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Official Legacy of Romulus 'From the Ashes' Arc Feedback Thread



  • spudman67spudman67 Member Posts: 33 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    At least once after picking up Hiven he has a dialog that has one of the female voices come up.

    It's not reading the dialog, you have to read that yourself. It's one of those statements that you will here one of the NPC's say when a direction or clue dialog comes up.

    Something like "I will not be a slave anymore!" or something along those lines.

    Not a critical issue.
  • shinigamialan1shinigamialan1 Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Having spent aproximately 12 hours testing the new legacy of romulus material i have to say i am very impresed.

    i like the story arc it is fun and quick to get through to the stuff we really want to do.

    im hoping more romulan type starships will be available after launch as options appear to be extremely limited to one type per rank at the moment wth what appear to be a possible second available ship via z-store purchase or faction alignment (fed/ kdf) if there arent to be any more options for romulan class vessels i am glad to be able to choose a ffed or kdf ship as an alternate ship although i fel this is a bit of a cop out considering the ship option numbers for kdf and fed (3 non z-store choicesd per rank).

    love the new ui it works to my eyes a lot cleaner than the old one and although it is only cosmetic manages to draw me in to belive im in the game better than the old one did.

    there are some clear bugs to correct before launch mainly stability issues and some ghosting through walls and floors on occasion but i gotta give this upcoming expansion a strong 8 of 10 purely on the enjoyment factor of the amounts of new content.

    good work guys give me more
    STF SOS call the SEDF
  • weiir1weiir1 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Have to say you guys are blowing me away. The dialogue is very much enhancing the missions. That said you really need to do VO work for all 3 faction's missions, This would definitely turn more people on to STO. Only major qualm is that you need better music for the commander's death. It will only give players impact if the music is strong enough to support it. Really making this feel like a Star Trek Series, well done!
  • spacecmdrtravisspacecmdrtravis Member Posts: 27 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Wrapping up Ashes.

    Observations: There seems to be less non-important delegation people you can interact with from closed beta, though I could be wrong. Sela's appearance was much better with the VO but still don't know why she came in the first place. I like that T'Nae was retained but I do think that the annoyed look on her face could have been kept from closed beta, it was a very effective surprise.

    Everything is better with professional voiceovers, in particular the ending here.

    Issues/Bugs: Temer in the briefing text states "Now representatives from both factions will be at Khitomer to hear our proposal...and so will the empress". Since that's a title, "empress" should be capitalized to "Empress".

    This bugged me from closed beta, but I'll mention it now...isn't in retrospect the Tal Shiar dressed up as Fed diplomats a dead giveaway since they have eyebrow ridges? Wouldn't it be possible for the TS to find some ridgeless agents?

    What D'Tan says at the end of the mission in his text box is wildly different from his voiceover.

    Noticed coming back from the mission to the flotilla that one of the ship models for that instance point was missing a texture at a distance. Not sure if one of the low-res mips didn't download just for me, or if it is missing on your end. It was on what looks like a modified Mogai.

    Observations: Fed captain guy seems to have had his text changed a bit, although I can be sure since I don't have access to the earlier build anymore. He seems more convincing though.

    Stopped after making the choice in closed beta so the actually pirate hunting part of the mission was new to me. Seemed fine to me.

    Issues/Bugs: No issues occurred with my play-through.

    Romulan map loading screen sometimes decides to take a vay-cay randomly, and the Fed map loading screen appears in its place. This has been mentioned before, though.

    Tier 2 Romulan ship warped out with blue Federation warp effect (probably would have been red if I went with KDF). Should it not use a green Romulan effect?
  • coverthcoverth Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I've only played a couple hours of this exp, I am sorta new. I pre-ordered the game and after a few months got really bored of STO. This EXP has my hopes high now for this game. Just the section of the Romulans is amazingly fun. I could not stop, but have fun playing this exp and cannot wait for it to be released.
  • combatpadrecombatpadre Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Generally I am impressed with the feel and look of this expansion and many of the minor bugs and errors are already mentioned by other people so I won't repeat them. I am generally confused by the speed of the opening story/plot though. You go from happy go lucky, cheerful colony chap one minute, to dealing with some bugs to fighting a full scale invasion/abduction/terror attack in minutes. For that matter, why was there no early warning of the ships in orbit? This is not a situation of Butch Cassidy and the Sun Dance Kid hiding in a bush waiting for a train to go past. Okay so its a colony with limited tech or scale but they clearly have shuttles, high level communications and ground tech enough to 'resist' the attack and perhaps more importantly, they don't seem stupid. Why in all of the instances of the Tal Shiar attacking places are people are surprised? For me it's a bit of a plot fail. It would be like nobles continuing to transport all their worldly wealth through Sherwood Forest being attacked by Robin Hood and then going 'oh yeah, that guy... I knew that would happen'. For apparently clever people they're quite thick.

