Well the Atrox is a true carrier with 2 hangars while the Vesta is something of a flight deck science vessel with only one. The vesta has quite a lot of functions and is incredibly versatile.
Atrox low turn rate high hull nice shields 3 for and 3 aft weapons 2 tactics BO funtions 2 hangers
vesta medium turn rate low hull high shields has sensor scan 3 for 3 after weapons. If you spend 50 dollars can use all aux for main dps, if not normal sciencs that can equip dual cannons. 3 different BO lay outs/console. 1 hanger
heavy escort carrier low hull low shields great turn rate 4 for 3 aft weapons 1 hanger.
atrox can take a hit and keep ticking
vesta nice shields nice dps for science ship
HEC can put out dps but tends to pop when a gate gets angry.
Best carrier though would be either Voquv or karfi
...Darn, I came in here to post that and you beat me too it. Red side still has the best full carriers.
I have KDF characters that fly both the Vo'Quv and the Kar'fi, and I enjoy them. I am considering making a Fed toon and buying the Atrox (Thanks for the UGC cards, "Santa"! ). I really like the way the Atrox looks.
Near as I can tell, the Atrox and Vo'Quv have nearly identical stats [*]. If anything the Atrox has more crew and shields. So, besides "Red Loyalty" - What's the difference between the Vo'Quv and the Atrox that makes the former better?
[* Edit: I am wrong on the stats being the same, as pointed out below.]
You can find/contact me in game as @PatricianVetinari. Playing STO since Feb 2010.
What's the difference between the Vo'Quv and the Atrox that makes the former better?
B'rolth Bird of Prey. </thread>
Though, Vo'quv moves one boff slot from science to tactical. This gives you enough for tactical team, attack pattern beta, AND an attack modifier of your choice. It's a much more flexible design than is readily apparent.
It really is an outstanding ship, as evidenced by the number of them flying around.
I have KDF characters that fly both the Vo'Quv and the Kar'fi, and I enjoy them. I am considering making a Fed toon and buying the Atrox (Thanks for the UGC cards, "Santa"! ). I really like the way the Atrox looks.
Near as I can tell, the Atrox and Vo'Quv have nearly identical stats. If anything the Atrox has more crew and shields. So, besides "Red Loyalty" - What's the difference between the Vo'Quv and the Atrox that makes the former better?
Voquv has 4000 crew, Atrox has 2500. Voquv boff layout is Lt Cmdr Tac, Lt Cmdr Eng, Cmdr Sci, Lt Sci. Atrox boff layout is slightly different, it gets Lt Tac and Lt Cmdr sci instead. I prefer Voquv due to the boff layout and better pets, the Bird of Prey refits are great. Other then that the rest of the stats for both ships are the same.
Thanks for the replies Momaw and Marc8219. I was looking at the stats wrong when comparing them... For some reason I was getting the console layout confused for BO layout and was thinking they were the same (when obviously the BO slots are different). My bad.
You can find/contact me in game as @PatricianVetinari. Playing STO since Feb 2010.
I just got $25 dollars to spend on this game. I was going to get an Atrox, but I was wondering about the Vesta. Which one is better?
neither. they are two totally different ships, with hangar bays
the vesta is more mobile, can act like an escort, and can be used as a full on sci ship (aka versitile), so for most players that ship would be more suitable, if they do not really know what they want
the artox is quite good too, it reminds me of a big truck, indestructible, but you need to learn how to control it. I would say its harder to fly an artox than a vesta.
as the vesta is my favourite ship in the game (it suits my playstyle perfectly), I would say try one of the vestas, but only if you had some love for science or crowd control
Kar'fi is the best carrier, hands down, and deserves a Tac captain if you have the chops to keep it alive and fly offensively. The only thing keeping it from ruling the world is the ability to double up on Aux2Batt.
The Atrox and the Vo'Quv are bricks. The are both a good fit for Eng captains.
The Vesta is a cash grab ship (that I'm saving up for ) that can do anything, and happens to have a hangar bay. It turns well enough for a Sci and can bring the dps well enough to suit a Tac.
_______________ CommanderDonatra@Capt.Sisko: ahhh is it supposed to do that? Norvo Tigan@dontdrunkimshoot: hell ya, maybe
Well the only actual carrier you mentioned there is a Flying Litter box. Other one is not a real carrier.
