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Official Legacy of Romulus 'From the Ashes' Arc Feedback Thread



  • dalolorndalolorn Member Posts: 3,655 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    In the first map of the tutorial, I noticed that Nelara (or whatever, my memory seems to be weak when it comes to stuff like that) had a PHASER rifle, several Romulans had Starfleet tricorders, and I welded pipes using a phaser disguised as a plasma pistol.

    Moving onto the second map.

    Map 2: Half of the population of Virinat seemed to be standing in quicksand, as they're knee-deep in the floor. Moving on.

    Okay, most of Virinat security also has phaser rifles, and the plasma rifle I picked up has no specific model.

    Infinite possibilities have implications that could not be completely understood if you turned this entire universe into a giant supercomputer.p3OEBPD6HU3QI.jpg
  • gerwalk0769gerwalk0769 Member Posts: 1,095 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    First, thank you.

    Second, I'm not a fan of the story rationale for the Ally system or the system itself; I'd love to see a fully independent faction for story and history sake not for PVP. I understand that this does not work best for Cryptic game mechanics and for time invested on a return.
    • Intro went by too fast to read.
    • The village reminded me of Star Wars.
    • Partially hurt insects appeared in the vineland. Killing them did not unlock the weld action.
    • During the cut-scene to meet your tact officer both my character and future tact were caught in the ground (in the uphill ramp). Then the scene froze during loading at sec 42. I logged back in and was placed on a waiting list because the server was full.
    • It was nice to see the Sulibans, sad to see that they have fallen on hard times but good to see they are helping others. Loved cutting off communication.
    • The space battle graphics are a bit jagged and rougher than normal STO graphics.
    • The large (big) heads on the viewscreens are a bit annoying. It is different from the existing system but not better.

    Costume screen
    There is a menu overlap/overlay. In the lower right box, the body/face/choices overlap the scroll bar making it difficult to move up and down with making a choice. On the left side some text is not fitting all on one line, e.g. TEXT appears as TEX on one line and T on a second line. I noticed a single letter text bleed-over in the dialogue boxes also. I do not remember what the menu is for (stances?) but the option menu is elongated and thin and stretches 1/2 to 3/4 down the screen.

    I'll write more later as I play and level up.

    Side note: I did not like being hemmed into working for the IRW through the dialogue queue's. I like choice and there was none. I can understand D'Tan being worried about Romulan's past behavior because of his goal. However, I (my character) would have taken a Suliban's approach and done my best to avoid both warring factions. I'm supposed to suddenly trust this person? They may have motives that run counter to my interests. Long story short I felt that I was given a basic/rushed explanation for joining the IRW in the story and expected to just except it. I plan to roll a Reman and my sense is that this character would only want to work for independence for Remans, not the IRW. I only got to see a glimpse of Romulan xenophobia in the village I'd like to see this or attempts to address it in other episodes.
    Joined STO in September 2010.
  • benalexanderbenalexander Member Posts: 40 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    When you made the announcement of playable romulans, I was really excited. But I was not very pleased with the Ask Cryptic with the mentioning of romulan chars choosing between Fed and Kling as their allies. I got sceptical und a bit disappointed. But now, after a few more interviews, blogs and this beta I have to say:

    You, Ladies and Gentleman, did a fantastic job. Making the player choose an ally is maybe not the only possible, but an understandable and interesting choice of yours. Nonetheless, playing a romulan is not only fun, it really feels ?romulan?. Thank you very much for the hard work, you put into this expansion.

    I created a male romulan, tactical officer and tried to play the game like someone, who hasn?t played STO before. Therefore I concentrated on gameplay issues that could annoy new players. I also found a few bugs, but nothing major. I had only time for a quick run through the first story arc, but here is what I found (some of this might be already mentioned):

