I want to find the nerdest person here, so here is my question:
Who has a case of the Romulan Ale Energy drink stashed away for the day Legacy of Romulus comes out?
I have a bottle of Romulan Ale I bought at the grand opening of the Star Trek Experience in Vegas years ago. I also Have NCC-1701 Painted on the hood of my car!
I can't take it anymore! Could everyone just chill out for two seconds before something CRAZY happens again?!
The nut who actually ground out many packs. The resident forum voice of reason (I HAZ FORUM REP! YAY!)
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite colored text = mod mode
It's good to know we're not the only ones to do that. But nothing beats putting on the old enviro suit and doing the robot. Also, good to know that all that money we spend on ZEN and whatnot goes to good use...
Sorry, not me.
Just a case of Bawls that I keep telling people to stop touching. :P
Old School...Nice
Powerful Stuff, that Romulan Ale.
I think its time to visit my old friend Mr Plinket to remind me why Star Trek Generations sucked so hard.
... I couldn't have said it better myself... btw, thanks for the new wallpaper.
I'm not THAT difficult to please, I just have a very low tolerance threshold for stupid BS! - George Carlin.
If this actually exists, where do i buy a crapload of it??
And now that song will be in my head all night, thanks =P
Simi - Anyamara - Xiamara
I have a bottle of Romulan Ale I bought at the grand opening of the Star Trek Experience in Vegas years ago. I also Have NCC-1701 Painted on the hood of my car!
Try e-bay or Amazon.
What does it matter the game will crash and be down just like it is right now lol
I love innovation.
I know what happened someone traded a mirror ship for a Bug, and the coding broke.
*Cue Ghostbusters theme*
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite
colored text = mod mode
once more.
Live long and Prosper, but do it your way.
Campaign: The Battle of Neverwinter - NWS-DOQXFA4ZD
Prologue: A not so simple plan - NW-DCJG75B9D
by Boston America
Amazon....yes its real, no i don't have any.