So my suggestion is Fleet Escort Carrier!
Other than that I might be tempted to get the Tholian carrier. Then again I'm use to klingon carriers, and to me the Atrox one horribad carrier compaired to those.
I have KDF characters that fly both the Vo'Quv and the Kar'fi, and I enjoy them. I am considering making a Fed toon and buying the Atrox (Thanks for the UGC cards, "Santa"! ). I really like the way the Atrox looks.
Near as I can tell, the Atrox and Vo'Quv have nearly identical stats [*]. If anything the Atrox has more crew and shields. So, besides "Red Loyalty" - What's the difference between the Vo'Quv and the Atrox that makes the former better?
Thanks for the replies Momaw and Marc8219. I was looking at the stats wrong when comparing them...
As a carrier, you pay a lot of mobility and weaponry to get your hangar bays. Your hangars, and by extension the things you can put IN them, are integral to what makes a carrier. That's why I said "B'rolths" and I meant it: This is the single greatest selling point of the Vo'quv. These are tough, high damage pets that will completely own in PVE. The KDF also has access to Slavers (steals loot from enemies) and Siphon Drones. The KDF has a better selection of pets, and the Vo'quv's exclusive pets in particular are absolutely outstanding.
If you must have a carrier on Federation side, get a Recluse. It lacks the awesome pets, but it's a fortress of a ship and very flexible with its universal Commander.
If you want the best carrier in the game, go to the dark si..... I mean, roll a KDF toon. You can get the Vo'quv for dilithium, and the Karfi is only $20. Also consider this, do you really want to fly a ship that looks like a TRIBBLE?
STO Forum member since before February 2010. STO Academy's excellent skill planner here: Link I actually avoid success entirely. It doesn't get me what I want, and the consequences for failure are slim. -- markhawman
lol so I'm assuming you guys are the type that assume capitol buildings look like breast, the Pentagon is an **** and the Washington monument is a TRIBBLE correct?
if it was a vibe, i am pretty sure it wouldn't do much pleasure unless you're into pain, the awkward shape alone would be painful, but players have to associate something with something else to make it make sense.
But anywho back to the OP, A better question would have been what is the best FED carrier and the answer would be the HEC. With so many players running two BFaW's (A natural neutralizer of carriers, might as well call it an active denual system, than carriers become utterly useless no matter how many pets she puts out) Atleast with the hec you can forgo the pets and jump into the fray and duke it out with the best of them. And the tac slot is far from useless, you can toss in a TT, a HY or a torp spread and make good use of it. I personally don't like it because if it was ensign you'd be a stronger weapon and if it was sci youd have more versatility but it's far from useless in the right hands.
lol so I'm assuming you guys are the type that assume capitol buildings look like breast, the Pentagon is an **** and the Washington monument is a TRIBBLE correct?
lol - don't make me post comparison pictures.:eek:
STO Forum member since before February 2010. STO Academy's excellent skill planner here: Link I actually avoid success entirely. It doesn't get me what I want, and the consequences for failure are slim. -- markhawman
You can buy an Energy Credit Cap Increase for 500 Zen as a F2P player and have 1 Billion EC as your limit, instead of 10 Mil.
Also consider barter. Things like fleet ship modules, contraband, keys, unreplicable materials, alien artifacts, and rare doffs are extremely valuable and can be used instead of EC for high end purchases if you find somebody willing to barter.
well, you're not going to get a natural carrier for cheap it's just not going to happen, the carrier are valued by some people and they will not be undersold and have no problem with price gauging you with a smile.
But as we all know any and all ships can technically carry fighter pets so if you are not willing to pay the price of a true carrier then simply add a fighter to you ships devices and fly like that. it won't be like a carrier but it will give you some feelings of one
well, you're not going to get a natural carrier for cheap it's just not going to happen, the carrier are valued by some people and they will not be undersold and have no problem with price gauging you with a smile.
But as we all know any and all ships can technically carry fighter pets so if you are not willing to pay the price of a true carrier then simply add a fighter to you ships devices and fly like that. it won't be like a carrier but it will give you some feelings of one
It's not entirely fair to consider the fighter summon devices as true pets. They only last a minute or two and have a long cooldown, so no sane person who was not already flying a hangar-bearing ship would rely on them for damage and support.
ok so i posted earlier i have tested both atrox and voq'uv and ran a parse in ISE.
