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Disney shuts down Lucas Arts



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    eklinaareklinaar Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Since Disney is still going to license out the Star Wars IP to other game developers, I can't see how this is a bad thing (aside from so many people losing their jobs) unless EA or Sony gets an exclusive contract.
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    neoakiraiineoakiraii Member Posts: 7,468 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Not to sound too much like a spiteful sith, but I hope part of the 150 are the lead devs that lied to all those people while making TOR, they did gamers dirty with that game. Held onto the NDA until 3 days prior to launch when the head start had already begun and it was too late for most to get refunds, and then censored the hismanah out of their own forums.

    This would be poetic justice if those guys could never get a job in the gaming industry again after that one.

    And if that's the case, I would ask Disney to buy out a couple of other gaming ip's.

    Wrong company, That was EA/Bioware (mostly EA), not Lucas Arts

    Edit: pretty much all EA
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    allyoftheforceallyoftheforce Member Posts: 735 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    tacofangs wrote: »
    I felt a great disturbance in the Force, as if millions of voices suddenly cried out in terror, and were suddenly silenced.

    It is truly a sad day in the game industry.
    RIP LucasArts. ;(

    I was supposed to say that. Dangit for getting home so late. I knew something was wrong today besides getting a visit from my DM. I now hate Disney even more. There went my dreams of Battlefront 3.
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    skiffy1skiffy1 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Is there going to be a mass layoff? or are the employees going to be folded into Disney?
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    hawkwing43hawkwing43 Member Posts: 1,701 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    150 people got the ax from Lucasarts, I think that's the whole staff.
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    smokeybacon90smokeybacon90 Member Posts: 2,252 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Not made a decent title in years, the company was stagnant, with few ideas outside of 1313. Outsourcing worked in the case of KOTOR. If anything, this will increase our chances of ever seeing that holy grail - Battlefront 3.
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    idronaidrona Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    I'm still bitter over the SWTOR fail (in my opinion huge fail), but it's never fun to hear when people loose their jobs. Hopefully they won't have too much trouble getting new perhaps better jobs.
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    captainrevo1captainrevo1 Member Posts: 3,948 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    My respect for George Lucas has seriously taken a downward turn. How could he have allowed this to happen to his former staff, label/company and his name? It's like he just sold out and didn't care what effect it might have on his employee's lives!

    George Lucas now in my mind will forever be remembered as the present day Judas of the gaming industry! My sympathies go out to the former LucasArts staff and their families! :(

    The key word being 'former'. He does not own them any more. Disney do.

    I dont know exactly what clout he has left but he sold star wars to disney for 2 billion (which he gave away to charities before people start banging on about how greedy and evil that decision was.)

    You dont get that much money for something and retain much control. He may not like it but its disney's company now to do with as they wish.
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    hevachhevach Member Posts: 2,777 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    eklinaar wrote: »
    Since Disney is still going to license out the Star Wars IP to other game developers, I can't see how this is a bad thing (aside from so many people losing their jobs) unless EA or Sony gets an exclusive contract.

    This. Lucasarts has been little more than a license holding company for a very long time, the last game they developed in-house was Star Wars Obi Wan in 2001. Their already-closed Singapore division developed one game in 2008, and started another in 2009 before handing it off to Krome. Even their non-Star Wars IPs have been outside - Monkey Island is now developed by Telltale.

    That's two and a half games, all of which were awful and only one of which was by the main studio, in 12 years. A great legacy has NOT been harmed here.

    Its remaining functions were already redundant with Lucasfilm, and are duplicated a dozen more times in Disney.
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    naeviusnaevius Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    eklinaar wrote: »
    Since Disney is still going to license out the Star Wars IP to other game developers, I can't see how this is a bad thing (aside from so many people losing their jobs) unless EA or Sony gets an exclusive contract.

