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Ask Cryptic: April 2013 - Submit Your Questions, Please!



  • nitrous82nitrous82 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Your Legecy pack includes a liberated borg Reman, please tell me there will be a liberated borg Romulan??
  • pharhaunpharhaun Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    1 - Any chance of seen Q costume or an Q NPC on the Foundry?

    2 - It is possible to add dynamics objects information in UI Lobi store (or others UI store) to avoid the risk of buying the same object twice? (Ex: "Already unlocked costume" on the outfit box before buying).

    3 - Any chance of seen Lobi Crystals in the Zen Store? Or seen Lobi vanity objects in the Zen Store? Having two ways to obtain this vanity objects will be nice and don't menace the selling of the keys...

    4 - is it possible to set up a special inventory for pets? Many Epohhs and vanity pets... Too many for the normal inventory (I have unlock all the inventory slots in C-Store but it is not enough ^^')

    5 - Any chance to have improvement of the personnal housing ?

    Thanks again for the Q&A.
    Live Long and Prosper.
  • canis36canis36 Member Posts: 737 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    When questioned in interviews about how Cryptic was going to address ships when they eventually added a level expansion we've been told that you were looking into a sort of "ship modification" system. Would this system encompass only T5 ships or would it be extended to small-craft and possibly lower-tier ships?

    I understand that implementing the Fleet System, the New Romulus update, and now the Legacy of Romulus expansion have taken up a lot of developer time and attention, but now that they're out there and the "designated smallcraft" system has had most of the bugs worked out (still want it to display my starship instead of my shuttle at the log-in screen) might we see some more small-craft oriented content in the near future? Even something as simple as adding small-craft only PvP maps.

    Many small-craft have built in abilities, but they are more or less permanently set at "level zero" as far as expertise investments are concerned. Would you be willing to give us a way to invest exepertise in built in BOFF powers on our shuttles so that they would have the same CDs as if we had slotted a BOFF to get said power?

    Will the Romulans have a shuttle/runabout type split with a very basic shuttle given to the player for free and a much more capable craft available from shipyards for a modest EC investment, or will it be like the current form of the KDF's Toron small craft in that it's effectively a reskinned Danube that is given to the player for free?

    Could we have some shuttle based equipment added to the rep-systems? I'd love to be able to buy a 360-degree firing arc Romulan Plasma Beam-S for my shuttles, or a 360-degree shuttle beam array of whatever type of name you settle on for the Nukara Reputation Tetryon Space weapons.
  • felderburgfelderburg Member Posts: 856 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Will most Romulan ships get three costume variants, like most of the Fed and KDF do?

    When will the Odyssey, Chimera, Bortasqu', etc. get costume variants?

    Having not seen the story yet, this may be a moot question, but I have to ask: Why can't we play a loyal member of the Romulan Star Empire? I.e., someone who wants to bring Romulans back to their former glory without Sela's oppression and without the Iconian puppet Tal Shiar, but also withough joining Spock Jr.'s Federation 2.0 and allying with the Fed and KDF?

    Will the PvP queues get their own button outside of the drop down menu?

    Why exactly do the Romulans "ally" with the Feds and KDFs? I suppose there's a story in there somewhere, and surely the "loyal Romulan" faction I mention above will be addressed. I mean, not all Romulans are going to join the Tal Shiar or D'Tan's Republic. What about them? Why can't we choose them? Is it really because of PvP, or bases? If so, that's a shame. There's no need to make the story fit gameplay mechanics. Why not do one of the following: Create three-way PvP maps? Create a single queue, where everyone who joins is randomly split between two teams?

    If you're lowering prices on bases, why do Romulans need to join Fed or KDF bases? Eventually bases will be finished, and players will be looking for something to do. Why not a Romulan base?

    How hard is it to use either the Foundry or your in-game tools to create maps from existing assets? It seems to me like Kestrel, based on interviews, has lots of ideas for stories. Why not have her write a bunch of one-shot missions, not necessarily related to the big, overarching plotline, and use existing assets to turn them into gameplay? They don't have to be fancy, with new game mechanics or voiceovers. Just good solid writing.

    What are the requirements for new story missions being added to the game? For some time, the majority have been Featured Episodes, which end up requiring new tech and voiceovers. Are you using FEs as the standard for all story missions, and perhaps setting the bar too high, which ends up leaving some players with less story content than they would like?
  • attilio87attilio87 Member Posts: 264 Media Corps
    edited April 2013
    With Legacy of Romulus right around the corner and Neverwinter so close, can we except major updates to the Foundry following not far behind? I'm sure myself among many other authors would love custom interiors.
  • brigadooombrigadooom Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    I'll keep this simple. Liberated Borg Romulan?
  • psiameesepsiameese Member Posts: 1,650 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Q: How high on the whiteboard is the Exploration revamp for STO?

