You've created a limited palette of options for Romulan Aliengen characters. Can this be expanded to special Boffs (Embassy Romulans, Breen, Khitomer Borg etc), limiting their "modifiability" to a bunch of new customisable options, so that we at least have some choices?
1. Will there be any more Caitian/Ferasan hairstyles availible and do you have any timeframe for this? It would be awesome to have M'ress hairstyles to complemet the current pony-tail only for female Caitians.
2. By the example of the current Lirpa/Bat'leth melee pack in C-Store, can we have a Ushaan/Kar'takin and D'k tahg/Mek'leth melee packs added to the C-Store?
3. Do you think we could have blue phaser Andorian ground weapons? They'd be just as the space ones - regular phasers, but just with a blue touch for our spoiled I.G.V. flying Andorian captains.
4. Is it possible to have some of Q's Winter Wonderland assets coppied to Andoria and Rura Penthe, making them more popular as winter social zones? For ex. to have ice skating races and snowball fights between the players for a symbolic award of EC, just for the sake of fun as well as exchange/mail/bank consoles to make these zones usefull and popular?
5. Are fleet versions of the Atrox and Kar'fi carriers into consideration?
6. Can we expect a new Tier 5 C-Store addition in the Klingon shipyards with LoR or in the forseable future?
7. Will the release of LoR in May make more uniform options availible for the races of the KDF? And also, will it make some of the current options availible for KDF, like the mercenary set that goes well with the nature of the Orions/Nausicaans/Letheans?
8. Will the Romulan Republic ships we've seen so far share skins like Fed./KDF ships do, so we can use T3 skin on a T5 Warbird of the same class?
Since we have a endgame Fleet D7, and in your priority one interview you said there would be an end-game Fleet TOS romulan Warbird, can we expect there to release a Fleet Constitution class starship when Legacy of Romulous Launches?
Will the KDF get a new C-store ship similiar in style and capabilities as a Vesta or Armitage? I know myself and many other KDF Science captains would jump at the chance for a true KDF Science ship w/ Aux Canons or Escort w/ Hangar bay!!!!
With many more items needing to be collected we are using up many inventory and bank slots for lobi crystals, eppoh tags, romulas research, rocks etc, etc that are bound to character upon pick up.
Could we please have these such items added to the assets tab in our inventory or have another tab created where these items are just shown with a count of how many have been collected like we see fleet, Romulan and omega marks?
Having this space not being taken up with such items would allow us to keep more kit gained from the c-store and fleet/embassy/Dilithium/reputation stores.
I know personally that I have not used any of the thousands of Romulan marks on any of my Romulan reputation system stores as I have no more space left to keep them, even though I have purchased all the extra bank and inventory slots available for my character.
More space would allow me to purchase more of these items ready to swap out depending on what content I am playing.
Also, on the note of bank and inventory space... with so many more items being added to the new stores now available to us; are there any plans to allow us to purchase more inventory and bank slots than we currently have?
1. When are we likely to see more of the pre-order bonuses in the C-Store? The last we heard was February... 2011.
2. Any chance of a 100-day Klingon vet reward? This was discussed back in "Ask Cryptic: June 2011" and Dan said (quote) "My schedule shows that we?ll resolve it before the end of the year."
3. Any info on some of the currently not-included (soft) canon ships, such as the New Orleans?
4. Are we going to see some work on the phaser rifles? These seem to be vastly oversized for female characters, to the point where they defy the laws of gravity, and I'm not even referring to the dwarf characters people create.
question 1: Will cloak bug be fixed for all ships capable of cloaking?
Every time the messages pop up, the same thing happens: DECLOAK.
It's annoying.
Soooo...You think an incoming communication through an open Comm. channel shouldn't alert the enemies monitoring the area?
HOW does that make sense?
Seeing as the NPC's can't attack you while you're cloaked, this is the only way to simulate them finding you through monitoring for such things as unauthorized communications.
I think the bug is quite brilliant, in that regard.
If you had asked them if they're going to fix the bug to where your cloak only drops when you're receiving a dialog box from any other source other than your BOff's, I'd have been right with you, but I disagree that receiving any kind of dialog box at all should not uncloak you, since an unauthorized subspace communication signal WOULD be detected by your enemies AND it's stopping point WOULD then be fired upon.
What do you think about this alleged "bug", Mr. Stahl?
"Join Date: Jun 2012" Says Cryptic's "new" forum system. I've been here since a week before launch, but SOME stuff just didn't carry over through multiple system changes/updates. :rolleyes:
1) Will we see (or better hear) more voiceovers for existing KDF and/or FED missions in the foreseeable future? (e.g. giving recurring characters like T'nae, Franklin Drake or B'vat a voice whenever they are shown, not only in one or two missions)
2) When will we see environmental settings in the Foundry, e.g., map checks on EV suits, shuttles, melee weapons or different away team sizes?
