When I heard there was an update to "all" the textures, I couldn't wait to see what they did. Having been with the game since day one, I've seen all its changes, good and bad. I have to say, though, I'm not at all impressed with this more recent change.
It looks to me that they just used a sharpen filter and then recompressed the textures. In some cases the compression is worse than before. It makes the environment look overly sharpened and in some ways is hard to look at.
I took some quick shots and composed some before and afters.
You can see the texture in the silver structure is degraded.
Here you can see the background consoles are much sharper, as is the carpet.
http://img16.imageshack.us/img16/8759/comp3q.jpg FIXED
But when you get closer, they are a lot worse than before. And these textures were never great to start with, which was a big complaint when this bridge set was released. It was never fixed and now getting worse.
There isn't much of a noticeable difference here, but you can see in some places that the textures were sharpened.
It does seem that the shadows are darker. Possibly the AO has been darkened some.
Here you can really see the difference with the windows on ESD. They almost stand out too much. And Earth... well, that's a bug, but they are all dead now. Maybe the Roms can move there once the atmosphere is back. ;P
Anyway, this is just one player's opinion. I'm not really digging this at all. Especially the downgrade in textures (consoles) for a paid for C-store item.
I really hope you guys (TACO) will continue to make adjustments. At this point I'd prefer to keep what we currently have. Give me an option at least. XD
EDIT: Some new ones.
The paintings got screwed up just like the consoles did. Might need to replace them as well. I checked a couple bridges and they all had lower quality paintings on Tribble.
When you know what you're looking for, you start to see it all over. It's muddy looking, filled with artifacts. This was in the medical section of ESD.
Again in medical on ESD. The original had some artifacts to begin with, but the update made it all sorts of worse.
Most people wouldn't even see this unless they really looked, but on the highlighted area you can see that the new one is just not as smooth as the original.
These are probably the same textures used above, but in another area.
And some more...
The iconic Quark's light/mural thing got hit. -_-
First City
Most people wouldn't notice the walls, but if you look close you can see that there is a loss of detail. The first is missing a lot of cracks and the last is just muddled that most of the dark spots are just gone.
Now I have always though the game looked great and my only issues were some amatuerish lighting issues - which some have been fixed.
I am wondering if some issues could be that we need to re adjust some of our settings. Ive had the same ones for years.
I also wonder if they will offer an NVIDIA profile now or optimal settings info
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its so hard to compare. i mean they changed ALL (or so they say) textures.
With out a side by side actually in the game I cant really tell. Some stuff looks better. or seems to. Some things seem to maybe not look as great and most everything looks the same.
The one console image to me looks like its was a size issue. Like it needed to be (made up) 4x4 and its only a 2x2
I kind of agree with the sentiment though. I kind of prefer the more muted look. It doesn't cause the eye to focus on things as much and encourages overlooking lower quality textures that improve performance.
LTS, here since...when did this game launch again?
Not sure what monitor you have then, but its more then clear just by moving your camera that all textures are shimmering as hell..
I don't like that something I paid for is being degraded with this update. We buy these things for how they look. If this can't be reversed, give us an option to opt out of the "upgrade" because -this- is not an upgrade at all, it's a downgrade.
Face? http://sto-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?t=619811
Latest Nvidia beta 320 driver fixes the flickering/black/green textures. http://www.geforce.com/
Also since the patch yesterday, Over all to me all the graphics seem downgraded. Nothing is crisp or what I am used to. Every thing seems a bit hazy.
It is most noticable in space battles. All the energy weapons fire is no sharp or what I am used to these past few years.
The only way I know how to describe what I am seeing today is muddy,
IMO what I am seeing is NOT high rez. My card and monitor are what would be labeled "high end". Tons of RAM and my bandwidth is really really high.
This morning I feel like I am playing on a cheap lap top.
ON Taris' ship, the mission where you fight waves of Remans... the doors all have a red or green light in the middle. This changes at least 3X I could notice.
A few feet away it was the chunky pixelation, Get a little closer and it changes to a nearly normal look. Get a little closer and it gets pixelated again but slightly finer.
On my Romulan ship, down in engineering and in the halls, most wall monitors are very chunky pixelated. NO straight lines but rather stair step looking ones. Getting closer only makes them become a bit more blurred. Being farther away never makes them look normal.
Rework of the consoles is the minimum they have to do.
The paintings got screwed up just like the consoles did. Might need to replace them as well. I checked a couple bridges and they all had lower quality paintings on Tribble.
PS. Yes, I'm obsessive. I'm also a graphic artist and 3D modeler. I can't help but notice these things. XD
I wish I had more time to look around and compare. Sadly, once the expansion goes live we won't be able to look back and see what was affected by this change. So now is the time to look for these messed up textures. There are probably countless thousands of texture files for this game. The devs can't look through them all. We could be finding these kind of issues for years to come.
I'll add these to the OP as well.
When you know what you're looking for, you start to see it all over. It's muddy looking, filled with artifacts. This was in the medical section of ESD.
Again in medical on ESD. The original had some artifacts to begin with, but the update made it all sorts of worse.
Most people wouldn't even see this unless they really looked, but on the highlighted area you can see that the new one is just not as smooth as the original.
These are probably the same textures used above, but in another area.
I'm sure I'll find these all over if I look, maybe I should try DS9 next. I can only imagine how many assets on planets and in missions were hit with this "update".
The iconic Quark's light/mural thing got hit. -_-
First City
Most people wouldn't notice the walls, but if you look close you can see that there is a loss of detail. The first is missing a lot of cracks and the last is just muddled that most of the dark spots are just gone.
I can't look through every location, but I think the point has been made. I hope the devs can take the time to reverse some of this, if not all of it.
"Updated" is something else than "Upgraded"!
I am afraid it is an Age of Conan goes F2P style adjustment of textures for lower end systems.
Funcom called it optimizing the engine and graphics performance.
In STO Cryptic simply downgraded the textures just like Age of Conan did. The only textures that got some extra attention were apparently those of ESD.
I will check for space background textures, these are quite beautiful. Ground terrain in STO has rather low res textures anyways, so I hope the negative impact of this texture downgrade is mostly visible in ground interiors.
This texture downgrade seems to be the major reason why we got a low res UI reskin touted as LCARS with some changes, sold as "UI revamp".
On holo, my computer locks up on ESD (and I have a fairly badass computer) from v-lag. On tribble, I am running around not knowing what to do with my 40fps.
This is terrible