So I am flying my Tac Vesta, Aux Cannons etc etc. I warp into Kerrat. Some klinks spot me and are all like 'lulz a vesta lets go pwn it" etc etc. I activate APA, GWIII, APD, and RFII. I get some lols to my self, seeing 2 burning BoP hulks.:D
I don't understand why people think the Vesta is so weak. Silly klinks.
I run the vesta in my sci and damn its an amazing ship. The low hull dose hurt a little but hey it's still beast as long as you shield tank with it I run the rom sci cons on it combined with 2 shield procs 2 hull procs and the plasma burn an oh it's just such pain for ppl to kill it
-"There is no such thing as an I win button!""Um, Sir. Whats this button that says (I win) for then?"
Its also funny when they target your weapons power, take them offline, then you us rapid fire, and blow them to hell. They never seem to understand that we have Aux cannons:P
Actually most KDF see the feds ships as weak at first glance in Ker'ret. Its something we've come expect and something we learn from when it proves to be untrue.
Its also funny when they target your weapons power, take them offline, then you us rapid fire, and blow them to hell. They never seem to understand that we have Aux cannons:P
Well, they do now. Watch all the Klinks load Beam Target Auxilliary
[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] ***Disenchanted***
Real Join Date: Monday, 17 May 2010
Actually most KDF see the feds ships as weak at first glance in Ker'ret. Its something we've come expect and something we learn from when it proves to be untrue.
i had to laugh
was in my fleet excel and it took 2 klinks to finish me
So I am flying my Tac Vesta, Aux Cannons etc etc. I warp into Kerrat. Some klinks spot me and are all like 'lulz a vesta lets go pwn it" etc etc. I activate APA, GWIII, APD, and RFII. I get some lols to my self, seeing 2 burning BoP hulks.:D
I don't understand why people think the Vesta is so weak. Silly klinks.
So you killed 2 BoPs in Kerrat, therefore... you can kill all BoPs in Kerrat??? Not sure I understand this logical fallacy, or even the point of the post...
You don't understand why people think the Vesta is weak, therefore, klingons are silly... Thanks for the non sequitur...
I love how these kdf/fed TRIBBLE throwing threads always seem to feature a lot of synched up cycles... Let's keep it going, good stuff...
So I am flying my Tac Vesta, Aux Cannons etc etc. I warp into Kerrat. Some klinks spot me and are all like 'lulz a vesta lets go pwn it" etc etc. I activate APA, GWIII, APD, and RFII. I get some lols to my self, seeing 2 burning BoP hulks.:D
I don't understand why people think the Vesta is so weak. Silly klinks.
People think its so weak because 99.99% o owner saw it in the cstore and went ohhhh wows shiny paid a fortune for it
They then run all three consoles instead of armour they then run dhc without any knowledge to really get them in arc
Plus with the turn rate it has a real bop flyer wouldn't let you get even one hit on them and I real pvper wouldn't type into chat what he's going to do before hand and would probably be running APOx2 which enables you to dance in and out of grav well going lol lol lol and a real bop flyer wouldn't let you see him until the BO3 takes down your shield facing
So just because you shot down 2 bops which happen to be the easiest clas of ship in game to destroy Incase you didn't realise, doesn't mean that the vesta is better it just means you were better than the 2 said pilots which doesn't sound like a mean feat tbh
----=====This is my opinion you don't have to listen and no one else has to read them these "OPINIONS" are based on my exploits and my learning other people will have their opinions and that's fine just don't knock my way of doing things thanks=====---- :cool:
So I am flying my Tac Vesta, Aux Cannons etc etc. I warp into Kerrat. Some klinks spot me and are all like 'lulz a vesta lets go pwn it" etc etc. I activate APA, GWIII, APD, and RFII. I get some lols to my self, seeing 2 burning BoP hulks.:D
I don't understand why people think the Vesta is so weak. Silly klinks.