3) When will the search functions in the Foundry be improved, e.g., tags for grind/story missions, subscribing to a specific author, or creating a sorted string of multiple Foundry missions?
4) Any chance of seeing new canon enemy species such as the Sheliak, Son'a, Talarians or Tzenkethi any time soon?
Your Legecy pack includes a liberated borg Reman, please tell me there will be a liberated borg Romulan??
Follow-up question:
Shouldn't a Liberated Borg Romulan playable ton be included for Lifers since they already get playable Starfleet Liberated toons AND playable KDF Liberated Borg Klingon toons?
Otherwise, I think you're going to have quite a few upset Lifers on your hands.
1 - Any chance of seen Q costume or an Q NPC on the Foundry?
I second this!
I have a great idea for a mission that involves 'Q', but cannot even use his attire as created costume for an NPC.
Follow-up question:
Will we ever be able to get 'Q'-like attire for our toons, i.e. Playable/BOff's?
Then, we could at least make our own 'Q' for Foundry missions.
"Join Date: Jun 2012" Says Cryptic's "new" forum system. I've been here since a week before launch, but SOME stuff just didn't carry over through multiple system changes/updates. :rolleyes:
We do weekly fleet PvP and there is no way to guarantee how the players are allocated between the teams when there are more than 5 on a side. Can we have PvP private queues update to allow for proper teams of more than 5? If we could choose who gets on which team, we can put the tank etc on a team by themselves instead of the caller or the healer.
For the Defeated! window, could Cryptic add hints/tips on how to improve your build? (Get suggestions from the forums!)
Any update on faction/game-wide projects a la Kickstarter for adding new player-requested features?
If everything goes according to PWE and Cryptics estimates for revenue in LoR, will the number of staff you have on hand right now for LOR stay the same?
In other words will the amount of content that you are planning to release in LoR something we should expect will continue to happen?
Will you impement a change to the skills trees so they affect different types of weapons damage output and proc chance? (ie Flow Capacitors affecting Tetryon weapons, Particle Generators affecting Chroniton Shield Penetration)
Will there be any changes to the Chroniton torpedoes so they have equal shield pen as Transphasic returning them to canon or are we to continue to believe that every ship (other then the obvious time ships) has temporal shielding?
Will you add a secondary deflector array slot to science ships that had this feature in the lore?
Will there be any plans on making deflector abilities on these ships be significantly shorter to reflect the ability of these science ships?
Will you remove the ability of tactical skills to directly affect the damage of science captain skills and restore these skills to canon in the new season? (ie subnuc actually shutting systems down, GW holding ships in place, repulsor beams/photonic shockwave/Feedback Pulse doing significantly more damage)
Are there any plans on changing the number of point people receive for skill trees so that they no longer have the choice of adding immunity to crowd control/power drain abilities without sacrificing something else that's now considered essential to every build?
Are there any plans on changing armor consoles to armor slot items and adding 2 armor slots to cruisers 1 to science ships and 0 to escorts thus restoring the balance of the roles these ships play?
Will there be any plans to adding a mechanism that adds defense bonuses to the ships based solely on the number of max personnel they can hold at any given time above 400 crew?
Will 1k veterans receive better special bonuses in the future like much more currency refinement/access to better resources for fleet building, a better meeting place then the enigma complete with a transwarp, neutronium hull color available in the ship tailor?
Are there any plans on adding a race change service to the Zen Store? We seriously need one, it's been three years now.
With today?s news about the Legacy of Romulus Pack and the Romulan Starter pack I was wondering if we will be able to buy the Romulan ships sepertate or if the ones in the pack can only be obtained through the Legacy of Romulus pack?
Will the items currently being offered in the Legacy Pack be available in the C-Store or through the Reputation System after Legacy of Romulus launches? Not all of us will be able to buy the Legacy Pack, after all, but we'll still want access to those items.
What is being done to address the discontentment that Cruiser captains feel against Escort captains? Specifically regarding beam arrays and power drain.
Could the time in red alert be modified based on Sensors skill or perhaps a Sci trait?
How about audible callouts for team health? Perhaps just for "Teammate at 50% hull!" or "Teammate at 50% health!" to prevent from too much audio spam.
When will we see new space devices for device slots? Any chance we can get some more DOFF missions to create some? Maybe get dual devices on crits or something.
