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Official Legacy of Romulus 'In Shadows' Arc Feedback Thread



  • purplegamerpurplegamer Member Posts: 1,015 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Just wanted to say that the reference to Les Mis didn't go unnoticed. Brilliant.
  • sabrevt1100sabrevt1100 Member Posts: 83 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I just finished out the arc as far as it goes. I'm impressed. Story has been enjoyable. With the exception of lag issues a couple of times it's been fun. Backstory overall was good. The only gripe I have is the Radiant Plasma Torp. I liked it. Good job so far devs. Looking forward to it going live.
    "Bite Me! It's Fun." - Crow T. Robot
  • rtk142rtk142 Member Posts: 613 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Tovan Kev's voiceover is great, and the help dialog is a decent imitation of Majel Barrett, but Avrak sounds like Al Yankovic voicing a Ferengi. I don't know if that's what you were going for with it, but it sounds a bit weird coming from a Romulan.
    Let us upgrade the Seleya Ceremonial Lirpa and Kri'stak Blade
  • unclespankyunclespanky Member Posts: 29 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    After beaming to the surface, Vrimek never appeared for me to talk to him. This worked properly on my KDF aligned character, but my Fed guy can't make Vrimek come out to play.

    . . . Maybe Vrimek finally knows how this episode ends. . .
  • tyroidtyroid Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    1. Hakeev is MIA from the Interrogation Room during the custscene after zoning in.
    2. Uniform forcibly changed to Tal Shiar uiform.
  • lordinsanelordinsane Member Posts: 274 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    tyroid wrote: »
    1. Uniform forcibly changed to Tal Shiar uiform.
    Almost certainly deliberate. And not an issue: it works like Temporal Ambassador, you get back your old uniform after finishing the mission.
  • toivatoiva Member Posts: 3,276 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Didn't read through all of the feedback here, so someone may have brought this up already.

    When trying to replay "Enemy Action" and "Sleepers", this blank contact appears. Not letting me actually replay them. All other missions in this arc seem to work in that respect.

    Oh, and btw: "Mind Game" is just great. "There are four lights!"
    TOIVA, Toi Vaxx, Toia Vix, Toveg, T'vritha, To Vrax: Bring in the Allegiance class.
    Toi'Va, Ti'vath, Toivia, Ty'Vris, Tia Vex, Toi'Virth: Add Tier 6 KDF Carrier and Raider.
    Tae'Va, T'Vaya, To'Var, Tevra, T'Vira, To'Vrak: Give us Asylums for Romulans.

    Don't make ARC mandatory! Keep it optional only!
  • sunfranckssunfrancks Member Posts: 3,925 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    A slight bug in one of the missions. The mission is: Cloak and Dagger.

    After the first space part when you beam down, you are meant to speak to Vrimek, but he is not in his office.

    The mission wont continue without speaking to him first, so the mission is uncompletable in this state.....
    Fed: Eng Lib Borg (Five) Tac Andorian (Shen) Sci Alien/Klingon (Maelrock) KDF:Tac Romulan KDF (Sasha) Tac Klingon (K'dopis)
    Founder, member and former leader to Pride Of The Federation Fleet.
    What I feel after I hear about every decision made since Andre "Mobile Games Generalisimo" Emerson arrived...

  • mrwuffausmrwuffaus Member Posts: 44 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    There is a problem with playing this. When I finished doing all the missions after Temporal Ambasador, I started to do The T'Liss System Patrol and it doesnt work properly.
    I cant complete the patrol because when I destroy a patrol or a squadron of ships, the result at the side that tells you how many squadrons you have destroyed stays at (0/5)

    I dont know if this is the right place to let you know about this since but I thought I should.
  • mrwuffausmrwuffaus Member Posts: 44 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    sunfrancks wrote: »
    A slight bug in one of the missions. The mission is: Cloak and Dagger.

    After the first space part when you beam down, you are meant to speak to Vrimek, but he is not in his office.

    The mission wont continue without speaking to him first, so the mission is uncompletable in this state.....

