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Official Legacy of Romulus 'From the Ashes' Arc Feedback Thread



  • adamkafeiadamkafei Member Posts: 6,539 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    argent007 wrote: »
    HOWEVER, you should make it so that people visiting their bridges, can't jump into the engine pit below the singularity containment vessel

    they get stuck there and can't return to tactical view

    This is the only problem I have encountered thusfar, I would like to have more Virinat like content. Regardless of that however an excellent effort thusfar and I look forward to the expansion going live.

    I will continue to voice any concerns as I find them
  • superherofansuperherofan Member Posts: 342 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    I really loved the tutorial. So great. Can we go back to that planet?

    A couple things:
    1) Text in the tutorial is way too fast.
    2) The BOFFs on the Romulan bridge feet are going through the floor again. Hate that.
    3) Liked the layout, hope there's more options of the ship interior. But jumped into the singular core.
  • velhymstovelhymsto Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    I really loved the tutorial. So great. Can we go back to that planet?

    A Virinat social zone would be fantastic.
  • azurianstarazurianstar Member Posts: 6,985 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Done with the first part and added the comments to my first post.

    While good, there are some things that really need to be addressed. Especially in the finiancial department.
  • ajddominionajddominion Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Well done, amazing story for the start of the Romulan Republic. I also liked how the bridge officers you acquired have a backstory associated with them, that you actually played through.

    Before I saw this thread, made another thread about a minor nitpick about the phaser rifle in Gasko Blues.

    In Turning Point, the final cutscene on Khitomer occurs before you enter the council chambers for the speech.
  • lljkgsglljkgsg Member Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Who designed Home Sweet Home? Following the snake pattern to find the 23 clickies before you get to the Tholians, which then turns into a space confrontation, which then turns into a trek to the Floatilla reaaallly drags.
  • namelessmasknamelessmask Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Now this is different. I'm actually posting on here, after 3+ years of lurking! After this, I plan to go back to doing just that, so you're aware :)

    That said, like those of you posting, I too was fortunate enough to receive an invite to play the closed Beta, and played through the first Act. I have to be honest, outside of a couple of things hat others have mentioned, this is the most enjoyable time I've had playing Star Trek Online in quite some time. The story thus far is great, and it's nice to be able to visit various locations not previously accessable. Also nice to see a bit of a precursor to what eventually became New Romulus.

    I plan on playing through the remainder of the available story into the weekend, however it's safe to say I'm quite excited to see the finished product next month.

    Thank you to the powers that be for allowing me to be part of this Beta run.

    Now back to my hidden corner. :)
  • thedoctor0889thedoctor0889 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    As a first time tester, do you have any tips for what i should be doing?
  • hitherowhitherow Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Few things:

    1) The text at the start for the Tutorial world was a bit fast but I can read it just fine either way.

    2) The Tailor needs a few tweaks. I was able to put on my character's Republic uniform no problem. but when it came time to see her Allegiance Uniform...... No dice, I couldn't see her, I couldn't see any of the bridge officers in the tailor at all.

    3) (I know it's already being addressed), the Tholian Commander on New Romulus is a bit OP and should be knocked down a peg or two. It's something else to fight something like that at lvl 8 and the buggers have you cornered, lol.

    Overall.. Love, love, LOVE the work. The tutorial world is lovely and the touch ups are great. The ship designs are wonderful and the missions are looking good. The Walkers give you that "Holy TRIBBLE" moment, especially the ones on Cratis when the one seems to be looking right at you. Can't wait to see the further developments.

    Cryptic Join Date: March 2010
    "We will not go quietly into the night" ~Independence Day
  • mikeflmikefl Member Posts: 861 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Phenomenal so far. One item that I thought needed addressed was in the Dewa III mission where you scan the three beacons in space before beaming to the surface... I was on a two man team and if we both scanned the first beacon we got credit for two of three beacons scanned. So we never had to even approach the third beacon before being prompted to beam down. I doubt that this is intended and thought you should be aware.

