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jelly0jelly0 Member Posts: 560 Arc User
Who is in charge of this channel.
Post edited by jelly0 on


  • gfreeman98gfreeman98 Member Posts: 1,200 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Not sure, but for every guy that "breaks the rules" by posting a non-call (e.g. question or comment, etc.), there will be 3 or 4 guys telling him how the channel is not for questions or comments... which of course are comments in themselves and they are thus breaking the same rule... LOL
  • jelly0jelly0 Member Posts: 560 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Tell me about it, some guy said a mission wasnt available when he went there for editing purposes then I informed him he had to be a certain level to see it he then redacted his comment so it wasnt removed and got sarcastic comment so I told him to chill the **** out he just made an error and redacted it.

    He then started PMing me whilst having me on ignore which is BS if your ignoring someone you shouldnt be able to pm them so I replied to him in the channel then I got muted.
  • gfreeman98gfreeman98 Member Posts: 1,200 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    meh - I just don't post there*. Problem solved.

    *I posted once when I finally found 'Asylum on Andoria' - which is very rare. No feedback positive or negative so I don't know if it did anybody else any good.
  • robdmcrobdmc Member Posts: 1,619 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Zerobang would probably know.
  • skurfskurf Member Posts: 1,071 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    This is all very interesting.
  • poiuylkjhg09876poiuylkjhg09876 Member Posts: 20 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Wow, these are some fascinating points of view but allow me to correct you each in turn. First let me state i am a loyal user and fan of doffcalls as well as a protector but i am NOT a part of the editing group in anyway or moderators.

    1st point "*I posted once when I finally found 'Asylum on Andoria' - which is very rare. No feedback positive or negative so I don't know if it did anybody else any good."

    If you ever use the Sto wiki one of the largest informative resources, the thing people do to educate themselves, they will explain to you that doffcalls is for calls only, the last half of the name is a hint hint. Did you want feedback to say thx, added chatter? NO your call was made well and left no doubt. Now if you need a pat on the back or someone to hold your hand while making a contribution to the community fair enough.

    2nd point "Tell me about it, some guy said a mission wasnt available when he went there for editing purposes then I informed him he had to be a certain level to see it he then redacted his comment so it wasnt removed and got sarcastic comment so I told him to chill the **** out he just made an error and redacted it.

    He then started PMing me whilst having me on ignore which is BS if your ignoring someone you shouldnt be able to pm them so I replied to him in the channel then I got muted. "

    While you poor syntax clearly english is not your first language, makes it somewhat challenging to interpret your meaning clearly (i have less trouble communicating with 2 year olds who talk unclearly and i barely understand any of them, cute tho). This sounds like you almost have a point he way you portray this encounter but your words simply make no clear sense. I however take serious issue with the clearly printed and stated part of the PM'ing. 1 i find it strange that the second part is written with such proper and clear syntax while the first is misworded and unclear.
    It shows a disparity that in mind makes it likely that u are somewhat altering what really happened with your "on the fly" re-writes" in your angry post mind yet in the end you don't make any point clearly. IOW i think u exaggerate here and i won't address it accept to say some people give and volunteer and support the channel with their time to help the community and "others" just make work for them and break rules so i can imagine a dofffcalls moderator quickly going insane with the infinte number of fools who can't follow simple rules. This leads into my next point.
    Him private messaging you was to keep the channel as clear as possible. The chat buffers don't last for long and spam of any sort or extaaneous communications of redundant repeated calls are a waste, and a hinderence to the mission goal of the channel. (frankly i just ignore people too now cause when i try to explain the channel rules and why they are, the majority act respond or behave the same way they do intitially with a lack of understanding, appreciation, and respect for rules, peoples time and effort, and the benefit the channel gives for those who understand its infinite awesomeness.

    point 3 Not sure, but for every guy that "breaks the rules" by posting a non-call (e.g. question or comment, etc.), there will be 3 or 4 guys telling him how the channel is not for questions or comments... which of course are comments in themselves and they are thus breaking the same rule... LOL

    Yes i see this happen often, these responders are simply overeager new members who don't fully comprehend this point which is the only good one in the thread that doesn't need to be put down like old yeller. Anything other than a call should be private messaged or communicated in doffjobs the sister channel to doffcalls.

    Taken from stowiki channel descriptions.

