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Official Legacy of Romulus 'In Shadows' Arc Feedback Thread

salamiinfernosalamiinferno Member Posts: 159 Cryptic Developer
This thread will cover the episodes "An Inside Job" through "Temporal Ambassador". Please leave all bugs, feedback, comments, and concerns here.

This content is only available to players in the Legacy of Romulus Closed beta.
Post edited by salamiinferno on


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    captwilhelmcaptwilhelm Member Posts: 99 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Jumped in game to test. Made my romulan char and the nice cutscene started playing. However the text was fading to fast. There wasn't a single sentence I could finish reading. I was on the middle of it and then it faded to show the next. It would be nice if they staued on the screen longer. Specially for those who are not native english speakers (like me).
    Pre-forum change name: Captain Wilhelm
    Join Date: March 2009

    Thanks Cryptic for introducing the Kelvin Timeline. It remembered why I decided to never more put any money on this game.
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    captiancoppscaptiancopps Member Posts: 113 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Agree, text is too fast. I figure a voiceover will be there as well so I'm guessing the scene will be slowed down to match the voice.
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    salamiinfernosalamiinferno Member Posts: 159 Cryptic Developer
    edited April 2013
    The proper thread for the tutorial and the rest of the first arc is located here.


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    spartan314159spartan314159 Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    i got in the game, the text for the beginning was very fast, and the ship shudders and turns randomly every time i turn/ accelerate/ decelerate/ fire weapons.
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    squishkinsquishkin Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Mind Games is probably the single best episode of the current Romulan lot available on Tribble, but:

    (acknowledging that some of these were intentional)

    The set-up for the episode didn't click perfectly for me. I liked the way it segued in from the previous episode but then I got this thing about "this is a solo mission and you can start it at any time by coming to the system" and it just... didn't work, somehow.

    I understand that people have to be able to jump in and out to meet other commitments, but it broke the flow somehow.

    In the same vein, immediately thereafter, I just walk onto Hakeev's bridge and get captured? That doesn't seem very smart.

    I love the whole theme of the episode but I also feel like in some ways, it gets cut off really before it gets started. One of the most interesting things I liked about it was how the colors for the options differed, but I would have liked to have seen this done more subtly, in some places, but with a greater ramp-up effect; right now it just seems muddled unless you're paying really close attention.

    Is there any effect to resisting as long as possible? There seemed to be no payoff for not just jumping straight to "bad"; I would have liked to see some visible payoff- even if it's just a minor thing, like say one of of the animals escaping from the weapons testing lab. :P

    (On the other hand, I can understand why this might actually not be thematically appropriate at all.)

    The whole "become unindoctrinated" thing didn't work well for me. It just... was too sudden and too thematically inappropriate, in my mind. I kind of understand why it was necessary, but after all that build-up, it just poofed in a very disappointing way.

    I loved the "distract the guards, distract the scientists", but some of the effects seemed a little minor. Why are the guards upset about a fire in what looks like a metal pot? It's not exactly going to burn down the ship. Perhaps the magnitude on this should be ramped up slightly. In a similar vein, I did the thing with the pseudo-Borg drone and... well, nothing appeared to happen, at least that I noticed. Even the Borg walker thing ran around in circles. Perhaps he should do something more exciting. :P

    All that said, though, I loved the episode. The theme was classically Romulan and gave me flashbacks to The Minds Eye. Even the corridor heights/sizing were more reasonable than before (although the Romulan Transporter Room is enormous and ridiculous).
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    dalolorndalolorn Member Posts: 3,655 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Tal Shiar uniform looks like some rubber suit, not the uniform all RSE NPCs are wearing. Wtf?