    All in all, I really did enjoy the back story and the explanation as to why we are becoming allies with fed and kdf. I also like that for D'Tan it sounds like more of a means to an end than really a long term alliance. From everything we see to the point of choosing an alliance that if something doesn't give Sela is going to crush anyone in her path. Makes it a no brainer for D'Tan's people to have to make alliances to survive. I'm going to be looking for more technical issues tomorrow after absorbing the story today.
    Gold Sub since March 2010
    Lifetime Sub since June 2010
  • superherofansuperherofan Member Posts: 342 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    I think whatever "home" the Romulans have (The Flotilla I guess) should have a direct transwarp like ESD and Q'ronos, especially for newbies.
  • foundrelicfoundrelic Member Posts: 1,380 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Gameplay, great.

    Only issue I have is the Viriat System (Probably wrong name but the starting system) is a resource hog.

    Frame rate drops like a stone in a vaccuum, likely the large amount of debris but I can't be sure.
  • superherofansuperherofan Member Posts: 342 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Played Crossroads at Crateris. Loved the ep, especially the groundmap and the massive ship overhead. Fighting the mysterious ship took FOREVER at the end, though. But I love that my BOFFs have a more meaningful story when they tag along.
  • darnell004darnell004 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    I noticed that on the away team selection screen when doing a ground part of a mission when it shows the boff's skills instead on some of them it shows space abilities
  • saedeithsaedeith Member Posts: 628 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    In one word. Awesome.

    I like how you had to do something meaningful to aquire your initial Boffs. My favorite part I believe would had to be the Khitomer Conference. I found that really interesting.

    Looking good guys.
  • a3001a3001 Member Posts: 1,132 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    There are several misspelled words floating around, not only in the "From the Ashes" arc, but the next one as well. Might want to slow down the intro cutscene as it was slightly too fast (atleast for me) to read. Also, the story line seems a bit shallow; not as engaging as I'd hope but still pretty good. Otherwise, beautifully rendered maps, awesome ships, and so far an awesome story.
    Rejoice JJ Trek people....


    Why are you not rejoicing?
  • ussprometheus79ussprometheus79 Member Posts: 727 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    I have to say this is looking really good so far. I've only had time to create my character and wonder around the world a little, but it looks beautiful. Kudos to the art team.

    I would agree with those so far who have mentioned the odd spelling mistake, although that can be a difficult call when it is US spellings involved!

    The initial cut scene definitely needs to be paced a bit better. But otherwise, thumbs up so far and I'm looking forward to getting home today early to have a look at more.
    If you've come to the forums to complain about the AFK system, it's known to be bugged at the moment.
  • captiandwintercaptiandwinter Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    So far it's been interesting trying to figure out which way I want my character to go.

    Though my few issues are the slight over green hues when you create your Romulan character, if the background greens hues could be durned back some in glare that would be great so then you'll be able to see the colours and details which you're giving your character better. As I've found everything had a green over hue to it but it made it harder to get certain colours to look, though once the game started the colours where as they should.

    The other issue for me and would be for those who can't read as fast is if you could either give us the options of how fast the dialog changes in cut scenes or maybe slow them down abit there in the opening aspect, I missed much of what was said. Maybe have someone read the cut dialog scenes.

    I do like the interior feel to the Republic Flotilla, yes it looks smaller from floor to ceiling but it's more natural looking instead of having huge ceiling height.
  • nightwolf1084nightwolf1084 Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    ok first id like to thank you guys at cryptic for allowing me to test the new Romulus content I love it second I did observe a few things u guys could do to make it more easier to understand the dialog u need to slow the subtitles down by about 30 to 40 seconds or more they go by way to fast and second on that subject is maybe change the color of the subtext so u can read it during the bright areas of the video maybe a nice blue text the battle ship u face when ur evacing that one colony needs to be easier I had to basicly commit suicide numerouse times in order to even do any damage to it took like an hour to destroy it other wise so far its been very awesome to play the new content and I love the new layout for drozana station very cool very well thought out that is all I have for now need to continue to explore the new content very good job guys very good be proud
  • mrkollinsmrkollins Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    First of all, congrats to the devs making LoR happen. It's such a beautiful game now!

    Secondly, missions feedback:


    The Village is so awesome!. It makes the Tutorial a pleasant experience

    Explore the Flotilla:

    No problems here, everything seems fine.

    The Helix:

    I love the animation, no problems here too

    Crossroads at Crateris:

    The Ground map is great, it's Epic when the unknown ship approaches. The fight against the dreadnought was easy, once you have learned his tricks.