    DOFFCalls This channel is the complement to DOFFJobs and is used by bit.ly/DOFFS spreadsheet editors. It is strictly moderated and should be only used for assignment callouts.

    DOFFJobs The DOFFJOBS Channel was developed to help captains with the Duty Officer content. The primary function of the channel was to coordinate efforts in finding DOff Missions, but due to its unmoderated[2] nature it is now a place for DOffing advice and chatter.

    doffjobs is what will happen to doffcalls, it will be taken over by chatty trolls and needy types who are here for the social a lot more than the game. FAIR but go find a social channel for socializing or use doffjobs, it has already been ruined and to me is unusable but only because it has 95% pointless and unreleated to doff stuff in anyway random spam and chat. So even if you want to use it you generally can't b/c its soo full, think old ds9 zone chat or ESD or Qo'nos or some other major zone with endless spam. It's pretty fast moving in my experience so i unchecked it long ago and never looked back.

    Point 4 I LOVE DOFFCALLS, i love the people who support moderate and maintain it. It has been a great resource for bringing my game to a top tier level of play and i use the spreadsheet as well. I have nothing but respect for people who give openly and share, these are the kind of groups i love. Not the greedy, entitled whiny brats who can't see beyond themselves and take the easy path of simply griping. It is our own responsibility in life to do due diligence in controlling our behaviour to get the results we want to educate ourselves to acheive goals. IF you don't do this aren't ready for this or don't believe in such a creed, you won't be missed and are about99% likely already on my ignore list cause i don't have endless time to help you.
    Most of all remember when you think about the easiest option for someone to handle chatter in doffcalls is simply to ignore them.
    This post is a genuine attempt to educate you and share the proper perspective on the channels.
  • poiuylkjhg09876poiuylkjhg09876 Member Posts: 20 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Dear Jelly0 i reread you statement of poorly syntaxed words. Now i understand what the issue was in your encounter. When you began to discuss and disagree after making the intital call i bet you just got real chatty and spammy and wall of texty in doffcalls... so at some "magical" point said moderator or editor decided to simply ignore you and do the right thing by getting his chat off the channel so posts that should be there stay longer. Now while i believe that you made a call and ... wait for it... yes a human being made a mistake in the infintely complex doff system, which you and others like to compound by suddenly starting the discussion about it in the doffcalls instead of attempting to pm it b/c trying to take it to doffjobs where it should go is a waste of time and patience.

    So i greatly appreciate and support that you were contributing to the channel, but when the discussion over details prob went on in the doffcalls channel, then you crossed into wrongsville.

    Life is about mistakes and learning and moving forward making progress. Don't underestimate the potential of this channel if properly used to improve your game.
  • jelly0jelly0 Member Posts: 560 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    So i greatly appreciate and support that you were contributing to the channel, but when the discussion over details prob went on in the doffcalls channel, then you crossed into wrongsville.

    Life is about mistakes and learning and moving forward making progress. Don't underestimate the potential of this channel if properly used to improve your game.

    First of all I wasnt contributing

    Also I dont get what was so hard to understand.

    Person 1 made a claim then redacted the comment after I told him in a private message he had to be level 40. He redacted the comment afterwards so it wasnt taken off the sheet.

    Person 2 being a **** starting having a go saying not to chat.

    Person 3 (me) told him to chill he made a mistake saying a mission wasnt in a certain location then took the statement back so it wasnt removed from the sheet then I start getting abuse from someone who had me on ignore yeah nice one.
  • poiuylkjhg09876poiuylkjhg09876 Member Posts: 20 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Well i can see where this conversation will go and i choose not to go there, but if you look up the defintion of the word contributing it fits the act you made a contribution by correction. So forum pwned by yourself. Also there is a great deal of different and better written details in your second post which is far easier to interepret. For instance you add a great deal of detail for clarity about exactly what you did neatly and orderly saying "i don't see whats soo hard to understand?" well... clearly u don't see it. There is a difference. counter post as you like. I'm done the point is moot the info was lacking the detail was poor and the summation of your contribution to the thread is that someone who "moderates a channel" gives his own time and prob deals for hours at atime with all kinds of numbnuttery got a little mad or uneven. I can't even imagine someone doing that. maybe if u don't contribute its easier to be an elitest in theory and not by practice.
    WE clearly see differently and exp tells me we will continue to do so. nuffsaid
  • lord7tareqlord7tareq Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
  • smokeybacon90smokeybacon90 Member Posts: 2,252 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Actually this thread is quite similar to the usual tone of conversation in Doffjobs.
  • fraghul2000fraghul2000 Member Posts: 1,590 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Dear Jelly0 i reread you statement of poorly syntaxed words.