    - New character selection screen looks great, but my foundry char shown up as my main char. Logging out an back in solved the problem
    - My Breen Bridge Officer is not always shown with the rest of the away team
    - Wrong ship for Fed char (Danube instead of JHAS) is displayed in the Background
    - After character creation: Starfleet logo and ?Engage? for romulans? Looks a bit weird
    - Intro (other cutscenes, too) text changes too fast. Please slow it down. It really looks good, no one would mine seeing it a little bit longer
    - The colony is so beautiful. I immediately hated the attackers
    - Maybe I misread the dialog, but wasn?t I suppose to get 2k EC after the tutorial?
    - The singularity mechanic is poorly explained. It is fun, but a few more tips would be nice.
    - Helix Mission: the Beta-arm nav.point does not disappear after completing this objective. (same problem with arm delta)
    - Some enemy ships like to get stuck in the arms of the helix. Not that bad, but it could make the battles a bit too easy.
    - Crossroad mission: final boss is a bit too difficult
    - Gasko blues: talking to the colonists, especial the 2 main objectives fell ?impersonal?. Maybe a pop-up dialog with some more information would be better.
    - The first fights on the Gasko station are too easy (about 4s and it was done)
    - The Search for New Romulus: With New Romulus displayed on the map from the beginning, this seems kind of pointless. The mission description mentions the Dewa III System. Would it be possible to chance the sector map to that name, until the colony in New Romulus is founded?
    - The ?probe target locations? are a bit too far away: 90km distance to the last one. Flying through empty space is not very exciting.
    - On New Romulus: Scanning / Interacting with 20 (!) rocks/plant/etc. is a bit too much. You could at least lower the interact-duration.
    - The tholian captain might be a bit too difficult for new players
    - PvE queue window says, I have to be at least Lieutenant 5 to access ? although I am lvl 8. That?s a bit confusing.
    - Khitomer mission: the agents: a romulan with a weird mixture of romulan clothing and federation diplomatic uniform. The Tal Shiar dresses their agents like this?
    - I really hope, the german translation of the Kithomer mission is ?Work in progress?. Some translations were ridiculous, others I could not even understand.
    - The german translation of the final dialogs with Woldan und Sugihara could be changed. It says (translated back in englisch): ?Would you like to join the federation /KVS?) I thought we were supposed to be allies, not members.
    - After the mission is complete, a ?Hail Starfleet? objective showed up (in the missions objective list, before beaming up)
    - When in sector space, clicking on the ?set course to mission start? button always takes you to the staring point, even if you have to go to another System. (occurred after Kithomer). Considering the button`s description, this is consequent, but not very helpful.
    - The game crashed after during the promotion of to level 10, finishing the kithomer-mission by hailing the contact. Error Ticked ID 199 443 81
    - Ship selection in the shipyard: The Ha?Apax Warbird has the wrong picture (at least I hope so)
    - Bank an Mail access on Observation Deck (romulan flotilla) are a bit hard to find, if you do not know, where to look.

    Finally, a polite request: Could we please, please get some of the new objects for the foundry. The tutorial-village, doors, interiors, animations? They just look so great.



    P.S. Sorry for bad English.
  • infenrainfenra Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    In the Mission "Turning Point" during the "Unwelcome Visitors" section after destroying the first ship the Klingons hail you, the player characters response mentions the "Elachi" how would your character know that name?

    Marshall of the Omega Rangers Fleet, Director of Personnel.

    Here to help.
  • hyoukihyouki Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Last but not Least:

    Where's the money?

    From begginging to the decision, I only made 50 EC and 0 Dilithium. How are we to make a living???

    I do seem to recall that the mission where you go through the tailor and ship tailor, you're told you'll receive a stipend of 2k EC...which you never get. Woulda bought me a kit with that...
  • overlapooverlapo Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    You get a kit a bit later... too late in my opinion.
  • dalolorndalolorn Member Posts: 3,655 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Just crashed upon leaving the Helix. Wtf?

    Infinite possibilities have implications that could not be completely understood if you turned this entire universe into a giant supercomputer.p3OEBPD6HU3QI.jpg
  • naeviusnaevius Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    When can you get to your account bank? :) Damn, I should have checked if it was available from my bridge. That would solve all money problems...
    [Kluless][Kold][Steel Heels][Snagtooth]
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    Joined October 2009. READ BEFORE POSTING
  • solidneutroniumsolidneutronium Member Posts: 510 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    The addition of a backstory to your first four bridge officers was an excellent idea. It really adds to immersion and the STO universe in general. Good work devs, keep it up.
    Professional Slider Since 2409

    Officially Nerfed In Early 2410
  • josephdridgewayjosephdridgeway Member Posts: 517 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    The addition of a backstory to your first four bridge officers was an excellent idea. It really adds to immersion and the STO universe in general. Good work devs, keep it up.