    Gasko Blues:

    I'm playing as an Engineer and it's nice to see that the kit that you get is a useful one. Just one issue here, in the last part, when you need to espape, if you stay cloaked and don't fight all the enemy groups of ships will be moving directly to the Station and crashing into it. You can still destroy them, it's just fun to watch.

    The Searh of New Romulus:

    Great to see the begining of New Romulus, no problems here.

    Turning Point:

    The overall mission was ok, kinda shocking.

    Neutral No More:

    I felt the Ambassadors dialog were kinda vague, but ok.
    Division Hispana
  • onyxheart1onyxheart1 Member Posts: 347 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    wow first, thank you cryptic for giving me an invite to the closed beta, if i didn't have errands to run today i'd have the storyline available finished by now and be at cap.

    as it is i saw quite a few things that were awesome, and a few that were troubling.

    Intro: Intro was perfect, minor technical glitches aside (NPCs feet in ground, etc,) the Virinat areas were well done, the attack by the mysterious ship and drones was suitably WTF material, especially having a civilian grabbed into the air right next to me. I do have a gripe about it getting to space combat and the singularity abilities not being explained fully

    Flotilla: The Flotilla is well done, i like the closeness of the corridors, i've always felt the huge corridors when in your starship were kind of silly. some wall markers or activate-able guide paths to different areas would be nice with all the sharp corners you have to navigate

    Clothing and Character Creation: I can't stress this enough, KDF needs more color choices, not only are the KDF saddled with muddy dark colors, but if you ally with them as a Romulan you are saddled with the same colors, with the notable addition of a slightly larger pallette. Also being a female, when are we going to get the ability to have something besides the stock modesty underwear under our skirts? i like black bikini panties as much as the next girl but...damn, i didn't realize there was only one color and style across the galaxy!

    New Romulus: omg come on, a bunch of switchbacks? it was neat to visit Mol'Rihan before it was colonized but the implementation of it left something to be desired, also the battle against the Tholians was extremely difficult and as it's been changed in the UI, how do i get my Boffs to use their abilities on command?

    Allies: This is my biggest gripe, it does not explain clearly what you will be getting if you side with one faction over another, it gives you one screen showing both, what should be done is perhaps having a slideshow once you click for more info and showing the perks of joining one faction: ships, clothing options, unique weapons, etc.

    New Enemy and Walkers: this is a bit out there, but how would an away team on foot fight one of those huge walker monstrosities? maybe ground vehicles? i've always wanted to see an Argo like ground assault vehicle and larger more vehicle friendly maps in the game, maybe as a future endeavor? just spitballing here ^^ really though i do hope we get to fight one, the elchii (not sure if i spelled that right) are an interesting enemy, can't wait to see more

    i havent finished the content available yet, but i will and will probably update this with more of my thoughts, verdict right now? must...save...money...for...Legacy Pack


    Suliban Helix: love that they were brought back, also the animation of the helix arms reforming was epic, and i hope similar effects will be implemented retroactively in Fed/KDF missions where applicable, and in the rest of the Romulan storyline where applicable

    Edit 4/21:

    Changes to ambiance with Ally: i've noticed that your transporter color, sound and animation, as well as the announcer for leveling up, and for missions is the same as your Ally. in my case i have the same as the KDF, please please please keep the Romulans with the Romulan effects, green Romulan transporter, Romulan announcer, our Ally isn't supposed to take over everything, just be a welcome source of supplies, as well as having available missions for us to do for them.
    KDF for Life! <3 Romulan at Heart <3 Fed cause they made me ~ :P
  • sharialashariala Member Posts: 46 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Ok.. so... Must gush first.. :^D

    Starting area is Sooooooooo pretty! :^D I love it, i wish it wasn't blown up, I want to have it or a place like it as a social area!! Also.. Finally romulans!! Yaaaay!

    Ok, now that that's out of the way. It was good, the tutorial taught you how to do things, but felt less like a tutorial than the other two factions did. It felt more organic, to me anyway.

    The costume editor was a,little funny... Not sure if that was abug, or if it was wierd becuase I was only suppsoed to use it that once to make the Republic uniform? If not... my chracter was missing the second time I tried to accessand I forget what header I was under but one of my top options was TRIBBLE_Test_TRIBBLE.