screens or ur lying...etc etc
killing anything besides npcs without dhcs, especially battlecloaking bops in kerrat is sorta hard to believe etc etc
People think its so weak because 99.99% o owner saw it in the cstore and went ohhhh wows shiny paid a fortune for it
They then run all three consoles instead of armour they then run dhc without any knowledge to really get them in arc
Plus with the turn rate it has a real bop flyer wouldn't let you get even one hit on them and I real pvper wouldn't type into chat what he's going to do before hand and would probably be running APOx2 which enables you to dance in and out of grav well going lol lol lol and a real bop flyer wouldn't let you see him until the BO3 takes down your shield facing
So just because you shot down 2 bops which happen to be the easiest clas of ship in game to destroy Incase you didn't realise, doesn't mean that the vesta is better it just means you were better than the 2 said pilots which doesn't sound like a mean feat tbh
Pretty much this when it comes to the BoPs. Sounds to me like he killed two guys who didn't know how to use the BoP. If that had been his response to an attack from me (or, heaven help him, an attack from me and Zirac/some other decent BoP ambusher), he'd be wreckage. . .because my BO2/BO3 + RF2 + HY3 attack would've blasted him to pieces. If they didn't, I'd be well on my way outta there before he fires his silly aux DHC at me.
My PvP toon is Krov, of The House of Snoo. Beware of my Hegh'ta of doom.
Pretty much this when it comes to the BoPs. Sounds to me like he killed two guys who didn't know how to use the BoP. If that had been his response to an attack from me (or, heaven help him, an attack from me and Zirac/some other decent BoP ambusher), he'd be wreckage. . .because my BO2/BO3 + RF2 + HY3 attack would've blasted him to pieces. If they didn't, I'd be well on my way outta there before he fires his silly aux DHC at me.
Am i reading this right? Sounds like your saying yeah you killed two people, but if it were me and 2 of my buddys you wouldnt win?
And since when did the klinks turn into the galaxys happy slappers? Cant any of you stay around for a fight anymore?
Am i reading this right? Sounds like your saying yeah you killed two people, but if it were me and 2 of my buddys you wouldnt win?
And since when did the klinks turn into the galaxys happy slappers? Cant any of you stay around for a fight anymore?
This made me giggle.
Visual thinker here; seeing the Klingons moving in, punching a ship in the face and then running off while laughing their backsides off was a good image.
A much more comical approach to the generally serious pastime of warfare, if you will.
Anyway, I think he meant himself and 1 other person, equalling the 2 people of the post he was referring to. And I agree, you gotta be a pretty decent captain to stand up to two good simultaneous BoP Alpha's from cloak. I doubt there'd be much appeal to running after that, as it'd be more attractive to stick around and finish it, if needed.
A failed alpha? Yes, evasives'd make sense, considering the average durability of a BoP in a 'fair' fight against anything but the Aquarius. After the alpha, all weapon abilities'd be on cooldown, and evasive action for at least 15 seconds will provide a better secondary attack run.
vesta is a good ship for a sci that knows wot he is doing. i think its a most to spec for its aux cannons it all so means gw3 can do over 1 k a sec dmg and he3 1300k a sec healing i kicked my kdf fleet leaders boss today 5-0 in my vesta and im not even that much of a pvp player.
Any ship in the hands of a player who knows what they are doing are a force to be reckoned with. I think most of the time what happens is plenty of players buy these ships on release without fitting them properly, then go to Ker'rat or a PvP match thinking they'll own everything but instead get blown up a lot.
In short there are no bad ships, just bad players.
What, you can't engage engines and Pursue? (or is it that you're terrified of possibly outrunning the rest of the Fedball and having to rely on YOUR weapons and ship to get kills?)