    Infinite possibilities have implications that could not be completely understood if you turned this entire universe into a giant supercomputer.p3OEBPD6HU3QI.jpg
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    xelene13xelene13 Member Posts: 222 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    An Inside Job / Unroth System / Security Subcommander's Office ... Subcommander Rhen repeats himself ... "I had extra guards placed around his cell for the duration of his stay." x2
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    lostusthornlostusthorn Member Posts: 844
    edited April 2013
    Mind games does not complete for me, it just throws me after leaving the ship back to the start.
    Why can't i stay evil? Maybe i do want to work for Empress Sela?
    Also it seems to have zero effect on the outcome if you resist as long as possible or just go evil from the start. Our choice should have an impact on the story and not just on how much time we need to finish the episode. Because right now, it is irrelevant what we chose, because the outcome is 100% identical.
    Love that we keep the uniform. Finally dressing properly :)
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    tpalelenatpalelena Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    I think Mind games is the most well developed episode of the game.

    The whole Romulan story arc so far is just superior to the rest.

    Cutscenes, bridge officers interacting more, characters using emote-s, its really well done.

    I did not expect such a contingent high quality. I am pleasantly surprised.
    Let us wear Swimsuits on Foundry maps or bridges please! I would pay zen for that.
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    xelene13xelene13 Member Posts: 222 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Cloak and Dagger > Initial contact Commander Janek ... "so the rest of the feel can move in unseen." I'm assuming should be fleet.
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    szioulszioul Member Posts: 34 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Mind games does not complete for me, it just throws me after leaving the ship back to the start.

    I get the same thing. I think it only happens to Romulans that align with the KDF.
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    sudoku7sudoku7 Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    There needs to be a spelling/grammar pass with An Inside Job. There were a fair bit of issues.

    "Planes" instead of "Plans" [Drake]

    Also, looking at dialog/text log, it seems that you have a few sentences where you are using two spaces after a period. You should only be using one.

    Hmm I remember others but they aren't in my log, so I guess they were in response text :/, that or I missed it on 2nd pass through :).
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    zeuxidemus001zeuxidemus001 Member Posts: 3,357 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Edit: To be nice editing this... Ummm I am not a spelling freak but good god that first one of the shadows arc needs major dialogue work.
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    sudoku7sudoku7 Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Is it intentional that the Temporal Ambassador mission sets your effective level to 50?
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    thedoctor0889thedoctor0889 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Just a little thing, might be the wrong thread, but Spock/Nimoy is saying the Fed name of the Rommie rank when you rank up
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    vyconis81vyconis81 Member Posts: 42 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    At the last battle in Mind Games, I kept getting major lag and skipping on this mission after my ship exploded. UI froze and I had to shut the game down and restart it. Relogged and found myself stuck with a Respawn window and the UI still frozen. I know it's not my system or network or ISP. I have a fast connection and a gigabit network and my network IP for my computer is set as a DMZ.

    After waiting a bit, and the client loosing connection for a few seconds, the server and client resynced.... Not sure if it's mainly this mission or not but a friend also had issues with this mission....
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    sekusei28sekusei28 Member Posts: 83 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Tal Shiar uniform doesn't appear and during sleepers one of my boff abilities was unusable/grayed out. I removed the boff and reset them and still nothing I even restarted Sleepers to no avail.
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    thedoctor0889thedoctor0889 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    during memory lane while exploring virinat, I managed to get myself stuck in someones yard and the fences were too tall to jump back out of
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    commanderkassycommanderkassy Member Posts: 1,005 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Memory Lane - Some kind of significance should be put on the protagonist's old house. I lost my house in real life a long time ago, and believe me, going back there to that rubble was deeply emotional for me. Even if it's just a small mention by Tovan, something needs to be said if the player makes a point of going up to their old doorstep.

    Revelation - I didn't feel like the setup for this mission was adequate. The introduction seemed disconnected from the actual mission. I didn't even understand the reasons I was being sent to Hobus. More explanation at the beginning of this, it needs to be more clear please.