It makes a lot of sense to add pet commands for any ships with deployable pets and/or Photonic Fleet. They could be limited functionality, like Attack My Target and Defend Me, with the advanced pet commands for carriers only.
Just a few questions (besides "When will I get my closed beta invite?!" obviously):
1. Can you tell us anything more about upcoming subscriber/Life Time rewards?
2. You have added a lot of new Foundry items from TOS era. Will we be seeing more TOS items and textures in the Foundry in the future? Will items and textures from later series be added as well (e.g. 24th century-style consoles, tables, etc.)?
3. You have a rather large expansion coming out in May (go Romulans!). Will we be seeing more content (i.e. feature series) later in the year or will this be the big content addition for the year?
4. Any updates on raising the level cap and allowing boffs to captain old ships (an idea I've heard thrown around a lot)?
5. Will Foundry authors ever get the ability to create cut scenes? (I just started making Foundry missions and instantly started wishing I could make them)
6. Are there plans to allow lock box ships to become account bound like some of the other items and ships in game currently are?
7. Will you be adding more exploration accolades? As someone who likes to explore areas and go jumping around the worlds, I really liked the new exploration accolades on New Romulus. Are there plans to add more accolades like those?
Hello Dan, thanks again for answering our questions, here are mine for this month:
How has Cryptic prepared for the inevitable overload of players wanting to jump into the game on May 21? What have you done to prevent (or lower/relieve) queues, rubberbanding, etc?
Will Romulan Faction Captains have access to our Account-Wide Legacy Unlock Items like previous Tribble-Testing Rewards (Tribbles, DOffs, etc.), Special/Pre-order Items (Red Matter Capacitor, Amazon Borg BO, etc), Friend Referal Rewards (Photo BO, Titles, etc), Veteran Rewards, etc. Also, what about other Non-Legacy Account-Wide items like Ship-Slots and Costume Slots?
Since there will now be Reman Captains and BOs, that I assume will be customizable, will the existing Reman BO rewarded from the Feature Episode become customizable (able to wear that faction-specific gear, similar to how Diplmatic BOffs wear their factions' clothing)?
Will there be any new STFs added to the game that rewards Romulan/Tholian Marks (and Dilithium, drops, etc)? I love the existing ones, but we sure could use some more.
Thanks, and I hope all is well with you and yours.
You can find/contact me in game as @PatricianVetinari. Playing STO since Feb 2010.
Q: What kind of cloaking system will the Romulans have? Will they have the same system as the Klingons with battle cloak or will we by any chance get a Scimitar Cloak? :cool:
I can answer that one for you. Some have battle-cloaks, and some have a normal cloak.
They behave just like the Fed/KDF versions.
1. Any chance we'll see a BADLY needed revamp on some of the costumes, such as the TWOK Monster Maroon?
2. Any chance we'll see some work on interiors and bridges this year?
3. Can we get a toggle to turn off the strange holo-TRON stuff on our weapons?
4. Any chance Science and Engineering Captains could get a few more "offensive" ground and space abilities, so we aren't so useless in non-group settings?
5. Will the Excalibur be getting it's Fleet Upgrade treatment like the Nova and Sabre did?
6. Could we get two "alternate" rank titles unlockable at Rear Admiral, Lower Half for the roleplayer community? (Fleet Captain, Commodore)
"You shoot him, I shoot you, I leave both your bodies here and go out for a late night snack.
I'm thinking maybe pancakes." ~ John Casey
Another one from me--any chance we can recommend additional UI color schemes? There's an LCARS style developed by the Administrator of these forums which I think would work really well for STO.
1. Will there be any more Caitian/Ferasan hairstyles availible and do you have any timeframe for this? It would be awesome to have M'ress hairstyles to complemet the current pony-tail only for female Caitians.
2. By the example of the current Lirpa/Bat'leth melee pack in C-Store, can we have a Ushaan/Kar'takin and D'k tahg/Mek'leth melee packs added to the C-Store?
3. Do you think we could have blue phaser Andorian ground weapons? They'd be just as the space ones - regular phasers, but just with a blue touch for our spoiled I.G.V. flying Andorian captains.
4. Is it possible to have some of Q's Winter Wonderland assets coppied to Andoria and Rura Penthe, making them more popular as winter social zones? For ex. to have ice skating races and snowball fights between the players for a symbolic award of EC, just for the sake of fun as well as exchange/mail/bank consoles to make these zones usefull and popular?
5. Are fleet versions of the Atrox and Kar'fi carriers into consideration?
6. Can we expect a new Tier 5 C-Store addition in the Klingon shipyards with LoR or in the forseable future?
7. Will the release of LoR in May make more uniform options availible for the races of the KDF? And also, will it make some of the current options availible for KDF, like the mercenary set that goes well with the nature of the Orions/Nausicaans/Letheans?