    People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.

    After working through both of your posts, it seems that you really shouldn't be criticising other people's writing skills.
  • poiuylkjhg09876poiuylkjhg09876 Member Posts: 20 Arc User
    edited May 2013

    People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.

    After working through both of your posts, it seems that you really shouldn't be criticising other people's writing skills.

    Gee, Sry i didn't waste enough of my precious time on formatting, it was my highest priority. Smells like troll all of a sudden up in here anyways or at least the stench of someone with "worth-less" time. Your grammar and writing style is still 10th grade at best that puts u two grades above the national average so don't get excited. I have an english degree and when i choose to employ it for worthwhile matters i do. People who live in cardboard boxes shouldn't start fires. If you wanted to imprss me your syntax would have been flawless instead it is only critical. I have over 6 college level english courses under my belt. I don't feel called upon to employ all the skills or waste of time on forums, forums are generally filled with narcissitic debaters who only want to be right and to argue for the sake of winning. a much smaller percent use them as intended. This is why i don't spend even the smallest fraction of my online time posting in forums. Expect to not see me post ever again.

    People who point phasers should check the charge first.
  • jelly0jelly0 Member Posts: 560 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Gee, Sry i didn't waste enough of my precious time on formatting, it was my highest priority. Smells like troll all of a sudden up in here anyways or at least the stench of someone with "worth-less" time.

    PLEASE tell me you see the irony of this statement.

    I would however like to add that for someone with as you said
    I have an english degree

    I have over 6 college level english courses under my belt.

    You sure do like your wall of text.

    For someone that decided to nit pick at my post you sure do not like it when someone does it to you.
  • shar487ashar487a Member Posts: 1,292 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Never heard of DOFFCALL before... I use DOFFJOBS instead.
  • coryb77coryb77 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Expect to not see me post ever again.

  • gfreeman98gfreeman98 Member Posts: 1,200 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    LOL. :D

  • lord7tareqlord7tareq Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    forums are generally filled with narcissitic debaters who only want to be right and to argue for the sake of winning. a much smaller percent use them as intended. This is why i don't spend even the smallest fraction of my online time posting in forums.

    I hope you see the irony of those sentences.:D
  • otcwyrmsfireotcwyrmsfire Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Well i learned a little about doffcalls, i learned a lot more about social disorders. Seems to me there are a few trolls in this thread already. Grape jello actually attempted debate and used counter's to that poi whatever guys posts. Then there are like dozens of trolls coming out of the woodworks around 4 actual posters.
    I know the kids or mental deficients or shut ins or whatever weirdness makes trolls think they are winning with short snide remarks and ignoring actual points of contension. But you're not. Don't let me shatter the bubble that insulates you from reality though. I suspect it keeps most of you passably sane on the surface. After all those who can't PLAY, POST.

    K ur right trollin is fun and addictive. If any of you were that awesome there would be pvp challenges and i would be invited to fraps it for the youtube. You know, dueling like men. Or kids and girls whatever u happen to be ac/dc ya know. whatev's. I give this thread 3 stars out of 5.

    Best post of all is the lord tareq guy who has the ego and (aka spectrum of narscisim and even sociopathic orientation) stating i hope u see the irony in ur statement. I see the irony but I think i see different irony than you do. =p XDDD srsly dude Lord master general captain, if u need a title i can think of a few myself. kk g2g

    srsly consider the pvp challenge thing i said let's see some manning up or at least some real quality debates of intellect instead of silly 6th grade playground behaviour. keep the 2 cents
  • olmacdonaldolmacdonald Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Trolls! You call THAT TROLLS? If those guys are trolling they barely count as rooks. Love the way you called em out otcwyrm, too many fools just want to put there words out there just to hear themselves talk and imagine someone significant will hear them as an ego booster. See it all the time in EVE public forums but i never participate in those when it's all fluff anyways.

    You guys should do the pvp thing, that's a brilliant solution and reply posts if it actually happens so we can see who is all talk and who can back up their words. Plus I'm bored and interested.