    Later on, we discover a combination of Romulan and Iconian technology, and my BO immediately jumps to the conclusion that Taris blew up Romulus. Sure a veteran of the game will know this but what? Really? Where did this leap come from? Or was he talking about our colony? In either case, the leap seems to be rather large and with no proof (or at least any reason at all) presented to the player. It's completely out of nowhere! The narrative in this mission is very broken so far. This needs further exposition. Period.
    ♪ I'm going around not in circles but in spirographs.
    It's pretty much this hard to keep just one timeline intact. ♪
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    captainrevo1captainrevo1 Member Posts: 3,948 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    in enemy action.

    when talking to subcommander rhen in his office he says this twice in a row.

    i had extra guards placed around his cell for the duration of his stay.

    also at the very start you need to speak to Tal'mera in drozon. the waypoint is showing as the other side of the room. its a bit confusing.
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    cryptkeeper0cryptkeeper0 Member Posts: 989 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    I'd like another dialog option when we speak to the one loyalist girl about D'tan being a terrorist, I'd like one that just talks of D'tan has shown us that we can trust him more then you. It just kind feels wrong to hear my really paranoid Romulan spout off how noble D'tan is. Other then that I've been absolutely enjoying the experience you have be given us :D I plan on buying the starter pack as soon as possible, to support your efforts.
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    grnlbrtnfrntgrnlbrtnfrnt Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    I didnt need to be brainwashed. I would gladly have done any of the conditioning on my own. I'd vaporize D'Tan if I could. I cant stand New Romulas as a Fed or Klingon so as a Romulan its doubly awful.

    My suggestion is that on the Holodeck part let us shoot Tovan instead. Ive wanted to dismiss him from the get go. Distingrating him would have given me much satisfaction.

    Seems to me that instead of FORCING us to align with the Feds or our Blood Enenies the Klingons, the choice should have been the Star Empire or D'Tan and his dippy commune.

    Biggest let down was NOT actually getting to be part of the real Romulans.
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    grnlbrtnfrntgrnlbrtnfrnt Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Also it bears repeating here.

    Talking to Taris one option is "Yep, I'm Tal Shiar...."

    I seriously cant imagine any Romulan or any one not from 1955 saying "Yep"
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    grnlbrtnfrntgrnlbrtnfrnt Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    squishkin wrote: »

    I loved the "distract the guards, distract the scientists", but some of the effects seemed a little minor. Why are the guards upset about a fire in what looks like a metal pot? It's not exactly going to burn down the ship. Perhaps the magnitude on this should be ramped up slightly.

    Why do i need something to start a fire when I have a plasma weapon on me?
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    superherofansuperherofan Member Posts: 342 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    For "Sleepers", a couple comments on difficulty:

    1) I really think the drones should adapt and there should be a tutorial about remodulation, since that mechanic will be ever present future in the game.
    2) Geez, that final cube has all the tricks that endgame ships have, but we have too few boff slots. I think it's a little too advanced for newbs.

    BTW, loved the inner core scene and how the drones activated in phases like the show in the final ground battle.


    OH. MY. GOD. I loved "Cloak and Dagger"! That's how you do a mission where you have to kill x amount of squads!!!

    And then I went to New Romulus Command, and it is absolutely BEAUTIFUL!!! I think it needs a better introduction, though.
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    sharialashariala Member Posts: 46 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Allright... I'm not all the way through, but I felt the ened to comment while it was fresh in ym mind. So far I ahven't had much difficulty, untill sleepers. I mean there have been minor things, like Drakes dialogue having typos in it. My instead of May.. Planes.. whatever.

    I got to the Cube, and out to where you have to fight it. That thing has all the stuff an end game cube has. I am a centorian, in my second ship of the game. This was rediculously over matched. It also didn't help that my hazrd emitters Boff power suddenly grey out and could nopt be used anymore. A mostly derilect cube probbaly should not so hard so early in the game.
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    llywelallywela Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    In "Temporal Ambassador" Tasha tells the (FED-allied) Romulan player character that they are a Starfleet officer in the other timeline. Oops? :P
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    superherofansuperherofan Member Posts: 342 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Just finished "Mind Games". That is one of the best episodes ever.

    Going to "New Romulus Command", I really think we need a mini episode or a cut scene when we're introduced to it with D'tan talking about how it was built, because I think that's an important part of the arc. It could be a part of when you get your first Duty officer park or something.