    This is a general STO plot thought, why is it that nobody seems to get broken up or emotional about things? Your player has basically had his home blown apart, his mates (family?), the chick he (or dude she) liked etc killed or stolen away for who knows what. When chatting to the 'goodies' they're like 'it would be an honour to serve'.

    When people you care about die etc it is generally considered a pretty bad thing. Where is vengeance, where is anger, where is despair where is sacrifice, or murder or a plethora of other really cool things that could engage people so much more as they choose how to respond to situations. Where is down time in the bar being thoughtful and getting into a fight with somebody or crying or having a meaningful chat with the cute commander type figure?

    Third and final thought... I have often thought it would be really cool to have 'faction' (fleet) alliances. Where player made fleets could ally themselves to others and help each other along, share some resources or trade or even back each other up in fights etc. It would be amazing if when the whole thing about creating a Romulan fleet or even within the story you were able to choose whether you wanted to ally yourselves to Klingon or Federation groups. They are at war with each other and it would be an exciting and in depth way of making the struggle for Romulans even more deep. It would also create more tension between Fed and Klinong factions. One player made Romulan fleet sides with a player made Fed fleet, another sides with Klingon. So much stuff could be built on that and it would be player made (more or less).

    All in all though, the new Race and story is engaging and has so much potential. Thank you.
  • crypticworldscrypticworlds Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Captain's Log, Stardate -309638.56...

    Thirteen months have passed since the exploits of the crew of NX-636366 have been archived into this, rudimentary, data system. Returning to Holodeck once more, I have recently continued participating within this virtual world environment simulation of my world, lost in time.

    Shortly after my reactivation in the, virtual, ranks of Starfleet I found myself transferred to an alternative reality known as "Tribble." There I was tasked with infiltrating the new Romulan Republic, an apparent splinter faction of the Romulan Star Empire who, within this simulation, fell from, virtual, grace due to the explosion of some star called "Hobus." In spite of the various rumors regarding the culprit of that devastating event, I cannot help but think that Q, son of Q, is somehow responsible.

    While attending to my "assigned tasks" as a "Romulan", several anomalies were noted within this alternative reality of "Tribble" that may be of, both, interest and concern, to Starfleet.

    To the topic of hand, my infiltration of the Romulan Republic began during "Operation: A Day On The Farm". Tasked with deactivating a device I found myself facing off with a large synthetic creature of some unknown design. In spite of its advanced appearance my taking cover behind the device I was sent to shut down caused it to cease hostilities - it was as if it not only could not see me, but had not seen me.

    Stranger than this was that, during my report to a subject known as "The Maiori", full name "Maiori Malem", the text field on the communications interface dialog, a dialog system similar to the communications system of "Holodeck", clipped text along the left most and upper most edges. Changing the windowed resolution from approximately 1440x500 to 1700x600 alleviated the aberration, leaving me with the impression that the dialog itself is failing to scale properly within its apparent mask. Attempting to open the options dialog resulted in the discovery that, in this reality of "Tribble", the option dialog does not focus-to-front of, at least, communications dialogs when opened. It was during these events that I began to notice a peculiar behavior amongst "my Romulan peers." Of those that could "speak" none "spoke" more than a few words before they would resort to communicating via text.

    During "Operation: Diaspora" I took command of a 23rd century Romulan Warbird. The computer on the ship seemed to be suffering from some type of virus as it waited until after I had already been tasked with moving the vessel and setting its course to explain how, at least, the latter controls function with something referred to in this time as "WASD". This may explain why, during "Operation: The Search for New Romulus", the ships autopilot began orbiting Galorndon Core during our first stop there and then returned to Galorndon Core, after course was set from Gamma-Eridon to Dewa-III, where it began orbiting once more after course was reset.

    Back to the topic of "Operation: Diaspora", while in space I encountered shielded Tal Shiar Satellites and several derelicts. Each were dispatched in turn only to reappear after I was tasked with a "search for stranded colonists."

