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Official Legacy of Romulus 'From the Ashes' Arc Feedback Thread



  • aidanslateaidanslate Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    In 'Gasko Blues' the station commander can be killed before you've spoken to him.
  • fovrelfovrel Member Posts: 1,448 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Okay, I rerolled a new Romulan character and started over after the wipe. So here is some feedback.

    Hakeev. It looks to me he has not the same voice as in the the FE Romulan episodes. He also made there a much more impressive performance. I cannot take the guy serious. Perhaps it is because you have already beaten him. On top of that when I shoot at his ship with my kitbashed boat his eye is hurt, Oh! my eye, he yells ... I dunno, I can't help laughing.

    Veril. She really looks better and in general I like this version of the female Reman. There are however some dialogue windows with here old face.
  • sulubonessulubones Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I hadn't logged onto Tribble for last 3 weeks, and was expecting to resume with my Rommie. Didn't realize there was a wipe, so here I am starting again from scratch.

    So I'm going through the beginning tutorial, and I see that the video choppiness during the initial space sequence was fixed. Awesome. Then, got to the flotilla, and the first cutscene is still showing the Romulan NPCs stuck waist-deep into the floor, trying to jump out of it. Pretty funny, but a glitch nonetheless.

    That's it thus far.
  • damac001damac001 Member Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Replayed the missions, current voice work is awesome. One thing I noticed for the tutorial (spoilers below you are warned).

    D'Vex speaks about his captain in the voice dialogue, but in the textual dialogue, refers to his superior as commander: http://cloud-2.steampowered.com/ugc/576736953351261514/DE341B4D8BB4436C92B76DDFD39AFB5D74CA26F5/

    Yes i got this also when i spoke with D'vek
  • judus101judus101 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I played in closed beta and have returned and splitting my time between a KDF and a new Rommy. I thought I would replay the Rommy to see what all had got changed and see if I could help one thing I noted so far was a slight Voice over and text difference.

    Tutorial A Day in the Sun
    Return to D'Vex with your findings.

    VO:" That is what my captain..."
    Text: "That is what my commander..."

    Side note: love everything I have seen and glad to be a part of such a great MMO
    Thank you! :D
  • justinstuffjustinstuff Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    So far so good cryptic. Its looking mighty good. Nice back story
  • avertyoureyessavertyoureyess Member Posts: 59 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Really love the LoR expansion.
    I am listing some of the minor errors I have found to help improve.

    1.) When you get the warbird and are shooting freighters for scrapped neutronium Tovan Kev (my bro) says something different from his text, HOWEVER his text reads "D'vex would be been happy to see his ship put to use"....or something to that effect, it flew by quick , but not quick enough for me to catch the language error.

    2.) if you go to make an Off duty or Formal uniform you are missing body parts.

    Those are the only two I found. Just minor ones.
  • grouchyotakugrouchyotaku Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    In Crateris, there is a minor exploit... You can beam down to the planet, get to the point of claiming the ground equipment, claim and equip, Beam out, Beam back down, rinse and repeat...

    (Probably not the intended actions...)
  • sudoku7sudoku7 Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Not sure if appropriate place but makes most sense here.

    New Romulus Command Center's Space Equipment vendor sells Phasers instead of Plasma.
  • superherofansuperherofan Member Posts: 342 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Redid the tutorial:

    1) Some voiceover glitches of overlap during cutscenes or some that don't sound at all.
    2) When the attack starts, your character uses a Federation tricorder to scan the wounded.
    3) Tovan Khen shouldn't mouth anything when it says, "Want... you... Want...ship..."
  • voicesdarkvoicesdark Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    When doing the survey mission on the planet that later becomes New Romulus, the scanning of radiation samples brings up the data sample mini-game and not the radiation scanning mini-game. This happened for every instance that I had to scan radiation.
  • orcandenorcanden Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I absolutely loved the Romulan tutorial, especially the voice over instructions. I don't know about the new KDF one yet, but I think this needs to be done for the Fed too.

    The only issue I have is with the character creator and tailor. There needs to be more lighting on the character. I could hardly see any differences in the colors I was choosing for the uniforms.

    So far, what I've seen is awesome. I'm looking forward to playing a Rom when LoR goes live.
  • fovrelfovrel Member Posts: 1,448 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Ok, this might be a hard one, often you see characters clutter up into each other. A lot of games have this as mostly the characters are not 'solid' and/or there is no collision detection.

    I did see it seldom in STO, but I saw it sometimes in this new expansion. The tholians in the New Romulus mission and my character when inside a turbo lift (the mission where you check a starbase that turns out to be a Tal Shiar base).

    Another thing. I went to New Romulus Command after I received the mission to visit the officer to get my Doffs and I could beam down to Embassy or Embassy. I think one is wrong and since I am not in a fleet, the Embassy option should be inactive.

    BTW. I play with German language setting (Botschaft - Botschaft).
  • amwolfeamwolfe Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Crisis on Crateris: Veril's "headshot" when she speaks to you, changes from scene to scene, between two different models.
  • emt27emt27 Member Posts: 167 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I played from start to allying with the KDF. Some of the things I noticed were
    (my computer is not the best, but more than capable)

    1) When creating my toon, I didn't see the random option, the symbol you used is not intuitive at all. I did find only because I looked and I knew there was suppose to be one, but new players might not. Use your tutorial to point that button out.

    2) First battle scene done with your new ship was very slow and sluggish. Do to the background I think, kind of like pi canis is now when you defend it against the borg. Going to a darker background I think would fix this.