    Another problem i had was that I felt the subtitling in the cut scenese sometimes moved a little too fast. If you plan to have voice overs aty all those spots, that's less of a problem, except maybe for the hearing impaired.

    Really.. the story was interesting, The missions worked.. I mean i didn't find any bugs, except maybe some random clipping or flashing of the romulan uniform options when moving. So.. all in all.. good job! :^)
  • tpalelenatpalelena Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    I had the same missing character bug.

    The starting village is a really nice place. It is a pity its not a social zone, its way, way more interesting an area then the fed tutorial one.

    The flottila could use a little more NPCs, like bridge officer trainers and such. If there is one and I missed it, my mistake.

    So far, the overall feel and style of the game is very good. I like it and I like the romulans.

    The new animations are also nice.

    However, armors and kits do not seem to display on my romulan like they do on my fed.
    Let us wear Swimsuits on Foundry maps or bridges please! I would pay zen for that.
  • tifertifer Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    I absolutely love the story arc and everything about it.

    Virinat has some amazing visuals and the atmosphere is just perfect.

    I love the way my bridge officers are introduced. Each one has a personality and a story behind him or her. This makes me never want to change any of them. So far I'm 6 levels in and I've grown quite fond of them. Especially Khev who has that Han Solo vibe around him.

    There were some minor framerate issues in Virinat orbit, not sure what the source of that is through since I never get fps drops unless I open my mailbox or doff roster on Holodeck.

    The flotilla feels amazingly well done. I'll need some time to learn the map but that shouldn't be an issue since it feels really good to be there.

    Suliban Helix is my second favorite part so far. I'm hoping it'll be more prominently featured in the future. I absolutely love the design of it and it's nice to see the Suliban make an appearence.

    Crateris is definitely my favorite. Orbital asteroid field is beautiful but it really kicks it up a notch when you go planetside. The atmosphere on Crateris is downright perfect. Those buildings in the distance inspire me to explore for some reason and wake a strange feeling of nostalgia. They remind me of something I've seen somewhere before. Then the ambient sounds kick in. That sound of distant thunder is absolutely beautiful to hear. And then the walkers show up with that War of the worlds juju and it's amazing.
    I mean, just look at this sight.

    The fight in orbit is pretty challenging until you learn how to deal with that mothership. A fun fight overall.

    Gasko station has some amazing views once you step out of the transporter room. I love how you guys are pushing for those space visuals (area where D'Tan is on the flotilla, Gasko station hallways).

    That's as far as I got so far and I absolutely loved every minute of it. I will definitely be continuing and even replaying the storyline on a new character or two. Whoever wrote it, as well as the new KDF tutorial, needs another high five.

    This is definitely the most fun I've had in an MMO this early on. Keep up being awesome!

  • captainrevo1captainrevo1 Member Posts: 3,948 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    So far I am really enjoying it. It feels like good low level content. its a bit too easy, but in fairness for new players it should be easy. i would just scale a few of the ground enemy units up. some are getting killed in the first 2 attacks.

    the story so far is really good, and the locations are fantastic. i am especially liking the little touches. the view screen backgrounds, the ships appearing in the sky, the little animations.

    My major grip is repeatability as its very linear. At the moment you are pretty much forced to do these mission. Can we get some of the system patrol mission scaled down? how about a exploration cluster at the far end so serve as our delta volanis, or some repeatable missions like the dailies? I just think it needs a little variety for the next character we roll.

    Adding some of these and slightly lower the xp gained so players have to do a couple to slow down the very fast progression.
  • naeviusnaevius Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    I'm very impressed with the whole Romulan experience so far (through the two first space missions.) Kudos to all involved!

    Stuff looks great - Romulan ship interiors are the best ones I've seen so far. ( Although I'm not sure even a D'deridex could hold my warbird's engine room :D )
    [Kluless][Kold][Steel Heels][Snagtooth]
    [Louis Cipher][Outta Gum][Thysa Kymbo][Spanner][Frakk]
    Joined October 2009. READ BEFORE POSTING
  • birdofprey17birdofprey17 Member Posts: 20 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    I only played an hour last night, but what I ran through looked amazing. My concerns have already been addressed above (fast text, armour not displaying on BOFFs).