    I got this problem as well.
  • graham6411graham6411 Member Posts: 38 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Mission: Cloak and Dagger:
    Talk to Vrimek:
    Description of the bug:
    I am unable to talk to Vrimek as his NPC does not appear to be on the Delti Corvi Ground Map

    Ticket ID# [System] [TicketError] Could not connect. Please try again later.
    Known as @graham6410 in game
  • szerontzurszerontzur Member Posts: 2,724 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I fully plan to run through this episode again once you guys have touched it up a bit. I noticed some minor changes here and there, but it's still missing a lot of polish yet.

    -=An Inside Job(KDF)=-
    -The 'package' recording of K'men did not have background(solid black). Not sure if this is intentional. (The actual dialogue with him after speaking with the contact did.)

    -I'm so glad there's a tailor on Drozana. I almost think it should be a step to visit them as part of the next mission(to optionally equip the Tal Shiar outfit).

    -=Enemy Action(KDF)=-
    -The Mission tracker should probably be a bit more specific about where the "Unroth" system is(Psi Velorum), given that it is not in Eta Eridani where the mission starts.
    -I warped 'into' sector space again when leaving Drozana (My warp trails were at least Romulan Green this time upon exiting.)
    -Klingon warp-trails while jumping out of New Romulus system.
    -Interesting, I seem to recall the prisoner being a Klingon last time I did this mission.. but it is a female Orion this time. ("A pity it wasn't the KDF Alien that caused the transporter malfunction in a previous mission.. I might have arranged a.. mistake."
    -The Interact propts displayed "Talk to Lt. Merra", but the actual dialogue shows "Subject 47" beneath the display.
    -The following dialogue with Subcommander Rhen refers to the prisoner as a Klingon.
    -Commander Janek refers to the above mentioned prisoner as 'he'.
    -The (mini)map for the bridge of the IRW Yhisu looks strange.. as if the floor of it isn't not rendered. This contrasts quite noticable compared to the rest of the ship on the map.

    -Again, the mission tracker should probably indicate that the T'Liss system is in Alpha Centauri. (My main beef with this episode is all the travel between sectors. I worry for new players getting lost.)
    -Finding one of the pirate groups took a bit of work. Perhaps they should be placed closer to some of the asteroids?
    -"It still feels strange fighting borg without remodulators.."

    -=Cloak and Dagger(KDF)=-
    -The ambient explosions/Elachi weapons fire really drowned out/cut off most of the other audio - from small arms fire to even footsteps.
    -Those central/fountain groups are pretty beefy. They managed to focus-fire me down without much I could do about it.
    -Cutscenes are still pretty rough. I am looking forward to seeing these ones get their polish.

    -I'm kind of surprised I still haven't gotten a single Reman bridge officer offer through leveling up yet.
    -I sure wish there was a vendor closer to this region of space as a KDF-aligned Romulan..

    -Sound effects kept getting cut off inside the facility and the fights in space before(my disruptor array was making mis-timed/delayed sound effects); I think something must have broken my audio(I presume either the final battle of Tradecraft or Cloak and Dagger, or perhaps something went haywire with the new romulan republic ground weapons). Decided to do a full restart of the client. It appears to have fixed the issue.
    -"These Tal Shiar sure do know how to chain-spam knockback attacks.."
    -"Woah, I didn't notice all this borg-tech behind the gate the last time I was here... so they're interfacing borg tech with iconian tech... curious..."
    -I remember this mission being a bit hard to follow the first time through.. but I'm really kind of waiting until the cutscenes and voiceover work is added in. There is the vibe that things are afoot, but you're just not given enough pieces to put it together.

    -=Mind Game(KDF)=-
    -I find it kind of difficult to really provide helpful feedback on this mission until the next iteration of it comes out.
    -Whew, that space fight is definitely rough.. there's just soo much un-avoidable kinetic damage.. I actually ended up going *pop* this time... whereas I believe I managed to hold it together around 20% hull last time.