    Q: How high on the whiteboard might new hair tech - ahem, Caitian manes - be for STO?

    Q: Through the Tribble Test Shard I've seen images of the The Original Series Romulan helmet. Unlike the mirrored face plate on Omega armor, this helmet permits some of our character's face to actually be seen. Might this get us a Security helmet added to The Motion Picture costume pack as well?
    (/\) Exploring Star Trek Online Since July 2008 (/\)
  • chalpenchalpen Member Posts: 2,207 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Carriers: Is the new carrier pet AI that will have the pets avoid Warp Core Explosions coming? Long time request: UI Pet # display? It is hard to see how many pets are deployed now.
    Should I start posting again after all this time?
  • chalpenchalpen Member Posts: 2,207 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Is it possible to get the ability to log out while on the starbase and log back in and be back on the starbase?
    Should I start posting again after all this time?
  • silveroakcmsilveroakcm Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    My question is with Rom Carriers. Will they have one and will they have flight deck ships? Will the flight deck ships be zen store only like the Orion ones are at commander and capt lvls? Will they have scorpion fighters as the default or will they have to use there allied faction hangers pets?

    Speaking of scorpion fighters will Roms have scorpions hangers they can buy for EC and purple hanger pets for Dil? And if yes what will happen to the ones in the Rom faction?

    Thanks for any answers ya can give.
  • futurepastnowfuturepastnow Member Posts: 3,660 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Any plans to improve the somewhat chaotic situation with costumes? Right now there are five costume slot types: uniform, off-duty, formal, Omega force, and MACO/KHG depending on faction. KDF characters don't have access to anything that goes in off-duty or formal. An undocumented tailor command allowed players to mix-and-match pieces of different type, but it has since been removed. What's the harm? Why not put all costume pieces together?

    With the improvements to the character creator, I was hoping this would be addressed, but it hasn't been yet.
  • ebonyteviloebonytevilo Member Posts: 29 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Will Romulans get their own AEGIS and OMEGA-Sets or the Sets of their Allies?
  • capnmanxcapnmanx Member Posts: 1,452 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    psiameese wrote: »
    Q: How high on the whiteboard is the Exploration revamp for STO?

    Q: How high on the whiteboard might new hair tech - ahem, Caitian manes - be for STO?

    Q: Through the Tribble Test Shard I've seen images of the The Original Series Romulan helmet. Unlike the mirrored face plate on Omega armor, this helmet permits some of our character's face to actually be seen. Might this get us a Security helmet added to The Motion Picture costume pack as well?


    Plus: What do your current ideas regarding exploration involve?

    Are we due any new PvP maps or game modes soon?
  • monshmonsh Member Posts: 114 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    We are clearly seeing (in the Legacy Pack) the future C-Store romulan ships. Is there an intention to release ship triple-packs for the romulans in a similar vein as the Oddy/Bort/Kumari?

    Lobi is a paid currency. Aside from the rare epidsode reruns, the only means to acquire it is by opening lockboxes. Given that the current lockbox contains items that are bind-on-pickup (especially the Dilithium Claims) most of us try to open boxes on multiple characters to spread the wealth around, yet we end up in a situation where the Lobi accumulation suffers as a result. Will we ever have a means to consolidate Lobi from multiple characters on a given account, such as making it account-bound rather than character bound?
    Join our cause now!
  • xlocutusofborgxxlocutusofborgx Member Posts: 1,376 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Actually this time around only one question comes to mind that I would really love to know about seeing as I STF on a regular basis and love the stf maco/honor guard sets..

    Q: Will the Romulan faction have their own unique ground stf gear? space/ground?
    R E S I S T A N C E - I S - F U T I L E
  • gavroche12gavroche12 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    With the new Romulan ships, will we get Romulan ship interiors as well, and if so will there be increased functionality within ships (all 3 factions, fed/klink and rom)? If not is there an ETA on increased functionality, or am I just waiting for Godot with this one?
  • polie05polie05 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    It's been 3 years now, can we get some more pvp maps or at the very lest allow foundary maps to be made and used? We can forgo the rewards for custom pvp foundary maps.
  • cerritourugcerritourug Member Posts: 1,376 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Hello! In previous Ask Cryptic you mention de possibility of new translations for the game, and one of them was a Spanish translation. Can you give us any news on that? Is Spanish a possibility (even a remote one)?

    Have a good day.