    Don't think that it is a great improvement. Now you have a team of Disney executives whose metrics will be how many licences they have sold, not anything to do with producing good games. Of course, LA was almost there anyways.
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    dalolorndalolorn Member Posts: 3,655 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    flyingtarg wrote: »
    My childhood memories are filled with games that open up with that iconic Lucasarts logo. Tie Fighter, X-Wing, Rebel Assault, Dark Forces, Monkey Island, the list goes on. I'm very sad to see them shut down.

    Yeah - though I must admit, I haven't seen most of those games. I've got a demo of X-Wing vs TIE Fighter (doesn't work on this particular computer, though) and I've got the 3rd Monkey Island game - and Force Commander. I also vaguely remember a demo of a game where I could pick various Force powers, and constantly got stuck on Tatooine, armed with a blaster and under orders to shut down some sort of tractor beam or something. Possibly with the goal of letting the Millenium Falcon take off.

    Infinite possibilities have implications that could not be completely understood if you turned this entire universe into a giant supercomputer.p3OEBPD6HU3QI.jpg
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    bitemepwebitemepwe Member Posts: 6,760 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Disney's family glow and warm appearance is a veneer. They are a very calculating company just like the rest.
    Leonard Nimoy, Spock.....:(

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    khayuungkhayuung Member Posts: 1,876 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Nooo! 1313 was innocent!! :eek:

    Ah well, I guess its time for Cryptic HR to go shopping. Hopefully all that talent can give our game a boost. :D

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    angarus1angarus1 Member Posts: 684 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    dalolorn wrote: »
    I also vaguely remember a demo of a game where I could pick various Force powers, and constantly got stuck on Tatooine, armed with a blaster and under orders to shut down some sort of tractor beam or something. Possibly with the goal of letting the Millenium Falcon take off.

    Sounds a bit like Jedi Academy to me. :D
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    zerobangzerobang Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    eklinaar wrote: »
    Since Disney is still going to license out the Star Wars IP to other game developers, I can't see how this is a bad thing (aside from so many people losing their jobs) unless EA or Sony gets an exclusive contract.

    how about:

    - only casual ipad TRIBBLE games

    - only Star Wars games that expand on Disney's Episodes 7 - 9 for a long time to come

    - with 1313 and First Assault canceled no Star Wars games in development as of right now, how many years does it take to develop the next games?
    Yepp Episode 7 will be out by then, so we will get Episode 7 "game to the movie" ipad shovleware... before we see anything on the level of 1313 / First Assault or Force Unleashed again.

    Remember that downtime Star Trek had before ST Legacy and STO ?
    That is what Star Wars will look like for a few years now.
    Well... TOR is still here, lets hope Disney doesn't decide to pull the license in favor of a Browser base Episode 7 MMO...

    bad thing or not? We will see.
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    questeriusquesterius Member Posts: 8,368 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    I think this kills the last shred of hope many monkey island fans had for another sequel.
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    hawkwing43hawkwing43 Member Posts: 1,701 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    I say hire a few of those guys from Lucasarts, then let them work on a version of Star Wars 1313, but give it the Star Trek feel within STO. Put it on Orion Prime, and you got a 2nd expansion, one that explores the darkside of the trek Universe. :D
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    horridpersonhorridperson Member Posts: 665 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    I have fond memories of the Lucas Arts games I played when I was a little horrid person. It's hard to think of a positive when peoples livelihoods are affected by "corporate restructuring" but at least the good time memories of Lucas Arts won't be sullied by some banal Mickey game.