    There weren't any other, overtly, unusual events until I began "Operation: Crossroads At Crateris", sometime after leaving Virinat space. By some random occurrence, destroying ships with plasma torpedoes causes an unusual visual effect. When viewed from an external perspective at maximum zoom and five+ kilometers away, ships destroyed with these torpedoes will have a large circle appear over them. For singularity drive ships it is green, for, purportedly, warp core ships, such as a Nausican destroyer, it is red. Whatever the cause may be, it is an unusual sight.

    Which brings me back to the subject of Dewa-III; this world is perplexing, but nothing about it more so than its water. Having collected a sample for examination, I "tripped" and "fell" beneath the surface. Looking up I found it odd that, in spite of the water's color, nothing looked different while I was beneath its surface. It was at this time that I realized the water had vanished, or so I thought as upon standing and breaking what had previously been the surface the water once more appeared. The space around Dewa-III was equally eventful as it was during this time the ship's computer revealed that the vessel is equipped with a tri-corder that can be used to scan the local region.

    Between these previously mentioned occurrences and some other, more innocuous, incidents such as the unusual temporal disparity between activating and seeing the transporter field immediately before beginning "Operation: All Good Things Have A Price", I cannot help but wonder if Q, son of Q, is not somehow involved in the unusual incidents within this alternative reality of "Tribble."

    End Log.

    - Captain, NX-636366
  • tonyasfriendtonyasfriend Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    There is an annoying static , sounding pop coming out of speakers around the room 1 at a time.

    I have X-Fi Titanium card w/ 7.1 surround on. This is never a problem on my computer, just this Romulan Ed.

    I love the improvements in story , graphics, and FUN level!

    Thanks to developers!
  • darklor126darklor126 Member Posts: 5
    edited May 2013
    Couldnt complete "Retaliation" because even before I reach the Tal'Shiar drone it says I am too far away - as if I were at the end of the map and are warped back to the mission starting point.
  • spacecmdrtravisspacecmdrtravis Member Posts: 27 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    There is an annoying static , sounding pop coming out of speakers around the room 1 at a time.

    I have X-Fi Titanium card w/ 7.1 surround on. This is never a problem on my computer, just this Romulan Ed.

    Getting this as well suddenly, thought it was just me. Buffering or memory issue maybe? Clipping (can't be that as I hear this popping even with very quiet ambients)?
  • mchinamchina Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Scanning a stuff in mission "Home Sweet Home" come up with some anomaly in geometry/shadows on wather texture.
    Screenshot only partly show this issue because in the game animation you can see this anomaly from far away.


    Also there those underwater pockets in the river/streams that you can unexpectedly drop into.
  • mchinamchina Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    There is an annoying static , sounding pop coming out of speakers around the room 1 at a time.

    I have X-Fi Titanium card w/ 7.1 surround on. This is never a problem on my computer, just this Romulan Ed.

    I love the improvements in story , graphics, and FUN level!

    Thanks to developers!

    After last patch this static was on Holodeck too. There was on Deep Space 9 in bank/exchange room. And reading the general chat got impression that some other parts of station have this problem.

    Also as mention over here

    Tovan Khev just mutes in the middle of the speech, in cut-scene before the 'Celebration Begins' on the end of the [Tutorial] 'A Day in the Sun'.
  • sythkainynsythkainyn Member Posts: 39 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Please stop forcing particular characters on me, especially for my boffs and away missions as my boffs... I understand you have story elements to consider...but why not take it more like a temporary addition like some of the Fed missions, such as the one with the Paris kid, instead. It's bad enough in an rpg to have someone tell you who your best friend is, but to have them forced on you as a boff and then other people you might not want as well, is quite frankly very irritating to some people... Despite using them in missions, I don't recall ever getting that cute officer that seems to think she works for me during the fed version of the Doomsday device... and it didn't seem to feel odd to the developers to throw that in...

    Other then being a bit twitchy (possibly because of the number of people on a single server) and the rather harsh restrictions on the rp aspect of this mmoRPG, I don't recall having any problems with the initial arc other then when I cloaked, things that were firing at me sometimes seemed to keep firing at me... despite having finished cloaking... for 1 or 2 extra full firings of their weapons... They must have had one nice sensor buff, because I haven't been able to do that even with science officers who had Sensor high deflectors and occasional mk x sensor consoles... even with the first Tacyon grid consol from one of the C-Store ships.
  • raventomoeraventomoe Member Posts: 723 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I did about four hours collectively just nosing around and getting used to it.