Or is it that you actually THINK that being "Red team" in this game means surrendering the forebrain. Check this out:
the Bird of Prey class, in particular, has the lowest hull, lowest shields, fewest weapons, fewest Bridge seats, fewest consoles. Only a complete MORON would play to the strengths of their enemies and their own weaknesses-the BoP has thin hull, a shield mod that is more "wishing and praying" than protection, is limited to SIX weapons and four Bridge seats, and gives up all of this for two things;
Turn Rate, and Battlecloak.
BC in particular requires skill and timing to use effectively. use it wrong, try to cloak with a sci on your TRIBBLE, and you're exposing that soft, easy-to-chew-through hull directly to enemy fire, no shielding applies.
ONLY AN IDIOT stands and fights in a BoP. Savvy that, P'etaq?
This. Exactly this. If I happened to be flying a Raptor (or a battlecruiser, for that matter), I'd stick around and dogfight. As it is, I fly a BoP. . .and BoPs don't 'slug it out'. Not in this game, anyhow. It's meant to be quick, maneuverable, and fast-hitting. . .either that, or a makeshift offensive sci vessel using tractor beams, gravity wells, etc. BoPs definitely have their purpose in PvP, it just takes skilled handling.
My PvP toon is Krov, of The House of Snoo. Beware of my Hegh'ta of doom.
Am i reading this right? Sounds like your saying yeah you killed two people, but if it were me and 2 of my buddys you wouldnt win?
And since when did the klinks turn into the galaxys happy slappers? Cant any of you stay around for a fight anymore?
Aside from the fact that I specified 'Me and ONE other buddy' (making for two BoPs, total), that's exactly what I'm saying. Especially if that was your reaction to a decloak alphastrike. From your description, you fought two incompetent BoP pilots. They botched their alphastrike, and then farted around long enough for you to kill them.
I've taken on relatively well-known skilled players and won using BoP tactics and quick dogfighting. I disable enemies and then flense their shields and hull away. I lay down warp plasma. I time my attacks to try leaving the minimum amount of 'exposed time' out of cloak. That's what skilled BoP pilots do.
These fellows you claim to have killed probably did none of these things, and probably even attacked from the front arc like fools.
My PvP toon is Krov, of The House of Snoo. Beware of my Hegh'ta of doom.
I'm yet to see a BoP able to surprise sci pilot in Ker'rat. In Arena - yeah. In C&H - when it's a Fedball fighting a Klink gank - yeah. But Ker'rat?
I've pulled it off, but I usually only get 1-2 tries against a sci pilot before they wise up and start paying attention to their surroundings and using sensor scans, boosting aux, etc.
My PvP toon is Krov, of The House of Snoo. Beware of my Hegh'ta of doom.
Kerret is most frustrating when you have nothing but BOP's decloaking on your 6,then running away/cloaking when they find out they picked a fight with the wrong Dready.
I especially hate that advanced fire-while-cloaked cloak. I just got chased by 2 BOP's who kept firing Torps at me while cloaked/cloaking. He kept doing it from 9k out so he could dip out of my firing range until he was cloaked again.
Didn't kill me, Didn't really do any damage, it was just annoying to have this little fly trailing me like that and being able to fire while cloaked.
I agree, flying a B'Rel as a torp boat is fairly overrated...
*InB4 obligatory "you're doing it wrong tard" from someone whose been playing the game for 12 years and is so much smarter than me because I'm so dumb...
I like the ship don't get me wrong but I think it was an oversight somewhere to allow it to have only 3 fore slots, it should have had 4 like most science ships have. It's just weird imo.
I like the ship don't get me wrong but I think it was an oversight somewhere to allow it to have only 3 fore slots, it should have had 4 like most science ships have. It's just weird imo.
Uh... what? Virtually all Sci Ships are 3/3 with Sensor Analysis.
If you feel Keel'el's effect is well designed, please, for your own safety, be very careful around shallow pools of water.
I went back to my tactical Vesta last night with the intention of doing just PVE. As a Tac Captain I hadn't used it for months since getting my Mobius and Fleet Defiant. I have to admit, I had a lot of fun with it and of course I sneaked in a few PVP matches out of curiosity.