Both have exact same builds and same weapons layouts.
2 MK XII single cannons 1 MK XII beam array 3 MK XII turrets all polaron all borg.
I put The dilithium BoP hangers against the same level perigines. Both captians are engineers. My findings was that the voq'uv did 100 dps lower including the BoP. I ran full weapon power too. This was before i got the leach console and Assecon assimilators so might be a bit more dps on klingon after that. So for those who think BoP make the Voq'uv better havent tested them.
The Voq'uv however is better at grabbing agro as 2 tac slots can be set to cannon volley making the mobs all target you easier.
Recluse is nice if you can get one but to me the Atrox is nice for engineers. The Vesta best for sci officers but work great for those tac that like to disable mobs while dpsing. And the HEC is great if you just like escorts and want a hanger to help your dps, act as torpedo interceptors, or just shiney toys :P
For the Fed side, the true 2 hangar carrier selection is rather limited to only the Atrox as a bonafide Starfleet ship. Other than that, the lockbox JHDC and Recluse are it.
The Atrox is okay if you like a carrier that is tough and goes all in for SCI abilities. Hell, with the proper consoles and SCI BOFF selections, you can make this thing tough as nails with higher versions of PH, HE, and TSS.
The Atrox though I think is really limited on firepower. Of all the carriers in the game, it's TAC BOFF slot is by far the most limited, being only a Lt slot. To kind of help on that, you can try:
Lt TAC: FAW1, APB1 for clearing trash quickly. Or for a more focused attack while getting a boost, TT1, APB1.
Weapons: For PVE, you could go all in with Plasma Beam Arrays. Whether you go 4 or 6, is up to you if you want torps. Beam arrays are ideal because the ship turns terribly and turrets just don't do enough despite their 360 degree fire arcs, not to mention turrets, like cannons, damage dropoff with distance is noticeable.
TAC Consoles: Plasma Energy Weapon consoles x2
SCI Consoles: If you want to boost plasma energy weapon damage more, stack up on Plasma Infused SCI consoles from the Romulan Embassy. They give a % damage bonus to Plasma Energy Weapons.
As far as the Recluse goes, I can't give a straight opinion of it since I've never used it or examined it closely enough.
With the JHDC, it's a great carrier to use if you like using a true carrier that is surprisingly sturdy yet can dish out alot of firepower from the ship itself to complement the hangars. It is easily the most offensively minded carrier in the game with only the KDF Kar'Fi having a fair attempt in doing the same (which turns far better, too). My KDF ENG uses a JHDC, and this thing can be quite beastly if you set it up right.
*IF* you go the JHDC route, I must warn you: If you want the JHAS hangar units, which only the JHDC can use, you MUST also possess the JHAS playable ship. It's a stupid requirement and very, very, very, VERY expensive route if you insist on this unique "frigate" to the JHDC and you do not already possess the JHAS.
If you are living in the lap of luxury and possess all 3 JH ships, the JHDC coupled with the JHAS hangar units and both Dominion consoles that come with the JHDC and JHEC is a nice ride. It's also the equivalent of running around town in an ultra expensive, exotic car :P
P.S. - If you do go the JHDC route, please, of all things that are sane in building a sturdy ship, do not use the Jem'Hadar space set. Not even the Mk XII version. Your JHDC will noticeably be alot more fragile. This even becomes more prevalent if you go into Elite STFs. This set is not built to make a ship tough. If anything, the set is best for Escorts going for polarons with an emphasis on a build that focuses on flow capacitors and gravitons. Does nothing to boost up defenses or toughness.
vesta medium turn rate low hull high shields has sensor scan 3 for 3 after weapons. If you spend 50 dollars can use all aux for main dps, if not normal sciencs that can equip dual cannons. 3 different BO lay outs/console. 1 hanger
heavy escort carrier low hull low shields great turn rate 4 for 3 aft weapons 1 hanger.
atrox can take a hit and keep ticking
vesta nice shields nice dps for science ship
HEC can put out dps but tends to pop when a gate gets angry.
Best carrier though would be either Voquv or karfi
If you buy just one, you can dismiss and reclaim while pulling off the Aux cannons and have a set of three.
Darn, I came in here to post that and you beat me too it. Red side still has the best full carriers.