    Hoo.. and btw, there are a lot of exited Spanish players with the news of the new faction, on of our members (Sevak) made a Season 8 promotional web page in Spanish for the new expansion: http://temporada8.divisionhispana.com/

    Division Hispana
  • suavekssuaveks Member Posts: 1,736 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Will Romulans get their own unique Omega Force costume unlocks?

    Which of our current C-Store purchases and unlocks will we be able to use on our Romulan characters? For example, will they be able to claim any of the DS9 Bundle weapons or any of the previous Tribble Test Rewards, such as unique doffs and tribbles?

    Photonic Bridge Officers. There's one from the Referral Program and one from the Lobi Store. Are Romulans going to get their own versions? If not, what will happen if a non-aligned Romulan character decides to open a Photonic Boff Pack from the Lobi Store?
  • cryptkeeper0cryptkeeper0 Member Posts: 989 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Ok my questions have to do with romulan ships and the ground combat.

    Will Romulan war birds have many skin and model customization? like federation and klingon ships?

    Will the scimitar be a playable ship at launch or after? If you can say I'd also like to know if cryptic is thinking about making a scimitar 3 pack in the same vain as oddy and bortas?

    Are romulans getting unique ground kits ?
  • sc0ttishsc0ttish Member Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Hi Dan,

    can you tell us something (everything! :D) about the next adventure zone? Is it going to be part of the Legacy of Romulus update?


  • psycoticvulcanpsycoticvulcan Member Posts: 4,160 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Are we going to get unique Reman starship designs, either free or in the C-store, in LoR? The Countdown comics already provided a frigate design, for example.

    Will the new Romulan designs (D'ridthau, Valdore, Dhelan, etc) be added as NPCs as well as player ships?

    What can you tell us about the next lockbox?

    When will we get more non-Romulan ships in the C-store?

    Since the T'Varo (a 22nd century design) will be available as a Tier 5 retrofit, could something similar be done with 22nd and 23rd century ships like the NX and Constitution?

    What will LoR bring to the Foundry?
    "Critics who say that the optimistic utopia Star Trek depicted is now outmoded forget the cultural context that gave birth to it: Star Trek was not a manifestation of optimism when optimism was easy. Star Trek declared a hope for a future that nobody stuck in the present could believe in. For all our struggles today, we haven’t outgrown the need for stories like Star Trek. We need tales of optimism, of heroes, of courage and goodness now as much as we’ve ever needed them."
    -Thomas Marrone
  • malkarrismalkarris Member Posts: 797 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Not sure if these were asked, but what the hey.

    Since we now have a Romulan faction and a Romulan reputation, can we have Federation and Klingon reputations as well? What about other races, or specific races in the Federation and KDF, like Orion or Andorian?

    As it is now, the reputation systems do not welcome multiple characters on one account. Would it be possible for a discount to be applied for multiple characters so that when one earns max rep that the other characters on the same account would earn the rep through maybe only getting the required marks? You could leave the store unlocks and the rest to cost the same.

    Will there ever be any new melee weapons, like the Klingon dagger that NPCs have?

    For the tholian reputation, will there be an STF like mission that rewards a similar number of marks and has a similar cooldown to the Borg STFs? Same question for Romulans and for Fleet marks as well. Could there be a Fleet STF for fleet marks?

    Any new STFs period?

    Will the Romulan shuttle be the free shuttle for the Romulan faction?

    Will the lower tier romulan ships skins be available for tier 5 or fleet varients? Like you can use the Thunderchild skin on an armatage, can you use the Valdore skin on the Tier 5 Mogai? How much can you mix and match the skins? Can we have a big orange bird on our Tier 5 ships, like the D'deridex?

    In the blurb about the Reman's it menctions unlockable costumes, is this going to be a new thing for KDF and Starfleet uniforms as well, beyond things like rank pins?

    Any news on the Suliban?

    All I can think of, thanks in advance if you pick any of these.
    Joined September 2011
    Nouveau riche LTS member
  • ashkrik23ashkrik23 Member Posts: 10,809 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Will we ever see new hairstyles for Caitians and Ferasans like M'Ress style or manes? Will we ever see new hairstyles for all species period?
    Also is there any chance one day we can add new color and pattern options for the cat species?

    Such patterns as those found in this thread.
    King of Lions rawr! Protect the wildlife of the world. Check out my foundry series Perfection and Scars of the Pride. arcgames.com/en/forums#/discussion/1138650/ashkrik23s-foundry-missions
  • snoggymack22snoggymack22 Member Posts: 7,084 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Hello Captains!

    Please post your questions below and dStahl will answer selected questions from all those received. Please post them today as I will ship questions off to Daniel tomorrow.

