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About That Kumari Phaser Refund



  • seansamurai1seansamurai1 Member Posts: 634 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Does it not mention in the T&Cs that Cryptic/PW are entitled to modify and change things in the game, including stats, performance and prices? (Its normally a small print).

    I must admit though, if you think the starbase projects and upgrades are hard and stupid in the amount of resources they require at the level yours is at, wait until you hit 3,4 and 5. Over a million Dil anyone? 9 day upgrade, thousands of replicatable materials. More DOffs than you can poke a wobbly DOff stick at.

    I think the OP will die of a heart attack, then try and sue Cryptic for it using his obviously high powered lawyer friend!
  • blaumkerblaumker Member Posts: 75 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    YOU hit a deer ................bably the one fingered kind. Bad things happen when you don't get your way. Ominous. Someone might drown in your tears.

    Cool story bro. Have fun racing your dodge. Hopefully your new fangled racing headlights will help you see those stupid deer.

    Nobodies lawyer friend got them a pass to be illegal on the road. No dealer repaired collision damage as warranty work(and insurance companies are generally not required to pay for OEM replacements). Life doesn't work that way.

    You're right, though, it was a cool story. Lots of folks bought it as a genuine analogy.
  • liltiasliltias Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Seeing as EULA clearly states that the user (you) has no ownership of any virtual items in the game it seems rather irrelevant.
  • atticusmasatticusmas Member Posts: 84 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Can I ask how they nerfed the phasers?
  • tangolighttangolight Member Posts: 777 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    atticusmas wrote: »
    Can I ask how they nerfed the phasers?

    When they were added to the Dilithium store, they were given Mark XII stats, even though all other Dilithium weapons in the store have Mark XI stats. So in a later patch, they changed the stats to Mark XI, but gave anyone who purchased them before the change the option to return the weapons for the full Dilithium cost they paid for it.
  • jetwtfjetwtf Member Posts: 1,207
    edited May 2013
    I am going to ignore the whole nerf/refund thing and go for his complaint on his starbase, he is complaining that it costs that many resources? wait until hes working on lvl 4+ and the everyday projects much less the big upgrades.

    Anyway nerf then refund, smile and be happy! plenty of MMO's just nerf even if it was a mistake and not offer anything.
    Join Date: Nobody cares.
    "I'm drunk, whats your excuse for being an idiot?" - Unknown drunk man. :eek:
  • aevlomaevlom Member Posts: 69 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    LOL let me close by relating a RW story.

    I own a Dodge truck and after making some venison goulash of one of the dumber bucks in the area ...

    This explains a lot.
    Cue up the Deliverance music.
  • convoy7734convoy7734 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    LOL let me close by relating a RW story.

    I own a Dodge truck and after making some venison goulash of one of the dumber bucks in the area I had a headlight replaced at the dealership because I was still under warranty.

    Little did I know they were secretly thieves replacing OEM parts with cheap knockoffs. Mechanics being one of my hobbies, I caught them at it. They gave me a new headlight assembly which I found was a mislabeled Durango headlight assembly. When I went to return it they refused to give me the correct parts. I casually mentioned to a lawyer friend on one of my beats what they had done.

    I now not only have racing headlights, but a waver from the city to have said headlights and that dealership? Well there's an empty lot there now.

    Unfair business practices have a way of sneaking up on the perpetrators.

    Let me get this straight, you hit a deer and when the dealer was nice enough to give you a new headlight (see durango warranty excerpt below) you complain of unfair business practice and claim to have driven them out of business, for the dealer doing you a solid. Then on top of you abuse your status as a civil servant to get a special waiver to have illegal lights... Forum rules and general politeness prevent me from saying what kind of move that was.

    and the excerpt from the Durango warranty:

    3.2 Environmental Factors Not Covered
    Your warranties don?t cover damage caused by environmental factors such as airborne fallout, bird
    droppings, insect damage, chemicals, tree sap, salt,
    ocean spray, acid rain, and road hazards. Nor do
    your warranties cover damage caused by hailstorms,
    windstorms, tornadoes, sandstorms, lightning,
    floods, and earthquakes.
    Your warranties do not cover conditions resulting
    from anything impacting the vehicle.
    This includes
    cracks and chips in glass, scratches and chips in
    painted surfaces, or damage from collision.
  • qqqqiiqqqqii Member Posts: 481 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    marc8219 wrote: »
    I'm not selfish enough to think of myself more then overall game balance so won't mind nerfs to something Romulan if its not balanced properly. There will be no STO if they don't ever fix things everyone quits.
    Applying logic and intelligence to a tantrum thread? Ridiculous!
  • vyperwoovyperwoo Member Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited May 2013

    I don't want free stuff, I wanted my weapons to remain as I purchased them. They gave me no choice but to accept the refund after they broke my weapons because I have to climb their socialistic ladder to get them back.