    Also, something that I've noticed noone has mentioned yet.. The way your Bridge Officers banter back and forth during some missions. They are actually giving you tidbits of information into the back story of the whole thing.

    The only problem is, that bantering goes a bit too fast to be really readable when you are doing something.
    Fleet Admiral Joseph D. Ridgeway
    The Armada
    Original join date: Feb 5, 2010
    Twitter: @davejl_99, & @STO_BBArmada
  • sunfranckssunfrancks Member Posts: 3,925 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    The only gripe I have so far, is the interiors seem a little too dark in places. Not sure if it just me or not....
    Fed: Eng Lib Borg (Five) Tac Andorian (Shen) Sci Alien/Klingon (Maelrock) KDF:Tac Romulan KDF (Sasha) Tac Klingon (K'dopis)
    Founder, member and former leader to Pride Of The Federation Fleet.
    What I feel after I hear about every decision made since Andre "Mobile Games Generalisimo" Emerson arrived...

  • xaben82xaben82 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Gasko station:
    Graphical issues with the sash of subcommander scientist npcs

    Dewa III:
    When I have to destroy the rock formation, the animation use a standart romulan phaser to destroy, normaly the equiped weapon should be used. I think that would be the same issue during the reparation of the pipes, in the start region.

    The mouseover comparison of equiped items with a similar item of the inventar, dont work with the singularity core.
    Some naming issues with the sector borders, pi canis is titled as hromi,...
    When I use my science team, the animation over my ship is still federation style.
    Everytime I enter a new space map, the zoom factor I set before will be reset.
  • poddlipoddli Member Posts: 173 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    argent007 wrote: »
    loving everything so far, especially both the Dungeon Siege and the War of the Worlds feel you put into it so far....

    HOWEVER, you should make it so that people visiting their bridges, can't jump into the engine pit below the singularity containment vessel

    they get stuck there and can't return to tactical view

    I think this should be kept and the leap made fatal. Disintegration of some kind. Put up a DANGER, DO NOT JUMP INTO THE LETHAL SINGULARITY WELL sign though.

    Considering it's a singularity, it does make sense you cannot get out. It's a black hole. Nothing escapes.

  • kirimuffinkirimuffin Member Posts: 695 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    I love how the first ten levels feel like a struggle to survive, and to build my crew and resources. I like how personal it is. I like how the characters I meet become my officers, and so I become attached to them, much as I became attached to the characters in Mass Effect.

    Gene Roddenberry said on more than one occasion that Star Trek was, first and foremost, about people. I think that's what's been missing from STO's stories, and I think that's why the Romulan story feels more like Star Trek to me than anything in the game thus far. I am very pleased with the direction this game is going, and I'm more glad than ever that I decided to stick with it through the content drought(s).

    Also, female Remans, yay :D

    One issue I have: there isn't an adequate tutorial for the singularity stuff. Granted, I'm figuring it out as I go, but that's mainly because I've been playing since a few days after STO's original launch. For new players, the lack of explanation of the game's finer mechanics continues to be a problem. I'd look into adding a bit more to the tutorials, especially with regard to the new Romulan-specific mechanics.
  • darken1984darken1984 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    I am just finished doing the mission Test of Mettle and I have two questions

    1. The mission started by getting new ship. But I was already at lvl. 13 and I had t2 warbird. Bu I had to speak with shipyard anyway.

    2. The fact that I am aligned with klingon is ok, but why does my romulan officers speaks like a klingon? I am pretty sure that Qapla is not romulan world :)
  • kamenriderzero1kamenriderzero1 Member Posts: 906 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    I'm actually quite pleased with what I'm seeing so far. The ally with the fed or KDF routine seems to me to be plausible, and sorta makes sense.
    Everywhere I look, people are screaming about how bad Cryptic is.
    What's my position?
    That people should know what they're screaming about!
    (paraphrased from "The Newsroom)
  • o0kami87o0kami87 Member Posts: 590 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Umm... will there be a slightly different start for Reman characters? Not to be picky but one Reman in a colony of Romulans will look kinda old. Maybe it could be a colony of both? Or it can stay as is and I can pretend I'm a slave :P , doesn't matter to me though.