Near as I can tell, the Atrox and Vo'Quv have nearly identical stats [*]. If anything the Atrox has more crew and shields. So, besides "Red Loyalty" - What's the difference between the Vo'Quv and the Atrox that makes the former better?
[* Edit: I am wrong on the stats being the same, as pointed out below.]
You can find/contact me in game as @PatricianVetinari. Playing STO since Feb 2010.
B'rolth Bird of Prey. </thread>
Though, Vo'quv moves one boff slot from science to tactical. This gives you enough for tactical team, attack pattern beta, AND an attack modifier of your choice. It's a much more flexible design than is readily apparent.
It really is an outstanding ship, as evidenced by the number of them flying around.
Voquv has 4000 crew, Atrox has 2500. Voquv boff layout is Lt Cmdr Tac, Lt Cmdr Eng, Cmdr Sci, Lt Sci. Atrox boff layout is slightly different, it gets Lt Tac and Lt Cmdr sci instead. I prefer Voquv due to the boff layout and better pets, the Bird of Prey refits are great. Other then that the rest of the stats for both ships are the same.
You can find/contact me in game as @PatricianVetinari. Playing STO since Feb 2010.
neither. they are two totally different ships, with hangar bays
the vesta is more mobile, can act like an escort, and can be used as a full on sci ship (aka versitile), so for most players that ship would be more suitable, if they do not really know what they want
the artox is quite good too, it reminds me of a big truck, indestructible, but you need to learn how to control it. I would say its harder to fly an artox than a vesta.
as the vesta is my favourite ship in the game (it suits my playstyle perfectly), I would say try one of the vestas, but only if you had some love for science or crowd control
10k DPS Vesta threads: 1; 2
The Atrox and the Vo'Quv are bricks. The are both a good fit for Eng captains.
The Vesta is a cash grab ship (that I'm saving up for ) that can do anything, and happens to have a hangar bay. It turns well enough for a Sci and can bring the dps well enough to suit a Tac.
CommanderDonatra@Capt.Sisko: ahhh is it supposed to do that?
Norvo Tigan@dontdrunkimshoot: hell ya, maybe
So my suggestion is Fleet Escort Carrier!
Other than that I might be tempted to get the Tholian carrier. Then again I'm use to klingon carriers, and to me the Atrox one horribad carrier compaired to those.
Siphon Drones.
As a carrier, you pay a lot of mobility and weaponry to get your hangar bays. Your hangars, and by extension the things you can put IN them, are integral to what makes a carrier. That's why I said "B'rolths" and I meant it: This is the single greatest selling point of the Vo'quv. These are tough, high damage pets that will completely own in PVE. The KDF also has access to Slavers (steals loot from enemies) and Siphon Drones. The KDF has a better selection of pets, and the Vo'quv's exclusive pets in particular are absolutely outstanding.
If you must have a carrier on Federation side, get a Recluse. It lacks the awesome pets, but it's a fortress of a ship and very flexible with its universal Commander.
STO Forum member since before February 2010.
STO Academy's excellent skill planner here: Link
I actually avoid success entirely. It doesn't get me what I want, and the consequences for failure are slim. -- markhawman
if it was a vibe, i am pretty sure it wouldn't do much pleasure unless you're into pain, the awkward shape alone would be painful, but players have to associate something with something else to make it make sense.
But anywho back to the OP, A better question would have been what is the best FED carrier and the answer would be the HEC. With so many players running two BFaW's (A natural neutralizer of carriers, might as well call it an active denual system, than carriers become utterly useless no matter how many pets she puts out) Atleast with the hec you can forgo the pets and jump into the fray and duke it out with the best of them. And the tac slot is far from useless, you can toss in a TT, a HY or a torp spread and make good use of it. I personally don't like it because if it was ensign you'd be a stronger weapon and if it was sci youd have more versatility but it's far from useless in the right hands.
lol - don't make me post comparison pictures.:eek:
STO Forum member since before February 2010.
STO Academy's excellent skill planner here: Link
I actually avoid success entirely. It doesn't get me what I want, and the consequences for failure are slim. -- markhawman
You can buy an Energy Credit Cap Increase for 500 Zen as a F2P player and have 1 Billion EC as your limit, instead of 10 Mil.
Also consider barter. Things like fleet ship modules, contraband, keys, unreplicable materials, alien artifacts, and rare doffs are extremely valuable and can be used instead of EC for high end purchases if you find somebody willing to barter.