    Not even worth it, posts like a month old
  • topsettopset Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Starbase projects should have ALL the info pertaining to their costs and times listed up front in their descriptions.

    They do, you just didn't read it properly.

    @OP What a joke, this is the most pathetic post I've read in some time and that's certainly saying something.
    Kirk's Protege.
  • oldorcguyoldorcguy Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Just because some dev screwed up I am being punished for it.

    That and not being a communist.

    My weapons weren't bugged. They were nerfed and I was stolen from.

    Let's see, so far you've-
    -demanded that give you more than a full refund for the item you purchased
    -seem to think that you somehow have a right to dictate how the actual owners of STO should operate their business and use their property even though you don't actually own any of it
    -seem to think their application of the terms of service you've already consented to is somehow unfair

    Yeah, I'd say the only "communist" in this discussion would be you.
  • xariamaxariama Member Posts: 161 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I'm not going to add gasoline to this fire, I'll just tell the OP this: get others to help you with your fleet instead of crying about the expense for one person.
    Lane Bjorn Jorgensson, Captain, ISS Voltaire

    Here's a map to show how much they've screwed up the game map.
  • wolfpack12cwolfpack12c Member Posts: 242 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    They have you a complete refund they have one to me also... Stop being a kid about it. It's not cryptic's fault you had to spend points on a fleet starbase. I'm sure you could have joined one and gotten them cheaper because they are only 10k. So if you want to complain because you had to build your starbase all by yourself to get them why don't you complain all by yourself.
    -"There is no such thing as an I win button!" "Um, Sir. Whats this button that says (I win) for then?"
  • danteandersendanteandersen Member Posts: 44 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    marc8219 wrote: »
    I'm not selfish enough to think of myself more then overall game balance so won't mind nerfs to something Romulan if its not balanced properly. There will be no STO if they don't ever fix things everyone quits.

    I point to Champions Online as a debunkment of your statement. They never fix things there, and the last time it even got an update after a weekly maintenance/update downtime was mid-March... yet there's still a Champions Online.

    Just remember, it could be worse... STO could be on maintenance/lockbox hell mode like CO.

  • thlaylierahthlaylierah Member Posts: 2,985 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    aevlom wrote: »
    This explains a lot.
    Cue up the Deliverance music.

    Actually I'm quite progressive. I used to own a sports car, but I needed a truck. I also Have a Valkyrie Motorcycle (look it up) that causes grown Harley men to weep.

    But you are somewhat correct about my backwoods upbringing... and what I would do if spoken to that way in public.
  • thlaylierahthlaylierah Member Posts: 2,985 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    oldorcguy wrote: »
    Let's see, so far you've-
    -demanded that give you more than a full refund for the item you purchased
    -seem to think that you somehow have a right to dictate how the actual owners of STO should operate their business and use their property even though you don't actually own any of it
    -seem to think their application of the terms of service you've already consented to is somehow unfair

    Yeah, I'd say the only "communist" in this discussion would be you.

    NEVER call a Veteran a communist. Just because people are some kind of lame bleeding heart liberalists that apologize for everything Cryptic does to them does not give anyone the right to make light of my opinion. If people are sad enough to let marketers walk all over them and just take what they are given that's their problem and the root of most of the problems in this world.

    I will try to speak S l o w l y for those less fortunate than me in the gray matter dept:

    The Phasers I had were CHANGED (This means to make different) to something less powerful than what I bought because some number cruncher made a mistake and because they are all friends there and have NO measurable management skills as well as stakes in their own personal Fleet being effected by these Phasers.

    The refund was for the deficient (That means less powerful and not the same) Phasers I was left with and would not have purchased in the first place.