    Thanks for your hard work. Love it and the team that continues to improve a already wonderful game.
    First, Vice Admiral, U.S.S. Wolf Pack-F, NX-101687-FFirst., Vice Admiral, A.R.W. Moon WolfWolf, I.K.S. Frost Bite
  • darken1984darken1984 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    btw, I don't like that I can't train klingon boffs on new romulus. they might be a logical reason for it, but it's not very practical :)
  • phoenix841phoenix841 Member Posts: 487 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Other than what everyone else has posted (I also got stuck under the singularity core), I do have one nitpick:
    In one of the missions, the Suliban Helix I think, the Tal Shiar agent after you says "The RRW <shipname> was decommissioned decades ago". However there was no RRW back then.
    Perhaps something along the lines of "I don't recognize that registry, however a ship named IRW <shipname> was decommisioned decades ago" might be a better fit to the storyline.

    kirimuffin wrote: »
    I love how the first ten levels feel like a struggle to survive, and to build my crew and resources. I like how personal it is. I like how the characters I meet become my officers, and so I become attached to them, much as I became attached to the characters in Mass Effect.

    Gene Roddenberry said on more than one occasion that Star Trek was, first and foremost, about people. I think that's what's been missing from STO's stories, and I think that's why the Romulan story feels more like Star Trek to me than anything in the game thus far. I am very pleased with the direction this game is going, and I'm more glad than ever that I decided to stick with it through the content drought(s).

    Also, female Remans, yay :D

    One issue I have: there isn't an adequate tutorial for the singularity stuff. Granted, I'm figuring it out as I go, but that's mainly because I've been playing since a few days after STO's original launch. For new players, the lack of explanation of the game's finer mechanics continues to be a problem. I'd look into adding a bit more to the tutorials, especially with regard to the new Romulan-specific mechanics.

    ^- THIS!
    LTS Since Beta (Jan 2010).
  • latinumbarlatinumbar Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    First off, I'm REALLY liking what you guys have done. KUDOS!

    In "Search for New Romulus", the tholian commander on New Romulus was a bit too tough. Killed all my bridge officers multiple times. Had team wipe twice. Finally beat him, but had to rez several BOs multiple times, and used up all my hypos. All my officers were equipped with the reward gear, plus a drop here or there.
    Come join the 44th Fleet.
  • sgtstarfallsgtstarfall Member Posts: 205 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    allanmcc12 wrote: »
    High Plasma Torpedoes are still bugged meaning that they are not hitting NPC targets properly.

    I think that's just a deleting bug. The HY Plasma Torps are hitting, but they just don't delete after the collision. It normally happens when it hits another HY torp of some kind or it nicks a target.
    All hands! Prepare the popcorn and tinfoil hats! :D
  • sgtstarfallsgtstarfall Member Posts: 205 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    latinumbar wrote: »
    First off, I'm REALLY liking what you guys have done. KUDOS!

    In "Search for New Romulus", the tholian commander on New Romulus was a bit too tough. Killed all my bridge officers multiple times. Had team wipe twice. Finally beat him, but had to rez several BOs multiple times, and used up all my hypos. All my officers were equipped with the reward gear, plus a drop here or there.

    Steer clear of the "Tholian Mine". That thing hurts like no tomorrow and kills your bridge officers in one hit. On that note, if you see it, kill it as fast as you can.

    On another note though, if you're like me, I don't rely on my BO's. They're kinda like my guinea pigs until I know what I'm dealing with. :P
    All hands! Prepare the popcorn and tinfoil hats! :D
  • havamhavam Member Posts: 1,735 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    first of: wohhhoooooooot romulans *big group hug*

    Loved the feel of the tutorial. Good story, nice immersion, beautiful maps.

    Nice use of cut-scenes, and the added personality and back-story to you BOs adds a great little touch.

    ship interiors look great

    some things i notice:

      as others have mentioned nevala uses a federation phaser rifle.

      [*]being the starter plasma weapon, it seems way to large for a hand pistol. using the standard character creation option....it's just too big

      [*]lots of clipping issues across all pve maps. Character both in cut scenes (initial colony bombing) and in game play, (e.g. firefly cave) are standing waist deep into the ground.