    Also, remember that questions will not be answered in this thread -- answers will be posted in an upcoming "Ask Cryptic" Web Feature that should be released before the end of the month.


    Brandon =/\=

    1- Does anyone on the dev team fly a Luna or Intrepid at Vice Admiral? If so, would they please share their thoughts on how they contribute to end-game content, and maybe some tips on the build they use and how they harness that build?

    2- Any progress on the ability to have NPCs call us by a chosen title, like CAPTAIN, instead of Vice Admiral? So that we can stay captains instead of being admirals, across the board in appearance, title and interaction?

    3- With the advent of more Tholian content, Weapons Energy Drain becomes a much larger concern for anyone running 5 or more beam arrays. Any plans to address the firing cycle and energy drain mechanics? I run a star cruiser usually in defensive or aux boosting mode to help me support more. So my weapons energy really starts off at less than 100. Usually around 75. I'm ok with that not being great DPS since I'm in a support role. But with all these Tholians around, they knock my weapons offline a lot. I feel like I have to switch out of a support role to participate in Tholian content. Is this working as designed?

    4- Any cross promotional events coming up with the release of a new Star Trek film in May? The opportunity is there for some awesome things to happen!

    5- Kazon ships in a lockbox?

    6- With the TOS Bird of Prey now clocking in at a retrofit, why exactly can't we fly a Constitution class (or one of its variants) at T5?
  • captainleavittcaptainleavitt Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    The ship is only half the equation. What bridge model will the D'Deridex use? Lovok's variant which is the best looking one imo, or one of the other designs used in tng? Or are we looking at a cryptic design?
  • akpaakpa Member Posts: 250 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    1) the mk xii will remain the top gear in the expansion?

    2) can you give us an aprox date for season 8? it'll come in like 3 months or more?

    3) we'll see race and gender change token in c-store with this expansion?
    my post's number is higher than smirk's dps
  • emp1591emp1591 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Will you guys be addressing the many problems that we face in pvp anytime soon? Mostly ground pvp and the problems being:

    -Kits are laughable at best or completely over powered.
    -Tacs are no longer really able to debuff incoming damage of other tacs due to battle strategies
    -The immense imbalance of classes
    -The ability for cloakers to one shot with ease
    -The incredible distortions in ground pvp maps
    -The KB/willpower problem
    -Broken gear

    And the list can go on for awhile but this would take care of a lot of issues we face.

    Also will there be any new maps for pvp? If so what kind of lay out will they have?

    Will there be any new features added to pvp? Such as the ability to have more than one team going against each other or being able to have fleet vs fleet pvp in which bonuses are given?

    (changing topics)

    Will we see any new types of weapons or buffs on weapons? If so, what type?

    Will we be getting that reduction in dil requirements on holding projects for the fleets anytime soon?

    What all types of gear will we see from the new rep system? Will you also be updating the old rep systems?

    Will we finally have an option to cancel holding and rep projects?

    Will you be adding more stf/pve missions? Will they be any tougher than the ones we currently have, as they are way too easy?

    Will we see any added end game content anytime soon? If so what will the content be like? Will it give bonuses such as dil?

    Will we see any increase in the amount of dil we can refine anytime soon?

    Will there be any new features added to the gold members accounts, as right now it is pointless to p2p as the features are pretty much a joke?

    When will you guys be working to finish the Klingon faction? What exactly do you guys have planned to add?

    Will the Romulan faction be half complete like Klingon was?

    "Working as intended"... 1 year later they "fix" it.
  • kapla1755kapla1755 Member Posts: 1,249
    edited April 2013
    Romulan marks can we get the cool down on the Tau Dewa patrol reduced to say once an hour like STFs? Finding a KDF tagging group can be troublesome at times and I expect it to get worse when LOR comes out and a large number of people begin playing as romulans.

    Since KDF will be starting at Level 1 after LOR releases will KDF be getting some new species ships added (aka Lethean, Ferasan, Gorn, Nausicaan, Orion, etc) added as starter ship options and retrofits of same ships available? Specifically a proper combat science ship that can mount Cannons?

    Will there be a Romulan version of the LTS ship?

    Will there be unique Romulan LTS unlocks (aka the Tal Shiar shoulder cape from Coliseum mission)?

    Like the look of things on Tribble so far ,great work from all the artists
  • wildthyme467989wildthyme467989 Member Posts: 1,286 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Will the Iconians be making a return to the game anytime soon?

    Do you have the tech yet to be able to make starship interiors look more like they do on the shows and not so massive that they make characters look smaller than they actually are? (referring to the cutscene of the transporter room in the Azura mission that makes the rescued crew look tiny)
This discussion has been closed.