    Seeing the Suliban and the helix was a great surprise, and both look stunning. I'm hoping that we see more of them in future missions.

    The intro was very well played out, and as others have already stated, it does not feel like a tutorial. It's a great environment and I love how you get thrown right into the action when the invasion begins.

    Great job to everyone involved, and I'm looking forward to seeing this more polished and with the VO content added in.
  • corethlcorethl Member Posts: 108 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    The tutorial-and the arc I've done so far (up to Blues)-has a much more personal feel to it than the Starfleet one. That's not saying anything bad about the Starfleet one-that's the nature of Starfleet. But it does nicely set the tone and establish some of the significant differences between those two factions.

    Gaining your initial bridge officers reminded me a bit of The Old Republic and gaining companions there. So far, there's a feeling of story and background behind them as well-which is probably why I haven't been able to actually customize my boffs at this point. I'm still working out whether or not I think that's a good thing or not. Customization is Cryptic's hat, after all, and it's jarring to find I can't mess with my boffs (yet). Full disclosure: this may have been accounted for further down the arcs-I can only comment so far on what I've actually done.

    The initial tutorial was excellent; it set up a nice colony feel before blowing it all to hell. I especially liked the change in lighting as you entered the cave with the device-nice touch. Also liked the "magician's force" of joining the Romulan Republic-even though the action is preordained, the ability to choose just how enthusiastic to be about it stood out to me.

    Great job on the Suliban Helix. Sure would be nice to have more interaction with the Suliban (again, I'm still early in, so who knows?).

    Three things stood out for me on Crateris. First: Slamek! At least he didn't complain about it being too bright here, but he's at least being consistent with his other appearances in the game. Just want to slap him.... Second: seeing that dreadnaught flying over the area while running back to the shuttles ("Don't blow up the shuttles!" Heh.) was great. It gives a sense of scale as to how big it is that you really can't get in the space combat areas. And third, speaking of that ship: yowch. I realize that there's a bug now where the help you're supposed to get isn't actually there; I was able to take it down by ruthlessly abusing my battle-cloak, but new players (they still exist, right?) are likely to have a rough time with this until the other ships actually pitch in.

    And finally, Blues-I just knew we were gonna get backstabbed somehow. I'm so cynical.... But Hakeev being a continuing adversary fits in well with the aforementioned personal nature of the Romulan story thus far.

    As one more bit of praise-I really have been impressed with most the stuff done on this so far-is the "implosions" of Romulan ships, instead of explosions; ah, the hazards of singularity cores. I haven't looked on Tribble on the Starfleet side of things to see if that is the case when they fight Romulans in their encounters now, but if it has propogated, kudos!

    Looking forward to continuing things this weekend!
  • arcademasterarcademaster Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    I loved every minute in this arc. The locations are all amazing, the story is great and I love that our BOFFs get a face and a name instead of randomly popping out of a box. You should really consider an upgrade option to turn them to Blue and later to Purples so we can keep the Boffs into endgame without feeling like we are gimping ourselves. Like Neverwinter offers for companions.

    Siding with the KDF seems buggy. The transporter color has already been mentioned. Also there is the announcer congratulating you on level ups. The Romulans didn't have any if I noticed it correctly, but honestly I didn't mind. Spock FED-side is fine, but the so-forcedly-evil-it's-embarassing voice of the KDF guy is just grating. Not to mention he announces KDF ranks.
    Also Doffing wise, I could see marauding assignments, but the doff overview showed only the diplomacy category.

    I also like the Singularity Core gameplay.

    I will stop at this point with the beta though, I'm sorry, but I just don't want everything to feel like an old hat when it's finally released. Thank you for giving me an opportunity to sneak peek and I hope my feedback was helpful. I'll keep checking systems/balance topics and give input on numbers until LoR is released, I just don't want to spoil myself the missions and the storyline.
  • cryptkeeper0cryptkeeper0 Member Posts: 989 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    I've had random frame rate drops but that could be becuase tribble server is having trouble keeping up with all the players.

    I encountered a bug of not being able to see my ship in the ship customize person, if i didn't visit the tailor first...
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