    So far, my feedback is very positive. I like the new changes, esspecially to the UI and interactions such as the Tailor. The login screen is a definite bonus. Though curious why it only shows three of my Fed's bridge officers and none of my Romulan's?

    If I was to change any one thing...it would really be audio syncing but that was already covered so we are all good! I can't wait for May 21st.
    "The Multiverse, the ultimate frontier..."
    Thus begins...Lyrical Trek
  • skelliggskelligg Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Two small bugs I found during the initial mission:

    1) In the vineyard, if there were vines between the camera and my character, it would remove the hair from my character.

    2) When the Tal Shiar attack the marketplace, there were several enemies who were not targetable and did not attack, but continued to have idle animations.
  • nrobbiecnrobbiec Member Posts: 959 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    When I first got onto the Flotilla, the woman meeting me was half way inside the floor and couldn't move.
  • ktetchktetch Member Posts: 78 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Not seeing that much difference from the closed, except a few slight tweaks.

    Did notice this bug on Search for New Romulus that didn't happen before the character wipe.


    One invisible Tholian Lt. Still targetable, still killable, just wearing Harry Potter's cloak.
  • airah111airah111 Member Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I didn't particularly care for the NPC interact window with the speaker's picture and the text below it - its too big and I don't need to see that big of a picture of the speaker. It would be better if the user could resize the window smaller to suit his/her preference or need.

    Also, some of the UI and helps felt kind of kiddiefied (like the big arrow over the interactive item in game - if this was only in the first half or so of the beginning tutorial, then it would be useful to newcomers to STO.). Making the LCARS a little more streamlined similar to the current UI (but still improved) I think would be better so that it wouldn't feel like an insult to one's (adults and older teens) intelligence.

    The text outside of tNPC interact window went by too fast to read. It needs to be slowed down so that I don't have to go to the chat box to finish reading it/them (that is when the text is there).

    All-in-all, I was very impressed with LoR. I am looking forward to seeing the rest of the Klingon , as well as Romulan, story line.
  • okawaho1okawaho1 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    To me when you are doing the Village part it felt to Human like. we are Roms not human dont make us feel like it.Next why are there weapons so out in the open please that is fine in a Human ZVilliage but not in a Rom one.
  • i8472i8472 Member Posts: 225 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Some Klingon Voice overs are sounding like they echo... far off...
  • tylermaxwelltylermaxwell Member Posts: 184 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Some notes from my latest run through on my Rom character.

    Gasko Blues:
    • In the cutscene on the Engineering Deck, Hiven is wielding a Starfleet-issue phaser rifle, instead of a Romulan plasma rifle.

    Turning Point:
    • After the cutscene with Sela, the player and Tovan Khev spawn in the exact same spot.
    • I personally think that the VO for Ja'rod sounds more like a Ferengi (or maybe some kind of nefarious talking pet owned by a villain in an animated cartoon), than a proud Klingon warrior.
    • In the Hall of Heroes, after all the mission objectives are complete, the "Observe Ss'tass" interactable reapears on the map. It doesn't do anything, but it is there.
  • crash77acrash77a Member Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I had a problem when I arrived at the flotilla. I beamed in, saw the cutscene where someone said we have a lot to discuss, then my computer crashed. When I got back in, I was still in the flotilla, but I could not see the cutscene again, and I can't replay the explore the flotilla mission to see it again. I've also had crashes all throughout overall, moreso than on Holodeck, but they're getting less with each update.
  • awiborgawiborg Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Virinat Ground:

    After my character talks through the communicator, and he is supposed to find a rifle, I simply can't obtain one, I see the rifles around the corpse, I saw other characters pick it up, but to me they have no glow, and after I move forward a bit and out of the quest objective area then returning to it, the rifles do have glow as interactive items, but I still can't interact with the items. So I'm locked out of playing a Romulan apparently. I've tried to delete my character and restart over and I have the same problem. Hope you fix that. Was really looking forward to playing a Romulan. Loved the intro movie, it was very inspiring.
  • dalolorndalolorn Member Posts: 3,655 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Why did you necro the thread?

    Infinite possibilities have implications that could not be completely understood if you turned this entire universe into a giant supercomputer.p3OEBPD6HU3QI.jpg
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