8. Will the Romulan Republic ships we've seen so far share skins like Fed./KDF ships do, so we can use T3 skin on a T5 Warbird of the same class?
Will the KDF get a new C-store ship similiar in style and capabilities as a Vesta or Armitage? I know myself and many other KDF Science captains would jump at the chance for a true KDF Science ship w/ Aux Canons or Escort w/ Hangar bay!!!!
Are we going to get Romulan Nemesis checkered, and DS9/TNG uniforms for our characters?
Are Romulans going to get fleet ships? And if so, will they have unique windows/skins?
Could we please have these such items added to the assets tab in our inventory or have another tab created where these items are just shown with a count of how many have been collected like we see fleet, Romulan and omega marks?
Having this space not being taken up with such items would allow us to keep more kit gained from the c-store and fleet/embassy/Dilithium/reputation stores.
I know personally that I have not used any of the thousands of Romulan marks on any of my Romulan reputation system stores as I have no more space left to keep them, even though I have purchased all the extra bank and inventory slots available for my character.
More space would allow me to purchase more of these items ready to swap out depending on what content I am playing.
Also, on the note of bank and inventory space... with so many more items being added to the new stores now available to us; are there any plans to allow us to purchase more inventory and bank slots than we currently have?
2. Any chance of a 100-day Klingon vet reward? This was discussed back in "Ask Cryptic: June 2011" and Dan said (quote) "My schedule shows that we?ll resolve it before the end of the year."
3. Any info on some of the currently not-included (soft) canon ships, such as the New Orleans?
4. Are we going to see some work on the phaser rifles? These seem to be vastly oversized for female characters, to the point where they defy the laws of gravity, and I'm not even referring to the dwarf characters people create.
5. Further to 4. Any chance of hands being reworked for gripping weapons and emotes? I raised the issue in this thread.
6. Any news on expansion to the department heads & first officer system?
7. Any expansion of the bank vault for fleets likely?
Previously known as MGDawson.
Lifer since April 2010, and open beta tester.
Say "NO" to the Tier 5 Constitution!
Let us upgrade the Seleya Ceremonial Lirpa and Kri'stak Blade
Are we finally getting more duty officer roster space with the upcoming expansion?
Soooo...You think an incoming communication through an open Comm. channel shouldn't alert the enemies monitoring the area?
HOW does that make sense?
Seeing as the NPC's can't attack you while you're cloaked, this is the only way to simulate them finding you through monitoring for such things as unauthorized communications.
I think the bug is quite brilliant, in that regard.
If you had asked them if they're going to fix the bug to where your cloak only drops when you're receiving a dialog box from any other source other than your BOff's, I'd have been right with you, but I disagree that receiving any kind of dialog box at all should not uncloak you, since an unauthorized subspace communication signal WOULD be detected by your enemies AND it's stopping point WOULD then be fired upon.
What do you think about this alleged "bug", Mr. Stahl?
2) When will we see environmental settings in the Foundry, e.g., map checks on EV suits, shuttles, melee weapons or different away team sizes?
3) When will the search functions in the Foundry be improved, e.g., tags for grind/story missions, subscribing to a specific author, or creating a sorted string of multiple Foundry missions?
4) Any chance of seeing new canon enemy species such as the Sheliak, Son'a, Talarians or Tzenkethi any time soon?
STOWiki admin.
Will we get a new Enterprise?
When will KDF get KDF only missions?
When will KDF get fixed?
Will the war end between the Federation and the Klingon Empire?
Follow-up question:
Shouldn't a Liberated Borg Romulan playable ton be included for Lifers since they already get playable Starfleet Liberated toons AND playable KDF Liberated Borg Klingon toons?
Otherwise, I think you're going to have quite a few upset Lifers on your hands.
I second this!
I have a great idea for a mission that involves 'Q', but cannot even use his attire as created costume for an NPC.
Follow-up question:
Will we ever be able to get 'Q'-like attire for our toons, i.e. Playable/BOff's?
Then, we could at least make our own 'Q' for Foundry missions.
For the Defeated! window, could Cryptic add hints/tips on how to improve your build? (Get suggestions from the forums!)
Any update on faction/game-wide projects a la Kickstarter for adding new player-requested features?
In other words will the amount of content that you are planning to release in LoR something we should expect will continue to happen?
Will there be any changes to the Chroniton torpedoes so they have equal shield pen as Transphasic returning them to canon or are we to continue to believe that every ship (other then the obvious time ships) has temporal shielding?