It's a very versatile and fun ship and the three piece console set is not only very useful but the bonus power that comes with it, along with the the Borg Tractor beam and cutting beam, etc... makes it not only fun to use but keeps enemy targets guessing as to what I am coming at them with next.
I also found that, in PVP especially, Pugging it has taught me not many players even try to heal escorts. I usually do some of the healing in my Mobius or even Defiant (as limited as it is obviously - Hazard Emitters and Extend Shields :rolleyes:). So going in with a ship that comes with so many ways to heal and to be effective as well was great. This is especially true of some of the BOFF skills I rarely ever see or use as a result of using an escort.
Naturally I died regularly, but equally I managed to get a few kills in, my highest being 7 in one particular match. No, I wasn't "kirking" it either, I was genuinely trying to fulfill a gap and heal my team mates whilst concentrating fire on the ship they were shooting at. (God forbid PUG's actually communicate through
In one instance I used my DHC (x3) (CRF + Beta) to rip through a carrier's rear shields and than used the Vesta's primary Beam weapon along with CSV to hammer it down to oblivion. Admittedly, those moments with that weapon is few and far between but its a thrill nevertheless.
Anyways, just wanted to throw my two cents in.
"The world ain't all sunshine and rainbows. It's a very mean and nasty place and I don't care how tough you are it will beat you to your knees and keep you there permanently if you let it. You, me, or nobody is gonna hit as hard as life. But it ain't about how hard ya hit. It's about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward." - Rocky Balboa (2006)
Well, they do now. Watch all the Klinks load Beam Target Auxilliary
Real Join Date: Monday, 17 May 2010
i had to laugh
was in my fleet excel and it took 2 klinks to finish me
i guess i was a bit much for the one :cool:
So you killed 2 BoPs in Kerrat, therefore... you can kill all BoPs in Kerrat??? Not sure I understand this logical fallacy, or even the point of the post...
You don't understand why people think the Vesta is weak, therefore, klingons are silly... Thanks for the non sequitur...
I love how these kdf/fed TRIBBLE throwing threads always seem to feature a lot of synched up cycles... Let's keep it going, good stuff...
People think its so weak because 99.99% o owner saw it in the cstore and went ohhhh wows shiny paid a fortune for it
They then run all three consoles instead of armour they then run dhc without any knowledge to really get them in arc
Plus with the turn rate it has a real bop flyer wouldn't let you get even one hit on them and I real pvper wouldn't type into chat what he's going to do before hand and would probably be running APOx2 which enables you to dance in and out of grav well going lol lol lol and a real bop flyer wouldn't let you see him until the BO3 takes down your shield facing
So just because you shot down 2 bops which happen to be the easiest clas of ship in game to destroy Incase you didn't realise, doesn't mean that the vesta is better it just means you were better than the 2 said pilots which doesn't sound like a mean feat tbh
screens or ur lying...etc etc
killing anything besides npcs without dhcs, especially battlecloaking bops in kerrat is sorta hard to believe etc etc
There is only one type of "Aux Cannon" and that is the Aux DHC. Its implied that its a DHC.
Pretty much this when it comes to the BoPs. Sounds to me like he killed two guys who didn't know how to use the BoP. If that had been his response to an attack from me (or, heaven help him, an attack from me and Zirac/some other decent BoP ambusher), he'd be wreckage. . .because my BO2/BO3 + RF2 + HY3 attack would've blasted him to pieces. If they didn't, I'd be well on my way outta there before he fires his silly aux DHC at me.
Am i reading this right? Sounds like your saying yeah you killed two people, but if it were me and 2 of my buddys you wouldnt win?
And since when did the klinks turn into the galaxys happy slappers? Cant any of you stay around for a fight anymore?
Cubeageddon - You are the last hope. Find it in the Foundry!
The Space Race - An alternate to PVP - In Foundry Now!
This made me giggle.