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    dalolorndalolorn Member Posts: 3,655 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    angarus1 wrote: »
    Sounds a bit like Jedi Academy to me. :D

    Possible - Jedi would also be likely to find themselves in some sort of dark cave, ultimately falling to their death every time... :o

    Infinite possibilities have implications that could not be completely understood if you turned this entire universe into a giant supercomputer.p3OEBPD6HU3QI.jpg
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    angarus1angarus1 Member Posts: 684 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    dalolorn wrote: »
    Possible - Jedi would also be likely to find themselves in some sort of dark cave, ultimately falling to their death every time... :o

    Definitely Jedi Academy. :)
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    dalolorndalolorn Member Posts: 3,655 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    angarus1 wrote: »
    Definitely Jedi Academy. :)

    Yeah, I looked it up - the cave is in the Chandrila mission, and the previously mentioned tractor beam was Mos Eisley. I think I never managed to get past the Sith... either that or I didn't understand how to shut that thing off.

    I wish I could find that demo, figure it out... after all, it was before I was going to school - not exactly the kind of age I'm supposed to solve that stuff at. :o

    Too bad it's missing. :(

    Infinite possibilities have implications that could not be completely understood if you turned this entire universe into a giant supercomputer.p3OEBPD6HU3QI.jpg
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    fr0gurtfr0gurt Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    questerius wrote: »
    I think this kills the last shred of hope many monkey island fans had for another sequel.

    On the other hand, the chances for a Monkey Island / Pirates of the Caribbean crossover have gone way up.
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    webdeathwebdeath Member Posts: 1,570 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    I don't know which I was more annoyed with finding out.. LA's closure.. or the cancling of the final Season of Starwars: The Clone Wars.

    You think that your beta test was bad?
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    dkshadow9498dkshadow9498 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    {Edited to remove content that violates Cryptic's Terms of Use Policies} IT!!! I was looking forward to 1313! Wasn't it almost finished? I've seen demo's and in-game shots of it for quite a while, I thought it was ready to go in like the next month or so.
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    stardestroyer001stardestroyer001 Member Posts: 2,615 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    webdeath wrote: »
    I don't know which I was more annoyed with finding out.. LA's closure.. or the cancling of the final Season of Starwars: The Clone Wars.


    Darn, that is a disappointment. I heard the show was getting very interesting.
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    dkshadow9498dkshadow9498 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    As I understand it though, the Clone Wars storyline is still going to be developed internally, for an as yet undetermined reason (TV special? Feature Film?) until it completes the current arc.
    VADM William "Darkshadow" Shadow | Join Date: Apr 2009 |
    USS Immortal NX-93608-F (Oddyssey Tactical Cruiser)
    VADM Rogueshadow IRW Kirino Kosaka (Valdore Retrofit)
    LT General Morbo IKS Karac (Bortasqu War Cruiser)
    LT General Posu IKS Saya Takagi (Chel Grett Warship)
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    centersolacecentersolace Member Posts: 11,178 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    fr0gurt wrote: »
    On the other hand, the chances for a Monkey Island / Pirates of the Caribbean crossover have gone way up.

    That... could be okay... could be terrible...
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    ufpterrellufpterrell Member Posts: 736 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    I must admit, I was pretty shocked when I read this news the other day. With two major titles in the works, you would have thought Disney would at least get them out the door before closing down the entire studio. What does this closure mean for a lot of the older Star Wars games? For example, Factor 5 which made the Rogue Squadron series of games made it under license from Lucasarts... would it now be impossible for them to pick this title/series up and run with it on say the Nintendo 3DS? I know a quite a few friends who would kill for that game on the 3DS, myself included. Could Factor 5 apply to Disney now to get it under way? Or is it in license limbo now?

    I hope that the team at Lucasarts do find work again soon, having being made redundant myself I know how it can really turn your live upside down. Best of luck folks!

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    bluedarkybluedarky Member Posts: 548 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    questerius wrote: »
    I think this kills the last shred of hope many monkey island fans had for another sequel.

    Does this mean it affects the Voodoo Lady and Guybrush's 5 game contract?
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    fr0gurtfr0gurt Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    bluedarky wrote: »
    Does this mean it affects the Voodoo Lady and Guybrush's 5 game contract?

    Well, there were five Monkey Island games.

    Though I wouldn't blame you for forgetting about Escape from Monkey Island.
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