      [*]at the flotilla our commodities broker is called fhoss....sounds familiar thought so

      [*]calling up the dil store before choosing an allegiance brings up the FED UI

      [*]you can drop through the singularity core on the eng section of the ship interior...you ll get stuck

      [*]your BO even when only offering you one dialogue options decloaks you, these dialogues should become fly-byes and the if there is a action like scanning to be performed it should decloak you. Especially new players who want to make use of cloak, will be hard pressed to understand why they are decloaked so often. If you don't want to annoy them during the tutorial, you might to delay that experience as long as possible

      [*]on Khitomer, explosive charges are present with inactive KDF security guards observing (especially the first one) hiding it or making the guard stand some place else or anything to that effect would be much nicer

    • dukedom01dukedom01 Member Posts: 462 Arc User
      edited April 2013
      Some random tidbits from my first playthrough:

      - The Tholian Commander on Dewa III just smoked me and my away team. Given that I haven't thought Tholians on a ground map for quite some time now I simply forgot about the darn mines. New players should probably receive a fair and bright warning about the tholian drones in the dialog window previous to his appearance.

      - Neutral no more: The last cutscene with Tremmel triggered a bit early for my taste, after it was done I still had tun run a few seconds before entering the room where it was supposed to take place, a trigger closer to entering would feel more appropriate somehow. And the slacking I.K.S Kang wouldn't keep up with me... no wonder he ends up on tribble extermination duty :P
      Ceterum censeo Otha supplendum in praemiis.
    • matrixaranmatrixaran Member Posts: 10 Arc User
      edited April 2013
      Dunno if it's been said yet, but the tutorial could take some more time to explain key game mechanics to the player more thoroughly or earlier. Mechanics such as crouching, aiming, how on earth the singularity mechanics work, all feel glossed over and under explained. It would be much better if the dialogue in the tutorial covers these rather than the "helpful" popup hints. I found myself paying much more attention to the haracters than I did to the annoying popups.
    • o0kami87o0kami87 Member Posts: 590 Arc User
      edited April 2013
      the traits option isn't working, was able to remove my traits but not able to add new ones in there place
      First, Vice Admiral, U.S.S. Wolf Pack-F, NX-101687-FFirst., Vice Admiral, A.R.W. Moon WolfWolf, I.K.S. Frost Bite
    • joanmoldoviajoanmoldovia Member Posts: 22 Arc User
      edited April 2013
      One of the First things I Noticed just starting out, is the text of the opening intro flew past way to fast to read, and didn't even appear in my chat log for me to read after the fact.

      I'd suggest slowing it down and filling the chat log with the cut scene subtitles so you can actually read what you missed.
    • keeny75keeny75 Member Posts: 319 Arc User
      edited April 2013
      Ok so first off I want to say thank you for the invite to play LoR. I feel very privileged and I'm very grateful.

      I loved the new creation screen it's an easier layout to go through and everything is a lot bigger and brighter and love the background while you go through this process.
      Only thing I would change (and I'm really nit picking here)
      when your changing the colour scheme of the cloths you get the resent colours chosen. Which is handy when your trying to match what you have used previously. But it also has the previous colours that the cloths originally were before you started. Which can be confusing if your working with a couple of shades lighter or darker to the original colour.

      So game play.
      The first thing I noticed when the game started was the music. It sounded clean and crisp and was actually quiet likeable. The second thing I noticed was this amazing new AI. I loved the how fresh and bright it looked and loved the fact the I could customise the colour scheme.

      After a couple of minutes I really started to believe that I was part of this colony and that I knew all these people well. I bonded with my character and surroundings in a way that I never have with my fed or Klingon alts.
      I believe this was mainly down to how good the sounds and scenery are and also the back story of being a farmer and helping out around the colony doing the day to day chores.

      When the colony came under attack I was absolutely blown away with the vibrant colours and cracking sound effects coming from weapons fire (especially love the sound of the first hand pistol you acquire from the armoury. A very satisfying noise when fired)
      Then what happened next was fan-flipping-tastic. I was running through the Carnegie when all of a sudden my left rear surround sound speaking screamed out in pain. I actually spun my head around in shock to look at the speaker and when I looked back at the game a woman was snatched by a metal bug and flown off it to the distance followed by a familiar sounding scream as she lifted in the air.

      I got to the shuttle and I have to say I was a little disappointed at the graphics and lack of drama at seeing the 2 other shuttles get destroyed. I think this could have been made better if a loved one was in the 2nd shuttle to be destroyed. Something to make you want to know who these attackers are and why they did.