    Chances are most will still not understand. Sadly this is an evolutionary marker and is indicative of the future of the human race. (Them not having any.)
  • captyoung01captyoung01 Member Posts: 311 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    On the one hand I can empathize with what thlaylierah is saying, you get what you paid for right?

    But. . Being that it was Cryptic's fault for the mixing the XI with XII. He was offered a full refund and that refund was accepted. However the mistake made with the weapons should not have happened in the first place.

    Yes I point the finger at Cryptic and for all good reason's too. In most cases I find that many of the "nerfs" that Cryptic has done suspicious, and what they deem as "game balance" questionable. That being said, they do TRIBBLE up one thing or another practically almost all time.

    As for thlaylierah, this is one of those things that you will have to learn to accept as a mistake that was made. Your clinging on to something (A loss) that you can never get back. While you are certainly free to whine about it on the forums, I really don't think that it will do you much good. Accept it for what it is and move on, you'll suffer less that way :).
  • oldorcguyoldorcguy Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    NEVER call a Veteran a communist. Just because people are some kind of lame bleeding heart liberalists that apologize for everything Cryptic does to them does not give anyone the right to make light of my opinion. If people are sad enough to let marketers walk all over them and just take what they are given that's their problem and the root of most of the problems in this world.

    I will try to speak S l o w l y for those less fortunate than me in the gray matter dept:

    The Phasers I had were CHANGED (This means to make different) to something less powerful than what I bought because some number cruncher made a mistake and because they are all friends there and have NO measurable management skills as well as stakes in their own personal Fleet being effected by these Phasers.

    The refund was for the deficient (That means less powerful and not the same) Phasers I was left with and would not have purchased in the first place.

    Chances are most will still not understand. Sadly this is an evolutionary marker and is indicative of the future of the human race. (Them not having any.)

    The "I'm a vet" card only works if the guy you are using it on isn't a vet as well. But hey, thanks for showing us your true feelings regarding the 1st Amendment. Apparently you believe your service to the state entitles you to sort of special treatment; including limiting other's rights to free expression.

    As for your grey matter comment, not very wise given you're the one who apparently doesn't understand the definition for communist. Yeah, it's rather hard for Cryptic to be labeled communists based on actions firmly rooted in capitalism. Ranting about how a company (you don't own) should run its business (you don't own) and use its property (you don't own) in order to benefit you, on the other hand, sounds rather communistic to me.

    Bottom line, if you don't want to be labeled as a communist, stop acting like one. Have a nice day comrade.:)
  • oldorcguyoldorcguy Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    On the one hand I can empathize with what thlaylierah is saying, you get what you paid for right?

    But. . Being that it was Cryptic's fault for the mixing the XI with XII. He was offered a full refund and that refund was accepted. However the mistake made with the weapons should not have happened in the first place.

    Yes I point the finger at Cryptic and for all good reason's too. In most cases I find that many of the "nerfs" that Cryptic has done suspicious, and what they deem as "game balance" questionable. That being said, they do TRIBBLE up one thing or another practically almost all time.

    As for thlaylierah, this is one of those things that you will have to learn to accept as a mistake that was made. Your clinging on to something (A loss) that you can never get back. While you are certainly free to whine about it on the forums, I really don't think that it will do you much good. Accept it for what it is and move on, you'll suffer less that way :).

    If you read his comments, his real gripe is that one of Cryptic's methods of generating revenue (the time and resource sinks called fleet projects) eliminates his ability to be king of his own personal fleet and have access to all the toys of non-1 man fleets.
  • lykumlykum Member Posts: 382
    edited May 2013
    business model is fine. not properly testing said application is fault. don't care about politics because they aren't willing to sacrifice personal luxuries in life for it.
    Lyndon Brewer: 20% chance to capture enemy ship for 60 seconds on successful use of boarding party.

    cause sometimes its party time!
  • vermatrixvermatrix Member Posts: 335 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    How about if they refund your weapons in both dilithium and zen, give you 50 billion free dilithium for your trouble, upgrade your fleet holdings to 5 for you for free, and boosts the stats of your weapons so you do 100,000,000,000 dps, is that the adequate compensation your looking for? :rolleyes:
  • ussprometheus79ussprometheus79 Member Posts: 727 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    vermatrix wrote: »
    How about if they refund your weapons in both dilithium and zen, give you 50 billion free dilithium for your trouble, upgrade your fleet holdings to 5 for you for free, and boosts the stats of your weapons so you do 100,000,000,000 dps, is that the adequate compensation your looking for? :rolleyes:

    He would just use his "superior" (and I use this term loosely) grey matter to find something else wrong with that.

