuesday? Or are there some other fixes and tweaks made internally?
I sure hope there are a bunch of internal fixes not listed. There are way too many bugs still left in the current Tribble build that should not be pushed to Holodeck. If Cryptic pushes full of bugs, they deserve all of the harsh criticism they get.
Yes it is. Mine is still stuck downloading the Rom intro movie. At this point, I would just prefer if LoR had no intro movie at all...
Thank the Great Bird of the Galaxy, yes the patch and I was concerned. Hard drive space can be a premium on my computer, I didn't know how much clearing I was gonna have to do.
It is painfully slow tonight. Mine's also crawling along.
It was doing it to every screen. Even the log in screen (If you logged out while on a Romy)
Think about this:
American Football has been in open beta for 144 years. ~Kotaku
For the next week patch. Just because the build is going to holodeck it doesn't mean that the bugs are going away on their own.
Whoops!!!! :eek:
i was talking about posting bug reports on tribble
after it goes live and the mad rush is over i will post bug reports on the holodeck when i cross them
Love you Maria 0=:cool:
Even at our most weakest, or how little we've lived or done. When we die our life is never without meaning.
Scott Tetrius of the USS Cloudnyne, and Fleet Captain of Stonewall Fleet
im stuck at 81
Click ctrl+X to open a little status window which tells you which file and the progress of that file.
Still waiting to be able to use forum titles
(Groan) Oh God this is slow, harkens me back to the days of Dialup. (Shudder)
I don't know if I should even bother or just wait until Tuesday or Wednesday to log into Holodeck, but something tells me that next week is just going to be a laggarific nightmare that Cryptic was completely unprepared for.
you would think they would have learnt by now but nope still the same old slow servers when busy , expect it to crash on Tuesday myself tbh bringing down all servers across the board . the pre-patching has not helped tbh and I have had more issues in the last 4 days than in the last 12 months
If you keep Tribble patched up it will just copy the files already on your computer.
also cant even do anything on the test server i tried to play and its over 90secs of not responding im giving up till they fix it
Good gracious there are a lot of self entitled people in these threads... Thanks Cryptic for doing your Job and dealing with setbacks as they come because they are of course a fact of life. I enjoy this game and the new changes. Technology is technology and if it takes a little longer than normal that's gravey.;)
I'm having the same problem. Almost every time I change maps, I end up closing out of sto via "end task" option on task manager because it seems almost stuck at same percentage loaded. Very irritating, especially with an i7 3rd generation core processor on a new windows 8 laptop. Please fix this problem soon, Perfect world!
~ Zing
Here's a map to show how much they've screwed up the game map.
they will release no matter what , then patch later knowing cryptic
Or not patch knowing cryptic as well...things go broken for far longer than expected but other things that barely get noticed get top priority...and it could be a simple fact of how the code is laid out...
I for one am disapointed tho with the amount of stuff that still needs to be worked with a launch in 2 days, I would honestly not mind them pushing launch back a week or 2 if it gives them time to fix some of the issues that truly do make the player come to an abrubt halt on a few things...
hair, clothing, that can come later ill concede to that, but some missions need some serious retooling
well we all know by now with launch date tomorrow that what we got on tribble is what we will get on the holodeck.
I had to skip over then go back on devils choice so i expect alot of players skipping this mission because of the bugs and difficulty when you defend new romulus space battle.
anyways im gonna patch up tomorrow but will not loggin for a few days since theres gonna be queues and server outtages and the server hamster will die again the launcher wont want to launch and lag fever will rule the day.
I sure hope there are a bunch of internal fixes not listed. There are way too many bugs still left in the current Tribble build that should not be pushed to Holodeck. If Cryptic pushes full of bugs, they deserve all of the harsh criticism they get.