    I actually got directed to this thread by a pvp search from google, guess what i want to do too? Probability of weak trollies engaging in the real interactive game and winning are probably not that good based on what i have seen in this thread.

    I love that last post was the funniest, i see what you mean about those weird players who lust for title like ,refuse maintainance enginee. but title or not garbage stinks in the sun. Kinda like having the queen of england mock someones statement on powerless figureheads.

    P.S. I AM game for pvp, nothing to prove here, already confident, i just like to watch you go boom then taste your salty tears as you run out of your room to momma.
  • gfreeman98gfreeman98 Member Posts: 1,200 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    This thread is getting more and more like the channel to which it refers by the minute!

    P.S. If anyone wants to PvP me, I'll use my Klink.
    I get Dilithium for killing you, I get Dilithium if you kill me = I win. :p
  • turninwyrm27turninwyrm27 Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    lol, well this post is fast going off-topic. most of you seem to be idiots to me, nothing personal just a random unsolicited opinion which seems to be the order of the thread.

    YES freeman, if i kill you in pvp you WILL be making lots of dilithium and winning big because u will be dying fast and frequently. otherwise in general pvp is a lame way to make dilithium per time invested. But as long as you have fun at it thats the most important thing.

    DON"T insult doffcalls, the channel is fine it's just there is a growing number of people who don't know how to behave socially that seem to influx into that channel recently and can't shutup about nonsensical non-calls. (dropped as babies 2many times)

    I remember when that happened to elitestf channel last year, there was an explosion in word of mouth about the channel. Next thing you know half my "elitestf" channel players i was picking up were disrespectful kids, making people wait all day on bs before drops, not having a clue, being unwilling to listen or to follow and inform themselves of closed channels rules.

    Here is what it boils down to, there are mature adult types who don't have time for anymore BS and there are the more youthful infantile types who just cry about any injustice or insult.

    The channel i also use and it is a service. So i kind of picture most of the posters here as the type of people without respect. The kind of people who leave frozen food on the diaper isle at the store b/c they are too lazy to fix their mistakes. Who can't see that they will pay more in the end along with everyone for this behaviour affecting store profitability margins.

    But you don't mind you will drag down something and move to the next competitor u haven't ruined who can still afford to undercut ur old store. Here is an idea why don't you guys realize the world doesn't OWE you anything. You earn what you have and not with tears, and hand-outs. What is this an occupy STO movement going on? Are you guys like Professional two year olds? Funny how when real words are spoken and adults and intellectuals come out to speak the kids and trolls all go silent with even less to say.

    This thread has all the maturity of a kids game like WOW except for like 3 or 4 posters. I only wish some of us were on opposite sides of view so we could have a challenge in debate and not excercise in futility, such as trying to maturate resistant infants. Just sayin-
  • poiuylkjhg09876poiuylkjhg09876 Member Posts: 20 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    W00t finally some people like me in the thread, ill pvp with ya otcw or whoever really but mostly those who were brave, i suspect that if i win it will be fun for me and an oppurtunity to learn if you win i can learn from you, dilithium is just the bonus. Mostly i hope we have a good and even match for those are always the funnest challenges, shoot me an email or friend req or whatever im always game for queues or 1vs1's :cool: but in the arena of pvp im pretty much in the upper middle of the skill spectrum P.S. i utilize keybinds but not macros and am flexible with either or turning them off. Holla
  • toonameowttoonameowt Member Posts: 25 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Gee, Sry i didn't waste enough of my precious time on formatting, it was my highest priority.

    You also didn't 'waste' much of your time on grammar, syntax, usage, spelling or punctuation. With so little of your time available for such fripperies when posting, perhaps you should go a step farther and also find yourself without time for actually posting. :rolleyes:

    This is why i don't spend even the smallest fraction of my online time posting in forums. Expect to not see me post ever again.

    Is that supposed to be a promise or a threat? I ask because I can assure you that it's not actually coming across as a threat. :D

    People who point phasers should check the charge first.