    -=Temporal Ambassador(KDF)=-
    -The Romulan Rank Shoulder parts display overtop of the tholian 'janitor' outfit.
    -There really isn't a lot of tie-in for this mission to the Romulan storyline, but I suppose it still works as a one-off mission all the same.
    -Warp-out at the end of the mission was Klingon Red.
  • colonelchenchuancolonelchenchuan Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Taris now seems to have a Neck Scarf .

    They need to just go away but its very strange that she would be wearing one.

    I mean are all Romulans paranoid of catching a cold now?
  • colonelchenchuancolonelchenchuan Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Mind Games: For the weird Tovan in my head pop ups, it uses the Original Human Tovan and not the Romulan Tovan I created
  • tacofangstacofangs Member Posts: 2,951 Cryptic Developer
    edited May 2013
    Taris now seems to have a Neck Scarf .

    They need to just go away but its very strange that she would be wearing one.

    I mean are all Romulans paranoid of catching a cold now?

    It's high fashion in the Romulan Republic.
    Only YOU can prevent forum fires!
  • qjuniorqjunior Member Posts: 2,023 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    tacofangs wrote: »
    It's high fashion in the Romulan Republic.

    If I had different textures and skin colors on my head/neck and the rest of my body, I would wear a scarf too ! :P
  • amosov78amosov78 Member Posts: 1,495 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Temporal Ambassador - So I've just finished talking to Drake at the start, and proceed up the stairs to talk to one of my BOFF's leaning on the handrail; it's Hiven, my male Romulan science officer, as indicated by his look and the name floating above his head. However, when I talk to him, he identifies himself in dialogue as Satra; my female Romulan science officer instead.
    U.S.S. Endeavour NCC-71895 - Nebula-class
    Commanding Officer: Captain Pyotr Ramonovich Amosov
    Dedication Plaque: "Nil Intentatum Reliquit"
  • thestormsongthestormsong Member Posts: 78 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Played through on May 8th (before the latest patch), with a female Alien Romulan
    allied with the Federation.

    An Inside Job

    No noticeable bugs in this mission.

    Enemy Action

    The first part of this mission is still annoying. The ships take a while to take down, and they still only give 3% contribution. Then there is the fact that they always interrupt when trying to jam stations, and completely disregards any Tal Shiar vessels that may have been firing on them for a while! Either make the ships easier to "destroy", or have them contribute a lot more towards the objective.

    During the cutscene in the interrogation room, the Starfleet officer went missing - I only saw a disruptor beam fired into thin air. After the interrogation, the action button to talk to Subcommander Khimek is labelled "Speak to Khemek".


    No noticeable bugs in this mission.

    Cloak and Dagger

    No noticeable bugs in this mission.


    When beaming down to the Hobus base, the away team window showed my boff's space skills as well as ground skills.

    Joined in March, 2011. Lifer since December, 2011.
  • sudoku7sudoku7 Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Noticed in Temporal Ambassador. Romulan Rank Shoulder Pads [Federation if it matters] still show up on your Freighter Pilot costume.
  • alikainalikain Member Posts: 348 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Cloak and Dagger

    Should Virmek be a reman, why is that his now Romulan.

    Temporal ambassador

    Still getting bridge officer in the wrong places. Niven is the place where Satra is suppose to be and that is on the bed behind Tasha Yar. Hiven also have the dialogs for Satra when you talk to home.

    Satra is in the wrong place too, just by the stairs at the entrance. When you speak to her she have the dialog for Veril. Veril is not present in the mission.

    Tovan is in the right place but have the wrong dialog when you speak to him you get Veril dialog instead.

    Tasha Yar still address as starfleet officer.

    Why the captain of the Pastak hail you for the first time, the pop window display a galaxy bridge background instead of wells bridge background.
    "You ask why we give our ships computer normal emotions. Do you really want a warship incapable of loyalty?"
  • ajddominionajddominion Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Missions are still great. There were only a few things here and there I noticed with the current versions.

    -The pirates are annoying. I restarted the mission three times because I could not find all of them since I scanned the other objectives first. On the fourth time, I got lucky in finding the second pirate, since it was not in its original spot. The rest of the mission went smoothly.