      With the rush of the ground combat and everything coming at you hard and fast it all seemed to fall flat when you got to pilot a ship. Like the impending demise of the planet below no longer seemed important.

      I had to feed my son and had to close the game down at that point. I'll be returning to it in a couple of hours.
    • commanderandercommanderander Member Posts: 78 Cryptic Developer
      edited April 2013
      This all great feedback everyone, please keep it coming!

      I will be looking at the Tholian encounter in the Search for New Romulus to make them more fun and less "What's a Tho - DEAD" that everyone is experiencing.
      Sean "Commander Ander" McCann - Content Designer
    • gavroche12gavroche12 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
      edited April 2013
      First of.... this is absolutely amazing, the storyline is fantastic. I do however have quite a few niggles and grievances . These are listed in order of writing not in order of severity. the amount of them should not serve as a detraction i just wanted to be through.

      Overall I found the beta amazing, beautiful graphics/game-play and an intriguing storyline, and only a few minor niggles. Its brought a breath of 'freshness' to my sto experience, so you know..... thanks.

      also I am dyslexic so apologies, in advance, for my bad grammar and spelling.

      Romulan Testing

      1. The new ?apply to character? button for full body costume is a little annoying, personally I like how you have it now on the holodeck (and in the advanced options) where you hover over the uniform and a preview of what your Toon is wearing. Since you do have it in the advanced area, I assume the new option is placed into streamline the process, but one of the advantages of cryptic is there amazing character creator, and yes I realize it may confuse some of the newbie?s that you hope to draw in when LOR launches, but I don?t think being able to preview costume choices would be that disorienting.

      2. as soon as I clicked the engage button and was taken to the loading screen a SNR timer appeared, not sure if it was my connection, but I haven?t had one of those in a long time so I thought I?d better put it in just in case. Was fine until I got to the sulaban helix, where I was disconnected once again, after a little while I was logged back on to the selection screen, but when I clicked play on rom toon, it disconnected me again. Eventually I was able to log back in, again not sure if my connection or the server.

      3. The massive yellow arrow on the mini-map is distracting, is there a way to get the old semi-transparent one as well, and that way at least people have a choice?

      4. on the green u.i?s (romulan/reman and gorn) the buttons next to the mini-map flashing dark green where almost undetectable, maybe change the color for those buttons to something a little more visible.

      5. will the xp bar fill up like it does on holodeck server now, or will we have to hover over our rank to see how much xp we need to level up.

      6. when I accessed the dillithum store an andorian on what looked like Earth space dook answered, with federation ships in the background. This was before I had chosen a side as well.

      7. the interior of a warbird is amazingly detailed, far more so than either the federation or the klingon, kudos to the designer, do I smell increased functionality in the works?

      8. on the main space map the dewa system is listed as dewa III/ New romulus, this is literally right after I exited the flotilla. Would It be possible to ?hide? the designation of new romulus, for romulan players, until it is officially founded in their story?

      9. Really like the addition of the ?these are the 'exploits? tag line

      10. Its great to see the sulaban in game, an under-appreciated race IMO, dose this mean there are planes for there ships and maybe more down the line?

      11. I really like the way that the bridge officers so far all have mini back stories and separate personalities it?s a nice touch

      12. Would it be possible not to have the names of the bridge officers we collect on the mission rewards section of the mission recap, that way it?s a cool surprise as to who joins our party

      13. On mission rewards section for Gasko Blues it says that Hiven is an engineering candidate even though his sign has blue indicating Sci (which he actually is)

      14. being able to see the block of text that one is selecting is an immense plus, thank you

      15. When I entered the gamma eridon system for ?Search for new romulus? my bridge officers unsloted themselves.

      16. what happened to the ability to control bridge officers abilities on the ground, is that gone or just hidden?

      17. when I leveled up to centurion spoke?s voice said ?congratulations lieutenant commander? (granted I had chosen Starfleet), which seamed a bit odd, and took me out of experience for a moment.

      18. would it be possible to have a little more info about the factions at choice, as it stands now, its just one paragraph, which isn't that much, maybe some info about the ships or political situation or maybe hinting at the future story lines?

      and that's all, once again massive thanks to the Devs for there hard work, it is much appreciated, it truly feels like a new game. peace
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