    Physician, heal thyself. :cool:
  • poiuylkjhg09876poiuylkjhg09876 Member Posts: 20 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    toonameowt wrote: »
    You also didn't 'waste' much of your time on grammar, syntax, usage, spelling or punctuation. With so little of your time available for such fripperies when posting, perhaps you should go a step farther and also find yourself without time for actually posting. :rolleyes:

    Is that supposed to be a promise or a threat? I ask because I can assure you that it's not actually coming across as a threat. :D

    Physician, heal thyself. :cool:

    LOL nice troll toll bub, however, YOUR WORDING, is pathetic. I see you are yet another who is all talk no pvp challenge? Let's see if i follow your post correctly, it reads like this "talk talk talk talk talk run hide under troll bridge" Way to step up like a champ.
    You have nothing to fear but me and everything else. You really should try pvp though if you suck at sto they will turn over fast and be very productive on dilithium if you are good it will be even more fun and lucrative. I like that you choose fail. Says mountains about you.
  • toonameowttoonameowt Member Posts: 25 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    LOL nice troll toll bub, however, YOUR WORDING, is pathetic.

    That's two comma splices and at least once instance each of missing punctuation and nonstandard usage. You've got a degree in English like I'm the King of England. :rolleyes:
    "I see you are yet another who is all talk no pvp challenge?"

    And I see that you're a childish braggart who, when called on his demonstrably false claims of higher education, runs and hides behind PvP challenges. I don't care what your PvP skill level is, as I've only commented on your glaringly obvious lack of English usage skills. Given that, you'd be well-advised not to deride the English usage skills of others. :cool:
    "You have nothing to fear"

    I certainly don't. :)
    "You really should try pvp"

    You really should try Remedial English.
    "I like that you choose fail. Says mountains about you."

    I like that you choose to make up spurious claims about your education; it makes your claims of PvP godliness even more suspect. And both say mountains about *you.* :D
  • kyias1kyias1 Member Posts: 98 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    LOL nice troll toll bub, however, YOUR WORDING, is pathetic. I see you are yet another who is all talk no pvp challenge? Let's see if i follow your post correctly, it reads like this "talk talk talk talk talk run hide under troll bridge" Way to step up like a champ.
    You have nothing to fear but me and everything else. You really should try pvp though if you suck at sto they will turn over fast and be very productive on dilithium if you are good it will be even more fun and lucrative. I like that you choose fail. Says mountains about you.

    The only thing you have done since you began posting in this thread is to insult other people before making a point. That type of attitude does not make you look smart or even intelligent, it makes you look like a prick.

    I can to the thread to read about DOFFCALLS and I find a "protector" spending his time trying to act as if he is superior in some way, as if that type of attitude wouldn't get you smacked upside the head in real life so you do it on the internet.

    If you're an adult, act like one and treat others with a bit more respect. If you do, these same "trolls" would have done the same for you.
  • toonameowttoonameowt Member Posts: 25 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    kyias1 wrote: »
    If you're an adult, act like one and treat others with a bit more respect. If you do, these same "trolls" would have done the same for you.


    I have no idea how many college-level English courses Poiuy *actually* has under his belt, but given that I started teaching college-level English over 20 years ago, I can estimate with reasonable accuracy. And frankly, most of my 101 students have had far better command of the language than he's demonstrating in this thread.

    Pouiy, tuck your e-peen back into your pants and act like an adult. Barely-coherent rants and spittle-flecked bleatings of HULK SMASH aren't going to win you many friends or PvP opponents here.
  • obiwanjabroniobiwanjabroni Member Posts: 146 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    toonameowt wrote: »
    I'm the King of England.
    toonameowt wrote: »
    I started teaching college-level English over 20 years ago

    That's pretty awesome. I like when public figures give back to the community. I'd also say that makes you the most credible authority on the English language.

    What do I have to do to get knighted around here?

    I represent everything bad about internet forums.

    I pretty much started reading that statement over and over when I looked through your posts.

    Thanks for making my Monday morning procrastination coffee time enjoyable with this thread, everyone!
  • toonameowttoonameowt Member Posts: 25 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    That's pretty awesome. I like when public figures give back to the community. I'd also say that makes you the most credible authority on the English language.

    Snicker. :D

    Seriously, I don't care if anyone sees me as an authority on the language or not. It just irritates the living daylights out of me when barely-coherent jabberers like poiuy (who seem to apply punctuation from a salt shaker) hold themselves out as such.

    What do I have to do to get knighted around here?

    Gosh, I suppose you could defeat some unwashed Gauls and plunder their villages. Do you need a squire before you get started? I think poiuy might be available. :cool:
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