    -This was a pretty hilarious bug that happened at the last ship encounter:

    Mind Game:
    -Hakeev's console had an unfortunate console projection angle issue:

    Temporal Ambassador:
    -Not all Tal Shiar uniform pieces remove when the freighter captain uniform is put on. Here is the one I noticed:
    -Hiven became Satra in dialogue:
  • kapla1755kapla1755 Member Posts: 1,249
    edited May 2013
    Cloak and Dagger mission

    not getting any firing or animation effects for the Plasma Wide Beam Rifle mk iii, but its showing the dmg to target other grd plasma weapons are working correctly

    Plasma Split beam pistol has 2ndry firing animation but doesn't display the beam when firing

    Plasma Piercing beam rifle is not show graphic effects or any animations

    edit 2: rofl
    switched to the other plasma based weapons (pulsewave and split-beam) and the character will not turn so this happens:



    using rpg controls atm

    camera is definetely bugged doesn't matter if using rpg or shooter modes character will not chage which way it faces, might be just this map?

    set rally point is also not working at present and boffs have wandered off.....facepalm

    completed mission reguardless but the warp trail while exiting to sector space is occurring again, tis red(allied with kdf) vs the green i has been, odd cause it doesn't happen all the time
  • i8472i8472 Member Posts: 225 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    For sleepers

    Can the kill pirates objective either be changed to an optional objective or have objective circles/markers placed around their position on the map...
  • snipe048snipe048 Member Posts: 168 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    In "Sleepers" Remove the cube's "Borg Shield Neutralizer" power or give it a 90 sec cooldown, it's current state is unfair to players at the centurion level.

    Founder and Current CO of Gamma Strike Force

    Player since December 2009
  • sentinel64sentinel64 Member Posts: 901 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Tradecraft navigation desitination to Azha System does not work with auto nav; the map will not show auto nav request on map when mousing over the nav point. It only shows the mission title, "Tradecraft". The star doesn't even show up properly whe trying to view it at long range (you actually have to circle around and search for it. :confused:
  • aktarysaktarys Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I quite agree with some of the previous comments on "Sleepers" when I did it, I thought, hey we're in a cube so had the reflex to equip remodulator and my away team too. After a few shots, I thought hey, they my officers don't remodule... And in fact I found strange the Borg didn't adapt in this mission...
    So I agree that they definetly should adapt and there should be a remodulation tutorial/message. :)

    For the cube, I had no difficulty at all at Centurion level 17... I just goes boom with the cube as usual :p

    In "Enemy Action", we are supposed to be a superior of the Commander (or is it subcommander) but he uses our current rank in the text, thus normally "Centurion" which I found a bit strange...
  • ragemonksterragemonkster Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    In the Making Lemonade portion of Mind Game(s) I tried to pick up the "Neurozine Canister" while my inventory was full, so I clicked the X on the popup window whereupon the damn thing vanished. I had to beam out and do it all again.
    Afterwards, as I got ready to beam off Hakeev's ship, my char kept looking in a random direction and kept moving that way whenever i moved the camera via LMB. Neither map changes nor entering shooter mode seemed to have any effect.
  • ach1ll3sach1ll3s Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I have to say that not only am I very impressed with the character storyline, I find the graphics to be outstanding as well.
    The development team did a fantastic job with the tribble server..KUDOS!!!!!!!!!!!:)
  • rifter1969rifter1969 Member Posts: 654 Arc User
    edited May 2013

    When you enter the system, Tovan says we are being hailed by Commander N'Vek. When N?Vek appears, it still has Torvan's name.
  • theofficialmip#7339 theofficialmip Member Posts: 93 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Just tried the new expansion and i got to say it is epic! the story is really good so far. didn't want to go too far in it because i didn't want to spoil it for the 21st. the voiceovers are great. i didn't find anything i didn't like. can't wait tell the 21st. :) great work, lovin every bit
    One of the 0.7%ers Markus Urelious 16000+ Accolades [Fed Tac FA] + Several More
    Forum Member Since Feb 2010
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