Exchange some dilithium for zen and buy the EC cap increase. Zen is at its lowest price in about a year, now's the time to do it.
But as we all know any and all ships can technically carry fighter pets so if you are not willing to pay the price of a true carrier then simply add a fighter to you ships devices and fly like that. it won't be like a carrier but it will give you some feelings of one
It's not entirely fair to consider the fighter summon devices as true pets. They only last a minute or two and have a long cooldown, so no sane person who was not already flying a hangar-bearing ship would rely on them for damage and support.
Recluse >> Atrox
My builds are somewhere here on the forums too
Both have exact same builds and same weapons layouts.
2 MK XII single cannons 1 MK XII beam array 3 MK XII turrets all polaron all borg.
I put The dilithium BoP hangers against the same level perigines. Both captians are engineers. My findings was that the voq'uv did 100 dps lower including the BoP. I ran full weapon power too. This was before i got the leach console and Assecon assimilators so might be a bit more dps on klingon after that. So for those who think BoP make the Voq'uv better havent tested them.
The Voq'uv however is better at grabbing agro as 2 tac slots can be set to cannon volley making the mobs all target you easier.
Recluse is nice if you can get one but to me the Atrox is nice for engineers. The Vesta best for sci officers but work great for those tac that like to disable mobs while dpsing. And the HEC is great if you just like escorts and want a hanger to help your dps, act as torpedo interceptors, or just shiney toys :P
The Recluse is set up more like a science ship, stronger shields, more science consoles, only 2 tac consoles.
If you like to do science tricks, the Recluse is for you, if you like "all in" fighting with no tricks and few repair powers, the JHDC is for you.
They are both good ships, just depends on your play style.
I would say Science officer go Recluse, Engineer either, and Tac go JHDC, that being said, My science has a JHDC, and I love it.
The Atrox is okay if you like a carrier that is tough and goes all in for SCI abilities. Hell, with the proper consoles and SCI BOFF selections, you can make this thing tough as nails with higher versions of PH, HE, and TSS.
The Atrox though I think is really limited on firepower. Of all the carriers in the game, it's TAC BOFF slot is by far the most limited, being only a Lt slot. To kind of help on that, you can try:
Lt TAC: FAW1, APB1 for clearing trash quickly. Or for a more focused attack while getting a boost, TT1, APB1.
Weapons: For PVE, you could go all in with Plasma Beam Arrays. Whether you go 4 or 6, is up to you if you want torps. Beam arrays are ideal because the ship turns terribly and turrets just don't do enough despite their 360 degree fire arcs, not to mention turrets, like cannons, damage dropoff with distance is noticeable.
TAC Consoles: Plasma Energy Weapon consoles x2
SCI Consoles: If you want to boost plasma energy weapon damage more, stack up on Plasma Infused SCI consoles from the Romulan Embassy. They give a % damage bonus to Plasma Energy Weapons.
As far as the Recluse goes, I can't give a straight opinion of it since I've never used it or examined it closely enough.
With the JHDC, it's a great carrier to use if you like using a true carrier that is surprisingly sturdy yet can dish out alot of firepower from the ship itself to complement the hangars. It is easily the most offensively minded carrier in the game with only the KDF Kar'Fi having a fair attempt in doing the same (which turns far better, too). My KDF ENG uses a JHDC, and this thing can be quite beastly if you set it up right.
*IF* you go the JHDC route, I must warn you: If you want the JHAS hangar units, which only the JHDC can use, you MUST also possess the JHAS playable ship. It's a stupid requirement and very, very, very, VERY expensive route if you insist on this unique "frigate" to the JHDC and you do not already possess the JHAS.
If you are living in the lap of luxury and possess all 3 JH ships, the JHDC coupled with the JHAS hangar units and both Dominion consoles that come with the JHDC and JHEC is a nice ride. It's also the equivalent of running around town in an ultra expensive, exotic car :P
P.S. - If you do go the JHDC route, please, of all things that are sane in building a sturdy ship, do not use the Jem'Hadar space set. Not even the Mk XII version. Your JHDC will noticeably be alot more fragile. This even becomes more prevalent if you go into Elite STFs. This set is not built to make a ship tough. If anything, the set is best for Escorts going for polarons with an emphasis on a build that focuses on flow capacitors and gravitons. Does nothing to boost up defenses or toughness.