    3) The missions are listed to the right side with an arrow that you can click to go to the next step in the series. This faulters when you are looking for your home world. The first area is just fine, but the last 2 areas you need to use the map instead (otherwise you go back to first area)

    I enjoyed the trial and thanks
    Say something relavant or hold your tongue
  • gerwalk0769gerwalk0769 Member Posts: 1,095 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Redid the tutorial.

    Voiceover error:

    D'Vex mentions "captain" instead of "commander" when saying the sentence "That's what my commander believed."

    Voiceovers appearance is confusing. They appear in some scenes but not others.
    Joined STO in September 2010.
  • amwolfeamwolfe Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    In the mission "Turning Point" at the Khitomer conference, Tovan says "They are picking up odd ships on the radar ..."

  • santos978santos978 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    the beams are way to big compared to the little shuttle in the PVE rhi'atmosphere event, and the exchange bug when we try to buy stuff
  • santos978santos978 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    just start the romulan character when you go to the vines to repair the broken tubes "we manage to cross the vines even with a wire between the vines " i think that cross them is not very nice since we can see that they have wires holding them...
  • catstarstocatstarsto Member Posts: 2,149 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I just noticed the dual cannons you can choose from one of the missions only fires one blast, and when trying to draw a plasma rifle from one i bought on the flotilla is doesnt show up,and holsters your weapon. When testing the water while scouting the new romulan home world, the water glass doesnt appear while testing the water. Some of the animals continue to also charge you after their untargetable and a threat.

    the visuals and voice acting are great, the combat is much better so far, there is some clipping issues but not a big problem. i see the mesh has been improved and can even see treads under the boot now. The bridge officers and npcs mouth movements are cool, very nice touch! The story so far is very involved and pulls you into in more then before. If you continue doing this, you will completely destroy Star Wars only advantage in their MMO (storylines) Keep up the good work cryptic ^^

    edit: after you finish the kitomer missions part where the conference haas bombs to disarm and a Romluan to sacrafice, you are asked to beam out, but it asks you to beam back down again to finish, this starts the map all over again both space then ground part.

    EDIT: When loading a saved costume, it loads a random one instead. (Using alien species)

    EDIT: In Smash and Grab mission, after you access the computer on the 2nd ship and watch the cinematic, your bridge officers are moved to another part of the ship. Leaving you to fight alone.
  • nimiosenimiose Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    [hi i think this new content is fun but i am not happy with the startup ship look realy bad why cant startup ships look good. Ok i must say i like the tetorial fun and easy i allso like the new hud and weapon systems is it just me or is the graphic better i dont know but i like the new game play verry much and i hope the romelans ships are avible too would love a war bird great game and keep the good job up
  • therealfluffytherealfluffy Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Oh for the love of [insert deity of choice here] - please let us skip the cut scenes!
  • chinook0010chinook0010 Member Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    In the part where you escort the shuttle, i stopped talking to the Zden and destroyed my targets then talked to him so now the objective to destroy all warbirds is there....my bad :D

    otherwise i am loving the story arc but i am confused if there are multiple paths you can take just based on text. Left me confused

    also on the next mission, in the engineering section Hivan keeps falling down from the centre
  • jrguinness2jrguinness2 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Just an FYI, the station commander is "hostile" before the dialogue that reveals that he is working with the Tal Shiar. He should be listed as friendly before that.
  • sad02sad02 Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    update is so to respond you need to let update go faster
  • catstarstocatstarsto Member Posts: 2,149 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Just an FYI, the station commander is "hostile" before the dialogue that reveals that he is working with the Tal Shiar. He should be listed as friendly before that.

    Oh yeah, thats true. I accidently shot him ^^'
  • sfcpoeticsfcpoetic Member Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited May 2013
  • browner221browner221 Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Before the crash today, I played through the Romulan tutorial with a couple of characters. I enjoyed it very much and (on Friday) had no problem with bugs of any kind. My only minor disappointment was that I could no longer access my existing Tribble characters or my Tribble fleet. I assume the reason for limiting Tribble to the new content is to lessen the overload on the system when (as happened today) everybody and their dog tried to get online at the same time. It also gives a more accurate Beta Test than if people were able to transfer equipment and personnel from their old characters to their new ones.

    I hope the old Tribble content comes back once the Beta Test is over, but if it doesn't I won't mind too much because I spend almost all of my time on Holodeck anyway.

    Once again, great job on the new content. I love it and I can't wait to open my Legacy Pack when the Romulans hit Holodeck.
  • unknownmccloudunknownmccloud Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    dont know if anyone else mentioned this or not...seems to be A LOT of feed back which is great, BUT I noticed when I was on the Cardassian True Way Ship that is disabled and has its whole crew missing, the one in space surrounded by a radiation field and where you have to fight off other true way ships, you beam over with your captain and that Romulan guy you get as your first bridge officer to begin with (I played till LATE last night so I cant remember the name ) but they are having some cut scenes where they are discussing the video logs they found that show what happened to the crew. I dont know if its my video settings or not BUT some of the convo is text above the heads of the 2 characters and in most of that scene its not readable, its like it goes into letterbox format or something and you cant see the words they are cut off
  • catstarstocatstarsto Member Posts: 2,149 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    sfcpoetic wrote: »

    Mine just did too T.T I just made it to level 15, but I need to stretch my legs anyways. I think the new traits and better costume choices for kdf side are great, I havent seen em all for every race yet. But keep em coming lets have more unlocks for the kdf and romulan faction, boots accessorys hats goggles head gear like helmets or even a fun surprise like party hats durring events ^^
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