Will you add a secondary deflector array slot to science ships that had this feature in the lore?
Will there be any plans on making deflector abilities on these ships be significantly shorter to reflect the ability of these science ships?
Will you remove the ability of tactical skills to directly affect the damage of science captain skills and restore these skills to canon in the new season? (ie subnuc actually shutting systems down, GW holding ships in place, repulsor beams/photonic shockwave/Feedback Pulse doing significantly more damage)
Are there any plans on changing the number of point people receive for skill trees so that they no longer have the choice of adding immunity to crowd control/power drain abilities without sacrificing something else that's now considered essential to every build?
Are there any plans on changing armor consoles to armor slot items and adding 2 armor slots to cruisers 1 to science ships and 0 to escorts thus restoring the balance of the roles these ships play?
Will there be any plans to adding a mechanism that adds defense bonuses to the ships based solely on the number of max personnel they can hold at any given time above 400 crew?
Will 1k veterans receive better special bonuses in the future like much more currency refinement/access to better resources for fleet building, a better meeting place then the enigma complete with a transwarp, neutronium hull color available in the ship tailor?
Are there any plans on adding a race change service to the Zen Store? We seriously need one, it's been three years now.
Also, will we see and new planetary systems like betazed, ferangi homeworld, trill and any other core species.
How about audible callouts for team health? Perhaps just for "Teammate at 50% hull!" or "Teammate at 50% health!" to prevent from too much audio spam.
When will we see new space devices for device slots? Any chance we can get some more DOFF missions to create some? Maybe get dual devices on crits or something.
It makes a lot of sense to add pet commands for any ships with deployable pets and/or Photonic Fleet. They could be limited functionality, like Attack My Target and Defend Me, with the advanced pet commands for carriers only.
The last KDF C-Store item that was released was the Bortas'qu pack.
I just wanted to take this chance to congratulate Cryptic for ONE YEAR without any new KDF C-Store items.
1. Can you tell us anything more about upcoming subscriber/Life Time rewards?
2. You have added a lot of new Foundry items from TOS era. Will we be seeing more TOS items and textures in the Foundry in the future? Will items and textures from later series be added as well (e.g. 24th century-style consoles, tables, etc.)?
3. You have a rather large expansion coming out in May (go Romulans!). Will we be seeing more content (i.e. feature series) later in the year or will this be the big content addition for the year?
4. Any updates on raising the level cap and allowing boffs to captain old ships (an idea I've heard thrown around a lot)?
5. Will Foundry authors ever get the ability to create cut scenes? (I just started making Foundry missions and instantly started wishing I could make them)
6. Are there plans to allow lock box ships to become account bound like some of the other items and ships in game currently are?
7. Will you be adding more exploration accolades? As someone who likes to explore areas and go jumping around the worlds, I really liked the new exploration accolades on New Romulus. Are there plans to add more accolades like those?
Will Romulan Faction Captains have access to our Account-Wide Legacy Unlock Items like previous Tribble-Testing Rewards (Tribbles, DOffs, etc.), Special/Pre-order Items (Red Matter Capacitor, Amazon Borg BO, etc), Friend Referal Rewards (Photo BO, Titles, etc), Veteran Rewards, etc. Also, what about other Non-Legacy Account-Wide items like Ship-Slots and Costume Slots?
Since there will now be Reman Captains and BOs, that I assume will be customizable, will the existing Reman BO rewarded from the Feature Episode become customizable (able to wear that faction-specific gear, similar to how Diplmatic BOffs wear their factions' clothing)?
Will there be any new STFs added to the game that rewards Romulan/Tholian Marks (and Dilithium, drops, etc)? I love the existing ones, but we sure could use some more.
Thanks, and I hope all is well with you and yours.
You can find/contact me in game as @PatricianVetinari. Playing STO since Feb 2010.
I can answer that one for you. Some have battle-cloaks, and some have a normal cloak.
They behave just like the Fed/KDF versions.
2. Any chance we'll see some work on interiors and bridges this year?
3. Can we get a toggle to turn off the strange holo-TRON stuff on our weapons?
4. Any chance Science and Engineering Captains could get a few more "offensive" ground and space abilities, so we aren't so useless in non-group settings?
5. Will the Excalibur be getting it's Fleet Upgrade treatment like the Nova and Sabre did?
6. Could we get two "alternate" rank titles unlockable at Rear Admiral, Lower Half for the roleplayer community? (Fleet Captain, Commodore)
"You shoot him, I shoot you, I leave both your bodies here and go out for a late night snack.
I'm thinking maybe pancakes." ~ John Casey