Visual thinker here; seeing the Klingons moving in, punching a ship in the face and then running off while laughing their backsides off was a good image.
A much more comical approach to the generally serious pastime of warfare, if you will.
Anyway, I think he meant himself and 1 other person, equalling the 2 people of the post he was referring to. And I agree, you gotta be a pretty decent captain to stand up to two good simultaneous BoP Alpha's from cloak. I doubt there'd be much appeal to running after that, as it'd be more attractive to stick around and finish it, if needed.
A failed alpha? Yes, evasives'd make sense, considering the average durability of a BoP in a 'fair' fight against anything but the Aquarius. After the alpha, all weapon abilities'd be on cooldown, and evasive action for at least 15 seconds will provide a better secondary attack run.
In short there are no bad ships, just bad players.
This. Exactly this. If I happened to be flying a Raptor (or a battlecruiser, for that matter), I'd stick around and dogfight. As it is, I fly a BoP. . .and BoPs don't 'slug it out'. Not in this game, anyhow. It's meant to be quick, maneuverable, and fast-hitting. . .either that, or a makeshift offensive sci vessel using tractor beams, gravity wells, etc. BoPs definitely have their purpose in PvP, it just takes skilled handling.
Aside from the fact that I specified 'Me and ONE other buddy' (making for two BoPs, total), that's exactly what I'm saying. Especially if that was your reaction to a decloak alphastrike. From your description, you fought two incompetent BoP pilots. They botched their alphastrike, and then farted around long enough for you to kill them.
I've taken on relatively well-known skilled players and won using BoP tactics and quick dogfighting. I disable enemies and then flense their shields and hull away. I lay down warp plasma. I time my attacks to try leaving the minimum amount of 'exposed time' out of cloak. That's what skilled BoP pilots do.
These fellows you claim to have killed probably did none of these things, and probably even attacked from the front arc like fools.
I've pulled it off, but I usually only get 1-2 tries against a sci pilot before they wise up and start paying attention to their surroundings and using sensor scans, boosting aux, etc.
I especially hate that advanced fire-while-cloaked cloak. I just got chased by 2 BOP's who kept firing Torps at me while cloaked/cloaking. He kept doing it from 9k out so he could dip out of my firing range until he was cloaked again.
Didn't kill me, Didn't really do any damage, it was just annoying to have this little fly trailing me like that and being able to fire while cloaked.
*InB4 obligatory "you're doing it wrong tard" from someone whose been playing the game for 12 years and is so much smarter than me because I'm so dumb...
Not that I've tested it, but the Vesta super shield *should* be knocked out by PSW-style stuns the same way the other Vesta consoles are.
Uh... what? Virtually all Sci Ships are 3/3 with Sensor Analysis.
It's a very versatile and fun ship and the three piece console set is not only very useful but the bonus power that comes with it, along with the the Borg Tractor beam and cutting beam, etc... makes it not only fun to use but keeps enemy targets guessing as to what I am coming at them with next.
I also found that, in PVP especially, Pugging it has taught me not many players even try to heal escorts. I usually do some of the healing in my Mobius or even Defiant (as limited as it is obviously - Hazard Emitters and Extend Shields :rolleyes:). So going in with a ship that comes with so many ways to heal and to be effective as well was great. This is especially true of some of the BOFF skills I rarely ever see or use as a result of using an escort.
Naturally I died regularly, but equally I managed to get a few kills in, my highest being 7 in one particular match. No, I wasn't "kirking" it either, I was genuinely trying to fulfill a gap and heal my team mates whilst concentrating fire on the ship they were shooting at. (God forbid PUG's actually communicate through
In one instance I used my DHC (x3) (CRF + Beta) to rip through a carrier's rear shields and than used the Vesta's primary Beam weapon along with CSV to hammer it down to oblivion. Admittedly, those moments with that weapon is few and far between but its a thrill nevertheless.
Anyways, just wanted to throw my two cents in.