    On a more serious note, I can't believe this is still going...I've never seen anyone feel they are more entitled to anything than this guy and I've been around a long time...
    If you've come to the forums to complain about the AFK system, it's known to be bugged at the moment.
  • foundrelicfoundrelic Member Posts: 1,380 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    LOL let me close by relating a RW story.

    I own a Dodge truck and after making some venison goulash of one of the dumber bucks in the area I had a headlight replaced at the dealership because I was still under warranty.

    Little did I know they were secretly thieves replacing OEM parts with cheap knockoffs. Mechanics being one of my hobbies, I caught them at it. They gave me a new headlight assembly which I found was a mislabeled Durango headlight assembly. When I went to return it they refused to give me the correct parts. I casually mentioned to a lawyer friend on one of my beats what they had done.

    I now not only have racing headlights, but a waver from the city to have said headlights and that dealership? Well there's an empty lot there now.

    Unfair business practices have a way of sneaking up on the perpetrators.

    You were given a FULL REFUND. Your story about your headlights doesn't even come close to matching the phaser issue as you're not being ripped off, You were offered a full refund, YOU ACCEPTED the full refund.

    You don't like that the MORE POWERFUL versions of the weapons cost more?

    Too bad.
  • targousttargoust Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Hey OP,

    You am much smater then me am. You haz such nice stuff in real life. Me am afraid of you, you sound real tough. Hope I don't runz into you in real life, you might hurt me with your interwebz muscles.

    Me thanks for you, being a vet. Some one has to run supply for the guys in the field.

    Me haz cheese sam'ich, so you cant be hungury!

    And if you are sooo unhappy, since you state so in all your posts. Can I haz your stuff?
  • starsvoidstarsvoid Member Posts: 161 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Oh man. This thread... Amazing.

    Leavin' with a big ol' grin.
  • gethralkin1gethralkin1 Member Posts: 108 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    OP, your veiled threats of "law enforcement"/"lawyer" ties really have no meaning here. Posting to Cryptic about how you possibly (just your word to go on here) were the instrument of the demise of a mechanic shop are precluded from the fact that:

    1) Cryptic did a recall of merchandise, a common and legally supported practice in business,
    2) The Fleet expenses that you are complaining about spending have benefits extant to the Andorian set,
    3) and, most importantly, you ACCEPTED the full refund and thereby removed from Cryptic any further obligation or liability to you.

    So, you really have no legal leg to stand on, and as such, your threats to the company are empty. Just sayin'.
  • vermatrixvermatrix Member Posts: 335 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    lol this threads still going on? Guess some folks really believe they are entitled to the world. I did like the truck thing though "I knows more dan dem Crypy folks cause I can duct tape up my pickemup truck" Yeah, yeah, you claim to know a lawyer therefore the world belongs to you, sure, uh, huh, riiiight. Before you go all sue happy maybe your back alley, ambulance chaser can tell you that there is a thing called terms of service, mmhmm, Cryptic reserves the right to change whatever they want in the game without any compensation to the players. That they decided to refund that was nice on their part. Your problem is your getting greedy, you seem to think they owe you everything. I have a solution for you, get off of STO and go out in the real world and get a life and stop crying about a item in a mmo game.
  • booflebuffbooflebuff Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    I came into this thread intending to voice my displeasure with the concept of post-fact changes to in game items in this fashion. I'm not a fan of it at all and furthermore it makes me somewhat irate.

    But after having read a bunch of posts by the OP, I can no longer in good conscience endorse anything he says ><. Your arguments are moronic to the point of incredulity and your apparent sense of entitlement is astounding.

    I've come to the conclusion you're a troll and I'll admit you got almost three seconds of outrage from me before I wised up and realised you couldn't possibly be serious (I sincerely hope this is the case).

    7/10 troll.
  • eldarion79eldarion79 Member Posts: 1,679 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    In all honesty, all I read from the OP and its subsequent posts in various topics is Cryptic sucks poor me.
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