    Also when you try to ready your starship, it says you need to be in the Flotilla on New Romulus command.
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    grnlbrtnfrntgrnlbrtnfrnt Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Just finished "Mind Games". That is one of the best episodes ever.

    Going to "New Romulus Command", I really think we need a mini episode or a cut scene when we're introduced to it with D'tan talking about how it was built, because I think that's an important part of the arc. It could be a part of when you get your first Duty officer park or something.

    Also when you try to ready your starship, it says you need to be in the Flotilla on New Romulus command.

    but you dont just click Not now and walk two feet and talk to the ship selection officer standing RIGHT there.

    And the less of D'Tan and the silly Republic the better. I am having to pretend to be a triple or quadruple agent as it is to stomach having to be part of New Romulas and the Fedartation. I just go to my ready room and report to Sela what they are all doing.
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    azurianstarazurianstar Member Posts: 6,985 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    An Inside Job: Storywise this felt pretty weak in setting up the rest of the arc.

    Enemy Action: I find it silly that the Tal Shiar would be so gullible to trust someone that easily. Even if you had credentials, they would be watching you like a hawk. Instead, they are "oh okay, go on then". And not even question the interrogation.

    And them not detecting the Federation attack, and then they suddenly show up?

    Sleepers: I'm skeptical they would let you on Borg salvage run even if they were putting you at arms length. And you blowing up things without the Borg awakening?

    And why are these STO Borg? Isn't these events before Vega? So they should be TNG Borg.

    Only thing interesting is the hole in the cube caused by "Species 23", which there is nothing following up on that mystery. It's another "it happened" things.

    (BTW, Romulan BOFFs should get Polarized Hull by Default to combat Borg and D'Deridex Tractor Beams.)

    Cloak and Dagger: Can't help but to think it was silly it played out. Their sensor nets didn't detect the attack, but we had to disable it, for what purpose? Would've made sense a small team ahead of the attacking fleet to disable it.

    The attack itself wasn't baddly played out. But some of those shuttles clipped into the terrain and that would've been a death sentence.

    Fighting in space, felt disadvantageous.

    Revelation: Felt like being on the Iconia mission, but I really didn't get the feel that it explained the destruction of the homeworld. It was more like Taris going, "Not my fault! I didn't mean for it to happen!"

    And doesn't mesh with the Federation version. So Taris messed with something she didn't know that just so happened to work with the sun, but Hakeev knew and they he got away with the murder of billions of people?

    And why was Taris attacked?

    Why did Taris make like she didn't care in the Federation version?

    From a story standpoint, this was extremely weak in explaination.

    Mind Game: Okay, we shown up on Hakeev's bridge, which we supposed to be acting as a Tal Shiar agent, but Hakeev throws us in jail. (Guess he remembered our face). But instead of interogating us for information, he and Sela Brainwash us? :confused:

    Storywise this really made no sense.

    Personally, it would've been nice if this played out for an episode or two where you are operating as a Tal Shiar agent doing wrong and when you finally snap out of it, you fully grasp the means the Tal Shiar and iron your determination to stop them.

    Also still doesn't make any sense that Sela hated the Tal Shiar, but are working with them? What is with that? :confused:

    Now playwise, I thought it was interesting. Though thought the decisions you made would've helped you snap out of it, but seemed no matter what it was futile and you ended up brainwashed anyhow. Would've been nice if there was a branching system that had different consequences.

    So when it comes to release, people will just end up spamming red choices to get it over with faster.

    Temporal Ambassador - Romulan Version:

    Just don't understand that Tasha, Castilo, even T'nae are so trusting of a Romulan given the past.

    But was interesting Obisek was not selectable and had some very powerful lines. Between him, Shan, and B'vat, Obisek's lines were far more powerful and emotional. (Obisek's VO really did a great job with that).

    All in all, the Third Arc was better than the Second, but there just too many storyline holes that makes little sense of the situation. All we learn is Tal Shiar bad, Republic good.
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